आय देख यमदूत को दिया कबीरा रोया। जो सुख साधु संग में वह बैकुण्ड न होय।। यमदूत को देख कर कबीर रो पड़े और बोले कि जो सुख साधुओं की संगत में है वह। बैकुण्ड धाम में भी नही है🙏
Jewish boy plays Hindu devotional music in Christian church! If that doesn't get you into heaven nothing will. Reminds of the Woody Allen quip about embracing all religions: "Why miss heaven on a technicality. Rock on KD. Your kirtan to the God of all religions is sublime.
C Mac A-Ó C it's not only vedic Aryan hindu chant but universal Judaica and Christianity are just new versions of ancient Dharma that has been eclipsed for some time.
esoterico network DNA of all Indians is same, that implies Aryans never came to India. Some people coming from scientific background agreed to this consequential assumption, intentionally/unintentionally added this to the text so people will read and believe it. But this theory has no proof.
C Mac A-Ó C ,there is no such thing Aryan and Dravid divide notion, arya means the noble one who live with good code and conducts who can be anyone.Sanathana dharma the embodiment of the whole absolute.So do not distort the purity of it.
This man has Ma Saraswati in his throat for sure, wish I could sing like him. I feel like listening to him all day. His voice is addictive. My sincere gratitude 🙏
Saraswati- The Goddess of Wisdom and Knowledge. Chanting Her name helps in undergoing successful academic and research rigor! She gives strength, mental peace and makes you a good human overall!!
Two mantra meditation techniques to feel peace and joy all the time: 1st technique. Please write or type the mantra (Saraswati Mantra - om bhur bhuvah swah tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat - is the most effective among all mantras because it improves memory and IQ also and cures many physical diseases apart from giving peace and joy like all other mantras) and do simultaneous Upanshu chanting (meaning chant from the mouth but without producing any sound) for at least 15 min at a stretch - when the mind gets distracted, do mantra writing or typing along with loud chanting and simultaneously hear the sound for the remaining part of the mantra and 3 more mantras. Such a mantra is in effect equivalent to 10 mantra chanted just from mouth or mentally. Mantra writing or typing along with simultaneous Upanshu chanting is the best method of chanting as per my own experience and at least 100 times more effective than chanting on mala or Vipassana or self-enquiry or other meditation techniques - hence just 15 min practice of this technique is enough - do more even upto 3-6 hours a day if you are in deep trouble at the level of body or mind. Your focus in this technique only increases with time and within few days you will start enjoying great peace and joy all the time. 240k Saraswati Mantra typing along with simultaneous Upanshu chanting is called one Saraswati Purascharan. It is the highest level of Saraswati Sadhana and gives miracles in removing physical and mental sufferings and give great boost to IQ, memory, focus ability and creativity. Doing Saraswati Purascharan with full celibacy gives the best results but if one is unable to practice full celibacy, one should minimise sexuality as much as possible during Saraswati Purascharan - that is the second best option after full celibacy. For spiritual enlightenment or Self-Realization which is permanent as well as the highest possible bliss, upto 25 Saraswati Purascharan along with full celibacy are needed, though, many advanced spiritual practitioners have got spiritually enlightened through even one Saraswati Purascharan with full celibacy also. Using 10-finger or touch typing, one can type at least 240 Saraswati Mantra in 1 hour - thus, in around 1000 hours of Saraswati Mantra typing along with simultaneous Upanshu chanting, one will be able to do 1 Saraswati Purascharan. 2nd technique to remove unwanted thoughts during day time. Whenever any unwanted thought comes in the mind, chant Saraswati Mantra loudly 3 times and focus the mind on hearing it. Then unwanted thought will go away from the mind. Being a physical technique above 2 mantra meditation techniques will suit everyone. Please practice yourself and spread them as much as possible to create a world full of peace and joy. More here: 1drv.ms/u/s!AgRQFmMvqBb6g9JMVURu3SlyQgJO3Q?e=HRgcp0
You are a blessed soul, Thanks a lot for your consciousness. Whichever God you worship, he may give you his blissful grace to be conscious for the whole life.
Imagine now no violence.. never, ever; just never again from this point on; wouldn't that be something. That would be the birth of a new (maybe well forgotton old..) age. Namaste from Bulgaria
That was in Satyuga, right now it's kaliyiga and it's been just 5000 since beginning of kaliyuga that's why in some parts of earth peace and devotion and praying still exists but as time will go on every thing will fade away. What you are expecting will take 427000 years, when new cycle begins again.
I am blessed to see so many people from different religions and culture appreciate this masterpiece. Really real peace lies beyond preaching only one's religion.
Que lindo. Não consigo parar de ouvir. Na verdade um mantra tem que ser entoado ou dito 108 vezes. Letra... O M AIM SARASWATI NAMAH A U M. Seus significafos..,OM, É o som do universo, significa "aquilo que protege e abençoa", também é o som do sexto shakra conhecido como o Terceiro Olho, onde a energia do princípio masculino e feminino se encontram em equilibrio. A I M, direciona a energia mental e a intenção de cura. Esta palavra, segura a energia Saraswati que é a energia da sabedoria e criatividade. SARASWATI, também Sarasvati, é a belíssima deusa hindu da sabedoria universal, das artes e da música. Além de inspirar as pessoas a viverem de forma pura e sem limitações, a deusa Saraswati ensina muito sobre auto conhecimento. É por meio de suas energias que é possível expandir a visão da mente e superar quaisquer obstáculos, emocionais e espirituais. NAMAH, significa, eu me curvo em sua presença. A palavra significa devoção e respeito. A U M, é o mesmo que OM e representa os tres níveis de consciência . A letra A , refere-se ao consciente, a U ao subconsciente e o M ao inconsciente. Ao repetir o mantra somos levados de um estado de extroversão a um estado de introversão, assim nos harmonizamos e harmonizamos o entorno. Liberamos energias letárgicas , neutralizamos a dispersão; pacificamos os turbilhões da mente, intensificamos a concentração; estimulamos o despertar da energia adormecida. Mergulhamos na Consciência Transcendental. Nosso corpo sutil possui 72.000 canais de energia chamados Nadis, sendo que há 108 Nadis que se encontram no Sagrado Coração. Assim ao entoar o mantra 108 vezes, a energia irá percorrer todo nosso corpo físico e sutil, ativando em nós a energia que o mantra direciona. 05/2020
Sou escritora de literatura infantil e trabalho com müsica tambëm. Essa Deusa simplesmente me apareceu em uma belísima manhã naquele ültimo sono/sonho ao acordar. Eu acordei de sobressalto impressionada. E nem sabia que ela existia. Depois fui pesquisar. E Ela existe! Sou grata por ela ter me visitado!!!
Hola,,,, yo estoy buscando la forma de aprender a tocar y cantar mantras,,, puede ser una tarea agradable porque estás canciones provienen de Dios y Krisna nos ayuda a buscar su Santo nombre,,,,, Krisna sabe que yo quiero aprender los acordes que provienen de el,,,,,,,
Feel like crying with joy when I hear this Kirtan. Reminds me of my childhood when I sang these kirtans in my grandmother's village for festivals and weekends in the local temple.
Jewish Boy+ Christian Church+ Hindu prayer....so beautiful.. In case of religion, we just need to understand that every religion leads to the one god, the super power, which hinduism says. Then, everything is going to be as beautiful as this song from Krishna Das.
Abhinav Panwar we need to drop all concepts, ideas of ourselves 😊☀️🙏all the things that seemingly keep us from our SELF and others ... one world family of souls
Cuando nos sentimos solos y sin sentido en la vida siempre tenemos reflexiones que nos indican que aun en la tristesa existe la mas pura de la pura felicidad sin acondicionamiento ni expectativas, solo almas entrancito encontrandose alfin para descubrir que son tan parecidas y unidas.
For the last 20 years in Hong Kong, Hawaii, California and Connecticut KD has been a wonderful friend and boost to my devotions and sense of community. What a terrific guy and personally as self deprecating and engaging and funny as anyone I’ve ever met. What a blessing you 🎉are Krishna Das.
Aprendí la música evangélica,,, y ahora quiero aprender la música de Krisna,,,,, gracias Krisna si tú me ayudas a aprender esta maravillosa música que proviene de los maestros y del cielo,,, estoy completamente agradecido si me guías a escuchar y reproducir estas canciones que están llenas de paz y amor,,,,,,,
Hola, estoy buscando unirme a un grupo para cantar juntos mantras regularmente y elevar así la vibración en nosotros y en nuestro alrededor, como este maravilloso kirtan de Krishna Das, que no me canso de cantar. Madrid y alrededores.
this is the beauty of HINDU religion. KD is blessed,no doubt. but his adoption of this religion is what makes him so special. Much love. Come to Hindustan to explore more. Hind mera Jind❤
@@ReikiontheRun hinduism/sanata dharma has never been forceful. Its always ones choice. Explore it and if you like it adapt it or leave it. Even if you adapt it but leave it at some point no hindu will ever come to hunt you down. :)
@@coolraj93 Hindutvas will hunt down Muslims, though, that's why India is sliding towards BJP-led fascism. They forget that great Hindu saints preached greatness of Islam and other religions, too.
Being a Hindu makes no one special. I lived in India almost 4 years, and 90 - 95% Hindus I've known are racists, more than any other country in the world (except Sri Lanka perhaps). So just being a Hindu is clearly not enough. One needs insight to understand people are more than the group they belong to/were brought up in.
@@KrisVesel lmao BJP fascism? Dude first learn the meaning of hindutva) hinfu +tva means in a state of being Hindu) just becoz some dumbfucks degraded it for their political hunger and to potray negative side of sanatan dharma (which doesn't exist at all) doesn't mean it is something bad. And Muslims will be wiped out? Dude it's india where Muslims are the fastest growing religion. Lbut let's talk about Pakistan and Bangladesh where u think fanaticism doesn't exist. Just do a small google search on the demographic change in Pakistan and bdwsha nd also what population of Hindus(or any other non Muslim community) is still there.
We are happy to see people of all religions embrace these bhajans and so we too should be open to all religions and enjoy the message of peace and wisdom from all religions too 🙏
Distorted spirituality also co-exist... no peace inside... kill everybody to get peace and silence... and in that peace hoors will dance... only for you. They call it heaven.
Oh my god ! we grow up listening to such Bhajan but probably many of us knowingly/unknowingly do not give much value to such thing, you made us feel the value of such devotional songs, lyrics! Thank you So much !
Yes there’s is only one God. And that is Krishna ❤️ He has many forms many agents many avatars, but it all leads to him. The love of Radha Krishna is something very beyond our imagination which nobody on this Kaliyuga can ever achieve to understand. So it was advised to us to worship our Guru. But practice can never be a wrong process to save ourselves, to enlighten ourselves. Hare Krishna!
Most Christians (formally including me) teach that “Hinduism” is polytheistic. But since I’ve studied it, wrote a thesis in college, and read the many texts, I agree that it’s monotheistic ie. One God in many forms.
@@fredr7217 Yaa. In India There are Only 33 Gods . but India Is Diverse Country with 1600+ languages .. Thats why people call them with different names :)
Hinduism is not extremism it's adopting what's inside you and observing it with what's outside and discovering the unison as God,,,, bless your quest Krishna Das ji may you find the warmth the light that you seek so deeply so dedicatedly.
Krishna Dass is a real gem. If there are few more people like him then this world would become a very pleasant place to live him. He has inspired humanity to a different level
The peace and bliss that washed over me during this Kirtan was so pure.. KD Thank You for your love 💕 Having my headphones on and singing along with my eyes closed was as though I was sitting right there next to you ♥️ I was deeply moved. Jai Hanuman Jai Jai Ram
So often your songs are a vehicle for my own soul to find expression, in different ways at different times, even with individual songs. Love this one, love many, love you. Always will.
estoy viviendo un corazon roto por amor...y cada vez que escucho este kirtan no dejo de llorar, y aunque duela mucho, al menos me alivia el alma...hermoso hermoso hermoso kirtan : gracias desde Canada.
when everyone on planet earth sings this together, peace will arrive.
Really? You mean India is in peace?
@@DevBishwasBh commenting for what
@@DevBishwasBh Is everyone in India singing? No
@@DevBishwasBh WHat do you have an issue with... peace, India or Hinduism? You clearly have resentment for something. Your bitterness is oozing..
@@DevBishwasBh Comment like this will not bring peace to planet Earth.
Why do people need to die to go to heaven, when heaven can be found right here...
आय देख यमदूत को दिया कबीरा रोया।
जो सुख साधु संग में वह बैकुण्ड न होय।।
यमदूत को देख कर कबीर रो पड़े और बोले कि जो सुख साधुओं की संगत में है वह। बैकुण्ड धाम में भी नही है🙏
@Vegeta basnet
you're right . This is nothing short of heaven.
Heaven and hell ia not a place but state of mind
Jewish boy plays Hindu devotional music in Christian church! If that doesn't get you into heaven nothing will. Reminds of the Woody Allen quip about embracing all religions: "Why miss heaven on a technicality. Rock on KD. Your kirtan to the God of all religions is sublime.
C Mac A-Ó C it's not only vedic Aryan hindu chant but universal Judaica and Christianity are just new versions of ancient Dharma that has been eclipsed for some time.
esoterico network
DNA of all Indians is same, that implies Aryans never came to India. Some people coming from scientific background agreed to this consequential assumption, intentionally/unintentionally added this to the text so people will read and believe it. But this theory has no proof.
C Mac A-Ó C ,there is no such thing Aryan and Dravid divide notion, arya means the noble one who live with good code and conducts who can be anyone.Sanathana dharma the embodiment of the whole absolute.So do not distort the purity of it.
Beautifully said. Har Har Mahadev
haha indeed! well said and that is what the world need right now, to feel and understand that we are all the same, we are all one.
This man has Ma Saraswati in his throat for sure, wish I could sing like him. I feel like listening to him all day. His voice is addictive.
My sincere gratitude 🙏
Just sing anyway. God hears your intentions 😊
@@janetownley you replied to a comment from 2 years ago and reading it made my day today
Well its his devotion that's makes him the best cause he sings for joy of praising the gods and goddesses
Saraswati- The Goddess of Wisdom and Knowledge. Chanting Her name helps in undergoing successful academic and research rigor! She gives strength, mental peace and makes you a good human overall!!
Bendiciones para Bendiciones para toda la humanidad
Two mantra meditation techniques to feel peace and joy all the time:
1st technique. Please write or type the mantra (Saraswati Mantra - om bhur bhuvah swah tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat - is the most effective among all mantras because it improves memory and IQ also and cures many physical diseases apart from giving peace and joy like all other mantras) and do simultaneous Upanshu chanting (meaning chant from the mouth but without producing any sound) for at least 15 min at a stretch - when the mind gets distracted, do mantra writing or typing along with loud chanting and simultaneously hear the sound for the remaining part of the mantra and 3 more mantras. Such a mantra is in effect equivalent to 10 mantra chanted just from mouth or mentally. Mantra writing or typing along with simultaneous Upanshu chanting is the best method of chanting as per my own experience and at least 100 times more effective than chanting on mala or Vipassana or self-enquiry or other meditation techniques - hence just 15 min practice of this technique is enough - do more even upto 3-6 hours a day if you are in deep trouble at the level of body or mind. Your focus in this technique only increases with time and within few days you will start enjoying great peace and joy all the time.
240k Saraswati Mantra typing along with simultaneous Upanshu chanting is called one Saraswati Purascharan. It is the highest level of Saraswati Sadhana and gives miracles in removing physical and mental sufferings and give great boost to IQ, memory, focus ability and creativity. Doing Saraswati Purascharan with full celibacy gives the best results but if one is unable to practice full celibacy, one should minimise sexuality as much as possible during Saraswati Purascharan - that is the second best option after full celibacy. For spiritual enlightenment or Self-Realization which is permanent as well as the highest possible bliss, upto 25 Saraswati Purascharan along with full celibacy are needed, though, many advanced spiritual practitioners have got spiritually enlightened through even one Saraswati Purascharan with full celibacy also. Using 10-finger or touch typing, one can type at least 240 Saraswati Mantra in 1 hour - thus, in around 1000 hours of Saraswati Mantra typing along with simultaneous Upanshu chanting, one will be able to do 1 Saraswati Purascharan.
2nd technique to remove unwanted thoughts during day time. Whenever any unwanted thought comes in the mind, chant Saraswati Mantra loudly 3 times and focus the mind on hearing it. Then unwanted thought will go away from the mind.
Being a physical technique above 2 mantra meditation techniques will suit everyone. Please practice yourself and spread them as much as possible to create a world full of peace and joy.
More here: 1drv.ms/u/s!AgRQFmMvqBb6g9JMVURu3SlyQgJO3Q?e=HRgcp0
Gayatri mantra is not only for Saraswati.
And Arts
My soul needed this today. It has brought tears to my eyes.
that proves you`re soul is pure and you're a good human being. ...radhe radhe !!
@Sheri Pardue zym
@@lorenpavon1702 I"know
Universal consciousness in a human form.Namaste from a born muslim who resides in the formless.unity in consciousness.
You are a blessed soul, Thanks a lot for your consciousness. Whichever God you worship, he may give you his blissful grace to be conscious for the whole life.
God bless Hanafi . May people call it Allah or Bhagwaan , its pure divinity ❤️
Great soul🙏
All that was, All that is & All that will be comes from that one same source. ❤
Imagine now no violence.. never, ever; just never again from this point on; wouldn't that be something. That would be the birth of a new (maybe well forgotton old..) age.
from Bulgaria
Hello Friend Namaste from India.
I saw your comment on Madalasa by Gaiea Sanskrit
That was in Satyuga, right now it's kaliyiga and it's been just 5000 since beginning of kaliyuga that's why in some parts of earth peace and devotion and praying still exists but as time will go on every thing will fade away.
What you are expecting will take 427000 years, when new cycle begins again.
Yes welcome Aquarius! Pour your spiritual waters over us all and cleanse the confusion.
violence is required to maintain social justice as said in bhagwad geeta
I am blessed to see so many people from different religions and culture appreciate this masterpiece. Really real peace lies beyond preaching only one's religion.
OM AIM SARASWATI NAMAH OM. Salutations to Goddess Saraswati.
Que lindo. Não consigo parar de ouvir. Na verdade um mantra tem que ser entoado ou dito 108 vezes. Letra... O M AIM SARASWATI NAMAH A U M. Seus significafos..,OM, É o som do universo, significa "aquilo que protege e abençoa", também é o som do sexto shakra conhecido como o Terceiro Olho, onde a energia do princípio masculino e feminino se encontram em equilibrio. A I M, direciona a energia mental e a intenção de cura. Esta palavra, segura a energia Saraswati que é a energia da sabedoria e criatividade. SARASWATI, também Sarasvati, é a belíssima deusa hindu da sabedoria universal, das artes e da música. Além de inspirar as pessoas a viverem de forma pura e sem limitações, a deusa Saraswati ensina muito sobre auto conhecimento. É por meio de suas energias que é possível expandir a visão da mente e superar quaisquer obstáculos, emocionais e espirituais. NAMAH, significa, eu me curvo em sua presença. A palavra significa devoção e respeito. A U M, é o mesmo que OM e representa os tres níveis de consciência . A letra A , refere-se ao consciente, a U ao subconsciente e o M ao inconsciente. Ao repetir o mantra somos levados de um estado de extroversão a um estado de introversão, assim nos harmonizamos e harmonizamos o entorno. Liberamos energias letárgicas , neutralizamos a dispersão; pacificamos os turbilhões da mente, intensificamos a concentração; estimulamos o despertar da energia adormecida. Mergulhamos na Consciência Transcendental. Nosso corpo sutil possui 72.000 canais de energia chamados Nadis, sendo que há 108 Nadis que se encontram no Sagrado Coração. Assim ao entoar o mantra 108 vezes, a energia irá percorrer todo nosso corpo físico e sutil, ativando em nós a energia que o mantra direciona. 05/2020
Também não consigo parar de ouvir.
Gratidão por essa explicação. Faz todo sentido pra mim. Namastê 🙏
Gratidão!!Hari Om!🙏🙏
OMn, Mother! O! Mother of knowledge & wisdom, I bow to you, Mother. OMn
These mantras chase the darkness away. Thank you i am so tired from trying to fight the darkness off of me.
Me too
Aum bhoor bhuva swahah, tatsavitur vareniyam, bhargo devasya dheemahi, dhiyo yonaha prachodayat🙏
Lot of love and peace to you from India.
Gayatri Mantra
Sou escritora de literatura infantil e trabalho com müsica tambëm. Essa Deusa simplesmente me apareceu em uma belísima manhã naquele ültimo sono/sonho ao acordar. Eu acordei de sobressalto impressionada. E nem sabia que ela existia. Depois fui pesquisar. E Ela existe! Sou grata por ela ter me visitado!!!
Namah OM
Que lindo querida! Jay Saraswati Maa!
Hola,,,, yo estoy buscando la forma de aprender a tocar y cantar mantras,,, puede ser una tarea agradable porque estás canciones provienen de Dios y Krisna nos ayuda a buscar su Santo nombre,,,,, Krisna sabe que yo quiero aprender los acordes que provienen de el,,,,,,,
I love his voice. He sings with his heart. om namah shivaya 🕉
Feel like crying with joy when I hear this Kirtan. Reminds me of my childhood when I sang these kirtans in my grandmother's village for festivals and weekends in the local temple.
Jewish Boy+ Christian Church+ Hindu prayer....so beautiful..
In case of religion, we just need to understand that every religion leads to the one god, the super power, which hinduism says. Then, everything is going to be as beautiful as this song from Krishna Das.
We all jew christian hindu are one. God may bless you jai shree ram jai shree krishna
Forget this division of religion. We are all spiritual brothers and sisters. All of humanity is a family. High five brother 👊
Abhinav Panwar we need to drop all concepts, ideas of ourselves 😊☀️🙏all the things that seemingly keep us from our SELF and others ... one world family of souls
Need Jesus Christ too.
@Abhinav Panwar i dint knew jeff(krishna das) a jew...
I have no words. Entire day I hear your bhajans and I feel there is nothing else left in me.
The day these vibrations will reach every corner of the world, no more misery will prevail.
Lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu |
Devi Saraswati the goddess of wisdom and knowledge
Cuando nos sentimos solos y sin sentido en la vida siempre tenemos reflexiones que nos indican que aun en la tristesa existe la mas pura de la pura felicidad sin acondicionamiento ni expectativas, solo almas entrancito encontrandose alfin para descubrir que son tan parecidas y unidas.
Eleva el alma esta música
I soo happy when I know that different religions people are hearing our bhajans and take culture..
Earth is heaven when one get to hear something like this. Thank You. Jai Ma Saraswati.
For the last 20 years in Hong Kong, Hawaii, California and Connecticut KD has been a wonderful friend and boost to my devotions and sense of community. What a terrific guy and personally as self deprecating and engaging and funny as anyone I’ve ever met. What a blessing you 🎉are Krishna Das.
i felt such bliss listening to this song! i was just hipnotized by the beauty and sernity of it.
Aprendí la música evangélica,,, y ahora quiero aprender la música de Krisna,,,,, gracias Krisna si tú me ayudas a aprender esta maravillosa música que proviene de los maestros y del cielo,,, estoy completamente agradecido si me guías a escuchar y reproducir estas canciones que están llenas de paz y amor,,,,,,,
I am speechless...So grateful for all the things I feel when chanting this Mantra...
Most excellent song. Jai Saraswati!
Jai mata di
Te está cantando a ti la canción de lo hermosa que eres.🌹
KD, you always bring it home. Through all the high's and lows, your expression brings me home. Thank you ever so much for sharing your gifts.
Благодарю!!!!! OM A-eem SARASWATAYAI NAMAHA OM Jai Saraswati Jai Saraswati
Jai Saraswati OM Shreem Hreem Saraswatyai Namah Благодарю!!!!!
❤it's kind of my Breath 🫁 every morning 🌄
I want this music to never end....
This song goes so deep. Touching like going home. Blessings from the heart ❤
I listen music krishna das i feel positive energy i focus study very well ❤ thank you so much
Jay hanuman
Love hear mantras with Krishna Das a long time ago..Om Shanti Om🕉🙏🙌✨🌹
The epitome of bliss in his voice can be experienced every time ...
Esse mantra toca minh'alma. Como se ficasse mais perto de Deus. Gratidão!
Just Yesterday 10 th FEB 2019 was Saraswati Puja. Cant get any better time to listen this kirtan!
Krishna Das, you are blessed soul from supreme lord! You are awaking our Soul. It's beyond words to say how thankful we are to you!
Shash D nice said...
Well said !!
My heart resonates with this song
La vita non è un
This is was a slice of heaven... So grateful for this energy ❤️
Yes, I reiterate the fact that this song awakens the soul within you...cant get enough
A powerful transcend voice that immediately transports one to the realm of the spirit. Amazing!
All glories to his divine grace Srila Prabupad nd his ISKON❤💆♀️❤️🌸🙏
BabaJi has created an Heaven on Earth by blessing you. I get elevated when i hear the chants. Pranaam
Did not want this to come to an end, wanting more.................
great thing about youtube is you can press play over and over again lol.. enjoy.. this is so beautiful!
Thank you Krishnadas ji. You take us that one step closer to the divine. Om!
O Mundo precisa do som da PAZ💙🕉
His chants are transcendental! Goddess Saraswathi is sitting in his throat for this to be so enchanting!
सरस्वती मां की जय हो.....🙏🙏🙏
thank you for sharing your love with me Saraswati
Hola, estoy buscando unirme a un grupo para cantar juntos mantras regularmente y elevar así la vibración en nosotros y en nuestro alrededor, como este maravilloso kirtan de Krishna Das, que no me canso de cantar. Madrid y alrededores.
this is the beauty of HINDU religion. KD is blessed,no doubt. but his adoption of this religion is what makes him so special. Much love. Come to Hindustan to explore more. Hind mera Jind❤
@@ReikiontheRun hinduism/sanata dharma has never been forceful. Its always ones choice. Explore it and if you like it adapt it or leave it. Even if you adapt it but leave it at some point no hindu will ever come to hunt you down. :)
Hindu or Santa doesn't exist 😑
@@coolraj93 Hindutvas will hunt down Muslims, though, that's why India is sliding towards BJP-led fascism. They forget that great Hindu saints preached greatness of Islam and other religions, too.
Being a Hindu makes no one special. I lived in India almost 4 years, and 90 - 95% Hindus I've known are racists, more than any other country in the world (except Sri Lanka perhaps). So just being a Hindu is clearly not enough. One needs insight to understand people are more than the group they belong to/were brought up in.
@@KrisVesel lmao BJP fascism? Dude first learn the meaning of hindutva) hinfu +tva means in a state of being Hindu) just becoz some dumbfucks degraded it for their political hunger and to potray negative side of sanatan dharma (which doesn't exist at all) doesn't mean it is something bad.
And Muslims will be wiped out? Dude it's india where Muslims are the fastest growing religion. Lbut let's talk about Pakistan and Bangladesh where u think fanaticism doesn't exist. Just do a small google search on the demographic change in Pakistan and bdwsha nd also what population of Hindus(or any other non Muslim community) is still there.
It was always great to listen all Hindu prayers from you..... You are amazing sir ji.
Love from India.
Jai shree Ram
May God bless you alll.
We are happy to see people of all religions embrace these bhajans and so we too should be open to all religions and enjoy the message of peace and wisdom from all religions too 🙏
Thanks a lot!
We all need spirituality on our beloved Earth now.
God and Gurudev bless you all! 🙏
Distorted spirituality also co-exist... no peace inside... kill everybody to get peace and silence... and in that peace hoors will dance... only for you. They call it heaven.
big love from Italy
Oh, I knew this song while singing by the russian composer and singer Boris Grebenchikov and I loved it! Thank you so much! (Greetings from Brazil)🕊🕊🕊
Como expresar lo que siento al escucharlo, las palabras están de mas, gracias, gracias, gracias.
Oh my god ! we grow up listening to such Bhajan but probably many of us knowingly/unknowingly do not give much value to such thing, you made us feel the value of such devotional songs, lyrics! Thank you So much !
Yes there’s is only one God. And that is Krishna ❤️ He has many forms many agents many avatars, but it all leads to him. The love of Radha Krishna is something very beyond our imagination which nobody on this Kaliyuga can ever achieve to understand. So it was advised to us to worship our Guru. But practice can never be a wrong process to save ourselves, to enlighten ourselves. Hare Krishna!
Most Christians (formally including me) teach that “Hinduism” is polytheistic. But since I’ve studied it, wrote a thesis in college, and read the many texts, I agree that it’s monotheistic ie. One God in many forms.
@@fredr7217 Yaa. In India There are Only 33 Gods . but India Is Diverse Country with 1600+ languages .. Thats why people call them with different names :)
Tive o prazer de estar presente no Yoga pela paz. Em 2008. Parque do Ibirapuera. São Paulo SP. Brasil.
JAY SHREE RAAM....You have a incredible voice...and your voice give me peace...
Peace to the people who disliked this. May you find the joy within your soul soon enough.
Happy saraswati puja ☺️☺️
You are blessed and so are we to listen to you.
Soooo beautiful. I listen to this every day, and it makes my heart fly out of my chest
KRishana Daas ji is truly a Devine soul.
From the depths of the heart, HEAR MY LION ROAR. GLORY TO THE LORD OF LORDS, om shanti shanti shanti..
I love this song so much. I often have it on repeat while I do yoga. So beautiful.
Muchas gracias..!!! Es hermoso!!! NAMASTE🙏🙏🙏
Superb...So peaceful prayer ....Entered in another world
Hinduism is not extremism it's adopting what's inside you and observing it with what's outside and discovering the unison as God,,,, bless your quest Krishna Das ji may you find the warmth the light that you seek so deeply so dedicatedly.
I love it! I am in Heaven! Namaste🙏🙏🙏
the true meaning of peace 💓
Yes... his voice is hypnotic....more please
ॐ एैं हिृ्ं सरस्वती नमः ॐ॥
Krishna Dass is a real gem. If there are few more people like him then this world would become a very pleasant place to live him. He has inspired humanity to a different level
Happy birthday,Krishna Das ! Namastê!
what a voice. soothing to the mind, body and beyond. on repeat since hours
There’s something about a baritone voice…
Kd it seems god prepared you for this kalyuga to bring purity in our lives ......you are a great soul .may god bless your soul till the eternity
The peace and bliss that washed over me during this Kirtan was so pure.. KD Thank You for your love 💕
Having my headphones on and singing along with my eyes closed was as though I was sitting right there next to you ♥️ I was deeply moved. Jai Hanuman Jai Jai Ram
Saraswati godess of Vidye(knowledge and education)
what a voice...beautiful and blessed
So often your songs are a vehicle for my own soul to find expression, in different ways at different times, even with individual songs. Love this one, love many, love you. Always will.
Hinduism is beyond the arc of limitations of boundaries.. that's the beauty and uniqueness of itself..
Simply Divine Voice Krishnadass!!!!
The divinity flows through the vocal cords........with blessings from guru and God above all!!!!
Christianity is modernity, whereas Hinduism is nostalgia. Music is my religion🙏🙏
Minha Deusa favorita!!!
Om and salutations to the bestower of wisdom, intelligence, knowledge and creative artistic energy.
Jaya Ma Swarswati!! You are a blessed guru KD, solute to your serving. Jaya Maharaj jee prabhu, you are the Guru!!! Pranam
Om A-ee Saraswatayai Namaha Om
Surreal essa voz 😊💖
Indeed, Much Needed!! !!! !! Great Voice, Krishna Das, thanks For The Love!! !!! !!
love across the universe - -
No me canso de escucharte KD, este mantra es mágico, gracias por compartir. 🙏🙏🙏💖
I love this song: it makes me dive into really strormy hidden places of my own self and calm them down! Saraswati Jay!
estoy viviendo un corazon roto por amor...y cada vez que escucho este kirtan no dejo de llorar, y aunque duela mucho, al menos me alivia el alma...hermoso hermoso hermoso kirtan : gracias desde Canada.