Hi, I'm afraid the video is misleading - on completion of a service there should not be a Megaseal tamper tag and tamper/transit pin cover (one or the other) otherwise the force needed to remove the cable tag and cover is too high (20 - 27 seconds on video). Equally at 1.18 there should not be a cable tamper tag and chubbs own OK tab. Again, the force required to remove both could be too high.
Do you place an anti tamper tag onto a ok pin as well once serviced?
You Can do both but it is only needed to do 1
A very handy video ruined by showing incorrect practice
Hi, I'm afraid the video is misleading - on completion of a service there should not be a Megaseal tamper tag and tamper/transit pin cover (one or the other) otherwise the force needed to remove the cable tag and cover is too high (20 - 27 seconds on video). Equally at 1.18 there should not be a cable tamper tag and chubbs own OK tab. Again, the force required to remove both could be too high.