Should you play Gwent in 2025? The Answer might surprise you!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 63

  • @LouisBerandoria
    @LouisBerandoria 4 дня назад +3

    27:35 🔥

  • @alexanderpopov3587
    @alexanderpopov3587 4 дня назад +37

    I have been playing SNAP for 2 years after GWENT official support finished and progressively have been feeling more and more miserable and frustrated. Fired up GWENT and remembered what a solid pretty, joyful and inteligent card game it is. I have to re-learn the meta but it is a nice adventure. I hope CDPR return to this game, it has so much more potential and people love it. Just bought the Ciri journey, will continue to support GWENT.

    • @LionHartCards
      @LionHartCards  3 дня назад +3

      That's great to hear!
      I'm really sad that Gwent support was ended so close to Witcher 4. It feels like such a missed opportunity but it'll always be here and fun for us!
      Enjoy Ciri's Journey! The story brought a tear to my eye when I first read it!

  • @denisskenderovic3707
    @denisskenderovic3707 2 дня назад +3

    Recently came back to it after a 2 year hiatus. I don't care if it's in maintenance mode. It's fun and that's all that counts.

  • @andre.neomotion
    @andre.neomotion 3 дня назад +10

    Platinum Patrol, Qcento, Shinmiri, Dosen and Lerio have been my daily Gwent escapades

  • @thecupofarts3789
    @thecupofarts3789 4 дня назад +18

    The more Gwent we play these days, the bigger the chances it will come back with Witcher 4.
    P.S. I source my copium at Shupe's shop.

  • @leon7793
    @leon7793 3 дня назад +5

    just got into gwent a couple weeks back for the first time, and found this channel. have been loving it all! thrilled to see this vid in my recommended!!

    • @LionHartCards
      @LionHartCards  3 дня назад +1

      It's great to see people still jumping into the game!
      It really is a special experience with a really amazing community. 🙏
      Welcome to Gwent!

  • @DeagleLas
    @DeagleLas 4 дня назад +5

    I've been around the whole Gwentfinnity and leaving apart the frustration of some balance council results, I've to say I've been having fun. I do miss the support and I do miss some content creators that I enjoyed watching, you included. It would be great if you could, from time to time, give us some content. Lionhart's joy and positivity are much missed!

    • @tiro0oO5
      @tiro0oO5 2 часа назад

      The positive vibes are truely something for the soul

  • @RustCohle072
    @RustCohle072 4 дня назад +9

    I missed the community too bro, like you said early on here.
    I'm thankful that some like Shinmiri post Gwent on RUclips, and that Shin and Lerio started the English voting coalition where they make suggestions based on a community poll they post, meaning English folk have a say in what gets changed. It's meant that for me, I feel that the community aspect hasn't entirely disappeared.
    I've been okay with no new cards, because when you think about it, a card getting buffed to playable levels by the community can make it feel like a new card, if it was never played during the time CDPR made changes.

    • @adrianchase9399
      @adrianchase9399 3 дня назад +1

      I also enjoy Kerepeten and Dauren recent content on YT too. Not as viewer friendly like Shin and Lerio but it is a start of a revival of this game.

  • @gavinblue3534
    @gavinblue3534 2 дня назад +3

    i also started playing again yesterday after about a year, was rank 18 myself. i suspected what you encountered in pro would happen so i have unaccepted the regulations ahead of time haha - about rank 5 currently not sure if ill stick with it but was fun getting this far

  • @malsirian0880
    @malsirian0880 2 дня назад +1

    This is so good to see - I just came back after being away for 1.5-2 years and have been really enjoying it! I really miss watching competitive Gwent weekends though =(

  • @adrianchase9399
    @adrianchase9399 3 дня назад +3

    Your experience with meta net decks control in pro rank is similar to mine.
    I actually play in 2500-2550 and it is a lot of same decks. However, it is totally winnable if you can pilot your decks well. The experience is not entirely awful and there is more deck diversity before Balance Council.

  • @paulwalton3391
    @paulwalton3391 3 дня назад +9

    Another very good content creator is Qcento and Platinum Patrol lionheart see speci's comeback as well!👍

    • @warriorkr
      @warriorkr 2 дня назад

      @@paulwalton3391 speci is a wanker, the rest are great though!

  • @TheRealIronMan
    @TheRealIronMan 2 дня назад +2

    I just started playing this game last month, I have been no life grinding 10+ hours a day non-stop lol Def worth it for me

  • @DarkTheHunterTheReal
    @DarkTheHunterTheReal 4 дня назад +2

    I think the excitement of getting new cards is an essential part of any tcg, even if it means power creep. The balance council can make great stuff (giving a chance for unplayed/barely played cards), but as you said it's mostly a nerf cycle.
    I personnaly left gwent about 7 months after gwenfinity started, and not that much because of the council but I actually felt bored playing against the same decks over and over (some nerfs also went after meme cards for whatever reason)

  • @lukeshannon7525
    @lukeshannon7525 2 дня назад +1

    I think it’s still awesome and my favourite game. Thanks for continuing to create content

  • @Boss__CQC
    @Boss__CQC 3 дня назад +1

    I’m coming back to Gwent for the first time in a few years. What a time to join huh? I’m familiar with the core mechanics therefore, but I have no idea about cards, decks or the meta whatsoever. I was hoping to find a channel to help as a guide, but it’s been tough to find people still engaged who don’t assume existing knowledge. It’s quite overwhelming to learn the game on your own from scratch at this stage in 2024. I saw your videos just yesterday from 2 years ago and wished you were still around. And bizarrely here’s a video today discussing the general state of the game. Glad to see you’re still enjoying Gwent. I agree with you, there is nothing quite like Gwent.

    • @LionHartCards
      @LionHartCards  3 дня назад

      Gwent content is definitely aimed at people with a presumed amount of knowledge these days because of it's stage of life but there are still some really helpful communities out there! Feel free to ask anything in our discord or live streams :)
      Welcome back to Gwent!

  • @freddielizzard5467
    @freddielizzard5467 2 дня назад +2

    Gwent is coming back in Witcher 4 in 2025, so hopefully CDPR will relaunch this game 🙏🙏🙏

  • @ZerrikanianWitcher
    @ZerrikanianWitcher День назад +1

    Now that Witcher 4 is dropping, I hope this game gets a bigger fan base and new dev support

  • @RustCohle072
    @RustCohle072 3 дня назад +1

    Some of those highlight clips you shared here made me laugh out loud. 😂

    • @LionHartCards
      @LionHartCards  3 дня назад

      I could have added another 20 honestly but the video was already so long 😂
      Glad you liked them!

  • @Selumiana
    @Selumiana 2 дня назад +1

    I hope that with Witcher 4 they bring Gwent 2

  • @martijnschuurhof395
    @martijnschuurhof395 День назад +1

    I quit when they announced Gwenfinity. I'm playing Marvel Snap now, but I'm not really a big fan of the Marvel universe. The game itself is okay to play a few quick games, but it's not more than that. And it's frustrating because it's becoming more and more pay 2 play. So I'm getting tired of that. I'm looking to get back into Gwent now, it's the only game like this I really enjoyed playing and watching on stream. Have to learn the meta and the mechanics again, but I'm ready to dive into it.

  • @MichaelLoda
    @MichaelLoda 4 дня назад +4


  • @kaltlicht
    @kaltlicht 3 дня назад +1

    second comment to say great video, I enjoyed your take and got me thinking a little more about jumping back in at least casually MAYBE!

    • @LionHartCards
      @LionHartCards  3 дня назад

      I am definitely more likely to play the odd game or two again! Just for the fun of it 😂

  • @luv78ful
    @luv78ful 3 дня назад +1

    I really enjoy my time in gwent and i hope with the announcement of Witcher 4 some player return and maaybe it get a revive oficial patch, i will come back and see that last expansion that i miss ❤️

  • @Le5nY
    @Le5nY 4 дня назад +3

    You have to play gwent

  • @specracer28
    @specracer28 3 дня назад

    In regards to the balance council, the battle over Renfri free has been legendary there isn't a single balance counsel where that card isn't, buffed or nerfed.
    Personally, I would admit that I will never stop voting to nerf it until that card is 19 provisions and 1 point😂

  • @konosmgr
    @konosmgr 3 дня назад

    Gwent open beta before midwinter patch was peak cardgame experience. Game really was not anywhere close to the same level of complexity and fun post homecoming.

    • @LionHartCards
      @LionHartCards  3 дня назад

      I couldn't disagree more personally.
      Did you come back and play after homecoming or did it make you leave out of curiosity?
      Pre homecoming Gwent was basic, rigid and narrow in complexity compared with Gwent later on. Just on the basis of card pool, available mechanics and deck diversity beta Gwent doesn't hold a candle to what they left us.
      At launch, homecoming was definitely a boring, soulless shambles but they absolutely repaired that and surpassed everything that came before in the last few years of support.
      The work they put in to the game in that last 12 months was better than the 5 before combined in my view and I really wish they got to keep building. 😢 Wasn't to be.

    • @konosmgr
      @konosmgr 2 дня назад

      @LionHartCards yeah I reached multiple top ladder months post hc. I was for 3-4 weeks top 1 in the eu ladder in December right before the midwinter patch, I really loved gwent but the decks during that time like monster nekkers and especially ng spies could not be replicated after hc. I think ng spies in open beta was probably the most complex deck in Gwent. Also other meme decks like swims' fringila were fun af.

  • @GamingGenius247
    @GamingGenius247 3 дня назад +1

    Witcher 4 loading that means Gwent loading too! 😎😎😎

  • @dannyavery5578
    @dannyavery5578 3 дня назад +1

    Cheers fella!!

  • @finn24548
    @finn24548 4 дня назад +4

    I’m bout to start playing this game and doesn’t knows anything any recommendations?

    • @LionHartCards
      @LionHartCards  4 дня назад +2

      If you check through my videos there is a starter guide for the Northern Realms Faction which also discussed gameplay basics!

    • @MichaelLoda
      @MichaelLoda 4 дня назад

      @@finn24548 yes, play Scoiatael!

  • @mojtaba3334
    @mojtaba3334 3 дня назад +3

    Hello Lion Heart

  • @kaltlicht
    @kaltlicht 3 дня назад +1

    I had no idea about the cosmetics, wow T.T

  • @vrarthur7720
    @vrarthur7720 3 дня назад

    if they can revert back to an old gwent before home coming update i will come back 100%

    • @TheZomboy11
      @TheZomboy11 2 дня назад

      Check out DIYgwent, fan made remake of old beta gwent and its excellent with new cards every few months

  • @hikkikimori
    @hikkikimori 2 дня назад +1

    i love gwent!!!! i love you!!!!!!!!

  • @every.single.time.2668
    @every.single.time.2668 2 дня назад +1

    Just got back into gwent after a 4 month absence, and it's still an amazing and annoying game. Made it to r3 so far with scoiatel madoc relicts. Loving the deck diversity throughout the week, the weekend warriors with their never-ending NG status decks, not so much.

  • @santiagosayshey7851
    @santiagosayshey7851 3 дня назад +1


  • @anthonyshowtime92
    @anthonyshowtime92 2 дня назад +1

    I miss a lot watching all the creators( you, Spyro , maruth, qcento specy ecc) than steal your decks and compete 😂

  • @joaoribeiro6641
    @joaoribeiro6641 2 дня назад +1

    Just have a word with CDPR for a surprise expansion :D

  • @mattk6997
    @mattk6997 3 дня назад

    I recently quit Gwent (sadly). The BC tribes with the most influence keep pushing a more and more dumbed down game of point slam and control. SK Raids, NG Renfri or soldier spam, MO fruits control, cheap thinners and tutors, etc. Try to nerf any of that and it gets reverted immediately. It’s turned the engine factions (SY and NR) into endangered species and made the whole game feel tedious, repetitive, and frustrating.
    I guess the remaining mostly low-skill player base wants to bring the game down to their level instead of learning to improve. Maybe that’s too cynical, but it feels that way. I think we’re closer than you think to the death spiral point of large numbers of players getting bored and leaving for good. Hope I’m wrong, we’ll see.

    • @LionHartCards
      @LionHartCards  3 дня назад

      If you only just quit after plaing for 12 months with Gwentfinity I can understand why you'd feel that way! I wager a large chunk of people left when I did or before and will find a lot of fun still, certainly in the initial few hours.
      My thoughts on the balance council don't fall far from yours overall haha

  • @Qcento
    @Qcento 3 дня назад +2

    I'll buy that jacket off ya ;)

    • @LionHartCards
      @LionHartCards  3 дня назад +1

      Haha it's from the original Gwent Challengers.
      Definitely not for sale 😝
      The back is even cooler I won't lie 😎

  • @Sensei_Witcher
    @Sensei_Witcher 4 дня назад +2

  • @romagoma4532
    @romagoma4532 3 дня назад +1

    Dead game with no options to change any cars everywhere same decks. Honestly no way