I used to be an old Florida pecan buyer...anybody who knows what that is knows the improbable but true similarities between that and professional mullet fishing in the fall lol!
@@ProjecthuntanFish I was referring to the buyers and the people who hand pick pecans in small towns. And some farmers yes. It used to be like a fun war and people ran around grabbing every pecan there was. Sometime it got nasty but for the most part it was fun competition. And when it was working life was just great. Now all the buyers are gone besides the corporate level turds that survived the recession by staying up China’s butt. Gah...but yes you are right about farming. It’s feast or famine sometimes!
I used to be an old Florida pecan buyer...anybody who knows what that is knows the improbable but true similarities between that and professional mullet fishing in the fall lol!
I have 60 trees, one year bumper crop and the next nothing!
@@ProjecthuntanFish I was referring to the buyers and the people who hand pick pecans in small towns. And some farmers yes. It used to be like a fun war and people ran around grabbing every pecan there was. Sometime it got nasty but for the most part it was fun competition. And when it was working life was just great. Now all the buyers are gone besides the corporate level turds that survived the recession by staying up China’s butt. Gah...but yes you are right about farming. It’s feast or famine sometimes!
Still one of the funnest days, I am in the background at min:1:53. Ended up with almost 4,000 that day. Thanks for the vid
Great job Can I buy wholesale guys
The best mullet strips and hush puppies are at The Point restaurant on Innerarity point,Fla.
Just west of Pensacola.
Fish on👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 from here in Dubai 🤝🤝🤝
Man, I bet y'alls boats smell good after that! Can't believe I just now saw this video, good stuff.
what brand of cast net are you using?
Pleas name of this net..can i bay it from amazon or ebay or.....?
where can i buy some bait mullet
Who buys those mullets from you guys and for what? I am assuming you guys are commercial fisherman.
C4FishingTeam h
is that a jor?? whats the purpose?
looks like my idea of fun.. i used to be a commercial fisher in alaska… time to go commercial fish where it's warmer
أسماك كثيرة ما شاء الله
hey guys/...where was this filmed?
West coast of florida
Need 2 catch some of them
Lotta mullet. Fish fry baby!!!
Effing great guys!!! Gotta love it!
RIP flat greedy
Amazing .
good times.
But great video, kudos to my fellow fishermen.
Menyenangkan sekalli cari ikan..saya jala mania...
Wheres Godzilla when he's needed ! . Sustainable fishing? . Real question.
ههههههه عااش بومعتز النوخذه
Lot of money for that here in the philippines
ماشاء الله
gotta be strictly for bait houses....
Muita tainha Brazil chamamos tainha
call me i wanna do this
talk about over kill lol
Tale mobile tale mobile
Effing great guys!!! Gotta love it!