  • Опубликовано: 25 сен 2024

Комментарии • 30

  • @5hi_level514
    @5hi_level514 9 дней назад +17

    Thanks for the reaction! You're right, "Advice" is about the dark side of the industry, including inadequate fans with their advice on how to live, how to look, what to say, etc. The mini-album was released before he was enlisted in the millitary service 💔

  • @milindawilson9175
    @milindawilson9175 9 дней назад +9

    I see "Advice" as a continuation of the themes within Taemin's previous Never Gonna Dance Again album trilogy -- "2 Kids," "Criminal" and "Idea." With "Criminal" and "Idea," Taemin talks about being involved in a toxic relationship -- not necessarily a romantic relationship, but a metaphor for his relationship with fame -- in which he agrees to be manipulated almost to the point of being destroyed in order to become the artist we see today. But, in the end of "Idea," we see him become free from the box everyone wants to put him in and he comes to terms with his role as an idol. He has now formed his own "Idea" about himself and what it means to be an idol, etc.
    As Taemin explained during his VLive event for "Advice" -- which came out in 2021 -- "Advice" is like the end to the first chapter in his life, and it marks the beginning of the second chapter. The song seems to be his way of saying I am done caring to everyone who judged him and all those haters who spread rumors and misinformation about him. "Advice" is showing that he is now free and confident to be himself, breaking stereotypes and now only listening to himself.
    Taemin is just one of those performers that leaves you speechless every time he steps on stage. He was born to be a performer and that is one of the reasons why he has become known as the Korean Michael Jackson. That is also why, as one of the top two performers in the industry, he was made a member of SuperM. Taemin is an Idol of Idols and a legend of legends. (He is considered the blueprint for what it means to be a successful as a male solo artist. He was one of the first male idols from an active group to go solo, and he did it at such a young age, starting in 2014 at 21 years old. He has been a solo artist for more than half his career.)
    In "Advice" he's basically saying, "Stop trying to put me in a box, in which I'll never fit in." He is also speaking to everyone that says he's getting old, that he's just a Michael Jackson wannabe that doesn't sell a lot of albums because he tries too hard to be edgy, etc. He's rebelling against all those people who are constantly advising him to make more mainstream music, or to follow the traditional Kpop idol style, in order to boost his sales and his popularity. However, as Taemin is making clear in "Advice," that is not who he is and he will never be "normal" or "mainstream" and he is OK with that.
    In the scenes where you see him covered in ink, I think that is supposed to be him showing everyone how he is no longer the "unstained," cute maknae everyone wants to think of him as. The diamond you see painted on his hand when he is playing the piano, and you see drawn on his bicep, etc. is SHINee's symbol and all the pearl aqua blue/green colors you see in the MV is SHINee's official color. (The large tattoo of a Peony flower you can see on his hip is real. Hence why in the lyrics he says, "I destroy the torso that you were chasing after." In other words, he's saying he's tired of people thinking they even have a say in what he does with his body.)
    This song was specifically designed to not be like anything he has ever done before. He plays the piano, he raps, he shows off his falsetto notes, etc., which is different than what we often hear and see from him. He intentionally used this song to prove that he isn't one type of singer. People often think of Taemin as a sultry vocalist that sings in a breathy comfortable, less dynamic style. So, with this song he wants to prove to everyone that he can be unpredictable and try new things. Yet again, you can't put him in a box or tell him who to be. Everything you see in this MV is 100% Taemin, including the piano playing.
    Everything that Taemin's haters like to point out about him and say are reasons why he shouldn't be held to such high esteem, I find completely ridiculous. I don't think that anyone who actually knows him would ever say he has played it safe at any time in his career. If you think he is only one dimensional, and that he is trying to be anything other than himself, then you really don't know Taemin. Everything he does is different, out there and definitely not safe. It's always uniquely Taemin, and he couldn't do it any other way.
    Also, because Taemin is a member of SHINee, none of his songs are ever like anything you have ever heard or seen before from him. It will always have a new beat, style and sound. As SM Entertainment's experimental boy group, SHINee is meant to be the first and they are expected to set the trend, and that includes the members' solo work. With every new song Taemin produces it's expected to be different than the last, so you will never hear the same style or sound from him in any of his songs, even on the same album, and yet, it still will be uniquely Taemin-like. Which is another example of how you can never put him in a box or expect anything from him. :D
    Another theme in "Advice" is about how Taemin is embracing his androgynous side -- but on his own terms -- which I think is a continuation of the message in his "Move" MV. Early in his career when Taemin was growing up in SHINee -- he debuted in 2008 at 14 years old -- he was known for his delicate feminine features. It took him a long time to accept that he was recognized for his looks and to come to terms with the fact that everyone thought of him as a "pretty boy," etc. So, at this point in his career -- he is now 27 years old in this MV -- he is making a statement about how he has decided to be himself and no longer care what people think. Music is art and art has no gender. So, that is why in "Advice" you see him wearing hair extensions, fishnets and women's Supreme sportswear, etc. But if you notice, his choreography is very fast paced and sharp, which is hyper masculine -- a complete contrast to the "feminine" image people want to give him. You also see him wearing makeup, but it's smeared on his face, as if to say, "people may think of me as a 'Pretty Boy,' but I don't care about looking pretty."
    In the lyrics he is saying, "It's creepy how people are always looking to cause drama, so stop trying to create scandals in my life that don't really exist. It's all just stories you make up." He's tired of all those people who seem to look for reasons to cause drama, where none really exists.

    Where he says "floppy" in the lyrics, I think he's talking about knowing about or hearing firsthand the things people are saying about him, but he is choosing not to pay attention to them because what they're saying is flopping or doesn't hold any weight or have any substance, etc. "Advice" just proves that every time people try to put Taemin in a box, he destroys it and keeps coming back with something more unique and never seen before.
    Hence, why in the choreography he puts his hands in front of his face and creates a movement that looks like an animated mouth talking. It represents how everyone keeps talking about him and what they are saying is nonsense, which makes them look and sound ridiculous, etc. Which is why in the lyrics he says, "You will never get the keys to my lock" because he doesn't ever plan to give people what they want and allow them access to his secrets and personal life, etc. (Those people who like to gossip about him will never truly know the real him.)
    I interpret the "One (piece of) Advice" he is talking about in the lyrics as a reference to the advice he keeps being given about being more mainstream, but he's saying, "stop trying to make me conform to the image you have in your head of who I should be and what I should do." In other words, take all that time and effort you have been using to come up with ways to talk about how he doesn't fit in, etc. and put it to better use. "Follow my own advice" and do something original for once.
    And the crucifixion pose at the end of "Advice" is sort of a signature pose for him. I interpret it to be like he is saying, "And that is the end, this is my final word, take it or leave it, but don't doubt me. I have given it my all and laid everything I had out there for you," etc.
    You should really see his "Advice" dance practice as well. It's a good way to see the full choreography without any cuts, edits or ackward camera angles.

  • @Ofra8191-
    @Ofra8191- 9 дней назад +9

    This was the 3rd time Taemin had long hair, he had it during SHINee's Lucifer and Sherlock eras as well. He looked so good that female idols refused to stand next to him because he made them look ugly in comparison, and there was commercial warning people about long-haired Taemin...

  • @namjoonswife3300
    @namjoonswife3300 8 дней назад +4


  • @marinal.
    @marinal. 8 дней назад +1

    Hi, i am back. Great reaction, ty. By the way love ur outro melody. So catchy. Adore techno/EDM. Love Taemin! Jimin is pals with Taemin. They have a lot in common i hear. So i slowly started to listen to his songs. I love Sayonara Hitori /Goodbye by him. It's beautiful. It is a Japanese song. His visuals were great. Liked his vocals too. I saw a lot of inspo Jimin got from him. But I also see how Jimin is different and his own artist. It was cool to see that. I see why Jimin is a fan. I liked the girl backup dancers with the guys. Don't see that too often. Loved the fits and his voice. I like Advice. Some parts were really catchy. He is cute and dances well. Lots of MJ vibes. The car crash gave me a lot of negative feels. But honestly the 2nd listen was better. This was fun. I am glad u reacted to this song. Will watch more. I need to watch more of his dance practices. His movements are lovely. The crop top is everything. =0p I love ur feedback. I hope u know we love long vids. I always wondered why he wore a mask. But it's a veil thing. He is very progressive. It's so hard to make new songs in the Kpop world. But he keeps playing with music. It's fascinating. I heard he has 80 songs. If u watch his solo songs from start to finish u really will be more impressed. He is very unique musician. Yes the mask does signify something. It's a metaphor and symbolism for a lot of idols. BTS uses masks too in their songs. U should check out Danger his debut song. u will love it. And if u watch Sherlock MV by Shinee u will see young Taemin with long hair. Most beautiful boy. Hugs. -NY USA 2019 Army💟
    @saywhatreacts said on 8/21/23
    This was a pleasant surprise!! 😍
    Taemin, the MJ of Kpop! A quick couple of facts that you might find fun/interesting…
    He is a member of SHINee and also SuperM (with Kai and Baekhyun). He is besties with Kai and is also in a friend group called the “padding squad” and that friend group has Taemin, Kai and Jimin (from BTS) in it among others as well. So these 3 amazing people you have reacted to and really like are all good friends and are also regarded as the 3 best dancers in Kpop! I think we are all hoping for the day the 3 of them will give us a dance collab! 🙏
    If you’re willing to give us a multi-video reaction, I would highly recommend his most iconic MV/Song ‘Move’ (the subtlety in his movement that speaks volumes is everything!) as well as ‘Want’, ‘Criminal’ & ‘Idea’. I think you’ll enjoy all of these for different reasons and I think it will show his versatility well along with Advice that you’ve already seen.
    Can’t wait to see the next one!
    Good reaction, ty. The Rizzness is his rap song from his album Guilty. After Guilty everyone was going wild for this song. I was not expecting a video for it though. Taemin has performed this song a lot and i like his various fits and change in choreo. This choreo here is different from the 1st live he did of this song a few months ago. Taemin bias here, a year or 2. For me I feel it's an evolution of his song Advice in some ways. Love that he is exploring rap more in his comeback. With the demon part and angel like part i get Jackson Wang vibes. He used black smoke in his past songs too. Appreciate u sharing ur thoughts as always. Black and white is devil and angel for Taemin. Those are his 2 personalities. Like he has 2 sides to him. Hugs. -NY USA 2019 Army💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
    @Auntie67 said on 12/26/23
    He indeed started his recent concert with The Rizzness hanging upside down on a specially prepared, first time done in Korea 360 degree rotating platform placed above the main stage. The effect was absolutely mind blowing and the best part was that he was singing live! My jaw dropped when I saw this, it was insane!
    @Saddlemomma said on 12/26/23
    Regarding the meaning of the song, in order to understand it, you will need to revisit Taemin's title song from the same album, "Guilty". As "The Rizzness" is a b-side to that album, they are connected, as are most of the songs on Taemin's albums and there are a lot of symbolic meanings as you so rightly noted..
    Taemin is famous for the deep philosophical thinking and introspection of his lyrics. There are layers of meanings. He illustrates for us, his fans, (known as Jjakoongs = "partners") the duality of his existence and the ever-present struggles that are present in his life (represented by his alter-ego -- the demon. Therefore, there are a few things you MUST remember when interpreting Taemin's lyrics:
    1) The simplest explanation is NOT the true interpretation (opposite from the philosophical argument of Occam's razor).
    2) Taemin is deep into philosophy and regularly explores various world philosophies.
    3) Many of Taemin's lyrics are directed inward to his psyche and history, spanning across a storyline illustrating different philosophies as his concepts for each song.
    4) He incorporates those philosophies along with religious symbolism, metaphors, and allusions to illustrate their conflict with his Christian faith (Taemin is Catholic).
    So, when putting all that together, we need to look at all the details to figure out the deeper, true meaning behind the surface reading of the lyrics. You also have to study the imagery, because with Taemin EVERYTHING has meaning. What are the things you notice in the MV:
    1) There are two Taemin's; one dark (with pointed ears, btw) and one light.
    2) The dark figure dances alone in black and white (not physically present; supernatural in nature) but the gold collar (status -- worthy to be worshiped, royalty, etc. -- a false sense of god status) has color. The light figure is in color and dances with what we call Taemin's girl gang (he is physically present in the world but as a Christian not "of the world".)
    3) The dark slime that is present and creeps slowly toward the light Taemin wanting to absorb him into the world & embrace worldly thinking and things.
    4) With the above observations, read the lyrics. While Taemin definitely has "charisma", it is a double-edged sword. He could allow that natural charisma to take over and turn him into an arrogant, narcissistic person who only cares about himself and hides his weaknesses behind a mask. However, he makes it clear in the lyrics that he doesn't care about all that. He will remain true to himself -- just as he says in "Advice".
    5) The main theme of this song is a companion to "Guilty, primarily, but also shares the theme from both Taemin's "Never Gonna Dance Again" and "Advice" albums. It continues the cohesive story regarding the struggle Taemin has been going through in regard to his celebrity status beginning at such a young age, as well as a worldview struggle.

  • @Tsuki_no_Megami
    @Tsuki_no_Megami 8 дней назад +7

    Listen.... I did NOT think I'd ever like, let alone love, a song named the freaking rizzness cuz honestly it's corny af to me..... but... Taemin.... he did that lol. I love that song sooooo much, I live for that guitar that pans back and forth, he sounded amazing as always, and that choreo..... YASSS!!! I think there's no real meaning behind it tho except flexing and telling off haters lol. You were pretty spot on for what 'Advice' is about. Taemin is my ult of ults for a reason! Everything he does is pure art.

  • @bea_hae_tae9392
    @bea_hae_tae9392 3 дня назад


  • @penguinworm
    @penguinworm 9 дней назад +2

    Great reactions! "I destroy the torso that you were chasing after", he is talking about his own torso, he got a tattoo on his side.

  • @milindawilson9175
    @milindawilson9175 9 дней назад +6

    Taemin is known for his popping, locking and ticking. He is considered an expert at being able to isolate every muscle and joint in his body and move each part of his body independently.
    As you may know, "rizz" is a pop culture term that means charisma and it describes a person's ability to charm people and make them fall for them, etc. Therefore, in his song Taemin is talking about how he has the "Rizzness" to make you pay attention to him. But he's not being cocky, I think he's being facetious. The message within the song is Taemin telling people that "no matter who you think I am or your opinion of who I should be or what I should or shouldn't do, you better be paying attention because I am going to be unapologetically ME." In other words, what you will see is unlike anything you have ever seen before. He is supposed to give off this "unsettled" or "creepy" feeling because it matches the theme of his songs and the story that he is telling in the MV. Everything he does is designed to enhance the story or message in the song.
    Wait until you see Taemin perform "The Rizzness" live. You think it was amazing in the MV, well it's even more unbelievable when you see him do it live. Live is where the SHINee members truly Shine and Taemin exudes command of the stage.
    He is considered one of the greatest dancers and performers of all time. Literally everyone in the Kpop industry looks up to him and idolizes him. There is even a well-known phrase in the Kpop industry, TIMRM (Taemindol) -- "Taemin is my role model" -- that is associated with him, because so many idols and people in general say that he is the reason why they wanted to become a singer and/or dancer.
    Taemin's talents are one reason why SHINee are one of the top groups in the industry and why they have such legendary status. SHINee is made up of some of the absolute best singers, dancers and performers in the entire industry. Not only is Taemin an amazing dancer but, because he is a member of SHINee, he is also a top tier vocalist, who can sing live while performing intricate choreography like this and sound even better live than the studio recording.
    Taemin is the main dancer and a main vocalist of SHINee. However, because he is a member of SHINee, this means he can do it all. SHINee are known for the fact that there are no longer any fixed roles in their group, the main vocalists can rap and the rappers can fill in as main vocalists at any moment. However, what they are really recognized for is that they are one of the best vocal groups to ever exist. All of the SHINee members are top tier singers and dancers.
    Prior to becoming a trainee with SM at the age of 11, Taemin had no formal dance training. He started out as a self-taught popper and locker who learned to dance by copying dancers on TV, and, even then, as a trainee it was clear his skills as a dancer went far beyond the average dancer. He said he thought dancers like Kpop solo artist Bi Rain and Michael Jackson were cool, so he would try and copy their moves. He debuted as the main dancer of SHINee in 2008 at the age of 14 -- so he had about 3 years of training as a dancer once he became a trainee.
    Therefore, most of what you see is just natural talent and an unbelievable amount of dedication. Taemin has put in a lot of effort to become the magnificent and unique performer and person that we know him as today. But there really is no one that pushes him or holds him to a higher standard than himself. He has said that he really has never taken a true vacation since he was a trainee and he doesn't know what to do if he isn't constantly working and training.
    It's said that if Taemin's dance looks easy then it's actually really difficult and if it looks extremely difficult then it's even harder than you imagine. No one moves the way he does and even his backup dancers struggle to keep up with him. Choreographers say he is constantly asking them to make the choreography more difficult and he is never satisfied until the difficulty level is off the charts.
    As Taemin has said, there has never been anything that has come easy to him and he has only gotten to where he is today because he has worked hard to accomplish everything. He is constantly pushing himself to become the best of the best in everything he does. (Which is one of the reasons why he decided to leave SM earlier this year after 16 years and move to Big Planet Made for his solo career. He wanted to challenge himself and continue to push himself to keep getting better, etc.) Taemin has said, he has worked his entire career to create a style of dance that is unlike anything in the Kpop industry. And I would argue that that now extends to the entire industry of dance.
    No matter how skilled of a dancer and performer someone is, no one can execute the moves the way Taemin does it. Taemin will always be uniquely Taemin in every way.

  • @AshPooh
    @AshPooh 8 дней назад +3

    You might find this funny but, my very first exposure to taemin was letting my RUclips play on my TV, and somehow my algorithm kicked onto kpop. I wasn't paying attention until Rizzness came on and I said "what in the heck is this?" I was stunned by his voice and dancing. And that's how I fell into the abyss of Taemin binge watching😂🎉

    • @marinal.
      @marinal. 8 дней назад +1

      oh my gosh i love that. was that last year?

    • @AshPooh
      @AshPooh 8 дней назад

      @marinal. it was! I want to say sometime in in autumn (for America anyway).

    • @QueenSarabiii
      @QueenSarabiii  8 дней назад

      Lol I feel like that is the way we find the best things sometimes 😅😅

  • @Ofra8191-
    @Ofra8191- 9 дней назад +4

    By the way, the MVs for Sexy in the air and Horizon are available on RUclips again.

    • @crystalwolf4884
      @crystalwolf4884 9 дней назад +2

      Any further news about his channel restoration yet ?? How much longer we have to wait for it ??

    • @Ofra8191-
      @Ofra8191- 9 дней назад +2

      @crystalwolf4884 the BPM channel is back and the two MVs can be watched there, Taemin's channel is still being worked on.

    • @crystalwolf4884
      @crystalwolf4884 9 дней назад +1

      @@Ofra8191- Just checked but is it just me or the tesla logo is still appearing & total no. of views is also incorrect ?? It's good that the MVs are restored. Hopefully TM's channel will be back soon.

    • @Ofra8191-
      @Ofra8191- 9 дней назад +2

      @@crystalwolf4884 yep, it's not fixed completely, but at least the MVs are back...

    • @crystalwolf4884
      @crystalwolf4884 9 дней назад +3

      @@Ofra8191- True. Hopefully it won't happen again, millions of views are lost because of it.😞

  • @kpopkpop1936
    @kpopkpop1936 2 дня назад

    React to Taemin - Guess who live

  • @taemintaemin809
    @taemintaemin809 9 дней назад +2

    Please reaction Taemin -Under my skin