Does it input scores for different players on the same machine? We use iscored heavily and it's a pain to have to add scores manually for each person on our tablet while playing. this would be nice if we can submit multiple plaers in a single session. Also, will it only update your score if it is a higher score? Or does it only submit if it is new?
No, it works independent from it. Ping me on my Discord, I'm happy to help. There is also some doucmentation here:
Does it input scores for different players on the same machine? We use iscored heavily and it's a pain to have to add scores manually for each person on our tablet while playing. this would be nice if we can submit multiple plaers in a single session. Also, will it only update your score if it is a higher score? Or does it only submit if it is new?
I cannot get this to work. Does the game need to be part of a tournament?
No, it works independent from it. Ping me on my Discord, I'm happy to help. There is also some doucmentation here:
Another issue was that "names instead of initials" must have been enabled in iScored. I will fix this.