NECA Toys Target Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Deluxe CARTOON METALHEAD Action Figure Review

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 62

  • @man6stingr
    @man6stingr 4 года назад +9

    Its funny when you have the toy already but still watch a review lol. Good one as always 👍

  • @michaellara4095
    @michaellara4095 4 года назад +9

    What’s better than a robot turtle? How ‘bout a robot Urkel? Metalhead vs Robo Urkel from Family Matters. Neca, make that figure!

    • @NerdRahtio
      @NerdRahtio 4 года назад +1

      there is a guy on instagram who sells custom ones!

  • @mattfernandes9580
    @mattfernandes9580 4 года назад +1

    Where did you get the helmet for Rocksteady?? So cool!

  • @justadude1984
    @justadude1984 4 года назад +6

    The switch on his shell scares me.

    • @jasonaguilar3109
      @jasonaguilar3109 4 года назад

      I broke it first touch. had to superglue....smh

    • @TheZero1312
      @TheZero1312 4 года назад +1

      @@jasonaguilar3109 Same here.

  • @sonalivinnakota3693
    @sonalivinnakota3693 3 года назад

    I love the neca toys TMNT toys

  • @slvguerra
    @slvguerra 4 года назад +3

    Noice helmet on rocksteady! and always a solid review, dude

  • @willthecollector3213
    @willthecollector3213 4 года назад

    Just got mine yesterday and opened him this morning. An awesome figure. Only issue was a stuck right bicep, but hairdryer fixed that.

  • @NecroIust
    @NecroIust 4 года назад +8

    Sadly I will never be able to get it cause of resellers

    • @Levikelly90
      @Levikelly90 4 года назад +2

      Neca will be doing a pre order for this on their site tomorrow, just got an email.

    • @NecroIust
      @NecroIust 4 года назад +1

      @@Levikelly90 thats just great finally!

    • @deleted6498
      @deleted6498 3 года назад

      Did you ever snag one? Mine was delivered today

    • @NecroIust
      @NecroIust 3 года назад +1

      @@deleted6498 not really I honestly didn't even bother with TMNT neca releases they get too expensive with resellers

  • @dannycastellanos232
    @dannycastellanos232 4 года назад

    Found this one today at Target while aimlessly browsing

  • @johnnyroche138
    @johnnyroche138 3 года назад

    So what were the launch prices of these figures? Wouldn’t mind having a list so I could compare prices and try not to pay too much.

  • @bjpalm1994
    @bjpalm1994 4 года назад

    Great review ToyBro! I never really had a whole lot of the original figures outside of the 4 turtles, Splinter, Shredder and a few odd ones. My brother had a lot of the others but theres some that I never recall ever seeing on the cartoon, lol. I feel like back then unless you were in a real big market the cartoons you saw always got removed, shuffled or just dissapeared completely, lol. If these were easier to get I might try and collect them but as is I'll just enjoy through you guys, lol.

  • @Ant-guy101
    @Ant-guy101 4 года назад

    I was wondering if removing the patch on the elbows would give him a better range....

  • @alzer08
    @alzer08 4 года назад

    Mine only arrived a few days ago after a loooong wait, great piece! Great video👍

  • @sonalivinnakota3693
    @sonalivinnakota3693 3 года назад

    It is a 86 dredge if it is almost a 90 angel

  • @billfallgravity568
    @billfallgravity568 4 года назад

    Where did you get the rocksteady helmet?

  • @specialk3357
    @specialk3357 4 года назад +1

    Vanilla Ice next please NECA!? J/k 😆. Would be cool to go w/TMNT 2 Super Shredder and Tokka and Rahzar though.

  • @damienristori8376
    @damienristori8376 4 года назад +1

    Good find.
    Expecting him Sept in the UK.
    On order as well as the wave 2 of Turtles in Time.
    Any news on green and pink foot soldiers at all release date?

  • @aandydaviss
    @aandydaviss 4 года назад

    Glad you finally got him bro !

  • @lowellmartens6135
    @lowellmartens6135 4 года назад +1

    I love this line but it is annoying tracking down the figures. Thanks for the review.

  • @HeBotMostPowerfullGamer
    @HeBotMostPowerfullGamer 4 года назад +1

    Awesome review as always bro!!!

  • @billfallgravity568
    @billfallgravity568 4 года назад

    I haven't opened mine. Hopefully I can get another one to open. It's just too perfect to open.

  • @jice201
    @jice201 4 года назад +2

    Great looking figure, disappointed with the articulation. When the figure is a reboot it’s easy to hide the joints it definitely should of had better movement.

  • @baxterstockman2191
    @baxterstockman2191 4 года назад

    Hoping to pick this guy up eventually, oiiii where did you get that helmet for Rocksteady, gimme gimme ...overall good video, liking the final photo of metal head cleaning while reading a comic nice touch

    • @ToyBro
      @ToyBro  4 года назад

      Helmet is from duzmachines84 on IG

  • @mr.smithgnrsmith7808
    @mr.smithgnrsmith7808 4 года назад

    Where’d you get the helmet for Rocksteady?

    • @ToyBro
      @ToyBro  4 года назад +1

      From duzmachines84 on IG

  • @bigtastey7707
    @bigtastey7707 4 года назад

    Yeah this one's tough to find at MSRP. Is he that strong enough to hold up another turtle?

    • @ToyBro
      @ToyBro  4 года назад +1

      Yeah Mikey's being held up unassisted, no trickery in that pic!

  • @Jestermon1
    @Jestermon1 4 года назад +1

    Lucky, never came in stock for me

    • @ToyBro
      @ToyBro  4 года назад +1

      I had to get someone to buy it in another state and ship it to me. I haven't found any new Turtles in store yet myself.

  • @HeBotMostPowerfullGamer
    @HeBotMostPowerfullGamer 4 года назад

    I'm really trying hard to find him but no go

  • @jchesh7617
    @jchesh7617 4 года назад

    Great review. That's how it's done. Objective but still can offer constructive criticism. Mine is on the way. I've long accepted I am to pay at least double retail for all these TMNT releases and I'm okay with that. I think Mezco trained me lol. I really like this one. I wish he had the vac metal but it's not cartoon accurate I know. He will make a nice diarama piece with the 4 turtles using that drill. Great job. Keep the reviews coming.

  • @unorthdoxcleric6953
    @unorthdoxcleric6953 4 года назад

    Neca, Neca, Neca they are like the drug dealer that always has the best shit.

  • @NerdRahtio
    @NerdRahtio 4 года назад

    I've decided to just wait on Super 7. The detail on that one looks so much better. I understand these are based on the toon, but they are a little too slavish for me.

  • @justadude1984
    @justadude1984 4 года назад

    Love your reviews.

  • @NYManChild
    @NYManChild 4 года назад

    Cool review but I’ll never own it do to distribution.

  • @justinmohan7103
    @justinmohan7103 4 года назад

    Are you gonna get the Super7 Turtles also? Thanks for the review. The comparison is not really fair because this is a toon figure and Playmates is toy. I'm sure u know that though. The better comparison would have been a cartoon comparison because that is what he is based on. You should have compared him to dome still images from the cartoon. You should compare the Super7 version to the toy. I was just channeling my inner nerd/ Comic Book Guy. I hope u are not offended.

    • @ToyBro
      @ToyBro  4 года назад

      Absolutely getting the Super7 stuff.

  • @kayokango
    @kayokango 4 года назад

    Where in the hell do people keep finding these things?! I have access to eight target stores in and around my area and all of them have yet to stock the Casey Jones/Foot Soldier two pack or Metalhead! This nonsense is only going to get more stressful once the rest of wave three releases.....

    • @AGoNYC
      @AGoNYC 4 года назад

      its not that tough, find out what day the neca rep comes or persuade an employee to raid the box in the vendor hold. Ive easily gotten every single release in store.

    • @DesignIncase
      @DesignIncase 4 года назад +1

      @@AGoNYC I think there is a situation that people don't realize. There are many Targets/Walmarts that will not stock certain merch. The further you get away from certain cities/states, those stores simply won't carry it. It doesn't matter who you know. There are no NECA reps coming to the store. This is why a good online inventory is requested. Though it having sensible shipping rates help(NECA's is terrible at the moment).

    • @AGoNYC
      @AGoNYC 4 года назад

      DesignIncase neca will be opening preorders on their site for each item. Right now they are doing metalhead with a flat shipping fee of 14.99... before you complain about the shipping price it cost my buddy exactly $14.88 to ship me a metalhead so the price is fair.

  • @眼镜蛇-w3h
    @眼镜蛇-w3h 4 года назад

    neca的神龟质量一般 我买过做工很粗糙

    • @lsspawn2075
      @lsspawn2075 4 года назад


    • @眼镜蛇-w3h
      @眼镜蛇-w3h 4 года назад

      Shuai Liu 我以前买过 质量确实一般 买回去都要泡热水关节才能掰动

  • @califloridianphotography3258
    @califloridianphotography3258 4 года назад

    Awesome Channel man! Thank you for the thorough review on Metalhead. Still on the hunt for one. He looks awesome! Please check out my RUclips Channel and subscribe to my Toy Hunts too. Let me know what you think about my Hunts too! I appreciate your feedback. Cheers man and can't wait to see your next review!

  • @darrenmoriarty2351
    @darrenmoriarty2351 4 года назад


  • @petarpetrovic-ix3sb
    @petarpetrovic-ix3sb 4 года назад

    This figure sucks!

    • @jarosbodytko6462
      @jarosbodytko6462 4 года назад +1

      You know that’s a meaningless comment, right? At least give some arguments as to why you think it sucks.

    • @quetzalp83
      @quetzalp83 4 года назад

      @@jarosbodytko6462 Because of the vaccum

    • @jarosbodytko6462
      @jarosbodytko6462 4 года назад

      @@quetzalp83 It’s cartoon accurate. Don’t like the vacuum? don’t use the vacuum. It’s not like there aren’t plenty of other options on this thing.

    • @quetzalp83
      @quetzalp83 4 года назад

      @@jarosbodytko6462 It was a (bad) joke. Vacuums suck