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  • @Thehackspot2017
    @Thehackspot2017 21 день назад +1

    Title: Jordan's Fresh Start at MSD High: New Beginnings Amidst Shadows
    [Scene opens with Jordan walking through the entrance of MSD High School, taking a deep breath as he steps inside.]
    Jordan: (to himself) This is it. A fresh start. Just focus on the positives.
    [Cut to the principal’s office, where the principal is reviewing Jordan’s file. He looks troubled, flashes of memories from February 14th, 2018, flickering in his mind.]
    Principal: (muttering) We can’t let history repeat itself…
    [Cut back to the hallway where Jordan is greeted by a friendly teacher, Ms. Thompson.]
    Ms. Thompson: (smiling) Welcome to MSD High, Jordan! We’re excited to have you here.
    Jordan: (smiling back) Thanks! I’m really looking forward to it.
    [As Jordan walks down the hall, he notices a group of students chatting and laughing. He hesitates but then approaches them.]
    Jordan: (nervously) Hey, mind if I join you?
    Student 1: (grinning) Sure! I’m Mia, and this is Alex and Sam. We were just talking about the upcoming school festival.
    Jordan: (relieved) That sounds fun! I’d love to help out.
    [Cut to the principal, who watches from a distance, still haunted by memories but trying to remain hopeful.]
    Principal: (thinking) I have to trust that this time will be different…
    [Scene shifts to a classroom where Ms. Thompson is teaching. She encourages open discussion.]
    Ms. Thompson: Remember, everyone, we’re here to support each other. If anyone feels uncomfortable or has questions, just speak up!
    [Jordan raises his hand, feeling empowered.]
    Jordan: (confidently) I just want to say that I’m really trying to start fresh. I hope everyone can see that.
    [The class nods in understanding, and a few students smile at him.]
    Student 2: (supportively) We all have our pasts. It’s cool that you want to move forward.
    [Cut to the principal, who is now in a meeting with the staff.]
    Principal: (addressing the staff) I know we have concerns about Jordan, but let’s give him a chance. We need to create an environment where he can thrive.
    [The teachers nod, showing

  • @Thehackspot2017
    @Thehackspot2017 21 день назад

    Title: Jordan's Journey: Finding Acceptance at MSD High
    [Scene opens with Jordan walking through the vibrant halls of MSD High School, smiling as he interacts with new friends.]
    Jordan: (to himself) I can’t believe how much I love it here. Everyone is so welcoming!
    [Cut to a classroom where Ms. Thompson is teaching. Jordan raises his hand to contribute.]
    Jordan: (enthusiastically) I really enjoyed the project we did last week! It felt great to work with everyone.
    Ms. Thompson: (smiling) That’s wonderful to hear, Jordan! Your enthusiasm is contagious.
    [Scene shifts to Jordan sitting with his new friends at lunch, laughing and sharing stories.]
    Mia: (playfully) So, what’s your favorite subject now that you’re here?
    Jordan: (grinning) Definitely art! I love how it lets me express myself.
    [Cut to a quiet moment where Jordan reflects on his past. He pulls out his phone and types a message to his old teachers.]
    Jordan: (voiceover) I’ve been thinking a lot about my past and the mistakes I made. It’s time to say sorry.
    [Scene transitions to Jordan recording a video message.]
    Jordan: (sincerely) Hi, everyone. I just wanted to take a moment to apologize for my behavior at Randolph Valley. I know I let a lot of people down, and I’m truly sorry. I’m working hard to be a better person here at MSD.
    [Cut to Jordan’s new home, where he sits with his adoptive family, who are supportive and open-minded.]
    Adoptive Parent 1: (encouragingly) We’re proud of you, Jordan. It takes a lot of courage to acknowledge your past.
    Adoptive Parent 2: (nodding) Remember, it’s about the journey forward. We’re here for you every step of the way.
    [Jordan smiles, feeling grateful for their support.]
    Jordan: (emotionally) Thank you. I really appreciate having you both in my life.
    [Scene shifts back to school, where Jordan approaches Ms. Thompson after class.]
    Jordan: (nervously) Ms. Thompson, can I talk to you for a second?
    Ms. Thompson: (smiling) Of course, Jordan! What’s on your mind?
    Jordan: (earnestly) I just wanted to say

  • @Thehackspot2017
    @Thehackspot2017 21 день назад

    Title: Jordan's Graduation: A Journey of Growth and Reflection
    [Scene opens with the graduation ceremony at MSD High School. The auditorium is filled with students, families, and friends. Jordan sits among his classmates, wearing a cap and gown, a proud smile on his face.]
    Jordan: (voiceover) I can’t believe this day is finally here. After everything I’ve been through, I’m graduating.
    [Cut to a close-up of Jordan’s adoptive parents in the audience, beaming with pride.]
    Adoptive Parent 1: (whispering to Adoptive Parent 2) Look at him! He’s come so far.
    Adoptive Parent 2: (teary-eyed) I’m so proud of our boy.
    [As the ceremony progresses, Jordan’s mind drifts back to his old high school. Flashbacks of his past play in his mind: moments of struggle, arguments with teachers, and the day he was expelled.]
    Jordan: (voiceover) Sometimes, it feels like those memories are still haunting me. But I’ve learned so much since then.
    [The principal steps up to the podium to announce the graduates.]
    Principal: (enthusiastically) And now, I’m proud to present the graduating class of 2024!
    [Jordan stands up with his classmates, excitement and nervousness washing over him. As they walk across the stage to receive their diplomas, he catches a glimpse of his old high school in his mind.]
    Jordan: (voiceover) I remember the fear and uncertainty I felt back then. But today, I’m ready to embrace my future.
    [Jordan receives his diploma, shaking hands with the principal. He pauses for a moment, looking out at the audience, and his eyes meet those of his adoptive parents.]
    Jordan: (smiling) I did it!
    [Cut to a montage of Jordan celebrating with friends and family after the ceremony. Laughter and joy fill the air as they take photos together.]
    Mia: (cheerfully) We knew you could do it, Jordan! You’ve worked so hard!
    [As the celebration continues, Jordan steps aside for a moment, reflecting on his journey.]
    Jordan: (voiceover) I’ve come a long way from my old life. I miss my old parents, but I know they would want me to be happy and succeed.
    [Flashbacks of his old parents

  • @southparkyoutuber4559
    @southparkyoutuber4559 4 месяца назад +3

    Credit to Obana for Jordan

  • @lucassalusky
    @lucassalusky 4 месяца назад +7

    Jordan is finally getting what he's going to get after everything he did! He OFFICIALLY lost everything! Also, Rachael Bradshaw went to the hospital to get her voice surgery right before her graduation along with her friends. Mrs. Tanner will officially have Jordan's family become teachers, in addition to keeping their old jobs (just in case Jordan and his Friends fill in for Jordan's parents to teach at Randolph Valley High School).

    • @TSNY18-Animations
      @TSNY18-Animations 4 месяца назад +3

      7:42 Is that Penelope Taylor? I thought the sweet girls are a dead topic nowadays!

  • @Thehackspot2017
    @Thehackspot2017 21 день назад

    Title: Jordan's New Start at MSD High: Mistaken Identity Chaos
    [Scene opens with Jordan walking into MSD High School, looking nervous but determined.]
    Jordan: (to himself) Alright, new school, new start. Just gotta keep my head down and focus on my studies.
    [As Jordan walks through the hall, students start to whisper and point.]
    Student 1: (whispering) Is that him? The one from Randolph Valley?
    Student 2: No way! I heard he got expelled for some crazy stuff.
    [Jordan overhears the whispers and looks around, feeling uneasy.]
    Jordan: (thinking) Great, just what I need-more rumors.
    [Cut to the staff room where teachers are discussing the new students.]
    Teacher 1: Did you hear about the new kid? Jordan something.
    Teacher 2: Yeah, I heard he’s had some serious issues at his last school.
    [The principal walks in, looking concerned.]
    Principal: We need to keep an eye on him. We can’t have any incidents like what happened on February 14th.
    [Cut back to the hallway where Jordan is approached by a teacher.]
    Teacher: (sternly) Jordan, right? We’ve had some… concerns about your past.
    Jordan: (confused) My past? I just want to start fresh here.
    Teacher: (misunderstanding) Look, we’re just trying to ensure the safety of all students. You remind me a bit of… well, you know who.
    [Jordan’s eyes widen in shock.]
    Jordan: Wait, are you saying I’m like Nick Cruz? That’s not fair! I’m not him!
    [Students nearby overhear and start murmuring again.]
    Student 3: (whispering) Did he just say Nick Cruz?
    Student 4: (gossiping) I thought he was just a troublemaker, not a school shooter!
    [Jordan, feeling overwhelmed, tries to defend himself.]
    Jordan: (raising his voice) I’m not a threat! I just made some mistakes!
    [The principal steps in, trying to calm the situation.]
    Principal: Everyone, let’s not jump to conclusions. Jordan deserves a chance to prove himself.
    [Cut to a group of students discussing the situation.]
    Student 5: I don’t know, man. It’s kind of sketchy

  • @samantha4304-d4q
    @samantha4304-d4q 4 месяца назад +4

    Great video!

  • @miguelescalante-4223
    @miguelescalante-4223 4 месяца назад +5

    Isn't Jordan's Voice Suppose To Be Steven

  • @migueleduardoescalante5381
    @migueleduardoescalante5381 4 месяца назад +1

    The Voice Of Jordan Was The Voice Of Brian Instead Of Steven In Obanna's Jordan Gets Grounded

  • @JohnnyDeansIii
    @JohnnyDeansIii 4 месяца назад +3

    Alexis how dare you break up with Jonathan that's it your grounded for the entire Summer

    • @AbubarkaArmani-di9jb
      @AbubarkaArmani-di9jb 3 месяца назад +1


  • @AgentPaycheck7139
    @AgentPaycheck7139 Месяц назад

    All this is absolutely ridiculous and false. Nearly all the characters reputations in this video are sabotaged. Alexis and Jordan are still dating, you have absolutely no control over their reputations, Obanna does. Sure his content is already dull, but everything indicated in this video is out of the damn question mate.

  • @miguelescalante-4223
    @miguelescalante-4223 2 месяца назад

    Maybe Alexis And Jordan's Friends Are Gonna Leave Their Friend Plus Jordan's Friends And Alexis Will Apologize To Their Parents