(The 100) Octavia Blake || The Kiss Of Death


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  • @HJMEdits
    @HJMEdits  5 лет назад +78

    If you want to support my channel you can make a donation here: www.paypal.me/newhjmedits
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  • @a.b6215
    @a.b6215 6 лет назад +4146

    "first one who touches the ground loses" what you did with that was very powerful.

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад +84

      Thank you very much ! :D

    • @Competitive_Antagonist
      @Competitive_Antagonist 5 лет назад +15

      The floor is lava?

    • @sha5676
      @sha5676 5 лет назад +9

      I didn’t even notice that!!

    • @Epsa_
      @Epsa_ 5 лет назад +20

      Chriscom28 it’s trying to say ever since she landed on Earth she had already lost the fight, she just didn’t know. (This context)

    • @saberfan
      @saberfan 5 лет назад +2

      @@Competitive_Antagonist BOIII 👋👋👋👋👋

  • @lauratejebarfoedthaysen4710
    @lauratejebarfoedthaysen4710 6 лет назад +3454

    Love her or hate her, but she is What makes this show interesting!!! Her life is the most tragic on “the 100”

    • @valrach7303
      @valrach7303 6 лет назад +52

      Laura Teje Barfoed Thaysen
      Prefer to love her
      cant wait to see if we get our old O' back

    • @user-zj4do3es1z
      @user-zj4do3es1z 6 лет назад +3


    • @user-zj4do3es1z
      @user-zj4do3es1z 6 лет назад +7


    • @lauratejebarfoedthaysen4710
      @lauratejebarfoedthaysen4710 6 лет назад +89

      Ranzie jasper Got to live a normal life for around 15-16 years!! Octavia has still not been truly free!!!
      Jasper had a tragic death, Yes!!!
      But not a tragic life, like Octavia!!!

    • @xraven8443
      @xraven8443 6 лет назад +11

      True. But its sad to see that she is to far gone to save.

  • @4sara12
    @4sara12 6 лет назад +1707

    Octavia made season 5 INCREDIBLE

    • @foodluver796
      @foodluver796 6 лет назад +21

      4sara12 I hated her so badly in season 5. Especially when she burned down the farm

    • @SawYouDie
      @SawYouDie 6 лет назад +19

      They tuned her into that Lowkey

    • @foodluver796
      @foodluver796 6 лет назад +15

      黑色和红色V K O ever since she lost Lincoln

    • @SawYouDie
      @SawYouDie 6 лет назад +3

      Melanie Argueta yea but she was doing straight until that cannibal part

    • @idristlili3138
      @idristlili3138 6 лет назад +36

      黑色和红色V K O really? What if she didn’t? All those people would die, the human race could’ve extinct if she didn’t, it took every bit of her to make that decision, i bare it so they don’t have to that’s how leaders lead, Clarke is probably the most hated figure in the series and yet she was willing to let her mom hang for the others to live! Octavia kun skykru is the only reason grounders saw sun light again, every decision she made was a must until she burned the farm Monty made, it took her also not that long to see the wrong in what she did and stand behind the commander. Octavia is the legendary worrior of the series.

  • @luisdiaspires7618
    @luisdiaspires7618 5 лет назад +2269

    My top 5 favorite The 100 characters:
    1. Girl under the floor
    2. Sky Girl
    3. Indra's Second
    4. Skiripa
    5. Bloodreina

    • @justaman9724
      @justaman9724 5 лет назад +58

      The best nicknames.

    • @Epsa_
      @Epsa_ 5 лет назад +22

      Luís Dias Osleya is good too

    • @aleb8237
      @aleb8237 5 лет назад +46

      "Girl under the floor" died along with the Lincon but Skiripa was born in his place ....

    • @lewishamilton.f1.44
      @lewishamilton.f1.44 4 года назад +12

      I love the name blodreina that name really fits her in my opinion

    • @mhaw2772
      @mhaw2772 4 года назад +18

      You forgot the “Grounder Pounder” Lols

  • @ThePunikaTV
    @ThePunikaTV 6 лет назад +1529

    I know many people hated Octavia in season 5. And yes, she made some "stupid" decisions, but I think it makes so much sense considering what she has been trough. And for that I love her so much more than before season 5. I hope we will see the repercussions of that in S6.

    • @kevinharris723
      @kevinharris723 6 лет назад +106

      Stupid decisions? Her friends and brother kept undermining her every step of the way and the grounders who has wanted a war throughout the series all of a sudden don't want to go to war. Octavia's plan to take the valley would have worked if people would have just let her lead her army.

    • @quizzlybear
      @quizzlybear 6 лет назад +63

      I mean most of her decisions were from "advisors" who conveniently became self-righteous when she actually did what they recommended her to do.

    • @Crazylayzeeme
      @Crazylayzeeme 6 лет назад +33

      I didn’t start to like her character UNTIL season 5! I don’t think that’s what the writers were going for. I certainly like Abby less.

    • @KingRaichu
      @KingRaichu 6 лет назад +32

      @@Crazylayzeeme IKR?! At least to me it seemed like octavia was more popular than clarke so the writer tried to make her less likable but I still love her nonetheless

    • @lordofolimpia1
      @lordofolimpia1 5 лет назад +15

      @@keirafay4969 not burning the crops will make her vulnerable (because no one will follow her anymore) and surrender (because it also means not fighting the enemy) and she's not the type of person who easily gives up and that's even why Indra chose her to be her second.

  • @carmonisecharles8312
    @carmonisecharles8312 6 лет назад +321

    "You are wonkru or you are the enemy of wonkru , choose!"

  • @Constantounette94
    @Constantounette94 6 лет назад +1353

    Octavia has the best character development of the whole show and you perfectly retranscripted it with this edit. Very well done ! I loved it !

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад +5

      Thank you very much I appreciate it ! :D

    • @benflanagan7149
      @benflanagan7149 5 лет назад +15

      Although her character development is very good, I definitely feel Murphy had the best character development of the show hands down

    • @myvirtualgetaway1549
      @myvirtualgetaway1549 4 года назад +4

      @@benflanagan7149 Murphy has nothing on Octavia

    • @ijerix
      @ijerix 4 года назад +2

      Murphy still, the best development.

    • @mochiyeosang1908
      @mochiyeosang1908 4 года назад +4

      character development and character growth are different things. octavia had the best development, murphy had the best growth.

  • @bw7129
    @bw7129 6 лет назад +2480

    Octavia makes the show. She's the best character in the show. I hope she's the last women standing.

    • @annesusanthaysen2648
      @annesusanthaysen2648 6 лет назад +19

      Brandon White duh!!! She's a survivor... 😂⚔

    • @bw7129
      @bw7129 6 лет назад +15

      anne susan thaysen she's is a survivor 😂damn right she's a survivor. I really do hope she's the last women standing tho in the end.

    • @kornisoni6625
      @kornisoni6625 6 лет назад +29

      But i don't think she will outlive Clarke

    • @bw7129
      @bw7129 6 лет назад +48

      Melania Melania well she deserves to out live Clarke. The only reason why Clarke will survive is becuz of her main character plot armour.

    • @kornisoni6625
      @kornisoni6625 6 лет назад +4

      Brandon White lol none of them deserves to survive

  • @samanthapyle4066
    @samanthapyle4066 6 лет назад +425

    At 4:15 seeing her kneel down ready to take that shot to the head just like Lincoln. She was ready to see him again. And I can't believe how beautifully you set that up. Sneaky, and cleaver. Octavia and Lincoln will always be my otp. Beautiful ❤️

  • @majalopandic247
    @majalopandic247 5 лет назад +199

    When Kane said Octavia lost her way to happily ever after a long time ago I got the chills

    • @MistahJay7
      @MistahJay7 4 года назад +24

      He's a hypocrite for saying that.
      Kane of all people should understand what power does to anyone as we saw him be a Tyrant in Season 1.
      Yet he just antagonized Octavia and didn't even bother understanding that he himself was like that.
      He killed over 300 people in the culling.

    • @keegy.weegy.
      @keegy.weegy. 3 года назад +1

      @@MistahJay7 idk I like Kane, he was sad abt the culling when he realized what he had done

    • @marcelxhopemikaelson207
      @marcelxhopemikaelson207 3 года назад +9

      @@keegy.weegy. and Octavia was also sad she just chose to not show it or it would make her weak and the others would prey on that human weakness

    • @keegy.weegy.
      @keegy.weegy. 3 года назад

      @@marcelxhopemikaelson207 ya, I do love how the grounders became allies (mostly not all) but it was nice to see how much character development

    • @the100_xxx3
      @the100_xxx3 3 года назад

      on which episode is that?

  • @valrach7303
    @valrach7303 6 лет назад +639

    I would even march behind bloodreina to the last breath. Octavia is the Spirit of the Show.
    Her story is such tragic but also the story of a true warrior and survivior. She never gave up. Maybe she lost her path in that bunker. But without her non of them would have survived. She brought them together. She made one of 13. Somehow i hated watching this falling apart in the end. Somehow I wanted to stay her as commander instead of bowing in front of madi.
    Cant wait to see her story going on. Maybe we'll have the old O' back.
    Does anyone wunder how she would be in season 5 if lincoln would be still alive?

    • @Icats-qu7ti
      @Icats-qu7ti 5 лет назад +15

      I still would love a flash back of him and her

    • @magnoliababy8365
      @magnoliababy8365 5 лет назад +2

      Icats 3002 there is in season 6

    • @DaGoon_
      @DaGoon_ 5 лет назад +34

      I think Lincoln's death was one of the main reasons Octavia fell so far into the Darkness. While he was alive, he was her moral anchor and best friend. When she lost him, she lost her humanity and there were very few people that would have been able to pull her away from the Darkness. Since she didn't have Bellamy anymore, Bloodreina feels almost inevitable.

    • @Noname-h7o8z
      @Noname-h7o8z 4 года назад +21

      I swear dude. I cannot watch season 5 because of how everyone treats her. Like she’s not ok she needs someone to be there fore her, but instead the 2 people she loves most in the world betray her. She deserves so much more

    • @obong1
      @obong1 4 года назад

      The scene where she bend the knee to the new commander, was the best

  • @dreemil
    @dreemil 4 года назад +97

    The amount of pain she feels must be astounding. She is the best performed character in the show, because she kept evolving and she kept tapping the dark side within her. She truly is and always will be the best.

    • @azarelii
      @azarelii 4 года назад +1

      the scene when she cut herself made me chills

  • @sekayecarlysle1791
    @sekayecarlysle1791 4 года назад +57

    Everyone treated her like the monster she thought she was. But the truth is she isn't. Just extremely broken

  • @orestisharbis
    @orestisharbis 6 лет назад +268

    This might actually be the best ever video of Octavia that there is.. oh my gosh I love her!!

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад +1

      Thank you so much ! :D

  • @theclexachronicles
    @theclexachronicles 6 лет назад +466

    This is absolutely stunning!!!! Incredible work :O

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад +2

      Thank you so much ! It means a lot :D

    • @MaRkiXGaMiNg
      @MaRkiXGaMiNg 5 лет назад

      @@HJMEdits Hi, I liked the video so much that I wanted to make Italian subtitles! They have already been sent

    • @aaronflick9319
      @aaronflick9319 4 года назад +1

      She's awesome as heck. I love her.

  • @orym_angel
    @orym_angel 6 лет назад +73

    Octavia is truly one of the best characters !! You retranscripted her character so well ♡

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад +1

      Thank you very much ! :D

  • @lpsravin4038
    @lpsravin4038 6 лет назад +257

    In season 5 you either love or hate Octavia. The majority hate her because of her sacrifices And unessasary deathes but I love her and will never stop every single person that she killed died for a reason, only some people will understand and other won't. (I'm not hating on people who hate Octavia I'm just saying that people have different opinions on her)

  • @TheTenderBlack
    @TheTenderBlack 6 лет назад +149

    She was the best character and has had the best story-line so far. Love her, hate her, Marie as Octavia rocks!

  • @tanishatwo-two1781
    @tanishatwo-two1781 3 года назад +12

    I love how her voice changes from little girl to a complete badass

  • @AxecutionerMovieclips
    @AxecutionerMovieclips 6 лет назад +117

    You did a good job putting this together Thumbs Up :)

  • @1cheness
    @1cheness 6 лет назад +135

    I got big chills, Octavia was my favorite character before Murphy redemption but this season, she slayed it and your vid is the perfect tribute for her.
    You deserve Marie's retweet so much, congrat'. 🤗

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад +3

      Thank you very much I really appreciate it ! :D

  • @felicityqueen
    @felicityqueen 6 лет назад +122

    Mat this is AMAZING, such powerful tribute to this incredible character 🙌❤

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад +1

      Thank you Ella, adorable as always

    • @_whitewolf0009
      @_whitewolf0009 6 лет назад

      dude iv seen u comment on so many yt videos

    • @deliaayork4108
      @deliaayork4108 6 лет назад

      She is the best ❤️❤️❤️ Octavia ❤️❤️❤️

  • @Nyckidd
    @Nyckidd 6 лет назад +130

    YES thank you she's the best character on the show DONT @ME, also I love the transition at 4:04 👏🏾

  • @reinabell5069
    @reinabell5069 6 лет назад +55

    3:06 that part will always break my heart 😢. What a beautiful video ❤️

  • @junea6468
    @junea6468 6 лет назад +45

    you killed this edit, this is absolutely amazing

  • @samanthaperez7845
    @samanthaperez7845 6 лет назад +6

    This is such a great edit, it shows how Octavia became as she was in S.5, the pain she suffered, and the effect it ultimately had on her. She truly is the most developed character in the show.

  • @Luc42
    @Luc42 5 лет назад +68

    I feel like Octavia developed either bi-polar depression or a split personality disorder in the bunker.

    • @heartbeat8706
      @heartbeat8706 5 лет назад +9

      Definitely Developed split personality

  • @Zoey--
    @Zoey-- 5 лет назад +4

    That ending freeze over is perfect to show how Octavia's character transitioned in this last 2 seasons.

  • @user-lu8fu1zr1k
    @user-lu8fu1zr1k 6 лет назад +35

    the *strongest* of them all

  • @flowerpatr
    @flowerpatr 6 лет назад +15

    the goosebumps i got from this is unbelievable

  • @Maggs_
    @Maggs_ 4 года назад +5

    Masterpiece. Truly. This is amazing. It's the best Octavia video I've seen. Good job!

  • @littlemat4804
    @littlemat4804 6 лет назад +24

    It was just AMAZING !! That's definitely one of my favorite video about Octavia and maybe even the best of all your videos. This is called a masterpiece ! So proud of you

  • @blodripa8684
    @blodripa8684 5 лет назад +7

    It’s so sad that all O knows is fighting. She was fighting to stay alive since she was born. Season 6 has really shows that she doesn’t know what to do without fighting. It’s like she needs to fight. That’s who she is and that’s so sad. She has never known peace and doesn’t know how to live with it. I hope she finds peace soon, she deserves the world.

  • @jadedmidnite
    @jadedmidnite 6 лет назад +38

    Omg this is perfect! Such a great character study. 💕

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад

      Thank you very much ! :D

  • @noornaser7170
    @noornaser7170 6 лет назад +3

    holy fuck...this is the best edit of her i've ever watched. its emotional, its captivating, its beautiful, and so well put together, i love it.

  • @amerisgarza4774
    @amerisgarza4774 6 лет назад +2

    Oh my god. I have no words. All the parallels and the scenes that you choose are perfect. Thank you so much for creating an incredible tribute for such a complex and beautiful character. You create masterpiece after masterpiece. I love all of your videos. I'm so glad I found you.

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад

      Thank you so much for such kind words ! :D

  • @jijo-ky8uj
    @jijo-ky8uj 3 года назад +3

    This edit is incredible. Thank u

  • @shardaecarmody5210
    @shardaecarmody5210 6 лет назад +1

    That parallel with Octavia and Lincoln on their knees broke me ;( This video is so beautiful and wonderfully crafted.

  • @BetweenTwoWorlds1
    @BetweenTwoWorlds1 6 лет назад +12

    Jesus Christ man, such an awesome video! Beautiful job once again Mat, Amazing!

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад

      Thank you so much Reece

  • @JesseJr19
    @JesseJr19 6 лет назад +1

    JUST PERFECTION MAN, never stop making videos brother, so so good

  • @kyliekoss8136
    @kyliekoss8136 6 лет назад +203

    If I’m being completely honest I wish Octavia would have died there, on her knees bullet to the head. She has gone through so much pain, and I wouldn’t be mad if we got a scene were she sees Lincoln in the end. I love where her character has gone and although it would be a crying moment I want her to see Lincoln again.

    • @captainpinky8307
      @captainpinky8307 6 лет назад +6

      "I want her to see Lincoln again" you want her dead?

    • @MLSGaming001
      @MLSGaming001 5 лет назад +17

      I'm a little late to the show but i just finished the season and Octavia is my favorite character and I agree with you. I think it would have been best to kill her there. I feel like she is gonna fall off the map a bit in season 6 and the spotlight will be on madi leaving octavia's "popularity" to die out. If she would have been killed right then and there I think it would make Octavia more present in season 6 if that makes any sense at all lmao

    • @keirafay4969
      @keirafay4969 5 лет назад +11

      Not So Pretty Queen I would love something like when Thelonious sees Wells in season two when he’s suffering from oxygen deprivation. That would be incredibly sad and heart-wrenching, especially if she smiles a second before she dies. God, I’m picturing it in my head and it’s beautiful.

    • @allisoneuph1
      @allisoneuph1 5 лет назад +12

      Not So Pretty Queen I want Octavia to see Lincoln in a dream too.

    • @hopelovegood8131
      @hopelovegood8131 5 лет назад +1

      @@captainpinky8307 yes. That's litterly what she just said.

  • @pragmatic_dreamer
    @pragmatic_dreamer 3 года назад +1

    This is so well executed and thoughtfully crafted! Like WOW. Also, I loved the fact that the video ended with crio and not the whole redemption arc because no matter what comes next - this period of her life and the Bloodreina can never be erased and so part of the old hopeful and free Octavia is forever frozen and put to eternal sleep.

  • @jillstevenson579
    @jillstevenson579 6 лет назад +3

    This character has had SO much development. Great writing for her. I'm incredibly sad for where she's at though. I hope she's able to find her way out.

  • @sashadeea
    @sashadeea 3 года назад +2

    I never thought after watching the first episode that this series would actually capture my attention. And I never thought Octavia would be my favorite character but she is. Her character development was amazing and the actress portraying her did an amazing job.

  • @chicquitos1499
    @chicquitos1499 6 лет назад +25

    The best Octavia edit 😭😭😭

  • @kaihaeyaert
    @kaihaeyaert 4 года назад +1

    I've memorized every single line from this edit. I'm so addicted to it! Thank you for sharing such a masterpiece

  • @laly1234
    @laly1234 6 лет назад +17

    Beautiful 😍 octavia is my favorite character, she’ inspire me, Marie Avgeropoulos to, anyway I love her 😍

  • @ivanariverosarteaga4625
    @ivanariverosarteaga4625 3 года назад +1

    holy shit this is so good. I am obsessed with this. You did an INCREDIBLE job editing it, just wow

  • @supremeio5930
    @supremeio5930 6 лет назад +13

    What made this edit really work for me is the lily pad game story. When Octavia said the first to touch the ground loses, and you show she was the first to come off the ship when they originally came to Ground(Earth). I had completely forgotten about that. It really showed her thinking whether she was thinking about that moment or not, perhaps subconsciously.

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад +3

      Thank you for noticing that, I'm not sure if the writers thought about it that way but I thought it would fit perfectly

    • @supremeio5930
      @supremeio5930 6 лет назад

      It does.

  • @MissSunflower242
    @MissSunflower242 3 года назад

    I cry. Every time I cry. I grieve for O so deeply. You capture every crucial moment so beautifully.

  • @tvandmovieedits4233
    @tvandmovieedits4233 6 лет назад +15

    This made me cry. I love this so much and the part with Octavia fighting and then Lincoln’s death was beautiful but it broke my heart

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад

      Thank you ! Aw don't cry :(

  • @lizamarri5240
    @lizamarri5240 4 года назад +1

    this is literally the best octavia edit ever holy crap

  • @anti.grounder_stick6584
    @anti.grounder_stick6584 5 лет назад +20

    2:49 quote killed me😭😭😭

  • @savannasavenko
    @savannasavenko 6 лет назад

    This is the most intense Octavia edit ever. Everything is perfect, the clips, the voiceovers, everything. I got chills.

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад

      Thank you so much ! :D

  • @crewmate2664
    @crewmate2664 6 лет назад +12

    Woooow man this far more better than your Last Octavia tribute. I really needed to think about her character. I didn't like her in season5 but after your videos and videos from other creators. I changed my mind, she did what she did to survive and she showed people she is able to be a leader who leads them to survive. I am actualy glad that actress shared your video. It must be great honor for both of you and i am sure you jumped from the chain when you saw it. It must be incredible feeling and i wish you more of those happy experiences.
    About edit: First of all you are getting better and better. Its like you turned from easy creator to medium avarage creator and now you are turning into professional (I know you will say "Oh please there are far better than me" ) Yes thats right but you have little close to them by every your released video. Every video means to your new experience and practicing the skill. I saw you had talent when we met and i see this still.
    Honestly i really wanted to choose my favorites, but its really hard because when i write (START - icannot choose when to end it, because next scene is just same good as previous and same good as next one) I would to choose 0:00 - 4:43 and thats why i am talking about. Your videos in the last Month and half are incredible awesome. Great to watch and keeps you in story. Honestly i love it more and more Mat and i am glad you are improving your skills. And 1,3 K :O Wow congratulation my brother.
    But i don't want to be ungrateful or made you think i cannot choose my favorites so definitely my most favorite part is:
    1:50 - 2:50 - I love on your channel fighting scenes. It always pure of energy and it feels so professional. Also sound synchrozation. You are big inspiration for sounds synchrozation because you know how to play with it.
    3:28 - 4:43 - Thats my newest favorite on your channel. Your story telling videos with using sad music and sad scenes is awesome thing and belongs to my inspiration aswell. Now i now why actress of Octavia loves it

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад +1

      Man your words mean so much to me I'm grateful for all of them, don't worry just because you dont point out details doesnt mean that I think you cannot choose your favorites ;)

  • @danielpedigo72
    @danielpedigo72 2 года назад +2

    I loved watching Octavia Spiral out of control just like Jasper, Murphy, Clarke, Echo, ect
    They really showed PTSD in the best way. The characters couldn't handle peace because they were left with their own thoughts. So they continued preparing for wars and fighting. Their acting was so amazing too. Especially Octavia and Murphy. Their developments were emotional.

  • @johnathanmaygarden422
    @johnathanmaygarden422 6 лет назад +3

    Every villain is tragic character and Octavia is proof

  • @TheWarleader
    @TheWarleader 6 лет назад

    I have no words for how epic this was. Just...WOW!! I'm not often speechless after edits, but this one left me that way. Amazing job man, this is definitely going down as one of my favorite 100 tributes I've seen so far!!

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад

      Thank you very much man !

  • @kaylacaseygaming
    @kaylacaseygaming 6 лет назад +6

    The journey of Octavia is amazing. Love her character ❤️😭

  • @venus05139
    @venus05139 2 года назад

    This is a masterpiece. It made tear up. Her development is one of the best I've ever seen.

  • @ΜαρίαΤ-τ9χ
    @ΜαρίαΤ-τ9χ 6 лет назад +13

    I'm in love with Octavia Blake ♥ ♥

  • @kat8366
    @kat8366 2 года назад

    i always come back to watch this lol and the part where her kneeling matches up with lincoln kneeling always gets me crying

  • @shelly2943
    @shelly2943 5 лет назад +3

    I love Octavia's story so much. Idk why people can't see how she became this way. All she know is violence from the ark to the ground. She is going through so much but yet nobody is helping her

    • @dalsup53
      @dalsup53 5 лет назад +1

      The only two people that could is dead

    • @Mn-kz5hb
      @Mn-kz5hb 3 года назад

      @@dalsup53 who are the two people that could help her?

  • @schhhhhh45
    @schhhhhh45 4 года назад +1

    Octavia really fits and she really does make the show, better.

  • @youcantsavesomeonewhosalre8439
    @youcantsavesomeonewhosalre8439 6 лет назад +3

    Omg This Is So Awesome Like This Really Had Me In My Feelings😂Props To You Man👏🏻

  • @chanthepainter7450
    @chanthepainter7450 5 лет назад +1

    Literally one of the best characters I’ve ever seen!

  • @taranova222
    @taranova222 6 лет назад +3

    This is FANTASTIC.

  • @zaqckyryan658
    @zaqckyryan658 5 лет назад

    The goosebumps and the emotions I experienced watching this video is unbelievable.. Hands down the best video of Octavia there is.. And I love the transition at 4:04 Awesome job!

  • @Noname-h7o8z
    @Noname-h7o8z 4 года назад +3

    I can’t be the only one who wants to see a flashback of Indra training Octavia

  • @fannybllg6850
    @fannybllg6850 6 лет назад +1

    Gosh.... This is pure art thank you so much for this video

  • @qetsiyah4167
    @qetsiyah4167 6 лет назад +4

    This deserves more views! Love it!!

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад

      Thank you very much ! :D

  • @mickcrump7799
    @mickcrump7799 3 года назад +1

    I loved this video! Octavia and Raven were my favorite characters on the 100. Even if I didn’t love Octavia, I will always defend her when it comes to the show and others claiming that season 5 Octavia/Bloodreina was a monster or villain. Although I felt Octavia and Bellamy’s sibling relationship was the true heart of the show, Bellamy was the sibling that liked to be in power and be the one pulling the strings. The same goes for Clarke. Bellamy never once tried to even understand the burdens and horrific actions Octavia had to endure to keep the bunker going and eventually form Wonkru. When she says “all of me, for all of us”, she literally means it. She sacrificed every part of herself until she became a broken shell of a person that no longer feared death bc she already believed that she was due to giving “all of herself” to her people. She never enjoyed power, and I hate how that line was inserted to shove it down the audiences throat that Octavia was the villain, and all the undermining actions by Clarke, Kane, Abby, Gaia, and Indra throughout the season were justified although they were the real serpents in the garden. Hearing Bellamy call Octavia’s rule and all that she had sacrificed a joke will forever infuriate me. He lived in peace and safety for 6 years and became angry when he returned to earth and could no longer control Octavia or give orders and commands like he was accustomed to in the past. She did not kill those in the gorge, that was all due to Kane and Clarke. Octavia was a remarkable character to watch and grow and I’m not saying she was perfect, however, she did accomplish saving more people by winning the conclave and taking out Luna, she United all 13 clans which no other commander/leader had ever been able to before (and also managed to do it without the help of an AI in her head), and was ultimately (along with Raven) able to walk into a literal war zone and talk humanity out of annihilating itself. She was a literal anomaly on the ark, a child that wasn’t meant to be born, and went from hiding under the floor to helping save the human race. That is a true queen and a leader that doesn’t want to be a leader or long for power, is more often than not, going to do a better job than than those that do desire it. All of Octavia’s incarnations on the show were wonderful to watch, just like this video. Thank you for doing Ms. Blake justice by showing that despite her flaws, she is a force to be reckoned with on this planet or any other. (Along with Echo and Diyoza of course).

  • @connorroberts8131
    @connorroberts8131 3 года назад +3

    This is the most amazing edit I’ve ever seen of octavia😁

  • @samanadewana
    @samanadewana 4 года назад

    I love your Combination, with the two Soundtracks. Its so good and perfect for those scenes. Really good.

  • @adrianagrinch2516
    @adrianagrinch2516 6 лет назад +10

    Yesssssss I live for your edits

  • @emilyrosebrook6474
    @emilyrosebrook6474 6 лет назад +1

    the change in mood at 2:45 was done FLAWLESSLY

  • @joysmith6396
    @joysmith6396 6 лет назад +7

    This is awesome! Great job!

  • @lavenderfu
    @lavenderfu 6 лет назад

    This video beautifully showed how broken Octavia is and it made me feel every second

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад

      Thank you very much ! :D

    • @lavenderfu
      @lavenderfu 6 лет назад

      @@HJMEdits wow over 100k views congrats :*

  • @Hi-pk7kp
    @Hi-pk7kp 6 лет назад +3

    Masterpiece after masterpiece! You don't have one bad video

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад +1

      Thank you that's too nice ! :D

  • @alee8846
    @alee8846 6 лет назад

    Totally agree with the masterpiece comment. this video is perfectly pieced together very clear audio and high quality with smooth transitions. nice work

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад

      Thank you very much ! :D

  • @sz8526
    @sz8526 6 лет назад +6

    WOW. nice dialogue... liked!

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад

      Thank you man ! :D

  • @sukirowden3557
    @sukirowden3557 6 лет назад +2

    Every time I watch this I get goosebumps. Great job

  • @HJMEdits
    @HJMEdits  6 лет назад +105

    So I've created a discord sever because I thought it would be fun to interact and chat with you guys, you can also be informed of my future projects and send me requests, feel free to join !

    • @haljordan7401
      @haljordan7401 6 лет назад

      H.J.M Edits She got arrested Like 12 hours ago for domestic abuse of her boyfriend.

    • @jirpy10
      @jirpy10 5 лет назад

      You did great, thank you.

  • @cake246
    @cake246 6 лет назад

    This is honestly so amazing and emotional, I got chills from the start to the end. Best edit I’ve ever seen, so well executed 😍😍

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад +1

      Cake Thank you very much for such kind words ! :D

    • @cake246
      @cake246 6 лет назад

      No worries! Thank you for such an amazing video x

  • @MS-tu7hf
    @MS-tu7hf 6 лет назад +4

    I loved this so much. Amazing!

  • @luna-edits7290
    @luna-edits7290 6 лет назад +1

    This represents Octavia and shows her journey so well!

  • @ceeemmdee2599
    @ceeemmdee2599 6 лет назад +5

    This is incredible!

  • @darwinfishstix
    @darwinfishstix 6 лет назад

    This is one if the best tribute videos ive ever seen. Really great editing, perfect sound... love it.

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад

      Thank you so much ! :D

  • @marieneyron8135
    @marieneyron8135 6 лет назад +3


  • @rogersmith3295
    @rogersmith3295 6 лет назад

    I don't usually watch these fan videos, but this is such good editing! Props to the creator!

  • @Jessislegend
    @Jessislegend 6 лет назад +4

    YES thank you so much for using these songs! Fantastic edit. So many great scenes. You are growing so fast, you were just at 1000 a few days ago right?? You are doing amazing! You really deserve it man. Keep up the great work

    • @HJMEdits
      @HJMEdits  6 лет назад +1

      My lovely Jessica, thank you so much ily

  • @JAB_Entertainment
    @JAB_Entertainment 6 лет назад

    By far the best Octavia edit I have seen. Gave me so many chills!

  • @MichelleAlina91
    @MichelleAlina91 6 лет назад +4

    That was incredible!

  • @biscuits071
    @biscuits071 5 лет назад

    This is honestly the best 100 video I have ever seen! Great job!

  • @briskypark315
    @briskypark315 6 лет назад +6

    Amazing!! Love it

  • @haroldpatrova3462
    @haroldpatrova3462 6 лет назад

    Octavia has had the BEST character development I ever seen a character have wow

  • @gracious7153
    @gracious7153 6 лет назад +6

    This is really good

  • @vreauq
    @vreauq 4 года назад

    Goosebumps. The video gave me goosebumps. The best edit I’ve ever seen

  • @robertabutnaru2458
    @robertabutnaru2458 4 года назад +4

    Octavia died when Lincoln died