What a beautiful songs now a days nobody sings old songs seethamma maa yamma ,nigijala sukamaa ಬಾಲ kanaka,pakkanila nilapaadi.my childhood days have lived after that I have not lisend .thank u sir may God bless u Vijay prakash.
Bharatanatyam and carnatic music have their roots in tamil SATHIR AATTAM AND TAMIL PAN. “It is a well - known fact that Tamizh language is one of the oldest languages in the world. Not only is it old but also it is very rich in literature. But what makes Tamizh unique and special is that it has survived the ravages of time and is still spoken by millions of people across the globe. Dance and music (or for that matter any form of fine arts) has always been part of Tamizh culture. ‘Tholkaappiyam‘, the authentic work on Tamizh Grammar that was written in 500BC by Tholkaapiyar-considered to be a student of the great sage ‘Agaththiyar’ mentions a lot about classical dance. Starting from Tolkappiyam, many texts like Pancha Marabu, Kooththa Nool, Bharata Senapathiyam have defined the grammar of classical dance. ‘Pancha Marabu‘by Arivanaar-which was also written almost the same time as Tholkaapiyam - describes in detail about music and dance. It talks about various hand gestures,abhinaya,kooththu,,naatyam.It also describes the letters to be used for jathis-tha,thi,tho,ki,k. Then there is ‘Kooththa nool‘ authored by Saaththanaar. This is the oldest available text on the grammar of classical dance.‘Kooththa Nool’ has two sections, ‘Suvai’ and ‘Thogai’ with 153 and 162 verses respectively and says that the sound, the letters and the music emanated from the Dance of the Lord. It also says that ‘Om’ is the beginning and the end for everything. The author seems like a good psychiatrist, philosopher and most importantly an intellectual. The link between human life and the Nava Rasaas have been described in detail by the author. Here is a verse form Koothanool. Tastes emerge from the feelings within and these are expressed as dance. Feeling is the soul, Taste is the Mind, and expression is the body’. அகம்உயிர் ஆகச் சுவைஉளம் ஆக இழைஉடல் ஆக இயல்வது கூத்து. It is a cryptic verse with very deep meanings but what was written nearly 2500 years ago holds good even now. And this is applicable to any art form. However, ‘Silappathigaaram‘-one of the five major epics in Tamizh-is considered to be a complete book on classical dance. ‘Silappathikaaram’ gives a perfect description about Classical Dance and Music..In the words of the Czech Professor Dr.Kamil Zvelebil, ‘‘The epical poem of Silapathikaaram which by its baroque splendour and by the charm and magic of its lyrical parts belongs to the epic masterpieces of the world and should be admired and beloved by all in the same was as Poems of Homer, the Dramas of Shakespeare, the Pictures of Rembrandt, the Cathedrals of France and Sculptures of Greece”. Silapathiikaram Author, Ilango AdigaL has presented this simple but complex story, what attracts a connoisseur is the way he has structured the grammar of Music and Dance. Though there are lot verses, I am giving below one sample verse that speaks volumes about the quality of the work. It says ‘One must start learning classical dance at the age of five without any compromise on Musical, Dance and Aesthetic Elements, practise rigorously for seven years and perform at the age of twelve.’ ஆடலும் பாடலும் அழகும் என்று இக் கூறிய மூன்றில் ஒன்று குறைவு படாமல் ஏழு ஆண்டு இயற்றி ஓர் ஈர் ஆண்டில் சூழ் கழல் மன்னற்குக் காட்டல் வேண்டி. However, it is the description about Classical Dance in ‘Silappadhigaaram’ that calls for special mention and appreciation. Ilango adigaL must have been a perfectionist. The author elaborates on the qualifications of a Dance Teacher, Percussionists,Vocalist,Flautist, and the person(s) playing the ancient instrument ‘Yaazh’. He deals with each and every aspect of dance starting from the vocalist, the lyricist, the percussionist, the instrumentalists. What amazes one is the way he has defined the structure of the stage. Not only has he given the dimensions of a stage but also that he has mentioned about the lighting, and the way the stage has to be decorated. If the verse எழுகோல் அகலத்து எண்கோல் நீளத்து ஒருகோல் உயரத்து உறுப்பினது ஆகி உத்தரப் பலகையொடு அரங்கின் பலகை வைத்த இடை நிலம் நாற்கோல் ஆக ஏற்ற வாயில் இரண்டும் பொலியத் தோற்றிய அரங்கினில் தொழுதனர் gives the desired dimensions of a stage, தூண் நிழல் புறப்பட மாண் விளக்கு எடுத்து ஆங்கு ஒருமுக எழினியும் பொருமுக எழினியும் கரந்து வரல் எழினியும் புரிந்துடன் வகுத்து talks about the lighting. He then goes on to describe the ‘Pancha Sandhi’ Kavuththuvum-an item that is performed in the beginning to ward off evil forces-and then the 11 different dances called as ‘Pathinoru aadal’.. And that is the reason ILango AdigaL paid importance to music as well while talking about dance. In just one verse, he gives the names of the seven swaras as per Tamizh PaN. குரலே, துத்தம், கைக்கிளை, உழையே இளியே, விளரி, தாரம் என்றிவை எழுவகை இசைக்கும் எய்தும் பெயரே சவ்வும் ரிவ்வும் கவ்வும் மவ்வும் பவ்வும் தவ்வும் நிவ்வும் என்றிவை ஏழும் அவற்றின் எழுத்தே ஆகும் Sa-Kural; Ri-Thuththam;Ga-KaikkiLai;Ma-Uzhai;Pa-ILi;Dha-ViLari;Ni-Tharam. In another verse, he says PaNs(Ragams) are obtained by arranging the 12 Kovais(swaras) in a specified structure in the ascending and descending scale. But more than all these, what leaves one wonder struck is his definition of Gruha Bedam-tonic shift. He calls this as ‘Kural Thiribu’. He says ‘if the Thuththam(ri) of Mohanam is the base, it would give Madhyamavathi, if the KaikkiLai(ga)is the base it would give Hindolam, the ILi(pa) would give Sudhha Saveri and the ViLari(dha) Sudhha Dhanyasi’. Is it not amazing that somebody in the Tamizh land defined all these as early as the 5th century?Bottom of Form ‘MaNimekalai’- considered to be an offshoot of ‘Silappathikaaram’ since MaNimekalai was the the daughter of Madhavi and Kovalan- also talks a lot about the dance. Written by ‘Seeththalai Saaththanaar’, the text mentions about Tala Aruthi,the eleven different forms of dance-as already mentioned in detail in ‘Silappathikaaram’-the two forms of ‘Kooththu’ and the existence of a grammar book on ‘Bharatam’. In another major text, ‘Seevaka ChintamaNi’, the chief protagonist, Seevakan himself is a dancer. Sources: Mr. Rajendra Kumar who acknowledged the information provided by Prof.Raghuraman in the book titled ‘Tamizhar Natana Varalaaru’. Here are a few websites that you may access for further reading www.thinnai.info/downloads.php - for downloading Tamil Documents tamil.net/projectmadurai/- Project
Tamilians are significantly more intelligent than any other race, including Telugus, Kannadigas, Punjabis, or Malayalis. (1)Google, the world's leading IT company known for its high intelligence, is headed by a non-Brahmin Tamilian named Sundar Pichai. (2)Velupillai Prabhakaran, a great Tamil warrior, led a significant battle with an army equipped with four indigenous-built aircraft. Despite Indian DRDO's attempts to develop an aircraft engine for over 40 years, they have not achieved success. (3)Notably, several Tamil leaders, including the presidents of Singapore and Guyana and the Prime Minister of Malaysia, are Tamilians. Tamil is the national language in Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Fiji, Mauritius, and French Réunion. (4)The BrahMos missile system was successfully developed by Sivathanupillai, another Tamilian. (5)Numerous Tamilians hold leadership positions in ISRO and DRDO, as evidenced by the high representation of Tamilians on the ISRO directorate list. (6)Many Tamilians continue to work in the defense sector in Bangalore. (7)In the intellectually demanding game of chess, Tamilians produce a higher number of grandmasters compared to Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, or Maharashtra. (8)Regarding historical achievements, Tamilians have consistently demonstrated exceptional intelligence, creativity, and productivity, rivaling only Jews, Russians, Japanese, and Germans. (9)Historically, the Chola naval forces, the ancient dam engineer Karikalan Chola, and the martial arts system Silambam stand out. Additionally, the ancient dance form Bharatanatyam and the literature in Tamil, which predates Sanskrit, highlight the cultural richness of Tamils. (10)The ancient cities of Poompuhar and Keeladi, dating back over 3000 years, along with archaeological findings such as Adichanallur artifacts and cave writings in Siddha Vasal and Thirunelveli, attest to the antiquity and sophistication of Tamil culture. Tamil Brahmi inscriptions, discovered in various countries including Cambodia, Egypt, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, and Indonesia, further underscore the extensive influence of Tamil civilization. (11)The construction of numerous Hindu temples in Indonesia and Java by the Pallava and Chola kings, adorned with Tamil Brahmi inscriptions, showcases the architectural prowess and cultural exchange facilitated by these dynasties. (12)These contributions, documented through the works of scholars like Praveean Mohan(See Praven mohans channel), emphasize the significant role of Tamil kingdoms in shaping the cultural landscape post-Alexander's conquest
संत त्यागराज की रचनाएं - पक्कल निलबडि गोलिचे मुच्चट बाग तेल्प ...राग - खरहरप्रिया सीतम्मा मायम्मा श्री रामुडु माकु तण्ड्रि - राग वसंत निधि चाला सुखमा ? - राग कल्याणी बालकनकमय चेल सुजन-परिपाल श्री रमा-लोल विधृत शर जाल - राग अडाना वाग्गेयकार व प्रकांड संगीतज्ञ मुत्तस्वामी दीक्षित की रचनाएं - श्री नाथादि गुरुगुहो जयति जयति श्री नाथोऽहमिति सन्ततम् हृदिनि भज ! - राग मायामालवगौल ( इसका अर्थ कुछ इस प्रकार है - यह कृति रचयिता ने भगवान कार्त्तिकेय को समर्पित करते हुए इसकी रचना की है । वे कहते है कि उनकी सदा ही विजय ( जयति जयति ) हो । और मैं उनको हृदय से भजता हूं । त्यागराजम् भज ! रे - राग यदुकुल काम्भोजी
Great. Evolving..also music history..Tamil Pan or Isai or music ( Iyal, Isai and nadagam) is the recorded earliest music in India. Silapathigaram ( also 2000years back in Tholkappium, Natrinai, kurunthogai and others) authored by Ilango Adigal around 500CE (1500 years ago) gives a perfect description about Classical Music. Is it not amazing that somebody in the Tamizh land defined all these as early as the 5th century? In just one verse, he gives the names of the seven swaras as per Tamizh PaN. குரலே, துத்தம், கைக்கிளை, உழையே இளியே, விளரி, தாரம் என்றிவை எழுவகை இசைக்கும் (Swaptha Swaram) எய்தும் பெயரே சவ்வும் (Sa) ரிவ்வும் (Ri) கவ்வும் (Ka) மவ்வும் (Ma) பவ்வும் (Pa) தவ்வும் (Tha) நிவ்வும் (Ni) என்றிவை ஏழும் அவற்றின் எழுத்தே ஆகும் Sa-Kural; Ri-Thuththam;Ga-KaikkiLai;Ma-Uzhai;Pa-ILi;Dha-ViLari;Ni- Tharam. In another verse, he says PaNs(Ragams) are obtained by arranging the 12 Kovais(swaras) in a specified structure in the ascending and descending scale. Sa-Kural; Ri-Thuththam;Ga-KaikkiLai;Ma-Uzhai;Pa-ILi;Dha-ViLari;Ni- Tharam. Purantharadasa (1500 CE, 500yrs back) a devotee of Vishnu, contributed enormously to further perfect the Tamil Pan as carnatic music and all others iincluding Mumoorthys are followers of Tamil Pan transformed ( name changed) to Carnatic music and further added their kirthana.
@@tamilansmothersfuck nah brah. you wrong as well. Annamacharya was the reason why Purandara Dasa started composing. He was the first vaggeyakara to exist. So even Kannadigas must calm down.
Tamil Isai had been stolen or copied or plagiarised and named as Carnatic musics with sanskritised names! Plagiarism by Three moorthys of carnatic music and they dishonestly claimed as original authors but they only propagated what was written some 500AD in Silappathigaaram ( Ilango Adigal 400-500CE; 1500 yrs old even before Parpanans migration to South India). Silapathigaram gives a perfect description about Classical Music. Is it not amazing that somebody in the Tamizh land defined all these as early as the 5th century? In just one verse, he gives the names of the seven swaras as per Tamizh PaN. குரலே, துத்தம், கைக்கிளை, உழையே இளியே, விளரி, தாரம் என்றிவை எழுவகை இசைக்கும் எய்தும் பெயரே சவ்வும் ரிவ்வும் கவ்வும் மவ்வும் பவ்வும் தவ்வும் நிவ்வும் என்றிவை ஏழும் அவற்றின் எழுத்தே ஆகும் Sa-Kural; Ri-Thuththam;Ga-KaikkiLai;Ma-Uzhai;Pa-ILi;Dha-ViLari;Ni-Tharam. In another verse, he says PaNs(Ragams) are obtained by arranging the 12 Kovais(swaras) in a specified structure in the ascending and descending scale. Sa-Kural; Ri-Thuththam;Ga-KaikkiLai;Ma-Uzhai;Pa-ILi;Dha-ViLari;Ni-Tharam. In another verse, he says PaNs(Ragams) are obtained by arranging the 12 Kovais(swaras) in a specified structure in the ascending and descending scale. TRUTH WILL TRIUMPH!
lol. How stupid and desperate you guys are. Claiming everything by yourselves. No one outside tamilnadu would agree to you. Delusional Tamil lmao. What a shame to claim something which doesn't exist
Awesome! Singer Vijayaprakash as Thyagaraja with beautiful singing
What a beautiful songs now a days nobody sings old songs seethamma maa yamma ,nigijala sukamaa ಬಾಲ kanaka,pakkanila nilapaadi.my childhood days have lived after that I have not lisend .thank u sir may God bless u Vijay prakash.
What an alapana in kharapriya in beginning.. awesome
Amazing attempt to introduce the carnatic music. Thanks and all the best for this very nice gesture.
1:47 Absolutely soothing. What a rendition
Bharatanatyam and carnatic music have their roots in tamil SATHIR AATTAM AND TAMIL PAN. “It is a well - known fact that Tamizh language is one of the oldest languages in the world. Not only is it old but also it is very rich in literature.
But what makes Tamizh unique and special is that it has survived the ravages of time and is still spoken by millions of people across the globe.
Dance and music (or for that matter any form of fine arts) has always been part of Tamizh culture.
‘Tholkaappiyam‘, the authentic work on Tamizh Grammar that was written in 500BC by Tholkaapiyar-considered to be a student of the great sage ‘Agaththiyar’ mentions a lot about classical dance.
Starting from Tolkappiyam, many texts like Pancha Marabu, Kooththa Nool, Bharata Senapathiyam have defined the grammar of classical dance.
‘Pancha Marabu‘by Arivanaar-which was also written almost the same time as Tholkaapiyam - describes in detail about music and dance. It talks about various hand gestures,abhinaya,kooththu,,naatyam.It also describes the letters to be used for jathis-tha,thi,tho,ki,k.
Then there is ‘Kooththa nool‘ authored by Saaththanaar. This is the oldest available text on the grammar of classical dance.‘Kooththa Nool’ has two sections, ‘Suvai’ and ‘Thogai’ with 153 and 162 verses respectively and says that the sound, the letters and the music emanated from the Dance of the Lord.
It also says that ‘Om’ is the beginning and the end for everything.
The author seems like a good psychiatrist, philosopher and most importantly an intellectual.
The link between human life and the Nava Rasaas have been described in detail by the author.
Here is a verse form Koothanool. Tastes emerge from the feelings within and these are expressed as dance. Feeling is the soul, Taste is the Mind, and expression is the body’.
அகம்உயிர் ஆகச் சுவைஉளம் ஆக
இழைஉடல் ஆக இயல்வது கூத்து.
It is a cryptic verse with very deep meanings but what was written nearly 2500 years ago holds good even now. And this is applicable to any art form.
However, ‘Silappathigaaram‘-one of the five major epics in Tamizh-is considered to be a complete book on classical dance. ‘Silappathikaaram’ gives a perfect description about Classical Dance and Music..In the words of the Czech Professor Dr.Kamil Zvelebil,
‘‘The epical poem of Silapathikaaram which by its baroque splendour and by the charm and magic of its lyrical parts belongs to the epic masterpieces of the world and should be admired and beloved by all in the same was as Poems of Homer, the Dramas of Shakespeare, the Pictures of Rembrandt, the Cathedrals of France and Sculptures of Greece”.
Silapathiikaram Author, Ilango AdigaL has presented this simple but complex story, what attracts a connoisseur is the way he has structured the grammar of Music and Dance.
Though there are lot verses, I am giving below one sample verse that speaks volumes about the quality of the work.
It says ‘One must start learning classical dance at the age of five without any compromise on Musical, Dance and Aesthetic Elements, practise rigorously for seven years and perform at the age of twelve.’
ஆடலும் பாடலும் அழகும் என்று இக்
கூறிய மூன்றில் ஒன்று குறைவு படாமல்
ஏழு ஆண்டு இயற்றி ஓர் ஈர் ஆண்டில்
சூழ் கழல் மன்னற்குக் காட்டல் வேண்டி.
However, it is the description about Classical Dance in ‘Silappadhigaaram’ that calls for special mention and appreciation.
Ilango adigaL must have been a perfectionist. The author elaborates on the qualifications of a Dance Teacher, Percussionists,Vocalist,Flautist, and the person(s) playing the ancient instrument ‘Yaazh’.
He deals with each and every aspect of dance starting from the vocalist, the lyricist, the percussionist, the instrumentalists.
What amazes one is the way he has defined the structure of the stage. Not only has he given the dimensions of a stage but also that he has mentioned about the lighting, and the way the stage has to be decorated.
If the verse
எழுகோல் அகலத்து எண்கோல் நீளத்து
ஒருகோல் உயரத்து உறுப்பினது ஆகி
உத்தரப் பலகையொடு அரங்கின் பலகை
வைத்த இடை நிலம் நாற்கோல் ஆக
ஏற்ற வாயில் இரண்டும் பொலியத்
தோற்றிய அரங்கினில் தொழுதனர்
gives the desired dimensions of a stage,
தூண் நிழல் புறப்பட மாண் விளக்கு எடுத்து ஆங்கு
ஒருமுக எழினியும் பொருமுக எழினியும்
கரந்து வரல் எழினியும் புரிந்துடன் வகுத்து
talks about the lighting.
He then goes on to describe the ‘Pancha Sandhi’ Kavuththuvum-an item that is performed in the beginning to ward off evil forces-and then the 11 different dances called as ‘Pathinoru aadal’..
And that is the reason ILango AdigaL paid importance to music as well while talking about dance.
In just one verse, he gives the names of the seven swaras as per Tamizh PaN.
குரலே, துத்தம், கைக்கிளை, உழையே
இளியே, விளரி, தாரம் என்றிவை
எழுவகை இசைக்கும் எய்தும் பெயரே
சவ்வும் ரிவ்வும் கவ்வும் மவ்வும்
பவ்வும் தவ்வும் நிவ்வும் என்றிவை
ஏழும் அவற்றின் எழுத்தே ஆகும்
Sa-Kural; Ri-Thuththam;Ga-KaikkiLai;Ma-Uzhai;Pa-ILi;Dha-ViLari;Ni-Tharam.
In another verse, he says PaNs(Ragams) are obtained by arranging the 12 Kovais(swaras) in a specified structure in the ascending and descending scale.
But more than all these, what leaves one wonder struck is his definition of Gruha Bedam-tonic shift. He calls this as ‘Kural Thiribu’.
He says ‘if the Thuththam(ri) of Mohanam is the base, it would give Madhyamavathi, if the KaikkiLai(ga)is the base it would give Hindolam, the ILi(pa) would give Sudhha Saveri and the ViLari(dha) Sudhha Dhanyasi’.
Is it not amazing that somebody in the Tamizh land defined all these as early as the 5th century?Bottom of Form
‘MaNimekalai’- considered to be an offshoot of ‘Silappathikaaram’ since MaNimekalai was the the daughter of Madhavi and Kovalan- also talks a lot about the dance.
Written by ‘Seeththalai Saaththanaar’, the text mentions about Tala Aruthi,the eleven different forms of dance-as already mentioned in detail in ‘Silappathikaaram’-the two forms of ‘Kooththu’ and the existence of a grammar book on ‘Bharatam’.
In another major text, ‘Seevaka ChintamaNi’, the chief protagonist, Seevakan himself is a dancer.
Sources: Mr. Rajendra Kumar who acknowledged the information provided by Prof.Raghuraman in the book titled ‘Tamizhar Natana Varalaaru’.
Here are a few websites that you may access for further reading
www.thinnai.info/downloads.php - for downloading Tamil Documents
tamil.net/projectmadurai/- Project
this is the kind of divisiveness that has destroyed Bharat. Take your Tamil supremacy and stick it where the sun don't shine.
ವಿಜಯ್ ಪ್ರಕಾಶ್ ಸರ್ ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಪರಕಾಯಪ್ರವೇಶನೇ ಆಗಿಬಿಟ್ಟಿದ್ದಾರೆ. ಅಮೋಘವಾಗಿದೆ ಅವರ ಗಾಯನ.👌👍👏👏
Wow you too like telugu Carnatic music ??😀
Tamilians are significantly more intelligent than any other race, including Telugus, Kannadigas, Punjabis, or Malayalis.
(1)Google, the world's leading IT company known for its high intelligence, is headed by a non-Brahmin Tamilian named Sundar Pichai.
(2)Velupillai Prabhakaran, a great Tamil warrior, led a significant battle with an army equipped with four indigenous-built aircraft. Despite Indian DRDO's attempts to develop an aircraft engine for over 40 years, they have not achieved success. (3)Notably, several Tamil leaders, including the presidents of Singapore and Guyana and the Prime Minister of Malaysia, are Tamilians. Tamil is the national language in Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Fiji, Mauritius, and French Réunion.
(4)The BrahMos missile system was successfully developed by Sivathanupillai, another Tamilian.
(5)Numerous Tamilians hold leadership positions in ISRO and DRDO, as evidenced by the high representation of Tamilians on the ISRO directorate list.
(6)Many Tamilians continue to work in the defense sector in Bangalore.
(7)In the intellectually demanding game of chess, Tamilians produce a higher number of grandmasters compared to Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, or Maharashtra.
(8)Regarding historical achievements, Tamilians have consistently demonstrated exceptional intelligence, creativity, and productivity, rivaling only Jews, Russians, Japanese, and Germans.
(9)Historically, the Chola naval forces, the ancient dam engineer Karikalan Chola, and the martial arts system Silambam stand out. Additionally, the ancient dance form Bharatanatyam and the literature in Tamil, which predates Sanskrit, highlight the cultural richness of Tamils. (10)The ancient cities of Poompuhar and Keeladi, dating back over 3000 years, along with archaeological findings such as Adichanallur artifacts and cave writings in Siddha Vasal and Thirunelveli, attest to the antiquity and sophistication of Tamil culture. Tamil Brahmi inscriptions, discovered in various countries including Cambodia, Egypt, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, and Indonesia, further underscore the extensive influence of Tamil civilization.
(11)The construction of numerous Hindu temples in Indonesia and Java by the Pallava and Chola kings, adorned with Tamil Brahmi inscriptions, showcases the architectural prowess and cultural exchange facilitated by these dynasties. (12)These contributions, documented through the works of scholars like Praveean Mohan(See Praven mohans channel), emphasize the significant role of Tamil kingdoms in shaping the cultural landscape post-Alexander's conquest
Purandaradasaru ❤️
So happy to listen to Thyagarajakrithis...
Pakkala nilabadi my fav
Very good
Thanks for telling the stories. 🙏
संत त्यागराज की रचनाएं -
पक्कल निलबडि गोलिचे मुच्चट बाग तेल्प ...राग - खरहरप्रिया
सीतम्मा मायम्मा श्री रामुडु माकु तण्ड्रि - राग वसंत
निधि चाला सुखमा ? - राग कल्याणी
बालकनकमय चेल सुजन-परिपाल श्री रमा-लोल विधृत शर जाल - राग अडाना
वाग्गेयकार व प्रकांड संगीतज्ञ मुत्तस्वामी दीक्षित की रचनाएं -
श्री नाथादि गुरुगुहो जयति जयति श्री नाथोऽहमिति सन्ततम् हृदिनि भज ! - राग मायामालवगौल
( इसका अर्थ कुछ इस प्रकार है - यह कृति रचयिता ने भगवान कार्त्तिकेय को समर्पित करते हुए इसकी रचना की है । वे कहते है कि उनकी सदा ही विजय ( जयति जयति ) हो । और मैं उनको हृदय से भजता हूं ।
त्यागराजम् भज ! रे - राग यदुकुल काम्भोजी
Is that vijay Prakash sir??
Yes it is😃
Just came down to the comment section, if someone had asked that question!!
Thanks for this video...
Tyagaraja Swamy 🙏🙏🙏❤️
Great. Evolving..also music history..Tamil Pan or Isai or music ( Iyal, Isai and nadagam) is the recorded earliest music in India. Silapathigaram ( also 2000years back in Tholkappium, Natrinai, kurunthogai and others) authored by Ilango Adigal around 500CE (1500 years ago) gives a perfect description about Classical Music. Is it not amazing that somebody in the Tamizh land defined all these as early as the 5th century? In just one verse, he gives the names of the seven swaras as per Tamizh PaN. குரலே, துத்தம், கைக்கிளை, உழையே இளியே, விளரி, தாரம் என்றிவை எழுவகை இசைக்கும் (Swaptha Swaram) எய்தும் பெயரே சவ்வும் (Sa) ரிவ்வும் (Ri) கவ்வும் (Ka) மவ்வும் (Ma) பவ்வும் (Pa) தவ்வும் (Tha) நிவ்வும் (Ni) என்றிவை ஏழும் அவற்றின் எழுத்தே ஆகும்
Sa-Kural; Ri-Thuththam;Ga-KaikkiLai;Ma-Uzhai;Pa-ILi;Dha-ViLari;Ni-
Tharam. In another verse, he says PaNs(Ragams) are obtained by arranging the 12 Kovais(swaras) in a specified structure in the ascending and descending scale. Sa-Kural; Ri-Thuththam;Ga-KaikkiLai;Ma-Uzhai;Pa-ILi;Dha-ViLari;Ni-
Purantharadasa (1500 CE, 500yrs back) a devotee of Vishnu, contributed enormously to further perfect the Tamil Pan as carnatic music and all others iincluding Mumoorthys are followers of Tamil Pan transformed ( name changed) to Carnatic music and further added their kirthana.
Tamil konga cry😂
The history nevar chenge
Tha is karnataka music father of carnatic music is purandara dasa kannadiga
@@tamilansmothersfuck nah brah. you wrong as well. Annamacharya was the reason why Purandara Dasa started composing. He was the first vaggeyakara to exist. So even Kannadigas must calm down.
20:56 🙏🙏🙏❤️
21:08 ❤❤❤
Please also do on odramagadhi music
Very nice hindustaani classical pr b vdo bnaiye plsssss
Coming soon
Just uploaded
15:19 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Vijay prakash himself.
Thyagaraja Swamy 🙏🙏🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥺😌❤️❤️❤️
Sundara Telugu
Tamil Isai had been stolen or copied or plagiarised and named as Carnatic musics with sanskritised names! Plagiarism by Three moorthys of carnatic music and they dishonestly claimed as original authors but they only propagated what was written some 500AD in Silappathigaaram ( Ilango Adigal 400-500CE; 1500 yrs old even before Parpanans migration to South India). Silapathigaram gives a perfect description about Classical Music. Is it not amazing that somebody in the Tamizh land defined all these as early as the 5th century?
In just one verse, he gives the names of the seven swaras as per Tamizh PaN.
குரலே, துத்தம், கைக்கிளை, உழையே
இளியே, விளரி, தாரம் என்றிவை
எழுவகை இசைக்கும் எய்தும் பெயரே
சவ்வும் ரிவ்வும் கவ்வும் மவ்வும்
பவ்வும் தவ்வும் நிவ்வும் என்றிவை
ஏழும் அவற்றின் எழுத்தே ஆகும்
Sa-Kural; Ri-Thuththam;Ga-KaikkiLai;Ma-Uzhai;Pa-ILi;Dha-ViLari;Ni-Tharam. In another verse, he says PaNs(Ragams) are obtained by arranging the 12 Kovais(swaras) in a specified structure in the ascending and descending scale. Sa-Kural; Ri-Thuththam;Ga-KaikkiLai;Ma-Uzhai;Pa-ILi;Dha-ViLari;Ni-Tharam. In another verse, he says PaNs(Ragams) are obtained by arranging the 12 Kovais(swaras) in a specified structure in the ascending and descending scale.
lol. How stupid and desperate you guys are. Claiming everything by yourselves. No one outside tamilnadu would agree to you. Delusional Tamil lmao. What a shame to claim something which doesn't exist