Unfortunately, she doesn’t see it that way. The saddest part is that even if he wanted to pursue anything, she would reject him because of the guilt she is feeling for what happened.
The acting is wonderful!! We can clearly see how Tim has a hard time saying that to her because he wants her close, but at the same time he means it because he wants the best for her career. While Lucy looks very hurt because she thinks that he wants to push her away when they are finally so close and can be something more
@@pro10s21no, they are not. Melissa O‘Neal is currently single and Eric Winter is married. But I have to agree, their chemistry does make me wonder if they secretly have feelings for each other 😅
That man loves her so much he’s willing to set her free and with that hurt himself by losing her the only way he’s able to have her (for now): as his aide. That, my friends, is TRUE LOVE & I’m not okay 💔
Ohhh the pain in her eyes! She knows it's not right and that there are so many roadblocks to them getting together but what she really wants is for him to ask her to give them a chance. 😢
They're such great actors! I keep looking at their eyes, and for both of them, it really feels as though their eyes are getting wetter as the scene progresses. 💔
Awww Lucy looks so sad and confused. What a parallel from the end scene last ep. I hope they can find their way back to each other soon…as chenford is endgame for sure!! ❤ Eric and Melissa killing it as always!
I know right, I can understand her feelings and the way she is taking it. But knowing him for who he is, he really is looking out for her. And it may be a way to "cool things off" for the writers just to torture us more.
@@zoesimien4649 oh it's definitely a way to cool things off by the writers. They are pouring a bucket of cold water on the fire they lit in 4x22 and 5x01! They have to fill 22 episodes! I'm SO curious what the December cliffhanger will be!
@@lisarm100 lawd no more cliff Hangers please, it's killing me. 😫 but I do wonder about Tim's girlfriend. Seriously, have we seen her this season yet? I don't trust her either way. Not since last season when they seemed to focus in on Tim arming and disarming his home security in front of her twice.
@@zoesimien4649 I keep forgetting he has a girlfriend 🤣. The last time we saw her was in 4x21. But bc of the long summer break it feels like it was months ago lol. Not that I want to see her 🤮
No, Chenford should not be a thing as long as he is his superior! That would be a dumb character arch because this (not dating a colleague because she would be perceived to have received preferential treatment) was the entire reason she stopped dating Nolan to start with. But I have seen writers do worse, so I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled off this stunt.
The acting in this scene is TOP-TIER. We can see that Tim wants the best for Lucy and that she feels hurt because she thinks he wants to get rid of what's going on between them
THE ANGST😭😭😭 Is going to kill us but it's going to be so worth it when they finally get together... but until they do I will keep throwing my head into my pillow😭
@Bria… It 💯% will be! #Chenford fans better recognize! 😂 When these two (2) become freed from their spares & they FINALLY have a genuine conversation about their feelings (love) for one another; whew chile! 💥 The love making between these two will be dynamic. 💘💕 I’m enjoying this journey a great deal because the unfolding of what’s to come will simply be beautiful. 🥰
Ahhh buckle up people we are in for an emotional rollercoaster this season. And I am all here for it because, the best comes to those who wait and the tension that these two have got is hot as hell!
@Rachel Vernon… Likewise! I too am here for it. ALL OF IT! I’m thoroughly enjoying this ride/journey & episode 3 hasn’t even aired yet. 😁 LOL! Got a feeling some good #Chenford content is ahead. Yassss!! 😁
Look at Tim's background-his ex wife was an undercover Narco cop, who ended up with an addiction problem. He thought she was cheating on him and was, with drugs. His father was abusive and had an affair, which seriously hurt Tim when he found out. It may be why he has a hard time getting close to people. When he does, he seems to put their needs before his. He also knows that Lucy is still with Chris, so he is relieved that he did not help her to cheat on her boyfriend. Also, because he cares for her, he wants her to be able to reach her potential. He has told her that, previously, while they were dancing. Plus, when he tried to talk about the kisses, she said it was basic biology and when she invited him in, she did not express feelings like he did. I think they may still get together, but under better circumstances and when both of them have equally laid all cards on the table.
And people keep ignoring HIS own feelings. He's also relieved that he didn't cheat on Ashley when he got caught up in the momnt. I think he'll break up with her quickly if he hasn't already, but it's got to be important to him to do it in the right order.
This was heartbreaking, she thinks he’s pushing her away, I just can’t handle it 😔 he wants her to stay, but he thinks Lucy moving on it’s the best thing for her even though he’s hurting too😭😭
Do you all remember when Tim was emotional when he finally confronted his dad and he told chen about the Tim tests. And Tim said he's nothing like his dad and chen told him she knows and comforts him. Now Tim is telling chen that what happened to Chris wasn't her fault either and comforts her too. I love them both and they need to hang out more.
They just need to say what they actually mean! What she says: We were about to… What she means: We were about to get closer, which is what I want, and now you want me to leave. What he hears: We were about to do something terrible and I feel too guilty to leave Chris alone. What he says: But we didn’t. What he means: But we didn’t. And even though I wanted to, I won’t stand in your way. I want you to be happy. What she hears: But we didn’t which is good because it would have been a huge mistake.
Just another thought that came to me while rewatching the scene: maybe he's trying to send her off because he can't deal with his own feelings for her. That she doesn't miss this opportunity just because of him, Tim was never selfish. He loves her, it's so damn clear to see. 😭 I think she needs to make a move and tell him how she feels about him. It wasn't just a undercover thing, he even asked her about it. Did you see the disappointment on his face as she told him it was "basic biology"? My heart almost broke.
Exactly and he’s just confuse, deep down he knows there’s something happening between them, but he’s just scared that Lucy might not feel the same way. These two are killing me!!🤦🏻♀️
I’ve got a feeling it’s going to be a “I can’t leave Chris because of what’s just happened etc” so if anything does happen, it might be towards the end of the season. Also because of the whole Isabelle thing, he’s like I’ve been there, done that. Because she was UC before the addiction. if they don’t make Chenford happen I will cry, it’s like Klaroline all over again and I can’t take it. 😭 Chenford is the only thing keeping me going atm 😩😩
Tim loves her and wanted to see her do what’s best for her. Lucy respect and loves Tim enough to know that he cares deeply for her. True love will happen when the time is right. Tim and Lucy will miss each other that it will hopefully will be worth it for the long awaited day we can finally be happy for them both
During an interview for this season, someone mentioned that they won’t get together right away but will later in the season… can’t wait for that to happen ❤
AHHHHH the sadness in her eyes when he walks away, I can’t anymore… 🥰🥹💗1:30 Also his voice crack when he says “it’s time for you to move on” AHHHHH 🥰🥹1:13 someone please help me lol 😂
Maybe Tim is thinking long game here? If Lucy goes to UC school and possibly ends up switching departments/positions, then he wouldn't be her direct supervisor. So when they do get together, it would make things a little less tricky. Just a thought.
I just rewatched the scene. Again - I don't know the whole episode, but what I think is significant is that both realize what was about to happen when Tim entered Lucy's appartment in the first ep. I agree that this scene shows how much Tim cares about Lucy and doesn't want her to miss a great opportunity in her career. She always wanted to work undercover and this her chance. It just shows how supportive Tim is and how much he cares for her. Let's remember Harper's wedding ("I want you to have a successful career."). Sadly, Lucy doesn't see it that way in this moment. I agree with her - even though from a different point of view - some time apart would do them good. Also true it hurt to see the looks on both of their faces - specially when Lucy opens the door and asked what he was doing there. I saw an interview with Eric and Melissa on RUclips from a US morning show where Eric says we're about to see "big chunks" in between Tim and Lucy during this season. Well, we'll see what's about to come. I personally think that Lucy takes the chance and goes to UC training. I also think that Grey will retire (he's talking about that since season 3) and Tim will step up as watch commander. You could see some of the transition progress in season 4. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the season continues.
Yes I've seen footage for later in the season where they're obviously working together again and they're both in uniform. She's not in plain clothes. Chris is around for at least episodes and Ashley makes an appearance in the next couple of weeks I believe.
I think he was trying of get rid of her for a while...it's not not she is gonna break up with Chris right now maybe he thinks his feelings will change when they are no longer riding together. Also this was a good move from the writers he is now no longer her direct supervisor so when they actually get together it wont be so problematic...They're gonna be together by the end of the season I feel it😍
I agree, this scene was necessary. I have no doubt that they are endgame. The writers wouldn’t be highlighting their relationship in this way if they weren’t. It’s time for her to focus on herself, no longer work under him, and end her relationship in a mindful manner. At this point they both know how they feel. This is the classic move in a tv series when a relationship is as powerful as theirs, keep them separate while showing the intensity of their love. In time the writers will bring them together, in the right way. And I’m beyond excited for that. 💕
Lol your words give me peace. I'm sitting here panicking like "nooooo I need more NOW." But you're right, the writers honestly haven't disappointed me yet. It's a slow burn, like Tony and Ziva, Jake and Amy or Sam and Andy (three separate cop shows). But I really hope they keep the fire burning. At this point I'm really hating anyone they're with who isn't each other. Chris is nice but I'm sad to see him.
@@zoesimien4649 we gotta hold hope for each other. This relationship has consumed my soul. I’m excited for when they finally get together and my mind can move on lol. Hang in there!
@@MissSarahLizz no joke, it's killing me. At this point I'm like "gotta watch something else......ugh nothing else is as interesting as this!" Lol, just a few more days. I was happy to see them together (for 1 minute) in the feds though.
@@zoesimien4649 if you find anything worth while let me know! My recommendations to you, if you haven’t seen them, are Fleabag, New Girl, Virgin River, Bridgerton (season 2), Normal People, Sex Education, and of course Dawsons Creek (just for Pacey). These are love interest type shows with great leads.
@Sliz…. Yasss!! ‘That ENTIRE part!’ You’re ‘spot on!’ The writers ✍️ would not have laid this foundation in the manner that they did for episode 1 of this season if they didn’t plan on bringing this love 💕 story full circle. It’s coming! They both need to cleanse & free themselves of their spares (Chris/Ashley) first & the rest will naturally unfold. I like yourself am thoroughly excited for their journey. Because when we reach the “sweet spot,” it’s going to be VERY SWEET & well worth it.
I just can’t believe they admitted they almost….. I thought they were going to play it off like nothing was going to happen. I’m glad it didn’t, they would just end up feeling guilty and regretful. They both need to be single for their relationship to move forward
Awesome episode!!! 👍 After last weeks ChenFord roller coaster I needed this episode, all the characters got some great screen time and stories. Angela being her awesome self and yet again Tim's bestie (she knows what is up, she is so cool, love her, and love her and Wesley together), Wesley was also great in this episode! Nyla was a bad ass (as always) and James was just the cutest!!! The writers seem to know how to write great couples and I can not wait to see how they write Lucy and Tim as a couple. It was hard to watch as Tim urged Lucy to go to undercover school but Tim is always the sensible one, so he wants Lucy to go, wanting the best for her even at the cost of his feelings for her or her feelings for him. Nolan was fantastic in this episode, his face after Nyla hangs up on him, Nolan and Grey was just fantastic, Nolan trying out being a TO for Thorsen was so good... so many great moments! I do miss Ben as I find Nolan and him to be great together, such a wonderful friendship they have, love them! I also miss Nolan's son, Henry, but I look forward to see more of Tim's sister, hopefully.
My thoughts after watching this scene multiple times: They do have strong feelings for each other, but them getting together right now wouldn't work. When Tim said "i am trying to look out for you", he knew that it would cost her relationship with Chris & her career in the LAPD, given that Tim is her superior officer. He didn't want Lucy to cheat on Chris with him, especially before and after what happened to Chris. When #Chenford happens, it has to happen for the right reasons, emotionally. Trust me, I want them to get together bad, but right now isn't a good time. For example, Nathan Fillon's old show Castle. How much did we want Castle & Beckett to get together? It took time, but they eventually did and it paid off in the end. There were plenty of roadblocks, but they eventually got them solved. This is one of those examples. Get those roadblocks solved first, and then that's when the magic happens.
Very true. Castle and Beckett were magic in the end. It was a tortuous burn, but it paid off. Im dying for Chenford to get together, but you're right, it's not the right time.
I'm totally willing to ride out the slow burn, my only fear is that so many good shows get cancelled randomly and I so hope that doesn't happen here. Like they leave us on a cliffhanger finale of them finally getting together and then season 6 never happens or something.
@@crystalrose_pa I agree, my guess is that they get together by the end of this season. Something has to happen that causes Lucy/Chris & Tim/Ashley to break up. I have a theory about each one.....
After watching the trailer for next weeks episode I am really hoping that are Lucy almost dies in the fridge that Chenford reevaluates their feelings, because I cam going to be really annoyed if they just brush past what happened while they were under cover
This is a hell of a emotional rollercoaster 😭 what is Tim trying to prove? Does he do this because Lucy didn't confess that she feels something (in that Hotel scene)? Is it a "fierce protector" thing? Tim what are you doing???? 😭😭 Please, get them together and let them be happy ❤️
I'm confused about her intensions in the hotel scene too. BUT, also in that episode, she's dreaming about their kiss, flirting in the hall after UC, AND invites him in. Tim without a doubt knew what she was suggesting with that invite. And he WENT IN! And then in this scene she even says "but we were going to..." He KNOWS how she feels about him. She KNOWS how he feels about her. The situation is just too messy right now. I betcha when Chris heals, (or sometime this season), Lucy and Chris will break up. She's not in love with him. Eric even said Lucy is in love with Tim. Also, the show needs to break down the 3 excuses Tim gave Angela in 501 as to why he can't have feelings for Lucy (aka start a relationship with her bc we all know he already has feelings for her). The 3 excuses in order: Chris, Ashley, the Sargent rank issue. Chris and Ashley are easy barriers (but will take time). And the Sargent thing, I have no idea, but it will also be figured out! I have FULL CONFIDENCE Chenford will be together! At the latest by the end of the season! (Hopefully/maybe sooner!)
He knows that Lucy won't break up with Chris right now because she feels guilty that he was harmed by Rosalind because Rosalind wanted to hurt her and because she'd almost cheated on him before she found him bleeding out on her sofa. Tim is hurting, but doing what he thinks is best for Lucy. Even if they were together he'd have wanted her to go to UC school, so that part is what he would have done anyway. But it was a double meaning for her to move on. Move on to a higher level of work and move on from him. He's being a good person and taking himself out of the equation since he knows she won't hurt Chris.
Awesome scene, awesome acting. Chenford not riding together anymore feels like the end of an era. They were the only original TO and rookie to stick together for the entire training program and extended that to Sgt and aide. I love how they went from strictly mentor/mentee, to true partners, and finally true friends. Hopefully this now opens the door to begin a couple which will be the best! Lucy loves UC and wants to do it but she sees Tim's encouragement as a personal rejection. So angsty 😫 When the show began this guy was flipping out over what UC work did to his wife and he was a ticking time bomb until Lucy saved him literally (gunshot on day 1) and figuratively (reminding him of the man he really is and not tossing Isabel's stash). We just have to ride it out. Goodbye Chris. Goodbye Ashley. Chris makes sense as a recurring character given he is an ADA. So I will accept it. Ashley comes back in 5.04 and it's called "The Choice." I would love for that to be her making Tim choose between her and Lucy. Goodbye real life Malibu Barbie. No offense to the actress. Her sister is also an actress on General Hospital and I follow their fashion blog lol.
@VMars221… Love 💕 your breakdown of Tim & Lucy’s evolution from season 1 to present day. These two (2) have come a very long way. We’ve seen their growth as individuals; as partners/friends & it’s even more beautiful seeing their closeness as friends blossom into them both having fallen in love 💘 w/h one another. It’s always cool in storylines when you as the viewer get to witness the evolving of a relationship. This #Chenford ride has been an awesome one despite obstacles & challenges that continue to ensue. I know these two (2) will be okay. They’re going to make it because they are “each other’s person.” PERIODT! Their totally ying ☯️ yang, but they make sense. They will 💯% be together. They’re endgame without a doubt.
They both have feelings for each other but , it’s scary for both of them ! I’m also glad they didn’t you know do it yet ,only because she’s still with Chris ! Hopefully Lucy and Tim realize they want each other and get together ! But they both need to be single which means Chris gots to go !
Also so beyond psyched that they acknowledged that something nearly happened between them. I really wish we saw the conclusion of that scene from s5e1. Some sideways glances, awkward silences, something, rather than skipping to this scene. Though, the "what are you doing here," and the way she says it has me thinking it's more of a "you should know better, after we "almost" we can't be in contact right now".......which sort of goes against her being upset he told her to go....its a little confusing. But I still appreciate the acknowledgment.
I agree with all of ya'll. They were very much true to their characters in this scene. Tim looking out for her and doing the right thing; Lucy feeling guilty but being straight up about the situation between them. But wtd did she start to take his words the wrong way? Im sad about that and I hope she will see he was trying to look out for her. Because, I mean its not like she broke up with Chris. Tim isn't a homewrecker and he wants what's best for her and her career, so that's what you get. But anyway, I can't really say anymore than what has already been said by you guys EXCEPT! SHE LEFT THE DOOR OPEN during their talk. Maybe that didn't mean anything, but I thought that was strange. I hope Chris overheard and that ends their relationship.
Não acredito que Tim está tentando se afastar da Lucy, mas não adianta o sentimento vai falar mais alto no final, assim espero, ainda torcendo pelo romance "Tim e Lucy"🥰😍🔥🇧🇷
@@beatrizmarcelinodeoliveira3036 eu estive olhando os vídeos do segundo episódio da temporada 5, não falo inglês, mas traduzi e Tim está dizendo a Lucy pra aceitar ir para algum lugar a serviço e ela diz pra ele que ele está querendo que ela fique longo por um tempo, mais ou menos isso. É só um pequeno vídeo do episódio.
It could be argued that that was quite the calculated move there from Chris- seek Tim's help, Tim feels even more guilty- backs off even more/is even less likely to pursue anything with Lucy. It's obviously not going to last between Lucy and Chris-zero chemistry. Maybe Lucy will do what Tim did with his Sergeants post in Hollywood- say it's not the right time for her 🤷🏼♀️ Weird. I just hope they're not going to have Lucy go and then everything fizzle.
I think the training was supposed to be three weeks or something like that? My take from the preview is that she probably went and we had the time jump to catch up from summer and now she's back after training in this next episode.
I think Lucy didn't want to go to undercover school because her real intention was to take care of Chris until she got rid of her feelings of guilt and then do what she really wants to do: move forward with her relationship with Tim
I disagree. He's telling her to move on and take the opportunity to learn UC. I don't think he's implying that she also move on from her feelings for him. THAT is a whole other messy situation. It's hard to explain. And we all know she won't. She's in love with him.
yeah, the more times I watch it, I don't think he's implying move on from HIM. He's referring to moving on with her career. Moving on from being his gofer, Sargant's aid, etc
@@lisarm100 … Exactly! Lucy misinterpreted what he was conveying, but he was referring to her not blowing her opportunity she’s worked so hard for; sticking around playing nurse mate to Chris; staying b/c of himself or anyone else. Tim saw greatness in Lucy from the very beginning & he just wants her to sore in her greatness. Tim has ALWAYS been supportive of Lucy’s career aspirations & endeavors & he could see she wasn’t about to choose wisely hence that chat 💬. Tim was 💯% right!
I actually asked Eric bc I wanted to be 100% sure. From Eric's pov, Tim does NOT mean moving on from HIM, like a lot of people thought. I'm just not sure what Lucy thought it meant.
You could literally see Lucy's heart sink in her eyes 😢 Heartbreaking as it is, Bradford did the right thing though. It would be a disservice to their relationship if they started off as cheating on their significant others.
Well, she is hurt in this scene. She can't really understand what is he doing, plus I do believe that this isn't the last we are seeing from those two.
She broke his heart by calling a basic biology, inviting him in and then staying with Chris and he's putting distance between them the poor guy poor tim
@Paolo Vito… It was not, but I digress! 🙄 I get that was a lot of #Chenford fans interpretation, however, it wasn’t mine. I understood from the onset precisely what Tim was conveying to her.
She said go-fer, which is what they often call the aide. But I could totally see how you could hear that because I heard it correctly the first time, but then when I watched a cut-together video of clips, it had me do a double-take.
Yeah it might have because I was super from staying up late. But when Lucy said “does this mean you don’t want me to be your Gofer anymore?” I swear I heard girlfriend.
That trope has been around for quite a while. Very unrealistic, but not unusual for Hollywood. Also unrealistic that Nyla was invisible under the water. The pool is a whole separate issue as it is 2 feet tall on the outside, but some of positions she takes in the pool would require it being 3-4 feet deep. Obviously the set had some of the pool below the floor.
She'd been in labor for a while, and it was a second child. My SIL's second child was born incredibly quickly. Early labor was slow, but when the intense labor started it was a matter of a few minutes. It does happen.
OH GOD not again! The SWAT version of this was just as 😣🥺🥺 Street and Chris did this too in SWAT S4, except it had them kiss... Chris going to TLI training and Street had that extremely risky liver transplant surgery... This version however... MUCH WORSE 💔💔
@@rayfpdl Agreed! I'm a Chenford shipper, but I absolutely want the characters to be single before anything happens. Adultery *is* icky. I'm glad they got interrupted before doing anything because they shouldn't be cheating on their partners. I hope the writers end these other relationships first and then give Chenford a proper start. Speaking for myself, I think this scene had to unfold exactly as it did. Sure, it's angsty, but of course, Tim is going to look out for Lucy's career first. And they need to separately figure out their romantic relationships, so it's not as though this conversation could've gone anywhere else...
Tim couldn't make a first step to tell her about love . She was awaiting for that and got break up only. It's better to stay away from this idiot. She can find better.
They're BOTH with other people right now. Lucy is with Chris and Tim is with Ashley. So Tim didn't break up with Lucy. They both need to break up with their respective relationships first. And Lucy wouldn't break up with Chris right now since she feels like it is her fault that he was attacked. Tim was looking out for her career and told her to go to UC school. He would have given her that EXACT SAME ADVICE if they had been dating. But the context and sub text would have been a lot different.
ruclips.net/user/shortsx7Xr_72VuPM?feature=share If Tim couldn't tell to himself that he loves Lucy or he doesn't know what he wants then stay with Ashley and sister family close. Maybe his life is unlimited.
I just know Timothy cried in his car after this conversation..
Yeah hes a softie😂
I love this scene. It shows how much Tim really cares about Lucy and is willing to put aside his feelings to do what's best for her.
I agree. I think he doesn't want to hold her back and feels he might be stopping her from progressing in her career.
Unfortunately, she doesn’t see it that way. The saddest part is that even if he wanted to pursue anything, she would reject him because of the guilt she is feeling for what happened.
I think the best way for them to be together is if she doesn’t work directly under him and has her own career
She wanted him to tell her to stay...
I agree it's the best for them
The acting is wonderful!! We can clearly see how Tim has a hard time saying that to her because he wants her close, but at the same time he means it because he wants the best for her career. While Lucy looks very hurt because she thinks that he wants to push her away when they are finally so close and can be something more
I agree
Yeah because these actors are a couple in real life :)
@@pro10s21no, they are not. Melissa O‘Neal is currently single and Eric Winter is married. But I have to agree, their chemistry does make me wonder if they secretly have feelings for each other 😅
@@kwiekati so my source was a lie, damn it :D thank you for correcting me in a decent way.
That man loves her so much he’s willing to set her free and with that hurt himself by losing her the only way he’s able to have her (for now): as his aide. That, my friends, is TRUE LOVE & I’m not okay 💔
the way he says "we didn't", OH MY GOD it's so sad but so sexy, I've lost count of how many times I've repeated this scene.
Ohhh the pain in her eyes! She knows it's not right and that there are so many roadblocks to them getting together but what she really wants is for him to ask her to give them a chance. 😢
They're such great actors! I keep looking at their eyes, and for both of them, it really feels as though their eyes are getting wetter as the scene progresses. 💔
@@vocalnerd I have that feeling too! I thought I was just imagining that!
Awww Lucy looks so sad and confused. What a parallel from the end scene last ep. I hope they can find their way back to each other soon…as chenford is endgame for sure!! ❤ Eric and Melissa killing it as always!
I know right, I can understand her feelings and the way she is taking it. But knowing him for who he is, he really is looking out for her. And it may be a way to "cool things off" for the writers just to torture us more.
@@zoesimien4649 oh it's definitely a way to cool things off by the writers. They are pouring a bucket of cold water on the fire they lit in 4x22 and 5x01! They have to fill 22 episodes! I'm SO curious what the December cliffhanger will be!
@@lisarm100 lawd no more cliff Hangers please, it's killing me. 😫 but I do wonder about Tim's girlfriend. Seriously, have we seen her this season yet? I don't trust her either way. Not since last season when they seemed to focus in on Tim arming and disarming his home security in front of her twice.
@@zoesimien4649 I keep forgetting he has a girlfriend 🤣. The last time we saw her was in 4x21. But bc of the long summer break it feels like it was months ago lol. Not that I want to see her 🤮
No, Chenford should not be a thing as long as he is his superior! That would be a dumb character arch because this (not dating a colleague because she would be perceived to have received preferential treatment) was the entire reason she stopped dating Nolan to start with. But I have seen writers do worse, so I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled off this stunt.
The acting in this scene is TOP-TIER. We can see that Tim wants the best for Lucy and that she feels hurt because she thinks he wants to get rid of what's going on between them
THE ANGST😭😭😭 Is going to kill us but it's going to be so worth it when they finally get together... but until they do I will keep throwing my head into my pillow😭
@Bria… It 💯% will be! #Chenford fans better recognize! 😂 When these two (2) become freed from their spares & they FINALLY have a genuine conversation about their feelings (love) for one another; whew chile! 💥 The love making between these two will be dynamic. 💘💕 I’m enjoying this journey a great deal because the unfolding of what’s to come will simply be beautiful.
Ahhh buckle up people we are in for an emotional rollercoaster this season. And I am all here for it because, the best comes to those who wait and the tension that these two have got is hot as hell!
@Rachel Vernon… Likewise! I too am here for it. ALL OF IT! I’m thoroughly enjoying this ride/journey & episode 3 hasn’t even aired yet. 😁 LOL! Got a feeling some good #Chenford content is ahead. Yassss!! 😁
Look at Tim's background-his ex wife was an undercover Narco cop, who ended up with an addiction problem. He thought she was cheating on him and was, with drugs. His father was abusive and had an affair, which seriously hurt Tim when he found out. It may be why he has a hard time getting close to people. When he does, he seems to put their needs before his. He also knows that Lucy is still with Chris, so he is relieved that he did not help her to cheat on her boyfriend. Also, because he cares for her, he wants her to be able to reach her potential. He has told her that, previously, while they were dancing. Plus, when he tried to talk about the kisses, she said it was basic biology and when she invited him in, she did not express feelings like he did. I think they may still get together, but under better circumstances and when both of them have equally laid all cards on the table.
And people keep ignoring HIS own feelings. He's also relieved that he didn't cheat on Ashley when he got caught up in the momnt. I think he'll break up with her quickly if he hasn't already, but it's got to be important to him to do it in the right order.
This was heartbreaking, she thinks he’s pushing her away, I just can’t handle it 😔 he wants her to stay, but he thinks Lucy moving on it’s the best thing for her even though he’s hurting too😭😭
I think you are right that it hurt him telling her to go. It broke my heart to watch
Do you all remember when Tim was emotional when he finally confronted his dad and he told chen about the Tim tests. And Tim said he's nothing like his dad and chen told him she knows and comforts him.
Now Tim is telling chen that what happened to Chris wasn't her fault either and comforts her too.
I love them both and they need to hang out more.
Damn Lucy is absolutely crushed here. I feel bad for them both but she takes it really hard in this scene.
They just need to say what they actually mean!
What she says: We were about to…
What she means: We were about to get closer, which is what I want, and now you want me to leave.
What he hears: We were about to do something terrible and I feel too guilty to leave Chris alone.
What he says: But we didn’t.
What he means: But we didn’t. And even though I wanted to, I won’t stand in your way. I want you to be happy.
What she hears: But we didn’t which is good because it would have been a huge mistake.
Perfect analysis of this scene!!!
Exactly 💯!!
OMG Even I misunderstood what they meant
@Jessie Wolf… Pretty much! In a nutshell you nailed it!! 👏🏻👏🏽
Just another thought that came to me while rewatching the scene: maybe he's trying to send her off because he can't deal with his own feelings for her. That she doesn't miss this opportunity just because of him, Tim was never selfish. He loves her, it's so damn clear to see. 😭 I think she needs to make a move and tell him how she feels about him. It wasn't just a undercover thing, he even asked her about it. Did you see the disappointment on his face as she told him it was "basic biology"? My heart almost broke.
Exactly and he’s just confuse, deep down he knows there’s something happening between them, but he’s just scared that Lucy might not feel the same way. These two are killing me!!🤦🏻♀️
She did make a move before they discovered Chris. She wasn't inviting him in to watch Steven Colbert!
@@DesertUnicorn yes she did, you're right.....I really hope we see them together in the future. It' so confusing right now.
I’ve got a feeling it’s going to be a “I can’t leave Chris because of what’s just happened etc” so if anything does happen, it might be towards the end of the season. Also because of the whole Isabelle thing, he’s like I’ve been there, done that. Because she was UC before the addiction.
if they don’t make Chenford happen I will cry, it’s like Klaroline all over again and I can’t take it. 😭
Chenford is the only thing keeping me going atm 😩😩
@@annietaylor5921 ihu..but the rookie is much more than chenford tho
That “but we didn’t.” Made me feel some kind of way
Tim loves her and wanted to see her do what’s best for her. Lucy respect and loves Tim enough to know that he cares deeply for her. True love will happen when the time is right. Tim and Lucy will miss each other that it will hopefully will be worth it for the long awaited day we can finally be happy for them both
During an interview for this season, someone mentioned that they won’t get together right away but will later in the season… can’t wait for that to happen ❤
AHHHHH the sadness in her eyes when he walks away, I can’t anymore… 🥰🥹💗1:30
Also his voice crack when he says “it’s time for you to move on” AHHHHH 🥰🥹1:13 someone please help me lol 😂
Maybe Tim is thinking long game here? If Lucy goes to UC school and possibly ends up switching departments/positions, then he wouldn't be her direct supervisor. So when they do get together, it would make things a little less tricky. Just a thought.
I just rewatched the scene. Again - I don't know the whole episode, but what I think is significant is that both realize what was about to happen when Tim entered Lucy's appartment in the first ep. I agree that this scene shows how much Tim cares about Lucy and doesn't want her to miss a great opportunity in her career. She always wanted to work undercover and this her chance. It just shows how supportive Tim is and how much he cares for her. Let's remember Harper's wedding ("I want you to have a successful career."). Sadly, Lucy doesn't see it that way in this moment. I agree with her - even though from a different point of view - some time apart would do them good. Also true it hurt to see the looks on both of their faces - specially when Lucy opens the door and asked what he was doing there. I saw an interview with Eric and Melissa on RUclips from a US morning show where Eric says we're about to see "big chunks" in between Tim and Lucy during this season. Well, we'll see what's about to come. I personally think that Lucy takes the chance and goes to UC training. I also think that Grey will retire (he's talking about that since season 3) and Tim will step up as watch commander. You could see some of the transition progress in season 4. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the season continues.
Yes I've seen footage for later in the season where they're obviously working together again and they're both in uniform. She's not in plain clothes. Chris is around for at least episodes and Ashley makes an appearance in the next couple of weeks I believe.
THE ANGST 😭😭😭 I cant I'm so excited !!
I think he was trying of get rid of her for a while...it's not not she is gonna break up with Chris right now maybe he thinks his feelings will change when they are no longer riding together. Also this was a good move from the writers he is now no longer her direct supervisor so when they actually get together it wont be so problematic...They're gonna be together by the end of the season I feel it😍
I hope you're right!! We all need Chenford to happen ❤️
My heart just broke in a little million pieces 💔 😢 😭😔
I don’t want this bread crumbs anymore 😫 I have been teased enough 😤 I want a whole episode dedicated to them. ❤️❤️🙏🏼
I can feel in his eyes already. 😭😭😭😭
I agree, this scene was necessary. I have no doubt that they are endgame. The writers wouldn’t be highlighting their relationship in this way if they weren’t. It’s time for her to focus on herself, no longer work under him, and end her relationship in a mindful manner. At this point they both know how they feel. This is the classic move in a tv series when a relationship is as powerful as theirs, keep them separate while showing the intensity of their love. In time the writers will bring them together, in the right way. And I’m beyond excited for that. 💕
Lol your words give me peace. I'm sitting here panicking like "nooooo I need more NOW." But you're right, the writers honestly haven't disappointed me yet. It's a slow burn, like Tony and Ziva, Jake and Amy or Sam and Andy (three separate cop shows). But I really hope they keep the fire burning. At this point I'm really hating anyone they're with who isn't each other. Chris is nice but I'm sad to see him.
@@zoesimien4649 we gotta hold hope for each other. This relationship has consumed my soul. I’m excited for when they finally get together and my mind can move on lol. Hang in there!
@@MissSarahLizz no joke, it's killing me. At this point I'm like "gotta watch something else......ugh nothing else is as interesting as this!" Lol, just a few more days. I was happy to see them together (for 1 minute) in the feds though.
@@zoesimien4649 if you find anything worth while let me know! My recommendations to you, if you haven’t seen them, are Fleabag, New Girl, Virgin River, Bridgerton (season 2), Normal People, Sex Education, and of course Dawsons Creek (just for Pacey). These are love interest type shows with great leads.
@Sliz…. Yasss!! ‘That ENTIRE part!’ You’re ‘spot on!’ The writers ✍️ would not have laid this foundation in the manner that they did for episode 1 of this season if they didn’t plan on bringing this love 💕 story full circle. It’s coming! They both need to cleanse & free themselves of their spares (Chris/Ashley) first & the rest will naturally unfold. I like yourself am thoroughly excited for their journey. Because when we reach the “sweet spot,” it’s going to be VERY SWEET & well worth it.
I just can’t believe they admitted they almost….. I thought they were going to play it off like nothing was going to happen. I’m glad it didn’t, they would just end up feeling guilty and regretful. They both need to be single for their relationship to move forward
Awesome episode!!! 👍
After last weeks ChenFord roller coaster I needed this episode, all the characters got some great screen time and stories.
Angela being her awesome self and yet again Tim's bestie (she knows what is up, she is so cool, love her, and love her and Wesley together), Wesley was also great in this episode!
Nyla was a bad ass (as always) and James was just the cutest!!!
The writers seem to know how to write great couples and I can not wait to see how they write Lucy and Tim as a couple.
It was hard to watch as Tim urged Lucy to go to undercover school but Tim is always the sensible one, so he wants Lucy to go, wanting the best for her even at the cost of his feelings for her or her feelings for him.
Nolan was fantastic in this episode, his face after Nyla hangs up on him, Nolan and Grey was just fantastic, Nolan trying out being a TO for Thorsen was so good... so many great moments!
I do miss Ben as I find Nolan and him to be great together, such a wonderful friendship they have, love them! I also miss Nolan's son, Henry, but I look forward to see more of Tim's sister, hopefully.
agreed, the rookie is one of the best tv series on tv..bar none
I’m excited to see more of Genny too! Not enough people mention that. I think she could be someone else to help bring Chenford together.
"But we didn't"!! damn! they gave us a chenford tease and trying to break it away again!
My thoughts after watching this scene multiple times:
They do have strong feelings for each other, but them getting together right now wouldn't work. When Tim said "i am trying to look out for you", he knew that it would cost her relationship with Chris & her career in the LAPD, given that Tim is her superior officer. He didn't want Lucy to cheat on Chris with him, especially before and after what happened to Chris. When #Chenford happens, it has to happen for the right reasons, emotionally.
Trust me, I want them to get together bad, but right now isn't a good time. For example, Nathan Fillon's old show Castle. How much did we want Castle & Beckett to get together? It took time, but they eventually did and it paid off in the end. There were plenty of roadblocks, but they eventually got them solved. This is one of those examples. Get those roadblocks solved first, and then that's when the magic happens.
Very true. Castle and Beckett were magic in the end. It was a tortuous burn, but it paid off. Im dying for Chenford to get together, but you're right, it's not the right time.
Perfect analysis
I'm totally willing to ride out the slow burn, my only fear is that so many good shows get cancelled randomly and I so hope that doesn't happen here. Like they leave us on a cliffhanger finale of them finally getting together and then season 6 never happens or something.
@@crystalrose_pa Same!! Let them get together while it’s still guaranteed!
@@crystalrose_pa I agree, my guess is that they get together by the end of this season. Something has to happen that causes Lucy/Chris & Tim/Ashley to break up. I have a theory about each one.....
After watching the trailer for next weeks episode I am really hoping that are Lucy almost dies in the fridge that Chenford reevaluates their feelings, because I cam going to be really annoyed if they just brush past what happened while they were under cover
I am going to be so angry too. I need Chenford in my life!!!
What a beautiful smile Eric has...😻
Chenford !!!!
Tim the fierce protector
Damnnnnnn Tim literally tried to go back to his old persona at the end of just being a TO but it’s clear he’s just hiding his feelings
I've been wanting them together forever. I hope they are endgame.
This is a hell of a emotional rollercoaster 😭 what is Tim trying to prove? Does he do this because Lucy didn't confess that she feels something (in that Hotel scene)? Is it a "fierce protector" thing? Tim what are you doing???? 😭😭 Please, get them together and let them be happy ❤️
i’m confused too! i wanna think that he’s doing it because he cares about her future but i don’t know 😭
I'm confused about her intensions in the hotel scene too. BUT, also in that episode, she's dreaming about their kiss, flirting in the hall after UC, AND invites him in. Tim without a doubt knew what she was suggesting with that invite. And he WENT IN!
And then in this scene she even says "but we were going to..." He KNOWS how she feels about him. She KNOWS how he feels about her. The situation is just too messy right now. I betcha when Chris heals, (or sometime this season), Lucy and Chris will break up. She's not in love with him. Eric even said Lucy is in love with Tim.
Also, the show needs to break down the 3 excuses Tim gave Angela in 501 as to why he can't have feelings for Lucy (aka start a relationship with her bc we all know he already has feelings for her). The 3 excuses in order: Chris, Ashley, the Sargent rank issue.
Chris and Ashley are easy barriers (but will take time). And the Sargent thing, I have no idea, but it will also be figured out!
I have FULL CONFIDENCE Chenford will be together! At the latest by the end of the season! (Hopefully/maybe sooner!)
He knows that Lucy won't break up with Chris right now because she feels guilty that he was harmed by Rosalind because Rosalind wanted to hurt her and because she'd almost cheated on him before she found him bleeding out on her sofa. Tim is hurting, but doing what he thinks is best for Lucy. Even if they were together he'd have wanted her to go to UC school, so that part is what he would have done anyway. But it was a double meaning for her to move on. Move on to a higher level of work and move on from him. He's being a good person and taking himself out of the equation since he knows she won't hurt Chris.
My heart. ❤️ She breaks. 💔
Awesome scene, awesome acting. Chenford not riding together anymore feels like the end of an era. They were the only original TO and rookie to stick together for the entire training program and extended that to Sgt and aide. I love how they went from strictly mentor/mentee, to true partners, and finally true friends. Hopefully this now opens the door to begin a couple which will be the best!
Lucy loves UC and wants to do it but she sees Tim's encouragement as a personal rejection. So angsty 😫
When the show began this guy was flipping out over what UC work did to his wife and he was a ticking time bomb until Lucy saved him literally (gunshot on day 1) and figuratively (reminding him of the man he really is and not tossing Isabel's stash).
We just have to ride it out. Goodbye Chris. Goodbye Ashley. Chris makes sense as a recurring character given he is an ADA. So I will accept it. Ashley comes back in 5.04 and it's called "The Choice." I would love for that to be her making Tim choose between her and Lucy. Goodbye real life Malibu Barbie. No offense to the actress. Her sister is also an actress on General Hospital and I follow their fashion blog lol.
Love your comment!
@VMars221… Love 💕 your breakdown of Tim & Lucy’s evolution from season 1 to present day. These two (2) have come a very long way. We’ve seen their growth as individuals; as partners/friends & it’s even more beautiful seeing their closeness as friends blossom into them both having fallen in love 💘 w/h one another.
It’s always cool in storylines when you as the viewer get to witness the evolving of a relationship. This #Chenford ride has been an awesome one despite obstacles & challenges that continue to ensue.
I know these two (2) will be okay. They’re going to make it because they are “each other’s person.” PERIODT! Their totally ying ☯️ yang, but they make sense. They will 💯% be together. They’re endgame without a doubt.
So they just leave the door open so Chris can hear everything.
They both have feelings for each other but , it’s scary for both of them ! I’m also glad they didn’t you know do it yet ,only because she’s still with Chris ! Hopefully Lucy and Tim realize they want each other and get together ! But they both need to be single which means Chris gots to go !
no puedo con esta escena.. Tim esta a punto de llorar... 😢😢😢😢😢
Also so beyond psyched that they acknowledged that something nearly happened between them. I really wish we saw the conclusion of that scene from s5e1. Some sideways glances, awkward silences, something, rather than skipping to this scene. Though, the "what are you doing here," and the way she says it has me thinking it's more of a "you should know better, after we "almost" we can't be in contact right now".......which sort of goes against her being upset he told her to go....its a little confusing. But I still appreciate the acknowledgment.
Best scene in the show thus far.
I hope there is going to be a Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas episode this season!
This caused me pain. Nothing but pain.
I agree with all of ya'll. They were very much true to their characters in this scene. Tim looking out for her and doing the right thing; Lucy feeling guilty but being straight up about the situation between them. But wtd did she start to take his words the wrong way? Im sad about that and I hope she will see he was trying to look out for her. Because, I mean its not like she broke up with Chris. Tim isn't a homewrecker and he wants what's best for her and her career, so that's what you get.
But anyway, I can't really say anymore than what has already been said by you guys EXCEPT! SHE LEFT THE DOOR OPEN during their talk. Maybe that didn't mean anything, but I thought that was strange. I hope Chris overheard and that ends their relationship.
Yes! She is the love of his life!!
This screen broke my heart
Não acredito que Tim está tentando se afastar da Lucy, mas não adianta o sentimento vai falar mais alto no final, assim espero, ainda torcendo pelo romance "Tim e Lucy"🥰😍🔥🇧🇷
O que aconteceu vc pode me dizer ?
@@beatrizmarcelinodeoliveira3036 eu estive olhando os vídeos do segundo episódio da temporada 5, não falo inglês, mas traduzi e Tim está dizendo a Lucy pra aceitar ir para algum lugar a serviço e ela diz pra ele que ele está querendo que ela fique longo por um tempo, mais ou menos isso. É só um pequeno vídeo do episódio.
Well done Bradford
It could be argued that that was quite the calculated move there from Chris- seek Tim's help, Tim feels even more guilty- backs off even more/is even less likely to pursue anything with Lucy. It's obviously not going to last between Lucy and Chris-zero chemistry.
Maybe Lucy will do what Tim did with his Sergeants post in Hollywood- say it's not the right time for her 🤷🏼♀️
Weird. I just hope they're not going to have Lucy go and then everything fizzle.
Or maybe Chris knows Lucy has feelings for Tim? and will let her go eventually
I think the training was supposed to be three weeks or something like that? My take from the preview is that she probably went and we had the time jump to catch up from summer and now she's back after training in this next episode.
I think Lucy didn't want to go to undercover school because her real intention was to take care of Chris until she got rid of her feelings of guilt and then do what she really wants to do: move forward with her relationship with Tim
As long as it's not another cooking show
And then her and Tim watch Top Chef together
“It’s time to move on “ that broke my heart ❤ because he was sending a deeper message then moving on from patrol it was moving on from him. 💔
I disagree. He's telling her to move on and take the opportunity to learn UC. I don't think he's implying that she also move on from her feelings for him. THAT is a whole other messy situation. It's hard to explain. And we all know she won't. She's in love with him.
yeah, the more times I watch it, I don't think he's implying move on from HIM. He's referring to moving on with her career. Moving on from being his gofer, Sargant's aid, etc
@@lisarm100 … Exactly! Lucy misinterpreted what he was conveying, but he was referring to her not blowing her opportunity she’s worked so hard for; sticking around playing nurse mate to Chris; staying b/c of himself or anyone else. Tim saw greatness in Lucy from the very beginning & he just wants her to sore in her greatness.
Tim has ALWAYS been supportive of Lucy’s career aspirations & endeavors & he could see she wasn’t about to choose wisely hence that chat 💬. Tim was 💯% right!
I actually asked Eric bc I wanted to be 100% sure. From Eric's pov, Tim does NOT mean moving on from HIM, like a lot of people thought.
I'm just not sure what Lucy thought it meant.
You could literally see Lucy's heart sink in her eyes 😢 Heartbreaking as it is, Bradford did the right thing though. It would be a disservice to their relationship if they started off as cheating on their significant others.
ohh my heart!!!!😓
Well, she is hurt in this scene. She can't really understand what is he doing, plus I do believe that this isn't the last we are seeing from those two.
The slight pause after she looks through the peephole… my heart pounds ❤
Imagine Rosalind kidnapped Tim and Lucy has to find him the parallels would be crazy
We were about to??? 👀 my my
These people........I cant
U people are playing with my heart 🤦♀️
I’m not okay with this 😭😭
Damn it, just tell each other how you feel !
Did Chris cut himself or was he attacked ?
Kidnapped by Rosalind on the way home from the DA's office, got his wrists cut vertically, dumped on Chen's couch, but saved at the nick of time
Jamie. You know it wouldn’t make sense if HE did it himself and Rosalind called Nolan to tell him to check on Lucy… right??
@@duchess2412 unless he was also working with Rosalind
@@duchess2412 I haven’t seen that scene because it’s not on RUclips. Won’t be ages before it airs here in the UK.
@@Mignon912 omg you might be onto something!
I ll be at their wedding.., it’s invisible the love bn both y’all
She broke his heart by calling a basic biology, inviting him in and then staying with Chris and he's putting distance between them the poor guy poor tim
This is something that Chen will NOT do for Bradford in Season 6. Her UC career will end their relationship. Bank on it.
What season and episode is this?
5x02 Labor Day
lets all be real. that was practically a break up of Chenford
@Paolo Vito… It was not, but I digress!
I get that was a lot of #Chenford fans interpretation, however, it wasn’t mine. I understood from the onset precisely what Tim was conveying to her.
I could have sworn I hear her said “girlfriend”
She said go-fer, which is what they often call the aide. But I could totally see how you could hear that because I heard it correctly the first time, but then when I watched a cut-together video of clips, it had me do a double-take.
Yeah it might have because I was super from staying up late. But when Lucy said “does this mean you don’t want me to be your Gofer anymore?” I swear I heard girlfriend.
I heard the same the 1st time I watched too!
She popped out a baby in 20 seconds. This show was sooooo good. Now this?
That trope has been around for quite a while. Very unrealistic, but not unusual for Hollywood. Also unrealistic that Nyla was invisible under the water. The pool is a whole separate issue as it is 2 feet tall on the outside, but some of positions she takes in the pool would require it being 3-4 feet deep. Obviously the set had some of the pool below the floor.
She'd been in labor for a while, and it was a second child. My SIL's second child was born incredibly quickly. Early labor was slow, but when the intense labor started it was a matter of a few minutes. It does happen.
I’m so pissed 😔🤬
im pissed too😭
What’s go-fer?
And aid for sergeant
@@anetkayeah Thank you
WHAT i missed an episode? What day and time does this show come on cause this scene just ruined my hopes for the next episode
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
That episode beats all the other in stupidity and that's a tall order... Can we get back to reality like we used to in season one PLEASE?!
I go to scream
Why does his voice sound weird?
Weird how?
To me it sounds like he's fighting back trying not to cry
Yeah. That’s what I mean. He sounds very emotional.
I am not waching this show anymore if the both off dem not in it 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😠😡😠😠😠😠😠😠😠
OH GOD not again! The SWAT version of this was just as 😣🥺🥺 Street and Chris did this too in SWAT S4, except it had them kiss... Chris going to TLI training and Street had that extremely risky liver transplant surgery... This version however... MUCH WORSE 💔💔
5x02 Labor Day
Are all the shippers just casually ignoring that these people have partners??? Its kind of yucky tbh
Uh..actors have that have partners kiss in movies or tv series all the time..what u smoking..smh
The shippers want them to be single as much as you do. It's the writers who wrote it this way.
@@rayfpdl Agreed! I'm a Chenford shipper, but I absolutely want the characters to be single before anything happens. Adultery *is* icky. I'm glad they got interrupted before doing anything because they shouldn't be cheating on their partners. I hope the writers end these other relationships first and then give Chenford a proper start.
Speaking for myself, I think this scene had to unfold exactly as it did. Sure, it's angsty, but of course, Tim is going to look out for Lucy's career first. And they need to separately figure out their romantic relationships, so it's not as though this conversation could've gone anywhere else...
@@andreking2949 the person talking about on the rookie
@@vocalnerd Yess Tim wants Lucy to be recognized for her work and she did ride with Tim for too long
Disappointing episode!😤 just one chenford scene, really??
Cheaters/almost cheaters make me SICK 🤢 here I was rooting for them because I thought they were now single! 😭
Tim couldn't make a first step to tell her about love . She was awaiting for that and got break up only. It's better to stay away from this idiot. She can find better.
What's Tim supposed to do? Lucy is the one who chose to stay with Chris out of guilt. Tim respected her choice even though it broke both their heart.
They're BOTH with other people right now. Lucy is with Chris and Tim is with Ashley. So Tim didn't break up with Lucy. They both need to break up with their respective relationships first. And Lucy wouldn't break up with Chris right now since she feels like it is her fault that he was attacked. Tim was looking out for her career and told her to go to UC school. He would have given her that EXACT SAME ADVICE if they had been dating. But the context and sub text would have been a lot different.
If Tim couldn't tell to himself that he loves Lucy or he doesn't know what he wants then stay with Ashley and sister family close. Maybe his life is unlimited.
I still think they shouldn’t get together…