"Probezeit" in German work contracts: What is it and why does it exist?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 13

  • @HalloGermany
    @HalloGermany  2 года назад

    Need help understanding Probezeit and other things to look out for in German work contracts? Then this checklist is the right one for you: hallogermany.com/blog/employment-contracts-germany

  • @rishabramaswamy5761
    @rishabramaswamy5761 3 года назад

    Ich habe Angst vor der Probezeit. Danke für die Einblicke Jana! Es wäre schön, wenn Sie ein komplette Diskussion über dieses Thema organisieren könnten.
    z.B Auf welche Aspekten sollen wir uns am meisten konzentrieren, um erfolgreich zu sein?

  • @arundulam6152
    @arundulam6152 Год назад

    Video is very helpful. Thank you so much. I have a question - What type of visa (Blue card or Resident Permit) is offered by German companies for someone who has the new salary more than 80000 Euros/Annum?

    • @HalloGermany
      @HalloGermany  11 месяцев назад

      Hi, thanks for your comment. The type of visa you get depends on factors like the annual salary and your qualifications and is subject to the decision of the German authorities. If you have a recognized academic degree or work as a software developer, then chances are high that you could apply for an EU Blue Card. Take a look at our visa quiz to learn more: hallogermany.com/#visacheck

  • @mac900282660
    @mac900282660 3 года назад +1

    Quick question: How common is it to negotiate probezeit ? Like from 6 to 4 months for example

  • @autumnko4622
    @autumnko4622 2 года назад +1

    Thanks for the video, it was very helpful to see the neutral view

  • @valeriamoretti4038
    @valeriamoretti4038 Год назад

    if I worked half a month and I need to quit asap, without giving the 2 weeks notice, do I still get paid for the shifts I've worked during that month? Thank you!

    • @HalloGermany
      @HalloGermany  Год назад

      Hi Valeria, maybe it says something on this in your work contract?

  • @mohamedmahmoud-mv9dl
    @mohamedmahmoud-mv9dl 10 месяцев назад

    how to pass probezeit as a software engineer

  • @charlesmichaelschmitt6412
    @charlesmichaelschmitt6412 Год назад

    😂 BS! 6 months no problens, I never get the extended after a year, that means not fired. Contract just ends. They want me back I don't play games! Why don't you Companies grow a brean cell and some integrety!

  • @bluewooda
    @bluewooda 11 месяцев назад

    Hi, I am on a probezeit in my new workplace in Germany. I was sick for 7 days and have provided a sick note from the doctor within 3 days as specifies in my contract. Should I expect a bad outcome becouse of this ? What likely will happen ?

    • @HalloGermany
      @HalloGermany  11 месяцев назад

      Hi, if you have notified everyone on time and provided a sick note then it should usually be fine. Hope you are doing better now.

  • @cielog.6660
    @cielog.6660 3 года назад +2

    Hi, i really appreciate your Videos, it is really helpful. I have questions about my work contract. Is it possible if I may send you an email for consultation? I will appreciate your response. Thank you