The Blackout Series Episode 2 The Father

  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2024
  • The Blackout Series
    Episode 2
    The Father
    Equipoise Pictures presents
    The Blackout
    After 8 years in the making The Blackout is ready to be shared with all.
    This project (based on true stories) will serve as a public awareness and to shed the light on the importance of personal support in our daily lives. Every second an innocent youth in pain commits suicide. Studies show the number of suicides is only increasing. Our Youth Are The Future! Saving our youth through awareness and creating a brighter tomorrow.
    Short Summary
    A present-day story of a young destitute son that loses the only hope he thought he had. How to find a new one is a challenge? Would he make it out alive? This project is based on true stories that deals with love, betrayal, addiction, support, traditions and faith.
    جاهزًا لمشاركته مع الجميع بعد سنوات من الإعداد، أصبح الطمسThe Blackout
    سيكون هذا المشروع (المبني على قصص حقيقية) بمثابة توعية عامة وتسليط الضوء على أهمية الدعم الشخصي في حياتنا اليومية. في كل ثانية، ينتحر شاب بريء يتألم من الألم. تشير الدراسات إلى أن عدد حالات الانتحار آخذ في الازدياد. شبابنا هم المستقبل! إنقاذ شبابنا من خلال الوعي وخلق غد أكثر إشراقا
    ملخص قصير
    قصة معاصرة لابن صغير معدم يفقد الأمل الوحيد الذي كان يعتقد أنه يمتلكه. كيفية العثور على واحدة جديدة يشكل تحديا؟ فهل سيخرج منها حيا؟ يعتمد هذا المشروع على قصص حقيقية تتناول الحب والخيانة والإدمان والدعم والتقاليد والإيمان
    Roger Azar
    Ghassan Yazbeck
    Produced, directed & written by
    Charles Kassatly
    Associate Producer
    Tara Carbajal
    Assistant to producer & director
    Theo Abdo
    Naila Al Hares
    Nataly B.
    Hasan Salame
    Music by
    Daniel Antoine Balabane
    Sound Recordist
    Sandra Sayej
    Film and Sound Editing by
    Charles Kassatly
    Costume designer
    Naila Al Hares
    Nada Elia
    Rashid Al Asmar
    Patricia Hakmeh
    Claire Murphy
    Roger Azar
    Ghassan Yazbeck
    Cynthia Sader
    Charles Kassatly
    Nada Elia
    Luna Al Ali
    Mosbah Al Ali
    Garage Owner
    Adel Costantine
    NA Meeting cast:
    Karim Masood
    Joe Naser
    Charles Kassatly
    Zeina Atallah
    Al Anon Meeting cast
    Cynthia Sader
    Charles Kassatly
    Kareem Najjar
    Voice over (shop owners) Jihan Dawairi and Mohamad Hamood
    Catering by
    The Chase Ashrafieh
    A Big Thank You
    Alfred Cochrane
    Emile Najem Khattar
    Tom Young
    Pierre Vischioni
    Claire Murphy and family
    William Kassatly and family
    Jad Kas
    My beloved nephew
    Farouk Al Kalil
    Mona Costantine and family
    Bassem Jarrar
    Bilal and his family
    Firas & Nisreen H.
    David Ibarhim
    Dr. George Baghdadi
    Dr. Mony
    Lara Saba
    Manolitto T.
    Patricia Hakmeh
    Matthew Hewitt
    AA/NA Beirut, Lebanon fellowships/meetings
    Adib Zakhour
    Old Tenants Associations/Individuals
    Pierre Azar and family
    Maher K
    Wadih Safieddine
    Nabil Abdo and family
    Elie Tannoos
    Charlbel Khalil
    Joseph Saroof
    Souk Al Ahad
    Library Al Saadar
    Marie Abi Khalil
    Hassan Al zein
    Rachid El Asmar
    Final Cut Pro
    Our Generous Sponsors
    Cine Royal
    BoomBox Studios
    Jad Kas
    Pocket AI App -
    Fine Line Productions

Комментарии • 1