Driver's Eye on the Nürburgring Nordschleife - Porsche 911 GT3 R

  • Опубликовано: 22 ноя 2024

Комментарии • 1,3 тыс.

  • @baGstube88
    @baGstube88 3 года назад +3607

    It‘s insane just how brutal race driving actually is

    • @xxczerxx
      @xxczerxx 2 года назад +345

      Nurburgring is in a complete league of its own in that regard though

    • @dhruvsinghpal8737
      @dhruvsinghpal8737 2 года назад +220

      The g forces on the body,hand and eye coordination in high speeds and all is truly breathtaking in all types of motor racing.

    • @Julienmiami
      @Julienmiami 2 года назад +21

      And that's just a ride 😱

    • @liviusolcovenco6575
      @liviusolcovenco6575 2 года назад +4

      Nothing brutal here

    • @MysticBearKnight
      @MysticBearKnight 2 года назад +59

      As someone who has participated multiple times in both rally and asphalt racing, it can be pretty brutal, yet so fun!

  • @OgamiItto70
    @OgamiItto70 3 года назад +3841

    I bet it's nice when you make it to that long final straight. You finally get a chance to relax a moment and check the gauges, adjust the driver-cooling vent, crack the window a little, adjust the seatback, light a cigarette, change the radio station...

    • @GuardsRed996
      @GuardsRed996 3 года назад +317

      Not if your name is Kevin Estre and you plan to do one of the greatest overtakes of all time 🤪

    • @thenightman9189
      @thenightman9189 3 года назад +128

      I like how he checked his side mirror as if something was going to be trying to pass him down the straight 😅

    • @SunSunSunn
      @SunSunSunn 3 года назад +51

      this aint the 90s no more, stop smoking that crap

    • @Cocojambo101
      @Cocojambo101 3 года назад +37

      @@chase14000 have redbull also, dont forget you have time maybe have a nap even

    • @gavinvalentino1313
      @gavinvalentino1313 3 года назад +2

      Cigarettes and Xtianity are for the weak.

  • @edagawaconan9188
    @edagawaconan9188 3 года назад +1616

    The sound of this Porsche 911 GT3 R is simply beautiful.

    • @casscroute8706
      @casscroute8706 2 года назад +15

      So true, it sounds so alive !

    • @nikoandroman
      @nikoandroman 2 года назад +32

      Masterpiece of machinery

    • @DerekMoore82
      @DerekMoore82 2 года назад +28

      Like nails on a chalkboard though when it winds all the way up in 6th gear and becomes a high pitched, piercing, shrill frequency tone.

    • @DKSON1337
      @DKSON1337 2 года назад +34

      Probably, you can barely hear it from the gear whine lol

    • @ryvcy
      @ryvcy 2 года назад +13

      @@DKSON1337 you just have ear problems man

  • @KontryBoy706
    @KontryBoy706 2 года назад +762

    As a sim racing fan…. This had me on edge the entire video knowing these turns etc. man the nerves of a real driver have to be made of steel

    • @loganm2766
      @loganm2766 2 года назад +15

      Also knowing how difficult Porsches are to drive

    • @98MTBiker
      @98MTBiker 2 года назад +43

      @@loganm2766 I think their reputation as hard to drive isn't really true anymore. They are better balanced than they used to be and suspension, tires, aero and driver aids have evolved a lot. Sure any GT3 car is a fast machine but I don't think a Porsche is significantly harder to drive than any other GT3 race car.

    • @raychev982
      @raychev982 2 года назад +1

      @@98MTBiker It seems easy to drive.

    • @carlospinto5451
      @carlospinto5451 2 года назад +18

      Sim racing fan here. I thought I wanted to be a real life race car driver. Yesterday I was in the passenger seat of a BMW E90 drift car. Roaring engines, squealing tyres, and the G forces are a lot more intense than I thought.

    • @MrHaggyy
      @MrHaggyy 2 года назад +11

      GT3 cars are unbelievable "easy" to drive. They are far more stable and honest with the driver than anything road legal.
      This "security" comes at the cost of the insane speed these cars have and how quick you have to react if you got into a moment.

  • @1fileep
    @1fileep 3 года назад +207

    That gearbox whine... I could listen to it all day.

    • @williamsebastian88
      @williamsebastian88 3 года назад +1

      3rd gear is the quietest or is it just me?

    • @1fileep
      @1fileep 3 года назад +27

      @@williamsebastian88 I wouldn't say it's the quietest. Probably the least loud.

    • @Ermz
      @Ermz 3 года назад +25

      I want my car to sound like that while getting groceries.

    • @snowman1pr
      @snowman1pr 2 года назад

      Honest and sincere question... One thing I noticed in almost all race car video footage is that the gearbox whine is very loud, front and center. Yet in past GT games, people were making fun of those games due to the "vacuum sound" in cars with the racing gearbox installed, which is the gearbox whine as in real life. So, was it too real for a game or why was the sound so heavily criticized if it actually sounded real? Again, honest question...

    • @1fileep
      @1fileep 2 года назад +4

      @@snowman1pr Dunno. Maybe people didn't know it actually sounds like that.

  • @Nixo_01
    @Nixo_01 3 года назад +910

    By far the best driver's eye video out there. You can literally comprehend the G's his body is pulling through those fast corners and how less the visibility is!

    • @kallo182
      @kallo182 3 года назад +4

      Nope. Augusto Farfus DTM M4 NÜRBURGRING Nordschleife Onboard

    • @willthomas5953
      @willthomas5953 2 года назад +2

      Lol no they have better

    • @alexd.6376
      @alexd.6376 2 года назад +1

      Before I've seen your comment I thought there will definitely be a comment saying "What a Slow Car".
      I am looking at this and it looks freaking slow.
      I drove this car in my sim and it was also slow.
      A really strange feeling when driving 270 and thinking "how slow this car is"

    • @ark9823
      @ark9823 2 года назад

      Do you know this one? I love it.видео.html

    • @vicentemartinez6318
      @vicentemartinez6318 2 года назад

      Jean Picard is better driver

  • @spife129
    @spife129 3 года назад +4464

    What kind of ac mods are installed here? Running on rtx4090?

    • @AS3R1US
      @AS3R1US 3 года назад +239

      SOL is prob one

    • @TleafarafaelT
      @TleafarafaelT 3 года назад +225

      reshade premium edition

    • @TK-bc3vn
      @TK-bc3vn 3 года назад +192

      Assetto Corsa Competizione super pro plus+

    • @JAtoA
      @JAtoA 3 года назад +201

      almost feels like he is actually in the car

    • @shorty808100
      @shorty808100 3 года назад +39

      This is RL not a video game god you ppl aren’t very smart

  • @TrackDaysDude
    @TrackDaysDude 3 года назад +790

    The amount of downforce is incredible.
    6:50 full throttle and just a small jump 🤯

    • @sayan1667
      @sayan1667 3 года назад +55

      Its 2021, its normal to havw this amount of downforce. I am impressed with the suspension, the braking system and the gearbox. They are amazing

    • @TrackDaysDude
      @TrackDaysDude 3 года назад +17

      @@sayan1667 how is the amount of downforce related to 2021?

    • @EduardoRodrigues-ev7ej
      @EduardoRodrigues-ev7ej 3 года назад +69

      @@TrackDaysDude Aerodynamic of the racing cars improved a lot throughout the years, that's what he meant to say i tguess

    • @ollolol7879
      @ollolol7879 2 года назад +52

      Enzo Ferrari "Aerodynamics are for people who can’t build engines." proven that was a wrong idea

    • @J03130
      @J03130 2 года назад +38

      @@ollolol7879 enzo ferrari talked out of his arse 99% of the time.

  • @hirokishinguji
    @hirokishinguji 3 года назад +702

    That SHIFT 2 Unleashed Remastered looks dope af

    • @Hillzy_Eighty7
      @Hillzy_Eighty7 3 года назад +45

      Surprised they didnt slap a $29.99 DLC on it half way around the lap

    • @apophisstr6719
      @apophisstr6719 3 года назад +47

      Sadly the physics and input delay in that game was absolute shit, they absolutely nailed the atmosphere.

    • @shorty808100
      @shorty808100 3 года назад +2

      This isn’t a game this a RL lap, can’t believe y’all can’t tell RL from a video game

    • @Hillzy_Eighty7
      @Hillzy_Eighty7 3 года назад +41

      @@shorty808100 r/woosh

    • @subarushubaduck489
      @subarushubaduck489 3 года назад +16

      @@shorty808100 just a joke

  • @Fjallman1977
    @Fjallman1977 3 года назад +775

    Great view. And even greater sound from that machine 👊🏻👊🏻

    • @aq12aw15
      @aq12aw15 3 года назад +7

      What is the sound with high tone? Is it from transmission?

    • @MrDoKo0
      @MrDoKo0 3 года назад +33

      @@aq12aw15 Yep, straight cut gears

    • @neko6803
      @neko6803 3 года назад +1

      @@aq12aw15 Thats the Turbocharger

    • @LSMMods
      @LSMMods 3 года назад +44

      @@neko6803 no its not
      its the transmission

    • @sodaaccount
      @sodaaccount 3 года назад +4

      Gotta love those straight cut gears :D

  • @alexanderodonnell988
    @alexanderodonnell988 3 года назад +83

    7:59 sounds so good maxed out in 6th

  • @frankenstein71
    @frankenstein71 3 года назад +294

    The level of detail in 4K is insane! Even without RTX!

    • @thememetherapy4918
      @thememetherapy4918 3 года назад +16

      If only they could implement such graphics on games😏

    • @eggman2543
      @eggman2543 3 года назад +4

      @@thememetherapy4918 hey Bot
      $0.69 is added to your account
      for successfully spreading hate
      ~ Xi KingPig 🐷

    • @Marauder1981
      @Marauder1981 3 года назад +11

      @@thememetherapy4918 They can, but the for example the Unreal engine would be really tough to code a racing sim on. And still even if you would find the workforce to do that it would be very costly and probably most people would whine about how their 15 year old PC can´t handle the load on their CPU and GPU.

    • @sandalogaming6766
      @sandalogaming6766 2 года назад +3

      @@Marauder1981 I mean, Assetto Corsa Competizione is on Unreal 4.

    • @mightylordkuba
      @mightylordkuba 2 года назад +5

      @BlackholeTtson452 Graphic are good enough but physic is shit. May be not shit but still a lot to improve

  • @TeejSSX16
    @TeejSSX16 2 года назад +61

    The sound of the change from 2nd to 3rd is the best man.
    Also it's crazy how early he's looking into the apex of the corners. I like to think I look pretty early (only in video games) but he's just so much earlier.

  • @mahuba2553
    @mahuba2553 2 года назад +23

    the sense of speed, the gears whinning louder and louder, the sound of the engine roaring as the wind hits harder on the beautiful curves of the vehicle, tell me, who wouldnt call this perfection?

    • @im3phirebird81
      @im3phirebird81 Год назад

      Wait that is the gears? I thought that was a supercharger of some kind O.o

    • @jannep6772
      @jannep6772 11 месяцев назад +3

      @@im3phirebird81 Yes, that whining sound comes from the racing gearbox .

    • @dannelleabajar4703
      @dannelleabajar4703 2 месяца назад +1

      Electric cars will never be able to replicate these.

    • @waseem2762
      @waseem2762 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@im3phirebird81 To be more specific, this sound is coming from the SCG, or (Straight Cut Gears)

  • @samrackham4774
    @samrackham4774 3 года назад +73

    This track boggles the mind. You need serious track time to remember the braking points which gear to be in then to race alongside other drivers. What a track and what a drive this was well done sir 🤯🤯

    • @scottd7222
      @scottd7222 Год назад +5

      yea after over 100 laps in sim you start to master it

    • @samrackham4774
      @samrackham4774 Год назад +3

      @@scottd7222 Yh I hear you. Doing a fast lap is one thing but racing against others is a whole other thing

    • @scottd7222
      @scottd7222 Год назад +4

      @@samrackham4774 yea for sure ..just saying the form of learning braking points and a line.

  • @thomasdietzel1989
    @thomasdietzel1989 Год назад +19

    Looks like a near perfect lap on the Nordschleife. Very fast and precise driving.

  • @DannoAviation
    @DannoAviation 2 года назад +17

    I could watch this over and over again and still not get bored… then when I’m tired I’ll turn the sound down a bit and just close my eyes, that sound!

  • @cyberiandaemon8686
    @cyberiandaemon8686 7 месяцев назад +2

    The high-singing timbre of the engine as it progresses through the gears is just sublime: there's no let up in the revs - simply awesome!

    • @juaneer
      @juaneer 4 месяца назад

      The gearbox you mean or?

  • @davecamyt
    @davecamyt 3 года назад +227

    Graphics are amazing...

    • @zethyuen8859
      @zethyuen8859 3 года назад +3

      Wow hi Dave

    • @kronos711
      @kronos711 3 года назад +10

      This game has such an unrealistic tyre model.

    • @Metalwrath2
      @Metalwrath2 3 года назад +6

      This is the new iRacing update

    • @jcaesard147
      @jcaesard147 3 года назад +1

      @@Metalwrath2 nope this is irl

    • @s7nzo
      @s7nzo 3 года назад +6

      @@jcaesard147 really ?

  • @CharlieMikelson
    @CharlieMikelson Год назад +2

    It’s crazy how my mind was waiting for the next turn after turn and the serotonin it gave my mind with the precision handling and not crashing. Excellent

  • @stevefarrimond
    @stevefarrimond 2 года назад +6

    That has to be the cleanest, most composed lap I’ve seen.

  • @tricktap8502
    @tricktap8502 Год назад +3

    Insane the level of skill these drivers have..amazing first person video.

  • @rikolutz2198
    @rikolutz2198 3 года назад +9

    honestly guys, this is the best video I’ve seen from the nordschleife - WTF!!!

    @SILVIA_PLAYA 5 месяцев назад +2

    I've driven this track many times in gt7 and it amazes me that when I'm watching this now, the way I drive the car in gt7 is exactly the same as here.

  • @blessredy
    @blessredy 3 года назад +133

    that was an awesome video! These things never get old to me. I don't know how in the heck that you guys are able to do this for hours upon hours, especially at night

    • @highvaluemale4866
      @highvaluemale4866 3 года назад +6

      It’s crazy foreal

    • @blessredy
      @blessredy 3 года назад +12

      @夢 yeah that's probably true but they still have to have a ton of mental and physical endurance to make these laps a lot of times. That fatigue has to be grueling once it kicks in

    • @jcsquared1111
      @jcsquared1111 2 года назад +4

      In heavy traffic , with cars both faster and slower than the gt3's in the pitch black dark. Just incredible and balls made of titainium i might add. As someone from America who recently started sim racing it has fully made me realize how incredible these types of tracks and racers are. Just lights years more difficult than driving an oval track 400 times in a row. Has to be

    • @kem0n0.kokomo
      @kem0n0.kokomo 2 года назад +4

      @@jcsquared1111 Definitely requires some top-tier skill, but don't discount oval racin while you're at it man lol. Shit gets tough in all walks of racing.

    • @thomasdietzel1989
      @thomasdietzel1989 Год назад

      They’re professionals. Very fit guys with lots of mental and physical resilience. It’s not easy to get that level of driving I’m sure.

  • @Fluid_Way
    @Fluid_Way Год назад +1

    I don't know why but salt water coming out my eyes , this car is so passionate, emotional and just perfection.

  • @Strider-Ragnarok
    @Strider-Ragnarok Год назад +11

    These speeds are really scary. What’s impressive is the braking power, it slows down so fast.

  • @firing_pin9971
    @firing_pin9971 3 года назад +33

    great audio. the first sound actually made me spin around; just like an engine behind me

  • @steven-vn9ui
    @steven-vn9ui 3 года назад +9

    The level of grip is phenomenal

  • @ayyel551
    @ayyel551 2 года назад +14

    That was awesome. The bravery to go on the last sector

  • @zoltanfarkas1624
    @zoltanfarkas1624 2 года назад +9

    Absolutely stunning gearbox noise ❤ Just imagine how brutal G forces on it the professional drivers. Love the 911 anyway ❤

  • @saxon6749
    @saxon6749 2 года назад +4

    This actually brought a tear to my eye.
    Sniffle. So beautiful. Sniffle.

  • @corentindockx
    @corentindockx 3 года назад +11

    Those frequencies pitching up and up omg :) amazing !

    • @KikuraKun
      @KikuraKun Год назад +2

      @@FanBoyStudio369 No. GT3 cars don't have electric motors. The sound here came from transmission.

  • @beltokashe9790
    @beltokashe9790 2 года назад +4

    That shift to 4th is like the hyperdrive kicking in

  • @MozwGamer
    @MozwGamer 3 года назад +9

    Thrilling View, I'm having shivers even from the video. Insane.

  • @superpel3928
    @superpel3928 3 месяца назад

    That straight line after the last corner. DAAAAAAMN BOOOY GEARBOX REALLY SINGING 🔥🔥🔥

  • @lavishmctavish4905
    @lavishmctavish4905 Год назад +4

    Such an iconic noise I'm going to miss so much in the GT3 races coming years. The 992 just doesn't cut it with being bigger and not having the same noise. It has more power so maybe Porsche still turns it around and makes it a championship winner, but this is the GT3 R in its proper form in my opinion. The looks, the sounds, the recent races it won like while being dated SPA 24h, Nurburgring 24h. This could be my favorite race car ever. Maybe I'm a bit hyped up, but it's just perfection to me.

    • @AshlynJones123
      @AshlynJones123 Год назад +1

      Is this one nat-asp or twin turbo?
      Because either way, it's calming just to hear that engine BLASTING into my ears

    • @lavishmctavish4905
      @lavishmctavish4905 Год назад

      It's N/A indeed! Which makes the noise even better imo, such a legendary sound to me.@@AshlynJones123

  • @bubbleman2002
    @bubbleman2002 2 года назад +3

    Whoever setup the gearing for this car did great.

  • @stevenm7408
    @stevenm7408 Год назад +1

    flat out even in the turns, amazingly talented driver with an amazing car! Sounds so good too!

  • @mateuszkuriata7332
    @mateuszkuriata7332 3 года назад +35

    This speed is crazy under these conditions. Fantastic drive! That's why i dream about Porsche (,:

    • @playz_J
      @playz_J Год назад

      Uhh porsche is just acceleration

    • @justausernamehere
      @justausernamehere Год назад +2

      ​@@playz_J No it isn't. Porsche has a very long history of having some of the best performing race cars of all time. I hate the fact that there are some people that don't understand this.

    • @playz_J
      @playz_J Год назад

      @@justausernamehere i hate the fact that you don't realise this was 3 months ago... Like you can change a lot in just a few months

  • @marlone4042
    @marlone4042 2 года назад +2

    the sound of 3rd gear is amazing !!

  • @BecksDrives
    @BecksDrives 3 года назад +21

    This is freakin’ awesome. Thanks for uploading.

  • @RipperDoc97
    @RipperDoc97 3 года назад +12

    Car sounds sick af!!🔥🔥🔥

  • @iAWP-
    @iAWP- 2 года назад +6

    What a great lap, that was incredible to watch. Amazing driver and magnificent car, thanks for uploading

  • @necsoiub
    @necsoiub Месяц назад

    Oh man just listen to that gearbox screaming! Just beautiful 😍!

  • @depolarization
    @depolarization 3 года назад +10

    This makes me appreciate how amazing sim racing is with a VR headset and a proper FFB wheel and pedals: the first thing my brain told me when I watched this video was, "oh, I've done this before."
    Not "wow, this would be so much fun" or "man, what a cool perspective, it must be crazy to drive this legendary track in a GT3 Porsche." I have literally never driven a real life race car and I haven't even been within 3,000 miles of the Nordschleife at any point in my life, but technology and racing sims have advanced to the point where my brain is absolutely convinced I've driven dozens of laps of the 'Ring in a 911 GT3 R.
    The elevation changes, bumps, blind corners, running out onto the few curbs that allow it, where the driver is looking and placing the car, the little details of the cockpit, the sound of that flat 6 screaming away as you bang through the gears - it all matches up so well with the experience I've had just sitting in my sim rig at home with a VR headset on and a steering wheel in my hands. I know it's not exactly the same, but it's damn close, fools the heck out of my brain, and I was actually able to afford it all without selling a kidney or winning the lottery.
    Great lap!

    • @FockeWulfFW200
      @FockeWulfFW200 2 года назад +1

      How do you actually know it's close if you never driven a real life race car before?

    • @MazdaB-sq4ue
      @MazdaB-sq4ue 2 года назад

      @@FockeWulfFW200 Real Race car drivers will vouch for the authenticity of sims.

    • @m1co294
      @m1co294 Год назад

      ​@@FockeWulfFW200 Assetto Corsa on a VR motion rig with a direct drive wheel and load cell pedal set, FOV cranked up to give a better sense of speed. You're basically driving a car inside your room at that point.

  • @AstenAbaddon
    @AstenAbaddon 26 дней назад +1

    one word. Euphoric.

  • @bZLxcz
    @bZLxcz 3 года назад +74

    Thats so dope, one of my dreams is to be able to go to this track and go flat out

    • @thehybrid210
      @thehybrid210 3 года назад

      Yess samee

    • @Marauder1981
      @Marauder1981 3 года назад +19

      I live there and drive on the Nordschleife for decades now. The downside is, it´s very expensive (30€ per lap) and there not much else to do in the region. Especially finding work.

    • @bZLxcz
      @bZLxcz 3 года назад

      @@Marauder1981 damn that's expensive, didn't know that

    • @Marauder1981
      @Marauder1981 3 года назад +12

      @@bZLxcz Well, if you ever go on vacation to the Eifel give me a shout and we share the price. I gonna take you on a lap if you want.

    • @bZLxcz
      @bZLxcz 3 года назад

      @@Marauder1981 yeah sure dude haha that would be dope

  • @Ivan.8067
    @Ivan.8067 Год назад

    Yes Sir !
    Thanks for the ride 🤌🏻👉🏻👍🏻

  • @bradwilliams5915
    @bradwilliams5915 3 года назад +10

    This car looks so much more grippy than the ones on ACC

  • @mrloxatangaming
    @mrloxatangaming Год назад +1

    I don't know what Porsche did, but when he hits the 6th gear... Amazing

  • @gewoonandy8755
    @gewoonandy8755 3 года назад +21

    Am i the only one who loves the transmission whistle sound?
    (People find it anoying dont know why😂)

  • @ofaoilleachain
    @ofaoilleachain 2 года назад

    I have tinnitus after that but my ears have been blessed with this gorgeous noise.

  • @WanganExpert
    @WanganExpert 2 года назад +4

    Imagine how harder this video would be with a heartbeat sensor display and the sound of the driver's breath. Brilliant drive.

  • @Josedinho_-
    @Josedinho_- 2 года назад +3

    Such an art to drive this track 😍

  • @ouanouachannel11thgamerfro16
    @ouanouachannel11thgamerfro16 Месяц назад

    Love the sound of Gearbox and High-Revving Flat 6😌

  • @allseeingeye1
    @allseeingeye1 3 года назад +3

    Wow!!! The cacophony @ Flat chat in 6th is mesmerising. Great driving. Great car. Great est track.

  • @LoeNateDogg
    @LoeNateDogg Год назад

    Those straight cut gears sound amazing

  • @pgeppl
    @pgeppl 3 года назад +105

    great View, that looks nearly as it does in VR in iRacing :)

    • @Tennyson_W05
      @Tennyson_W05 3 года назад +3

      I agree, iracing does a great job with the cars getting them as close to the real thing

    • @gozinta82
      @gozinta82 2 года назад +2

      @@Tennyson_W05 When you have laser-scanned vehicles and racetracks, yes.

  • @robanzzz5124
    @robanzzz5124 2 года назад

    this has got to be the best drivers eye view of the green hell i've seen to date.

  • @mj6463
    @mj6463 2 года назад +55

    Man, as someone just learning this track In asseto corsa with the hurrican gt3, I’m definitely going to study irl onboards. At 2:47 he slows but stays in 6, I’ve been shifting to 5 to get more control over the car, (controller is very limiting on this track), but I will definitely try 6th!

    • @leecloth8460
      @leecloth8460 2 года назад +8

      Okay but who cares

    • @Volvoman90
      @Volvoman90 2 года назад +8

      This is real life. It's not comparable to a game.

    • @mj6463
      @mj6463 2 года назад +51

      @@Volvoman90 The point of the game is to be similar to real life, it is called a sim for a reason. Studying irl footage does work and make you significantly faster in the sim, and work on the sim helps you learn tracks and cars before you drive them irl.
      He is running ideal gearing, so I can compare his shift points to his speed to make my gearing better in game, and I can improve my shift points after that by studying his.

    • @wtfbbq
      @wtfbbq 2 года назад +14

      @@mj6463 I get your point, but honestly watching replays of people doing the laps in AC will serve you better... not that watching this isnt cool af though so all good
      If you are getting into sim racing, even just casually, I highly HIGHLY recommend a wheel. Even the cheapest budget wheel will be a major improvement on both your speed and your immersion, I cannot overstate how much better you will enjoy the game; even a wheel without force feedback will be infinitely more fun than using your controller, I promise you.
      I got myself a Thrustmaster T300 RS a few years back and couldn't be happier with my purchase. Absolutely worth every penny. I never used a wheel before that and didn't want to break the bank going for a direct drive wheel straight away. If it dies one day I'll consider a DD wheel but I have no regrets with it whatsoever. (well, it can overheat during long sessions which lowers the feedback to keep it from burning out, but a simple mod of putting a better fan inside it pretty much fixed it)
      EDIT: TLDR, if you're enjoying the game enough to want to study race footage, you need to get yourself a wheel, even a cheap one, you wont regret it!

    • @rekordea
      @rekordea 2 года назад +3

      No, you're gonna lose control at that of a high RPM.

  • @Bakiza95
    @Bakiza95 2 года назад +1

    I love the sound so much..

  • @ivi_lDgaming
    @ivi_lDgaming 9 месяцев назад +3

    Love to drive on this track in gram turismo 7

  • @l88ch3r
    @l88ch3r Год назад

    I can hardly believe how much G he is pulling in the corners and making it look trivial. That car is insane.. The driver is even better though. Great footage.

  • @DavidKohout
    @DavidKohout 3 года назад +3

    Wow, awesome drive!

  • @dhruvsinghpal8737
    @dhruvsinghpal8737 2 года назад +2

    Mannnn that sound and gear changes is like a wind chime for me.😍😘

  • @houseking9211
    @houseking9211 3 года назад +8

    str8 cut gears be like

  • @BWB_Cubing
    @BWB_Cubing 10 месяцев назад +1

    The Porsche 911 gt3r is just crazy 🤩

  • @nightowlrally
    @nightowlrally 2 года назад +3

    I don't think I'd ever get used to driving a downforce car, my boi Alessio just bossed the Flugplatz WITHOUT EVEN LIFTING THE THROTTLE D:

  • @argentsilver928
    @argentsilver928 Год назад

    This is brutal and terrifying. Mad props

  • @nitrous36
    @nitrous36 3 года назад +21

    And this is why we CAN'T go electric. We NEED this!
    Edit: Electric will inevitably be faster, but the sounds man. The sounds. And fire..

    • @JustAnotherGuyOnTheInternet
      @JustAnotherGuyOnTheInternet 2 года назад +5

      Electric cars are faster in a straight but ICE cars are faster around tracks cause they weight less, Electric cars are heavy cause of the batteries. maybe in the future we figure out a way to make batteries lighter or we switch to hydrogen, until then ICE cars will be faster around tracks.

    • @kainey
      @kainey 2 года назад

      Lack of shifting is partially why electric car sports will always suck

  • @phil_zupra_b5880
    @phil_zupra_b5880 2 года назад +1

    The sound of straight cut gears is pure eargasm.

  • @JSmith73
    @JSmith73 3 года назад +14

    Amazing video, machine, and driving. I have a new found appreciation for the sounds in iRacing now too. :D

  • @Kds4547
    @Kds4547 Год назад +2

    Youd think the straights with 6th pegged would be the easiest but not over rolling hills lololol. Great piece of driving. Such an unforgiving track!!

  • @mikaelk7182
    @mikaelk7182 3 года назад +4

    I need this experience in my life. Nice video 👍🏽

    • @martinzoellner6115
      @martinzoellner6115 2 года назад

      Mikael K: come to Nürburgring, have a lap in a Porsche GT3 RS Ring Taxi. You'll never forget in your life👍

  • @24905116
    @24905116 Год назад +2

    What a completely awesome sound. I'd give anything to spend one minute behind the wheel .

  • @racerguy6979
    @racerguy6979 3 года назад +3

    As an iracing fanboy and using vr this is crazy familiar. I love this

  • @ifewear8903
    @ifewear8903 Год назад

    That sound is just pure eargasm❤

  • @philippweber2848
    @philippweber2848 3 года назад +3

    Good decision to watch it with a helmet :D

  • @Zaltic
    @Zaltic 2 года назад +1

    That transmission sounds amazing

  • @playerzeronz
    @playerzeronz 2 года назад +3

    @3:30 rebel tree... iconic

  • @surellow
    @surellow 2 года назад

    Oh god the whining sound of those gears is magical!!! 😍😍

  • @6Twisted
    @6Twisted 3 года назад +15

    Imagine if Henry Ford saw this 100 years ago.

    • @gozinta82
      @gozinta82 2 года назад +3

      I was thinking the exact same thing. Just to see the look on his face, him being able to see what automobiles would become 100 years into the future.

    • @mohsinuddin7049
      @mohsinuddin7049 Год назад +1

      He’d probably just think it’s Gran Turismo 7.

  • @cheesecop9321
    @cheesecop9321 10 месяцев назад

    Wow, I wasn't expecting to see so much understeer on this 911. Wheel has a lot of play in it, too. Damn dude....

  • @th3orist
    @th3orist 3 года назад +11

    its interesting to hear how the engine note changes when you go from 5 to 6, there is a totally different sound to it, i wonder why that is, like what exactly happens there mechanically.

    • @jan49_
      @jan49_ 3 года назад +9

      I want to know it as well. I suspect the tone we hear is the mixed sound of the engine and the transmission. And the transmission has a different sound when changing to 6th gear.
      The engine should sound the same in each gear

    • @tahirballikaya213
      @tahirballikaya213 3 года назад +2

      we probably will never know until a Porsche engineer actually replies to this

    • @kasska6717
      @kasska6717 3 года назад +5

      Its because its a straightcut gearbox. That makes alot more noise than a normal gearbox.

    • @williamdumont912
      @williamdumont912 3 года назад +5

      the sound difference is the transmission maybe the 5 and 6 th gear are not cut the same way who knows

    • @adrianwelgemoed9562
      @adrianwelgemoed9562 3 года назад +4

      Straight cut gears making the noise. Unless youre talking about engine tone, in which case its probably the gear ratio for 6th being a bit longer for better top speed. Dont quote me on that

  • @gokulkrishm51
    @gokulkrishm51 2 года назад

    It's a ritual to come back to this video every once in a while....

  • @wvlf626
    @wvlf626 3 года назад +8

    As an amateur it looks scarry to drive that fast :o

    • @TomasPetkevicius94
      @TomasPetkevicius94 2 года назад

      Not scary, i do it every day in automobilista 2.🤭

  • @youtubecomments5951
    @youtubecomments5951 9 месяцев назад

    What a time to be alive and experience the fact that we are guessing what kind of graphics card he is using. We are so close to impercievable from recorded reality.

  • @douglaskeane1792
    @douglaskeane1792 3 года назад +3

    ACC got an excellent update....... oh wait whhahahah sick vid

  • @tanoox7162
    @tanoox7162 2 года назад +1

    If anyone ever wonder this is how pimax horizontal fov looks, when select small. On normal and large is bigger. You also can see more vertically with pimax. Adding the next level racing v3 motion system makes the virtual experience very close to this.

  • @kotaboy808
    @kotaboy808 2 года назад +3

    1:02 what are the blue lights popping up off the sides of the Speedo? I’m assuming it’s letting the driver know the rear wheels broke loose?

    • @Brick412
      @Brick412 9 месяцев назад +1

      Idk, but I've seen them all the time when going full throttle in a tight curve in RaceRoom, so that may be related to shifting while turning, when the car can't go that fast, correct me if I'm wrong

    • @MsEmissary
      @MsEmissary 2 месяца назад

      @@Brick412it’s the TCS iirc

  • @AaronGilmour-w1t
    @AaronGilmour-w1t 8 месяцев назад

    Such bravery! Mad respect!

  • @TheGamingDefinition
    @TheGamingDefinition 3 года назад +12

    Damn, these simulators are getting pretty realistic

  • @Kideem
    @Kideem 2 года назад +2

    This just makes me want the nordschleife even more in ACC

  • @ivanv23hr
    @ivanv23hr 3 года назад +3

    Its amazing how this POV are very different then ones in games. Track looks very narrow and you dont have any room for error. One mistake and your are in wall. Bye bye to your (expensive) car.
    Green hell - pretty much whole point of this track in two words. Its nice, looks good, its old track and all other compliments...but one mistake and you are in hell. Very expensive hell.
    Pro drivers have my biggest respect!
    And Sabine is very proud on this driving. Very nice indeed

  • @yesh3279
    @yesh3279 2 года назад

    Love the sound of straight cut gears!

  • @cloud9656
    @cloud9656 Год назад +5

    0:06 Can anyone tell me what does this lever do that he was polling up and down?

    • @x22legitandrage
      @x22legitandrage Год назад +4

      to lock or unlock the steering wheel for adjusting the position

  • @OneSneakyBastid
    @OneSneakyBastid 3 месяца назад

    That 1st carousel made me nervous and I'm not even driving lol. That was an epic lap.

  • @lucian-emilgusa6185
    @lucian-emilgusa6185 3 года назад +41

    I was always wondering, how hard/stiff turning the steering wheel feels in real life?
    Is it light because of PS, or is it stiff like a high end simracing wheel?

    • @tahirballikaya213
      @tahirballikaya213 3 года назад +11

      You can see how the driver is fighting the wheel. So I can't tell in numbers but it's definitely stronger than a thrustmaster wheelbase :)

    • @p4uli
      @p4uli 3 года назад +27

      It's light. That's cause you got the Gs that tell you were your car is going. In the Sim all the feedback you get comes from the wheel only, that's why it's so stiff there.

    • @lucian-emilgusa6185
      @lucian-emilgusa6185 3 года назад +13

      @@p4uli this is exactly what I suspected. Judging by this footage, the driver doesn't seem to wrestle the wheel at all. That's why I opted for a weaker simwheel mounted on a motion rig. Still not as real as... reality 😁 , but more realistic than a static rig with a simwheel that can tear your hands apart.

    • @MaciekJutrzenka
      @MaciekJutrzenka 3 года назад +3

      Steering is light brakes are hard

    • @Glitch315
      @Glitch315 3 года назад +5

      @@lucian-emilgusa6185 I found that Iracing was one of the only sims that did a good job of adjusting the steering stiffness based on the car without me having to change any settings. Most other sims I have to manually change the settings to fit the realism of the car as it'll just be the same everywhere and even road cars will feel stiff. With Iracing though, the road cars were really really light, and the race cars, atleast the ones with power steering, were not completely stiff but still firm, and you could really feel the tyres gripping. Iracing gets a lot of shit for inferior physics to other sims but from my experience its the closest a sim car has felt to real life for me.

  • @faz_ed
    @faz_ed Год назад +5

    People here after real racing 3