I had past-life hypnotic regression with a licensed therapist in 2001 and found it to be very helpful. I have had irrational fears of knives,guns,trains and loud explosions making parades and 4th of July fireworks displays terrifying for me to witness. The past life regression to a past life during the 2nd World War freed me from these fears that had plagued me since earliest childhood.
I too had intense fear of guns when I was a kid. Then in my 30s, I had suddenly a flash of something like a memory from another life. Three bullets in my lungs. They were fired in rapid succession as if from a machine gun. The bullets were narrow, their ends hot. That was one flash. Next flash was of my time in a concentration camp during WWII era. I stood in front of a black wall, facing a fire squad and prisoners witnessing my execution.
As a very young child, I remember asking where my pet goldfish went after it died. I was told "to live with Jesus. We all go to live with Jesus forever when we die." I knew then it wasn't accurate. I knew @ 5 yrs of age that we are born again & again. But I also knew better than to correct my elders! Apparently, during the Nicene council, the Church decided to remove the books of the Bible that refer to reincarnation. (They're now referred to as the Apocrypha)
Yup. It’s far easier to control people if you tell them that there is a horrible place that they go if they are bad, than to tell them they will come back here. My grandma always said “you make your own heaven and you make your own hell. You’ll be back here, and karma from this life will get you then if your not good now.” That scared me more than hell
@@fanoftheparanormal2480 Agree ... "we come back here." Just thrown in FWIW: "Mouths full of chocolate .............. covered cream make arms that can only lift a spoooon .... make everyone go to the moooon" ... which even makes the shark jump the mo-o-o-n. LIE'f's a constant tug-o-war betwixt "YOU MUST BECOME WEALTHY!" and "REMAIN HEALTHY!" Sit on your arse and brainstorm 24-7 and be inactive 0R NO! Do biohack backflips 24-7 to remain healthy. There's power in money and there's power in power... and doing one is to undo the other and you do nothing but hamster wheel 24-7 ... like everyone else GRRRRRR. And this crap sends everyone to the moon burning the candle at both ends which regurgitates ourselves back to the h-EART-h. They don't call Momma Earth Terror-FIRM-a for nothing. This is why we all suck stuck in this never-ending 88888 infinity cycle re-chasing our own tails from birth to death to birth ... 6 to 9 back to 6 ... for an eternity. Suck is LI'f'E, an 'f'd up lie. We keep coming back. That's why "earth" is spelled "heart" with the h shifted to the back. And we wonder why "live" = "evil" backward. But no problemo because Geeeebusssssssss is a-coming. All is love and light. Namaste everyone. Ignorance is bliss ... Stockholm Syndrome is fun! Hail the Great Blue Pill in the Blue Sky!
So there WAS a part of the bible that mentions reincarnation. If it was in GOD'S BOOK then it is a TRUTH we were meant to know. I always thought that MAN messed with GOD'S WORD. It is NOT for a man to DICTATE OVER. They will be punished for doing so I imagine for covering up the TRUTHS of GOD'S WORD. ( perhaps they didn't like the FACT that with reincarnation, men can come back as women and women can come back as men - which would mean, men and women really do have equality in this regard and SEXISM IS HYPOCRITICAL )
Interesting! I was raised without religion and grew up just knowing what people did tell me about it didn’t feel right. I always felt there was way more to everything then just ‘dying’ or as you say ‘living with Jesus’ … I never knew anything about the bible, just that the stories I did hear sounded so outrageous and if there was a god why did he let all this bad shit happen? Now that I’m older I understand why bad shit happens, but I believe in the universe, not god … there’s way too much proof that contradicts the bibles teachings… I’m definitely going to look this up though! Thank you!
I've had vivid memories from a past life. I remember growing up as a little boy, mom mom, my house in TX, my wife, her death, my son, loving watching MASH. The year was 1979 I died in my sleep. I was born in 1980. When I was about 3 or 4, i realized i was a girl and i was so pissed and would cry.
Between 1979 and 1980, you didn't stay long in the afterlife. That is amazing. You returned with reasons. I remember my death in a concentration camp during WWII era. I died by three bullets in my lungs. I remember hot ends of bullets ripping into my lungs that deflated like balloons bursted by needles.
I can believe it. As a young child I had reoccurring dreams of trying to climb up a shelled out hillside. I was wearing a WWI uniform and I can still remember it. I'm 61 now but I've always wondered about it. In my dream I would always be killed and then wake up in a panic. Kinda terrifying for a young boy to go through but as time went on, I knew what was coming in the dream and I wouldn't freak out as bad. Never know!
I can remember also. As a child of 5 ish I used to say to my father as we went up a hill in the car “ I used to live there daddy”. Finally my dad ( being curious and, funnily enough, believing his child) , went and enquired. The people that were living there now told the story of the previous family. They had a little girl who fell from her swing. It was as I’d described, slats painted in different colours abd hanging under the verandah . The rope broke and the child died. The house was as I’d described. Though, mostly I’d always described the big verandah with the tables, chairs abd plants there. He didn’t tell me till years later but I’ve never forgotten it. Strange things happen 👵👵👵🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
60 years Diplomatic support from 🇨🇭I personally only see in a number game. Exactly like the Casinos work. 20% profit. 15 became legal and 30% call the shots!
Another interesting detail not discussed in the video is that Johnston was a Machinist's Mate, and Pilgrim was an Electrician's Mate. This increases the chances that the two sailors were in the same compartment when Shark was depth charged, since they were both engineering ratings. Over 3500 U.S. submariners died during WWII, a fatality rate of over 22%, highest of any major branch of the Armed Services. We owe these brave men an undying debt of gratitude.
@@daver8521 from these quick comments one could imagine that egos with limited knowledge feel threatened and want to 'prepare' for war but those with knowledge do not seek to destroy like the small minds
As a child of about 5 or 6, just walking into the school one day, between 2 high walls a feeling of oppression came over me and I thought I have to go to school all over again and grow up all over again. I was not happy. I forgot about this until I was much older and feel that I was on the cusp of remembering a past life.
Makes absolute sense Margaret ! I can completely empathise ... and have often thought ... that being reincarnated would mean HAVING to most likely, go through & repeat certain unwelcome experiences all over again !
I was very surprised to see this. I am Bruce Kelly and would be happy to prove my identity to the makers of this. Unsolved Mysteries asked to do a segment on my story and I agreed. The trip to Alabama mentioned in this video was paid for and filmed by Unsolved Mystery’s with Rick Brown and myself, not actors. Some of the things in this video are not true and nobody connected with this ever talked with me to ensure the facts were accurate. Disappointing!
I think it’s just a guy on his own in Australia that puts these together. He does a very good job and I’m sure didn’t make the errors on purpose. Perhaps DM him and see if he can do an edit?
As a young boy, I kept dreaming of a tropical island, me wearing camo, and lifted my head to peek over a sand dune, and was shot in the head and everything goes dark. That is when I would jolt awake. My mom said I had been watching too many black and white war movies. She thinks I made it up. IF, I were to make up a war story, I would have been a pilot flying Corsairs, and not some grunt in a filthy ditch! The dream started becoming less frequent, around the age of 12.
Its ironic I found this video. I found this when searching the name "Kelly Bruce Wages". Ive had intense realistic dreams of drowning through my life, through a process i really could not explain in one comment, i traced my past life to the 1954 and learned he was a member of the navy. That is when I discovered The Bennington. A ship that blew up in 1954 killing 103 Navy members. Going over the list of the dead, I found Kelly Wages. What stands out to me, is my middle name is Kelley. The most interesting part is that neither of my parents can remember who came up with the name. In googling his name, I just found myself here, a story of someone with a similar name who reincarnated. It's nothing more then a coincidence, but a very intersting one. I thought id share this story here, as I have nobody else i can really talk to about this at the moment.
Wow! How exciting though. I believe my soul is very young and hasn’t lived much. I feel like I’m just flailing through this life. I am immensely drawn to WWII and Auschwitz in particular. I believe I was there, however briefly.
USS Shark (SS-174) was a Porpoise-class submarine, the fifth ship of the United States Navy to be named for the shark. Her keel was laid down by the Electric Boat Company in Groton, Connecticut, on 24 October 1933. Fate: Probably sunk by Japanese destroyer Yamakaze east of Manado, 11 February 1942. When you Google SS-174 crew on the internet, both names do appear on the list.."CPO Pilgram Walter E." and "FN Johnston James E."
I as a very young child had memories of past lives. I can remember floating away from my old dead body as it was burning at a funeral parlor. Another of me floating up some stairs in a hospital, which seemed to feel like it was just before I was born into this life. But the most intriguing thing was when I was as a baby in this life I seemed to have an older person's mind for a while at least because one day my mum and a friend photographer were trying to get me to smile for some pictures as I sat in my pram, and I seemed to know exactly what they were trying to get me to do so I literally posed for the camera for three or four shots.
Some of the strongest evidence ever brought forth on the reality of Past Lives (not involving hypnosis). Birthmarks, scars and photographic evidence. A Civil War general’s reincarnation, plus a great story of a young boy, 9/11 and the reincarnation of a New York City firefighter who perished in one of the Twin Towers. The full story as told by the boy's mother on (and to me off) a popular Reincarnation Forum starting in 2007 up to the present day. The book is titled, Fire in the Soul: Reincarnation from Antietam to Ground Zero.
Just a small point but Submarines of that era did not have 'Cabins' sleeping arrangements were bunks and hammocks squeezed in where ever there was a bit of space. The only person who would have anything resembling a 'cabin' was the Captain and that was no more than a cubicle with a curtain.
There is a woman called Jenny Cockle who has three books about reincarnation she remembered several past lives in particular one in Ireland as a mother of 6 children she eventually travelled back to Ireland found her village and found and met her children they were then all in there 80s and 90s she knew so much about the children and there lives that they eventually excepted her as there reincarnated mother. The amazing thing is she has several memories of past lives including....Get this...One From the future as well. If this is true it means that even if Earth was destroyed by a meteor or some other catastrophe you would just go back in time to start your new life. Which brings in the next question? Do we ever live a life for a second time and does it turn out the same?
I remember this story. She could also remember that one of her son's had a hiding place where he went when he wanted to be alone .And only she knew about it , not even his siblings.That was a very interesting story and their are so many others out there who have experienced something like that ,to dream of their past live(s). Fascinating !
I've had past life memories. Altho' bothered all my life by bad memories, these finally came thru with great strength and clarity in the late 1980s. I was part of a meditation group. Our Group Leader was a WW2 British Army Dunkirk veteran. Thru our group meditation work, a sweep of psychic energy flooded thru, like a tornado, and it revealed I had been killed in North West Germany in the British Army. My head had been blown apart by a mortar bomb. I still sometime feel it! Another UK guy in the group recalled his army death, also in NW Germany. An Afro guy in the group also had the war death memories. Many west Afro Regiments served in the British WW2 Army, in Europe but mainly in Burma/Myanmar. A young German woman in our group recalled her death thru Allied Bombings of Germany. I know my previous name, grave yard location, place of birth (south London) and other things! No I don't hate Germans! Frohe Weihnachten allerseits! Happy Christmas Everybody!
I have always thought about what if we just keep living our life over and over again making different choices in every life (like a ground hog day) until we live all choices there is than we can graduate. Ha ha.
Both of these ideas would be great if you can choose but it doesn’t sound like much fun if you live a life as a victim of any kind of abuse, or if you are a perpetrator of these kinds of abuse or born as anyone in a third world county. The idea of reincarnation terrifies me!!
@@Seekingheros In reincarnation, you do choose. BUT - your soul does the choosing and it sees life differently than a living person does. The purpose of reincarnation is to learn, to teach others and to remind others of lessons they've learned. Given that, the soul decides what is the best way to do all of that. In some cases, it's to have a debilitating disease or deformity, in others to experience a horrible trauma or to perpetrate one, etc. It's up to us in living form to learn from it.
I took the courses required to be a certified hypnotherapist in the mid 90s. I helped a lot of people to heal problems similar to this video. I gave it up as being too intense, I suppose I was hitting on my own past life stuff, or this life, take your pick. I am in Rabbi Gershom's second book under an assumed name. Or this is my assumed name, can't remember. I don't know what I believe anymore.
After recall of my WW2 British Army death I ended up with 20000+ previous life time memories. I've found Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophy and Buddhist meditation invaluable in clarifying, focussing, evaluating and time slotting the different lives. I believe this happened because I was killed by a mortar explosion which blew my head off. As a result past memories just stream thru.
when i was walking with my 7 or 8 year old grandson in milwaukee`s downtown he had a terrible fear of the tall buildings i think it had something to do with death in the last life
@@realtruth172 There is a You Tube posting about a boy with the same phobia and the family traced it back to a man who died in thew WTC on 9/11. Look it up. A regression therapist might help him.
Sometimes one wonders about this issue.Practicing the Mystic Arts,certain indications point to this direction but conditioning from birth suppress it......
I have an out of print book by a Frechman, translated into English. It is scary. Saysany phobias and illnesses are carry overs from past lives. It tells you to self treat by going I to a trance. You put a recording device on, you say out loud I wish to find my previous life then relax each body part until you fall asleep. (You also set a timer for 2 hours, because it takes that long). You either take a deep sleep, or you mumble, or you are fully awake. But something happens where you experience a piece of past life. Then after the alarm, you describe what you saw or whatever comes into your mind.
Até os 7anos de idade a criança ainda está se encaixando no novo corpo e é natural que se recorde nitidamente de vários fatos em detalhes das suas últimas existências. Ate os 10 anos de idade costuma passar (ou não) essas lembranças. Fica tudo gravado e bem arquivado no PERISPIRITO arquivo, onde estão armazenados todas às informações sobre suas encarnações anteriores cada,detalhe,cada por menor minuciosamente guardado e bem arquivado no arquivo do espírito. Nada se perde. Já vivemos muitas vidas com muitas pessoas diferentes da nossa atual família. Essa não é a primeira vez que estamos aqui. Encontramos explicações mais detalhadas na obra: THE SPIRITS BOOK. O livro dos espíritos de Allan Kardec. Tem 1018 perguntas e respostas. É claro direto objetivo é fácil de compreender. Baixa em pdf. Low in pdf. Paz profunda à todos.
I just messaged on a previous video about similar to this and this one has just came up next.., proper stunned ,glad I'm not the only one , I mind being a minister in wartime as a sailor and I don't know how to cope sometimes with it. Noone wants to believe in such things I'm booked in to the pIace I remember from 'those memories' and hopefully nothing stops the boats for me to take a friend and my wee one.
All humans have had non-human animal past lives (no exceptions). Most humans have had past human lives, but some are having their first human life. All souls in non-human animal bodies will eventually have a human birth, if humans live long enough for that to happen (which they probably will).
He sAid on Unsolved Mysteries that he wasn't sure if reincarnation existed but somehow he has been given this knowledge About James Edward Johnson. That's A wise statement and I think that's the case with many people who have experience with passed life's. It's not reincarnation.
Including My own experience with remembering passed life's meaning it's not reincarnation God Has blessed me to know something of someone else's life who mAy lived year's before me. That don't mean that it's reincarnation.
When I was young I had a clear memory of being in a ship in a storm. And in my memory I was tall (an adult). It was as clear as any other memory I had but I couldn’t figure out where it fit into my young life.
i think i was in the SS in a former life. I dont think i was totally evil, I just got caught up with the propaganda and stuff. Its why I suspect im not much of a follower or group joiner in this life.
When I worked in Germany, I have met Germans who have memories of their death in the Wehrmacht German Army WW2. Some Germans dismiss this German time in history as Nazi bullsh!t. But in my opinion the British Monarchy, and modern NATO NWO Bankers are equally big bullsh!tters. And in South Africa bliks are killing Dutch Afrikaaner Farmers just because they have white skin, blond hair and work hard. It's a revelation that when Wehrmacht Field Marshal Pauling was released from Soviet Prison in the 1950s, after conversion to Communism, he got a nasty surprise! The USA leaders insisted he form a new German USA Army together with them, and they smash up Russia!
Similar to myself. I abhor group activities or group think, and I would never join a club or anything like that; not even a meditation group, though I do meditate. I've always thought that I must have lived under some kind of dictatorial regime where I was forced to join and march with the crowd.
Well, obviously, servicemen in combat often suffer horrific deaths; so if they reincarnate, they’ll take a lot of trauma into their next life. But, come to think of it, most everyone suffers a lot of pain as they die - so why isn’t everyone troubled by past life trauma?
Are there any later , as in more recent stories of reincarnation? I have a few phobias that do not make much sense, from childhood up. I don't believe in reincarnation, b ut it is interesting to hear about.
@@atlasgunther8947 I only said I don't believe in it, and for the same reasons the guy in the story didn't. To grasp is to understand, I understand what reincarnation is. That's why it is interesting to me, and why I would like to hear some stories from late 2000s til now.
@@lindabeeston7408 That's fine. My original statement is/was still, this is interesting are there any stories from recent times. A question that hasn't been answered yet.
Vou deixar uma lista de filmes espíritas brasileiros. Que abordam o tema dá reencarnação. Para quem quiser assistir à vontade. Todos ótimos. Todos no RUclips e Netflix. 1 Kardec o filme 2 Divaldo o mensageiro da paz. 3 Chico Xavier 4 As mães de Chico 5 As cartas de de Chico 6 Nosso lar (The astral city) 7 Bezerra o diário de um espírito. 8 Sozinho?(mini série com 6 episódios) 9 O anjo 10 Os órfãos 11 O predestinado 12 O juízo 13 O filme dos espiritos 14 Paulo de Tarso 15 Apesar da dor 16 Deixa me viver 17 Portal dos sonhos 18 Causa e efeito 19 E a vida continua 20 programa da rede Globo chamado linha direta: Arigo. 21 Documentário espírita Nacional : De Kardec aos dias de hoje. 22 Documentário espírita Nacional : Nos passos do mestre. 23 O gigante deitado Todos ótimos. Todos no RUclips e Netflix Fiquem com Deus. Paz profunda à todos.
@@HarrySmith-hr2iv Just click on the words at the bottom: "Translate to English" and Google automatically translates when RUclips comments are in foreign languages. It's on his Brazilian Portuguese comment, and I've seen it and used it on many other RUclips Channels' comments sections. Occasionally, I've found that feature missing from a RUclips Channel, but rarely.
"It is appointed unto man once to die". So why the hell are we being reincarnated? It's pissing me off. Who the hell would WANT to come back to this deceptively beautiful planet? Not me.
The problem I have with reincarnation is that if people are born and born again and again the population of the planet would remain the same, but it is steadily increasing year after year. Where are all the new people coming from?
Bravo Clive, we don’t need to be vaccinated to do what we love to do. Taking step by step to make Australia better than it ever was. Yellow shirt and red Lyon can put a steak on the Barbie feeling proud, of what we achieved.
Another channel with randomly googled clips, so easy and worthless and not adding anything to the story but yeah gotta get those clicks huh? Don't reccomend channel
I had past-life hypnotic regression with a licensed therapist in 2001 and found it to be very helpful. I have had irrational fears of knives,guns,trains and loud explosions making parades and 4th of July fireworks displays terrifying for me to witness. The past life regression to a past life during the 2nd World War freed me from these fears that had plagued me since earliest childhood.
What past life ? Reincarnation is nonsense
I too had intense fear of guns when I was a kid. Then in my 30s, I had suddenly a flash of something like a memory from another life. Three bullets in my lungs. They were fired in rapid succession as if from a machine gun. The bullets were narrow, their ends hot. That was one flash. Next flash was of my time in a concentration camp during WWII era. I stood in front of a black wall, facing a fire squad and prisoners witnessing my execution.
@@chirpywiggins5796 How do you know? Are you God?
Did any of your relatives die in combat?
@@HarrySmith-hr2iv what is the purpose of reincarnation?
As a very young child, I remember asking where my pet goldfish went after it died. I was told "to live with Jesus. We all go to live with Jesus forever when we die."
I knew then it wasn't accurate. I knew @ 5 yrs of age that we are born again & again. But I also knew better than to correct my elders!
Apparently, during the Nicene council, the Church decided to remove the books of the Bible that refer to reincarnation. (They're now referred to as the Apocrypha)
Yup. It’s far easier to control people if you tell them that there is a horrible place that they go if they are bad, than to tell them they will come back here. My grandma always said “you make your own heaven and you make your own hell. You’ll be back here, and karma from this life will get you then if your not good now.” That scared me more than hell
Well put D Ward.
@@fanoftheparanormal2480 Agree ... "we come back here."
Just thrown in FWIW:
"Mouths full of chocolate .............. covered cream make arms that can only lift a spoooon .... make everyone go to the moooon" ... which even makes the shark jump the mo-o-o-n.
LIE'f's a constant tug-o-war betwixt "YOU MUST BECOME WEALTHY!" and "REMAIN HEALTHY!" Sit on your arse and brainstorm 24-7 and be inactive 0R NO! Do biohack backflips 24-7 to remain healthy. There's power in money and there's power in power... and doing one is to undo the other and you do nothing but hamster wheel 24-7 ... like everyone else GRRRRRR. And this crap sends everyone to the moon burning the candle at both ends which regurgitates ourselves back to the h-EART-h. They don't call Momma Earth Terror-FIRM-a for nothing. This is why we all suck stuck in this never-ending 88888 infinity cycle re-chasing our own tails from birth to death to birth ... 6 to 9 back to 6 ... for an eternity. Suck is LI'f'E, an 'f'd up lie.
We keep coming back. That's why "earth" is spelled "heart" with the h shifted to the back. And we wonder why "live" = "evil" backward. But no problemo because Geeeebusssssssss is a-coming. All is love and light. Namaste everyone. Ignorance is bliss ... Stockholm Syndrome is fun! Hail the Great Blue Pill in the Blue Sky!
So there WAS a part of the bible that mentions reincarnation. If it was in GOD'S BOOK then it is a TRUTH we were meant to know. I always thought that MAN messed with GOD'S WORD. It is NOT for a man to DICTATE OVER. They will be punished for doing so I imagine for covering up the TRUTHS of GOD'S WORD. ( perhaps they didn't like the FACT that with reincarnation, men can come back as women and women can come back as men - which would mean, men and women really do have equality in this regard and SEXISM IS HYPOCRITICAL )
Interesting! I was raised without religion and grew up just knowing what people did tell me about it didn’t feel right. I always felt there was way more to everything then just ‘dying’ or as you say ‘living with Jesus’ … I never knew anything about the bible, just that the stories I did hear sounded so outrageous and if there was a god why did he let all this bad shit happen? Now that I’m older I understand why bad shit happens, but I believe in the universe, not god … there’s way too much proof that contradicts the bibles teachings… I’m definitely going to look this up though! Thank you!
I've had vivid memories from a past life. I remember growing up as a little boy, mom mom, my house in TX, my wife, her death, my son, loving watching MASH. The year was 1979 I died in my sleep. I was born in 1980. When I was about 3 or 4, i realized i was a girl and i was so pissed and would cry.
Between 1979 and 1980, you didn't stay long in the afterlife. That is amazing. You returned with reasons.
I remember my death in a concentration camp during WWII era. I died by three bullets in my lungs. I remember hot ends of bullets ripping into my lungs that deflated like balloons bursted by needles.
I can believe it. As a young child I had reoccurring dreams of trying to climb up a shelled out hillside. I was wearing a WWI uniform and I can still remember it. I'm 61 now but I've always wondered about it. In my dream I would always be killed and then wake up in a panic. Kinda terrifying for a young boy to go through but as time went on, I knew what was coming in the dream and I wouldn't freak out as bad. Never know!
I can remember also. As a child of 5 ish I used to say to my father as we went up a hill in the car “ I used to live there daddy”. Finally my dad ( being curious and, funnily enough, believing his child) , went and enquired. The people that were living there now told the story of the previous family. They had a little girl who fell from her swing. It was as I’d described, slats painted in different colours abd hanging under the verandah . The rope broke and the child died. The house was as I’d described. Though, mostly I’d always described the big verandah with the tables, chairs abd plants there. He didn’t tell me till years later but I’ve never forgotten it. Strange things happen 👵👵👵🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
@@art1muz13 very sad, def probably a past life , hope this life is treating you well!
@@gonefishing167 that's amazing, I'd believe my children, so glad your dad did too!
Thank you for sharing, great story, hope this life is great for you!
Could we have some more of these stories.
With same narrator!
Why,? When they're nonsense !
@@chirpywiggins5796 then why are you here?
House arrest id the issue. Otherwise yes of course🍷☺️ lets talk and make it internationally known sort of like the Matterhorn. 🇨🇭🌺🥂🇦🇺
60 years Diplomatic support from 🇨🇭I personally only see in a number game. Exactly like the Casinos work. 20% profit. 15 became legal and 30% call the shots!
Another interesting detail not discussed in the video is that Johnston was a Machinist's Mate, and Pilgrim was an Electrician's Mate. This increases the chances that the two sailors were in the same compartment when Shark was depth charged, since they were both engineering ratings. Over 3500 U.S. submariners died during WWII, a fatality rate of over 22%, highest of any major branch of the Armed Services. We owe these brave men an undying debt of gratitude.
We also have to commit to peace not war,
Please research the emerald tablets of thoth
@@pinkyandthebrain5407 I have no idea what the "Tablets of Thoth" are, but I do know that the best way to preserve the peace is to prepare for war.
@@daver8521 from these quick comments one could imagine that egos with limited knowledge feel threatened and want to 'prepare' for war but those with knowledge do not seek to destroy like the small minds
@@daver8521 You have a lot to learn.
@@HarrySmith-hr2iv Not from you.
As a child of about 5 or 6, just walking into the school one day, between 2 high walls a feeling of oppression came over me and I thought I have to go to school all over again and grow up all over again. I was not happy. I forgot about this until I was much older and feel that I was on the cusp of remembering a past life.
Makes absolute sense Margaret !
I can completely empathise ... and have often thought ... that being reincarnated would mean HAVING to most likely, go through & repeat certain unwelcome experiences all over again !
I’d be thrilled to be a child again, but only if my new family was kind and loving.
I was very surprised to see this. I am Bruce Kelly and would be happy to prove my identity to the makers of this. Unsolved Mysteries asked to do a segment on my story and I agreed. The trip to Alabama mentioned in this video was paid for and filmed by Unsolved Mystery’s with Rick Brown and myself, not actors. Some of the things in this video are not true and nobody connected with this ever talked with me to ensure the facts were accurate. Disappointing!
What things where not true?
Which parts of this Weird World version were inaccurate?
Thank you for the heads up.
I think it’s just a guy on his own in Australia that puts these together. He does a very good job and I’m sure didn’t make the errors on purpose. Perhaps DM him and see if he can do an edit?
As a young boy, I kept dreaming of a tropical island, me wearing camo, and lifted my head to peek over a sand dune, and was shot in the head and everything goes dark. That is when I would jolt awake. My mom said I had been watching too many black and white war movies. She thinks I made it up. IF, I were to make up a war story, I would have been a pilot flying Corsairs, and not some grunt in a filthy ditch! The dream started becoming less frequent, around the age of 12.
Its ironic I found this video. I found this when searching the name "Kelly Bruce Wages". Ive had intense realistic dreams of drowning through my life, through a process i really could not explain in one comment, i traced my past life to the 1954 and learned he was a member of the navy. That is when I discovered The Bennington. A ship that blew up in 1954 killing 103 Navy members. Going over the list of the dead, I found Kelly Wages. What stands out to me, is my middle name is Kelley. The most interesting part is that neither of my parents can remember who came up with the name. In googling his name, I just found myself here, a story of someone with a similar name who reincarnated. It's nothing more then a coincidence, but a very intersting one. I thought id share this story here, as I have nobody else i can really talk to about this at the moment.
Thank you for sharing your experience ... 👌
Wow! How exciting though. I believe my soul is very young and hasn’t lived much. I feel like I’m just flailing through this life. I am immensely drawn to WWII and Auschwitz in particular. I believe I was there, however briefly.
It’s so weird to me to be able to say this…I get how you feel!
I enjoy your ghost stories and reincarnation stories they give one hope.
USS Shark (SS-174) was a Porpoise-class submarine, the fifth ship of the United States Navy to be named for the shark. Her keel was laid down by the Electric Boat Company in Groton, Connecticut, on 24 October 1933. Fate: Probably sunk by Japanese destroyer Yamakaze east of Manado, 11 February 1942.
When you Google SS-174 crew on the internet, both names do appear on the list.."CPO Pilgram Walter E." and "FN Johnston James E."
I as a very young child had memories of past lives. I can remember floating away from my old dead body as it was burning at a funeral parlor. Another of me floating up some stairs in a hospital, which seemed to feel like it was just before I was born into this life. But the most intriguing thing was when I was as a baby in this life I seemed to have an older person's mind for a while at least because one day my mum and a friend photographer were trying to get me to smile for some pictures as I sat in my pram, and I seemed to know exactly what they were trying to get me to do so I literally posed for the camera for three or four shots.
Some of the strongest evidence ever brought forth on the reality of Past Lives (not involving hypnosis). Birthmarks, scars and photographic evidence. A Civil War general’s reincarnation, plus a great story of a young boy, 9/11 and the reincarnation of a New York City firefighter who perished in one of the Twin Towers. The full story as told by the boy's mother on (and to me off) a popular Reincarnation Forum starting in 2007 up to the present day. The book is titled, Fire in the Soul: Reincarnation from Antietam to Ground Zero.
I seem to remember this case being featured on Unsolved Mysteries in the 80s
Just a small point but Submarines of that era did not have 'Cabins' sleeping arrangements were bunks and hammocks squeezed in where ever there was a bit of space. The only person who would have anything resembling a 'cabin' was the Captain and that was no more than a cubicle with a curtain.
There is a woman called Jenny Cockle who has three books about reincarnation she remembered several past lives in particular one in Ireland as a mother of 6 children she eventually travelled back to Ireland found her village and found and met her children they were then all in there 80s and 90s she knew so much about the children and there lives that they eventually excepted her as there reincarnated mother. The amazing thing is she has several memories of past lives including....Get this...One From the future as well. If this is true it means that even if Earth was destroyed by a meteor or some other catastrophe you would just go back in time to start your new life. Which brings in the next question? Do we ever live a life for a second time and does it turn out the same?
I didn't know she had a third book out. Thanks! (I enjoyed her first two books!)
I remember this story. She could also remember that one of her son's had a hiding place where he went when he wanted to be alone .And only she knew about it , not even his siblings.That was a very interesting story and their are so many others out there who have experienced something like that ,to dream of their past live(s). Fascinating !
One time a man died the same way a wound in his leg. He was a pilot a German pilot world war II reincarnated into a boy in America.
Which, not witch, in your second last sentence, and you asked an excellent question. I had never heard of such a question. You have a good mind!
@@Plethorality Thank you for picking me up on that I found another spelling mistake in the middle.👍🏻
Thank for an extremely intriguing watch.
welcome back Sir...
It's bnice hearing your voice again
I've had past life memories. Altho' bothered all my life by bad memories, these finally came thru with great strength and clarity in the late 1980s. I was part of a meditation group. Our Group Leader was a WW2 British Army Dunkirk veteran. Thru our group meditation work, a sweep of psychic energy flooded thru, like a tornado, and it revealed I had been killed in North West Germany in the British Army. My head had been blown apart by a mortar bomb. I still sometime feel it! Another UK guy in the group recalled his army death, also in NW Germany. An Afro guy in the group also had the war death memories. Many west Afro Regiments served in the British WW2 Army, in Europe but mainly in Burma/Myanmar. A young German woman in our group recalled her death thru Allied Bombings of Germany. I know my previous name, grave yard location, place of birth (south London) and other things! No I don't hate Germans! Frohe Weihnachten allerseits! Happy Christmas Everybody!
Thank you for sharing this ... very enlightening ... much respect
I have always loved the idea of reincarnation. Knowing that things don’t jus stop is kind of comforting. Another cool story keep em coming!
I have always thought about what if we just keep living our life over and over again making different choices in every life (like a ground hog day) until we live all choices there is than we can graduate. Ha ha.
Yes and no... nice to know we can come back but also terrifying at the same time 🤔
Both of these ideas would be great if you can choose but it doesn’t sound like much fun if you live a life as a victim of any kind of abuse, or if you are a perpetrator of these kinds of abuse or born as anyone in a third world county. The idea of reincarnation terrifies me!!
@@Seekingheros In reincarnation, you do choose. BUT - your soul does the choosing and it sees life differently than a living person does. The purpose of reincarnation is to learn, to teach others and to remind others of lessons they've learned. Given that, the soul decides what is the best way to do all of that. In some cases, it's to have a debilitating disease or deformity, in others to experience a horrible trauma or to perpetrate one, etc. It's up to us in living form to learn from it.
@@ArdellDelara I like that scenario! I have lost a lot of close Friends and family in this life so it would be Awesome to jus see them again.
My gf passed nov.5th, and def know there's life after death. I've talked to her over 45 times,she's answered everything, correctly.
I took the courses required to be a certified hypnotherapist in the mid 90s. I helped a lot of people to heal problems similar to this video. I gave it up as being too intense, I suppose I was hitting on my own past life stuff, or this life, take your pick. I am in Rabbi Gershom's second book under an assumed name. Or this is my assumed name, can't remember. I don't know what I believe anymore.
I heard about this on unsolved mysteries when it came out very fascinating story.
I experience past life memories mainly of an Anglo-Saxon woman. I have others but not as clear.
After recall of my WW2 British Army death I ended up with 20000+ previous life time memories. I've found Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophy and Buddhist meditation invaluable in clarifying, focussing, evaluating and time slotting the different lives. I believe this happened because I was killed by a mortar explosion which blew my head off. As a result past memories just stream thru.
Great stories! Thank you so much!
Researchers have found that phobias in this life are directly tied to how people died in a past life.
when i was walking with my 7 or 8 year old grandson in milwaukee`s downtown he had a terrible fear of the tall buildings i think it had something to do with death in the last life
@@realtruth172 There is a You Tube posting about a boy with the same phobia and the family traced it back to a man who died in thew WTC on 9/11. Look it up.
A regression therapist might help him.
As well as present day scars & physical disabilities etc etc
Always enjoy your stories.😊😊😊
Sometimes one wonders about this issue.Practicing the Mystic Arts,certain indications point to this direction but conditioning from birth suppress it......
I have an out of print book by a Frechman, translated into English. It is scary. Saysany phobias and illnesses are carry overs from past lives. It tells you to self treat by going I to a trance. You put a recording device on, you say out loud I wish to find my previous life then relax each body part until you fall asleep. (You also set a timer for 2 hours, because it takes that long). You either take a deep sleep, or you mumble, or you are fully awake. But something happens where you experience a piece of past life. Then after the alarm, you describe what you saw or whatever comes into your mind.
Até os 7anos de idade a criança ainda está se encaixando no novo corpo e é natural que se recorde nitidamente de vários fatos em detalhes das suas últimas existências.
Ate os 10 anos de idade costuma passar (ou não) essas lembranças.
Fica tudo gravado e bem arquivado no PERISPIRITO arquivo, onde estão armazenados todas às informações sobre suas encarnações anteriores cada,detalhe,cada por menor minuciosamente guardado e bem arquivado no arquivo do espírito.
Nada se perde.
Já vivemos muitas vidas com muitas pessoas diferentes da nossa atual família.
Essa não é a primeira vez que estamos aqui.
Encontramos explicações mais detalhadas na obra:
O livro dos espíritos de Allan Kardec.
Tem 1018 perguntas e respostas.
É claro direto objetivo é fácil de compreender.
Baixa em pdf.
Low in pdf.
Paz profunda à todos.
Thank you
I just messaged on a previous video about similar to this and this one has just came up next.., proper stunned ,glad I'm not the only one , I mind being a minister in wartime as a sailor and I don't know how to cope sometimes with it. Noone wants to believe in such things I'm booked in to the pIace I remember from 'those memories' and hopefully nothing stops the boats for me to take a friend and my wee one.
This is a good one.
All humans have had non-human animal past lives (no exceptions). Most humans have had past human lives, but some are having their first human life. All souls in non-human animal bodies will eventually have a human birth, if humans live long enough for that to happen (which they probably will).
I am on the fence regarding reincarnation but its stories like this that force me to give it serous consideration.
Really good to come across someone willing & mature enough to keep an open mind 👍 💞
I have wondered many times, I just can’t decide, stories like this revoke my thoughts
Incredible Story.
Yes more please and more Flint!!🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻❤️❤️❤️💔👽
Interesting story.
He sAid on Unsolved Mysteries that he wasn't sure if reincarnation existed but somehow he has been given this knowledge About James Edward Johnson. That's A wise statement and I think that's the case with many people who have experience with passed life's. It's not reincarnation.
Including My own experience with remembering passed life's meaning it's not reincarnation God Has blessed me to know something of someone else's life who mAy lived year's before me. That don't mean that it's reincarnation.
When I was young I had a clear memory of being in a ship in a storm. And in my memory I was tall (an adult). It was as clear as any other memory I had but I couldn’t figure out where it fit into my young life.
i think i was in the SS in a former life. I dont think i was totally evil, I just got caught up with the propaganda and stuff. Its why I suspect im not much of a follower or group joiner in this life.
When I worked in Germany, I have met Germans who have memories of their death in the Wehrmacht German Army WW2. Some Germans dismiss this German time in history as Nazi bullsh!t. But in my opinion the British Monarchy, and modern NATO NWO Bankers are equally big bullsh!tters. And in South Africa bliks are killing Dutch Afrikaaner Farmers just because they have white skin, blond hair and work hard. It's a revelation that when Wehrmacht Field Marshal Pauling was released from Soviet Prison in the 1950s, after conversion to Communism, he got a nasty surprise! The USA leaders insisted he form a new German USA Army together with them, and they smash up Russia!
Similar to myself. I abhor group activities or group think, and I would never join a club or anything like that; not even a meditation group, though I do meditate. I've always thought that I must have lived under some kind of dictatorial regime where I was forced to join and march with the crowd.
I seem to recall this story from Unsolved Mysteries. I don't know if it is true but I find it interesting.
Edgar Cayce would be another weird and interesting reincarnation clairvoyant called “sleeping prophet” to hear your narration of.
Well done, thanks 🙏
Job 33:23-30 talks about REINCARNATION IN BIBLE 😎
A reencarnação é um fato.
É contra fatos.... não há argumentos.
I can’t remember my past life, probably someone famous I reckon. 😬
May be that's what ghosts are and then when you are ready you start a new life.
@@geoffmower8729 I suppose that that could be one reason for poltergeists.
Well, obviously, servicemen in combat often suffer horrific deaths; so if they reincarnate, they’ll take a lot of trauma into their next life.
But, come to think of it, most everyone suffers a lot of pain as they die - so why isn’t everyone troubled by past life trauma?
It depends on whether or not you are innately sensitive to the supramundane kingdoms that permeate Planet Earth.
Everyone is different ... depending on the circumstances of their deaths
and their frame of mind at death and during the rebirth period etc
Ok nice story
Are there any later , as in more recent stories of reincarnation? I have a few phobias that do not make much sense, from childhood up. I don't believe in reincarnation, b ut it is interesting to hear about.
This account is quite convincing. Maybe you can't grasp it.
@@atlasgunther8947 I only said I don't believe in it, and for the same reasons the guy in the story didn't. To grasp is to understand, I understand what reincarnation is. That's why it is interesting to me, and why I would like to hear some stories from late 2000s til now.
@@layna-heyhey thing is you can neither fully believe or disbelieve as none of us really know so it leaves the question open.
@@lindabeeston7408 That's fine. My original statement is/was still, this is interesting are there any stories from recent times. A question that hasn't been answered yet.
@@layna-heyhey yes, absolutely. That would be great to see more of the same.
Vou deixar uma lista de filmes espíritas brasileiros.
Que abordam o tema dá reencarnação.
Para quem quiser assistir à vontade.
Todos ótimos.
Todos no RUclips e Netflix.
1 Kardec o filme
2 Divaldo o mensageiro da paz.
3 Chico Xavier
4 As mães de Chico
5 As cartas de de Chico
6 Nosso lar (The astral city)
7 Bezerra o diário de um espírito.
8 Sozinho?(mini série com 6 episódios)
9 O anjo
10 Os órfãos
11 O predestinado
12 O juízo
13 O filme dos espiritos
14 Paulo de Tarso
15 Apesar da dor
16 Deixa me viver
17 Portal dos sonhos
18 Causa e efeito
19 E a vida continua
20 programa da rede Globo chamado linha direta:
21 Documentário espírita Nacional :
De Kardec aos dias de hoje.
22 Documentário espírita Nacional :
Nos passos do mestre.
23 O gigante deitado
Todos ótimos.
Todos no RUclips e Netflix
Fiquem com Deus.
Paz profunda à todos.
Hey Guy, can you write in English?
@@HarrySmith-hr2iv Just click on the words at the bottom: "Translate to English" and Google automatically translates when RUclips comments are in foreign languages. It's on his Brazilian Portuguese comment, and I've seen it and used it on many other RUclips Channels' comments sections. Occasionally, I've found that feature missing from a RUclips Channel, but rarely.
He was born on my birthday! Today! Lol
"It is appointed unto man once to die". So why the hell are we being reincarnated? It's pissing me off. Who the hell would WANT to come back to this deceptively beautiful planet? Not me.
I can only remember the ends of 2 prior past lives.
But sadly without great detail to track "me"
Hypnotherapy may be able to bring out more truths, though the ones around charge a heap. They're too expensive for my budget.
@@atlasgunther8947 The end was enough. The second more so than the first.
Plus as you said right now money is tight.💖
Tôi rất ngạc nhiên khi thấy điều này
Thought yall were talking about Rkellys brother Bruce 🤦🏾♀️🤣🤣🤣
You show dozens of pictures that are not related to this video and barely briefly show 1 quick picture of each person involved. Why???
Love these! I’m first
He looks like Tom Cruise!!
I remember getting run over by a tank in WW1 my past life sucked
No such thing as reincarnation
I am waiting for my daughter, she is forever 18
That Navy photo of Johnson looks a great deal like movie star Montgomery Clift.
His name is Johnston not Johnson, and he has a very different face than Clift.
The problem I have with reincarnation is that if people are born and born again and again the population of the planet would remain the same, but it is steadily increasing year after year. Where are all the new people coming from?
In the past they have spent 1000 of years between reincarnations. Now it can shorten to a couple of years.
What on earth are you talking about ??
@@lynnepostings LOL Good question , I must say myself.
. . . Seems it's habitual
We all reincarnate.
second and love it
I'm scared of. The dark
I'm scared of flying
I don't trust dope boy
Oh I'm scared of water
I was born back then Bonnie and Clyde were set up
#QHHT try it out
@Damarys Dingui hello damarys. I tried being spiderman but it didn't work out to well 😂😂😂
@Damarys Dingui or maybe it just didn't suit me.
@Damarys Dingui probably
Hi Joe!
Submarine sandwiches are the only kind of bread he *doesn't* eat from the end first.
Bravo Clive, we don’t need to be vaccinated to do what we love to do. Taking step by step to make Australia better than it ever was. Yellow shirt and red Lyon can put a steak on the Barbie feeling proud, of what we achieved.
Lord shiva and Reincarnation look it up🕉
Yes I'm turd 💩
Another channel with randomly googled clips, so easy and worthless and not adding anything to the story but yeah gotta get those clicks huh? Don't reccomend channel
Good riddance!
Oh dear, someone doesn't sound too happy. If you don't care for the channel honey, there's plenty more to choose from. Have a nice day 🌻
What do you want for free, A rubber biscuit ?
You are probably the type who would benefit the most from a channel like this.