каква е тази измислена история с "измитите банани"? Първо защо трябва да миеш банан, като после го белиш? И второ става въпрос за 🐒 които почват да чупят кокосов орех с камък, в следствие и 🐒 на други острови започват същото, без да са имали пряка комуникация
“A scientist who studied monkeys on an island in Indonesia was able to teach a certain one to wash bananas in the river before eating them. Cleansed of sand and dirt, the food was more flavorful. The scientist who did this only because he was studying the learning capacity of monkeys did not imagine what would eventually happen. So he was surprised to see that the other monkeys on the island began to imitate the first one. "And then, one day, when a certain number of monkeys had learned to wash their bananas, the monkeys on all of the other islands in the archipelago began to do the same thing. What was most surprising, though, was that the other monkeys learned to do so without having had any contact with the island where the experiment had been conducted."
Голяма личност проф. Филипов ! Много ни липсва, особено сега, когато вече знае всички отговори ! Светла памет !
Проф. Филипов - винаги интересен! Светла му памет!
Ясно поднесена информация, буден ум, здрава научна основа. Блестящ!
беше просто уникален човек! безкрайно му благодаря
царство му небесно
И аз съм слушал за @2 измерения не за 11 на прав път сте . А не може ли да се яхнат тези частици и да се пътува върху тях както лодка върху водата
Като го гледам проф.Филипов, по нищо не му личи, че скоро ще напусне този свят...ж
Много глупав коментар
@@ivaylo9361никой не може да замени професор Филипов.
@ivaylo9361 Глупав, но верен!
Не струната теория е верния път .
каква е тази измислена история с "измитите банани"? Първо защо трябва да миеш банан, като после го белиш? И второ става въпрос за 🐒 които почват да чупят кокосов орех с камък, в следствие и 🐒 на други острови започват същото, без да са имали пряка комуникация
“A scientist who studied monkeys on an island in Indonesia was able to teach a certain one to wash bananas in the river before eating them. Cleansed of sand and dirt, the food was more flavorful. The scientist who did this only because he was studying the learning capacity of monkeys did not imagine what would eventually happen. So he was surprised to see that the other monkeys on the island began to imitate the first one. "And then, one day, when a certain number of monkeys had learned to wash their bananas, the monkeys on all of the other islands in the archipelago began to do the same thing. What was most surprising, though, was that the other monkeys learned to do so without having had any contact with the island where the experiment had been conducted."
Не е за твойта проста глава (: