its definitely not for everyone - I have taken about 200 people up in fast jets and warbirds and id say 10% max are able to handle the G & disorientation naturally. For those that can handle it and those that go one to become aero pilots, its a build up of tolerance and like fitness or playing a musical instrument, you retain some of it but need to keep it sharp. But despite your kind words, we are not super human, just lucky genetically and then a lot of hard work to fine tune what nature gave us. Ordinary people doing an extraordinary job.
U know i am studying school which owns special type of L-39 called MS (L-39 MS) for education purposes. Only 6 of these planes were made. I love to see that this old airplane is still operational for civil purposes
The aircraft was designed and manufactured in the 80's. years in Czechoslovakia designed for more advanced training military pilots of jet aircraft. In its time it was the best jet trainer in the world. For its flight characteristics, ease of maneuverability and simplicity, is at the pilots are still very popular
The aircraft was actually designed in the 60s and manufactured from 71 to 96. Anyway, i'm glad you mentioned its country of origin, the red stars on wings could be quite misleading. I wonder who painted them and why. My guess - the current owner wanted to culturally appropriate the aircraft (i don't think he wanted to disrespect or troll people who made it, considering he flies and probably likes the plane).
Designed in the 60s and first took flight in '68... Many of these things were sold off to private pilots in the 90s when the Soviet Union collapsed, i know of 2 people personally that bought these planes in the 90s dirt cheap, had it disassembled, and shipped over here, only to spend much much more on upgrading the avionics and every other part of the aircraft to make it FAA compliant. Buying the plane itself was only a fraction of what it would cost to make it flight worthy in the USA. One guy i know here in Plano, Illinois had one on the runway he was upgrading, he only paid $150,000 for the aircraft. It cost over $1,000,000 to upgrade it. And that was in 1998.
We have an L39 at our local airport here in North East Victoria, Australia and for $1,400 AUD you can fly passenger for 15min. I want to do it for my 40th birthday in a cpl months time. Looks awesome.
Thanks, Amelia! I feel so lucky to have had that experience. 45 North Aviation is pretty spectacular if you ever find yourself in Northern Michigan :).
I flew in an L39 in LA this summer and hit 6.5 G's a handful of times for up to 5 seconds each time. I was good except going 300mph straight down then pulling straight up towards space made me ever so slightly gray out. Only thing that made me cry during the flight was how beautiful the earth is seeing it in almost every direction.
I don't usually sub, but 1, your reactions are so cute in this video, 2, your commentary is epic! 3, I want to do this also! Keep up the great work, here have a like too.
To be honest I don't remember how long it was, this was a few years ago now! It was a substantial length of time, maybe 20 minutes? As far as the amount of Gs, we really played that by ear. I think the pilot pushed to what he could tell was comfortable and safe for me.
@@SarahMichals * . * you answered!!! hahah hopefully some day i'll fly in one of those... at least for a day hahahah xD Have a happy new year and keep amazing the world!!!
@Geir Andrè Tonning It was manufactured in Czechoslovakia, but almost every Warsaw Pact country used it. Even the Soviet Union. And that's probably why there are red stars on this plane. It's not historically inaccurat.
This plane is flying privetely in many other countries where democracy works better - and I bet in many where it doesn't work at all - so there is nothing special about freedom when we talk about it. Video is nice, music a bit loud, but I love this plane. :-)
@@SarahMichals I'm sorry sarah, I didn't mean it badly for you but in general. You looks and talk great ;-) I really appreciate I wouldn't say a word to myself.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV, Jesus Christ is the only way.......
she is literally the best passenger you could possibly imagine in a small plane
Her commentary took the video to a whole new level.
Best "Ride along" Ive seen. She never stopped smiling and giggling. Love how much she enjoyed it.
My favorite l39 video so far. Love the aerobatics, the footage quality, and the m83 choice of music. One day I'll have my own jet!!! Cheers.
Your favourite? :-\
Hmm....,, How about Dexter Holland's video? ;-)
hey! Thanks for being genuine and transfering the joy. Made me happy as a former member of the company that made it.
These pilots are like super human. The fact they can handle this while flying.
its definitely not for everyone - I have taken about 200 people up in fast jets and warbirds and id say 10% max are able to handle the G & disorientation naturally. For those that can handle it and those that go one to become aero pilots, its a build up of tolerance and like fitness or playing a musical instrument, you retain some of it but need to keep it sharp. But despite your kind words, we are not super human, just lucky genetically and then a lot of hard work to fine tune what nature gave us. Ordinary people doing an extraordinary job.
U know i am studying school which owns special type of L-39 called MS (L-39 MS) for education purposes. Only 6 of these planes were made. I love to see that this old airplane is still operational for civil purposes
Same me year 2003-2007 :)
Wrong, L-39MS (or L-59) were manufactured 80 pcs (mainly for Egypt)... Grounded teaching one is first prototype of L-39MS (X-21, or OK-184).
This lady was born with natural wings
You genuinely have enjoyed it...🙂
This is amazing!!!
The aircraft was designed and manufactured in the 80's. years in Czechoslovakia designed for more advanced training military pilots of jet aircraft. In its time it was the best jet trainer in the world. For its flight characteristics, ease of maneuverability and simplicity, is at the pilots are still very popular
The aircraft was actually designed in the 60s and manufactured from 71 to 96. Anyway, i'm glad you mentioned its country of origin, the red stars on wings could be quite misleading. I wonder who painted them and why. My guess - the current owner wanted to culturally appropriate the aircraft (i don't think he wanted to disrespect or troll people who made it, considering he flies and probably likes the plane).
@@cinskybuhsrandy5099 Or, possibly, the aircraft was bought from Russian surplus and then it would make sense.
@@cinskybuhsrandy5099 Russia was the major customer. The biggest amount of planes went to Soviet Union and from there to US.
Designed in the 60s and first took flight in '68... Many of these things were sold off to private pilots in the 90s when the Soviet Union collapsed, i know of 2 people personally that bought these planes in the 90s dirt cheap, had it disassembled, and shipped over here, only to spend much much more on upgrading the avionics and every other part of the aircraft to make it FAA compliant. Buying the plane itself was only a fraction of what it would cost to make it flight worthy in the USA. One guy i know here in Plano, Illinois had one on the runway he was upgrading, he only paid $150,000 for the aircraft. It cost over $1,000,000 to upgrade it. And that was in 1998.
@@nikolamarko9345it was built in the Czech Republic by the Letov aircraft company.
We have an L39 at our local airport here in North East Victoria, Australia and for $1,400 AUD you can fly passenger for 15min. I want to do it for my 40th birthday in a cpl months time. Looks awesome.
Really 😲
Same in Bathurst, NSW. I am 15 now but I'm totally gonna do it when I am older and have the money
Very cheap for such fun
Three days ago I was gifted this for my 40th from my wife!
I honestly can’t believe I’m going to do it.
Best attitude ever 😉
Thanks, Amelia! I feel so lucky to have had that experience. 45 North Aviation is pretty spectacular if you ever find yourself in Northern Michigan :).
Amazing ! Greetings from France.
6,5G Respect :D
Saw a Video from a guy crying around at 5Gs :D
That was Tom Cruise. lol
I flew in an L39 in LA this summer and hit 6.5 G's a handful of times for up to 5 seconds each time. I was good except going 300mph straight down then pulling straight up towards space made me ever so slightly gray out. Only thing that made me cry during the flight was how beautiful the earth is seeing it in almost every direction.
Looks like you are feeling zero gravity as well. Awesome.
I don't usually sub, but 1, your reactions are so cute in this video, 2, your commentary is epic! 3, I want to do this also! Keep up the great work, here have a like too.
Where did you do this at? And was that cockpit footage from their video package or did you put that cam there ?
Freedom indeed!!
is there a flight simulator training before the actual flying?
Euh no
I didn't take part in one!
Omg I hope soon I can experience that ❤
Amazing 🥰
Big beautiful smile through all of those maneuvers, even with 6.5 times her body weight squishing her!
So good! thanks for flying over my parents house.
That was the laugh of someone thproughly enjoying the experience rather than a nervous almost suppressed giggle
I wanna go! Love it
Amazing video!
How long was your flight for? And can you request the pilot to do the max 8Gs???
To be honest I don't remember how long it was, this was a few years ago now! It was a substantial length of time, maybe 20 minutes? As far as the amount of Gs, we really played that by ear. I think the pilot pushed to what he could tell was comfortable and safe for me.
@@SarahMichals thank you for such a detailed response! I appreciate it! 😊
@@SarahMichals such a awesome video
Afaik the max G’s for the L-39 is 6.5. Correct me if im wrong
@@124th_Trigger it's 8
where do you sign up for this
Miss ya on the news up here!
very cool
My first aircraft
giiiiiiiiiiiiiirl you can take some geeeees most ppl cant take more than 4g hahah
Hahahah it was truly incredible! Thanks!
@@SarahMichals * . * you answered!!! hahah hopefully some day i'll fly in one of those... at least for a day hahahah xD Have a happy new year and keep amazing the world!!!
Really training in one of this at the Nigerian airforce
Awesome flight 🤙
The use of fortunate son got me laughing
hey can i fly this jet on PPL
i will do it one day , my dream
i love you sarah
The Fortunate Son soundtrack is Not Authorized for fixed wing operations ;)
Why the music?
Hey I'm flying L-39!
Nice. Is that in France?
Last time I checked, Michigan was still in the United States. Listen at 1:56 of the video.
Here after OLA allegedly brought down Ethiopian Air Force’s L39 (one of their light fighting jet)
Fighter jet? No, it's a trainer jet 😆
Its nota a figther is a traning jet.
haha indeed, and at best a ground attack aircraft
@@dirknigrini9148it's still a fighter jet.
those are a lot of G's indeed =)
Would be nice if someone can stop that music.
Why is it painted as some russian jet's are and with the star even. Makes me wonder tho.
It's a soviet era trainer jet used by combloc countries...
@Geir Andrè Tonning It was manufactured in Czechoslovakia, but almost every Warsaw Pact country used it. Even the Soviet Union. And that's probably why there are red stars on this plane. It's not historically inaccurat.
Done this in an L29, would lo e a ride in an L39....
She took 6.5Gs incredibly well, she should train to be a pilot.
This plane is flying privetely in many other countries where democracy works better - and I bet in many where it doesn't work at all - so there is nothing special about freedom when we talk about it. Video is nice, music a bit loud, but I love this plane. :-)
obviously 4G is not enough to keep the girl silent for a while :-))
My job is to talk and continue reporting, so a couple Gs isn't gonna stop that
@@SarahMichals I'm sorry sarah, I didn't mean it badly for you but in general. You looks and talk great ;-) I really appreciate I wouldn't say a word to myself.
She looks like Jenny from Forrest Gump as a little girl
Hi I’m the daughter of Slava I just want to say you are a little weird!
Катать надо в первой кабине а не во второй)
Great video, only could do without the obnoxious music
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV, Jesus Christ is the only way.......
Woman. always talking too much