i think d blade would be more useful vs zed, cause he woulda died when he lived with 50 hp, ignite also woulda killed. one or the other. i think dorans with tp is good for kill pressure lifesteal unless vs heavy ranged poke that can auto u too from afar.
That project yone thumbnail looks crazy
i think d blade would be more useful vs zed, cause he woulda died when he lived with 50 hp, ignite also woulda killed. one or the other. i think dorans with tp is good for kill pressure lifesteal unless vs heavy ranged poke that can auto u too from afar.
More Yone vids, good stuff
can u make akali guide too
why did you choose stridebreaker on 2nd game?
i would just rush witz end into ahri imo, then runeblade
chill man. you get too angry ...
What happened to the old intro?
Was too expensive to make, but I'll bring it back once I earn enough here to make it work again
@@YeagerlolI see
start of the video