Hello Big fan here👋👋 Please i am mechanical engineering student and i want more of your videos on differential equation. I have already watched your first playlist on D. E but it didn't cover a lot of the things we are doing now. Like the Laplace transform and the rest. Please i want more videos on this course 🙏🙏
Differential first order this you get #seperation #homogenious #by inspaction #subsitution suggested And more And the second order Auxillary complex and more differential equation
I have my last bachelor exam on this. I'm going to graduate 2 years late (mental health problems, loss of several family members, dysfunctional family etc.) if I pass. I hope I can make it, I really do. It's really affecting my mental health, it's like the snowball effect. It is the snowball effect.
universe is composed of two omnipresent hyperfields: EM- and gravitational hyperfield, gravitational consisting both gravity and antigravity as each others polarities. the hyperfields are entwined and interact with each other and materializing on interaction. all matter in the universe is materialized hyperfields. weak and strong interaction and all the more complex interactions of matter and other particles are more complex, more evolved forms of interaction of the hyperfields. an example of this would be creating electricity through friction: interaction of physical objects disturbs the EM-hyperfield, which creates a local electric charge, materializing into electrons in the center. this is exactly why we see "spontaneous emergenge and disappearance of particles: they materialize from the hyperfields and dematerialize back in to them. compress the hyperfields into a singularity and you will see a very rapid emergence of particles and forces of nature. the principle of antigravity engine is to disturb the gravitational hyperfield with two strong vibrating electric magnetic fields, which are created and pressed next to each other, which interferes with the gravitational hyperfield, causing the polarities of gravity collapse into and past each other locally, creating a negative gravitational sphere. the movement is created by creating two antigravity spheres next to each other, which creates a flow in the hyperfield around the antigravity system.
QUESTION: 'EM' waves are almost always depicted with the 'e' perpendicular with the 'm', in a sine wave pattern, both waves going out together and coming back in together. What actually causes the 'em' waves to go out together and come back in together, over and over and over.........? I propose 'gravity' is a part of the currently recognized 'em' wave, 'gravity' acting 90 degrees to the 'em' waves, which of course act 90 degrees to each other. The 'gem' photon is the energy unit of this universe, (or at least a better model of the universe to work with, especially at the quantum level). See the following copy and pastes from my files that follow this post: 1. How numbers and mathematical constants could exist for math to do what math does in this universe. 2. Theory Of Everything idea. 3. Gravity test for TOE idea. 4. Math so far for the TOE idea. 5. Potential completion of the Periodic Table of the Elements as a bonus.
NUMBERS: 'IF' my latest TOE idea is really true, (and I fully acknowledge the 'if' at this time), that the pulsating, swirling 'gem' photon is the energy unit of this universe that makes up everything in existence in this universe, and what is called 'gravity' is a part of what is currently recognized as the 'em' photon, the 'gravity' modality acting 90 degrees from the 'em' modalities, which act 90 degrees to each other, then the oscillation of these 3 interacting modalities of the energy unit would be as follows: Gravity: Maximum in one direction, Neutral, Maximum in the other direction; Electrical: Maximum in one direction, Neutral, Maximum in the other direction; Magnetic: Maximum in one direction, Neutral, Maximum in the other direction. Then: 1 singular energy unit, with 3 different modalities, with 6 maximum most reactive positions, with 9 total basic reactive positions (neutrals included). Hence 1, 3, 6, 9 being very prominent numbers in this universe and why mathematics even works in this universe. (And possibly '0', zero, as possibly neutrals are against other neutrals, even if only briefly, for no flow of energy, hence the number system that we currently have. This would also be the maximum potential energy point or as some might call it, the 'zero point energy point'.). And also how possibly mathematical constants exist in this universe as well. * Note also: Nobody as of yet has been able to show me how numbers and mathematical constants can exist and do what they do in this universe from the Standard Model of Particle Physics (SMPP). While the SMPP has it's place, I believe we need to move beyond the SMPP to get closer to real reality.
TOE IDEA: Revised TOE: 3/25/2017a. My Current TOE: THE SETUP: 1. Modern science currently recognizes four forces of nature: The strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, gravity, and electromagnetism. 2. In school we are taught that with magnetism, opposite polarities attract and like polarities repel. But inside the arc of a large horseshoe magnet it's the other way around, like polarities attract and opposite polarities repel. (I have proved this to myself with magnets and anybody with a large horseshoe magnet and two smaller bar magnets can easily prove this to yourself too. It occurs at the outer end of the inner arc of the horseshoe magnet.). 3. Charged particles have an associated magnetic field with them. 4. Protons and electrons are charged particles and have their associated magnetic fields with them. 5. Photons also have both an electric and a magnetic component to them. FOUR FORCES OF NATURE DOWN INTO TWO: 6. When an electron is in close proximity to the nucleus, it would basically generate a 360 degree spherical magnetic field. 7. Like charged protons would stick together inside of this magnetic field, while simultaneously repelling opposite charged electrons inside this magnetic field, while simultaneously attracting the opposite charged electrons across the inner portion of the electron's moving magnetic field. 8. There are probably no such thing as "gluons" in actual reality. 9. The strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force are probably derivatives of the electro-magnetic field interactions between electrons and protons. 10. The nucleus is probably an electro-magnetic field boundary. 11. Quarks also supposedly have a charge to them and then would also most likely have electro-magnetic fields associated with them, possibly a different arrangement for each of the six different type of quarks. 12. The interactions between the quarks EM forces are how and why protons and neutrons formulate as well as how and why protons and neutrons stay inside of the nucleus and do not just pass through as neutrinos do. THE GEM FORCE INTERACTIONS AND QUANTA: 13. Personally, I currently believe that the directional force in photons is "gravity". It's the force that makes the sine wave of EM energy go from a wide (maximum extension) to a point (minimum extension) of a moving photon and acts 90 degrees to the EM forces which act 90 degrees to each other. When the EM gets to maximum extension, "gravity" flips and EM goes to minimum, then "gravity" flips and goes back to maximum, etc, etc. A stationary photon would pulse from it's maximum extension to a point possibly even too small to detect, then back to maximum, etc, etc. 14. I also believe that a pulsating, swirling singularity (which is basically a pulsating, swirling 'gem' photon) is the energy unit in this universe. 15. When these pulsating, swirling energy units interact with other energy units, they tangle together and can interlock at times. Various shapes (strings, spheres, whatever) might be formed, which then create sub-atomic material, atoms, molecules, and everything in existence in this universe. 16. When the energy units unite and interlock together they would tend to stabilize and vibrate. 17. I believe there is probably a Photonic Theory Of The Atomic Structure. 18. Everything is basically "light" (photons) in a universe entirely filled with "light" (photons). THE MAGNETIC FORCE SPECIFICALLY: 19. When the electron with it's associated magnetic field goes around the proton with it's associated magnetic field, internal and external energy oscillations are set up. 20. When more than one atom is involved, and these energy frequencies align, they add together, specifically the magnetic field frequency. 21. I currently believe that this is where a line of flux originates from, aligned magnetic field frequencies. NOTES: 22. The Earth can be looked at as being a massive singular interacting photon with it's magnetic field, electrical surface field, and gravity, all three photonic forces all being 90 degrees from each other. 23. The flat spiral galaxy can be looked at as being a massive singular interacting photon with it's magnetic fields on each side of the plane of matter, the electrical field along the plane of matter, and gravity being directed towards the galactic center's black hole where the gravitational forces would meet, all three photonic forces all being 90 degrees from each other. 24. As below in the singularity, as above in the galaxy and probably universe as well. 25. I believe there are only two forces of nature, Gravity and EM, (GEM). Due to the stability of the GEM with the energy unit, this is also why the forces of nature haven't evolved by now. Of which with the current theory of understanding, how come the forces of nature haven't evolved by now since the original conditions acting upon the singularity aren't acting upon them like they originally were, billions of years have supposedly elapsed, in a universe that continues to expand and cool, with energy that could not be created nor destroyed would be getting less and less dense? My theory would seem to make more sense if in fact it is really true. I really wonder if it is in fact really true. 26. And the universe would be expanding due to these pulsating and interacting energy units and would also allow galaxies to collide, of which, how could galaxies ever collide if they are all speeding away from each other like is currently taught? DISCLAIMER: 27. As I as well as all of humanity truly do not know what we do not know, the above certainly could be wrong. It would have to be proved or disproved to know for more certainty.
GRAVITY TEST: GRAVITY: (copy and paste from my files): Here is the test for the 'gravity' portion of my TOE idea. I do not have the necessary resources to do the test but maybe you or someone else reading this does, will do the test, then tell the world what is found out either way. a. Imagine a 12 hour clock. b. Put a magnetic field across from the 3 to 9 o'clock positions. c. Put an electric field across from the 6 to 12 o'clock positions. (The magnetic field and electric field would be 90 degrees to each other and should be polarized so as to complement each other.) d. Direct a high powered laser through the center of the clock at 90 degrees to the em fields. e. Do this with the em fields on and off. (The em fields could be varied in size, strength, density and depth. The intent would be to energy frequency match the laser and em fields for optimal results, cancelling out the em modalities of the laser, thereby leaving behind the gravity modality.) f. Look for any gravitational / anti-gravitational effects. (Including the utilization of ferro cells so as to be able to actually see the energy field movements.) (And note: if done right, it's possible a mini gravitational black hole might form. Be ready for it. In addition, it's possible a neutrino might be formed before the black hole stage, the neutrino being a substance with a very high gravitational modality with very low 'em' modalities.) (An alternative to the above would be to direct 3 high powered lasers, or a single high powered laser split into 3 beams, each adjustable to achieve the above set up, all focused upon a single point in space.) 'If' effects are noted, 'then' further research could be done. 'If' effects are not noted, 'then' my latest TOE idea is wrong. But still, we would know what 'gravity' was not, which is still something in the scientific world. This test can speak for itself. It will either be true, partly true, or not true at all. It will either show what gravity truly is, might be, or is not. Science still wins either way and moves forward. * And note: Whether my gravity test or another's, a gravitational black hole would have to be formed to prove the concept as being really true. A gravitational black hole that 'if' self fed itself, could literally wipe out this Earth and all on it, possibly this solar system, possibly put a black hole in this section of our galaxy, and potentially even causing a ripple effect in this galaxy and surrounding universe. But hey, if it does, no worries. Nobody would be left to prosecute those who did so. (Possibly famous last words: "Hey, it worked. Ooooppppssss.................) But as NASA has already proven that low gravity conditions over a prolonged period of time is harmful to the human species, and large rotating space ships won't really work for space bases on planets and moons, those space bases probably being needed somewhere along the way out of this solar system and galaxy, we need to figure out what gravity truly is and see if we can generate artificial gravity so as to have smaller space ships and proper gravity conditions for space bases on planets and moons. Otherwise, at least all human life will most probably die and go extinct one day. Currently, no exceptions. ** Added note: Just trying to save at least 1 single species from this Earth to exist beyond this Earth so that life itself from this Earth has continued meaning and purpose to. Gives me something to do while I exist, otherwise, what is it all and everything for? Even if my TOE idea were correct, but if it did not help species survive beyond this Earth, what good would it ultimately be? So, are you feeling lucky? Doing nothing and at least the entire human species eventually dies and goes extinct with a high degree of certainty. Doing a gravity test, (mine and/or another's), and there is at least a slim chance of literally wiping out this entire Earth and all on it, and possibly more. Do you and other's truly want me to prove my TOE idea as being really true? (Since all of life itself is ultimately meaningless in the grand of scheme of things anyway, do the gravity test and see what occurs?)
MATH FOR TOE IDEA: The mathematics for the TOE doesn't even exist yet as far as I am currently aware. It goes beyond any quantum field theory formulas that I am currently aware of. The outline though is basically as follows: The formula has at least 3 levels to it: 1. The Internal Photon Level: The 3 interacting forces, (which might even be just a singular force with 3 different modalities), all interacting at basically 90 degrees to each other and all simultaneously pulsating and swirling. A complex part of the formula but I believe to be totally doable. 2. The External Photon Level: For each pulsating, swirling photon, all the pulsating, swirling photons interacting with it. An exponential part of the formula that I am not even sure modern day super computers could adequately handle. 3. The Inter-dimensional Photon Level: For each modality within each photon would have an energy frequency associated with it. The energy frequencies could be seen as being in their own space time dimension. (For me, 'space' is energy itself of which is the 'gem' photon and 'time' is the flow of energy; 'temperature' is the interaction of energy), so one would be dealing with way more than just 3 spatial dimensions and way more than just 1 time dimension (as there would many different energy frequencies with many different flows of energy). Whenever like resonate energy frequencies resonated with each other, they would affect each other, kind of like 'spooky action at a distance'. Anytime energy frequencies overlapped, there would be a temporary spike of some sort in each space time dimension. In addition, if in reality the 'gem' photon is just a singular force with 3 different modalities, it's possible that energy could 'slip' between modalities which would also affect the results. A very complex part of the formula on top of all the complexity that came before it. 4. Any time any energy moved in the system, the entire formula would have to be recalculated due to potential ripple effects. 5. In addition, I am operating in a realm where one plus one does not always equal two, and often does not. Like I said above, I don't even believe the mathematics exists yet for what I am trying to do, but at a minimum, the formula would contain the above levels the way I currently see it to be. And I never said it would be easy.
POTENTIAL COMPLETION OF PERIODIC TABLE OF ELEMENTS: Potential completion of the Periodic Table of the Elements: I currently believe that there are 120 chemical elements in this universe. If a person were to look at how electrons fill up the shells in atoms: 2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 8 (seven shells), and realizing that energy could freely flow in this universe if nothing stopped it from doing so, then a natural bell shaped curve might occur. An eighth energy shell might exist with a maximum of two elements in it, chemical element #119 (8s1) and chemical element #120 (8s2). Chemical Element #119 (8s1): #119 I put at the bottom of the Hydrogen group on the Periodic Table of the Elements. It only has one electron in it's outer shell with room for only one more electron. Energy might even enter the atom through the missing electron spot and then at least some of the energy might get trapped inside of the atom under the atom's outer shell. Chemical Element #120 (8s2): #120 I put at the bottom of the Helium group since it's outer shell is full of electrons. It might have some of the properties of group two, Beryllium group (Alkali Earth Metals group) since it has two electrons in it's outer shell; as well as some of the properties of the Helium group (Noble Gases group) since it's outer shell is full of electrons; and if you look at the step down deflection of the semi-metals and where #120 would be located on the chart, it's possible #120 might even have some semi-metal characteristics. #120 would be the heaviest element in this universe. I believe chemical element #120 could possibly be found inside the center of stars. When a neutron split inside of this atom, it would give off one proton, one electron, neutrinos and energy. The proton and electron would be ejected outside of the atom since all their respective areas are full. One proton and one electron are basic hydrogen, of which the Sun is primarily made up of, and the Sun certainly gives off neutrinos and energy. And note, it's the neutron that split, not a proton. So even after the split, there are still 120 protons inside of the atom and the atom still exists as element #120. The star would last longer that way. In addition, if the neutron that split triggered a chain reaction inside of the star, this could possibly be how stars nova, (even if only periodically). If stars were looked at as if this theoretical idea were true, and found to even be somewhat true, then we might just have a better model of the universe to work with, even if it's not totally 100% true. And if it's all 100% true, then all the better.
Can you make a video on the conjugate zero theorem? There’s already a rational zero theorem video(which was very helpful as always) but those are two different theorems
Hello, I'm the organic chemistry tutor and I think it's about time you started reading for yourself, I'm currently enjoying the benefits of your blessings so thank you
Have you had symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, poor memory, difficulty sleeping, and lack of clarity in your thoughts? It may seem like these could be the results of daily stress and frenzy, but there could be another culprit. All of these are symptoms of electro-sensitivity, which is something that more and more people find themselves affected by. Studies conducted in 1997 found "less than a few cases (of electro-sensitivity) per million", however now as much as 2.5% of the population is affected by electro-sensitivity. Even with the most moderate calculations, electrosensitivity is 10,000 times more common today than it was 20 years ago. Why could this be? Electro-sensitivity and its symptoms appear to be triggered by certain microwave frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. Due to their high frequency, microwaves allow for higher transmission rates and smaller antenna sizes, which is perfect for high-tech devices that are constantly getting smaller and faster. These are devices such as cell phones, tablets, laptops, and any device that can connect to Wi-Fi, which can now include TVs and refrigerators
it's easy to understand properties of em wave it's not easy to understand its origin what is positive charge where it's found actually how light is originated during any chemical reaction please describe em wave regarding to a burning candle .
The so-called UE electromagnetic waves exist only in conductors. In the cosmic vacuum, materialized by the etheric, non-cohesive, non-inertial, inelastic and incompressible ocean, i.e. in the ocean of weightless matter, the wave mechanism, which requires the successive transformation of one form of energy into another, cannot function. The phasing of the electric field with the magnetic field in the breast of EM waves is clear evidence that the wave mechanism does not work in a vacuum. The so-called electromagnetic waves are just some electromagnetic reliefs, made up of the chained circulations of the electric and magnetic fields. After deciphering the physical meaning of the action constant h, it can be demonstrated that at the level of each half-wave, the propulsive electromagnetic force is in balance with the inertial force, (BIl=m.a). This balance makes the sliding (translation) with a uniform rectilinear speed, of the scalar structure of the electromagnetic wave. The uniform-rectilinear speed and the transversal periodic structure give the wave appearance of E-M radiation. But the E-M radiation is only a dynamic structure similar to the linear electric motor, which glides through the vacuum at the speed of light, being propelled by the electromagnetic force, the force which is in balance with the inertia force.
Im assuming that if something increases to a high speed or even breaks the sound barrier the wave is possible to come visible? And thats what creates a shock wave ? (Just a guess)
I was thinking about this the other day. But in the 3D graphic those two perpendicular waves make me feel is rather a spiral whit a determined radius . After all electricity when travel through the cable form a magnetic feels all the way of the conductor.
Hey man You r not answering to any one but it's still ok I Just wanted to know your viewers are important for you or not Also I request you to plz make video series on numerical analysis. This video has some Extra background nois and it's annoying.
hay dude I'm an 12th standard student and I need your membership for my study but I can't afford it . I will be very thankful if you can help me out with it please .
Final Exams and Video Playlists: www.video-tutor.net/
Full-Length Math & Science Videos: www.patreon.com/mathsciencetutor/collections
I appreciate you
I don't know who you are, but you're really part of my life
I hope you win a Nobel Prize someday
Indian ?
@@average2amazing Yes, I am
I hope so
Why would he ever win that?
@@fredthechamp3475 he could be doing incredible research that we don’t know about! He’s clearly capable 😊
I don't know if you read the comments, but you just saved my life. thank you, the best teacher of atomic physics :)
This guy is the single reason I'm not failing science
Professor Organic Chemistry Tutor, thank you for a fantastic video/lecture on Electromagnetic Waves in Engineering Physics Two.
this man literally is the reason why my grades went up
this man has video for everything
Big fan here👋👋
Please i am mechanical engineering student and i want more of your videos on differential equation.
I have already watched your first playlist on D. E but it didn't cover a lot of the things we are doing now. Like the Laplace transform and the rest.
Please i want more videos on this course 🙏🙏
Differential first order this you get
#by inspaction
#subsitution suggested
And more
And the second order Auxillary complex and more differential equation
@@cabdirahmanjama6675 Thanks
Like chat
Yo what the heck I have physics exam about light tomorrow and you post this today
No you didnt
Hope not to disturb, but a big wave to all! Good energy to this channel.
I have my last bachelor exam on this. I'm going to graduate 2 years late (mental health problems, loss of several family members, dysfunctional family etc.) if I pass. I hope I can make it, I really do. It's really affecting my mental health, it's like the snowball effect. It is the snowball effect.
universe is composed of two omnipresent hyperfields: EM- and gravitational hyperfield, gravitational consisting both gravity and antigravity as each others polarities. the hyperfields are entwined and interact with each other and materializing on interaction. all matter in the universe is materialized hyperfields. weak and strong interaction and all the more complex interactions of matter and other particles are more complex, more evolved forms of interaction of the hyperfields. an example of this would be creating electricity through friction: interaction of physical objects disturbs the EM-hyperfield, which creates a local electric charge, materializing into electrons in the center. this is exactly why we see "spontaneous emergenge and disappearance of particles: they materialize from the hyperfields and dematerialize back in to them. compress the hyperfields into a singularity and you will see a very rapid emergence of particles and forces of nature.
the principle of antigravity engine is to disturb the gravitational hyperfield with two strong vibrating electric magnetic fields, which are created and pressed next to each other, which interferes with the gravitational hyperfield, causing the polarities of gravity collapse into and past each other locally, creating a negative gravitational sphere. the movement is created by creating two antigravity spheres next to each other, which creates a flow in the hyperfield around the antigravity system.
That’s deep. Please can you tell me more?
That's some great teaching 🎖️
This was a great explanation. Awesome! Thank you.
I needed this video 🥺
Great video of EMW legend 🙏
Thanks for the video you are the best tutor
thank you for saving my ass in desperate times of need especially during math and shit love you bro
Thanks for everything!!!!!
@@m_jay_official_zw1375 hi
QUESTION: 'EM' waves are almost always depicted with the 'e' perpendicular with the 'm', in a sine wave pattern, both waves going out together and coming back in together. What actually causes the 'em' waves to go out together and come back in together, over and over and over.........?
I propose 'gravity' is a part of the currently recognized 'em' wave, 'gravity' acting 90 degrees to the 'em' waves, which of course act 90 degrees to each other. The 'gem' photon is the energy unit of this universe, (or at least a better model of the universe to work with, especially at the quantum level).
See the following copy and pastes from my files that follow this post:
1. How numbers and mathematical constants could exist for math to do what math does in this universe.
2. Theory Of Everything idea.
3. Gravity test for TOE idea.
4. Math so far for the TOE idea.
5. Potential completion of the Periodic Table of the Elements as a bonus.
'IF' my latest TOE idea is really true, (and I fully acknowledge the 'if' at this time), that the pulsating, swirling 'gem' photon is the energy unit of this universe that makes up everything in existence in this universe, and what is called 'gravity' is a part of what is currently recognized as the 'em' photon, the 'gravity' modality acting 90 degrees from the 'em' modalities, which act 90 degrees to each other, then the oscillation of these 3 interacting modalities of the energy unit would be as follows:
Gravity: Maximum in one direction, Neutral, Maximum in the other direction;
Electrical: Maximum in one direction, Neutral, Maximum in the other direction;
Magnetic: Maximum in one direction, Neutral, Maximum in the other direction.
1 singular energy unit, with 3 different modalities, with 6 maximum most reactive positions, with 9 total basic reactive positions (neutrals included). Hence 1, 3, 6, 9 being very prominent numbers in this universe and why mathematics even works in this universe.
(And possibly '0', zero, as possibly neutrals are against other neutrals, even if only briefly, for no flow of energy, hence the number system that we currently have. This would also be the maximum potential energy point or as some might call it, the 'zero point energy point'.).
And also how possibly mathematical constants exist in this universe as well.
* Note also: Nobody as of yet has been able to show me how numbers and mathematical constants can exist and do what they do in this universe from the Standard Model of Particle Physics (SMPP). While the SMPP has it's place, I believe we need to move beyond the SMPP to get closer to real reality.
Revised TOE: 3/25/2017a.
My Current TOE:
1. Modern science currently recognizes four forces of nature: The strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, gravity, and electromagnetism.
2. In school we are taught that with magnetism, opposite polarities attract and like polarities repel. But inside the arc of a large horseshoe magnet it's the other way around, like polarities attract and opposite polarities repel. (I have proved this to myself with magnets and anybody with a large horseshoe magnet and two smaller bar magnets can easily prove this to yourself too. It occurs at the outer end of the inner arc of the horseshoe magnet.).
3. Charged particles have an associated magnetic field with them.
4. Protons and electrons are charged particles and have their associated magnetic fields with them.
5. Photons also have both an electric and a magnetic component to them.
6. When an electron is in close proximity to the nucleus, it would basically generate a 360 degree spherical magnetic field.
7. Like charged protons would stick together inside of this magnetic field, while simultaneously repelling opposite charged electrons inside this magnetic field, while simultaneously attracting the opposite charged electrons across the inner portion of the electron's moving magnetic field.
8. There are probably no such thing as "gluons" in actual reality.
9. The strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force are probably derivatives of the electro-magnetic field interactions between electrons and protons.
10. The nucleus is probably an electro-magnetic field boundary.
11. Quarks also supposedly have a charge to them and then would also most likely have electro-magnetic fields associated with them, possibly a different arrangement for each of the six different type of quarks.
12. The interactions between the quarks EM forces are how and why protons and neutrons formulate as well as how and why protons and neutrons stay inside of the nucleus and do not just pass through as neutrinos do.
13. Personally, I currently believe that the directional force in photons is "gravity". It's the force that makes the sine wave of EM energy go from a wide (maximum extension) to a point (minimum extension) of a moving photon and acts 90 degrees to the EM forces which act 90 degrees to each other. When the EM gets to maximum extension, "gravity" flips and EM goes to minimum, then "gravity" flips and goes back to maximum, etc, etc. A stationary photon would pulse from it's maximum extension to a point possibly even too small to detect, then back to maximum, etc, etc.
14. I also believe that a pulsating, swirling singularity (which is basically a pulsating, swirling 'gem' photon) is the energy unit in this universe.
15. When these pulsating, swirling energy units interact with other energy units, they tangle together and can interlock at times. Various shapes (strings, spheres, whatever) might be formed, which then create sub-atomic material, atoms, molecules, and everything in existence in this universe.
16. When the energy units unite and interlock together they would tend to stabilize and vibrate.
17. I believe there is probably a Photonic Theory Of The Atomic Structure.
18. Everything is basically "light" (photons) in a universe entirely filled with "light" (photons).
19. When the electron with it's associated magnetic field goes around the proton with it's associated magnetic field, internal and external energy oscillations are set up.
20. When more than one atom is involved, and these energy frequencies align, they add together, specifically the magnetic field frequency.
21. I currently believe that this is where a line of flux originates from, aligned magnetic field frequencies.
22. The Earth can be looked at as being a massive singular interacting photon with it's magnetic field, electrical surface field, and gravity, all three photonic forces all being 90 degrees from each other.
23. The flat spiral galaxy can be looked at as being a massive singular interacting photon with it's magnetic fields on each side of the plane of matter, the electrical field along the plane of matter, and gravity being directed towards the galactic center's black hole where the gravitational forces would meet, all three photonic forces all being 90 degrees from each other.
24. As below in the singularity, as above in the galaxy and probably universe as well.
25. I believe there are only two forces of nature, Gravity and EM, (GEM). Due to the stability of the GEM with the energy unit, this is also why the forces of nature haven't evolved by now. Of which with the current theory of understanding, how come the forces of nature haven't evolved by now since the original conditions acting upon the singularity aren't acting upon them like they originally were, billions of years have supposedly elapsed, in a universe that continues to expand and cool, with energy that could not be created nor destroyed would be getting less and less dense? My theory would seem to make more sense if in fact it is really true. I really wonder if it is in fact really true.
26. And the universe would be expanding due to these pulsating and interacting energy units and would also allow galaxies to collide, of which, how could galaxies ever collide if they are all speeding away from each other like is currently taught?
27. As I as well as all of humanity truly do not know what we do not know, the above certainly could be wrong. It would have to be proved or disproved to know for more certainty.
GRAVITY: (copy and paste from my files):
Here is the test for the 'gravity' portion of my TOE idea. I do not have the necessary resources to do the test but maybe you or someone else reading this does, will do the test, then tell the world what is found out either way.
a. Imagine a 12 hour clock.
b. Put a magnetic field across from the 3 to 9 o'clock positions.
c. Put an electric field across from the 6 to 12 o'clock positions.
(The magnetic field and electric field would be 90 degrees to each other and should be polarized so as to complement each other.)
d. Direct a high powered laser through the center of the clock at 90 degrees to the em fields.
e. Do this with the em fields on and off.
(The em fields could be varied in size, strength, density and depth. The intent would be to energy frequency match the laser and em fields for optimal results, cancelling out the em modalities of the laser, thereby leaving behind the gravity modality.)
f. Look for any gravitational / anti-gravitational effects.
(Including the utilization of ferro cells so as to be able to actually see the energy field movements.)
(And note: if done right, it's possible a mini gravitational black hole might form. Be ready for it. In addition, it's possible a neutrino might be formed before the black hole stage, the neutrino being a substance with a very high gravitational modality with very low 'em' modalities.)
(An alternative to the above would be to direct 3 high powered lasers, or a single high powered laser split into 3 beams, each adjustable to achieve the above set up, all focused upon a single point in space.)
'If' effects are noted, 'then' further research could be done.
'If' effects are not noted, 'then' my latest TOE idea is wrong. But still, we would know what 'gravity' was not, which is still something in the scientific world.
This test can speak for itself. It will either be true, partly true, or not true at all. It will either show what gravity truly is, might be, or is not. Science still wins either way and moves forward.
* And note: Whether my gravity test or another's, a gravitational black hole would have to be formed to prove the concept as being really true. A gravitational black hole that 'if' self fed itself, could literally wipe out this Earth and all on it, possibly this solar system, possibly put a black hole in this section of our galaxy, and potentially even causing a ripple effect in this galaxy and surrounding universe. But hey, if it does, no worries. Nobody would be left to prosecute those who did so. (Possibly famous last words: "Hey, it worked. Ooooppppssss.................)
But as NASA has already proven that low gravity conditions over a prolonged period of time is harmful to the human species, and large rotating space ships won't really work for space bases on planets and moons, those space bases probably being needed somewhere along the way out of this solar system and galaxy, we need to figure out what gravity truly is and see if we can generate artificial gravity so as to have smaller space ships and proper gravity conditions for space bases on planets and moons. Otherwise, at least all human life will most probably die and go extinct one day. Currently, no exceptions.
** Added note: Just trying to save at least 1 single species from this Earth to exist beyond this Earth so that life itself from this Earth has continued meaning and purpose to. Gives me something to do while I exist, otherwise, what is it all and everything for? Even if my TOE idea were correct, but if it did not help species survive beyond this Earth, what good would it ultimately be?
So, are you feeling lucky? Doing nothing and at least the entire human species eventually dies and goes extinct with a high degree of certainty. Doing a gravity test, (mine and/or another's), and there is at least a slim chance of literally wiping out this entire Earth and all on it, and possibly more. Do you and other's truly want me to prove my TOE idea as being really true?
(Since all of life itself is ultimately meaningless in the grand of scheme of things anyway, do the gravity test and see what occurs?)
The mathematics for the TOE doesn't even exist yet as far as I am currently aware. It goes beyond any quantum field theory formulas that I am currently aware of. The outline though is basically as follows:
The formula has at least 3 levels to it:
1. The Internal Photon Level: The 3 interacting forces, (which might even be just a singular force with 3 different modalities), all interacting at basically 90 degrees to each other and all simultaneously pulsating and swirling. A complex part of the formula but I believe to be totally doable.
2. The External Photon Level: For each pulsating, swirling photon, all the pulsating, swirling photons interacting with it. An exponential part of the formula that I am not even sure modern day super computers could adequately handle.
3. The Inter-dimensional Photon Level: For each modality within each photon would have an energy frequency associated with it. The energy frequencies could be seen as being in their own space time dimension. (For me, 'space' is energy itself of which is the 'gem' photon and 'time' is the flow of energy; 'temperature' is the interaction of energy), so one would be dealing with way more than just 3 spatial dimensions and way more than just 1 time dimension (as there would many different energy frequencies with many different flows of energy). Whenever like resonate energy frequencies resonated with each other, they would affect each other, kind of like 'spooky action at a distance'. Anytime energy frequencies overlapped, there would be a temporary spike of some sort in each space time dimension. In addition, if in reality the 'gem' photon is just a singular force with 3 different modalities, it's possible that energy could 'slip' between modalities which would also affect the results. A very complex part of the formula on top of all the complexity that came before it.
4. Any time any energy moved in the system, the entire formula would have to be recalculated due to potential ripple effects.
5. In addition, I am operating in a realm where one plus one does not always equal two, and often does not.
Like I said above, I don't even believe the mathematics exists yet for what I am trying to do, but at a minimum, the formula would contain the above levels the way I currently see it to be. And I never said it would be easy.
Potential completion of the Periodic Table of the Elements:
I currently believe that there are 120 chemical elements in this universe. If a person were to look at how electrons fill up the shells in atoms: 2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 8 (seven shells), and realizing that energy could freely flow in this universe if nothing stopped it from doing so, then a natural bell shaped curve might occur. An eighth energy shell might exist with a maximum of two elements in it, chemical element #119 (8s1) and chemical element #120 (8s2).
Chemical Element #119 (8s1):
#119 I put at the bottom of the Hydrogen group on the Periodic Table of the Elements. It only has one electron in it's outer shell with room for only one more electron. Energy might even enter the atom through the missing electron spot and then at least some of the energy might get trapped inside of the atom under the atom's outer shell.
Chemical Element #120 (8s2):
#120 I put at the bottom of the Helium group since it's outer shell is full of electrons. It might have some of the properties of group two, Beryllium group (Alkali Earth Metals group) since it has two electrons in it's outer shell; as well as some of the properties of the Helium group (Noble Gases group) since it's outer shell is full of electrons; and if you look at the step down deflection of the semi-metals and where #120 would be located on the chart, it's possible #120 might even have some semi-metal characteristics. #120 would be the heaviest element in this universe. I believe chemical element #120 could possibly be found inside the center of stars.
When a neutron split inside of this atom, it would give off one proton, one electron, neutrinos and energy. The proton and electron would be ejected outside of the atom since all their respective areas are full. One proton and one electron are basic hydrogen, of which the Sun is primarily made up of, and the Sun certainly gives off neutrinos and energy. And note, it's the neutron that split, not a proton. So even after the split, there are still 120 protons inside of the atom and the atom still exists as element #120. The star would last longer that way.
In addition, if the neutron that split triggered a chain reaction inside of the star, this could possibly be how stars nova, (even if only periodically).
If stars were looked at as if this theoretical idea were true, and found to even be somewhat true, then we might just have a better model of the universe to work with, even if it's not totally 100% true. And if it's all 100% true, then all the better.
Can you make a video on the conjugate zero theorem? There’s already a rational zero theorem video(which was very helpful as always) but those are two different theorems
Hello, I'm the organic chemistry tutor and I think it's about time you started reading for yourself, I'm currently enjoying the benefits of your blessings so thank you
Thanks so much for your great work.
Have you had symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, poor memory, difficulty sleeping, and lack of clarity in your thoughts? It may seem like these could be the results of daily stress and frenzy, but there could be another culprit. All of these are symptoms of electro-sensitivity, which is something that more and more people find themselves affected by. Studies conducted in 1997 found "less than a few cases (of electro-sensitivity) per million", however now as much as 2.5% of the population is affected by electro-sensitivity. Even with the most moderate calculations, electrosensitivity is 10,000 times more common today than it was 20 years ago. Why could this be?
Electro-sensitivity and its symptoms appear to be triggered by certain microwave frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. Due to their high frequency, microwaves allow for higher transmission rates and smaller antenna sizes, which is perfect for high-tech devices that are constantly getting smaller and faster. These are devices such as cell phones, tablets, laptops, and any device that can connect to Wi-Fi, which can now include TVs and refrigerators
Wow that is really interesting. Scary even.
It was f proptional to 1/wave length
"my drawing is not perfect but.."
Proceeds to draw the most perfect 3d plane
He is just😮😮😮
it's easy to understand properties of em wave it's not easy to understand its origin what is positive charge where it's found actually how light is originated during any chemical reaction please describe em wave regarding to a burning candle .
Congratulation organic chemistry to reach your channel 5 million iwish to reach your channel 100m sir
The so-called UE electromagnetic waves exist only in conductors. In the cosmic vacuum, materialized by the etheric, non-cohesive, non-inertial, inelastic and incompressible ocean, i.e. in the ocean of weightless matter, the wave mechanism, which requires the successive transformation of one form of energy into another, cannot function. The phasing of the electric field with the magnetic field in the breast of EM waves is clear evidence that the wave mechanism does not work in a vacuum. The so-called electromagnetic waves are just some electromagnetic reliefs, made up of the chained circulations of the electric and magnetic fields. After deciphering the physical meaning of the action constant h, it can be demonstrated that at the level of each half-wave, the propulsive electromagnetic force is in balance with the inertial force, (BIl=m.a). This balance makes the sliding (translation) with a uniform rectilinear speed, of the scalar structure of the electromagnetic wave. The uniform-rectilinear speed and the transversal periodic structure give the wave appearance of E-M radiation. But the E-M radiation is only a dynamic structure similar to the linear electric motor, which glides through the vacuum at the speed of light, being propelled by the electromagnetic force, the force which is in balance with the inertia force.
Can you make a series of GRE math in the future if you have time? Thanks in advance!
Thank you sir❤
the background music is dope what is the name of it?
Im assuming that if something increases to a high speed or even breaks the sound barrier the wave is possible to come visible? And thats what creates a shock wave ? (Just a guess)
my teacher recomended me to watch your videos because he straight up said you were better at teaching than him. "he's not wrong"
The magnetic field is NOT in phase with the electric field, there is a 90 degree difference.
When an iron ion is struck by a gamma ray is a spark produced?
Are they man-made or just a natural occurrence ??
Actually they are both natural and man made for example
Natura: Visible light
Man made:X ray
Does the diagram describe the motion of a wave...
is this ap physics or normal physics?
Best timing ever, thx
Hi teach! I love your videos.
I was thinking about this the other day. But in the 3D graphic those two perpendicular waves make me feel is rather a spiral whit a determined radius . After all electricity when travel through the cable form a magnetic feels all the way of the conductor.
Thank you
Why do you use V instead of f for frequency?
thanks bro
“Electromagnetic waves are a disturbance that can carry energy”
Disturbance in what?
What playlist is this on?
Could u tell me the meaning of electric field oscillates and why does it do so??
pure organic chemistry
Well explained😊
thankyou it helps alot for grade 10 strudent like me
Ah damn. Unfortunately just a few hours too late for my physics exam XD
He is a real grmius
So far this is the only thing I have found hard to understand
whay honeycombs can stop waves?
Assalamoalaikom sir.
Dear sir please if you can upload lectures on 3D graph plotting in detail.
&Also other calculus 3 lectures.
Raoul Stravenue
Very nice sir
Thank you :)
Nice subscriber-to-views ratio.
Brendon Spring
Hey man
You r not answering to any one but it's still ok I Just wanted to know your viewers are important for you or not
Also I request you to plz make video series on numerical analysis.
This video has some Extra background nois and it's annoying.
hay dude I'm an 12th standard student and I need your membership for my study but I can't afford it . I will be very thankful if you can help me out with it please .
I don't understand I have exam after some minutes😫 😪
Diff year but same experience here😂
Very furry lamb v=f*wavelength
Cute furry lamb C=f*wavelenght
طالب سادس 🙂💔
وياك احس افضل من مدرسين العرب 😁
Yo did it wrong
If it wasn't for school bro hehe
enunciate more clearly please. "magnetic" has a "g" in it. "field" isnt pronounced "filled." public education didn't do you any favors.
shut up