Your whole sentiment about “people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in 10” has led me to create a 20s journal with lessons I’ve learned, books I’ve read, and goals to accomplish by 30. Your advice has already been life changing, especially the “you *are* that type of person” advice has empowered me to do new things that I was always attracted to but scared of. Thank you for everything
Once in my teens I made a NYR to eat mushrooms, aubergines and olives until I liked them. It worked. I'm so grateful to that past self. And smile any time I tell that story.
Lol! I've loved mushrooms ever since I was little so I'm happy for you. However I've always hated pesto since I was little, still do, and definitely don't plan on eating pesto until I like it lol!
@@lili11.11 I hated mushrooms and marmite until I was about 23... Forced myself to eat them over and over and now I like them 😂 I'm now pretty convinced that everyone can like most foods if they let themselves get used to them. Except coriander. That's the devil.
I did that with vegemite and yoghurt! Felt so proud of my successes and I'm glad it worked for someone else. For anyone wandering by, you have to be motivated and actually want to like it- you can't force feed it to someone and it doesn't work if you're very repulsed by it.
For the vegan/ vegetarian thing- I live at home and my dad is fussy enough for my mum, she doesn’t need my restrictions too, so I eat vegetarian when I’m not at home and if I want to eat vegetarian at home I just cook for my family. I can’t cook at home every day but I can eat a lot less meat than before.
I just want to tell you that’s wonderful. You’re mindful of your surroundings and still doing the best you can in the situation you are in. Happy 2021 to you 🥂
My best (most successful, funnest, effective) resolution was "Be higher maintenance." I used this resolution to experiment with makeup and hair and dressing highly femme/fancy after years of trying to code queer/too cool to care. I learned so much about performative femininity, the ridiculousness of coding queer, and how much of those things I truly wanted to do!
This is so interesting to me! I'm always stuck in that 'wanting to look queer enough for others to pick up on but not so obvious that my family etc will suspect' and end up dressing like an unfortunate 14yo boy. Part of me wants to be more femme and also badass, its so confusing and hard to find an actual style! How did yours end up?
THIS EYEMAKEUP IS UNREAL! WHAT DID YOU USE FOR THIS MAGIC! Also what is fucked with the world is such a great place to start! I love this video! Thanks Leena
My vegan/vegetarian goals are always related to recipes. I don’t think going vegan will ever be healthy for me, but setting the challenge of finding a vegan or vegetarian dinner recipe I really like is doable. As I make recipes I love a lot, simply learning one new recipe will still result in quite a lot of vegan or vegetarian meals
Basing fitness resolutions on fun things i want to do helps a lot. Mine are about being able to rock climb and go backpacking, because i've wanted to do those things for a long time. It helps motivate me without having to stress about things that i don't have complete control over, like my weight.
CGP Grey talks about having a yearly theme instead of a resolution. You would really struggle to fail at paying attention to an idea and it's vague enough to adapt as your situation and understanding changes
Aaaah, I love this video! Some of my resolutions for 2021 include: sleep with my phone in my bed less (if I leave my phone on my desk even ONCE A MONTH I will count this as a success), make a budget (not *stick* to a budget, just make one), and keep curating my wardrobe so I own clothes that actually fit me and I want to wear. You've inspired/made me think about stuff a LOT this year so thank you, especially for totally rocking your own, brilliant sense of style in a way that's inspired me to try and find mine!
This is an end of the year comment, not directly linked to this video :) I have been watching for many years now, but this year I felt the urge to share most of the videos you made. The way you approach so many complicated topics is so engaging and has make me re think a lot about consumption, the climate crisis and how I see myself in body and mind. So thanks! Hoping for a nice 2021 and plenty more positive panicking
I'm sat here eating a king size pot noodle and a big bag of sensations (thai sweet chili) knowing full well I have started a new exercise thing, but not in an effort to lose weight but to improve my chronic illness, and also my mom died on the 2nd of December and I started work again today for the first time since she died so I feel I deserve a "you did a normal thing" snack. Happy new year.
You’re so right when you say that the goal need to be about the process instead of the result. Ultimately you only control the process and not the result. Writing 3 hours a day would be the process. Whatever comes out of that would be the result.
I loved this! I decided not to make New Year's Resolutions a couple of years ago as I never followed them through (surprise, surprise) and instead now set vague targets or aims. They're essentially the same but I feel way, less pressure about them. This year, simply to exercise more regularly. Now, I don't exercise at all right now, so whether once a week, once a month, or even just walking into the city (when I'm allowed) will let me feel like I've started working on this goal. I like that it's vague and has lots of wiggle room. Also, my jukebox song for you is "The Future Freaks Me Out" by Motion City Soundtrack - it's an upbeat, synth filled punk rock version of an existential crisis. I hope you enjoy it
Please make a video about it once you've watched all the films with Meryl Streep! It's also been a goal of mine (without a time frame) to do that, I just love her so much
Your eyeshadow is stunning! My resolutions for this year are to do more of what I love and consciously make time for it, because although I love my degree, it's not all my soul is made of. So the plan is to make more time for flute playing, non-academic reading, knitting and running. Also, take one whole day off every week. Radical! (Honestly, how do you do that, there is always so much work to be done and guilt to be felt??)
@@emmaletham6514 Yes, but I'll have sat at my desk for like 8 hours and then continue "working" when in reality I'm not achieving anything and need a break lol. Often a text I read when I was tired won't make any sense to me and I'll just have to read it again the next day anyway
This year I'm going to try to stick to habits I want to develop 80% of the time: this way I'm not going to feel like a failure when I don't check off every day every week. Thank you for your videos, they always brighten up my day :)
This is assuming that u never achieve any of those resolutions though. On the flip side, setting a goal for the year and achieving it can give u a really deep sense of satisfaction and you can literally tick a box, pat yourself on the back and say "I did it!". It's a misconception that they have to be all about berating yourself and failing
When you asked if Trollope was a bad word, I immediately thought "it means lies doesn't it?" Then I remembered that's codswallop, which is a word I haven't thought about for ages and is lots of fun to say. So thanks 😊 (and thanks for a thought provoking video as always). Incidentally, one of my new years resolutions is to comment on videos more, so here I am getting a head start.
Your videos always bring me so much joy! I agree soo much with all of your points. I particularly hate, as you said, how goals have to measurable and tangible, nothing is intrinsically valuable. Kindness, compassion, organising to prevent climate change, spending time with family, helping the homeless are not seen as legit goals because they can’t be monetised or measured. Instead we celebrate people who sacrifice their lives, relationships, happiness, health to make their goals happen. And these goals are often a gateway to right-wing and patriarchal values: investing money, toughening up, strength, self-reliance, individualism, competition, reinforces the classic idea of restoring ‘traditional values’ to ‘fix’ society.
Thank you for the invitation to this excellent New Years party! Two points that resonated with me were "it doesn't have to be all or nothing" and "there has to be a stop and a start" - definitely gonna keep those two in mind. Also, I want to listen to Stevie Nicks' entire discography this year - just for my own enjoyment.
Discovered your channel a month or two ago and you are pretty much my favourite creator now, and certainly the only one who regularly makes me laugh out loud!
My top tip as a student is not to make resolutions on January 1st, but at the beginning of a new school year, as I think it is a more significant change in our lives (starting a new grade/degree..) and therefore a chance for a fresh start. At new year, I revisit my resolutions and update them, maybe slightly change some of them or abandon those, that have been proven to be unrealistic or unuseful. Thanks a lot for the video Leena, I love your channel!
Life is long- David Byrne and Brian Eno Great end of the year song. I think my resolutions are more like "figure out what you like about this" "find a way to be more comfortable with your body", etc... but this year I kinda want to make a few "meaningless" resolutions: go to the forest every few months, drink more water, learn some greek for when you can actually visit, pay more attention to your dreams, stuff like that I guess. oh and Join the gumpion club
After 20+ years of living and feeling not normal almost all the time, this year I’ve figured out that I’m both asexual and aromantic. It has felt amazing to realize this for myself, after so many years in doubt of why I lived and thought the way I do. Still, I can’t keep myself from doubting this identity everytime (everyday) someone/something “screams” at me that the path to a good life is romantic love. But my goal for 2021 will be to go back to enjoying myself. Not comparing to whom I could be (better), nor to a way of being that is “sold” as the only way of true happiness. Just enjoying coming back to my true self. Thanks for the great video Leena.
Once I did a week of doing something new every day and it was so fun! I didnt limit it super strictly, like I went to new hiking trails, but it isnt like Ive never been hiking at all. It was all in my home area too. That could be a fun resolution!
I was very close to setting a daily page count resolution, but I've decided to go with books instead for exactly the reason you outlined in this video!!
So appreciated this Leena - thank you! My approach to any resolution is the 80% rule. If you can fulfill your goal 80% of the time or even 50% really, that is still successful!
I give myself a sliding scale for measurable goals. Like this year, I want to draw every day. But drawing 365 days in a row i see as 100% of the time. I am happy with anything that is 75% or better, which would mean I can not do it for 3 months out of the year and I have still met my goal and that make my goals feel a lot more achievable.
Ur eye makeup is out of this world in this video. Your videos have been my most favorite thing this year. They're the reason I've been less hard on myself
11) if you fail ur resolution (eg u gave up chocolate but gave in and had a bar) that doesnt meen thats it!! dont go oh woops i broke my streak better just eat all the chocolate i can from now on... u can still carry on with the resolution. start again the next day u dont have to wait till next year. i dont care if u restart 50 times at least ur trying
The “ten people are allowed to hate you.” 😯😯😯😯 That hits hard. 🥺 Especially the description. Someone being against you for a reason you find unfair and desperately wanting to fix. I feel naked hearing that. That takes up a HUGE part of my brain and my day. Every day. Even just one person I can’t handle. Or, I guess, if I don’t like them I don’t mind if they don’t like me. It’s just people I liked. Or at least respected. Because it feels less like a difference of opinion and more a misunderstanding they have about me and don’t believe they could be wrong. This idea/ advice is nothing even close to anything I’ve ever heard before. At least never from someone who isn’t a typical selfish overly confident “I do what I want and I don’t care if people hate me” kinda Kardashian-esque individual. Never from a nice person. Not until right now. That’s gonna take a while to digest. But thank you 🥺❤️
Loved this video! My new years resolution for 2019 was just to "drink more tea" knowing that I wasn't a tea drinker. So I only had to drink a couple cups of tea to complete my resolution instead of saying "I will drink one cup a day" which i would not do
My new year's resolution is to reduce my waste, I've chosen three ways to do this: Terracycle - a company who recycle crisp packets, cheese packaging, confectionery packing etc Compost - my local authority are going to introduce food waste bins, after I wrote to my MP Eco bricks - collecting clean, non-recyclable plastic into a 2l bottle to prevent it ending up in the sea, when I have enough bricks I'll make them into a chair
Yes to all of this. I'm a big supporter of the system not the goal (i.e. exercise 3x a week not lose X pounds) and review and tweak your path quarterly and i sey my goal to "complete 75% of my resolutions" -> giving myself automatic permission to do aim for perfection. May 2021 be ever in your favour.
Girl this video was SUPER honest and helpful, suddenly I don’t feel like hopeless and are actually thinking about a few options of how to improve my year but at the same time NOT being too hard on myself and setting myself up for failure 👍🏻 Doing your bit every day is about as good as you can do and if that bit is resting and doing nothing now and then, then thats what you needed also.
This is so good. I hadnt even thought of resolutions for 2021, as mine for 2020 were "survive" and "maybe go out more" so... half completed. I have no idea what next year will look like but I hope I can make it somewhat fun. Thank you!
LOVE the input not outcome rule and that resolutions can be changed. I'd also add that you can set resolution for a week or two, then after that for another. This way a) you win 52 times - if you fail once, you still have 51 wins - instead of one or zero b) you can easily readjust
I admit I don't read. I'm as of this post a 24-year-old person. After seeing Leena's "20's" playlist of videos I've learned many mind-blowingly simple and helpful tools. Knowing Leena gets these immensely helpful tips from books like this, well, I have the book through google play now. Thank you for helping me navigate my 20's Leena!
The idea to write a paragraph in January and compare it to a paragraph that will be written in December as a metric for measuring improvement may have just changed my life! Thank you, and Happy New Year!! 😃💕
I‘ve been coming back to this at the end of the year, because it helps me to figure out how I want to approach the next one. Thank you Leena, I think this is one of your best ❤
I'm clearly years late lol but I really had to embrace the "they have to improve you" lie. One of my goals this year is to watch a new (to me) movie every week. When I tell people that, they are surprised and say "that's a fun goal" and I realized I need to incorporate fun goals more regularly.
i only have 2 this year: improve my relationship with food + my body, and get better at making decisions. 2020 really destroyed my relationship with food but also shone a light on the places where I could start small to improve it. and also I hate having to ask a million people for their opinion on tiny inconsequential decisions! ah! happy new year everyone. may your minds stay sharp and your hugs stay warm.
I didn't have any resolutions, and now I've come up with a couple: 1. Continue writing and enjoying fanfiction. 2. Explore and have fun with my gender identity and expression (for context, I've recently come to the realistion that I'm probably a demigirl).
Leena ! This video's was my biggest New year's celebration... Some people might say pathetic... But I have been in a hospital with no Wi-Fi for months and 2 hours before had a panic attack so I think watching this at my midnight... And actually laughing and feeling inspired is an ass kicking achievement. Thank you ❤️
I treat my NYR like a bucket list of things I want to do with my year but I don't really have much in mind this year except appreciate what motherhood brings me. She's 3 months old right now so it's going to be special year 😍
That's what I've been thinking recently. It's not about completing tasks, more about certain themes in your life, directions that you want to move in. And it's not all or nothing. Every small step counts. I haven't made "traditional" new year's resolution for a while now. Usually I try to come up with a motto, a phrase to inspire me, and sometimes that stays with me for a couple of years if still relevant. Some of my favourites have been: "Try to find reasons why you CAN do it, instead of listing the reasons why you can't." and "Be open to the good things that might happen to you and open to be the good thing that happens to someone else." This year, after 2020... I'm really not sure where I'm heading... And that's ok :)
My new years resolutions are just to continue the habits I've been building last year but I have a friend who just has a bucket list instead of resolutions which sounds like fun
I'm not into my 20s yet but I find your videos helpful anyway. Its relaxing that I can just listen to great advice whike doing chores or resting or whatever.
Weirdly, you inspired me to write down new years resolutions now, haha. But maybe because the way you frame it make it more relatable and enjoyable altogether!
All my plans fell through this NYE, my partner fell asleep early, and all the fireworks were blocked from view by the buildings surrounding mine. I rang in the new year with my sister on the phone to keep me company... So you best beLIEVE this video is my self-care patch before I go to sleep! Thanks Leena and happy new year everyone xoxo let's all stop trying to control shit we have no control over xoxoxo
A few points: 1. That eye shadow is fantastic 2. The quote on perfectionism was genuinely really helpful, thank you for that! 3. God job this year Lena, truly. You've made some really fantastic videos this year that have given me new thoughts and perspectives 4. Happy new bloody year!
This year I want to knit scarves for as many people I care about as possible!! It started as making Christmas presents but I really love it now and I think it’s a really sweet thing to give to people I care for as it’s useful and handmade and sappily it’s like a hug from a distance (I live far from both my homes regularly) Also I want to give my main Uni lecturer and dissertation coach a home knitted scarf when I graduate, as she is A. Amazing and B. She’s been really invested in my knitting pre Christmas and was always asking how it was going 😊
I really agree with the tip about resolution not having to be about me, like seriously there's not much I can change about myself every year, but the world definitely has enough
I just want to pop in to say that today will be the achievement of one of my 2020 New Years Resolutions (the only one I kept but who cares). On Jan 1st I did 1 second of plank, on Jan 2nd I did 2 seconds of plank. Today I did 6 minutes and 6 seconds of plank. I could barely plank for 1 min at the start of the year, but every day I could plank for 1 second more than I did the day before. It has really inspired me as a metaphor for what I can achieve if I try to make consistent but tiny changes rather than changing something big all at once
This video is amazing. I keep being surprised by the quality of this channel, how entertaining, varied, interesting, well made and helpful the videos are, and how incredibly intelligent and funny you are. Thank you.
I love this. I’m only at 6:00 (and you might address this later), but I want to attach this to the idea that it’s not “all or nothing” when making decisions. When I don’t follow through on something 100%, it’s easy for me to chuck the whole thing through the window. Probably it’s related to the concepts of purity and identity, but really focusing on impact like you say is so much more powerful! The breach of purity doesn’t jeopardize the impact on the whole
Hi! Just wanted to say that over the years I've come to hate reading, both because I don't have any attention span and because I feel everything I want to learn, I can learn online. However, your book suggestions are always so unique and you speak so passionately about what you love to read, that you spark so much interest in me. I will for sure check out at least half of the books you mentioned in this video! ❤
Since watching Attenborough’s latest and reading Sapiens in 2020, I have already implemented a ‘meat is a luxury’ rule. I am allowed to eat it if I’m eating out but I do not buy it for home unless it’s a special occasion. If I am going to buy it, I also have to buy locally and ethically (but if the Christmas ham I bought from a local butcher turns out to be Danish, I do not beat myself up, just make a note for next time). I’ve also just subscribed to milk and more meaning I’m buying glass bottles and they also do oat milk in glass, so I’ve switched to that 🥛
Thank you!! This video is the high point of my New Years. I left my family after christmas to be with my boyfriend who's been working six hours away, living in a hotel four days a week the last three, so I've just been staying at his place in it's barren, hollow state. When he finally came home again yesterday it turns out that he's going to a social gaming New Years-gathering(which is kind of out of character, thought he cared about covid more than me...) and he doesn't want me to come with- thus, here I am, alone again, at his place. So I'm just watching Star Trek, eating lussekatter and listening to Rico Nasty.
Exactly what I needed to hear, and I love the glittery eye makeup. As for a Jukebox suggestion: Sunflower by Vampire Weekend and So Hot You're My Feelings - Caroline Polachek.
I'm a very rare breed of person who actually really likes new years resolutions. I completely understand why they don't resonate with other people, but for me it's like my one thing I have to do for that year and there's only this year to do it- how I do it, or when I do it (within the year) is irrelevant. But there will only be one 2021 so if I do nothing else in 2021 I at least know what one thing I need to focus on. Last year I went vegan and I'm still vegan now and have zero plans to change. This year its to quit smoking- which, admittedly, might be one of my hardest yet. But I've already had a successful year of giving up cheese so I now feel more confident than ever that I can do this. If 2021 goes to shit and I do nothing all year BUT I'm confidently a non-smoker by the end of the year then no matter what else happend the year will have been a success
i've written resolutions every year in my journal for maybe the past four years, and I use journaling as a way to keep on top of what I wanted to do this year. Usually my resolutions are just stage goals not personality changes, so for this year one of my goals was "take sunday morning off/as self care" and another was "watch more black and white films". If I want to really enact change a la a traditional resolution I don't like to start on January 1st, because I think there is way too much pressure. Instead I start change when I want and then for the January resolutions the resolution becomes more "lets see if I can continue with that"
At first I was just not going to make resolutions for this year because it felt silly, but now I actually feel prepared to set some good goals!! Bless you Leena
My grandma once made a new year's resolution with a friend that they would stop smoking, except for in the month march, and if they failed they had to donate money to a charity every year. My grandmother only smoked in march for years and years, her friend paid the money every year.
I like making themes of the year. 2019 was my year of Unapologetically Advocating for Myself and i spent the year on more auditions than ever before, i got a job, I quit things that made me uncomfortable, all because i wasn't apologizing for taking up space. 2020's theme was deeply forgettable, to the point where i just reread it yesterday and ive already forgotten it again. BUT 2021 is my Year of ~**~Building~**~ I want to build a morning routine that makes me excited to get out of bed! I want to build a writing routine that keeps me engaged in my stories, and overall i want to build a life that i am excited to participate in. I find that themes forgive that feeling of "It has to be all or nothing" because rather than getting on my own case about "i didn't write every day" it becomes "something about the routine of writing every day is not working for me, how can i rework this into something that does?"
“It’s about impact not identity”
Holy shit this hit me harder than it should have. Going into 2021 with this in mind ❤️
Same!! I’ve been wanting to quit eating meet and go vegan but it’s such a commitment... this makes so much sense
Me too! Focus on impact not identity!
Your whole sentiment about “people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in 10” has led me to create a 20s journal with lessons I’ve learned, books I’ve read, and goals to accomplish by 30. Your advice has already been life changing, especially the “you *are* that type of person” advice has empowered me to do new things that I was always attracted to but scared of. Thank you for everything
I love this. Really sums up how I feel about this channel and Leena's ~vibe~. just nice and aggressively empowering!!
*grabs pen and paper to start planning this pub crawl*
We're starting at Cheshire Cheese and ending at Bogaloo. Everything else in between is up for grabs!
Count me in
Once in my teens I made a NYR to eat mushrooms, aubergines and olives until I liked them. It worked. I'm so grateful to that past self. And smile any time I tell that story.
Lol! I've loved mushrooms ever since I was little so I'm happy for you. However I've always hated pesto since I was little, still do, and definitely don't plan on eating pesto until I like it lol!
I did that with avocados a few years ago!
@@lili11.11 I hated mushrooms and marmite until I was about 23... Forced myself to eat them over and over and now I like them 😂 I'm now pretty convinced that everyone can like most foods if they let themselves get used to them. Except coriander. That's the devil.
I did that with vegemite and yoghurt! Felt so proud of my successes and I'm glad it worked for someone else. For anyone wandering by, you have to be motivated and actually want to like it- you can't force feed it to someone and it doesn't work if you're very repulsed by it.
Sick new years eve party, i popped in, was comfortable and got some good convo out of it ten out of nine stars
For the vegan/ vegetarian thing- I live at home and my dad is fussy enough for my mum, she doesn’t need my restrictions too, so I eat vegetarian when I’m not at home and if I want to eat vegetarian at home I just cook for my family. I can’t cook at home every day but I can eat a lot less meat than before.
I just want to tell you that’s wonderful. You’re mindful of your surroundings and still doing the best you can in the situation you are in. Happy 2021 to you 🥂
@@julieannelovesbooks happy 2021 :)
Iorn deficiency is horrible.
(The best natural way is beef and most pills are from animal blood)
@@andyrevan I’m sorry but I don’t think your comment is relevant to the conversation we were having? Have a nice day though
My best (most successful, funnest, effective) resolution was "Be higher maintenance." I used this resolution to experiment with makeup and hair and dressing highly femme/fancy after years of trying to code queer/too cool to care. I learned so much about performative femininity, the ridiculousness of coding queer, and how much of those things I truly wanted to do!
This is so interesting to me! I'm always stuck in that 'wanting to look queer enough for others to pick up on but not so obvious that my family etc will suspect' and end up dressing like an unfortunate 14yo boy. Part of me wants to be more femme and also badass, its so confusing and hard to find an actual style! How did yours end up?
very cool!!!
Well this was incredibly helpful and now I’m adjusting every resolution I made this year
we love an obedient buddy! 😂
THIS EYEMAKEUP IS UNREAL! WHAT DID YOU USE FOR THIS MAGIC! Also what is fucked with the world is such a great place to start! I love this video! Thanks Leena
i NEED A TUTORIAL! it’s so gorgeous!
@@jessshorst just look up halo eye tutorial on RUclips! It’s just a halo eye with an extended inner corner highlight 😊
@@Yourrrr thank you!!
I was just about to comment the same! Stunning Leena!!
Deny! My grandad is called Robert and as such we have a "hilarious" family joke:
Bob's not your uncle, but he is your grandad!
hahah excellent!
My grandad is also called Robert but he would not find this funny :')
im not british but i do have an uncle called ron, so balance is restored
my grandad: also Bob
"if you have run out of things to say stop talking"... Feeling very called out Leena!
This is becoming my favorite RUclips channel lately. It's so refreshingly reasonable, witty and funny.
I wanted to learn piano, I learned one song, memorized it even, at a second-grade level. I succeeded.
i love that the lights are attached to the door handle. that is perfect
i feel like it represents the precariousness of 2020 tbh
My vegan/vegetarian goals are always related to recipes. I don’t think going vegan will ever be healthy for me, but setting the challenge of finding a vegan or vegetarian dinner recipe I really like is doable. As I make recipes I love a lot, simply learning one new recipe will still result in quite a lot of vegan or vegetarian meals
Carrot cake is a really good one
Basing fitness resolutions on fun things i want to do helps a lot. Mine are about being able to rock climb and go backpacking, because i've wanted to do those things for a long time. It helps motivate me without having to stress about things that i don't have complete control over, like my weight.
Really like the vegan point! Especially mindful to those who struggled with eating in the past xx
CGP Grey talks about having a yearly theme instead of a resolution. You would really struggle to fail at paying attention to an idea and it's vague enough to adapt as your situation and understanding changes
Aaaah, I love this video! Some of my resolutions for 2021 include: sleep with my phone in my bed less (if I leave my phone on my desk even ONCE A MONTH I will count this as a success), make a budget (not *stick* to a budget, just make one), and keep curating my wardrobe so I own clothes that actually fit me and I want to wear. You've inspired/made me think about stuff a LOT this year so thank you, especially for totally rocking your own, brilliant sense of style in a way that's inspired me to try and find mine!
This is an end of the year comment, not directly linked to this video :) I have been watching for many years now, but this year I felt the urge to share most of the videos you made. The way you approach so many complicated topics is so engaging and has make me re think a lot about consumption, the climate crisis and how I see myself in body and mind. So thanks!
Hoping for a nice 2021 and plenty more positive panicking
I'm sat here eating a king size pot noodle and a big bag of sensations (thai sweet chili) knowing full well I have started a new exercise thing, but not in an effort to lose weight but to improve my chronic illness, and also my mom died on the 2nd of December and I started work again today for the first time since she died so I feel I deserve a "you did a normal thing" snack. Happy new year.
Also I started my exercise thing a few weeks back because why the fuck wait till Jan 1st to do something different with your life.
You’re so right when you say that the goal need to be about the process instead of the result. Ultimately you only control the process and not the result. Writing 3 hours a day would be the process. Whatever comes out of that would be the result.
I loved this! I decided not to make New Year's Resolutions a couple of years ago as I never followed them through (surprise, surprise) and instead now set vague targets or aims. They're essentially the same but I feel way, less pressure about them. This year, simply to exercise more regularly. Now, I don't exercise at all right now, so whether once a week, once a month, or even just walking into the city (when I'm allowed) will let me feel like I've started working on this goal. I like that it's vague and has lots of wiggle room.
Also, my jukebox song for you is "The Future Freaks Me Out" by Motion City Soundtrack - it's an upbeat, synth filled punk rock version of an existential crisis. I hope you enjoy it
Two points: a) your eye makeup looks FAB in this video, and b) thank you for keeping me company this year with your videos ☺
Please make a video about it once you've watched all the films with Meryl Streep! It's also been a goal of mine (without a time frame) to do that, I just love her so much
Your eyeshadow is stunning! My resolutions for this year are to do more of what I love and consciously make time for it, because although I love my degree, it's not all my soul is made of. So the plan is to make more time for flute playing, non-academic reading, knitting and running. Also, take one whole day off every week. Radical! (Honestly, how do you do that, there is always so much work to be done and guilt to be felt??)
Umm.. did I write this? Haha 😂 I’ll be thinking of you Emma
@@oflifeandstuff thanks Emily, and I of you since I presume you too are a *whispers* workoholic? :D
@@emmaletham6514 Yes, but I'll have sat at my desk for like 8 hours and then continue "working" when in reality I'm not achieving anything and need a break lol. Often a text I read when I was tired won't make any sense to me and I'll just have to read it again the next day anyway
Your eyes are stunning in this video. Drawn in!
How to Give Up the Meat: A Leena Norms Dating Column
"How to Give Up the Meat: A Leena Norms Dating Column" - thanks I died
@@dashamanshina HAHA! Thanks!
This year I'm going to try to stick to habits I want to develop 80% of the time: this way I'm not going to feel like a failure when I don't check off every day every week. Thank you for your videos, they always brighten up my day :)
This is assuming that u never achieve any of those resolutions though. On the flip side, setting a goal for the year and achieving it can give u a really deep sense of satisfaction and you can literally tick a box, pat yourself on the back and say "I did it!". It's a misconception that they have to be all about berating yourself and failing
When you asked if Trollope was a bad word, I immediately thought "it means lies doesn't it?" Then I remembered that's codswallop, which is a word I haven't thought about for ages and is lots of fun to say. So thanks 😊 (and thanks for a thought provoking video as always).
Incidentally, one of my new years resolutions is to comment on videos more, so here I am getting a head start.
Your videos always bring me so much joy! I agree soo much with all of your points. I particularly hate, as you said, how goals have to measurable and tangible, nothing is intrinsically valuable. Kindness, compassion, organising to prevent climate change, spending time with family, helping the homeless are not seen as legit goals because they can’t be monetised or measured. Instead we celebrate people who sacrifice their lives, relationships, happiness, health to make their goals happen. And these goals are often a gateway to right-wing and patriarchal values: investing money, toughening up, strength, self-reliance, individualism, competition, reinforces the classic idea of restoring ‘traditional values’ to ‘fix’ society.
Thank you for the invitation to this excellent New Years party! Two points that resonated with me were "it doesn't have to be all or nothing" and "there has to be a stop and a start" - definitely gonna keep those two in mind. Also, I want to listen to Stevie Nicks' entire discography this year - just for my own enjoyment.
You inspiring woman ✨
Haha aw mate your videos have been inspiring me since like 2015 so right back at you x
Discovered your channel a month or two ago and you are pretty much my favourite creator now, and certainly the only one who regularly makes me laugh out loud!
My top tip as a student is not to make resolutions on January 1st, but at the beginning of a new school year, as I think it is a more significant change in our lives (starting a new grade/degree..) and therefore a chance for a fresh start. At new year, I revisit my resolutions and update them, maybe slightly change some of them or abandon those, that have been proven to be unrealistic or unuseful.
Thanks a lot for the video Leena, I love your channel!
Life is long- David Byrne and Brian Eno
Great end of the year song.
I think my resolutions are more like "figure out what you like about this" "find a way to be more comfortable with your body", etc... but this year I kinda want to make a few "meaningless" resolutions: go to the forest every few months, drink more water, learn some greek for when you can actually visit, pay more attention to your dreams, stuff like that I guess.
oh and Join the gumpion club
After 20+ years of living and feeling not normal almost all the time, this year I’ve figured out that I’m both asexual and aromantic. It has felt amazing to realize this for myself, after so many years in doubt of why I lived and thought the way I do. Still, I can’t keep myself from doubting this identity everytime (everyday) someone/something “screams” at me that the path to a good life is romantic love. But my goal for 2021 will be to go back to enjoying myself. Not comparing to whom I could be (better), nor to a way of being that is “sold” as the only way of true happiness. Just enjoying coming back to my true self.
Thanks for the great video Leena.
Once I did a week of doing something new every day and it was so fun! I didnt limit it super strictly, like I went to new hiking trails, but it isnt like Ive never been hiking at all. It was all in my home area too.
That could be a fun resolution!
I was very close to setting a daily page count resolution, but I've decided to go with books instead for exactly the reason you outlined in this video!!
The sorcery of that ART on your EYES, Leena!! Yes!
So appreciated this Leena - thank you! My approach to any resolution is the 80% rule. If you can fulfill your goal 80% of the time or even 50% really, that is still successful!
I give myself a sliding scale for measurable goals. Like this year, I want to draw every day. But drawing 365 days in a row i see as 100% of the time. I am happy with anything that is 75% or better, which would mean I can not do it for 3 months out of the year and I have still met my goal and that make my goals feel a lot more achievable.
Omg I feel like Ron is truly your ancestor. The absolute GUMPTION to say that to a vicar, and then to just go about living his best life.
Also my jukebox request is Boogie Wonderland by Earth, Wind & Fire
Ur eye makeup is out of this world in this video. Your videos have been my most favorite thing this year. They're the reason I've been less hard on myself
11) if you fail ur resolution (eg u gave up chocolate but gave in and had a bar) that doesnt meen thats it!! dont go oh woops i broke my streak better just eat all the chocolate i can from now on... u can still carry on with the resolution. start again the next day u dont have to wait till next year. i dont care if u restart 50 times at least ur trying
The “ten people are allowed to hate you.” 😯😯😯😯
That hits hard. 🥺
Especially the description. Someone being against you for a reason you find unfair and desperately wanting to fix. I feel naked hearing that. That takes up a HUGE part of my brain and my day. Every day. Even just one person I can’t handle. Or, I guess, if I don’t like them I don’t mind if they don’t like me. It’s just people I liked. Or at least respected. Because it feels less like a difference of opinion and more a misunderstanding they have about me and don’t believe they could be wrong.
This idea/ advice is nothing even close to anything I’ve ever heard before. At least never from someone who isn’t a typical selfish overly confident “I do what I want and I don’t care if people hate me” kinda Kardashian-esque individual. Never from a nice person. Not until right now.
That’s gonna take a while to digest. But thank you 🥺❤️
your channel is literally therapy for my self hatred and perfectionism, I'm going to send your videos to my psiquiatrist
Loved this video! My new years resolution for 2019 was just to "drink more tea" knowing that I wasn't a tea drinker. So I only had to drink a couple cups of tea to complete my resolution instead of saying "I will drink one cup a day" which i would not do
My new year's resolution is to reduce my waste, I've chosen three ways to do this:
Terracycle - a company who recycle crisp packets, cheese packaging, confectionery packing etc
Compost - my local authority are going to introduce food waste bins, after I wrote to my MP
Eco bricks - collecting clean, non-recyclable plastic into a 2l bottle to prevent it ending up in the sea, when I have enough bricks I'll make them into a chair
Yes! “Practicing plant based eating” or thinking about going vegan as a practice of health and sustainability
my resolution is to get vaccinated and stay employed lol
Both great resolutions this year 😂😭
Yes to all of this. I'm a big supporter of the system not the goal (i.e. exercise 3x a week not lose X pounds) and review and tweak your path quarterly and i sey my goal to "complete 75% of my resolutions" -> giving myself automatic permission to do aim for perfection. May 2021 be ever in your favour.
Girl this video was SUPER honest and helpful, suddenly I don’t feel like hopeless and are actually thinking about a few options of how to improve my year but at the same time NOT being too hard on myself and setting myself up for failure 👍🏻 Doing your bit every day is about as good as you can do and if that bit is resting and doing nothing now and then, then thats what you needed also.
This is so good. I hadnt even thought of resolutions for 2021, as mine for 2020 were "survive" and "maybe go out more" so... half completed. I have no idea what next year will look like but I hope I can make it somewhat fun. Thank you!
LOVE the input not outcome rule and that resolutions can be changed. I'd also add that you can set resolution for a week or two, then after that for another. This way a) you win 52 times - if you fail once, you still have 51 wins - instead of one or zero b) you can easily readjust
I admit I don't read. I'm as of this post a 24-year-old person. After seeing Leena's "20's" playlist of videos I've learned many mind-blowingly simple and helpful tools. Knowing Leena gets these immensely helpful tips from books like this, well, I have the book through google play now. Thank you for helping me navigate my 20's Leena!
The idea to write a paragraph in January and compare it to a paragraph that will be written in December as a metric for measuring improvement may have just changed my life! Thank you, and Happy New Year!! 😃💕
leena you really are the older sister figure i've needed in my life, thank u for this toolkit
Yes! My health goals are definitely related to self-care. Includes moisturizing daily and cardio x times a week + strength y times a week :)
I‘ve been coming back to this at the end of the year, because it helps me to figure out how I want to approach the next one. Thank you Leena, I think this is one of your best ❤
"I reject your judgment. I see your judgment. I hold it, and I send it back to you."
Chef's kiss 😂
I'm clearly years late lol but I really had to embrace the "they have to improve you" lie. One of my goals this year is to watch a new (to me) movie every week. When I tell people that, they are surprised and say "that's a fun goal" and I realized I need to incorporate fun goals more regularly.
i only have 2 this year: improve my relationship with food + my body, and get better at making decisions. 2020 really destroyed my relationship with food but also shone a light on the places where I could start small to improve it. and also I hate having to ask a million people for their opinion on tiny inconsequential decisions! ah! happy new year everyone. may your minds stay sharp and your hugs stay warm.
I didn't have any resolutions, and now I've come up with a couple:
1. Continue writing and enjoying fanfiction.
2. Explore and have fun with my gender identity and expression (for context, I've recently come to the realistion that I'm probably a demigirl).
Leena ! This video's was my biggest New year's celebration... Some people might say pathetic... But I have been in a hospital with no Wi-Fi for months and 2 hours before had a panic attack so I think watching this at my midnight... And actually laughing and feeling inspired is an ass kicking achievement. Thank you ❤️
you are GLOWING in this video. makeup + skincare A+++++
I treat my NYR like a bucket list of things I want to do with my year but I don't really have much in mind this year except appreciate what motherhood brings me. She's 3 months old right now so it's going to be special year 😍
That's what I've been thinking recently. It's not about completing tasks, more about certain themes in your life, directions that you want to move in. And it's not all or nothing. Every small step counts.
I haven't made "traditional" new year's resolution for a while now. Usually I try to come up with a motto, a phrase to inspire me, and sometimes that stays with me for a couple of years if still relevant. Some of my favourites have been: "Try to find reasons why you CAN do it, instead of listing the reasons why you can't." and "Be open to the good things that might happen to you and open to be the good thing that happens to someone else."
This year, after 2020... I'm really not sure where I'm heading... And that's ok :)
My new years resolutions are just to continue the habits I've been building last year but I have a friend who just has a bucket list instead of resolutions which sounds like fun
I'm not into my 20s yet but I find your videos helpful anyway. Its relaxing that I can just listen to great advice whike doing chores or resting or whatever.
Weirdly, you inspired me to write down new years resolutions now, haha. But maybe because the way you frame it make it more relatable and enjoyable altogether!
All my plans fell through this NYE, my partner fell asleep early, and all the fireworks were blocked from view by the buildings surrounding mine. I rang in the new year with my sister on the phone to keep me company... So you best beLIEVE this video is my self-care patch before I go to sleep! Thanks Leena and happy new year everyone xoxo let's all stop trying to control shit we have no control over xoxoxo
A few points:
1. That eye shadow is fantastic
2. The quote on perfectionism was genuinely really helpful, thank you for that!
3. God job this year Lena, truly. You've made some really fantastic videos this year that have given me new thoughts and perspectives
4. Happy new bloody year!
Can confirm my grandpa is called Ron. And my auntie is called Barbara, which apparently is also something that unites everyone 😂
This year I want to knit scarves for as many people I care about as possible!! It started as making Christmas presents but I really love it now and I think it’s a really sweet thing to give to people I care for as it’s useful and handmade and sappily it’s like a hug from a distance (I live far from both my homes regularly)
Also I want to give my main Uni lecturer and dissertation coach a home knitted scarf when I graduate, as she is A. Amazing and B. She’s been really invested in my knitting pre Christmas and was always asking how it was going 😊
I feel like the tips are just helpful in life, generally. So thank you :)
I really agree with the tip about resolution not having to be about me, like seriously there's not much I can change about myself every year, but the world definitely has enough
You’re awesome 👏🏻...AND you look fab 😊💛
I just want to pop in to say that today will be the achievement of one of my 2020 New Years Resolutions (the only one I kept but who cares). On Jan 1st I did 1 second of plank, on Jan 2nd I did 2 seconds of plank. Today I did 6 minutes and 6 seconds of plank. I could barely plank for 1 min at the start of the year, but every day I could plank for 1 second more than I did the day before. It has really inspired me as a metaphor for what I can achieve if I try to make consistent but tiny changes rather than changing something big all at once
This video is amazing. I keep being surprised by the quality of this channel, how entertaining, varied, interesting, well made and helpful the videos are, and how incredibly intelligent and funny you are. Thank you.
I love this. I’m only at 6:00 (and you might address this later), but I want to attach this to the idea that it’s not “all or nothing” when making decisions. When I don’t follow through on something 100%, it’s easy for me to chuck the whole thing through the window. Probably it’s related to the concepts of purity and identity, but really focusing on impact like you say is so much more powerful! The breach of purity doesn’t jeopardize the impact on the whole
This is the best lighting scheme I've ever seen for a NYE party 10/10
The video was also cracking, thank you for sharing!
Hi! Just wanted to say that over the years I've come to hate reading, both because I don't have any attention span and because I feel everything I want to learn, I can learn online.
However, your book suggestions are always so unique and you speak so passionately about what you love to read, that you spark so much interest in me.
I will for sure check out at least half of the books you mentioned in this video! ❤
Watched this just before I’m writing out my goals and planning for the new year and it was a great decision.
Awesome video and I agree on everything! I actually just make resolutions when I feel like it and that can be every week or not at all haha.
Since watching Attenborough’s latest and reading Sapiens in 2020, I have already implemented a ‘meat is a luxury’ rule. I am allowed to eat it if I’m eating out but I do not buy it for home unless it’s a special occasion. If I am going to buy it, I also have to buy locally and ethically (but if the Christmas ham I bought from a local butcher turns out to be Danish, I do not beat myself up, just make a note for next time). I’ve also just subscribed to milk and more meaning I’m buying glass bottles and they also do oat milk in glass, so I’ve switched to that 🥛
This video is THE BEST! I will rewatch it a couple of times.
Thank you!! This video is the high point of my New Years. I left my family after christmas to be with my boyfriend who's been working six hours away, living in a hotel four days a week the last three, so I've just been staying at his place in it's barren, hollow state.
When he finally came home again yesterday it turns out that he's going to a social gaming New Years-gathering(which is kind of out of character, thought he cared about covid more than me...) and he doesn't want me to come with- thus, here I am, alone again, at his place.
So I'm just watching Star Trek, eating lussekatter and listening to Rico Nasty.
And I've got Anne Lister with me.
I am mesmerised by this eye makeup!
i cracked up when i got to the teardrop reference. so much good advice in here!!
I've been using that one for half of my life also 😂
Exactly what I needed to hear, and I love the glittery eye makeup. As for a Jukebox suggestion: Sunflower by Vampire Weekend and So Hot You're My Feelings - Caroline Polachek.
I'm a very rare breed of person who actually really likes new years resolutions. I completely understand why they don't resonate with other people, but for me it's like my one thing I have to do for that year and there's only this year to do it- how I do it, or when I do it (within the year) is irrelevant. But there will only be one 2021 so if I do nothing else in 2021 I at least know what one thing I need to focus on.
Last year I went vegan and I'm still vegan now and have zero plans to change. This year its to quit smoking- which, admittedly, might be one of my hardest yet. But I've already had a successful year of giving up cheese so I now feel more confident than ever that I can do this. If 2021 goes to shit and I do nothing all year BUT I'm confidently a non-smoker by the end of the year then no matter what else happend the year will have been a success
i've written resolutions every year in my journal for maybe the past four years, and I use journaling as a way to keep on top of what I wanted to do this year. Usually my resolutions are just stage goals not personality changes, so for this year one of my goals was "take sunday morning off/as self care" and another was "watch more black and white films". If I want to really enact change a la a traditional resolution I don't like to start on January 1st, because I think there is way too much pressure. Instead I start change when I want and then for the January resolutions the resolution becomes more "lets see if I can continue with that"
All the beautiful makeup, accessories, the colors, the good advice makes it the best 2021 themed video!!!
At first I was just not going to make resolutions for this year because it felt silly, but now I actually feel prepared to set some good goals!! Bless you Leena
your channel has helped me so much this year, thank you.
My grandma once made a new year's resolution with a friend that they would stop smoking, except for in the month march, and if they failed they had to donate money to a charity every year. My grandmother only smoked in march for years and years, her friend paid the money every year.
i always come out the other end of these videos with a list of books to check out and ngl, i'm here for it
Umm this is amazing. I actually took notes. Really needed to hear that quote "Perfection is the voice of the oppressor," so thanks very much.
I like making themes of the year.
2019 was my year of Unapologetically Advocating for Myself and i spent the year on more auditions than ever before, i got a job, I quit things that made me uncomfortable, all because i wasn't apologizing for taking up space.
2020's theme was deeply forgettable, to the point where i just reread it yesterday and ive already forgotten it again.
BUT 2021 is my Year of ~**~Building~**~ I want to build a morning routine that makes me excited to get out of bed! I want to build a writing routine that keeps me engaged in my stories, and overall i want to build a life that i am excited to participate in.
I find that themes forgive that feeling of "It has to be all or nothing" because rather than getting on my own case about "i didn't write every day" it becomes "something about the routine of writing every day is not working for me, how can i rework this into something that does?"