Great question! I can't believe I didn't mention it. If it's something you want to remember forever (like some important facts or information crucial to your work or schooling), then use one memory palace for that list and never use it for anything else. Keep it exclusively for that one thing. Otherwise, cycle through all the memory palaces you have as you need them. Try not to use the same ones over and over again (which is why I recommended starting with 5 different ones). Use the next one while the previous one you used "forgets itself." That way, you can keep things fresh, on the go.
Yup, just explained that in the reply above. I always keep a separate/specific palace for stuff I want to keep long term. An example is that I once memorized all the Oscar Best Picture winners. I created a memory palace specifically for that information, and I haven't re-used it ever since. Whenever I want to recall those movies, I know that I've stored that info (and ONLY that info) in that one special memory palace. Make sense?
One problem is the Ugly Sister Effect or your previous memory hindering your new one (Anthony Metivier). You either consciously travel to clean it or try storing easily distinct topics. If you still encounter the effect, start a clean memory palace.
I've been *not* using a memory palace for a decade by now. When you said it could be a movie I instantly flashed to poetry, and now I have a useful struct of Things To Do. I placed things at the ends of the first few lines of the poem I chose. Then as more things came up I back-added them where they made sense. What a relief. Building a memory palace was such an overwhelming task. I don't remember anyone emphasizing it should be someplace familiar. Thank-you.
Great video! For anyone who might be reading, here are some bonus tips that you may choose to consider or ignore (it's mostly a matter of personal tastes): - Yes don't use a path that make no sense, but also know that you can twist reality as you wish. For example I like to just go around clockwise normally in one room, but then on the next room I can start on the ceiling, fall down on the couch, go under a table, jump back on the table and then to the window and so on in some weird way that only makes sense in my mind. - Don't let reality and the laws of physics limit what you can do. If it makes navigating all the interesting parts of a memory palace any easier (and eliminate the need to walk twice on the same path), I will burst through a few walls or ceilings and use one or two strategically placed portals to teleport myself from one place to the next in some convenient way. - My favorite palaces (homes and work place and so on) I like to keep them for training or for information that I only need for the short or medium term. You then let the images fade when you're done training or you don't need the information anymore. Those palaces you can reuse over and over. If you went fast and didn't do much reviews, just 24 hours of waiting time can be enough for the place to be "clean" again for something else. - For long-term information I will use just about anything, including if I feel like it an amazing website called matterport, and review them periodically using spaced repetition and retrieval practice (and Anki). One palace for one subject, make new ones as needed. - For lists and training, I like to divide my palaces in 3 or more "zones" with 5 locations each. I decide what a "zone" is. It can be one small section of a parc, a much bigger section, one room, half a room, 3 rooms or whatever. Less interesting and memorable rooms and places will either have less locations or just be completely ignored. - For other types of informations, like some academic subjects, it can be carefully pre-planned but it doesn't necessarily have to be. You can just start placing things related to some subject in some section and things located to some other subject in some other section, and then come back and add details as needed. Use logic and understanding and your natural memory for most things and use images for what's more difficult to remember. - When creating new palaces, it's not necessary but I like to take pictures of them, put those pictures in a power-point document (use the "insert multiple pictures to multiple slides" feature) and maybe add numbers to the specific locations that I will use. For long-term memorization, I will note both the information memorized and (super briefly) the mnemonics used in another word document. It will be useful later on if I neglect to review them (bad habit) and need to relearn many parts.
Great tips, thanks! LearnToJuggleNOW Could you give us a real application of this, I have known you do juggling like a Pro. I'd really like to see a good real example out of your mind :O
Tip #1 1:00 Choose 5 locations with 10 locations each Tip #2 3:20 Write them all down Tip #3 4:18 Don't memorize them Tip #4 4:50 Pick places meaningful to you Tip #5 5:40 It doesn't have to be a home or a building
I cannot believe how this short little video has completely changed my life and how smarter I feel. Thank you thank you thank you! It’s been a few weeks and I’m able to retain so much. You are an incredible person.
xilo301 remembering lists, phone #s, I can tell you each of the presidents in order. Took me two sessions of ten minutes to Do. Especially handy while I’m reading all about history. Ty for asking.
I was thinking outdoors places like my jogging route on the park exactly when you mentioned those as options. That expands the possibilities incredibly, thank you!
thank you so much! I am in law school, and one of my profs. Is requiring us to memorize the law, and a format/outline verbatim so that we have to write the entire format/outline and law on the exam and then plug in the facts from a hypothet to it. So far the format/outline itself with just the headings and questions is over 10 pages, and then the law we have to memorize verbatim if all combined at this point would be close to 9-10 paragraphs worth of text. Learning how to to a memory palace, and your other video on how to memorize text, I feel is going to help SO MUCH!
If you can avoid that professor do it. If you cant maybe you can reduce the text and understand it first and then reproduce little fragments and use mnemonics.
I thought about using some Video Game rooms - and then you came up with the idea :) Do you use your Locations for multiple Lists? List 1 groceries: Front door: banana Table: oil Table part 2: Coconut oil Sink: Tomato sauce Table part 3: flour Corner: onion Bathroom Sink: lemon Toilet: strawberry Bathtub: garlic Floor: kitchen paper (Thank you for your video, i watched a time ago, that i still memorize it - it REALY Works!) List 2 colleague names Front door: Chris Table: Maria Table part 2: Peter Sink: Tomato Paul Table part 3: Mary Corner: Wolfram Bathroom Sink: Ralf Toilet: Kevin Bathtub: Felix Floor: Florian Or is each small location for one item? How about using smaller locations? A complete shelf, or the office desk, or your car interior? Monitor: Strawberries, On the Keyboard: Banana, Under the keyboard: Chips etc..But i think, there, you don't have your most common way with the order...
Amazing explaining! Thank you so much!😄 i loved reading your tips and will add them to my list for sure! I personally use music a lot! When i need to remember something special I’ll make sure I’m listening to some “special” music “on repeat” and if possible more than once within the same happening/occasion. This always gives me flashbacks to that specific moment later, and i love them because it Feels like I’m back there once again😍 even after years i get goosebumps of those moments, ☺️
I'm a big D&D fan and make a lot of custom maps, and I find them the perfect locations for memory palaces. It's oddly easier (for me personally) to visualize places of my own creation than real ones.
It's all about being meaninful for you. Start with any instinctive meaningful creative location, then add meaningful anchor/fix points along the way in a meaningful order. Write it down somewhere for long-term storage and recall.
An object can be a memory palace. If you have a teapot you can put things on the spout, the handle etc. I sketch my memory palaces. That helps me really engage. I keep the sketches just like you say.
Awesome video! Shared this with a friend, and like yourself I am using N64 levels as a memory palace like Mario 64, and also using some levels on Starfox 64 as mini palaces to store short term information since I remember them so well! Memory palaces was how I was able to beat Mario Party memorization games as well.
This works amazingly, thank you, I memorized a ~2000 word long essay for school in 3 hours with this technique using only one room in the memory palace
I have never used this technique before. Glad to have stumbled upon your video. Thank you. Question: If one (ahem, me) doesn't have a lot of meaningful places, what then? Should I go out and "make" places meaningful? And, is this the same as photographic memory because I have a friend who can seemingly flip through a 500 page textbook and tell me what's on specific pages. Would he be using the palace technique? To him, it just comes "naturally". Thanks again. I will remember this video 😄
It's crazy how powerful mind palaces are. I created one as a kid to remember stuff like what shirt I needed to wear for tommorow, stumbled on this video 10 years later, and most of it was still there.
Coming late to the party, I saw you on Chris Ramsay's channel and I am proud to say I memorised the face cards now. Thanks for the tip on gaming 'spaces', I now have bonus palaces 😊 but my question is: do you have tips on 'purging' a palace from inhabitants (using the pao system)? I sometimes get previous mementos show up
@@NelsonDellis thanks, I thought as much. I also tried to walk around and actively despawn them but that seems to draw too much intent on them so I guess this is the better option.
I've really been enjoying your videos, keep up the great work! I have a question on completed memory palaces. It seems that the largest barrier for entry for people trying to create a memory palace is that it seems a bit overwhelming. Are there any resources of completed memory palaces online? It would be great to memorize the Gettysburg Address. I think if I could see some examples of others' completed written work, even though it wouldn't be as meaningful and intuitive, it would help me kickstart my own. Thanks again! : )
Great video. So for each concept/schoolwork we need dedicated space/palace - wouldnt it become hard keeping track of spaces and finding new ones through out your life? How do you suggest to manage that?
Hi Nelson... Randomly I saw your channel.. I liked so much. Understood memory palace and also created one. So what/how it will help me to memories example 20 different things (words, names, city, place name etc..) Can u give some example how does it 💪works
Great video, extremely helpful! I'm wondering if you recommend memory palaces for big board exams? (multiple subjects - 5 or 6) looking forward to what you think!
I memorized 28 US presidents in 1 hr on my way home from work the other day. My first memory palace ever. I cannot do it very fast, because I get distracted very easily. I have ADD.....anyway, still amazing way to remember something. I'm up to 35 presidents the next day just filling out the rest of it part time as I am thinking etc. Walk through it frontwards and backwards. (which is also super cool!)
Thanks! this video was very instructional for a beginner such as myself. I just have one question: do you think that it would be a good idea to use parts of a song for a memory palace? Music is something that can be very meaningful for a lot of us.
I'd like to ask a question. Let's say I created the palace and have to remember the exam test answers. So I memorized them. After a month I have to remember another set of answers. Can I place them in the same palace or should I create another one? And if I placed it in the same palace, how to not mess them, how to divide one set from another?
You can use the same places as he mentioned. To avoid confusion use different images and a different story, I mean the way the image interacts with the object in your memory palace.
In tip 1: you said, "your house, your school..." and I thought, "Place of work?" See, currently I work at a hotel, and seeing as the rooms alone are an average of 20/floor over 5 floors, that would be a good "expandable" memory palace! After I watched the @extraemily reaction video, I thought I would go for half of what she did- using the PAO system, because I'm also going to try to memorize a deck of cards for the first time. I just thought, "if I'm going to make a PAO for that, why not for pi?" The hardest part of the playing-card PAO is probably choosing all 52 people!
What about the direction of the path indoor and outdoor? Is it always straight? If you're using a street loci you've got to think at the first locus at your right than at your left otherwise at the second location at your right and so on? And what about a room? First a wall, second the second wall and so on like a counterclockwise path?
Can I use a song as a memory palace? There’s this piece of classical music that I know instinctively (I don’t play anything but I love it and have listened to it innumerable times). There are no lyrics so I feel it should work. 😜
I have a question. How does one put together the stories too store the information? I have chosen objects but when it comes to memorizing a deck of cards it proves to be more challanging than thatg (he memorizes a deck of cards in the intro so i guess kts relevant). How does one so quickly link together the objects, that is my question, in a deck of cards there are 56 objects, and he scrolls trough the cards with his hands so fast. Please any help would be appriciated, how do you go about making your story, for example to memorize a long list of code or a long list of cards, any suggestions?
Hello, I have an interesting question, how do we memorize inside the same palace the branches of the pictures? I mean, until the 7 spot are the same pictures, but at position 7 there are 3 choices (how do we visualize the options?) and afterwards the pictures are totally different acording to the selection. Do we go to spot 8 with 3 pictures? Do we change our spots for each variation? Do we change the palace? Thank you very much!
How would you go about creating a memory palace where the next step on the path is conditional? The first few items on the path might be the same, but then start branching out. (I am trying to apply these techniques to memorizing chess openings. For example, if I have 24 openings to memorize, but each opening can have several variations to it. For example, one opening might be [1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 0-0 5.etc...] but [1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4.Bxc6 dxe 5.etc...]. The variations or different sequences would be in the thousands.) Is this feasible?
Hey man, there’s a question I have about memory palaces, which I haven’t found any answer to: What’re the benefits of a memory palace compared to linking the ideas together? You know, the kind of thing Harry Lorayne advocates in his books. That way, albeit a bit more difficult, you don’t need to find locations to use, or reuse, you just link the thoughts together, which gives you more freedom.
You can use both, memory palace then stacking. You anchor an image to a couch in your home then anchor another image to the image in the couch. I read Lorayne’s book. I owned it for 20 years, but it’s missing stuff like storytelling, which is how you create the associations.
@@Alpysf I believe a great source is RUclips. Some memory champions have put out content that offers great techniques not found in memory books. After that, use your creativity and try combining some techniques together like I mentioned to you 'The Link System' with 'The Memory Palace'.
Awesome!! I was about to go and buy all these udemy courses but instead I can save a lot of money and watch your videos! Which are even better then the paid udemy courses:)
Moo H, it depends. If it’s information you want to keep for a while, I would recommend using a new Memory palace for it. If it’s something you want to keep for a long time, use a Memory palace that you plan on reusing in the future. I suggested creating 5 Memory palaces with 10 locations each so that you have a few to cycle through for the everyday stuff. Create new ones for long term stuff as you need them!
Thanks so much for this video. Question: if I need to memorize 4 songs, do I have to choose 4 separate locations to make a route on? Or can I just use the same location for 4 songs?
I have a few questions: #1: What if I want to memorize a large number of numbers but I don't have that many things to associate the numbers with? #2: What if I want to learn a lot of things about a specific subject? Do I just make a new path specifically for it? #3: Can I use the memory palace to remember shapes? #4: What mnemonics would you recommend combining with the memory palace technique?
Thanks for the video. I have a question. If I build a memory place for a list of things, should I change the place, that I have already built, for another list of things or shold I use one memory place for many things? Thanks.
Mr Dellis, I have a question regarding to memory palace. I'm currently have 30 locations stored as 100 digits of a Pi, so does that mean i can never use that 30 location again as long as I want to remember the Pi?
No, you can re-use that memory palace if you like. I prefer not to just to keep that information as clear and fresh as possible. The only reason you may not want to store multiple things in the same place is because you might get confused.
Thank you! This is really useful. I'm trying to memorize 100 words (their spelling and definitions) in 2 days(max),so I can't wait to try some of your tips.
Can you reuse memory palaces? So lets say I use my house for remembering all the presidents of the USA and I also use it for remembering 200 digits of pi, or is it better to make a new memory palace for each topic?
Great video! Are the memory palaces static? I mean I'm an accountant and norms can evolve and I maybe want to upgrade my palace (norm) constantly, is it possible? Thanks!
How to store various datas like numerous cities on the map and mathematical formulae in our mind and how to retrieve it after some time say two weeks with high accuracy rate?
It depends what you're memorizing. If it's something you just want to memorize for a short while (maybe a todo list or a quick phone number), then yeah overlap them, because you dont care if you lose the old stuff after a while. If it's something you want to keep for a long time (or forever) I would recommend keeping that memory palace EXCLUSIVELY for that information. Just so that there is no overlap. Makes sense?
Are one object is only for one thing to memorize As an example i make the chair in my house to memorize isotops for chemistry subject...can i use the chair again for other subject or other topics¿
Maybe, but the issue is that if you don't already know those people in order, or if it wasn't naturally or instinctively learned, then it can be difficult to maintain a memory you would try to store with that kind of system. I would recommend doing what he says in the video, but also, if you're curious, go ahead and try out different ideas.
Yet another memory palace video 10 minutes or less that sound like its useful for remembering a list or a handful of lists until you run out of familiar locations. Really like a longer video that goes in depth and for different things. A story, work, learning a language. Anything memory related that's more than 5-10 things in a spot here and there.
at 3:53 "I needed 2000 locations put all those (10,000) digits." Sounds like you are confusing yourself (and the listener) by switching the term "location" and "places" which you defined already at 1:05 :(
I wonder if I can build my memory palace in minecraft I think it will be effective because if I build something surely I will remember it easily and it is unlimited as I can build a lot and a lot of memory palaces
Thanks Nelson amazing video as always , what are your insights on reusing memory palaces over and over again ?
Great question! I can't believe I didn't mention it. If it's something you want to remember forever (like some important facts or information crucial to your work or schooling), then use one memory palace for that list and never use it for anything else. Keep it exclusively for that one thing. Otherwise, cycle through all the memory palaces you have as you need them. Try not to use the same ones over and over again (which is why I recommended starting with 5 different ones). Use the next one while the previous one you used "forgets itself." That way, you can keep things fresh, on the go.
i ws abt to ask the same quest + how wd u remember smthn for a long period ? do u keep a specefic palace for it or wut ?
Yup, just explained that in the reply above. I always keep a separate/specific palace for stuff I want to keep long term. An example is that I once memorized all the Oscar Best Picture winners. I created a memory palace specifically for that information, and I haven't re-used it ever since. Whenever I want to recall those movies, I know that I've stored that info (and ONLY that info) in that one special memory palace. Make sense?
One problem is the Ugly Sister Effect or your previous memory hindering your new one (Anthony Metivier). You either consciously travel to clean it or try storing easily distinct topics. If you still encounter the effect, start a clean memory palace.
Nelson Dellis Thank u so much !!
I've been *not* using a memory palace for a decade by now.
When you said it could be a movie I instantly flashed to poetry, and now I have a useful struct of Things To Do.
I placed things at the ends of the first few lines of the poem I chose. Then as more things came up I back-added them where they made sense.
What a relief.
Building a memory palace was such an overwhelming task. I don't remember anyone emphasizing it should be someplace familiar.
Great video! For anyone who might be reading, here are some bonus tips that you may choose to consider or ignore (it's mostly a matter of personal tastes): - Yes don't use a path that make no sense, but also know that you can twist reality as you wish. For example I like to just go around clockwise normally in one room, but then on the next room I can start on the ceiling, fall down on the couch, go under a table, jump back on the table and then to the window and so on in some weird way that only makes sense in my mind. - Don't let reality and the laws of physics limit what you can do. If it makes navigating all the interesting parts of a memory palace any easier (and eliminate the need to walk twice on the same path), I will burst through a few walls or ceilings and use one or two strategically placed portals to teleport myself from one place to the next in some convenient way. - My favorite palaces (homes and work place and so on) I like to keep them for training or for information that I only need for the short or medium term. You then let the images fade when you're done training or you don't need the information anymore. Those palaces you can reuse over and over. If you went fast and didn't do much reviews, just 24 hours of waiting time can be enough for the place to be "clean" again for something else. - For long-term information I will use just about anything, including if I feel like it an amazing website called matterport, and review them periodically using spaced repetition and retrieval practice (and Anki). One palace for one subject, make new ones as needed. - For lists and training, I like to divide my palaces in 3 or more "zones" with 5 locations each. I decide what a "zone" is. It can be one small section of a parc, a much bigger section, one room, half a room, 3 rooms or whatever. Less interesting and memorable rooms and places will either have less locations or just be completely ignored. - For other types of informations, like some academic subjects, it can be carefully pre-planned but it doesn't necessarily have to be. You can just start placing things related to some subject in some section and things located to some other subject in some other section, and then come back and add details as needed. Use logic and understanding and your natural memory for most things and use images for what's more difficult to remember. - When creating new palaces, it's not necessary but I like to take pictures of them, put those pictures in a power-point document (use the "insert multiple pictures to multiple slides" feature) and maybe add numbers to the specific locations that I will use. For long-term memorization, I will note both the information memorized and (super briefly) the mnemonics used in another word document. It will be useful later on if I neglect to review them (bad habit) and need to relearn many parts.
Great additional tips here!
Really useful and practical tips. Thanks!
Great tips, thanks!
Could you give us a real application of this, I have known you do juggling like a Pro. I'd really like to see a good real example out of your mind :O
Great comment! You juggle with the palace items! Thanks.
Thank you for sharing your experience.
It is inspiring!
Tip #1 1:00 Choose 5 locations with 10 locations each
Tip #2 3:20 Write them all down
Tip #3 4:18 Don't memorize them
Tip #4 4:50 Pick places meaningful to you
Tip #5 5:40 It doesn't have to be a home or a building
Thanks so much
Lol feel sorry for the people who stopped watching after step 2
Thank you for doing this. You would think that the RUclips Channel owners would do this on all of their videos as a common courtesy.
I love your last suggestion of using scenes from movies or games as locations. I have a wealth of those to draw from. Thank you!
I cannot believe how this short little video has completely changed my life and how smarter I feel. Thank you thank you thank you! It’s been a few weeks and I’m able to retain so much. You are an incredible person.
In what you use it?
xilo301 remembering lists, phone #s, I can tell you each of the presidents in order. Took me two sessions of ten minutes to Do. Especially handy while I’m reading all about history. Ty for asking.
You're really good at these videos. Not just the content, but the quality, the editing, the sound. Just top notch stuff.
Thanks as usual, Tracy!
I was thinking outdoors places like my jogging route on the park exactly when you mentioned those as options. That expands the possibilities incredibly, thank you!
Thank you Nelson Dellis for giving me a critical concept on Memory Palace. This video is absolutely for me.
thank you so much! I am in law school, and one of my profs. Is requiring us to memorize the law, and a format/outline verbatim so that we have to write the entire format/outline and law on the exam and then plug in the facts from a hypothet to it. So far the format/outline itself with just the headings and questions is over 10 pages, and then the law we have to memorize verbatim if all combined at this point would be close to 9-10 paragraphs worth of text. Learning how to to a memory palace, and your other video on how to memorize text, I feel is going to help SO MUCH!
If you can avoid that professor do it. If you cant maybe you can reduce the text and understand it first and then reproduce little fragments and use mnemonics.
I thought about using some Video Game rooms - and then you came up with the idea :)
Do you use your Locations for multiple Lists?
List 1 groceries:
Front door: banana
Table: oil
Table part 2: Coconut oil
Sink: Tomato sauce
Table part 3: flour
Corner: onion
Bathroom Sink: lemon
Toilet: strawberry
Bathtub: garlic
Floor: kitchen paper
(Thank you for your video, i watched a time ago, that i still memorize it - it REALY Works!)
List 2 colleague names
Front door: Chris
Table: Maria
Table part 2: Peter
Sink: Tomato Paul
Table part 3: Mary
Corner: Wolfram
Bathroom Sink: Ralf
Toilet: Kevin
Bathtub: Felix
Floor: Florian
Or is each small location for one item?
How about using smaller locations?
A complete shelf, or the office desk, or your car interior?
Monitor: Strawberries, On the Keyboard: Banana, Under the keyboard: Chips etc..But i think, there, you don't have your most common way with the order...
Amazing explaining! Thank you so much!😄 i loved reading your tips and will add them to my list for sure!
I personally use music a lot! When i need to remember something special I’ll make sure I’m listening to some “special” music “on repeat” and if possible more than once within the same happening/occasion. This always gives me flashbacks to that specific moment later, and i love them because it Feels like I’m back there once again😍 even after years i get goosebumps of those moments, ☺️
I'm a big D&D fan and make a lot of custom maps, and I find them the perfect locations for memory palaces. It's oddly easier (for me personally) to visualize places of my own creation than real ones.
It's all about being meaninful for you. Start with any instinctive meaningful creative location, then add meaningful anchor/fix points along the way in a meaningful order. Write it down somewhere for long-term storage and recall.
That's it!
An object can be a memory palace. If you have a teapot you can put things on the spout, the handle etc.
I sketch my memory palaces. That helps me really engage. I keep the sketches just like you say.
Awesome video! Shared this with a friend, and like yourself I am using N64 levels as a memory palace like Mario 64, and also using some levels on Starfox 64 as mini palaces to store short term information since I remember them so well! Memory palaces was how I was able to beat Mario Party memorization games as well.
This works amazingly, thank you, I memorized a ~2000 word long essay for school in 3 hours with this technique using only one room in the memory palace
Do you think I could learn some math examples so on a test I could look at an example and know how to work them out?
Only one room? How’d you do that? Were you using super tiny objects?
How could you do that 1 room for all those words?
How could you do it using only one room?
I’m thinking about making a memory palace in Sims. 😁
Its advised using real places first but you can create fictional ones then.
If that helps you then go for it! 🧠💪🏽
@@xilo3012 fictional ones should be created in your mind out of nowhere, a place created in a game is somewhat real though
@@switchstatement568 does 2d locations work then? LoZ would make for a pretty big palace
@@reeck771 If you make it work in your mind, it will
I have never used this technique before. Glad to have stumbled upon your video. Thank you. Question: If one (ahem, me) doesn't have a lot of meaningful places, what then? Should I go out and "make" places meaningful? And, is this the same as photographic memory because I have a friend who can seemingly flip through a 500 page textbook and tell me what's on specific pages. Would he be using the palace technique? To him, it just comes "naturally". Thanks again. I will remember this video 😄
It's crazy how powerful mind palaces are. I created one as a kid to remember stuff like what shirt I needed to wear for tommorow, stumbled on this video 10 years later, and most of it was still there.
Coming late to the party, I saw you on Chris Ramsay's channel and I am proud to say I memorised the face cards now. Thanks for the tip on gaming 'spaces', I now have bonus palaces 😊 but my question is: do you have tips on 'purging' a palace from inhabitants (using the pao system)? I sometimes get previous mementos show up
@@msPacmanization I would recommend having a few memory places on hand and cycle through them to allow the echoes of previous images to disappear
@@NelsonDellis thanks, I thought as much. I also tried to walk around and actively despawn them but that seems to draw too much intent on them so I guess this is the better option.
Ikr he just flexes his house for no reason
I've really been enjoying your videos, keep up the great work! I have a question on completed memory palaces. It seems that the largest barrier for entry for people trying to create a memory palace is that it seems a bit overwhelming.
Are there any resources of completed memory palaces online? It would be great to memorize the Gettysburg Address. I think if I could see some examples of others' completed written work, even though it wouldn't be as meaningful and intuitive, it would help me kickstart my own. Thanks again! : )
Using scene by scene of a favorite movie is such a great idea!
The last part (5:59) opened my mind to get to the next level. Thanks for the insights.
Same here .
QUESTION: Do I need to put numbers for all items in memory palace?
Great video. So for each concept/schoolwork we need dedicated space/palace - wouldnt it become hard keeping track of spaces and finding new ones through out your life? How do you suggest to manage that?
Hi Nelson... Randomly I saw your channel.. I liked so much. Understood memory palace and also created one. So what/how it will help me to memories example 20 different things (words, names, city, place name etc..) Can u give some example how does it 💪works
Great video, extremely helpful! I'm wondering if you recommend memory palaces for big board exams? (multiple subjects - 5 or 6) looking forward to what you think!
Thank you man.. very useful and inspiring
Video games worlds and levels is such a great idea!!
I memorized 28 US presidents in 1 hr on my way home from work the other day. My first memory palace ever. I cannot do it very fast, because I get distracted very easily. I have ADD.....anyway, still amazing way to remember something. I'm up to 35 presidents the next day just filling out the rest of it part time as I am thinking etc. Walk through it frontwards and backwards. (which is also super cool!)
Obrigado Nelson. Love from Brasil!
Thanks! this video was very instructional for a beginner such as myself. I just have one question: do you think that it would be a good idea to use parts of a song for a memory palace? Music is something that can be very meaningful for a lot of us.
thanks dude! really opened my eyes!
Great video, thanks. Is it possible to use the same memory palace for different lists of "things" after one list and so on?
Any tips for how to apply this memorization technique to the Georgia bar exam?
Thanks for your videos I watched many of them and now I am able to memorize my first 100 digits of the number PI
That's so awesome! You rock!
Iliasse ayoub Awesome! Congrats!
Man! I love your house..
I'd like to ask a question. Let's say I created the palace and have to remember the exam test answers. So I memorized them. After a month I have to remember another set of answers. Can I place them in the same palace or should I create another one? And if I placed it in the same palace, how to not mess them, how to divide one set from another?
You can use the same places as he mentioned. To avoid confusion use different images and a different story, I mean the way the image interacts with the object in your memory palace.
Hi! I was sent here by 'Learning How to Learn' - lol.
Thaaanks!! You cleared many of my doubts !!
Good, useful tips. Thanks!
How many places do you use in the competition?I am very curious about this.
Thank you so much for sharing. A quick question If a memory palace is used to store 1 subject, can we again use that same palace for another subject.
Depends. If it's something you want to keep for a long time, I would suggest using a different memory palace. Just to keep it unique and separate.
In tip 1: you said, "your house, your school..." and I thought, "Place of work?" See, currently I work at a hotel, and seeing as the rooms alone are an average of 20/floor over 5 floors, that would be a good "expandable" memory palace! After I watched the @extraemily reaction video, I thought I would go for half of what she did- using the PAO system, because I'm also going to try to memorize a deck of cards for the first time. I just thought, "if I'm going to make a PAO for that, why not for pi?" The hardest part of the playing-card PAO is probably choosing all 52 people!
What about the direction of the path indoor and outdoor? Is it always straight? If you're using a street loci you've got to think at the first locus at your right than at your left otherwise at the second location at your right and so on? And what about a room? First a wall, second the second wall and so on like a counterclockwise path?
Can I use a song as a memory palace? There’s this piece of classical music that I know instinctively (I don’t play anything but I love it and have listened to it innumerable times). There are no lyrics so I feel it should work. 😜
Thanks! Very informative
I'm applying this to my stand up comedy
when you said video games, I remembered portal 1's test chambers and oh my god that just opened a huge memory palace for me.
I have a question.
How does one put together the stories too store the information? I have chosen objects but when it comes to memorizing a deck of cards it proves to be more challanging than thatg (he memorizes a deck of cards in the intro so i guess kts relevant). How does one so quickly link together the objects, that is my question, in a deck of cards there are 56 objects, and he scrolls trough the cards with his hands so fast. Please any help would be appriciated, how do you go about making your story, for example to memorize a long list of code or a long list of cards, any suggestions?
Hello, I have an interesting question, how do we memorize inside the same palace the branches of the pictures? I mean, until the 7 spot are the same pictures, but at position 7 there are 3 choices (how do we visualize the options?) and afterwards the pictures are totally different acording to the selection. Do we go to spot 8 with 3 pictures? Do we change our spots for each variation? Do we change the palace? Thank you very much!
Just what i was searching. Thanks mate..
How would you go about creating a memory palace where the next step on the path is conditional? The first few items on the path might be the same, but then start branching out. (I am trying to apply these techniques to memorizing chess openings. For example, if I have 24 openings to memorize, but each opening can have several variations to it. For example, one opening might be [1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 0-0 5.etc...] but [1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4.Bxc6 dxe 5.etc...]. The variations or different sequences would be in the thousands.) Is this feasible?
I would come up with different associations for each to avoid confusion.
Thank you my Dear
Hey man, there’s a question I have about memory palaces, which I haven’t found any answer to:
What’re the benefits of a memory palace compared to linking the ideas together? You know, the kind of thing Harry Lorayne advocates in his books. That way, albeit a bit more difficult, you don’t need to find locations to use, or reuse, you just link the thoughts together, which gives you more freedom.
You can use both, memory palace then stacking. You anchor an image to a couch in your home then anchor another image to the image in the couch. I read Lorayne’s book. I owned it for 20 years, but it’s missing stuff like storytelling, which is how you create the associations.
@@erossutra4064 Lorayne’s books are my main source of knowledge about this stuff. Can you recommend other sources?
@@Alpysf I believe a great source is RUclips. Some memory champions have put out content that offers great techniques not found in memory books. After that, use your creativity and try combining some techniques together like I mentioned to you 'The Link System' with 'The Memory Palace'.
@@erossutra4064 Thanks for your help. Can you just mention a few of the channels you mentioned?
@@Alpysf You’re welcome. The names of some of the memory champions are: Ron White, Nelson Dellis, Yanjaa Wintersoul, Alex Mullen, and Tansel Ali.
Awesome!! I was about to go and buy all these udemy courses but instead I can save a lot of money and watch your videos! Which are even better then the paid udemy courses:)
Will I choose a different memory palaces (to construct a path) with every different stuff that i want to memorize?
Moo H, it depends. If it’s information you want to keep for a while, I would recommend using a new Memory palace for it. If it’s something you want to keep for a long time, use a Memory palace that you plan on reusing in the future. I suggested creating 5 Memory palaces with 10 locations each so that you have a few to cycle through for the everyday stuff. Create new ones for long term stuff as you need them!
Superb video sir!
Thanks so much for this video. Question: if I need to memorize 4 songs, do I have to choose 4 separate locations to make a route on? Or can I just use the same location for 4 songs?
Came from CR, the movie and game idea is great!
thank you nelson
Thanks, found the video very useful!
Thank you Nelson
I have a few questions:
#1: What if I want to memorize a large number of numbers but I don't have that many things to associate the numbers with?
#2: What if I want to learn a lot of things about a specific subject? Do I just make a new path specifically for it?
#3: Can I use the memory palace to remember shapes?
#4: What mnemonics would you recommend combining with the memory palace technique?
Nelson I have a challenge for you try to do New Era short hand and if you do, do it let me know how?
Thanks for the video. I have a question. If I build a memory place for a list of things, should I change the place, that I have already built, for another list of things or shold I use one memory place for many things? Thanks.
Mr Dellis, I have a question regarding to memory palace. I'm currently have 30 locations stored as 100 digits of a Pi, so does that mean i can never use that 30 location again as long as I want to remember the Pi?
No, you can re-use that memory palace if you like. I prefer not to just to keep that information as clear and fresh as possible. The only reason you may not want to store multiple things in the same place is because you might get confused.
Thank you
Thank you! This is really useful. I'm trying to memorize 100 words (their spelling and definitions) in 2 days(max),so I can't wait to try some of your tips.
I know this is 2 years old, but how did it go?
@@ratiemand4529 3 years now and still no answer
@@fashionovawigs MR its been 4 years. Where is your answer?
@@bargink5287 5 years, 5 years, baby... 5 years (Bo)
Very helpful .
Great video. Very useful.
Awesome work!
Meaningful is memorable
Front cabinet, piano, table, kitchen, office, landing, bed, desk
How would you memorize the order of your 2000 locations? Do you have a route for that, too?
I guess is not good so many locations. Think you have to divide in groups of 50 or 100. And have a lot of palaces.
Can you reuse memory palaces? So lets say I use my house for remembering all the presidents of the USA and I also use it for remembering 200 digits of pi, or is it better to make a new memory palace for each topic?
It's crazy to realize that I've been creating a memory palace my whole life without realizing it.
Great video! Are the memory palaces static? I mean I'm an accountant and norms can evolve and I maybe want to upgrade my palace (norm) constantly, is it possible? Thanks!
How to store various datas like numerous cities on the map and mathematical formulae in our mind and how to retrieve it after some time say two weeks with high accuracy rate?
Do you need to build a new memory palace for a new list to memorize?
No, I recommend having a few memory palaces to choose from. I wouldn't use the same one every time, just so that you don't confuse information.
Nelson Dellis So does that mean that were supposed to over lap memories?
It depends what you're memorizing. If it's something you just want to memorize for a short while (maybe a todo list or a quick phone number), then yeah overlap them, because you dont care if you lose the old stuff after a while. If it's something you want to keep for a long time (or forever) I would recommend keeping that memory palace EXCLUSIVELY for that information. Just so that there is no overlap. Makes sense?
Nelson Dellis yeah, I was expecting as much. I got on palace already built for short term and 4 built for long term so far. 🤔
Are one object is only for one thing to memorize
As an example i make the chair in my house to memorize isotops for chemistry subject...can i use the chair again for other subject or other topics¿
Thank you.
Which images do I have to introduce in each spot?
Can i reuse memory palaces if i dont need them anymore
My Memory Place is The Dawson Library Full of Books with variety of genres.
Can people be used. Like b-ball players to there respective numbers in order?
Maybe, but the issue is that if you don't already know those people in order, or if it wasn't naturally or instinctively learned, then it can be difficult to maintain a memory you would try to store with that kind of system. I would recommend doing what he says in the video, but also, if you're curious, go ahead and try out different ideas.
@@michaelevans6216 thankyou. Im quite familiar with a crap load of sports players.
Yet another memory palace video 10 minutes or less that sound like its useful for remembering a list or a handful of lists until you run out of familiar locations.
Really like a longer video that goes in depth and for different things. A story, work, learning a language. Anything memory related that's more than 5-10 things in a spot here and there.
Check out my other videos. I literally do that.
My memory palace needs to fit an entire syllabus in a week
i have a question, who many images do i use in one loci, i builed a 00-99 pao system and i was wondering about this for sometime. help me plz.
How do I clean a memory palace to reuse
I dont know. Seems to be you have to rest and let the palace for some time. Then when you use again the old images fade away.
how to put information on memory palaces?
What if you have aphantasia
Where do I start?
the best!!!!!
Thanks I am on my way through Vice City planting all the stocks I bought and their average buying prices😇😂
at 3:53 "I needed 2000 locations put all those (10,000) digits."
Sounds like you are confusing yourself (and the listener) by switching the term "location" and "places" which you defined already at 1:05 :(
I wonder if I can build my memory palace in minecraft I think it will be effective because if I build something surely I will remember it easily and it is unlimited as I can build a lot and a lot of memory palaces