Very true, what the Shaik said. No one has the right to distort the Book of Allah but if that happens then it is that they want to hasten the Return of Isa (as). In either case we Muslims must be ready but never allow our Emaan to be diluted or weakened. We can’t compromise with any corruption of our faith under any circumstance. At the same time, I call upon the world not to venture into the Religion of Islam with evil intent, bcoz you are challenging and rebellious to God’s Plan and System, and therefore He, Himself will take revenge and retribution and that will be too big and too grave for you bear. So live as you wish and let Muslims as they wish.
May Allah protect the shaykh
حفظكم الله ورعاكم شيخنا العلامة
This shaykh must be protected at all costs
Jazakallah KHAIR
بارك الله في شيخنا و نفعنا الله و إياكم بعلومه في الدارين
Very true, what the Shaik said. No one has the right to distort the Book of Allah but if that happens then it is that they want to hasten the Return of Isa (as). In either case we Muslims must be ready but never allow our Emaan to be diluted or weakened. We can’t compromise with any corruption of our faith under any circumstance. At the same time, I call upon the world not to venture into the Religion of Islam with evil intent, bcoz you are challenging and rebellious to God’s Plan and System, and therefore He, Himself will take revenge and retribution and that will be too big and too grave for you bear. So live as you wish and let Muslims as they wish.
Better to rename the video as abrahamic accord or something on those lines so it is more clear. Just a thought.
Which university the sheikh teaches i want to join after i finish memorizing the Quran in sha Allah
Nasheed song please
What nasheed is this
Where can I find the shaykh full lectures
He has a RUclips channel.
I am assuming he is talking in reference to the Abrahamic accords being pushed by the taghoot rulers in the UAE, in favour of ZIOnazism🇮🇱.😒😈
And the Abraham Family House project in Abu Dhabi
Do you think he is targeting Shaykh Hamza Yusuf in this?
Assalamu Alaikum,
No, he was replying to a caller's question.
@@TheQindeel yeah I understand he was answering the question, but what I mean is by the topic, it’s something closely related to Shaykh Hamza Yusuf.
@@maazkhan3202 What does hamza yusuf have to do with this?
@@delcior he promotes Abrahamic accords
Sheikh probably doesn't know Hamza Yusuf. He ka giving responses as how it should be.