‘The Strongest Democratic Party That Any of Us Have Ever Seen’

  • Опубликовано: 1 июн 2024
  • If you’re a Democrat, how worried should you be right now? It’s strangely hard to answer that question. On the one hand, polls suggest Democrats should be very worried. President Biden looks weaker than he did as a candidate in 2020, and in matchups with Donald Trump, the election looks like a coin flip. On the other hand, Democrats staved off an expected red wave in the 2022 midterm elections. Biden has a strong record to run on, and Trump has a lot more baggage than he did in 2020.
    So, in an effort to put all those pieces together, I had two conversations with two people who have polar opposite perspectives - starting with a more optimistic take for Democrats.
    Simon Rosenberg is a longtime Democratic political strategist, the author of the newsletter Hopium Chronicles (www.hopiumchronicles.com/) and one of the few people who correctly predicted the Democrats’ strong performance in 2022. He argues that the Democratic Party is in a better position now than it has been for generations. In this conversation, we talk about why he isn’t worried about Biden’s polling numbers, how anti-MAGA sentiments have become a motivating force for many voters, what he thinks about the shifts in working-class support of the Democratic Party, why there’s such a huge gap between Biden’s economic track record and how voters perceive the economy right now, how Biden’s age is affecting the campaign, whether his foreign policy might alienate young voters and more.
    Columnist Assistant application (nytimes.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com...)
    Book Recommendations:
    A New Deal for the World (www.hup.harvard.edu/books/978...) by Elizabeth Borgwardt
    On Tyranny (timothysnyder.org/on-tyranny) by Timothy Snyder
    The Collector (www.harpercollins.com/product...) by Daniel Silva
    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.
    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast (www.nytimes.com/column/ezra-k...) , and you can find Ezra on Twitter @ezraklein. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-... (www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-...) .
    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Rollin Hu. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris. Our senior engineer is Jeff Geld. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Annie Galvin and Kristin Lin. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser. Special thanks to Sonia Herrero.

Комментарии • 175

  • @benp4877
    @benp4877 4 месяца назад +19

    This guy would say “Looks like we’re still on course, gentlemen” if the Titanic was still aimed towards America while sinking.

    • @missdollydawg2615
      @missdollydawg2615 3 месяца назад +1

      Well at least he's not Whining. Good information thanks. Vote Big Blue Tsunami away from Chaos...

    • @fredgarvinMP
      @fredgarvinMP 3 месяца назад

      @@missdollydawg2615 Blue = WW3.

  • @JayySiii
    @JayySiii 4 месяца назад +18

    Aggressive compartmentalization of logic. Favorite lines- “If you look at the people who we need to win the election, they actually give Biden very high marks on th economy”…SAY WUH??!
    “We’re in the midst of our best presidential runs
    since the 1930s.”
    “In the non-MAGA media environment, the economy is doing well. People are happy.”

  • @mickeymckenna4869
    @mickeymckenna4869 4 месяца назад +39

    I think some Americans have slightly higher standards than the NYT wants. Sure most people have jobs, but if those jobs do not pay for quality health, daycare, and housing, and people are still concerned about crime I don't think they will be happy with the economy even if the graphs are moving up. I live in a blue area and mostly talk to 25-35 year workers and professionals and I think most of them just won't vote for either of them. Anytime I bring up one of these "why the economy is better than you think" articles they just think the media is wildly out of touch.

    • @Ryanandboys
      @Ryanandboys 4 месяца назад +1

      The fundamental reason why wages have not increased much in real terms is that productivity and almost all sectors has been stagnant since the extreme amount of new regulations in the 1970s. Then you add in all the government intervention and subsidization of education health care and housing and you get those costs skyrocketing much faster than inflation while wages have been stagnant. But wages can only go up in real terms if productivity increases so the main problem is we need to increase productivity by having less regulation as well as increasing the amount of supply for housing education and health care. It's pretty simple supply and demand here. The only industries that have substantially increased in productivity since the 1970s are information technology and mining in both have seen huge wage increases if you look at the pay of the miners That increased productivity that is hydro fracking they make very good money especially when you consider where they live in a low cost of living and if you look at IT workers of one I have been before they have made stunning advances in salaries and benefits. But if you look at someone in a regulated industry like a truck driver they are less productive in a year than they were in 1972 so they make a real salary about the same or lower than they do in 1972 This is not corporate greed or anything else it's just they're not more productive because of regulations maybe some are good and there is a trade-off but that's the fundamental reason.

    • @mickeymckenna4869
      @mickeymckenna4869 4 месяца назад +10

      @@Ryanandboys truck drivers are more productive than they were 60 years ago. They are driving safer more efficient vehicles with more expensive cargo and their routes are managed more scientifically. Wages are a function of supply and demand not just worker productivity. It can’t be simplified to one fundamental reason

    • @theboyisnotright6312
      @theboyisnotright6312 4 месяца назад +1

      @@Ryanandboys that's longest piece of BS I've ever read. Just straight up lies.

    • @CesarFerraro2
      @CesarFerraro2 3 месяца назад

      Obviously, everyone has their own anecdotes. Surveys show that most Americans are satisfied with their personal financial situation and with their jobs, or at least, that they are more satisfied than they were before. The question for Democrats is whether they can convince people that it's not just their personal situation that's good, but the country's situation as well.
      Housing is very expensive in specific locations, many of these locations are blue cities that Democrats will easily win. Crime and disorder is a problem, and it probably cost Democrats the House in 2022 because of California and NY voters not wanting to reward Democrats for dysfunctional urban living, the question is whether that will happen in 2024 in key states.

    • @CesarFerraro2
      @CesarFerraro2 3 месяца назад

      @@Ryanandboys Nothing to do with regulation. It was the oil shock. It happened in the rest of the rich world too.

  • @allanforce5333
    @allanforce5333 4 месяца назад +9

    The blue bubble cult...omg...how delusional are u

    • @joescott8877
      @joescott8877 3 месяца назад +3

      It's almost heroic, the level of self-fooling. "Well, we won last time dammit, didn't we?" LMAO.

    • @user-yf8xe8be8n
      @user-yf8xe8be8n 27 дней назад

      We’ll see

  • @youcancallmeana
    @youcancallmeana 4 месяца назад +9

    The economy is going well? For whom? Ah, corporations. And you think you have this deep analytical mind. lol.

    • @docjanos
      @docjanos 4 месяца назад +1

      Quite agree. The more that I think about Rosenberg's (and many other Dems) delusional approach the more that I am resigned to the horror that Trump will win.

    • @youcancallmeana
      @youcancallmeana 4 месяца назад

      Oh Trump will win, and it's their fault, again. I won't vote for him, but I know plenty of people who will, and none of them are "deplorable."

  • @rafaelmojden
    @rafaelmojden 4 месяца назад +8

    Glad they were able to open new drilling in Alaska and get all that money in to the hands of weapons manufacturers to export war on multiple fronts while the exact people they claim to help are struggling to make ends meet, dying in mass from addiction and despair, graduating without a grasp of a basic skill like reading and having wages driven down by importing large numbers of unskilled laborers and being laid off of high skilled educated jobs while being outsourced to technology and watching unions get raises just for recordbreakingly profitable companies to lay off 10,000+ workers at a time. Literally the strongest Democratic Party we’ve ever seen. Thanks for nothing I guess.

    • @rosethorns1893
      @rosethorns1893 3 месяца назад +1

      🛎️ 🛎️ 🛎️ you hit it 💯!!!
      Too bad they’re not really interested in actually knowing.

  • @douglassczygelski8667
    @douglassczygelski8667 4 месяца назад +13

    Ezra says he's going to talk about Biden's age, then he ignores the obvious main concern: people are worried we're going to end up with senile president and a long crisis about whether to declare him disabled. Do we want a president who can't remember the information he was told an hour ago?

    • @5pp000
      @5pp000 4 месяца назад

      We could wind up with a president like that in either case. Trump isn't sounding so sharp these days either.

    • @katebeall5391
      @katebeall5391 4 месяца назад

      I'd take a senile Biden to a fool Trump any day. How about Reagan? He was up there and on his way out. The country survived.

    • @sheilawade433
      @sheilawade433 3 месяца назад

      President Biden is not senile. Your ageism is showing.

    • @douglassczygelski8667
      @douglassczygelski8667 3 месяца назад +2

      @@sheilawade433 Why did he repeatedly ask Congresswoman Walorski to come up on stage and take a bow, forgetting that she had died a month earlier?

    • @sheilawade433
      @sheilawade433 3 месяца назад

      @@douglassczygelski8667 I don't know why he forgot she died.
      Maybe a momentary block since the event was planned before she died. Maybe his speech writer forgot to change the script. That doesn't prove senile. He has doctors to certify his fitness.

  • @docjanos
    @docjanos 4 месяца назад +6

    Executive summary: Ezra Klein has a finger on the pulse far better than does his guest. Rosenberg's focus on data is a shotsightedness often associated with relying strictly on the scientific method and not allowing for human agency. An analogy is where a physician determines the level of cancer in a patient and estimates a short window for their life, but the patient's will to live outstrips, you may say, supports altering the analysis and mechanics of the situation and extends their life.
    To attack this, begin with an old adage; "Republicans need but one reason to vote for their candidate. Democracts but one reason not to vote for their candidate." It's why Never Trumpers, whatever their percentage, have had little effect and why the frailties of the Dem campaign are so concerning. This election should not be close and it is. Biden is less Obama of '12 or W of '04 but more Bush Sr of '92 or Carter of '80.
    There is no doubt that the Magafication of the GOP is hurting them, particularly with Maga activist domination of the primaries which doesn't translate into electoral majorities. However, Rosenberg's call for a campaign to draw disaffected Repubs is likely not a good use of resources.
    Rosenberg's good econ data argument was countered well by Klein in saying that perception matters more that objective facts. Few folks, most especially the young, are sanguine about the economy.
    Klein noted electoral math but Rosenberg countered by saying that a large national pluraity matters ince it influence down ballot races. True, but it's a bit like baseball team focusing only on hits and not runs. It's nice to get people on base but if you don't get hits soncsecutively you won't score runs and win the game.
    Because it is close it is all about the purple states and that is the biggest concern. Given the lack of enthusiasm for Biden among young people and minorities, states such as Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin may be lost, and that alone hands it to Trump. Not that those people will swtich and vote for Trump--of course not. But they won't vote and each of these states are highly MAGA and they WILL vote.
    Dem turnout in those states was great in 2020 but crafting messaging to get them out again is tough. Biden is that jug of milk on the shelf. It was tasty at first, but the "sell by" date has hit. And therein lies the biggest problem of all. Biden should not be running. He should have aknowledged having done a good job leading us out of the wilderness. He should have recognized that his 2002 win was not about his popularity but merely that he was not named Trump. But his ego and hubris took over.
    There is no doubt that Trump is unhinged, but Biden keeps being a bit too cringeworthy. He also is ensconced in a bubble so that his handlers won't expose his frailities. That's a dangerous tack in a long campaign. Back to the old adage, writ large. MAGA types will walk through the tundra as they did in Iowa to vote, Biden "supporters"--not so much. Close states, that's a problem.
    Biden has to stop his "Joe from Scranton" schtick. It works as a Senator and once as President, but the audience for that has trailed away. As Klein noted, the culture of the parties has flipped with Dems now being the party of the elite. That somehow needs to be turned to advantage rather than disadvantage.
    We may be stuck with Trump v. Biden Part II, but the irony is that they rely on each other. Neither one ca defeat a Fresh Face from the other party.

  • @DeathRayGraphics
    @DeathRayGraphics 4 месяца назад +24

    The Cope is strong with this one.

  • @keegs3154
    @keegs3154 4 месяца назад +16

    Very interested in the questions you posed around minute 52. If we are the party of the working class why are we losing them?

    • @sheilawade433
      @sheilawade433 4 месяца назад

      navel gazing

    • @theboyisnotright6312
      @theboyisnotright6312 4 месяца назад

      Because beginning with Bill Clinton the democratic party has not just done nothing for the working class, they have actively pursued policies that hurt the working class. What makes the DNC angry is that us oh so stupid blue collar workers see it.

    • @sheilawade433
      @sheilawade433 4 месяца назад

      Mitch McConnell, Newt Gingrich etc...and Republican Obstructionist in Congress said no to every Democratic policy to help people afford to live above poverty and blamed Democratic presidents. Republican strategists are the ones who think they can fool some people all the time with their bait and switch, reverse psych propaganda tactics.
      Republicans serve the 1%, instead of we the people.

    • @rosethorns1893
      @rosethorns1893 3 месяца назад +2

      The party for the poor needs to keep people poor and create more poor in order to stay in power.
      People are starting to figure out, after decades, that if they want to move up the financial ladder, they need to vote for the party that MUST make it easier for upward mobility in order for them to get and stay in power.

    • @CeanStrauss
      @CeanStrauss 3 месяца назад

      There is no working class party. I'm not saying the two main political parties are equal in this regard, because they're definitely not. But neither is a party of the people for the people. Even Democrats don't want Biden, but they don't want Bunkerboy even more. It's the lesser of two evils.

  • @sylvanwoods5271
    @sylvanwoods5271 4 месяца назад +21

    Democrats could go a long way by turning away from, and then countering the neo-liberal movement of favoring, unleashing and deregulating corporate power. We need to reverse that trend. This has contributed greatly to the issues and problems that have resulted in a population that feels increasingly disenfranchised. They then need to eliminate corporate power in politics in all its forms.

    • @sheilawade433
      @sheilawade433 4 месяца назад

      You have that reversed..
      Republicans are the party of corporate capitalism's attempted coup of representative democracy.
      Trump is their chosen CEO for USA INC. and Jaime Dimon for Treasury Secretary to nationalize banking.
      If that happens you shouldn't blame Democratic policies because MAGA wrecking ball would have destroyed our Democratic System of government.

    • @sheilawade433
      @sheilawade433 4 месяца назад

      PS. Republicans are neoliberals

  • @mattsteinle2182
    @mattsteinle2182 4 месяца назад +6

    Thank you for sharing the views of Dr. Pangloss with us.

  • @extrasolar213
    @extrasolar213 4 месяца назад +6

    lmao. and dont forget 'russian disinformation'

  • @maxheadrom3088
    @maxheadrom3088 4 месяца назад +10

    FDR read the video's title and all he did was shake his head.

  • @WriteInAaronBushnell
    @WriteInAaronBushnell 4 месяца назад +8

    I really dislike the orange man bad politics as lazy

  • @nickjablonski4552
    @nickjablonski4552 4 месяца назад +15

    It’s Joe himself that needed to see the writing on the wall and step aside. He just isn’t resonating with independent/undecided voters and can’t drive turnout the way we need to. He might squeak out a nail biter but one of the young governors could beat Trump by 15 points and put a stake in the heart of MAGA. We love you Joe, it’s been real, now do what you said you would and step aside.

    • @keep-ukraine-free528
      @keep-ukraine-free528 4 месяца назад

      @nickjablonski4552 You sound exactly like the "Bernie Bros" of the past. If you say "one of the young governors could beat Trump by 15 points"... we're supposed to take your word? Sure. Fantasy is fun. Being an adult is difficult. ALL of the world's top experts in psychiatry/psychology believe trump has at least one serious disorder called psychopathy. Many see other disorders in his behavior. Most young people don't even understand this danger -- but you believe a young candidate can defeat a sociopath?

    • @molybdaenmornell123hopp5
      @molybdaenmornell123hopp5 4 месяца назад +2

      It's pretty late to change horses.

    • @nickjablonski4552
      @nickjablonski4552 4 месяца назад

      @@molybdaenmornell123hopp5It’s really not, as long as Joe voluntarily stepped aside. In fact, a less well-known candidate would probably be ideal given that they haven’t been endlessly demagogued.

    • @simonalexanderwood
      @simonalexanderwood 4 месяца назад

      Gavin newsome? ... LBJ dropped out later than this. ​@@molybdaenmornell123hopp5

    • @keep-ukraine-free528
      @keep-ukraine-free528 4 месяца назад +2

      @@nickjablonski4552 Your last comment shows you don't understand presidential politics.You don't understand the months of prep it takes to build a team (each of whom you have to vet, to make sure no "surprise skeletons" in their closets), you need to put policy papers (and get them reviewed by 100s of experts/people who need to endorse your position - and if they find mistakes in your position, you need to revise it & repeat), you need donors (over a $Billion now, to be president), you have to buy air-time & ads (sometimes months in advance), prove you have enough support through polls to get on the ballots in ANY state, in some states, the ballots are being/were already printed... lots more, just to become a candidate. Not even to run, or try to win.
      You really don't understand. You can't put a candidate up in the year of an election -- especially one who might be considered "too progressive" (I'm sure you don't realize -- in many southern states, the word "progressive" is seen worse than a disease like STI or a child molester). The Dem voters in southern states expect a moderate candidate -- won't ever vote for a progressive. They also only vote for openly religious candidates. A less well-known candidate is UNTESTED -- this is a very serious flaw/risk for a candidate (i.e., not knowing your own political weaknesses -- which WILL BE exposed nationally, brutally)
      Do you understand the complexities of politics?

  • @docjanos
    @docjanos 4 месяца назад +9

    After my earlier post I've read other's comments and see that most are variations of my own thoughts--I particularly like the Dr. Pangloss reference.
    Another point about my "Dems in a blue bubble" comments. Biden and the gerontacracy at the head of his party reminds one more of late state Brezhnev than the small "d" democracy that Biden claims to defend. It all happens in the rooms of Politburo.
    No one has touched on Harris either. She ticked the gender and color boxes but has largely been ineffective in any meaningful manner becoming more liability than asset.
    Rosenberg's focus on outcomes in the mid-terms harkens back to my sports reference. Keeping the Senate and regaining the House but losing to Trump would be like the team that says we out hit our opponents or got more first downs even if they had more runs or touchdowns.
    Rosenberg is the quintessential Dem strategist--carrying a libary book to a knife fight.

  • @Tunick1902
    @Tunick1902 4 месяца назад +5

    On an emotional level, I just can’t stand Ezra Klein. Can’t quite put my finger on it but I believe that it’s because I get a sense that at his core he’s full of crap.
    I like this other guy.

  • @user-lr2ib1cv4d
    @user-lr2ib1cv4d 4 месяца назад +5

    And... both parties perhaps approach being morally vaccuous. A slap fight between terminal lepers.

    • @willdon.1279
      @willdon.1279 3 месяца назад

      Only said by dictators, real and would be. From St Petersburg?

    • @fredgarvinMP
      @fredgarvinMP 3 месяца назад +1

      @@willdon.1279 Ah, the Russia trope. Original.

    • @willdon.1279
      @willdon.1279 3 месяца назад

      @@fredgarvinMP Calling it a "trope" doesn't stop it being true. Putin is actively undermining our democracy, because if his people realise it is a better system, he will go the way of Ceausescu. He is not just supporting 45 to cut off Ukraine; he is now with Iran's Ayatollahs, Hezbollah, Hamas. All these work to harm us - and even MAGAs will be collateral!
      You know this, if from St Petersburg, but if from the US, PLEASE get better informed. I care for all my American friends... No politicians are perfect, but some ARE better than others, and the US is the best performing western country after 3 major world disasters: Covid - Ukraine & Israel wars.

  • @clairejeannette8454
    @clairejeannette8454 3 месяца назад +1

    I cried a little when you shared your thinking about president Biden vs candidate Biden. It could be a very exciting convention! What if Mr Biden said out loud ,”I am ready to be your president but I am not ready to be your candidate. “?

  • @BirthingBetterSkills
    @BirthingBetterSkills 4 месяца назад +3

    Brilliant. Simon helps us acknowledge what we KNOW

  • @johnnyboy5869
    @johnnyboy5869 4 месяца назад +11

    Double speak at it finest!!

  • @fredgarvinMP
    @fredgarvinMP 3 месяца назад +1

    8:10 "Where we didn't control the information environment" - 🤔

  • @rodneyscales2648
    @rodneyscales2648 2 месяца назад +1


  • @1k1ngst0n
    @1k1ngst0n 4 месяца назад +8

    what a clickbait title for the podcast

  • @annsanse2935
    @annsanse2935 4 месяца назад +6

    food and energy prices are erratic, so much so that the labor dept breaks out those numbers when it reports consumer and wholesale prices -- there is the core index that excludes the two and then the total with the two. so people often get hit with high grocery and energy costs while the talking heads on the tv machine are telling them that it's all roses and my little ponies. the media needs to do a better job explaining this factor, but i don't think it ever has at all. howbout you guys?

    • @vladimirlamousnery6418
      @vladimirlamousnery6418 4 месяца назад

      That's how the statistical breakdown has always been goofy food and energy are volatile commodities one factor that could be causing food and energy prices to rise is the Ukraine Russian war

    • @rosethorns1893
      @rosethorns1893 3 месяца назад

      No amount of “explaining” will change the fact that for many, there is more month than money and telling them that they’re NOT going through that is just infuriating and turns people off.

  • @Rebecca-cj6ln
    @Rebecca-cj6ln 2 месяца назад

    You are absolutely right. The third party is looking extremely attractive at this time.

  • @user-yf8xe8be8n
    @user-yf8xe8be8n 27 дней назад

    Love Simon

  • @greatestfilmconnoisseur8344
    @greatestfilmconnoisseur8344 4 месяца назад +5

    This dude is high on Blue Anon copium

  • @SN-sz7kw
    @SN-sz7kw 4 месяца назад +19

    Needed to hear this. We’re traumatized by 2016, Dobbs, & the Electoral College . It’s a sort of national PTSD. And we’ve lost faith in the integrity & intellect of our fellow citizens. It fuels panic in every election.

    • @willdon.1279
      @willdon.1279 3 месяца назад

      Well said - I can't believe this stream of negativity, even assuming much of it comes from Putin's VERY active disinformation system.

    • @joescott8877
      @joescott8877 3 месяца назад

      @@willdon.1279 Oh. My. God. Did "Putin" garner ten million more votes for Trump last time? Did he "make" David Ignatius say on MSDNC that Biden should step down? This guy's in denial, and so is anyone who applauds his copium. Biden is losing Arab and Muslim votes daily, Black and Hispanics are drifting away, and Old Joe is one "Mitch McConnel Moment" away from horrifying the nation with Stroke Out Worries.

  • @user-eq2hj6uy7p
    @user-eq2hj6uy7p 2 месяца назад

    The party is aesthetically strong but lacks the functional strength to affect positive change for the average American. That disconnect has never been stronger and it will absolutely fracture the party in ways that will make the fracture of the Republicans look like a kids game.

  • @EmmettHenderson-hf1zm
    @EmmettHenderson-hf1zm 3 месяца назад

    There is such a thing as electorate campaign exhaustion, too much activity can lead to general exhaustion and the electorate also confuse issues when so many issues are in front. Just my opinion. personal

  • @johnwickey5802
    @johnwickey5802 4 месяца назад +9

    Sounds like this guy wants to get hired by the campaign. I think you’re right, we do want to “feel” like the disinformation is being countered. Great show.

  • @WhiskersInc
    @WhiskersInc 4 месяца назад +4

    Popular vote matters a lot... except when it doesn't. 🙃This guy is stuck in a pre-Gingrich fantasy world. Thanks for challenging him throughout, Ezra.

    • @katebeall5391
      @katebeall5391 4 месяца назад

      It should matter a lot. But a bit disturbing when overridden by the electoral college.

  • @redthepost
    @redthepost 4 месяца назад +4

    This conversation has given me room for thought. Thank you both.

  • @WestviewCourtApartmentsSalisbu
    @WestviewCourtApartmentsSalisbu 3 месяца назад +3

    VOTE TRUMP 2024

  • @markmurphy558
    @markmurphy558 4 месяца назад +9

    Is what's going on with the Republican Party a repeat of the demise of the Whigs in the 1800s? Will the GOP find its way back to reality based politics, or diminish as their base dies off.

    • @jps0117
      @jps0117 4 месяца назад

      I think it's more likely that the Democrats will be in existential crisis in the wake of the 2028 election, when I think they will be unable to resist nominating a far-left ticket. I've never lived in Blue County America, only Red County. They are in "Rural Rage". The Democrats have doubled down on their Urban strategy in recent years at the expense of the half of America they need to do better with in order to reach 270 votes in the Electoral College. Hispanics are voting GOP in percentages higher than the Democrats hoped or expected. I would also challenge the notion that young people are to the left of their parents (in the part of the country I know). Depending on demographics to save you is a dumb, passive strategy. Florida, Ohio, Iowa and Missouri used to be competitive states (even the Dakotas had Democratic Senators) and are now in the GOP column. The Democrats can't afford to lose more swing states. Of course, I could be wrong.

    • @joshntn37111
      @joshntn37111 4 месяца назад

      Wait. Are you joking? The demise of the Republican party? It's very clear that you have never spoken to any Trump supporters on the ground. Considering Trump got 15 million more votes than any Republican in history. The fact that MAGA has became so powerful they physically took over their party. While the progressive left tried the same thing and failed. Going from nothing to taking over their entire party, as the people should, in 7 years is pretty remarkable. MAGA added 11+ million more people into the party in just 4 years while Trump was President. It has only grows larger everyday. Trump and MAGA Republicans drastically increased their support from non white voters. If you think the Republican party is dying then you will have an incredible shock on election day.

  • @aicreativedirector
    @aicreativedirector 4 месяца назад +2

    While I was comforted a bit, it also scared the sh!t out of me because we need FIGHTERS, heros AND the wise calming voices. When you're heading to a waterfall, having the caption tell the occupants not to worry will get you throw overboard. Read the room. We need powerful speakers and leaders (in addition to Biden). Ezra, read this book: Pendulum, How Past Generations Shape our Present and Predict our Future by Roy H. Willimans. It's the messaging-ecosystem bible based on trends 3000 years. Simon Rosenberg messaging is 100% wrong FOR THIS PERIOD in history.

  • @Shairony
    @Shairony 4 месяца назад +5

    Zionists be like 'Biden is great' as if there's no genocide going on lol

  • @findbridge1790
    @findbridge1790 2 месяца назад

    delusion. or pro con man. career criminal.

  • @MichaelJohnson-vi6eh
    @MichaelJohnson-vi6eh 4 месяца назад +4

    Wait, there literally was never a time in the past when child care was affordable and of good quality, $$ spent on gas was a small percentage of expenses and purchasing houses of the type being built now was something most people could afford. College debt (yes that's crazy). People are choosing much of what they are complaining about. Choose a less expensive lifestyle or vote people into office who will actually help instead of just complaining along with you. We are do for a lurch to the left economically.

    • @panda-ep6xo
      @panda-ep6xo 4 месяца назад +4

      You’ve been straight up lied to lmao. In 1970, the average price of a home was 2.5x the average yearly household income. Today that’s up to about 16.5x. Inflation has outpaced working wages for 50 years. You have been straight up lied to.

  • @EmmettHenderson-hf1zm
    @EmmettHenderson-hf1zm 4 месяца назад +2

    The President needs to go speak at colleges and universities and explain what he is doing and has done to cancel much student debt.

    • @louannkyle602
      @louannkyle602 4 месяца назад

      VP Harris is taking on that roll talking to the young people at universities Biden doesn’t have to dig the trenches he has a young diverse cabinet who are doing a great job they are just now gearing up for the election

    • @theboyisnotright6312
      @theboyisnotright6312 4 месяца назад

      How about they explain how they are going to fix the mess of student loans and higher education? Forgiving debt doesn't do anything to fix this issue.

    • @EmmettHenderson-hf1zm
      @EmmettHenderson-hf1zm 4 месяца назад

      @@theboyisnotright6312 every other first world has free or almost free education for their students are we so destitute we cannot afford this for our kids, they are our future!!! If we can afford the best military the world has ever known I think we can invest in our children!

    • @theboyisnotright6312
      @theboyisnotright6312 4 месяца назад +1

      @@EmmettHenderson-hf1zm I agree with you. But instead of just forgiving the loans, we should also fix insane cost of higher education. Putting a band aid on a sucking chest wound doesn't work for long.

    • @joshntn37111
      @joshntn37111 4 месяца назад

      Americans knew what was going on with Trump as President. Now we have no clue.

  • @m.a.b.4104
    @m.a.b.4104 4 месяца назад

    Great episode, enjoyed the whole thing. I'm pretty sure this is the first time I have heard the argument Simon expresses at least in terms of the extent and veracity to which he pushes it. 👍👏👏👏

  • @DSTH323
    @DSTH323 4 месяца назад +3

    Any sympathy we in this house might have for the Democrats vanishes as soon as we hear the Orwellian perseverations of Joe Scarborough.

    • @kevinking8222
      @kevinking8222 4 месяца назад +5

      Uh, Joe Scarborough is not a Democrat

    • @SN-sz7kw
      @SN-sz7kw 4 месяца назад

      Maybe give Republican (former House rep) Morning Joe a pass if he disturbs you. I’m exhausted center-left. I stick to middle of the road news.

    • @dimitrioskantakouzinos8590
      @dimitrioskantakouzinos8590 4 месяца назад +1

      @@kevinking8222 If a heavy-handed partisan Scarborough is not a Democrat, then no one is.

    • @Humannondancer
      @Humannondancer 4 месяца назад +3

      @@dimitrioskantakouzinos8590 He sees the major problems in the Republican party, like everyone else does, except Trump enthusiasts for some bizarre unknown reason.

    • @dimitrioskantakouzinos8590
      @dimitrioskantakouzinos8590 4 месяца назад

      @@Humannondancer Everyone else? You mean the elite media. Scarborough is a blowhard, everyone can see that, and so would you if he didn't spout the things you're told to believe.
      I also see problems in the Republican Party. The fact that a useless, corporatist, bloodthirsty neocon warmonger like Nikki gets 20% in Iowa is of concern.

  • @jeremiahchamberlin4499
    @jeremiahchamberlin4499 3 месяца назад

    Excellent discussion, I’m glad to hear confirmation of my point of view on the Democratic Party. For both parties, the task before us is passing the torch to the following generation.

  • @therealunicornselene
    @therealunicornselene 3 месяца назад

    Do you honestly think anyone besides Biden selected at convention would feel like democracy to the American public? I don't like his age but you mentioned that the people don't feel very democratically represented and I dont think a selection of anyone but Harris would feel appropriate were he no longer in the running.

  • @joshntn37111
    @joshntn37111 4 месяца назад +2

    Ezra Klien is obviously a Democrat and don't like Republicans very much however, as a MAGA Republican, I very much enjoy his insight. Thank you sir for what you do.

  • @michaelmoskowitz3212
    @michaelmoskowitz3212 4 месяца назад +2

    if by strong you mean most authoritarian and fascist then thats true. if you think they have support you are wrong.

  • @yocavallaro
    @yocavallaro 3 месяца назад

    Well… he called “bullshit.” I like this Rosenberg guy. Cheering is important in this world of bread and circus. 🎉🎉🎉

  • @ranro7371
    @ranro7371 4 месяца назад +4

    On the 7th, there were no direct attacks on civilians, only collateral damage. Out of the 769 names on the Haaretz dataset, 462 were military personnel, including 55 soldiers, 13 privates, 59 corporals, 200 sergeants (45 of whom were sergeant majors), 48 commanders, 32 lieutenants, 5 lieutenant colonels, 6 colonels, 37 officers, 10 inspectors, 6 intendents, and 2 Lance Corp. This was a military defeat, and they are taking it out on the rest.
    Out of the 1148 total names, 403 were military personnel, 59 belonged to the police, and 668 were civilians. This means that the collateral damage on the 7th was lower than any of the iTf "mowing" operations, which has a ratio of 6:1. The ratio of civilians to military personnel killed on the 7th was 1.6:1, with 462 military personnel out of 1148 total. which is a hundred times lower than the 162:1 ratio from the 162,000 accumulated casualties over only 14 years of "mowing" operations. is 162:1 and not "just" 6:1 based on analyzing UN OHC data from 2008 to 2022.
    A 162 :1 ratio means that for every 162 civillians, 1 military personnel is a casualty. The 7th had a ratio of 1.6:1, a hundred times lower.
    The reported (not all have their ages listed) ages of the victims are as follows:
    0-4: 2 civilians
    5-12: 8 civilians
    13-17: 14 civilians
    18-25: 132 civilians
    26-40: 119 civilians
    41-60: 55 civilians
    61+: 40 civilians
    Military Losses
    18-25: 258 active duty military personnel
    26-40: 60 active duty military personnel
    41-60: 17 active duty military personnel
    61+: 1 active duty military personnel
    -Yocheved Lifshitz account - 'they treated us well'
    -Yasmin Porat account - 'i.T.f kxilled my husband'
    civilians were taken to have swaps for the civilians rotting in prisons without charge on the other side. An excess of ten thousands, all before the seventh
    haaretz datasheet titled title: xsraxl's Dead: The Names of Those Killed in Hxmxs Attacks, Mxssxcres and the xsrxel-Hxmxs Wxr
    There is a more detailed report of of oct 7th titled "I scrapped the information about 1096 of the 1460 killed on 7th of October Attack. Children Less than 1%"
    A study by brown in 2021 has these figures for the past 20 years of engagement of US policy: indirect deaths 4.5-4.7 million, direct 905-940,000 , in other words 6 million deaths and 38 million displaced. This is relevant because of the Oded Yinon Plan.
    In the Tantura (2022) documentary there is a iTf man who says that they took a pregnant woman, made bets whether the baby is a boy or a girl, disemboweled and cut her stomach open to check who won, another one talking about school children who were raising their the hands, the same way kids do in a classroom, after he rounded them up. He then kept firing. Both laughing merrily and casually at the recollection. In another documentary '1948: Creation & Catastrophe', a survivor speaks about women getting violated infront of their family members by iTf. She was a child at the time and still wept as an elderly woman. For more recent atrocities, "Breaking the Silence" record statements by the iTf themselves, they recount the events witht he same casualty their forebears do.
    The journalist Gideon Levy once was at a checkpoint in the west bank where the soldiers there force the ambulance to wait an hour before someone clears it through as part of a routine while they watch Tv. The journalist waited with the ambulance then got angry, confronted the iTf soldier asking him what if it were your mother in the ambulance, the soldier made the same face and pointed his weapon at him. This was many years ago, it had only gotten worse since. They simply dont see them as human

  • @jenniferstone2975
    @jenniferstone2975 4 месяца назад +1

    Simon’s great! Thank you for this interview.

  • @annsanse2935
    @annsanse2935 4 месяца назад +1

    love this guy. thanks for the interview.

    • @dimitrioskantakouzinos8590
      @dimitrioskantakouzinos8590 4 месяца назад +5

      I assume you love the guy because he told you what you wanted to hear?

    • @DeathRayGraphics
      @DeathRayGraphics 4 месяца назад +5

      @@dimitrioskantakouzinos8590 I love how they keep talking about Biden's age as though it were simply a scary number, and not a reference to his obvious mental decline.

    • @annsanse2935
      @annsanse2935 4 месяца назад

      it was a compelling interview for many reasons, and yes, a lot of what was said was sweet to hear. @@dimitrioskantakouzinos8590

    • @annsanse2935
      @annsanse2935 4 месяца назад

      meanwhile, the other guy is mentally ill and an obvious threat to democracy. google meidas touch weekend show psychiatrist @@DeathRayGraphics

    • @charlesbonnet8057
      @charlesbonnet8057 4 месяца назад

      @@DeathRayGraphics honestly he's sharp now, don't know how it will be 4 years from now. He tricked the whole room of republicans into applauding for his lines in his last state or the union

  • @shanelen
    @shanelen 4 месяца назад +7
