Canadian Crypto exchanges EXPLODE heading into 2025 w/ Coinsquare | Blockchain Interviews

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 40

  • @CryptoCoinShow
    @CryptoCoinShow  Месяц назад

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  • @DeliaHurley463
    @DeliaHurley463 Месяц назад

    Canada may be small, but they pack a punch when it comes to having good crypto Founders.

  • @rubinacovotta3545
    @rubinacovotta3545 Месяц назад +1

    Should I buy more Bitcoin, it's already so high? Should I use Coinsquare to do it?

  • @iggiebrightwell2502
    @iggiebrightwell2502 Месяц назад

    Coinsquare is the best in Canada.

    • @shaktishaker
      @shaktishaker 14 дней назад

      there seems to be a lot of problems with withdrawals and customer support lately...

    • @user-ez7kd7fd6j
      @user-ez7kd7fd6j 10 дней назад

      @@shaktishaker YES - Agree 100 %

  • @FelixWilliam-jp2ht
    @FelixWilliam-jp2ht Месяц назад +10

    I always look up your videos for update! I applaud the no-nonsense approach you take to the news and the markets, A lot has changed and that's about it but the truth is that I don't even care much about the bull or bear market anymore because Kathy Tunner gat me covered while I'm doing comfortable. 15k-20k every week and I'm still counting
    thanks to her❤️

    • @johnbale712
      @johnbale712 Месяц назад

      How? I am a newbie in crypto investment. Please can you guide me through how you made profit

    • @BenJohn-fs4jc
      @BenJohn-fs4jc Месяц назад

      Kathy Tunner's crypto knowledge is like a secret recipe for success

    • @DamianMuzvidziwa
      @DamianMuzvidziwa Месяц назад

      Same here the very first time we tried, we invested $3000 and after a week, we received $9500. That really helped us a lot to pay up our bills.

    • @NielsenOehri
      @NielsenOehri Месяц назад

      That's impressive, I've also been thinking about getting into Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, but I'm worried about the risks. How did Kathy Tunner help you navigate that?

    • @LucasA-cr8vc
      @LucasA-cr8vc Месяц назад

      Simple step-by-step process excellent communication and response times. The service was extremely streamlined and friendly throughout, Would recommend Mrs Kathy Tunner to anyone📢

  • @kellinaforschner7123
    @kellinaforschner7123 Месяц назад

    The WonderFi acquisition was good for the exchange.

  • @enriqueminix7593
    @enriqueminix7593 Месяц назад

    Good time to launch this, all time highs for Bitcoin on remembrance day!

  • @NickRutherford229
    @NickRutherford229 Месяц назад

    Please list more memecoins, we want to win this cycle!

  • @phyllisdelpapa8435
    @phyllisdelpapa8435 Месяц назад

    They are now listing memecoins. Can't blame em!

  • @PhùngĐứcHuấn
    @PhùngĐứcHuấn 4 дня назад

    The video content is very interesting! I am a little confused: someone sent me a TRC20 USDT and I have the recovery phrase: [pride pole obtain together second when future mask review nature potato bulb] How do I extract them?

  • @Salihuyakubuadamu
    @Salihuyakubuadamu Месяц назад

    Everyone needs more Bitcoin.

  • @ZellaVanwinkle
    @ZellaVanwinkle 27 дней назад

    Web3 Infinity Token is gonna pop anytime soon