Yeah, that's what I was thinking. That was the first player housing in the game. Everyone had their own quaint (once Tina Mudclaw spruced it up for us) little hut on our farms and could set our hearthstones there. My mages still have theirs set there.
One thing Playerhousing will absolutely need to have is a Dalaran Hearthstone! Basically a separate HS Toy (to avoid wasting bag space like all the other HS have been converted a while back), that lets us bind it to any of our owned Homes. Because havign to set your HS to your house and forsake being able to go back and forth between where-ever you are and the Current Content is going to be a pain, and will significantly impact how much players interact with the system outside of the initial Honey Moon Period.
There is one. You can give a Dalaran Heartstone to a new character from your toybox. However, it will not function until you reached Dalaran by other means. So Portal to Azuna and then fly there and you are done.
@@michaelpettersson4919 I think you misread the comment. They are not asking for Dalaran hearthstone for Dalaran, they are asking for the player housing to have its separate hearthstone, just like Dalaran or the garrison.
@@Ryan-sn3uo That I agree with so yes. I definitely want a seperate hearthstone. I also want services to be avalible in the neighbourhood. That means banks, auctioneers, workbenches etc near all designated homes. I would also like the npc's to have special greetings showing that they are aware of you as a neighbour.
Something no one has mentioned: the Draenei heritage quest from last year ends the Tishmaat gathering with you getting your heritage armor, but also with a presentation looking forward to the future by the Draenei chief architect in which he displays a hologram of a new temple city he has designed. He says the city is to be built on Argus as part of the reclamation and reunification efforts, and will be even grander than Karabor. Big enough for apartments, you think?
Undercity as well with the Calia Menethil quest chain. The whole "restore a city and get player housing in it" is ripped straight from FF14 and I'm 100% here for it. One thing Blizzard used to do really well was taking the stuff that worked from other properties and putting their own spin on it. I mean, Warcraft and Starcraft themselves are heavily inspired by (but legally distinct from) Warhammer.
I really hope that when they do player housing that our house will have it's own hearthstone (as a toy!). Also Guild housing sounds like a great idea and a great way to help get the game back to being more social. Imagine actually running into your guildmates in the hallway after you log in, on your way to go do your dailies etc?
Yeah I thought the same thing too but we never actually owned the ranch the Pandaren owned it he just hired us to work there and the Garrison was just a military Outpost not a housing project.
Housing (or "Strongholds") in SWTOR is still to this day one of the few reasons I return to play a few times a year (dont have time to devote to playing high end anymore). Loved to stroll around in my Smugglers Haven in N.S. or decorate on Alderaan etc. This could be my reason to return to wow too, so I hope it can be in different places. Would love a cliff side apartment in Ungoro Crater xD
Oh damn yes! I hope though that we'll be able to swap wallpapers\floors with other patterns or colors. It's been annoying as hell to do this in SWTOR (*cries in Dromund Kaas stronghold*)
Yeah, this seems like a first step of inserting PH with all its phasing and unactivated customizations to make sure things don't break; then they can start activating features to make sure the bugs are squashed.
I think it would be nice if our first house would be in our race starting zone and be obtainable for free through a questline, while the second house could be bought basically anywhere one's wants. I like Orgrimmar, but as a belf I'd feel much more at home in Eversong
If they did for either Gilneas or Lorderan, I would suspect they'd also need to build both cities out more so. Instead of having just empty buildings that lead to nothing, you need to make it a city with city things.
@@michaelpettersson4919 i feel like its safe to assume we will have that as a thing by the older player housing icon they used on the update timeline thingy
I hope Gabi is a nod at the addition of future body types. I can't think of any trivial characters that have been a different size and/or had alternative proportions.
Displays for legendary items, souvenirs from feats of strength, and expanstion victories, propper item storage, mounts for hearthstones and transponders, kitchen for storing stat food and pots and potions, dressing room for xmogs, a hearth you can sit at for a small xp buff out in the world and cool at, world map on the wall you can pin to-do items on so you dont loose track of long term activities like rep and item farming and where you left off on various expansion campaigns so you can pick back up and go finish them when you have time. Personal calendar on the wall that integrates with the in game calandar. Book shelf where you can read previously collected books from around azeroth, maybe even some rad wow comic books we could collect and flip theough jukebox that plays whatever wow theme music from the past you want to be playing while in your house, planters where you can grow plants youve collected aeeds for around Azeroth, maybe we could water them so they grow and get achievements for it at some point to unlock seeds for plants that geow stat buffing food, all that custom furniture and floor plan manager so you can nerd out and of course have an option for your warband photo to be in your verious homes. A sink for water you can get water for your bags and a fridge to fet food for your bags. A magic portal mirror like in Revendreth that teleport you to other houses you have around Azeroth. A summoning stone built in for brining friends over so they can get drinks out of the fridge with you and get drunk and slur their words as you reminisce about old adventures together. A spot for a grimoire you can buy from inscriptionista or mages you can crack open and see 3D rendered holograms of bosses youve defeated in the past where they snap at you with grumpy comments about how they could have deafeated you if it wasnt for those pesky kids. A deak so you can scribble out tactics on maps of boss rooms that tell where to stand and where to take various actions that you can trade with ir mail to your friends ao they know what their doing in A raid when theyre new. Hooefully those notes could be pinned to the screen in your UI while youre in raids. And While were in the land of Go lins coming up, Engineers should tinker up some walkie talkies so we can pack them around and create channels and invite friends and have an in game discord for voice chat thats not just proximity based. Hopefully they squeze some of this shit into game for us.
This is so incredibly exciting! It's not much, sure, but the intentions are clear: that player housing is coming. 10/10 vid, super appreciate you giving us the rundown! I cannot wait!
I think the only thing I'm worried about with player housing in orgrimmar is more what I'll be able to do with decorating. Like will I actually get a cozy comfy bed or another stitched together hammock or straw bed? I hope there's plenty of options
Star Wars Galaxies had the best community driven player housing system in the history of MMOs. That includes the scourge of urban sprawl, urban rot and city takeovers. Star Wars the Old Republic has the second-best player housing system in the history of MMOs.
homes unlocked via Questing and/or Achievements would be great imo. i hope that there are many MANY homes, enough that i can assign my entire roster of Toons each their own home.
i know this isn’t related to the video, but i kept seeing people talk about the book Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane in the comments of so many videos. at first, i thought it was just hype, but i gave in and read it. honestly, it’s been a game-changer. it’s not just about “thinking positive”-it really breaks down how to align your energy with what you want in a way that feels real. seeing little shifts in my own life now, i can see why so many people swear by it.
I want a house on top of one of the pyramids in Ny'alotha. I love that zone so much, it would be a dream come true. Also, I've been playing some PTR, and I've definitely noticed the amount of random little things and trinkets that are all over the place inside buildings. It's a very clear move towards more decorations, similar to ones you might see in an average house. The whole city design feels so much more realistic too, with roads, traffic lights, trash bins, restaurants, manholes you can enter, and all this random STUFF. Makes me wish the zone was twice the size.
I haven't played in a bit - kind of waiting on the patch - but the Hallowfall music evokes some feels. First time it had been long enough for me to know it had that effect.
In the longrun I want some options for the housing such a choice of neighbourhood. A house in Val'Sharah or Bel'Ameth for a nightelf character for instance. An apartment in Silvermoon for a Bloodelf etc.
Feels like this might be the sniffenseeking of delves in the sense of setting the groundwork, seeing how players vibe with it, and tweaking some of what they're working on based on reactions.
What I’m hoping to see: Full design control (unlocked via achievements, collections, mounts, pets) Phased entry (example: clicking on a closed door) - instanced - no open doors like every other accessible place. Entry / Viewing permissions for party members / guild members. Separate player housing hearthstone like legion dalaran Housing in every capital city Racial variations for completionists Player house in previous expansion areas (the garrison, legion class hall, dalaran, etc)
There's really only a few things I hope they'll do with the final implementation of player housing utility wise: -Access to warband storage -Hearthstone -Transmogrifier access (Potentially with additional dummies to display outfits on) -Optional profession stations (Anything possible at these should also be possible at stations in the world) -Mailbox access -Pet resting What I don't want to see: -Auction house access -Player/Guild bank access -Portals -Garrison-level profession integration -Heavy quest integration -Ariok
I noticed the disappearing rug issue with rugs in Pandaria Remix, dunno if they were messing with stuff like that back then which caused that or if that rug glitch/bug has been around longer elsewhere.
To me housing in a game has always been an objective to invite people. Cuz I dont think I'd generally hang out in there just because. So the idea of guild housing (where everyone kind of has their own little room) and joint living spaces always sounds way more appealing to me. So if that were an option I would absolutely love it!
ESO housing is awesome. Not a fan of the prices of some of their houses, but i understand they're a business. Not to mention they look fooking incredible
the ability to port from any of your properties to any of your other properties would be insane. And convert your Garrison to a property, including those portals.
i would be intrested to know what changes they have made to the graphical engine, seeing as Ion once said player housing wansnt possible with the current engine
I am still concerned that they really didn't listen to what we wanted. That they are just going to give us something static that we can just call housing, instead of giving us something fully customizable. They already let it slip that it is going to be in the cities, and not out in the greater world, where we can have some land with it to be able to decorate outside and maybe have a stable. I think that they are going to half ass it and then all of the naysayers will be like "see, player housing sucks. I don't know why anyone wanted it". I hope that I am wrong but I am not holding my breath.
I don't think it'll be this bad. But I also don't want to get all grandiose with ideas and be disappointed. Ion said they didn't implement it until now becauee they didn't have the tech to support it. If all they were gonna do was have some lame, static, phased apartment in a city? Then they had the tech for that and it would have been implemented before now. I'm hoping that whatever this new tech they claim they have is will be the fully customization portion. DF and TWW introduced some items and toys which expanded on interactive objects in the world (like the big bear statue you could place, and the new crates with different functions in Siren's Isle) that I'm hoping is evidence of them trying new, fun things with tech. I'm hoping the bear stature is proof we can now click an item in our inventory and place it down .. and have it stay there. That's a great step in housing needs.
The housing shown here resembles Star Wars: The Old Republic or Rifts to me. It has instanced locations that are set to one spot. With SWTOR, you can get or buy spots on significant planets. 🙂
I actually suggested instanced housing in stormwind and other town/village locations etc - utilise those buildings that just have a front end at the moment.
For the sake of the RP community, I hope they have a choice/the ability to collect a few houses from each city so that players can 'visit a neighbor' and not just 'visit leaders garrison'.
For the sake of the RP community, I hope that, a) there's enough customization to a house differently themed, like a tavern, and b) there's a public feature where you could leave your house accessible by anyone who chooses it. Being able to create your own tavern, or whatever, then have anyone just be able to access by inputting your name would be CHOICE.
On the rug thing, can I just say that the rugs in the Pandalandia cities with the disguised infinites where you spent all the bronze, those rugs dissapeared and came back just like that rug in the rental place. I think it's just some odd bug with jpegs sat on the floor.
i know this has nothing to do with the video, but i kept seeing Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane mentioned everywhere in comment sections. i was skeptical, but after hearing so much about it, i decided to give it a read. honestly, it’s not just hype. the book teaches you how to shift your energy and mindset in a way that feels natural, and it’s amazing how much it changes the way you see your goals and the opportunities around you.
Housing needs to be something that carries through beyond Midnight, something like pet battles and transmog, something people aren’t forced into but has rich content for those that want it that is always developed and added to. I worry it’s going to be houses we just leave behind and are encouraged to “move on from” for better and bigger houses, when I think we should be encouraged to develop our houses rather than leave them to decay out in some instanced part of the world. It’s a tricky one and I really hope they do it well.
I kept seeing that bookcase and going, "may I place all my books I've kept since I started playing in that? Please?" but... sadface. But still hopeful! (and giving a shoutout to the Lorekeeper addon which will still be useful.)
*cough* Sunsong Farm did it first *cough* If they dont add customization anyway. I know it's a hut but it's a home that's given to you years ago as thanks for your help and contribution. Actually doing stuff for the community adds stuff to the farm too, so it's easily the proto player housing. Snarkyness aside, guild housing AFTER player housing as the game has gotten way more player oriented, but it would be a welcome addition. Also, i know yall dont want garrisons v2, but I personally would love the farm aspect back in a house perspective. Having to buy seeds or make them with a combination of professions (say herb and mining for the mining nodes, an engineering/bs/jc stick (aesthetic choice) that catches stray fibers for cloth similiar to the originals in pandaria) and planting them would be fantastic. If people are truly worried about it, then make it for only previous expac mats, with no ability to get highend mats from the farm, or at a very low rate. You could have to go to that expansions relevant trainers to train on those seeds perhaps.
Honestly, we've had player housing since Mists of Pandaria. Remember the farm? You get a hut with it. We also have it in Warlords, in or private room in the garrison.
It's not based on ESO, it's based on EQ2 which did the apartment thing first, and where Holly comes from. And SWG was the most famous game to let you place housing and towns almost anywhere, not Wildstar lol.
So is that footage of you placing down the cooking station, moving that rack, and having that red couch in the middle of the floor all just you using toys and not actually things you can add to the house?
Im one those rare people who loved garrison better than this,that was my home i had every thing i needed there for that xpack,could even make your own mats if you didnt have the profession.I loved the garrisons and decorating it during holidays
SWTOR by far has the best player housing out of any MMO I've played. ESO and SWTOR housing are very similar, and WoW would do well to follow their example.
well, the first Blizz approved player housing. in BC and up until the first week of Lich King, I had a rogue that lived in RFC, and randomly, he would pop out, kill the NPCs in the area, setting off all the alarms, then jump back inside the dungeon to log out, so that all of the players would freak out trying to find the one who did it. finally lost out when dome Dev found out, and got pissed at me. I poped out to do my rounds, only to find a metric shitton of guards that had the newly leveld up rank for Lich. and they adjusted my attitude somewhat. took 12 deaths to get back into the dungeon so I would be able to hearth out. those were good days ;P
I'm holding reservations that player housing is going to be anything like people think it will. Blizzard has had a horrid reputation of knowing what players want and NOT delivering. I could see it by more of the apartment set than anything we're expecting.
I want my home to be in Stormspire... I don't care if it's just one tiny room with like three walls. I don't care if I have to put my own tent up outside. I want to live there! (Yes I know as far as likely locations go, that's all the way down there with... *any other location in Outland* (except maybe Shattrath City). But a girl can dream!! Emotionally I have never moved on from the moment I have first laid eyes upon Stormspire, and I'm not sure I ever will.)
Our first home? I have a lovely farm in Pandaria that begs to differ.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. That was the first player housing in the game. Everyone had their own quaint (once Tina Mudclaw spruced it up for us) little hut on our farms and could set our hearthstones there. My mages still have theirs set there.
Love that place
People either quickly forgotten or they never did the questline.
It was Yoon's home all along though, you just helped
there is also garrisons, which were maybe 1/4th what was promised
One thing Playerhousing will absolutely need to have is a Dalaran Hearthstone! Basically a separate HS Toy (to avoid wasting bag space like all the other HS have been converted a while back), that lets us bind it to any of our owned Homes. Because havign to set your HS to your house and forsake being able to go back and forth between where-ever you are and the Current Content is going to be a pain, and will significantly impact how much players interact with the system outside of the initial Honey Moon Period.
As a mage, i want to be able to port to my house!
There is one. You can give a Dalaran Heartstone to a new character from your toybox. However, it will not function until you reached Dalaran by other means. So Portal to Azuna and then fly there and you are done.
@@michaelpettersson4919 I think you misread the comment. They are not asking for Dalaran hearthstone for Dalaran, they are asking for the player housing to have its separate hearthstone, just like Dalaran or the garrison.
I'd prefer not.
@@Ryan-sn3uo That I agree with so yes. I definitely want a seperate hearthstone. I also want services to be avalible in the neighbourhood. That means banks, auctioneers, workbenches etc near all designated homes. I would also like the npc's to have special greetings showing that they are aware of you as a neighbour.
The Luigi pic sent me😂😂😂😂😂
Immediately gave the video a Thumbs Up, just for that.
Same lmao
Luigi did nothing wrong! Free Luigi!
Literally came here to SQUEEEEEEE about LuigIIIIIII
It killed me 😂
And for those looking for it -> 11:14
I'm currently squatting in the attic of a cheese shop in Stormwind.
Didn't know anne frank played WoW.
I’m telling Woo Ping
I love how Goblin landlords are basically just normal landlords.
That rug really ties the room together
Yeah, and it's definitely NOT a PTR bug. There are tons of rugs in the live game that do that too.
Definitely shifts the feel of the place.
All the dude ever wanted was his rug back, man.
Brann, Brann, the panda-man who peed on my rug, I can't go give him a bill! So what the f^ck are you talking about?!!...
Don't say that, or a pandaran will pee on it.
Something no one has mentioned: the Draenei heritage quest from last year ends the Tishmaat gathering with you getting your heritage armor, but also with a presentation looking forward to the future by the Draenei chief architect in which he displays a hologram of a new temple city he has designed. He says the city is to be built on Argus as part of the reclamation and reunification efforts, and will be even grander than Karabor. Big enough for apartments, you think?
Undercity as well with the Calia Menethil quest chain. The whole "restore a city and get player housing in it" is ripped straight from FF14 and I'm 100% here for it. One thing Blizzard used to do really well was taking the stuff that worked from other properties and putting their own spin on it. I mean, Warcraft and Starcraft themselves are heavily inspired by (but legally distinct from) Warhammer.
@@1337penguinman WoW are at their peak when their stealing from other IP's and making them better lol
It will clearly be a counterpoint to Quel'thalas/SMC being overhauled! Can't stress up SMC and not the Exodar.
@@1337penguinmanyeah they've taken tons of major systems from GW2 - even M+!
I really hope that when they do player housing that our house will have it's own hearthstone (as a toy!).
Also Guild housing sounds like a great idea and a great way to help get the game back to being more social. Imagine actually running into your guildmates in the hallway after you log in, on your way to go do your dailies etc?
"Our first ever home in World of Warcraft".
Sunsong Ranch says hi.
Garrison also says hi.
Yeah I thought the same thing too but we never actually owned the ranch the Pandaren owned it he just hired us to work there and the Garrison was just a military Outpost not a housing project.
That was more of a hut than a house 😊
@@XenoDrake Very true. I always felt I was at some NPC's house in the garrison and the ranch.
@@XenoDrake He gives it to you in a later quest after you unlock the full farm and hit exalted with the tillers.
Miss that game :’(
@@noahmellemstrand4756 Same :( I had a cool home too!
I only played the beta.... I wish it was still around...
Free Luigi poster with the apartment? yes please!
Winterspring would make a nice home.
Housing (or "Strongholds") in SWTOR is still to this day one of the few reasons I return to play a few times a year (dont have time to devote to playing high end anymore).
Loved to stroll around in my Smugglers Haven in N.S. or decorate on Alderaan etc.
This could be my reason to return to wow too, so I hope it can be in different places. Would love a cliff side apartment in Ungoro Crater xD
Oh damn yes! I hope though that we'll be able to swap wallpapers\floors with other patterns or colors. It's been annoying as hell to do this in SWTOR (*cries in Dromund Kaas stronghold*)
I used to do this with Free Realms. It had such a great decoration system...
I am so happy they’re adding housing. I really hope they tie professions to it heavily.
This is really good for a proof of concept. Can't wait to set my home to Silvermoon.
Yeah, this seems like a first step of inserting PH with all its phasing and unactivated customizations to make sure things don't break; then they can start activating features to make sure the bugs are squashed.
I think it would be nice if our first house would be in our race starting zone and be obtainable for free through a questline, while the second house could be bought basically anywhere one's wants. I like Orgrimmar, but as a belf I'd feel much more at home in Eversong
you will probably have to wait till the full launch/prepatch of midnight b4 u are able to get a property in that part of the world
There will no doubt be all kinds of housing settings, they know all this, lmao.
It's a nice idea but for Pandaren who are not monks, we can't come back to the Isle.
@@honeybelle1203 just put it on Pandaria
"Making HIM... one of the nicer landlords I've ever met to be honest..." 🤣
So up until now, the world has been repeatedly saved by the homeless. Other worlds too. We were just a bunch of intergalactic hobos.
murder hobos
I would absolutely adore player housing in gilneas!! Or lorderean or belameth
If they did for either Gilneas or Lorderan, I would suspect they'd also need to build both cities out more so. Instead of having just empty buildings that lead to nothing, you need to make it a city with city things.
And a SEPERATE hearthstone that only goes to your home.
@@michaelpettersson4919 i feel like its safe to assume we will have that as a thing by the older player housing icon they used on the update timeline thingy
@@drudle maybe they just renovate the existing spaces to not be empty and static outside set pieces.
I hope Gabi is a nod at the addition of future body types. I can't think of any trivial characters that have been a different size and/or had alternative proportions.
Displays for legendary items, souvenirs from feats of strength, and expanstion victories, propper item storage, mounts for hearthstones and transponders, kitchen for storing stat food and pots and potions, dressing room for xmogs, a hearth you can sit at for a small xp buff out in the world and cool at, world map on the wall you can pin to-do items on so you dont loose track of long term activities like rep and item farming and where you left off on various expansion campaigns so you can pick back up and go finish them when you have time. Personal calendar on the wall that integrates with the in game calandar. Book shelf where you can read previously collected books from around azeroth, maybe even some rad wow comic books we could collect and flip theough jukebox that plays whatever wow theme music from the past you want to be playing while in your house, planters where you can grow plants youve collected aeeds for around Azeroth, maybe we could water them so they grow and get achievements for it at some point to unlock seeds for plants that geow stat buffing food, all that custom furniture and floor plan manager so you can nerd out and of course have an option for your warband photo to be in your verious homes. A sink for water you can get water for your bags and a fridge to fet food for your bags. A magic portal mirror like in Revendreth that teleport you to other houses you have around Azeroth. A summoning stone built in for brining friends over so they can get drinks out of the fridge with you and get drunk and slur their words as you reminisce about old adventures together. A spot for a grimoire you can buy from inscriptionista or mages you can crack open and see 3D rendered holograms of bosses youve defeated in the past where they snap at you with grumpy comments about how they could have deafeated you if it wasnt for those pesky kids. A deak so you can scribble out tactics on maps of boss rooms that tell where to stand and where to take various actions that you can trade with ir mail to your friends ao they know what their doing in A raid when theyre new. Hooefully those notes could be pinned to the screen in your UI while youre in raids. And While were in the land of Go lins coming up, Engineers should tinker up some walkie talkies so we can pack them around and create channels and invite friends and have an in game discord for voice chat thats not just proximity based.
Hopefully they squeze some of this shit into game for us.
This is so incredibly exciting! It's not much, sure, but the intentions are clear: that player housing is coming. 10/10 vid, super appreciate you giving us the rundown! I cannot wait!
I think the only thing I'm worried about with player housing in orgrimmar is more what I'll be able to do with decorating. Like will I actually get a cozy comfy bed or another stitched together hammock or straw bed? I hope there's plenty of options
I used to not care much about player housing but seeing how excited Taliesin has made me a believer. Can't wait till winter ;D
Tali finally finally finally gets to talk about his most anticipated future!
Star Wars Galaxies had the best community driven player housing system in the history of MMOs. That includes the scourge of urban sprawl, urban rot and city takeovers.
Star Wars the Old Republic has the second-best player housing system in the history of MMOs.
my brother had a hell of a setup, at least until they botched the game up with a patch that alienated the ENTIRE playerbase.
@@UltimateGamerCC They did that more than once LOL.
exciting stuff, can't wait to see player owned housing when it's fully implemented.
homes unlocked via Questing and/or Achievements would be great imo. i hope that there are many MANY homes, enough that i can assign my entire roster of Toons each their own home.
i know this isn’t related to the video, but i kept seeing people talk about the book Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane in the comments of so many videos. at first, i thought it was just hype, but i gave in and read it. honestly, it’s been a game-changer. it’s not just about “thinking positive”-it really breaks down how to align your energy with what you want in a way that feels real. seeing little shifts in my own life now, i can see why so many people swear by it.
Had me grinning ear to ear when you started talking about guild housing. I’m really excited undermine looks really fun.
Yessssss! A new T&E video! It’s a good day.
I want a house on top of one of the pyramids in Ny'alotha. I love that zone so much, it would be a dream come true. Also, I've been playing some PTR, and I've definitely noticed the amount of random little things and trinkets that are all over the place inside buildings. It's a very clear move towards more decorations, similar to ones you might see in an average house. The whole city design feels so much more realistic too, with roads, traffic lights, trash bins, restaurants, manholes you can enter, and all this random STUFF. Makes me wish the zone was twice the size.
I haven't played in a bit - kind of waiting on the patch - but the Hallowfall music evokes some feels. First time it had been long enough for me to know it had that effect.
In the longrun I want some options for the housing such a choice of neighbourhood. A house in Val'Sharah or Bel'Ameth for a nightelf character for instance. An apartment in Silvermoon for a Bloodelf etc.
My fave ever zone is the Wetlands. So beautiful. I would love a little house in the marsh, or at least near the marsh.
Great video! (also that outerwilds bgm always get me in the feels)
The PirateSoftware reference at the end was well needed lmao
Documented. Welcome to the list. Hope it was worth it bud.
@mvprime8 Okay sweet 😂
@@mvprime8list? What list? I’m confused?
@ just the meme. Quoting words from Mr PS, he was documenting streamers who reacted to the situation.
Feels like this might be the sniffenseeking of delves in the sense of setting the groundwork, seeing how players vibe with it, and tweaking some of what they're working on based on reactions.
"I have changed my mind." You saw the (neon) light :)
that 360 spinning bug can also be fixed by alt-tabbing, it happens also in retail in some situations too
What I’m hoping to see:
Full design control (unlocked via achievements, collections, mounts, pets)
Phased entry (example: clicking on a closed door) - instanced - no open doors like every other accessible place.
Entry / Viewing permissions for party members / guild members.
Separate player housing hearthstone like legion dalaran
Housing in every capital city
Racial variations for completionists
Player house in previous expansion areas (the garrison, legion class hall, dalaran, etc)
There's really only a few things I hope they'll do with the final implementation of player housing utility wise:
-Access to warband storage
-Transmogrifier access (Potentially with additional dummies to display outfits on)
-Optional profession stations (Anything possible at these should also be possible at stations in the world)
-Mailbox access
-Pet resting
What I don't want to see:
-Auction house access
-Player/Guild bank access
-Garrison-level profession integration
-Heavy quest integration
My home away from home will always be Sunsong Ranch in Pandaria. But I also really would love for housing to exist somewhere in Pandaria...
I noticed the disappearing rug issue with rugs in Pandaria Remix, dunno if they were messing with stuff like that back then which caused that or if that rug glitch/bug has been around longer elsewhere.
T&E! Yay new info on proto player housing!
To me housing in a game has always been an objective to invite people. Cuz I dont think I'd generally hang out in there just because. So the idea of guild housing (where everyone kind of has their own little room) and joint living spaces always sounds way more appealing to me. So if that were an option I would absolutely love it!
It is very nice to have a taste of housing.
ESO housing is awesome. Not a fan of the prices of some of their houses, but i understand they're a business. Not to mention they look fooking incredible
guild halls would be so rad.
the ability to port from any of your properties to any of your other properties would be insane. And convert your Garrison to a property, including those portals.
Do the new d.r.i.v.e cars allow passengers like some of the newer dynamic flight mounts do?
I thought of this when you all mentioned there are customizations available of the Gallagio through the raid rep in the podcast.
I also think that the Dornogal's Alliance & Horde Embassy buildings would be quite big enough for a housing in Dornogal
i would be intrested to know what changes they have made to the graphical engine, seeing as Ion once said player housing wansnt possible with the current engine
I am still concerned that they really didn't listen to what we wanted. That they are just going to give us something static that we can just call housing, instead of giving us something fully customizable. They already let it slip that it is going to be in the cities, and not out in the greater world, where we can have some land with it to be able to decorate outside and maybe have a stable.
I think that they are going to half ass it and then all of the naysayers will be like "see, player housing sucks. I don't know why anyone wanted it". I hope that I am wrong but I am not holding my breath.
I don't think it'll be this bad. But I also don't want to get all grandiose with ideas and be disappointed.
Ion said they didn't implement it until now becauee they didn't have the tech to support it. If all they were gonna do was have some lame, static, phased apartment in a city? Then they had the tech for that and it would have been implemented before now.
I'm hoping that whatever this new tech they claim they have is will be the fully customization portion. DF and TWW introduced some items and toys which expanded on interactive objects in the world (like the big bear statue you could place, and the new crates with different functions in Siren's Isle) that I'm hoping is evidence of them trying new, fun things with tech. I'm hoping the bear stature is proof we can now click an item in our inventory and place it down .. and have it stay there. That's a great step in housing needs.
The housing shown here resembles Star Wars: The Old Republic or Rifts to me. It has instanced locations that are set to one spot. With SWTOR, you can get or buy spots on significant planets.
I actually suggested instanced housing in stormwind and other town/village locations etc - utilise those buildings that just have a front end at the moment.
Having a hotel for our hub next season and that close to the raid is going to be amazing.
Hoping we get to deny defend depose gallywix
For the sake of the RP community, I hope they have a choice/the ability to collect a few houses from each city so that players can 'visit a neighbor' and not just 'visit leaders garrison'.
For the sake of the RP community, I hope that, a) there's enough customization to a house differently themed, like a tavern, and b) there's a public feature where you could leave your house accessible by anyone who chooses it. Being able to create your own tavern, or whatever, then have anyone just be able to access by inputting your name would be CHOICE.
On the rug thing, can I just say that the rugs in the Pandalandia cities with the disguised infinites where you spent all the bronze, those rugs dissapeared and came back just like that rug in the rental place. I think it's just some odd bug with jpegs sat on the floor.
i know this has nothing to do with the video, but i kept seeing Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane mentioned everywhere in comment sections. i was skeptical, but after hearing so much about it, i decided to give it a read. honestly, it’s not just hype. the book teaches you how to shift your energy and mindset in a way that feels natural, and it’s amazing how much it changes the way you see your goals and the opportunities around you.
i just want them to make my pandarian farm into a player house..
I seem to recall a disappearing rug in MoP's Shrine of Two Moons
I think that rug bug is just an existing issue. When playing Pandaria Remix I saw the rugs in the Shrine of Two Moons would also pop in and out.
As long as my house is atop the giant Silithus sword, im in.
The spinning bug can also be fixed by remounting in the car and holding turn in the opposite direction.
Now that we are in the future, we need that other mainstay of the Jetsons. Three hour work weeks.
Housing needs to be something that carries through beyond Midnight, something like pet battles and transmog, something people aren’t forced into but has rich content for those that want it that is always developed and added to. I worry it’s going to be houses we just leave behind and are encouraged to “move on from” for better and bigger houses, when I think we should be encouraged to develop our houses rather than leave them to decay out in some instanced part of the world. It’s a tricky one and I really hope they do it well.
So is the rug blinking in and out a feature of player housing that we can look forward to?
I kept seeing that bookcase and going, "may I place all my books I've kept since I started playing in that? Please?" but... sadface. But still hopeful! (and giving a shoutout to the Lorekeeper addon which will still be useful.)
Looks like a good start. (Hopefully) 🤞
Nice use of The Outer Wilds music, Taliesin...
*cough* Sunsong Farm did it first *cough* If they dont add customization anyway. I know it's a hut but it's a home that's given to you years ago as thanks for your help and contribution. Actually doing stuff for the community adds stuff to the farm too, so it's easily the proto player housing.
Snarkyness aside, guild housing AFTER player housing as the game has gotten way more player oriented, but it would be a welcome addition.
Also, i know yall dont want garrisons v2, but I personally would love the farm aspect back in a house perspective. Having to buy seeds or make them with a combination of professions (say herb and mining for the mining nodes, an engineering/bs/jc stick (aesthetic choice) that catches stray fibers for cloth similiar to the originals in pandaria) and planting them would be fantastic. If people are truly worried about it, then make it for only previous expac mats, with no ability to get highend mats from the farm, or at a very low rate. You could have to go to that expansions relevant trainers to train on those seeds perhaps.
So... we got a Goblin Slumlord for a Landlord?!? Sounds like a fantastic first apartment! LOL
I'm calling it right now, that rug is a Outer Wilds reference 👀
Honestly, we've had player housing since Mists of Pandaria. Remember the farm? You get a hut with it. We also have it in Warlords, in or private room in the garrison.
What song plays at 12:14 its driving me crazy, its clearly from Outer Wilds but from where
It's not based on ESO, it's based on EQ2 which did the apartment thing first, and where Holly comes from. And SWG was the most famous game to let you place housing and towns almost anywhere, not Wildstar lol.
good storry but what is that head (bucket) your wearing?
My best case scenario was wow-housing being like ESO housing... so here's hoping!
Cannot wait to get into retiring to my scuffed goblin apartment
Will Tali unlearn how to drive in game if he get real life driving licence?
So is that footage of you placing down the cooking station, moving that rack, and having that red couch in the middle of the floor all just you using toys and not actually things you can add to the house?
Im one those rare people who loved garrison better than this,that was my home i had every thing i needed there for that xpack,could even make your own mats if you didnt have the profession.I loved the garrisons and decorating it during holidays
6:34 what is this soundtrack that is playing here? anyone that can help with that?
SWTOR by far has the best player housing out of any MMO I've played. ESO and SWTOR housing are very similar, and WoW would do well to follow their example.
The hotel needs to have a Jon Wick Continental weapons stash and a gofor that can get your things and stuff!
"Jarvis, evict my tenants"
Even Taliesin getting in on the piratesoftware drama xD
For many things to come from Player Housing. Now there's a reason to go back to Undermine again.
well, the first Blizz approved player housing. in BC and up until the first week of Lich King, I had a rogue that lived in RFC, and randomly, he would pop out, kill the NPCs in the area, setting off all the alarms, then jump back inside the dungeon to log out, so that all of the players would freak out trying to find the one who did it. finally lost out when dome Dev found out, and got pissed at me. I poped out to do my rounds, only to find a metric shitton of guards that had the newly leveld up rank for Lich. and they adjusted my attitude somewhat. took 12 deaths to get back into the dungeon so I would be able to hearth out. those were good days ;P
I can't wait to play out the fantasy of being a homeowner. Almost more fantastical than playing as a Mage
What's that staff you're wearing?
I got a farm in Pandaria too - phased just to me. Not sure how this is different.
Heard. Bookmarking right now. Thanks brother
permament toys and (multiple) pets would be great. They could be disabled in a settings book.
I'm holding reservations that player housing is going to be anything like people think it will. Blizzard has had a horrid reputation of knowing what players want and NOT delivering. I could see it by more of the apartment set than anything we're expecting.
I want my home to be in Stormspire... I don't care if it's just one tiny room with like three walls. I don't care if I have to put my own tent up outside. I want to live there!
(Yes I know as far as likely locations go, that's all the way down there with... *any other location in Outland* (except maybe Shattrath City). But a girl can dream!! Emotionally I have never moved on from the moment I have first laid eyes upon Stormspire, and I'm not sure I ever will.)