  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 34

  • @VetOnVettes
    @VetOnVettes  2 года назад

    If you find value in my videos and want to support a small channel feel free to buy me a coffee! (or not..)

  • @theoriginalginger82
    @theoriginalginger82 Год назад +1

    Have an 02 Z06 that had a grind issue in reverse and 4th as well. Did the same as you, but it didn’t go away. Pulled the trans with a friend and found out the plastic pads on the shift forks deteriorated. Swapped out for the brass pads and it’s been fine ever since…apparently this is a common problem in these.
    The brass pads & forks are cheap, especially if you do the work yourself. Not hard to remove the whole backend but it helps to have an extra set of hands.

  • @kellygrannis8024
    @kellygrannis8024 2 года назад +3

    Thanks for the update on the seats! Based on your test I think I'll do mine. Just wish I could find the color combo I really like.

  • @mran6011
    @mran6011 2 года назад +3

    The problem with your high rev shifting is the master cylinder...get a Tick master or something similar...problem solved. Great channel!!

    • @VetOnVettes
      @VetOnVettes  2 года назад

      Tick master was one of the first things I threw in. I suspect a previous owner may have done a clutch / slave job and didn't shim accordingly. Just a theory.

    • @mran6011
      @mran6011 2 года назад

      @@VetOnVettes yeah, I agree. I installed a monster dual disc in my 04Z and we spent quite a bit of time measuring/adjusting the clearance...makes all the difference. Good luck.

  • @two_coolers
    @two_coolers 28 дней назад

    do you happen to know what the measurement is on the bottom seat from side to side? on amazon for these seats it's only showing the insert measurements between the bolsters. these seats look good just want to see other options.

  • @darrinsteven7002
    @darrinsteven7002 2 года назад

    The automatic version comes with a skirt and boots.

  • @planetzumo9969
    @planetzumo9969 Год назад

    No mention of exactly which Amazon seats those are (unless I missed it). So many now listed. Could you tell me again, which ones you purchased, in this video? Appreciate it, thanks

  • @jimbrawley5818
    @jimbrawley5818 Год назад +1

    Did you loose movement back with these? And did u put the the little spacer in between the sliders and the seat?

    • @VetOnVettes
      @VetOnVettes  Год назад

      I had lost some rearward mobility. I ended up adding washers between the bracket & seats to raise them probably 1/2" & that helped a lot. The seat well is VERY narrow on these cars and if you raise it just a little bit it helps. Hopefully that makes sense.

  • @brgately
    @brgately Год назад

    Can u send me the link for the nrg seats u are thinking about switching to. Thx

  • @sayeedrehan
    @sayeedrehan 2 года назад

    I want to put these seats in my C6! Do you know what brackets I would need to get? i've heard of planted brackets. Also do you know what type of hardware I would need to bolt them on?

  • @charleshenson4579
    @charleshenson4579 2 года назад

    What are the newer seats you were speaking of?

  • @kelvinmclain9199
    @kelvinmclain9199 2 года назад

    I have a question my a/c fan went out before it went completely out one day it would work the next day it wouldn't any thoughts im thinking maybe the resistor the a/c works just fine just not the fan Thanx for your input

  • @hugomolina8851
    @hugomolina8851 2 года назад +1

    Are they taller then the stock seats i want to get some but I’m tall

    • @VetOnVettes
      @VetOnVettes  2 года назад

      Slightly lower. Roughly 1/2"

  • @tyszakacs
    @tyszakacs Год назад +1

    Not sure where you see the D in Liqui Moly

  • @Kaiser187
    @Kaiser187 2 года назад

    The NRG seats definitely look better.

  • @jerrygenocyde13
    @jerrygenocyde13 2 года назад

    So I’m wanting some of these when I get my C5. How tight are they? I’m about 260 and scared about the bolstering

    • @VetOnVettes
      @VetOnVettes  2 года назад

      Ehhh. They are pretty snug. Amazon's return policy is pretty good though.

    • @carlbrooks90
      @carlbrooks90 2 года назад

      They do make a big style for bigger people that's what Im getting

    • @ufarkingicehole
      @ufarkingicehole 26 дней назад

      ​@@carlbrooks90 what did you go with?

  • @Rene-uz3eb
    @Rene-uz3eb Год назад

    Well he said he wants new seats because they are not comfy enough is what I heard

  • @lukaszM46
    @lukaszM46 Год назад +1

    do you think the transmission oil additive from LM will help with worn synchros?

    • @VetOnVettes
      @VetOnVettes  Год назад +1

      It definitely would not hurt worn synchros. Give it a shot & let me know

    • @lukaszM46
      @lukaszM46 Год назад

      @@VetOnVettes thanks for the quick reply! My second gear synchro in a manual Audi is a bit worn. Sometimes goes in smooth but sometimes with a clunk. Never grinds though and works great once the gearbox oil warms up. Im worried about using this stuff since synchros work based on friction and it allegedly reduces friction,

    • @lukaszM46
      @lukaszM46 Год назад

      @@VetOnVettes i put some in this evening, and the change was noticeable instantly, i only let it idle for a while to let it mix a bit and went for a test drive.
      very subtle but gears go in a lot smoother and easier. I would recommend this to everyone, especially as a preventive measure even before anything in the gearbox goes wrong.

  • @genej501
    @genej501 2 года назад

    How about giving us the nomenclature on the seat you're about to buy?

  • @chrispery9002
    @chrispery9002 2 года назад

    I wouldn't buy bargain seats ever. After working in a junkyard and seeing cars that previously were wrapped around telephone poles, I wouldn't risk it.

  • @matthewboudreaux2693
    @matthewboudreaux2693 2 года назад +3

    What’s with all crap comments in different languages

    • @VetOnVettes
      @VetOnVettes  2 года назад +1

      No idea. Spam or something?? Happens on my videos randomly 🤷🏼‍♂️