香港藝術館 -「香港賽馬會呈獻系列:尋香記--中國芳香文化藝術展」展覽講座--清代的香事、香具與香學(普通話) - 節目重溫

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • 為配合即將開幕的展覽,香港藝術館特意邀請上海博物館工藝研究部主任施遠先生主講,通過闡述香具設計的變化與相關的香學著作,深入淺出地探究清代香事的獨特之處,從宮廷用香到文人香學,為觀眾提供賞析中國芳香文化的入門知識。
    Hong Kong Museum of Art - “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: Fragrance of Time-In Search of Chinese Art of Scent” Public Talk-Incense activities, tools and related studies in
    Qing dynasty (Putonghua)- Recap
    In conjunction with the upcoming exhibition, the Hong Kong Museum of Art has invited Mr Shi Yuan, Head of the Department of Arts and Crafts of the Shanghai Museum, to give a public talk. Through examining various incense ware and related literature, Mr Shi will shed light on the distinctive features of fragrance activities in the Qing dynasty, from the imperial court to scholarly settings, to provide the key to unlocking the vibrant fragrance culture of China.

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