@@rafaelquintero7858 Hey Rafael, yeah you're right Family Guy Cruise is pretty funny for sure. I guess it'll be down to personal preference after that. They both make me laugh, and although FG throws EVERY celebrity into story out of context...he seems really out of place just showing up in UK getting sh!t 'handled'. Let's all keep laughing together. Be well.
Even when I might not find a particular sketch funny or I do not know the characters (because I am not British)? I find this show IMMENSELY refreshing for it's bluntness and total lack of PC...while still being intelligent. In today's ultra PC/Cancel Culture world? You are SUCH a breath of fresh air. ☮
I'm so glad they decided to parody Chrissy. She is truly insufferable. For the next series, they should have Chrissy appear on Meghan's podcast and have it end in a cat fight.
I love the fact Tom is just referencing movies he wasn't even in now. And the fact we can see the full body of his puppet is so adorable. I want one! Also speaking of want, that Ed Sheeran Gazebo song, need us a full version, it's beautiful! God bless you Spitting Image and your beautiful beautiful cast and crew!
He isn't. I believe he was fired in real life so I don't think they'll bring him back. However, they might try and throw him in for a joke or 2 like they did with Trump this season.
@@CeeAyeJay Remember last season where Govey tried to poison Cummings with turmeric? I hoping they bring Cummings back to carry out his revenge on Govey.
That was an Ed Sheeran song I could actually listen to. Thankfully it was extremely brief, but no doubt it will be #1 on the UK Singles Chart for 97 weeks!
@@searchingforfoodonyoutube2500 I wouldn't know. Thankfully I have successfully managed to avoid hearing his songs. The few times I have heard snippets, I've been completely bemused by how successful his dross is.
I would LOVE to see RuPaul on the Supreme Court, if for no other reason than to see her read Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Also, the decisions would be dripping with shade. 🤣🤣🤣
I wonder if Daniel Craig knows he’s a spitting image puppet? You’re only truly famous when you’ve been Spitting Imaged.. I wonder if they kept the old Bond puppets .. would love to see a skit with them all in it.
Did anyone else catch the hint about Soccer taking money from all gambling sites? Do you know why that's a problem?....also this is the best comedy show by far rn on yt
13:02 You know it's a high class university because they spell "Fair" with a "Y!" 13:37 Oh NO, she DIDN'T! 14:24 Carrie Johnson by Stephen King. 16:31 The ref must love puns. He must be Stephan Pastis! The best sketch is when Pedro Sanchez, Emmanuel Macron and Katerina Sakellaropoulou beg Raab to put them back on the Red Travel List to the tune of Modern Major General which is similar to when Kinnock, Hattersley, Benn, Livingstone, Foot, Scargill and Healy performed a similar song on how Kinnock will never get elected back in the Classic Spitting Image era! Great Easter Egg, even if it was not intentional! Furthermore, the Bobby at the beginning bore a resemblance to the puppet that was constantly seen serving the Royal Family in the Classic Spitting Image era. Second place goes to Chrissy Teigen trying to apologize! I've been waiting for the Chrissy Teigen puppet since it was announced before Season 1 premiered. And it's crazy (and a little nauseating) to see Merrick Garland in drag. I was eating chili while watching this.
@@SouthwesternEagle You're welcome. Not sure what's been going on - it was uploaded much later than usual last week (Sunday, I think). Then it disappeared, then reappeared when I made a note of the link.
@@MoonsingerMedia LOL every other nationality manages to stay on the balcony no matter how drunk - not the Brits... I think its cos we don't grow up with balconies like other nations.
Makes me laugh how you have to pay for Britbox to watch this in the UK but can get it for free on RUclips in HK where i am now 😂. And with football can watch any premier league game including 3pm kick offs. Really do get screwed over in the UK
@@Unan1mouz I wasn't aware of anything recently and I didn't bother looking into it, but she's generally been known to be controversial/pick fights online. Whether intentional or not, I don't know. I used to like her but I think fame/being married to John Legend got to her head.
Too bad the real Tiegen won't apologize for eating children! However, at 9:15 she admits to eating "goats". The child of a goat is called what? A Kid. Damn.
Boris caricature is pure gem.
Looks like a bloody emu
I think spitting image whenever I see him.
Well, he's a living caricature of himself anyway, so Boris was surely a rather easy job for them to create 😋
“Here comes the pie in the face”
“ Wrong , brick”
Randomly occuring Teeny Tom Cruise never gets old.
Way better than the real one.
He needs his redemption
I don't laugh out loud watching TV....but teeny tom Is funny to look at..
Family Guy tiny Tom Cruise is funnier 😂
@@rafaelquintero7858 Hey Rafael, yeah you're right Family Guy Cruise is pretty funny for sure. I guess it'll be down to personal preference after that. They both make me laugh, and although FG throws EVERY celebrity into story out of context...he seems really out of place just showing up in UK getting sh!t 'handled'. Let's all keep laughing together.
Be well.
At this point, these have become a real life documentary more so than a parody
Too real
True 👍
"I can't be spontaneous just like that."
I love this line
Let's appreciate how this is released for free.
Season 2 has been such a banger so far... great job guys
Gove's puppet is hilarious.
"No Time To Dive" I'm done. 😆😆
The Boris ones are always the most fun.
They need to make Joey more disoriented.
Not even a Brit but I love it
@@subjectdelta7210 Neither am I. This show has me rolling. Another Brit show I love is Fawlty Towers. There are a few shows here. Hilarious!
Without any doubt, Boris is my favorite Sptting Image character.
I love them all but there is something about Boris that slays me .
I rediscovered this in America. Thought the series was over. THANK YOU RUclips!!!
Even when I might not find a particular sketch funny or I do not know the characters (because I am not British)?
I find this show IMMENSELY refreshing for it's bluntness and total lack of PC...while still being intelligent.
In today's ultra PC/Cancel Culture world?
You are SUCH a breath of fresh air.
I think this episode has delivered the most and best musical numbers.
The travel list song was great
The monkeys had me laughing and re watching for about ten straight minutes. Their little eyes as they hit the button 🤣🤣🤣
Billie's puppet actually looks really accurate. Her eyes look the same, lol. And Chrissy's skits got me... x'DD LOL
I'm so glad they decided to parody Chrissy. She is truly insufferable. For the next series, they should have Chrissy appear on Meghan's podcast and have it end in a cat fight.
These videos are fantastic they are a tonic for people who need a good laugh. Thank you to those who write the scripts and make the puppets.
***Gareth Southgate :* we should stop air pollution!!
"Let's go in jets and ride Lamborghinis"
That's a rational response!!
it is for a footballer...
And surrounded by the hot women they totally respect.
The writer who came up with that very circuitous Ronaldo, No Time To Dive, joke must be awarded an OBE.
I keep up to date on the world by watching Spitting Image.
03:09 These three puppets would do a MUCH better job than the actual real life puppets
the Daniel Craig caricature is priceless!
You guys nailed the spanish accent xD
The second Spanish PM so far. The classic series featured Felipe González back in the day (1980s).
The puppets and script are brilliant.
"Yeah, bless my soul, i feel like presidenting all night!! Yeooooww!"😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💀💀💀
Please put us back on your red travel list 🤣🤣🤣🤣
That CR7/Billie Eilish crossover had me in stitches!!
Why would cr7 play for glastonbury though?
...why still no Messi? Easy parody.
Thank God for this show.
I love the fact Tom is just referencing movies he wasn't even in now.
And the fact we can see the full body of his puppet is so adorable. I want one!
Also speaking of want, that Ed Sheeran Gazebo song, need us a full version, it's beautiful!
God bless you Spitting Image and your beautiful beautiful cast and crew!
Govey has to be my favorite character in this series. 😂
I learn more about current events and politics by watching this program than anywhere else.
That’s how it was with the original Spitting Image back in the 80s too!
Well she admitted that she’s a troll. Now she just needs to make sure she promotes pans that don’t have PFAS.
When is Dominic Cummings returning from Epsilon 5? I mean Durham.
He isn't. I believe he was fired in real life so I don't think they'll bring him back. However, they might try and throw him in for a joke or 2 like they did with Trump this season.
@@CeeAyeJay Remember last season where Govey tried to poison Cummings with turmeric? I hoping they bring Cummings back to carry out his revenge on Govey.
@@lukechristmas3951 Yes I hope so
He was the funniest character in season 1
It's good that they found trumps real advisor to cast in this episode
1996 WAS the end of it... Until 2020, When Spitting Image sprang back to life.
This show is quality, superb writing the skits are all excellent deserves awards
Now its time to add Jeremy Clarkson, James May & Richard Hammond
That was an Ed Sheeran song I could actually listen to. Thankfully it was extremely brief, but no doubt it will be #1 on the UK Singles Chart for 97 weeks!
It reminded me of galway girl
@@searchingforfoodonyoutube2500 I wouldn't know. Thankfully I have successfully managed to avoid hearing his songs. The few times I have heard snippets, I've been completely bemused by how successful his dross is.
@12:17 - Pure gold genius
Sometimes I wonder how this wonderful documentary got access to these people….
I would LOVE to see RuPaul on the Supreme Court, if for no other reason than to see her read Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Also, the decisions would be dripping with shade. 🤣🤣🤣
I thought RUPAUL was a bloke.
It's customary to refer to drag queens/kings as the gender they're performing as.
I wonder if Daniel Craig knows he’s a spitting image puppet? You’re only truly famous when you’ve been Spitting Imaged.. I wonder if they kept the old Bond puppets .. would love to see a skit with them all in it.
Tom Daley is so realistic! Hahaha
I can't believe no one commented on his hilariously clever RUclips channel name "Inside Tom Daley". Brilliant!
I’ve got an excellent idea for a Boris Johnson debate: Knackers vs Knockers!
Hilarious riotous, been watching spitting image since 1995!!! Brilliant 🎥🤣🤪
Ru and drag race, hilarious!!!!🤣🤣🤣
No matter which episode, the talking fish always have me in fits of laughter :D
Tom Daley’s face is brilliant!
This is blowing my mind !
Brilliant 🤩
Did anyone else catch the hint about Soccer taking money from all gambling sites? Do you know why that's a problem?....also this is the best comedy show by far rn on yt
It's a problem because gambling sites prey on people's addiction.
"Okay. So tomorrow Liverpool will beat Manchester United 3 to 1. Got it?"
@@FoxUnitNell not to mention destroy the integrity of the games for the serious fan.
More Hipster Govey please. 🤣🤣🤣
This has become my nr one way to get English news.
Finally they brought Sakelaropoulou here. Hahah😂😂🙏👍👍
13:02 You know it's a high class university because they spell "Fair" with a "Y!"
13:37 Oh NO, she DIDN'T!
14:24 Carrie Johnson by Stephen King.
16:31 The ref must love puns. He must be Stephan Pastis!
The best sketch is when Pedro Sanchez, Emmanuel Macron and Katerina Sakellaropoulou beg Raab to put them back on the Red Travel List to the tune of Modern Major General which is similar to when Kinnock, Hattersley, Benn, Livingstone, Foot, Scargill and Healy performed a similar song on how Kinnock will never get elected back in the Classic Spitting Image era! Great Easter Egg, even if it was not intentional! Furthermore, the Bobby at the beginning bore a resemblance to the puppet that was constantly seen serving the Royal Family in the Classic Spitting Image era. Second place goes to Chrissy Teigen trying to apologize! I've been waiting for the Chrissy Teigen puppet since it was announced before Season 1 premiered. And it's crazy (and a little nauseating) to see Merrick Garland in drag. I was eating chili while watching this.
whoever makes these puppets is a genius
Did they just hire the entire voice cast of futurama for this? That’s fry, bender, and Hermès right there.
I love these!
I was immediately wondering the same thing lol
@@obel15k Thank you!!! That's the one!
@@SouthwesternEagle You're welcome. Not sure what's been going on - it was uploaded much later than usual last week (Sunday, I think). Then it disappeared, then reappeared when I made a note of the link.
First time I've laughed this series. Brrrrilliant stuff, ya'll. Keep it up!
Thank you, Sir Arthur!!
*I LIVE IN BULGARIA NOW* Drunk British tourists are always falling off balconies...
Well .. that’s probably for the best 😉 Nature taking its course 😏
@@MoonsingerMedia LOL every other nationality manages to stay on the balcony no matter how drunk - not the Brits...
I think its cos we don't grow up with balconies like other nations.
So awesome just brilliant, all thumbs up.
Thank you so much for the upload.
The RuPaul Judge bit was hilarious!
Best episode this season..!
Fuckin love Spitting Image. Makes my day better every time!
"I can't be spontaneous just like that"
This is addiction..ok with it.
Thank you
Can we please get a compilation of raving Gove?
Deserves more views than Mr Beast...in my opinion 😂
I love this
The only thing missing is Kamala's cackle.
She just cackled.
Another awesome video, love your content spitting image!
Where's the fourth episode?
Oh, I see Debra Wilson--- formerly of MadTV-- is one of the voice artists!
getting better
Lee and Harry styles becoming bros is hilarious
yeah, bless my soul
Mark Zucckerberg was the best! XD
Makes me laugh how you have to pay for Britbox to watch this in the UK but can get it for free on RUclips in HK where i am now 😂. And with football can watch any premier league game including 3pm kick offs. Really do get screwed over in the UK
Too right ! UK is a toll-booth gulag where only the working poor and the vanishing middle class pay taxes !
@@johndean3475 I'm not looking forward to returning to UK next year. 40%+ higher tax rates as opposed to 16% here says it all
I am in UK watching this too 😀😀 vpns 😲
If we exchanged the Spitting Image PM and Cabinet for the real ones, we might get somewhere.
Billy West is amazing as Biden
It took me a while to realize that 3 of the main cast of Futurama are in this series, especially the director.
"what teh fuck ez going un 'ere sun?" @9:44 haha
Agh, my arm!!! Referee!!! Lol.
ah yes spitting image music vid?
Land of confusion
we destoryed the world
22:29 he was so young to be baked
Tom made me lol eating the pig lol
Lol I dont know half of these people but its hell funny
Woah they went in on Chrissy Teigen...
Did something really happened with her?
@@Unan1mouz I wasn't aware of anything recently and I didn't bother looking into it, but she's generally been known to be controversial/pick fights online. Whether intentional or not, I don't know. I used to like her but I think fame/being married to John Legend got to her head.
Rupaul's Judge Race - Guilty of Hilarity.
Sir David A Putin and Winnie the Pooh are the more funny ones.
Too bad the real Tiegen won't apologize for eating children! However, at 9:15 she admits to eating "goats". The child of a goat is called what? A Kid. Damn.
where is episode 4? 😞
Great stuff ! fun to watch !!
5:03 6:38 8:39 The Chrissy Tiegen bits just make me laugh my ass off! XD