Sehr sehr tolle Gitarre, hab die 7-saitige Version in trans. Schwarz und Rot. Hatte schon teurere Gitarren welche ich jedoch ganz im Gegensatz zu den beiden relativ günstigen Schecter Omen Extreme 7 nicht mehr besitz. Ich kann die mit reinem Gewissen weiter empfehlen, für das Geld definitiv sehr sehr liebenswert mit ihren kleinen Details. Die PU's sind auch nicht schlecht, hab da auch schon weitaus schlimmeres für ungerechtfertigt höheren Preis gehört. Und mit nem Booster eurer Wahl, einem guten Amp und sauberen Spielfähigkeiten, durchaus fett im Klang. Der Gitarrist macht immer noch den größten Teil aus und wer diese Gitarre nicht zum klingen bringt der sollte sein Geld lieber nicht für teurere Gitarren sondern für einen guten Lehrer ausgeben... Wird oft vergessen... ;) Jedenfalls super Review!!! Genau der richtige Mann für die Klampfe!!! Like!
so wie schecter es schafft, passable gitarre zu fairen preisen anzubieten, findet olli immer die richtigen wörter, um sound zu beschreiben, auch wenn die manchmal seltsam sind! :D hervorragend!
After using this guitar for 2 years now, i finally have an oppinion. The FR does what it should. The original mikes is just on avarege. And what I found being a hustle, is the weight of it. It's like having a piano around your neck! Even sitting down it feels you have a couple of heavy duty bricks around your neck. This guitar plays super well, but I'm getting tiered of heaving a concrete blob swing around. I was in aw when I first saw it. But really? This heavy? Changing the setup, design of the mikes, or the whole mike arrangement for matter, could easily make up for that crappy handling and cutting some 2 kilos off that concrete body would be what this otherwise excellent guitar needs! On the plus side: it's still in one pice, as expected from a concrete design
die schecters, die ich bisher in den griffeln hatte, waren allesamt gute intrumente und fühlen sich super an. preis ist bei schecter auch echt gut - wer schecter nicht kennen sollte, einfach mal ausprobieren und dann aufn preis gucken - überraschung garantiert! finde schecter nur optisch meist nicht so super. diese ausladenden bindings machen mich fertig :D
To everyone crying about how it's not English: Shut the fuck up, do you cry when you look up an anime that clearly says "-Insert anime name in English here- English Sub" but the anime is in Japanese? English isn't the only language on the planet. Anyways, you can hear the guitar and look up the specs yourself.
Tons of people worldwide xD Who cries about a video not being a language they're familiar with when RUclips is a worldwide organization? It's media all the same, the anime comparison was just an example.
TheRomanoLV Haha, I guess I gotta agree with that. Personally, I and the people I hang around with that like metal are xD Just thought it'd be simpler to compare it to something else.
***** Lol right on man! Manga and metal are the shit. Not sure where the general idea "I don't think metal people are really into anime" came from, seeing as some of metal bands incorporate anime art styles into their music and album art xD Sentiment?
Hab die Gitarre seit August 2010. Sieht sehr schön aus und hat schon nen sehr fetten Sound (Klingt halt schon sehr nach ner Paula), das Tremolo hält sich aus sehr Gut, obwohls nur ne billige Kopie ist. Spiel sie zur Zeit aber auch recht selten, weil ich eine Ibanez RG1451 Prestige gekauft hab.
I only played the guitar clean , like I do with all guitars that I check in when they arrive at my store.The active EMG combined with the beautiful mahagony quilted maple topped hollowbody give this guitar a rich and full sound. The piezo bridge pickup give it a very nice acoustic guitar sound. You can combine all pickups to your liking . Which makes this a very versatile guitar. here is the link to it in case anyone is\18GJw2L
Even though I am not German, I like your reviews, you cover most of the topics. But you should try making these reviews on cheaper amps. 70% of the guitar tone comes from the amp, and people who can't afford those overpriced amps won't check how it sounds on cheaper amps.
+João Canelas Partly you´re right. But the thing, Olli often chooses this amp is that this amp contains a wide spectrum of sounds. This amps clean sound is as good as its crunch and as good as its high gain sound. Not many amps fulfill this skills. So he can test lots of guitars on it. It´s a thing of comparability. Hope this Englisch makes Sense. My Englisch is not the Yellow from the Egg. ;)
They say that this guitar has a lot of fret buzz into it. Any comments on that? And the tuning seems to stay stable even tough he did some screwing around with the floyd rose.
***** That's exactly the purpose of the floyd rose. About the fret buzz you talk about, it depends mainly of the string heigh (adjustable) and the player.
Wenn man den Preisanteil für Pickups, Hardware, und das (originale!)Floyd Rose abzieht, kann ja fast nichts mehr für die Hölzer, Lackierung und am Wichtigsten - Bau und Qualitätskontrolle übrig bleiben. Aber die Indonesier kommen ja zum Glück mit ein paar Euro im Monat aus :D
This was my first guitar, and i've been playing for 1 1/2 years now, and many of the skills i have today i owe to this guitar! The thin neck and the tuning stability paired with the "cheap" price make this guitar a great deal to begin with. I am amazed over and over again how beautiful and well build this guitar is. BUT! If you haven't worked with a FR before, i'd recommend to buy the non-FR one, because its much easier to tune (even though i dont need to do it that much) and restring it. But, as i said: YES! For me, as a beginner, this guitar was perfect.
Been playing for around 21 years now. Honestly if this had been my first guitar I would have shit myself. This would be a very good first guitar because it is a guitar that allows you to grow musically as you grow. That can't be said for a lot of the guitars out there. And with a few upgrades this could go from a nice guitar to a professional one. These guitars respond well to upgrades and just get better and better. Personally I am proud to own one and I will play the shit out of it because it is a lot of fun to play. As the other guy said grab one without a Floyd on it so not to confuse you while trying to learn. These have good tuning stability due to the locking nut and will let you go crazy on it with dips and so forth and will snap back into tune for you after your strings are broke in. Also a trick some guy that use a Floyd do is pull the ball end of the string through the tuner head first to act as a lock while the strings break in then they lock the nut down and use the fine tuners. Doing that will get you to knowing the Floyd and you will never have a tuning problem. that said for a beginner it is a bit overwhelming trem system.
Syndicution I think it depends on the style you want to play. I'd better start with a guitar with simple bridge, and then move to the floyd rose if it fits your style
Hey oli ich hat mal ne frage. Wieso führt ihr die schecter blackjack sls serie eigentlich nicht? Konnt zumindest auf der seite bisher noch keine finden und hab auch im laden noch nie eine gesehen. Besorgt ihr solche gitarren dann nur auf anfrage, oder wie entscheidet sich, welche instrumente ihr im sortiment habt? Wäre da sehr dankbar für ne antwort ;)
Ich hatte Gestern eine Schecter Omen 6 extreme, ohne Tremolo angespielt. Wie bitte soll man als Mann, mit normal großen Händen, da in den hohen Bünden spielen? Die Innenseite meines Daumes wird von der Ecke der riesigen Platte, die den Hals an den Korpus anschraubt, gestört und der Cut out berührt schon ab dem 15. Bund meinen Handrücken.
Ich höre dir gerne zu . Wie lange spielst du schon bzw, wie lange hat es gedauert bis du "einigermaßen" spielen konntest. .. Spiele selber seit 3 Jahren und Metal ist immernoch teils echt zu schwer für mich .. besonders so Sachen von Metallica oder so ..
EMG are great pickups but maybe not the best for you. It depends for what you will play on it. Many people don't like the clean tone of EMGs. The original pickps are fine, but if you don't like it, found what it lacks, play or/and hear online the tone from other pickups like duncans and dimarzios, there are videos on youtube comparing emgs to other pickups. Than take your decision. The answer is very personal when it comes to pickups.
Den Sound bei dem Preis? Respekt Schecter, wenn man mal bedenkt das die Pickups in meiner Strat schon mehr kosten als die gesamte Gitarre, komm ich doch ins grübeln wie sinnvoll solche investitionen sind.
+Aaron Scheer oh wow okay yeah. I have a hard feeling in my stomach buying something and everyone categorizing it as "another strat'. just a personal flaw that isn't really a flaw.
the only thing i don't like about these new guitars is the cheap zinc alloy being used on the edge of the tremolo systems, if it weren't for that fact i would have already raced down to the store and gotten a Schecter Stealth C-1 FR
I agree but it wasn't enough to stop me from buying it. I am planning on upgrading to a better drop in trem for the same reason. The trem that comes with it although made cheap does work and is alright. Other than that the guitar is every bit as good as any other guitar in its range. I find myself playing this more than my USA Fender Strat and that was a guitar that was hard to match up to in my book. But I tend to pick the guitar I am gonna use based on the music I am about to play so they end up all getting played. Honestly the only thing different between this one and the one your thinking of getting is neck material and pickups. Your's will end up sounding a little fatter than this one and would be a great metal guitar. You should grab one because they have really good quality control and their guitars are really good ones.
das floyd ist ein special aus korea, und als hersteller zahlt man nicht mal annähernd so viel wie als endkunde. die pickups und der rest der hardware sind aus schecter-eigener (wiederum asiatischer) produktion. um die qualität und hölzer musst du dir bei ner omen extreme keine grossen sorgen machen, jede die ich bisher in den händen hatte war fehlerfrei.
ok, so i don't understand german or is it Dutch? . . .But Man! i would love to hear and see this guy do a test drive of a Ibanez Iron Label RGIR20E - White (Guitar #211P01131005644) or maybe even just his advice on which of these 2 guitars is better
i wanna buy a schecter guitar similar to this one with Emg 81 85 . I used to have esp . This schecter guitar seem to have a fat as hell neck. Anybody got any one to tell me?
Bought this one used from a store nearby me. I checked several other guitars including Charvel and Dean. This one was the one after playing them all that had the best sound, tone, action, and feel to it. I have small hands and this is still pretty easy to play due to the flat radius. The neck profile reminds me of more of a les paul style. The scale length is a decent one although it is an inch longer than a Les Paul. this guitar reminds me of a guitar that has the best features of a Les Paul and Fender with Schecter throwing in some flare and making it a guitar geared for a broad range of players. An absolute novice could play this guitar and make it sound halfway decent. The only thing they went really crazy with is the radius at 14" which is pretty flat. The pickups are also pretty hot and sound very decent so you don't have to rush right out and buy the EMG set. You may find you like these pickups thats already in there. I actually think the pickups can sound really good. They did a good job at finding a happy medium and didn't go full out crazy on them. They can sound thin, warm, heavy or just about any other sound you want with amp tweaks They sound really good running through a DOD 250 (grey version) straight to the amp. The OD gives it a nice crunch and clarity that remains unsurpassed by any of my other guitars. Honestly Schecter knocked it out of the park on this guitar. Mahogany body, quilted maple cap, Black Cherry with a maple neck and rosewood fretboard and a floyd. Honestly what the hell is there not to like about this beautiful guitar other than maybe the weight of it.
Got 6 ex with replacement of tone nob and split into a switch [much better] standard bridge [TOM] and swap on BKN nailbomb and stormy monday [neck] this is a 3 time i have that guitar . For me it's a World Domination mod realy[better than 80% guitars for 500€ - 800 of 500- 900$ [if you mod that baby]
Ich habe 2 dafon verschiedene serien aber beide sind SUPER mit FR ich muss sagen das sich keine von beiden sich verstimt wenn ich viel mit dem FR rumklapere gruesse aus GREECE!
I thought this guy was speaking english at first! It took me a second!
lol same here hahaha
Die Jungs von Schecter sind einfach genial. Klasse Gitarren zu klasse Preisen
I really love the playing
This Marshall head is just awesome .. The guitar too !
ich hab die gitarre aber die version ohne floyd rose und ich liebe dieses ding! mit schecter kann man echt nichts falsch machen
I love this solo
Sehr sehr tolle Gitarre, hab die 7-saitige Version in trans. Schwarz und Rot. Hatte schon teurere Gitarren welche ich jedoch ganz im Gegensatz zu den beiden relativ günstigen Schecter Omen Extreme 7 nicht mehr besitz. Ich kann die mit reinem Gewissen weiter empfehlen, für das Geld definitiv sehr sehr liebenswert mit ihren kleinen Details. Die PU's sind auch nicht schlecht, hab da auch schon weitaus schlimmeres für ungerechtfertigt höheren Preis gehört. Und mit nem Booster eurer Wahl, einem guten Amp und sauberen Spielfähigkeiten, durchaus fett im Klang. Der Gitarrist macht immer noch den größten Teil aus und wer diese Gitarre nicht zum klingen bringt der sollte sein Geld lieber nicht für teurere Gitarren sondern für einen guten Lehrer ausgeben... Wird oft vergessen... ;) Jedenfalls super Review!!! Genau der richtige Mann für die Klampfe!!! Like!
I don't understand shit, I can't speak german =(. The guitar sounds great, though.
Julián Perdomo same
Yeah same here lol
so wie schecter es schafft, passable gitarre zu fairen preisen anzubieten, findet olli immer die richtigen wörter, um sound zu beschreiben, auch wenn die manchmal seltsam sind! :D hervorragend!
I just received mine in the mail I fricken love it
After using this guitar for 2 years now, i finally have an oppinion. The FR does what it should. The original mikes is just on avarege. And what I found being a hustle, is the weight of it. It's like having a piano around your neck! Even sitting down it feels you have a couple of heavy duty bricks around your neck. This guitar plays super well, but I'm getting tiered of heaving a concrete blob swing around. I was in aw when I first saw it. But really? This heavy? Changing the setup, design of the mikes, or the whole mike arrangement for matter, could easily make up for that crappy handling and cutting some 2 kilos off that concrete body would be what this otherwise excellent guitar needs! On the plus side: it's still in one pice, as expected from a concrete design
and to me a too heavy guitar does not make for an enjoyable practice or live playing gig.
It's videos like this that made me want one!!!!!
die schecters, die ich bisher in den griffeln hatte, waren allesamt gute intrumente und fühlen sich super an. preis ist bei schecter auch echt gut - wer schecter nicht kennen sollte, einfach mal ausprobieren und dann aufn preis gucken - überraschung garantiert!
finde schecter nur optisch meist nicht so super. diese ausladenden bindings machen mich fertig :D
Wunderschöne Gitarre!
Mach bitte mal Gitarrentutorials :D Du bist hammer!
Olli is einfach cool Punkt aus !!!!!!
Could I install an EVH D tuna? And if yes, could I sitll pull up on the whammy bar? Can I still depress it all the way? Is movement limited at all?
You rock dood keep it up gives me good vibes Now I want a schecter thanks !!!!! Metal bacon!!
heilige sch.... holst du aus dem teil zum ende hin hammer täne raus !
Is this guitar better than the schecter demon 6?
Für den Preis? Wahnsinn! Echt gut!
To everyone crying about how it's not English: Shut the fuck up, do you cry when you look up an anime that clearly says "-Insert anime name in English here- English Sub" but the anime is in Japanese?
English isn't the only language on the planet. Anyways, you can hear the guitar and look up the specs yourself.
Dude who the fuck watches anime..
Tons of people worldwide xD
Who cries about a video not being a language they're familiar with when RUclips is a worldwide organization? It's media all the same, the anime comparison was just an example.
Austin TheD-stroyer Yeah just kind of random, and I dont think metal people are realyl into anime, hehe
TheRomanoLV Haha, I guess I gotta agree with that. Personally, I and the people I hang around with that like metal are xD Just thought it'd be simpler to compare it to something else.
***** Lol right on man! Manga and metal are the shit. Not sure where the general idea "I don't think metal people are really into anime" came from, seeing as some of metal bands incorporate anime art styles into their music and album art xD Sentiment?
Hab die Gitarre seit August 2010. Sieht sehr schön aus und hat schon nen sehr fetten Sound (Klingt halt schon sehr nach ner Paula), das Tremolo hält sich aus sehr Gut, obwohls nur ne billige Kopie ist. Spiel sie zur Zeit aber auch recht selten, weil ich eine Ibanez RG1451 Prestige gekauft hab.
I only played the guitar clean , like I do with all guitars that I check in when they arrive at my store.The active EMG combined with the beautiful mahagony quilted maple topped hollowbody give this guitar a rich and full sound. The piezo bridge pickup give it a very nice acoustic guitar sound. You can combine all pickups to your liking . Which makes this a very versatile guitar.
here is the link to it in case anyone is\18GJw2L
Olli's back!
I'm trying to decide between this guitar and a prs se standard 24.Any suggestions??
What did you get?
Even though I am not German, I like your reviews, you cover most of the topics. But you should try making these reviews on cheaper amps. 70% of the guitar tone comes from the amp, and people who can't afford those overpriced amps won't check how it sounds on cheaper amps.
+João Canelas
Partly you´re right. But the thing, Olli often chooses this amp is that this amp contains a wide spectrum of sounds. This amps clean sound is as good as its crunch and as good as its high gain sound. Not many amps fulfill this skills. So he can test lots of guitars on it. It´s a thing of comparability.
Hope this Englisch makes Sense. My Englisch is not the Yellow from the Egg. ;)
Yes I understand perfectly and I also understand your point and I have to agree as well. My English isn't also my native language xd
70% eh? Where did you get that data?
@@dennisneo1608 ok... 68.5%
Gute Klampfe, kann ich auch empfehlen.
Do you think STBLK looks better on this guitar or VSB? If STBLK is +1 VSB -1 NOW THANKS
Das ist eine erstaunliche Gitarre.
Olli muss sich unbedingt den neuen ENGL Ironball von der Namm krallen und ein Review davon machen. :-)
They say that this guitar has a lot of fret buzz into it. Any comments on that? And the tuning seems to stay stable even tough he did some screwing around with the floyd rose.
***** That's exactly the purpose of the floyd rose. About the fret buzz you talk about, it depends mainly of the string heigh (adjustable) and the player.
i am waiting for one from guitar center i can't wait.
Is this guitar have stable tuning when u use the Floyd rose?
Wenn man den Preisanteil für Pickups, Hardware, und das (originale!)Floyd Rose abzieht, kann ja fast nichts mehr für die Hölzer, Lackierung und am Wichtigsten - Bau und Qualitätskontrolle übrig bleiben. Aber die Indonesier kommen ja zum Glück mit ein paar Euro im Monat aus :D
Is this a good beginners guitar??
This was my first guitar, and i've been playing for 1 1/2 years now, and many of the skills i have today i owe to this guitar!
The thin neck and the tuning stability paired with the "cheap" price make this guitar a great deal to begin with.
I am amazed over and over again how beautiful and well build this guitar is.
BUT! If you haven't worked with a FR before, i'd recommend to buy the non-FR one, because its much easier to tune (even though i dont need to do it that much) and restring it.
But, as i said:
YES! For me, as a beginner, this guitar was perfect.
Been playing for around 21 years now. Honestly if this had been my first guitar I would have shit myself. This would be a very good first guitar because it is a guitar that allows you to grow musically as you grow. That can't be said for a lot of the guitars out there.
And with a few upgrades this could go from a nice guitar to a professional one. These guitars respond well to upgrades and just get better and better. Personally I am proud to own one and I will play the shit out of it because it is a lot of fun to play.
As the other guy said grab one without a Floyd on it so not to confuse you while trying to learn. These have good tuning stability due to the locking nut and will let you go crazy on it with dips and so forth and will snap back into tune for you after your strings are broke in. Also a trick some guy that use a Floyd do is pull the ball end of the string through the tuner head first to act as a lock while the strings break in then they lock the nut down and use the fine tuners. Doing that will get you to knowing the Floyd and you will never have a tuning problem. that said for a beginner it is a bit overwhelming trem system.
Syndicution I think it depends on the style you want to play. I'd better start with a guitar with simple bridge, and then move to the floyd rose if it fits your style
What's this guy's name? He sounds incredible.
William Herman it's in the description. It's a foreign name I can't spell it lol
His name is Olli
His Name is Olli, hes just a Salesman from this store :D ( with nice skills but very obsolete knowledge about many guitar facts )
He plays in Kevin Russels Bandвидео.html
check his performance 10 years ago
Hey oli ich hat mal ne frage. Wieso führt ihr die schecter blackjack sls serie eigentlich nicht? Konnt zumindest auf der seite bisher noch keine finden und hab auch im laden noch nie eine gesehen. Besorgt ihr solche gitarren dann nur auf anfrage, oder wie entscheidet sich, welche instrumente ihr im sortiment habt? Wäre da sehr dankbar für ne antwort ;)
Hey, i'm planning on buying this guitar would you recommend it?
Ich hatte Gestern eine Schecter Omen 6 extreme, ohne Tremolo angespielt. Wie bitte soll man als Mann, mit normal großen Händen, da in den hohen Bünden spielen? Die Innenseite meines Daumes wird von der Ecke der riesigen Platte, die den Hals an den Korpus anschraubt, gestört und der Cut out berührt schon ab dem 15. Bund meinen Handrücken.
Ich höre dir gerne zu . Wie lange spielst du schon bzw, wie lange hat es gedauert bis du "einigermaßen" spielen konntest. .. Spiele selber seit 3 Jahren und Metal ist immernoch teils echt zu schwer für mich .. besonders so Sachen von Metallica oder so ..
Was that it's normal tone at the start or was he using a pedal
In your guys's opinions how do these pickups compare to EMGs? Is it worth spending an extra $200 for EMGs?
EMG are great pickups but maybe not the best for you. It depends for what you will play on it. Many people don't like the clean tone of EMGs.
The original pickps are fine, but if you don't like it, found what it lacks, play or/and hear online the tone from other pickups like duncans and dimarzios, there are videos on youtube comparing emgs to other pickups.
Than take your decision. The answer is very personal when it comes to pickups.
how do you tune these? are you supposed to take off the metal bar by the tuning pegs?
They're torque screws guess with what smartie pants
Angenommen ich zimmer mir ein paar andere Pickups in diese Gitarre rein, kann ich die dann immer noch splitten ?
geiles Gerät!!!
bestell mir sofort eine :P
Those English subtitles though, XD
BPBSniper haha
its original pickups?whats the name
sag mal olli, welche tonleitern benutzt du so wenn du metal solis improvisierst? hört sich echt emgea geil an :D
How is this guitar compared to Schecter Demon 6 FR
Sehr geiles Video, spielst auch sehr geil, aber du redest ab und zu schon etwas sehr schnell, vor allem am Anfang :D
Can I insert a floyd rose in a omen 6 diamond series
The price of cutting the FR in and the risk of damaging the neck and stuff are way too high.
better buy a FR guitar
Ive got a Floyd rose on my schecter Damien fr diamond series
Major_Otaku3696 Wow, no one cares :D
Wow awesome play n attractive
How is the price schetter guitar
does it come with the whammy bar? or
RB26 DETT I’m a bit late but you can choose to get it with the Floyd Rose or not
Geile Axt!
Könnt ihr nicht mal die Schecter Synyster Gates Custom S reviewen. Wär nice. Ist echt ein schönes Brett
genau meine meinung!
bekommt ihr den AFD 5w combo?
What strings are you using?
Im sorry if you said it but I cant understand ur language :)
nice riffs
fr special. von floyd rose hergestellt, aber in korea und mit günstigeren materialien als schaller floyds/ FR-1000 serie.
woher weist du wie dick die decke ist?
Im between this or a Jackson js32, idk which one to chose.
did you buy?
Not yet. Im selling a kahler bridge to cover part of price of the guitar.
Even I'm confused b/w omen and js32. Looking for a stable FR
Go for Rg 370
Gott ich liebe meine :D
Does the Omen 6 Floyd Rose have passive pickups?
No active pickups
EKOOing Gaming I was told otherwise many times before you replied that they're passive
EKOOing Gaming soooooo......they're active? Dude you're confusing
Naveh_Productions They're passively active
Mein Schatz :)
Wenn auch in einer älteren Ausführung ;O
Den Sound bei dem Preis? Respekt Schecter, wenn man mal bedenkt das die Pickups in meiner Strat schon mehr kosten als die gesamte Gitarre, komm ich doch ins grübeln wie sinnvoll solche investitionen sind.
Why does your guitar have 2 volume knobs while others have 3 ? ? I dont get it
Mein Schatz :3
Reviewt nach der NAMM 2013 doch bitte mal den Schecter Hellraise USA 100 Amplifier Stack.
Schecter macht jetzt nämlich auch Amps :)
Mucho musical energy
kann mir einer sagen was olli da ab 1:11 spielt???
könntet ihr mal 'nen Singlecut Modell von Schecter zeigen?
Would you recommend this over the demon 6 fr?
Both are superstrats, so you have to choose which guitar looks better
+skoomadealer8 Demon is active, Omen Extreme is passive
+Svil Buscus Would you call them strats? They seem very different to me. Please reply
Naveh_Productions i think he meant like superstrats ;)
+Aaron Scheer oh wow okay yeah. I have a hard feeling in my stomach buying something and everyone categorizing it as "another strat'. just a personal flaw that isn't really a flaw.
Ich will dieses weiße Powerball Halfstack !!
was für ein geiler weißer powerball am schluss!!
the only thing i don't like about these new guitars is the cheap zinc alloy being used on the edge of the tremolo systems, if it weren't for that fact i would have already raced down to the store and gotten a Schecter Stealth C-1 FR
I agree but it wasn't enough to stop me from buying it. I am planning on upgrading to a better drop in trem for the same reason. The trem that comes with it although made cheap does work and is alright. Other than that the guitar is every bit as good as any other guitar in its range.
I find myself playing this more than my USA Fender Strat and that was a guitar that was hard to match up to in my book.
But I tend to pick the guitar I am gonna use based on the music I am about to play so they end up all getting played. Honestly the only thing different between this one and the one your thinking of getting is neck material and pickups. Your's will end up sounding a little fatter than this one and would be a great metal guitar.
You should grab one because they have really good quality control and their guitars are really good ones.
What you guys think about Omen stock pickups? I own one...and they seems very poor to me for the guitar!
das floyd ist ein special aus korea, und als hersteller zahlt man nicht mal annähernd so viel wie als endkunde. die pickups und der rest der hardware sind aus schecter-eigener (wiederum asiatischer) produktion. um die qualität und hölzer musst du dir bei ner omen extreme keine grossen sorgen machen, jede die ich bisher in den händen hatte war fehlerfrei.
me gusta :D
ok, so i don't understand german or is it Dutch? . . .But Man! i would love to hear and see this guy do a test drive of a Ibanez Iron Label RGIR20E - White (Guitar #211P01131005644) or maybe even just his advice on which of these 2 guitars is better
i wanna buy a schecter guitar similar to this one with Emg 81 85 . I used to have esp . This schecter guitar seem to have a fat as hell neck. Anybody got any one to tell me?
Schecter hellraiser
this one is great. Go ahead
Bought this one used from a store nearby me. I checked several other guitars including Charvel and Dean. This one was the one after playing them all that had the best sound, tone, action, and feel to it.
I have small hands and this is still pretty easy to play due to the flat radius. The neck profile reminds me of more of a les paul style. The scale length is a decent one although it is an inch longer than a Les Paul.
this guitar reminds me of a guitar that has the best features of a Les Paul and Fender with Schecter throwing in some flare and making it a guitar geared for a broad range of players. An absolute novice could play this guitar and make it sound halfway decent.
The only thing they went really crazy with is the radius at 14" which is pretty flat. The pickups are also pretty hot and sound very decent so you don't have to rush right out and buy the EMG set. You may find you like these pickups thats already in there. I actually think the pickups can sound really good. They did a good job at finding a happy medium and didn't go full out crazy on them. They can sound thin, warm, heavy or just about any other sound you want with amp tweaks They sound really good running through a DOD 250 (grey version) straight to the amp. The OD gives it a nice crunch and clarity that remains unsurpassed by any of my other guitars.
Honestly Schecter knocked it out of the park on this guitar. Mahogany body, quilted maple cap, Black Cherry with a maple neck and rosewood fretboard and a floyd. Honestly what the hell is there not to like about this beautiful guitar other than maybe the weight of it.
Got 6 ex with replacement of tone nob and split into a switch [much better] standard bridge [TOM] and swap on BKN nailbomb and stormy monday [neck] this is a 3 time i have that guitar . For me it's a World Domination mod realy[better than 80% guitars for 500€ - 800 of 500- 900$ [if you mod that baby]
I'm Thinking a Metal Distortion. Digitech Maybe.
Wo ist der Unterschied zur Hellraiser?
Der Preis.
die Pickups sind schon fast so teuer wie die Gitarre allgemein :D
Ich habe 2 dafon verschiedene serien aber beide sind SUPER mit FR ich muss sagen das sich keine von beiden sich verstimt wenn ich viel mit dem FR rumklapere gruesse aus GREECE!
und am Anfang!
kann auch ne ahorndecke mit furnier drauf sein.
Auch den ampeg svt micro stack
German video... Only English comments..
stimmt net :D
Olli Loomis
ordentlicher Ausraster beim letzten Zocken, innerlich war er wohl schon nach dem stagedive und kurz vor dem "gitarre-auf -den-boden-kloppen".
mine is a bit more different than this
it has got 2 volume pots and a matched headstock
Some have one volume while others have two. Not sure why
yes, i hope someone can give a explain for that mysterious knop hahaaaa
I thought Super Hans was more of a keyboardist.
I change a EMG HZ H4 🤘🏾🤘🏾🤘🏾🤘🏾🤘🏾
Change on bkn naillbomb or sd invader Then youl see a punch from extreme 6 [clean beuty etc]
Krass assi isses, ja! :D