Kylie Minogue - Break This Heartbreak

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 62

  • @CokkkSacma
    @CokkkSacma 2 года назад +19

    I want this EP on Spotify so much :/

  • @briancooper2007
    @briancooper2007 5 лет назад +34

    Years later this is still a great track. Wish she had kept going in this direction

  • @shawn1428
    @shawn1428 10 лет назад +91

    I have NO IDEA how this didn't make the final album cut!!! I've always liked Kylie's b-sides better than most of her album tracks. This song is sex on a dancefloor!

    • @gusy629
      @gusy629 10 лет назад +2

      I feel the same, buddy.

    • @LuisKM
      @LuisKM 10 лет назад +3

      I very much agree with you.

    • @thingthang2904
      @thingthang2904 10 лет назад +10

      what's funny is that so many of her rejects are songs she co-wrote herself. Mr. President, Crystalize, Glow, Break This Heartbreak are all co-written by her yet only one of her co-writes made it into the main album (Fine).

    • @miloradvlaovic
      @miloradvlaovic 10 лет назад

      shawn1428 Because these are "made" by Fernando Garibay, who lifts other people's music all the time . It may be nice and dance-y, but If it's his work it's probably lifted ( ironically ). Kylie probably did not want to take her chances by including those on the official album. The "Glow" for example rips off at least two songs.

    • @thingthang2904
      @thingthang2904 10 лет назад +1

      care to give an example of which songs you're talking about?

  • @leebaldock6554
    @leebaldock6554 5 лет назад +19

    The very best Kylie songs .....are ours ! No one knows a lot of the just cool Kylie Stuff / It's ours alone !

    • @Jon-zw7wo
      @Jon-zw7wo 2 года назад

      It is ours, isn't it?...and what a treasure this song is

  • @AlbertoCastillatv
    @AlbertoCastillatv Год назад +2

    Me encantó esto con Garibay. Es muy bueno!!

  • @xanderjames6510
    @xanderjames6510 4 года назад +8

    This is still so exquisitely fabulous!

  • @Oldworker99
    @Oldworker99 7 лет назад +11

    The GODDESS singing!

  • @brandonkylie3456
    @brandonkylie3456 3 месяца назад

    Years later this track has aged like a fine wine. Wish she had worked with Garibay more. He seems to get how well her sounds goes with dark sounds.

  • @kylio85
    @kylio85 6 лет назад +7

    Wow that' s really good... why isn't this more popular ?!?
    Fucking hell

  • @Starelva99
    @Starelva99 10 лет назад +7

    It's really so cool as Skirt/Mr.President/Crystallized/Spark
    KMO is the BEST ERA for me,thank you,Kylie***!!!

  • @Gaysha385
    @Gaysha385 10 лет назад +7

    but we cant escape what we make, but it can wait, this heartbreak...break....break

  • @lilmonster100386
    @lilmonster100386 5 лет назад +7

    Love this song. It kinda sounds like Donna Summer - feel the love

  • @jorgeacacio1997
    @jorgeacacio1997 8 лет назад +2

    This is my shuffling song.....I 💖 KYLIE! Whoop!

  • @Chilanmex1
    @Chilanmex1 9 лет назад +5

    Otro nivel con ese temazo!

  • @yuanyi89
    @yuanyi89 9 месяцев назад

    Her “Ray Of Light” moment? It totally sounds like produced by William Orbit 🔥
    An album like this and Glow would have been amazing. What a shame we only got some tracks because they sounded so interesting and unique for kylie.

  • @ryann6569
    @ryann6569 2 года назад

    Literally her best song

  • @drwhogary
    @drwhogary 10 лет назад +3

    excellent song

  • @ladyselin35
    @ladyselin35 3 года назад +2

    Her songs thats not in her albums are usually better than her songs in her albums :p

  • @freaklawyer
    @freaklawyer 10 лет назад +2


  • @chazza234
    @chazza234 6 лет назад +2

    OOh cool....

  • @agnieszkawiktorska2272
    @agnieszkawiktorska2272 Год назад

    Super 👌🥂🍾🍀

  • @maxdavies5776
    @maxdavies5776 2 года назад +1

    I kinda grew outa dance music at 30.
    It good to hear interesting stuff.
    Kylie likes to try new stuff.
    Still so much i dont know about this lady.

  • @Vecilijus
    @Vecilijus 10 лет назад +7


  • @fill3687
    @fill3687 11 месяцев назад

    Incredible sound's

  • @kellymacdonald784
    @kellymacdonald784 Год назад


  • @DaveRave81
    @DaveRave81 Месяц назад

    Omg please finish this! Its incredible! Would you be able to make a Madonna song that sounds like William Orbit produced it? Also what program do u use?

    • @kylietrax1917
      @kylietrax1917  Месяц назад

      this was an actual song released by Kylie and Garibay

  • @kristopherkraft
    @kristopherkraft 10 месяцев назад

    Electro house heaven

  • @lynncross6619
    @lynncross6619 7 лет назад +3


  • @prtnfn
    @prtnfn 5 лет назад +5


  • @keremalicihan8844
    @keremalicihan8844 Год назад +1

    It would be really suited for Tension

  • @AxisFR
    @AxisFR Год назад

    Can TOTALLY understand why it didn't make the album 😱🤔🧐😱. (unlike "change your mind" from Aphrodite session ?n'... which was fabulous)

  • @ariouiali7730
    @ariouiali7730 2 года назад

    Albom beuatiful photo supér gôod day ❤️

  • @demontrionjackson1639
    @demontrionjackson1639 2 года назад

    Abstaining until marriage. Been there done that way 2 many times

  • @victoralmaraz1209
    @victoralmaraz1209 10 лет назад +7

    Why I didn't know about these nice new tracks?, well, maybe it's because this Kiss Me Once era has been boring to me

  • @johnling7179
    @johnling7179 5 лет назад

    John ling

  • @mr204013016
    @mr204013016 8 лет назад +3

    I love Kylie,but the vocal engineering is off in this track tho,the actual beat is amazing tho!

  • @musics4me
    @musics4me 5 лет назад +3

    People think the X album were disappointing.
    But then Kiss Me Once came along.
    And it got worse with Golden.

    • @joel-lu2zt
      @joel-lu2zt 4 года назад +11

      Nop golden is wonderful

    • @katashiwapocop
      @katashiwapocop 4 года назад +2

      Golden is amazing! and X ufffff from other world... even Kiss me once is not bad

    • @MagneticElectric_Mark
      @MagneticElectric_Mark Год назад +1

      X is an incredible album

  • @johnling7179
    @johnling7179 4 года назад

    John ling

  • @johnling7179
    @johnling7179 4 года назад

    John ling

  • @GsmGsm-ld1nl
    @GsmGsm-ld1nl 4 года назад

    John ling