Ys Origin Review (PC / PS4 / Xbox One / Vita / Switch)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 93

  • @heavymetalmixer91
    @heavymetalmixer91 6 лет назад +11

    I thought I didn't like the game after finishing Yunica's story, but once I started Hugo's chapter I really liked it, and this was reforced with "The Claw", clearly the true MC of the game.

  • @Gnidel
    @Gnidel 5 лет назад +52

    This is one of the best games of all time with literally one problem - inability to skip cutscenes.

    • @Colorado-Coyote
      @Colorado-Coyote Год назад

      Do you still think ys origin is one of the best games of all time?

    • @MisterSpeedStacking
      @MisterSpeedStacking 8 месяцев назад

      speedrun mode is for that

    • @Gnidel
      @Gnidel 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@Colorado-Coyote Yes.

  • @wenchwoggYT
    @wenchwoggYT 4 года назад +8

    just discovered this channel and i'm loving your content. Falcom are the best

  • @astro5653
    @astro5653 6 лет назад +10

    I was waiting to finish this game before watching this. I was trying to beat you to it, but ah well. I loved this game, and I'm about to play Ys VI next, then Seven, and the finally Memories of Celceta.
    Great video dude, and a pretty great series. Your Ys I & II Chronicles video got me to give the series a fair shake and I'm pretty glad I did.

  • @Thinh-Nguyen.
    @Thinh-Nguyen. 6 лет назад +4

    Iv been waiting for you to do origins forever your channel is awesome thanks for the great content

  • @grittynerd
    @grittynerd 5 лет назад +12

    I watched all your Ys reviews, good work and i'll continue to folllow your channel :) Falcom made other games that have similar gameplay and it'd be cool to review them too: Xanadu Next is quite fun with a bit more mature art style and bit darker tone, Brandish: The Dark Revenant it's grid based twist of the formula that unfortunately was only released in America for the PSP/Vita (XSeed should really port that game to PC and modern consoles, they already translated it at the time), Nayuta no Kiseki from Ys 7 times has interesting ideas about re-exploring the same levels and a good art direction (even better that 7 in my opinion within the PSP) that need to be talked about because there's only a fan translation and it's sad no one decides to publish this title worldwide. I'd consider also Gurumin and Zwei series too as games to be played even if more cartoonish looking :)

  • @masamoon1887
    @masamoon1887 6 лет назад +11

    Origin was my first Ys Game, and what an introduction ! I still consider it as the best Ys gameplay wise. Story was also really solid, but I just like Ys VIII more in that regard.

  • @ailtonbueno4333
    @ailtonbueno4333 5 лет назад +2

    Great video. Loved. Keep doing the excellent work.

  • @zobu312
    @zobu312 6 лет назад +61

    ...and Vita. Damn it, everyone ignores Vita. REEEEE
    Ehm... The game is also on Vita. Just saiyan.

    • @evillord476
      @evillord476 6 лет назад +4

      but is it on Vita though? I forgot already...

    • @zobu312
      @zobu312 6 лет назад +2

      @@evillord476 it is.

    • @mic8679
      @mic8679 5 лет назад

      What’s a vita? Haha only joking but could never get one where I live 😕

    • @AwesomeCrabman
      @AwesomeCrabman 5 лет назад

      Who cares man? There are maybe 5 people who own a Vita.

    • @DeniosTheGamer
      @DeniosTheGamer 4 года назад +1

      i only bought this game BECAUSE it is on Vita. I don't like playing on PC and I prefer handheld gaming

  • @firebreather4192
    @firebreather4192 6 лет назад +7

    Thank you, your Ys reviews are the best! When it comes to gameplay I think that this is my favourite Ys game so far. By now I've finished every modern Ys game since Chronicles except Ys 8 (really looking forward to Christmas ;D ). Hope to see a review of Memories of Celceta from you in the near future. Anyways merry Christmas and a happy new year to all fellow Ys gamers out there! Hopefully we'll get a new Ys announcement from Falcom in 2019...

    • @Aboveup
      @Aboveup  6 лет назад +2

      Here's hoping. We know Ys 9 is something that's being worked on, so with a little luck we'll hear more about it in the coming year.

  • @creekandseminole
    @creekandseminole 4 года назад +4

    I just got this on a physical cart on the Switch. It's sooooo good!

  • @FKSvienna
    @FKSvienna 2 года назад +1

    Amazingly in-depth review, great work, great channel! Liked and subscribed! The only thing I was left wanting from this video was a closer look at the technical side of the versions/ports and their differences (if there are any?)

  • @LuciferAgenda
    @LuciferAgenda 6 лет назад +3

    Really good video, dude! Everything you said was pretty spot on. So not much to comment on there.
    Only thing that bothered me a bit was that you moved back and forth a bit when recording your voice, so it becomes a bit weird to listen to early on in the video.
    I recommend using a pop filter as a visual guide on where to focus your voice when speaking, or keep your scripts on a piece of paper right behind the mic!
    But other than that, really solid! Gonna try to play the other ys titles when I can, and give the other Ys videos a proper watch afterwards.
    Hope your break does you well and I look forward to see what you put out next! (PS. Bless Yunica.)

  • @MangaManifaction
    @MangaManifaction 4 месяца назад

    Origin is my favourite Ys game. To me, it's one of those games I feel like I can always pick up and play. Playing through Yunica's story is always a treat to me

  • @Chane2
    @Chane2 7 месяцев назад

    Awesome review! You covered every single aspect. Thanks!

  • @ledah1363
    @ledah1363 6 лет назад +8

    I first played Hugo's story years back on Nightmare. Yunica's route was a blast, but Hard felt a little too easy.
    I actually beat the game under 10 hours with him so i can definitely say he's very overpowered, since even Im surprised i cleared a Nightmare file that fast.

  • @TheRealVaanmaster
    @TheRealVaanmaster 6 лет назад +4

    Toal in my opinion has one of the funniest gameplay on every ys entry, god speed is just so much fun

  • @AToop2132
    @AToop2132 6 лет назад +3

    Nice video man! I love this game.

  • @madebycarter
    @madebycarter Год назад +1

    Compare the last names of the three characters to the books in Ys Book I.

  • @NerevarineKing
    @NerevarineKing 9 месяцев назад +1

    Yunica definitely feels like she should be played first

  • @drewbocop
    @drewbocop 3 года назад +1

    yunica loves her father's oversized sword

  • @jeffnussbaum716
    @jeffnussbaum716 6 лет назад +23

    Well done, again. Your videos are the most comprehensive critiques for the series I've seen. I don't agree with you on every point, but I can understand where you're coming from at every turn.
    This will always feel a touch incomplete until you cover Memories of Celceta, though... and if you're really feeling masochistic, there's also the Taito PS2 games. ;) Ys III is actually not terrible, mostly worthwhile for the sprite work.

    • @Aboveup
      @Aboveup  6 лет назад +4

      Thank you so much, that means a lot coming from you. I'm sure to come back to the other titles at some point, but for now I really need some time away from the series to cover some other things instead.

    • @Wyrdwad
      @Wyrdwad 6 лет назад +2

      "There's also the Taito PS2 games / Ys III is actually not terrible" -- Says you! ;) Worst version of Ys III by far, if you ask me. Once you kill the speed and lawnmower-style combat from the game, you basically ruin it. And it was also LUDICROUSLY EASY.
      ...But then, you know all this. We've danced this dance before! Heheh. Still, felt the need to comment, so poor ol' Aboveup didn't get too skewed a take on this. He needs to know what horrors he's in for if he ever decides to play the PS2 Ys games! ;)
      Excellent review as always, BTW. I almost wish you WOULD include spoilers in your reviews, as there's so much to talk about in regards to the story here -- easily the best story in the series, by far, and among the best writing in general as well (and I'm talking in the original Japanese, not trying to toot either my own horn or Jeff's by implying anything about the English). But I totally understand why you don't include spoilers, and I'm sure a lot of fans appreciate that.
      Hope to eventually see a Memories of Celceta review from you as well, but I understand wanting to step away for a bit -- and I'm curious to see you cover other series too. I've subscribed to you, as your content is far more in-depth than most, and look forward to what the future holds for your channel!

    • @jeffnussbaum716
      @jeffnussbaum716 6 лет назад +1

      @@Wyrdwad Yeah, but you also think the SNES version is something other than hot garbage, so your opinion can, and should, be discounted. ;)

    • @Wyrdwad
      @Wyrdwad 6 лет назад +1

      @@jeffnussbaum716 Damned straight I do! Because I'm a true hero, and only true heroes like Ys 3 SNES music. ;)

    • @Aboveup
      @Aboveup  6 лет назад +2

      The SNES version of Ys 3 was my initial introduction to the series, and I did beat that version back in the day, mostly because I simply didn't know any better. And I played a tiny bit of the Taito version of Ys 3. I can't say I'm looking forward to playing either of them more with anything but apprehension. Though it would be interesting to have experienced more of the three Taito titles just for more perspective at this point.
      Also thanks Wyrdwad, I appreciate the kind words.

  • @selay333
    @selay333 3 года назад +1

    First of the games I played after being introduced to it by a person in a group I was a part of and it’s been one of my favorite series since.

  • @Guilhermeabcd
    @Guilhermeabcd 3 месяца назад

    I was searching for jrpg's for my collection of games and got it for a buck. Thanks for the review. This franchise looks promising. Always heard and saw good stuff about.

  • @surelydone
    @surelydone 6 лет назад +3

    thank you for covering ys origin, its by far my favorite game. I always wished I could express to my friends how awesome this game is, and now I'm able to simply send them this video link.

  • @IanHsieh
    @IanHsieh 4 года назад +2

    Hey! The title is updated to include Switch!

  • @saguoran
    @saguoran 5 лет назад +1

    legend never die

  • @NuttachaiTipprasert
    @NuttachaiTipprasert 3 года назад

    Awesome as per usual. Origin happens to be my favourite until Ys VIII came out. Scar of the Devine Wing is still my favourite boss theme until this day.

  • @michan6705
    @michan6705 5 лет назад +2

    the game originally locks you to play each character in an order.

  • @ghostofguadalajara3026
    @ghostofguadalajara3026 5 лет назад +2

    Ys ix monstrum nox review

  • @NeverWinterguild
    @NeverWinterguild 6 лет назад +3

    one thing that should be mentioned: with the "claw" character, he has a defense move: his fire tornado actually works as a block. i think even on the game tutorial it teaches this

    • @Aboveup
      @Aboveup  6 лет назад +3

      Yes, that's mentioned.

  • @huascarluiscruzrodriguez1767
    @huascarluiscruzrodriguez1767 6 лет назад +2

    Dang, I finished all 3 stories yesterday, very fun game, especially with the Claw and Hugo. But my favorites are Oath and 8

  • @HansAlRachid
    @HansAlRachid 2 года назад +3

    While I utterly adore the Ys series as a whole and consider them the absolute pinnacle of action game pacing, Ys Origin always left me sort of cold for whatever reason. The gameplay is great, the music is fantastic, I love its visual style, yet it never clicked with me.
    I think the overall comparatively more somber tone might have something to do with it, or maybe it's just something as minor as the absence of Adol, but there's something missing here for me. Maybe I should replay it as Hugo at some point, I only ever played Yunica's route.

  • @hemangchauhan2864
    @hemangchauhan2864 6 лет назад +1

    I was halfway done with Yunica's playthrough when my PC died. Apart from some minor platforming that I wasn't a fan of, I really enjoyed what I played, just like you explained in your video.
    I'll go back to Ys1&2+ then come back and finish the rest of Origin.
    I emulated the Ys1&2 DS just out of curiosity and man... it's cumbersome. Something about the movement and combat don't feel right (maybe because of emulation, but I dunno). Music's 10/10 though.

    • @Aboveup
      @Aboveup  6 лет назад +2

      Yeah, 1 and 2 on the DS are kind of the black sheep of the 1 and 2 versions. Even above the X68000 version.

  • @DufauxSmash
    @DufauxSmash 4 года назад +1

    Homie added switch to the title
    when the confirm came through.

  • @1zeldalover
    @1zeldalover 6 лет назад +2

    Hope I get to see more like leon dancing with his zombie pals too, I never played any resedent evils till 4, And as happenstance has it, I got a good {Giddie} Out of its misdemeaning subjectorys.

  • @anubhavtitus
    @anubhavtitus 6 лет назад +2

    With the Ys series now done will you do reviews for other falcom titles?

    • @Aboveup
      @Aboveup  6 лет назад +4

      At some point in the future I do want to go through Xanadu and Brandish, yes. Maybe Trails, but the channel would have to be a bit bigger for me to justify that amount of time per video.

  • @AerrihnStreams
    @AerrihnStreams 5 лет назад +1

    wait, you’re not gonna do celceta??

  • @texben123
    @texben123 Год назад

    Ys origins, where there was peace and prosperity hundreds of years ago, until a war broke out between the humans and this ancient civilization fell.
    It’s always some advanced civilization that falls, then another civilization takes its place. A lot of these RPG‘s always have the same pattern thousands of years ago in ancient race of people were peaceful, then go to war destroy them selves in the main characters like a descendent or something.
    In real life, there used to be a lot of ancient civilizations that were a lot smarter than we were told . Which eventually fell in the surviving people, created another civilization learning from the past and developing metal weapons during the Bronze Age.

    • @matthewmuir8884
      @matthewmuir8884 5 месяцев назад

      Ys in the game doesn't fall apart due to war between humans; it falls apart because the source of the magic and cleria ore that made it prosper: the black pearl, produces demons as a by-product when used by humans, and one of the kingdom's own priests got greedy and sought to seize the black pearl and the demonic essence created by it.

  • @Bdanny234
    @Bdanny234 5 лет назад +2

    So far I have played Ys orgins and Ys 8 I wish they would release the other games in the Franchise on consoles

    • @newgameaaaa
      @newgameaaaa 3 года назад

      I want Y's Origin for the PS4, but I don't know which version I should get. There are 3 different English covers.

    • @Bdanny234
      @Bdanny234 3 года назад

      @@newgameaaaa I got all of them on the PS4, the Xbox and the switch so far they all work good what is your primary console

    • @newgameaaaa
      @newgameaaaa 3 года назад

      @@Bdanny234 I am referring to the 3 versions on the PS4. Does the UK version work just like the other 2 English ones? I am in the USA so I hope my PS4 can work with the UK version (red cover art). The other 2 English versions have a tower and clouds in the background; the other has 2 character faces on the cover.

    • @Bdanny234
      @Bdanny234 3 года назад

      @@newgameaaaa honestly man I don’t know i live in the US also that’s the only copy I have

  • @ryansusanto6350
    @ryansusanto6350 6 лет назад +1

    this the for now about ys series...
    and the news that NOX project is Ys IX ....
    is this will continue from Ys 7 time or just another journal update for adol...

    • @FredMaverik
      @FredMaverik 5 лет назад +1

      Dude, even when you posted this it was already old news. Yes, Ys IX is the Monstrum Nox game. And yes, it is set after Ys Seven, finally. We have slightly older and different Adol this time around

  • @Focalors21
    @Focalors21 6 лет назад

    There is some news about Ys 9: Monstrum Nox for the PS4, the screenshots show a darker tone, pretty much gothic that previous games didn't have, a hooded figure, no mention of Adol Christin, among other things.
    I just hope that certain company, tu sabes cual, doesn't handle the translation.

    • @deadturret4049
      @deadturret4049 5 лет назад

      its been confirmed that Adol is one of the main protagonists of 9.

  • @JackieFroSTALKER
    @JackieFroSTALKER 6 лет назад +5

    I don't know why but I was really amused by the "Spoiler Free Landing Zone".

  • @Omega77232
    @Omega77232 4 года назад

    Am I the only one played ys in nightmare or inferno on 1st play through?

  • @AstralPhnx
    @AstralPhnx 11 месяцев назад +1

    Origin is a weird one for me, the gameplay is tight, the presentation is nice, but the fact I need to play through it basically three separate times with three different characters going through a lot of the same areas, fighting a lot of the same bosses etc is just a GIGANTIC shot in the foot for me. In general the fact that you go through the same damn tower three separate times is just kinda... A huge turn off for me and absolutely just kneecaps the whole experience. It just kinda bores me a tad ngl, especially if you're primarily interested in the story. I enjoy the Ys games but Origin is just not for me

    • @matthewmuir8884
      @matthewmuir8884 5 месяцев назад

      For me, my major criticism is that the story would've been better if all three routes had been written to align perfectly and all be canon, instead of only one story being canon.

  • @texben123
    @texben123 Год назад

    I know the two goddesses or angels are race of humans that have wings.
    And then the demons of invaded, to try to take over the world, which is typical. I’m just gonna assume that the demons are fallen angels or an alien race. that want the goddesses power to conquer everything.

  • @rojiyaaderakuruuzu8058
    @rojiyaaderakuruuzu8058 5 лет назад +1

    how i wish brave fencer musashi graphics like this :(

    • @creekandseminole
      @creekandseminole 4 года назад

      That game needs a re-visit. A Switch remake would be cool

  • @MasterLee2011
    @MasterLee2011 2 года назад

    When are you going to review Ys 9?

  • @gyrenrockz
    @gyrenrockz 4 года назад

    i thought Adol was the unlockable

  • @LINKPlayLongplay
    @LINKPlayLongplay 5 лет назад

    Hi =)
    Good game)

  • @newgameaaaa
    @newgameaaaa 3 года назад

    I want Y's Origin for the PS4, but I don't know which version I should get. There are 3 different English covers.

  • @liviekumori
    @liviekumori 5 лет назад +2

    Too bad this game isn't on the psp

  • @DSan-kl2yc
    @DSan-kl2yc 2 года назад

    Origins was the first game I played. The fact it was cheaper than 8 or 4(maybe 4 remake hadn't even come out on ps4). And that adol wasn't the main(which I didn't care about), or.
    that it was a prequel.
    For me, I might like Ys 1-2 more. But it's so important because it made the lore of 1 important to me. Maybe I wouldn't have liked the Lore or the story, of especially the first game, without this one.
    And yea I was surprise by how good yunica was. And the second character's story surprised me too. I never did the brother's route. I did hear about it.
    I do think it's a bit of a flaw that they expect you to play 3 times in a row. Instead of integrating the story better.

  • @advmx3
    @advmx3 4 года назад

    The third character unlocking situation is really weird for me on Pc. Because on the OG release of Ys Origin in Japanese, you HAD to play with both characters, but as soon as XSEED localized the game (using the fan translation created in three years by fans for the Japanese Release instead of doing their own, only three months AFTER the fan translation was released) they decided to make you win the game with only one of them. But Origin's story is only good if you play in order, and with both Good sizes first then with Claw. I don't know why they did it, but I prefer the Console releases, just because it's closer to the OG release of the game anyway. AND it has some new artwork on the menus and HUD that I WISH Xseed tried to replicate on ALL of the Ark engine's on PC just to modernize it a bit.

  • @Holyblades1982
    @Holyblades1982 3 года назад

    Just saw this after buying the game and getting a bit over halfway on nightmare. Yea I regret picking nightmare after picking a certain boss in the sand area...

  • @bnhearyza4767
    @bnhearyza4767 6 лет назад

    New here but I really enjoyed this video.
    Good job!
    Me personally, I really didn't enjoy this game.
    Hugo was abysmal to play as.
    Yunica was alright.
    The bosses sucked horribly, minus Gilady and maybe one or two other.
    Still leagues above the newer Ys games though.
    I much prefer Ys: Oath in Felghana.
    It is way harder, way faster, with a better ost, more varied locations, more varied enemies, and best of all, it has significantly better boss battles for the most part.
    But that's just me

  • @kraziezombie
    @kraziezombie 5 лет назад

    Is this co-op?????

  • @EXHellfire
    @EXHellfire 4 года назад

    game's on Vita too, don't dig its coffin even deeper man

  • @valrain9362
    @valrain9362 2 года назад

    Because I really enjoyed Legacy of the wizard's soundtrack, I looked up the composer and saw he did the score for Ys series..this began my adventure.
    I have to disagree. Playing as Hugo first is what made me want to play through the game two more times.
    To me Yunica's story felt...generic. whereas Hugo's had just that little bit more of depth.
    This was my first Ys game btw and because of this game, I want to play them all (even though older games are a little rough to play).