Try free play with "Red Snapper" in the Arctic Ocean. They can eat things that are 1.5 times there devour size. You can hoover whole whales once you are big enough. I think you would enjoy it. Early game is hard though.
Mujmjunmunmujumjummujmujumjumjjmujmujmujujumjumumjmjmjumjjunmuumju Jmumujujumjmujmujmujmumujmujmujmujujujujumjmujmujujummujmumujumjmujjumjujumjjumumjmujmumujmjmjujujmuumjmujumjmujummujumjujmujujumjujmjumumjumjmuumjmjmuujujujujujmujmuujmumujmujmjumjujmujmujumjumumjmjmuumjmujumjummujmujmujmujmujmumjmjujmjujujumjmujmujmuujmjujujmjmjujujujujjujmujumujumjmujujumjummuumumjmjmjmujumjmujumjmujjujmjujujmumujumjummujujuumjmujmujmuujumjujumjujunumjujujujumjumjmujmujumjmujummujujumjumjmujumjujmujumjmuummujummmujujujumjmujumjmujmujmumujumujmujmuujumjumjmujumjumjumjumjumjmujumjummmuumjumjmujummujumjmujmujmujujumjumjummjmjmujjmjumjmujunujjujujmjmunujujmujmujmumujujumjujujumjumjumjmujumjmujumjumumjujjmjunujunujumjumjujmujujumjujujumjumjmujumnujujujmujmujumjmjujujujujujujumjmujumjumjmujmujmujumjmujmumujujmujumjumjumjmujumjmumujjujujujmumujumjmujumjujumjumjmujmuumjujjunumjujmunnumujmumujmuumjumjmujmujmumujumjujumjmumjmujumjmujumjummujujujmumujujumjmujmujmujumjummujujumjumjujmujujumjmumujujjmuumjjmujmjujummujumjumjumjumjumjumjmujumjmumujujmujmuumjujumujumujjmjjumunujmujummujjumjmujmujumjumjmujumjmujumujumjumumjumjumjumjummjmujmujmumujujujumjumjumjumjumjmujumjumjumjumjumujumjummujujjumjmjmuujmujujujujujmujmujumjumjmujumjumjmujmujujujumjjujumjumjumnumnumnumjmujjmujjmujmujmumujujmujujumjummujumjujumjmujmjmjumjmujmujmujmujumjmuujmujmujmujumjmujmumujujmjmujnmuunumjmujummujumjmujumjumjmujmujmujumjummjmujmuumjunjumumjummjunujmuumjumjummujumjumjumjujumjmuumjjmjmujmujmumujujmujumjumjummujumjujujujumjujumjmjumjmjmujmjujujujujjunumjummujumjmujumjumjmumjujmujmujumumjjummujujujmujumjmujmujmujumjumjmumujumujmjunmujmjujummjmujmjmujujmuumjujujujmujumjumjmujumjujujumjmumujumumjumjumujmjmjununujujujmujumjmumujujmumujujmujumjumjmujmjumumjumjmjujujumjumjmujumjmujmumujmujumjujujujmuumjujumujumjjmujumujmujumjmujumjumjumjmujmujmujujujummjmujjumjmjmjmumujujujujumjummujujujujumjmujmujmujmujumjjmjmmujujujujujmujmuujumjujujummujumjumjmujumjummujumjummujmjujujujumjujujujumjumjmujmujumjmujmujmumujmujujujujmjmujmujmujmumujujmujumjmujmujmujumjujujmujujumujmujmjmujmuujmumujmumujujumjmujumjumjumjummujmjmjmjmujummujummujmuumjujujujmujmujmujmujumjumjmujumjumjumjmumujmujmuumjujjmjununjunjummujujumjmujumjmujmujumjmjmujmujmujmujumjmujmujumjmujmujmujumjumjmujumjumjumjumjumjummjmujumjumjumjumjumjmujumjumjmujumjujujmuju Ujmujmujmujumjumjmujmujujumjmuujmjmjmujujmujumjujujmujujumjumjujummjumjmjumjuujmujumjumjumjumjmujmuujmujmujumujujmujujmuumjmjmujmujmujumujujumjmujumjumujujujumumjumujmjmjmjmuumjmuujumujuujmuj My J j ujumuju umjummujmjmjumumjmjumjummujumjumjumumjumjmjumjmjmjujmumjmjumumjmjmjumjumumjumjmujumjumumjmjumjmujumjmjmjumjmmujmujmujmujmujumumjmjmumjmjumjmuu Unjumumjmjmujmjujumumjumumjmjumjmujujumjmumjmuj Ujumjmjmjumjmuumjujmujmuumjmjumjmjmujumjmjmjumumjmjmujmujumjmujmujumjmujmjmjmuju Jjmjumjmuujumjujujmjujmjmjujmjumju Umjumjmujumjmuumjmjumjmujmujumjmujumumjmuumjujmjmujujmujmjuujujmujumjumjumjmujumjmujmjumumjmjumjumjmumjmujujujujmjmjujumjumjmujumjmujummujmjmju Hmm j uumjmuj Ujmjujjmujujmujmujmuumjmj Ujmuumjmjmjmjumumjummjumkjmjujuujmumjummumjumj Umujumumjumumjumjmumumujumjumumj Uumjmjmuumjmjjumjujuj mmmummjuumjujmujmjmjmjujumjmuuju Jumumjumjuj J ujmjjumumjmjmjmjmjumjumjuumkjmuj Mjummujumumjumumjmujmujumjumjumjumjumjumjujukjumujmjmujumujujmjmjmjujuj Ujujmujumjummujmj Ujumkkkjmjmjumjumumjmjj Junk ujumjumjmujmuj Uumjummujmjmjujujumjumjumumjmjmjumjumjumjukkkj Jjumjumjumjmuumjmjumkkjmjmumjmjmjmumjmjmjjumjmujmju Jumumjmmjjmuumjujmjmjumjumjmujmuumj mjmujmumkkjumjmujumjmjmjmjmuj U Mmjujukj I’m min in J unmujumjmuumj M Momkjujm ujmujmujmujmuumjmjmjmuju M M J Mjumumummjumujumjujumjmuumjmjjumj My M M m m Mkjjmujuujmujujujumj M m J Ujjumumjmjumumjmujujumjumumjujmjmu. M. Mmujmujumjmujumjmu. umjm
While I am enjoying watching this play through, as a biologist I also find myself yelling at the screen how 'that species shouldn't be there!' because I keep seeing fish from 4 different continents in the same river. Man, the invasive species are sure getting out of control. Though it seems like DF is trying to eat them all back out of where they don't belong. lol
@@maximillian1109Matthew 11:28 come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. As well as Romans 6:23 for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God (Jesus who died on the cross for our sins) is eternal life. As long as you put your faith and trust in Him.
@@GoultardtheiopgodMatthew 11:28 come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. As well as Romans 6:23 for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God (Jesus who died on the cross for our sins) is eternal life. As long as you put your faith and trust in Him.😊
2:20 Counts all the way up to 8 while laying the eggs “ there you go big guy you can eat all of these you want” “Oh he’s actually eating them… but that’s okay because I’m alive”
You know, this is actually true !O: i knew something was weird... Normally his fish vids end with him dying of hunger or getting eaten. I think this is the first time he ended because he accomplished all of his goals so utterly.
It's so infuriating fighting the other little fish for food when you are starting out... I literally brought prey fish over to eat my siblings so I could evolve faster.
haha me too! I got so angry in the beginning, especially while figuring out how to swim properly. I went and got the big teeth to take care of the problem.
Fleet swallower - Whenever Fleet Swallower attacks, target player puts the top half of his or her library, rounded up, into his or her graveyard. "Captain, I think that island is following us." accurate description of a fish that eats everything
18:20 That's not food stuck in your face, that is a wound because you are not at full HP. Remember, you are also a fish, your flesh looks like your food as well lol.
Man, this game reminds me how terrifying fish really are... Always staring, mindless, eating machines that will eat anything that swims past its mouth no matter what it was...
When you do the baby thing, you press q to follow another fish and then it switches to eggs. Once you eat enough, a timer will go off and you can lay eggs. Learned after playing thus frustrating game after watching you do it 🤣 Love ya DF!
Tip: When you see a dead fish, bite on it and bring it to the water surface and it will turn into chunks. Saves time chomping espcially if you just started.
The gaming beaver played this alot for a while the goal in every video of it was to kill the mosasaur with a different fish every episode, it was pretty nice
Try free play with "Red Snapper" in the Arctic Ocean. They can eat things that are 1.5 times there devour size. You can hoover whole whales once you are big enough. I think you would enjoy it. Early game is hard though.
I love you brits
J j ujumuju umjummujmjmjumumjmjumjummujumjumjumumjumjmjumjmjmjujmumjmjumumjmjmjumjumumjumjmujumjumumjmjumjmujumjmjmjumjmmujmujmujmujmujumumjmjmumjmjumjmuu
Hmm j uumjmuj
Uumjmjmuumjmjjumjujuj mmmummjuumjujmujmjmjmjujumjmuuju
J ujmjjumumjmjmjmjmjumjumjuumkjmuj
Junk ujumjumjmujmuj
Jumumjmmjjmuumjujmjmjumjumjmujmuumj mjmujmumkkjumjmujumjmjmjmjmuj
I’m min in
J unmujumjmuumj
Momkjujm ujmujmujmujmuumjmjmjmuju
M m m
M m
@@njpizza8759 the hell
@@njpizza8759 i
@@njpizza8759 average italian enjoying a pizza
DF: This. Is as intimidating as this fish actually gets.
Fish: **pulls out gun**
DF: eats gun
Shark we eat
It’s too cross eyed to aim
thats the joke
I like how the small fishes were following him just for food. How cute.
Pilot fish
@@BolasMinion poilot
Uuuuh I think you’re in the wrong thread bud
@@superlocke8259 Really? I could have sworn it was spelled pilot.
"when in doubt, put it in your mouth"
-DangerouslyFunny, 2021
That’s kinda fishy
Baby’s to go saying tbh
Also said by every prostitute
@@stephaniefelix4416 omg shut up
Also 10:50
His games collection: fish games, fishing games, chore games and flying penguin games
And farming games
@@stephaniefelix4416 ur just trolling at this point.
@@heisenberg2750 it's a bot
and breaking laws and felonys
@@christycahill8250 So true, lol
“It”s basically just made of food” yes that’s what most animals are
@@j3romega yeah, sea turtles are made of plastic bags.
@@almighty_cheeselord and chihuahua are made out of the fires of hell
@@j3romega And clickbaiters are made out of stock images.
Even humans
While I am enjoying watching this play through, as a biologist I also find myself yelling at the screen how 'that species shouldn't be there!' because I keep seeing fish from 4 different continents in the same river. Man, the invasive species are sure getting out of control. Though it seems like DF is trying to eat them all back out of where they don't belong. lol
Fish generally don't raise their babies either, so I think some artistic liberty is okay.xD
U mean a marine biologist
@@maximillian1109Matthew 11:28 come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. As well as Romans 6:23 for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God (Jesus who died on the cross for our sins) is eternal life. As long as you put your faith and trust in Him.
@@GoultardtheiopgodMatthew 11:28 come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. As well as Romans 6:23 for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God (Jesus who died on the cross for our sins) is eternal life. As long as you put your faith and trust in Him.😊
@@jakemandude7974 why you pulling out your bible dude i just said marine biologist and im already a christian
Oh Silky Voiced Warcriminal, ease my weary mind, lul me to sleep with the sound of slaughter.
Dude its 6am
@@ImNoob3730 forgot about time zones?
@@ImNoob3730 The perfect time for sleep. 👌👌
@UCvZSDo7fg4zHs61eA0vUvmw you prob shouldn’t say that
gonna cause a war in the replies
edit: why can’t I @ the person above me?
@@stephaniefelix4416 who asked lol
"this game is really frustrating", but he never rages, this guy has self control
I may be just dumb, but what is the game name? I don't see it anywhere
@@sillyjellyfish2421 Feed & Grow Fish
@@sillyjellyfish2421 he puts the game in his description
@@CeilingOven. u can’t see the discription on mobile so if he’s on mobile that’s why
@@stephaniblake3525 actually as an ipad and phone user we can by tapping the title
This legit looks like a real fish's thoughts while it's doing its thing.
The only RUclipsr who’s upload schedule fits in with my sleep schedule
Remember when you thought the fishing era was over?
That aged well
And then he also literally uploaded cat fishing again lol
2:20 Counts all the way up to 8 while laying the eggs “ there you go big guy you can eat all of these you want”
“Oh he’s actually eating them… but that’s okay because I’m alive”
"We're having babies together, don't eat me"
Are you a spider?
are you a praying mantis?
Are you me?
@@basrengangetch.2042 are YOU a spider?
@@alexanderthegreat6682 wanna find out on my web?
Game: “You beat the River map! Now move onto the next one!”
DF: “Nah, I think I’ll just make a Pike the size of a horse.”
Game: “What?”
There is something magical that happens when DF plays this.
Yeh? What is it? The gun in the start?
Just wait till he finds out about endless mode
This guy is gonna be the Philza of this game
What’s the game called
@@willwatkins6864 etits ko malaki
@@willwatkins6864 feed and grow:fish i believe
Wait there is endless mode?-
Ik this gonna be a banger when it’s a fishing game
Yep but I bet in lots of updates it will
@Enzo Ian R. Evangelista imagine fish fishing a fish in a fishing fish game
@@stephaniefelix4416 huh??
@@Gaellka it’s a bot
What game is that
"Aaaand I'm stuck..."
That edit had me cracking up
Same- 🤣
Where is itttttt
Like, the time code?
Edit: I FOUND IT1!!1 22:16
Yeh it's one of my favorite types of edits
I lost it when the fish pulled out a gun.
What's the timestamp
@@slyracoonboi3863 0:09
@@stephaniefelix4416 the fuck is a telegram
Bruh. Did you pay attention in Social Studies?
i'm starting to think if he has an addiction to fish related games...
don't forget the cat-related games too
and the cat-and-fish-related games!
Must be a gateway drug because same
No he just has a fetish
Yes DFinetly
@@rileyross6621*why. Did. U. Have. To. Do. This?*
10:48 "i still need to raise 3 babies, but i'm too busy putting things in my mouth pretty bad at the moment" - some mom somewhere
Most modern moms
@@CaughtSlackin_wait what whyy
@myla2495 exactly as I said. The majority of women 50 and under at this point are putting shit in their mouths instead of raising their kids
I love how he’s just so calm while this is all happening
And he still uses all these funny edits
The intro is basically why I love watching your videos
Turn a little cute thing into a monster who eats his own kind
DF:"get away from my food. I'm jusk kidding you ARE my food"
(Its cheese)
@@stephaniefelix4416 did you have a stroke
@@Wutnic its a bot
@@nlaijenejakajehuahhwhsdwhi8297 i know but i still want to ask if it had a stroke
Sooner or later DF is going to be that one big legendary fish told in tales among local fishermen.
imagine going fishing and catching this monstrosity
It catches you
I would throw it back
I guess I get to live that imagination cause I catch at least 1 every time I go fishing. They are very annoying.
I’ve caught a fish about that size it was about 4 feet long and 78 pounds biggest fish I’ve caught
The light of my day during the darkest of the night.
Ikr it's like 10pm here
East Coast Gang
04:11 am for me
Well said
16:38 DF casually doing the egg thing with his own child
Pulled a chris chan
Seeing a video by DF that doesn't end in him being brutally slaughtered and losing all his progress is very strange, albeit satisfying.
I mean, he loses progress multiple times in this video
@@ARatherDapperTapir not at the end tho
You know, this is actually true !O: i knew something was weird... Normally his fish vids end with him dying of hunger or getting eaten. I think this is the first time he ended because he accomplished all of his goals so utterly.
@@DaMoniable yeah. He basically quit because he had nothing left to do. Once you can devour the biggest other fish in one bite, there's no more goals
It's so infuriating fighting the other little fish for food when you are starting out... I literally brought prey fish over to eat my siblings so I could evolve faster.
haha me too! I got so angry in the beginning, especially while figuring out how to swim properly. I went and got the big teeth to take care of the problem.
What is the game called?
@@timmyviper1782 Feed and Grow: Fish
DangerouslyFunny + GrayStillPlays + Lets Game It out = THE ULTIMITE FUNNY GANG
This brings me back to the RUclips of my childhood. The way this letsplay is done is amazing.
Can’t believe I watched the whole 25mins and was entertained the whole time…good job I guess 😂
DF: 5 children die "that's probably the best job I've ever done as a parent"
Everyone: "What Da ####..."
DF: Get away from my food
Also DF: Im just kidding , you are my food.
Haven't watched DF in a while and i forgot how funny and serious he is about the fish intimation
Intimidation + Imitation = Intimation
Actually works perfectly. ^_^
Fleet swallower - Whenever Fleet Swallower attacks, target player puts the top half of his or her library, rounded up, into his or her graveyard.
"Captain, I think that island is following us."
accurate description of a fish that eats everything
"Hello everyone, this is your daily dose of devouring literally everything."
It’s an amazing night when df uploads
Fish: *pulls out gun* (0:12)
That whistling drives me insane. :D
*DangerouslyFunny* I need your "Hello Everyone" intro please.
I can’t tell if this is a bot or not
That’s pretty fish of him to say
@@huang111 don't worry, im not a bot.
31 min time gap
Just in case future me decides to be stupid and comment something calling you a bot
Why do you need this intro?
"Aaaaand im stuck"
*Phub intro plays*
Yay early coment on a fish game
I don’t know if I should be calmed or unsettled by his soft voice saying terrifying things in a joyful way..
DF When his babies get eaten: “What’s 17 more years”
"When in doubt, put it in your mouth".
Thanks for the advice! So many uses for this amazing tip.
I didn’t think there would be another video of this I’m so happy because this is one of my favourite games
What is this games
Fish feed and grow
finally this game gets the love it deserves
What is the name of this game? And where can you play it on?
@@nipsie6472 feed and grow: fish it's on steam
DF always clicks bait me but yet he makes it entertaining so it’s worth it.
Not really clickbait though
Anyone else just watches DF when your about to sleep he might be murdering people but his voice is just so smooth
I love when he said if I’m not breaking stuff I’m not trying hard enough honestly I could relate lmao😅
10:49 "I still need to raise three babies, but I'm too busy putting things in my mouth" ~DF 2021
That's not food stuck in your face, that is a wound because you are not at full HP. Remember, you are also a fish, your flesh looks like your food as well lol.
this is probably my favourite series on youtube! So glad you picked it up
God loves yall🙏
God loves you too❤
This guy has the most chill fan base and I'm not complaining
I just want to say that I love your content and it is hilarious
He is dangerous though try not to laugh too much
The way DF goes "don't eat mah babies!!" 😤😱🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lots of evolving and leveling up lately... I think these are his battle plans 0_0
22:17 seems like DF is a man of culture aswell
"i still need to raise 3 baby but im too busy putting thing in my mouth" that went terrible ly wrong in my head
This needs to be freaking pinned
Sounds like alot of chicks these days lol.
Man, this game reminds me how terrifying fish really are... Always staring, mindless, eating machines that will eat anything that swims past its mouth no matter what it was...
22:16 so we just gunna let this one slide? 😭
i love how your voice is so calming but you talk like a enthousiastic youtuber
The “big fish” is an arapaima, large Amazonian fish, that’s my guess at least
You're correct.
"but I got too much time on my hands"
I feel this might actually be DF's job description 😂
Every like this comment gets I’ll do one push up
I wasn't ready for that flatulence. Touche.
One question... WHY ARE THE FISH BLINKING?!?!?
6:49 YOU killed it
I like the game-play but the music he uses gets me, he uses Hollow Knight songs for these videos sometimes. Like at 16:53
Casually, dropping King grimm track 🤣
I heard that and thought I was hallucinating.
"If I'm not breaking something, I'm not trying hard enough." Another gem from DF
17:41 I bit sus
6:46 you killed it...
I just watched the tomorrow war and it is insane…along with nightmare
"multiple leviathan class creatures in the area, are you sure what your doing is worth it?"
Every like ill do a push up
And I'll post a vid on it
whenever dangerouslyfunny is the baby fish his voice matches perfectly with it it anybody else agree
If DF layed eggs, does that mean that he's actually a she...ok.
No sea horses males lay eggs
When you do the baby thing, you press q to follow another fish and then it switches to eggs. Once you eat enough, a timer will go off and you can lay eggs. Learned after playing thus frustrating game after watching you do it 🤣 Love ya DF!
The Frost Axe was the best reference hands down out of this entire video
The god damn pop noise when DF killed the big fish killed me!
DF mistreating his children is so funny
Who else misses these days
At 14:58 I loved how he said to his baby’s “come on idiots”
this is a good example of a good parent
Tip: When you see a dead fish, bite on it and bring it to the water surface and it will turn into chunks. Saves time chomping espcially if you just started.
Tip: use meat as bait so u don’t have to go looking for big fish
Idk how I got here but I’m so happy I got here. I’m invested-
wtf am I watching at 4 am, please lord of youtube have mercy with me
“We lost one of the kids but that’s okay”
“Oh wow the kids are dropping fast that’s fine”
i like how accurate the fish behavior are, i fish for these a lot and this is how usually they behave to lures and bait
i used to watch Pungence play feed and grow fish was sad wen he stopped
The New Fishing Frenzy 3D Remake Looks Promising
I can't believe I'm up late watching a stranger play a fish simulator... we truly live in remarkable times
Actually tho
The gaming beaver played this alot for a while the goal in every video of it was to kill the mosasaur with a different fish every episode, it was pretty nice
6:33 you killed it
Just wanna say you and vitamin delicious are my favorite RUclipsrs great work and keep it up 👍