Honor Duel Tier List! Best Heroes & Equipment! AFK Journey

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 16

  • @Player10001
    @Player10001 10 дней назад +7

    I really enjoy this mode, I've been in the top 10 for a long time, but there are no worthy rewards and no meta changes, which makes me lose the desire to play. I really hope they change this with the new season. Thanks for the video!

  • @supposta6860
    @supposta6860 10 дней назад +7

    Actually hewin is best paired with Crimson abyss. She is so strong with that item the she can literally join any comp and give you 9 wins

    • @KCIIIVladmir
      @KCIIIVladmir 10 дней назад

      Agreed. Mythic Hewynn plus Crismon is basically a free-win, unless she gets sniped by Silvina 😅

  • @cheateravi2477
    @cheateravi2477 10 дней назад +6

    as someone that has reached 4k points in 2 weeks that stopped playing because its just always the same, im surprised how this tierlist of lelezero turned out (i was active in his twitch chat back then), alot of key things are missing, so here are some REALLY important things he missed:
    mythic hewynn with gaze of power is really strong... but mythic hewynn with crimson abyss is basically an auto win. she ults every 10 seconds, her ult lasts 9 seconds. perma ult on the field
    Snow Herb: mask of fury is REALLY strong on carolina (because she has no animation to throwing snowballs, the haste debuff doesnt matter) . if you can get that build to work, its probably S+ tier, but early game is rough if you dont get salazer and silvina, and you need to hit gaze of power on cecia aswell
    lelezero and i disagree about this, but bone amulet on florabelle is more valuable than on arden, the 10 gold item that increases ult damage by 40% is probably the most worth it for arden (really cheap) but if you happen to get a mythic arden with Fire Gauntlet (item doubles ur CC time) you can basically perma CC, because his stuns will last 7 seconds, he does his double root every 8 seconds, and his ult will root aswell, the cc is insane (if you play wilders, this is probably second priority after mythic hewynn with crimson abyss)
    Breeze Rider: play Lyca and a full graveborn team. (shoutouts to HonorDuelOnly from lelezero discord). this will make your early / mid game easier, and u put Mask of fury on every unit to maximize breeze rider damage, hunting armor on salazer good option aswell because if he survives for another 5 seconds another breeze wave will come out, but usually with breeze rider if u dont insta kill their team u probably lose
    leaf of life on temesia. best item on her, no debate (dont recommend going for lightbearers though)
    pairing Hewynn with exquisite leather and Rowan is a makeshift insta cast item for Hewynn, will carry you through early game
    Art of ruling: (probably the best artifact) you can put hewynn in front until you get an insta cast item, if u get lucky with ardens you can full invest into him and put him as front most unit aswell with an ult damage item, he will almost always oneshot the whole enemy team. obviously make sure that even though they are the front most hero, the granny dahnie is right behind them so she will walk up in front of them, if you play rowan they will probably not die anyway
    swifty book is imo the second best artifact, but the easiest to play (so maybe the best for you) just play a full wilder team + rowan, you can also replace rowan later on if u have insta cast on hewynn anyway but i like it with just him aswell. in my experience, arden is usually better than parisa, but parisa is specifically crazy with swifty book, she will oneshot the whole team at once. and for arena 4, dont place granny far infront because if they placed a unit in front aswell their whole team is gonna TP into your backline
    probably the most important things to mention. if you have any question, just ask

    • @DonburiHP
      @DonburiHP 9 дней назад

      4k points in 2 weeks is crazy my guy. Question - if I’m playing full graveborn, how should I run my frontline? Thoran seems bad as explained in the video

    • @cheateravi2477
      @cheateravi2477 9 дней назад +1

      ​@@DonburiHP might sound crazy, but u go for Salazer only, and sometimes you place igor infront if you dont expect a light bearer team (or else you would let igor tank vala obviously)
      no other option, thoran is way too slow for graveborn playstyle, and if you dont kill an enemy unit early against most teams you will just lose anyway
      graveborn teams are basically always:
      Silvina (mask of fury; priority #1 with Pale Crown artifact)
      Salazer (hunting armor, people really like that in the lelezero community but i think its a bit of a currency waste)
      Cecia (insta cast: gaze of power or fire dance; Priority #1 without pale crown)
      Carolina (fire dance: its good but definitely not a priority, getting mythic alot more important)
      Igor (bone amulet)
      Only exception i can think of rn is with breeze rider Niru instead of igor might be a consideration, because his base ATK is higher than igors, and yeah igor survives super long but if he is the only one surviving the breeze will deal no damage anyway, and Niru does actually ult when he is mythic at the start of the battle, so one unit might survive a bit longer so the breeze deals a bit more damage, problem is you sometimes lose against enemy graveborn teams if their igor outlasts you, and you have no sustain in your kit and also you cant block silvinas / valas without an igor... so only go for niru if you happen to get alot of copys of him
      + dont insta sell niru/thoran, because in Arena 5 on the far left and the far right there are 5 tiles, if you want to jump the target in the middle of these 5 tiles with silvina and you have an igor, the igor will place his tomb so that silvina will be kicked off of that target, really annoying and loses you the round ALOT!!, in that case it might be worth it to slot in niru/thoran instead of igor (just for faction bonus ig) but thats like only in extreme extreme cases where the target is like a mythic hewynn with insta cast and your only win condition is to kill her before she ults (with silvina stun, into cecia insta cast stun into salazer stun) because if you dont kill a mythic hewynn before she casts first as a graveborn you will 100% lose
      keep the most common spots for very important units (like rowan, hewynn, smokey, koko) open for your silvina to jump them, the first 3 units should be put on tiles that are likely to not have an important target in the opposite position
      I know you only asked for frontline, but i wanted to give you all the important information about graveborn in general, graveborn is basically always just the same teamcomp as stated above no matter the artifact
      + its normal to lose against wilders with an insta cast mythic hewynn, if you cant silvina jump her (like in arena 3) you just insta lose, nothing you can do
      ask away if you feel like i missed anything!

    • @DonburiHP
      @DonburiHP 7 дней назад

      @@cheateravi2477 woah that is crazy detailed. thanks for putting in the effort to write that in a YT comment man. I had one question - is voice of sacrifice a good pseudo instacast item? I havent tested it yet. Does it require the unit in front to be one tile in front at all times?

    • @cheateravi2477
      @cheateravi2477 7 дней назад

      @@DonburiHP it doesnt have to be one tile in front, only at the start of the match, but its pretty bad
      too expensive + alot alot worse + its not fast enough + one unit of yours cant ult anymore, just bad overall, would rather have exquisite leather + rowan for that
      and you only find epic items at store level 4/5, in pretty much all games you will have found ATLEAST one gaze of power by that point, and if not i would rather roll 7 times for gaze of power instead of settling on that item
      dont be discouraged though, trying out new things or theorizing beyond what is recommended might make you find a great new build, for example i was doubted for suggesting rowan + hewynn with exquisite leather, now pretty much everyone agrees its strong as a makeshift insta cast item in the early rounds
      + side note, the higher points u get the huger the difference between Wilder > Graveborn becomes,
      i think the amount of points u get put into better lobbys is around 1500, 2500 and 3500 points, after 3500 points you will pretty much face the same guys over and over again (Baam, Roland, odiel0ver, lelezero, honorduelonly etc.) and if you find out how they usually play you can counter them easier, but every higher rank player agrees mauler and lightbearer suck, so u will only see graveborn/ wilder teams and if you are graveborn against a wilder mythic hewynn insta cast you will lose, from my experience you will have a lot of 7/8 win matches (in higher elo) with graveborns and 9 wins with wilder more often
      you get less points/lose more points for 1-8 win games the higher your elo points, but get the same amount of points for 9 wins (40 if you lost two apples, 42 if you lost one apple, 44 if you didnt lose at all) and for comparison an 8 win game gives me 17 rn, so prioritizing 9 wins is the move, thats why wilders are the best the higher ur elo

  • @leostein5178
    @leostein5178 10 дней назад

    Glad to see your videos again! I was enjoying your summoners war videos several years ago. Now I am trying AFKJ and your videos pop up again!

  • @nvhanh6094
    @nvhanh6094 10 дней назад +2

    I think Thoran is not that great because he doesn’t fit in the “nuke” playstyle of the graveborn team. Graveborn is all about nuking thr enemy team down before they could do anything.

  • @SainiMustapizza
    @SainiMustapizza 10 дней назад

    fire dance is an epic equipment, so it's very rare to find in the shop.

  • @-L1K-
    @-L1K- 9 дней назад

    Very helpful guide

  • @Styletix
    @Styletix 9 дней назад

    Any tips on getting your hero's to Mythic in this mode? I buy all the packs but have never got enough copies to Mythic someone.

  • @lampuitat6777
    @lampuitat6777 9 дней назад

    Hello everyone. I don’t know whether you have the same problem as I am. I never get to play anyone with 0 XP points and my opponents are everytime plays at least one more round then I am…..

  • @georgigerin5151
    @georgigerin5151 9 дней назад

    What is this site name that u are loking the items?

  • @mr_kepp
    @mr_kepp 10 дней назад

    Mythic Oddie is S tier 😉