Am I the only one who thinks that William fell into killing after his own children died, not before? And that he did it out of anger and grief, not because he liked it? My opinion aside, Amazing video as always National. If I could virtually applaud, I would.
I dunno...I'm personally of the opinion that Evan was killed by Cassidy as revenge. He was crushed in Golden Freddy, which they both happen to share. And we see in one of the 8-bit scenes that children have already been stuffed into the suits (tuft of hair coming out of a neck hole) before Evan's death.
@@quietone2674 that cant be possible during that time Chica was not made yet and Susie was the first to die so this is untrue also they all 5 died at the same time
@@Lawlman42069 pretty sure Henry's daughter was the first to die but I am also pretty sure Evan and Elisabeth died before Cassidy and the any of the other kids(including Henry's daughter) were killed.
@@DragonmasterKeel Charlie was the first missing kids to die she isn't really counted but yeah and he killed before he knew about remanence but he mostly did all the things he did for immortality and he isn't insane either anyways Elizabeth died before Evan so sister location was already a thing it wasn't open for a long time was very short actually either Freddy and the Gang I'm pretty sure we're already a thing either before fredbear Family Diner or little bit after it was closed Freddy and the Gang was already in a TV show though
Honestly, I don't know why, but seeing this made me recall that one Our little horror story animation that a continuation of Left behind, be interesting to see how they would react to William himself ending himself
@@nationalpv I am scared seeing that smiling face uhhhh, it is just a suggestion after all uhm, it just came to my mind cause like sure, they all want him dead, but how would the feel if they just saw William rip his own heart out and just kill himself, cause it be interesting, sure they all want him dead besides Elizabeth but like, how would they feel if they saw William do it himself cause like, none of them would expect him, outta all people to end himself for good you know
@@nationalpv like, you don't have to do it if you don't want to, your channel, I respect your decision, but yeah, I guess I'm giving some ideas out, why not give out ideas for a RUclipsr to use you know, after all, it could work well since, william would be doing the unexpected.
3:55 Fun fact: Michael as much as he hated his father still wated to save him, look at his face.. concern and how he lingers looking at him. He wanted to at least wish him peace so he doesnt hurt anyone else.. hes suffered long enough still
If I don’t reply within the following days, this is because I ran out of ways to say how good these videos are! Really they are very good! Great if I may say!
I’m telling you, sooner or later something or someone is gonna knock some sense into Elizabeth soon that there’s no more William……..just a demon who lives behind a empty husk of skin.
how would that work when she doesn't care she loves her father and she doesn't care if he killed others so there is no sense to knock in I believe that Elizabeth took after William the most so yeah good luck with that as she is more then likely to scoop you
Four out of the five people in bathroom are hypocrites, henry instead of trying to stop william and the killings allowed them to happen and before you say he didn't know about them you have to remember that william and henry made fazbear entertainment so henry is still technically the owner and should know what is going on, then we get on to mrs afton throughout the entirety of the games we see nor hear any confirmation of her being there so from my knowledge she abandoned her family so she doesn't deserve any happiness, then we get to the main problem the mistake himself michael the mistake over rated afton from my perspective as well as how i believe the story had gone is that is michael never bullied and got evan killed william wouldn't have discovered remnant so every single person william as ever killed is also michaels fault.
The Mrs.Afton point is VERY debatable as we don’t know what happened to her. She could’ve died while giving birth, it’s not said that she just left. And security breach suggests that she killed herself after William took custody of the kids by manipulating them.
Why do you say Henry is a hypocrite, her daughter was killed, did you suspect your friends of killing your daughters at first? It must have been a long time before he found out that William did it, why do you accuse him?In the book he committed suicide because he was too sad to lost his child. Do you think he had the vision of God to see that his friend did it?
BTW in pizzeria simulator there is a mini game that heavily implied that we were play on William coming home to michael taking care of the crying child (who broke out and ran away) after William killed Charlie. So this implies that Charlie emily died before the crying child so you're point about that is invalid and it has been implied that William is an extremely neglectful parent so... eh agree to disagree ig
I missed the best sleep video e ver still this video is amazing just missed it little thats all i'll prob cant comment 1 day later since we will be getting our gtades
Like they didn't murder anyone! Michael, Henry, Clara and Evan have absolutely no right to judge, not to say react like that! Honestly, the only normal reaction is that of Elizabeth. Well made video, but it frustrated me and I wanted to punch something because of Henry
@bastard3886 Forget @franciscocruzthenext-genga6802 he's like Elizabeth. He'll never understand that William is a murderer and will just be a slave to him
“Animation made by Five Nights Music” That one guy: wElL aCtUaLlY fIvE nIgHtS mUsIc Is JuSt ThE pErSon who uploaded it was actually made by- I wouldn’t be surprised if someone was gonna comment that lol
I like the fact that Elizabeth literally worships her dad like a god, even though William technicly killed her too... 🤣 Like if William literally saw Elizabeth die right in front of him, he would've f*cking laughed at her, like how pethatic she was to think she could survive CB.
I mean if William would love any of his kids or if he had a favorite it would be her and I'm sure he would have her as his sidekick or a Pawn to use like as Vanessa
They should react to a video that William actually didn’t cared about his family left them on purpose, I forgotten what is it called but it should have a few
Well he isn't in there but I don't think he escaped ultimate custom night but he return as glitchtrap in VR games and after he escape VR games I think he become burntrap
Actually ucn is just a nightmare that cassidy made when she fused with williams soul. Also I think Glitchtrap is William cause theres no way Glitchtrap was able to take control of Burntrap if he wasnt a soul, But everyone has their own opinions.
disagree with you there with all that Fredbear (C.C) said plus even if technology was more advance then the real world it wasn't to the point that William could copy his memories to an AI at the time he was alive. I think it was his soul or at least a part of his soul he used to escape hell/nightmare
Have the Afton death swaps(+Missing Children from the D/S AU), and the characters from the video, ‘When Henry was the killer-mastermind’(+the MC from that AU) and the Missing Children from your/ the original AU, watch William Afton’s songs(all of it from: FANF 3, FNAF6/PS, FNAF: HW and FNAF: SB)with the very very very very dangerous, and evil-killer-mastermind: William Afton/Glitchtrap
Tip for the clothes of them: it’s better to not use black outlines for the clothes/skin and to make it somewhat darker than the original color. Tip for michael: don’t make his rot look like paint and use the darker tint colors under the lighter colors. Last tip: it’s better to use a brown dark tint on them so they don’t look “bright”. I know you probably don’t care neither did you ask, but it’s some tips to make your Afton OcS look better.
I wonder, of course, why they listen to a mother who was not with them at the time of the death of their second child. Naturally, it's not entirely clear why Joseph is so aggressive (and that crying child? ridiculous). Since when Henry knows who his daughter's killer is, I don't know either. Michael also hates him just like that (after all, he opened his stomach, not his sister's spirit, daaaah)
Never I'm pretty sure people think he died in security breach they're stupid just like they think he died in FNAF 6 well I know damn well he didn't die
For me William did the right thing to kill them because he wanted to make them immortal it's true that he killed children but I understand why he did that and Why he became like that So I don't care that the others died except Elizabeth and especially I love William and I understand him perfectly since he's the best
Without william CC and Glitchtrap I'm on Fnaf wouldn't be as well known in my opinion because These 3 are the most popular And I know that CC and glitchtrap are not too popular but william a lot and it's the best of all There is no Dispute If you say otherwise it's just that you don't know Who it is
This is a great video however I don't like how henry is super aggressive like I know he should be mad but he doesn't seem the type of guy to get really aggressive and is also ok with his daughter fighting afton.
Why did they single out William as the only person who killed?! Literally everyone (maybe besides Henry) in that room has killed at least one person. Clara and Elizabeth killed the night guard (aka mike). Chris has most likely killed someone being a animatronic. And Micheal has killed Chris.
If you want another part to this where they react to another person then let me know XD
Probably the Phone Guy.
You could do william....But his past or something angest about him.😄😅
Since it's another part maybe vanny?
maybe michael
Am I the only one who thinks that William fell into killing after his own children died, not before? And that he did it out of anger and grief, not because he liked it? My opinion aside, Amazing video as always National. If I could virtually applaud, I would.
I dunno...I'm personally of the opinion that Evan was killed by Cassidy as revenge. He was crushed in Golden Freddy, which they both happen to share. And we see in one of the 8-bit scenes that children have already been stuffed into the suits (tuft of hair coming out of a neck hole) before Evan's death.
@@quietone2674 that cant be possible during that time Chica was not made yet and Susie was the first to die so this is untrue also they all 5 died at the same time
@@Lawlman42069 pretty sure Henry's daughter was the first to die but I am also pretty sure Evan and Elisabeth died before Cassidy and the any of the other kids(including Henry's daughter) were killed.
@@DragonmasterKeel Charlie was the first missing kids to die she isn't really counted but yeah and he killed before he knew about remanence but he mostly did all the things he did for immortality and he isn't insane either anyways Elizabeth died before Evan so sister location was already a thing it wasn't open for a long time was very short actually either Freddy and the Gang I'm pretty sure we're already a thing either before fredbear Family Diner or little bit after it was closed Freddy and the Gang was already in a TV show though
Honestly, I don't know why, but seeing this made me recall that one Our little horror story animation that a continuation of Left behind, be interesting to see how they would react to William himself ending himself
@@nationalpv I am scared seeing that smiling face uhhhh, it is just a suggestion after all uhm, it just came to my mind cause like sure, they all want him dead, but how would the feel if they just saw William rip his own heart out and just kill himself, cause it be interesting, sure they all want him dead besides Elizabeth but like, how would they feel if they saw William do it himself cause like, none of them would expect him, outta all people to end himself for good you know
@@abyss-aster8748 yeah true
@@nationalpv like, you don't have to do it if you don't want to, your channel, I respect your decision, but yeah, I guess I'm giving some ideas out, why not give out ideas for a RUclipsr to use you know, after all, it could work well since, william would be doing the unexpected.
3:55 Fun fact: Michael as much as he hated his father still wated to save him, look at his face.. concern and how he lingers looking at him. He wanted to at least wish him peace so he doesnt hurt anyone else.. hes suffered long enough still
I love how they were happy when he burned to only know he always comes back :)
Damn Elizabeth look like 6 year old but he already talk like an adult
You mean she
Whoa, awesome video National. :D
This was sick 😎
This is so good I want part2 no I need part2
If I don’t reply within the following days, this is because I ran out of ways to say how good these videos are! Really they are very good! Great if I may say!
I agree with you here my friend❤
Great video!
Absolutely loved it man!!! Keep it up!! Just suggested something in your discord
Yeah I saw it :)
oh my god legit felt my heart jump ong this is good holy
Can they react to darkest desire?
I’m telling you, sooner or later something or someone is gonna knock some sense into Elizabeth soon that there’s no more William……..just a demon who lives behind a empty husk of skin.
I thougt the same
That's never going to happen
@@Remisaku it will when fnaf gets its final game
how would that work when she doesn't care she loves her father and she doesn't care if he killed others so there is no sense to knock in I believe that Elizabeth took after William the most so yeah good luck with that as she is more then likely to scoop you
@@DragonmasterKeel i think cass Will do the Job for her
Liz your right he always comes back😏
Ps thats why hes mah favorite character 😉
Great video National. I'm so surprised you picked my suggestion but I was a little sad none of my picks made the cut. Maybe next time?
I got inspiration from your idea. However I didn’t want to steal the whole thing, so I chose my own videos
oooooohhhhhh this is gonna be gooooood
great video
I'm 0:44 seconds in the video and I KNOW this will be a banger!
Ok. this reaction vid was great! And great vids for the reaction!
If you want to give a reaction that shows a reason for what William does, I suggest "The Remnant Trials" By J-Gems.
Four out of the five people in bathroom are hypocrites, henry instead of trying to stop william and the killings allowed them to happen and before you say he didn't know about them you have to remember that william and henry made fazbear entertainment so henry is still technically the owner and should know what is going on, then we get on to mrs afton throughout the entirety of the games we see nor hear any confirmation of her being there so from my knowledge she abandoned her family so she doesn't deserve any happiness, then we get to the main problem the mistake himself michael the mistake over rated afton from my perspective as well as how i believe the story had gone is that is michael never bullied and got evan killed william wouldn't have discovered remnant so every single person william as ever killed is also michaels fault.
The Mrs.Afton point is VERY debatable as we don’t know what happened to her. She could’ve died while giving birth, it’s not said that she just left. And security breach suggests that she killed herself after William took custody of the kids by manipulating them.
Speaking of Michael and Henry, didn't you think to take William to therapy?
Why do you say Henry is a hypocrite, her daughter was killed, did you suspect your friends of killing your daughters at first? It must have been a long time before he found out that William did it, why do you accuse him?In the book he committed suicide because he was too sad to lost his child. Do you think he had the vision of God to see that his friend did it?
BTW in pizzeria simulator there is a mini game that heavily implied that we were play on William coming home to michael taking care of the crying child (who broke out and ran away) after William killed Charlie. So this implies that Charlie emily died before the crying child so you're point about that is invalid and it has been implied that William is an extremely neglectful parent so... eh agree to disagree ig
I beg you make part 2 pls I can’t wait it’s impossible
We need a part 2
Pls part 2
it's so cool that you did according to the canon, thanks for my like!
I missed the best sleep video e ver still this video is amazing just missed it little thats all i'll prob cant comment 1 day later since we will be getting our gtades
I will be happy, if you do the second part
Have them react to darkest desires
Part2 pleaseeee 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
Can you pls make them react to our little horror story which william rip his own heart pls love you vids too !
All of them have killed someone so Elizabeth does understand( she does not say that but it just makes sense)
Can The Aftons and Henry react to Darkest Desire Collab?
Pls part 2 pls make part 2 and make them react to darkest desire
I liked the designs by Aftons and Henry, good video 👌✨
Thanks ^^
Could aftons react to frenzy? Just another idea
Like they didn't murder anyone! Michael, Henry, Clara and Evan have absolutely no right to judge, not to say react like that! Honestly, the only normal reaction is that of Elizabeth. Well made video, but it frustrated me and I wanted to punch something because of Henry
What do you mean?
William killed the missing kids really for his own benefit. They have a right to be mad
@@nationalpv I'd like to see William call out on everyone's bullshit. But sadly that might never happen.
@@nationalpv I'd like to see William call out on everyone's bullshit. But sadly that might never happen.
@bastard3886 Forget @franciscocruzthenext-genga6802 he's like Elizabeth. He'll never understand that William is a murderer and will just be a slave to him
@bastard3886cuz he’s my favorite character
Idea for the future vanny parents or therapist react
Hey do you have the link for the last video? I liked it.видео.html
Can you get them to react to "Darkets Desires"?
Mmmm I think prevails is a very interesting song for them to react or maybe our little horror story
Pls. Make them react to our little horror story where ended his life I will really appreciate it if you make a video of it
Love Liz is crazy just like her dad
I love her she amzing here l agree withyou here she like William
Can you make them react to darknest desaire collab and Williams past pls :(( NEW sub!!
@@nationalpv I love this video! It's that I want them to react to that so that they realize how powerful William is and how sad his past was. (angst)
@@nationalpv don't forget part 2 of darkest desire
@@The_IdioctGlitchExotic0-0 It's unfortunate that we don't have any REAL info on his past though
can you have them react to Vanny/Vanessa and Glamrock Animatronics Songs Next
Elizabeth is the only one who actually loves her dad💀
“Animation made by Five Nights Music”
That one guy: wElL aCtUaLlY fIvE nIgHtS mUsIc Is JuSt ThE pErSon who uploaded it was actually made by-
I wouldn’t be surprised if someone was gonna comment that lol
Can you have the afton family and Henry react to epoch
part 2
part 2? echo,purple guy remix, springtrap finale
Can't you make them react to "Frenzy" by Scraton? This group, especially.
Calm down there 😅
Can you show them William is being controlled and how spring locks look and how they end you
All I understand from this was them seeing the worst in will .-.
i think that if you ever do a part 2 you should let them react to the child inside animation 2 made by five nights music
Elizabeth just heartless just his father
or she just really loves her father
You can make them react to revision please?
They can’t go a single second without talking.
Part 2 of yhem reacting to william
Can they react to the fearless meme and tale of Springtrap
can you make them react darkest Desire collab
Que reaccionen a vanny y sus canciones o memes ;w;
Could you make past security breach react to frenzy.
Can you make them react to william angst meme and his past with Oliver please
Please react part2 dont trust Gregory theory
I like the fact that Elizabeth literally worships her dad like a god, even though William technicly killed her too... 🤣
Like if William literally saw Elizabeth die right in front of him, he would've f*cking laughed at her, like how pethatic she was to think she could survive CB.
I mean if William would love any of his kids or if he had a favorite it would be her and I'm sure he would have her as his sidekick or a Pawn to use like as Vanessa
Honestly feel like salvaged (By edd pilgrim) may be nice to see potentially
In my au of fnaf the toys were created before fnaf 1 and the funtimes were made before fnaf 1 and 2
Let them react to frenzy
They should react to a video that William actually didn’t cared about his family left them on purpose, I forgotten what is it called but it should have a few
The video I recommend is a prove of him being a serial killer and a manipulator,
I don’t think glitchtrap is William he’s just a AI with Williams memory’s and agendas cause the real William is still in Cassidy hell.
Well he isn't in there but I don't think he escaped ultimate custom night but he return as glitchtrap in VR games and after he escape VR games I think he become burntrap
Actually ucn is just a nightmare that cassidy made when she fused with williams soul. Also I think Glitchtrap is William cause theres no way Glitchtrap was able to take control of Burntrap if he wasnt a soul, But everyone has their own opinions.
disagree with you there with all that Fredbear (C.C) said plus even if technology was more advance then the real world it wasn't to the point that William could copy his memories to an AI at the time he was alive. I think it was his soul or at least a part of his soul he used to escape hell/nightmare
then whats burntrap? O_O yea I dont think you know that answer-
Yeah good point
Have the Afton death swaps(+Missing Children from the D/S AU), and the characters from the video, ‘When Henry was the killer-mastermind’(+the MC from that AU) and the Missing Children from your/ the original AU, watch William Afton’s songs(all of it from: FANF 3, FNAF6/PS, FNAF: HW and FNAF: SB)with the very very very very dangerous, and evil-killer-mastermind: William Afton/Glitchtrap
I can’t fit that many characters unfortunately.
Tip for the clothes of them: it’s better to not use black outlines for the clothes/skin and to make it somewhat darker than the original color.
Tip for michael: don’t make his rot look like paint and use the darker tint colors under the lighter colors.
Last tip: it’s better to use a brown dark tint on them so they don’t look “bright”.
I know you probably don’t care neither did you ask, but it’s some tips to make your Afton OcS look better.
Can they for gosh sake please react to “an objective and true FNAF timeline” by theooftroop
alright…chill out.
And William is immortal
Could they react to Choke, or Laplace's Angel (Link in replied comment) Note: Choke is unlisted
I wonder, of course, why they listen to a mother who was not with them at the time of the death of their second child. Naturally, it's not entirely clear why Joseph is so aggressive (and that crying child? ridiculous).
Since when Henry knows who his daughter's killer is, I don't know either.
Michael also hates him just like that (after all, he opened his stomach, not his sister's spirit, daaaah)
You just can't get rid of William, can you?
Nah 😎
Never I'm pretty sure people think he died in security breach they're stupid just like they think he died in FNAF 6 well I know damn well he didn't die
hello can u make them react to aftons blessing by kryfuze.
It was Michael fault the family got ruined😅
The reaction doesn't fit the video but you did a great job either way.
For me William did the right thing to kill them because he wanted to make them immortal it's true that he killed children but I understand why he did that and Why he became like that So I don't care that the others died except Elizabeth and especially I love William and I understand him perfectly since he's the best
What kind of sick twisted human being are you to say that
Boy oh boy...someone better stop me cause a minor called "Elizabeth Afton" is about to get kicked on the face
Why tho my friend
Pls react he never be the same
Without william CC and Glitchtrap I'm on Fnaf wouldn't be as well known in my opinion because These 3 are the most popular And I know that CC and glitchtrap are not too popular but william a lot and it's the best of all There is no Dispute If you say otherwise it's just that you don't know Who it is
This is a great video however I don't like how henry is super aggressive like I know he should be mad but he doesn't seem the type of guy to get really aggressive and is also ok with his daughter fighting afton.
Yeah I know, but I really wanted to show the anger Henry had for William.
And the missing children react to fnaf security breach
You can't make missing children react to fnaf and Afton familie 😎😎😎👍😄
We all know that his past his father abused him anger and you all know the rest
react to he'll never be the same
Why did they single out William as the only person who killed?! Literally everyone (maybe besides Henry) in that room has killed at least one person. Clara and Elizabeth killed the night guard (aka mike). Chris has most likely killed someone being a animatronic. And Micheal has killed Chris.
24(3) = 72 I hope you remember me
No I don’t :((
@@nationalpv it’s fine I been gone for like 15 videos so it makes sense
Henry’s acting like a bi-