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  • @BuJammy
    @BuJammy 2 месяца назад +3

    I think it was Jonathan Swift that said "'T'was a brave man that first saw an oyster and thought "I should eat that"".
    I really like them, but it seems you either love them or hate them.

  • @WolfgangLizana
    @WolfgangLizana 2 месяца назад +3

    Lmao That was ME Jamie's talking about at 37:30. 😂I feel honored to have been verbally bitchslapped by Jamie here😂 I'm doing juijitsu 4-6 days a week and wanting to bring my deadlift up as quickly as possible. So i asked his opinion on high frequency deadlifts, or potentially a daily max approach. Since Jamie's old articles & Issuance Of Insanity discussed ways of pulling every day using variations. It only takes 20-30 minutes to get a daily deadlift session in, even at max intensities. And I work at a Gym, so its really not a matter of not having a life. And I deadlift with the girls I date, so its not a lack of girlfriend either. Its more a matter of, I wanna do what ever it takes to get strong af on top of beasting at grappling. I've been training relatively high frequency on the barbel lifts on top of jitz for a year or two & I havent died yet lmao I really enjoy hard training. Sort of addicted to going hard in the paint. 🤣🤣 just randomly watching the stream & i heard this. Had me laughing my ass off🤣🤣 (I do own Jamie's Backed By Deadlifts protocol btw.)

    • @carvedouttastone
      @carvedouttastone 2 месяца назад +1

      Hilarious. Dude, I say that Jamie wrote that article when he did because it worked for him at the time. He may think there's "better ways" now, but man, if you're having fun and getting after it, enthusiasm counts for a heck of a lot when it comes to making progress. Deadlift everyday for a phase - it's not gonna kill you - and at least you'll know if it worked or not. The rules of lifting is there are no rules. Thanks for listening and commenting brother

  • @stind1299
    @stind1299 Месяц назад +1

    Really interesting dietary perpectives at the start. I love the idea of taking commonalities across history to determine the best muscle building diet. Meat and potatoes, which sits well with me.
    The delve into woman's bodybuilding was facinating. The insight by Jamie on how women make things more complicated due to finese was really enlightening and explains so much.
    I tend to view the bodybuilders that are unknown to me. Laura Coombs does look good in her prime. I decided to look up Kelly Everts and the pictures...Lets just say it was not her muscle tone I noticed. She is an out and out exhibitionist.

    • @carvedouttastone
      @carvedouttastone Месяц назад +1

      Check out my short on Kelly with Franco and Arnold. Funny story. Thanks Stind!

  • @BuJammy
    @BuJammy 2 месяца назад +1

    It's the old desired/admired thing. Some guys cannot imagine admiring a woman without that element of desire. It's something most guys have in the back of their mind, in different forms. I remember a friend saying he was jealous of a colleague of his - she was great at her job, as a research chemist - and another friend asking "Is it really possible to be jealous of a woman, if you're a man?". As much as I hate to admit it, I know what he meant.
    (anyway, three comments on one video should be my limit - awesome podcast, as always).

    • @carvedouttastone
      @carvedouttastone 2 месяца назад

      Kinda like that old joke - What do you call a woman you don't desire? You don't. I just made that shit up btw lol

  • @PhilipManas
    @PhilipManas 2 месяца назад +1

    Is beef better than pork?

  • @_CoachW
    @_CoachW 2 месяца назад +1

    Just my perspective but I feel an enhanced game would just so how little a difference the PEDs make. Do they make a difference? Yes. But after being able to witness a variety of athletes, it really isn't as big as people think. The ones at the top would still be the same ones at the top, they just might not be there for as long of a period of time.
    A bigger difference I feel would have been the role of painkillers in sports. EPO has nothing on cortisone shots in the difference it has made. Of course that's just my anecdotal experience.

    • @carvedouttastone
      @carvedouttastone 2 месяца назад +2

      Hmmm, I don't know about not making a difference - maybe in some sports. Take Bodybuilding for example when there was "drug testing" in the IFBB and the minor WBF, the guys looked like shit. They probably didn't even endure the stringent modem testing methods Olympic athletes endure and still it was a.$hitshow. Open slather - you get Dorian Yates (oh I forgot it's his HIT protocol and not the considerably cheaper and ubiquitous European GH of the era)
      Drug testing in sports is as big a sham as the war on drugs - the dude smoking joints from dawn till dusk (in this case Jamie) should.know this better than anyone 😂😂
      Agree with you regarding the pain killers

    • @_CoachW
      @_CoachW 2 месяца назад +1

      @@carvedouttastone Fair enough. In regards to hypertrophy hard to argue against the impact of PEDs. And in straight expression of power like lifting competitions as well. I must concede to that.
      I just feel where the more mobile the athlete needs to be, the lesser of an impact. Obviously drugs help and you can find evidence of gladiators searching for ways to improve performance.
      Just the more I have seen the more I think if it was all drug free or all drugs allowed. The change in... rankings I guess () of the all time great athletes wouldn't change much.
      Kind of to Jamie's point, the reason certain people are ahead of you athletically more often than not isn't drugs. And if more people accepted that they would probably make more progress overall.

    • @carvedouttastone
      @carvedouttastone 2 месяца назад +1

      It would level the playing field tho counter to his point about only the rich guys being able to afford the evasion techniques (I found much of what JL said on this topic contradictory, personally). When I say PEDs I'm not limiting them to drugs which give a size and strength advantage alone - there's more that comes into play than just androgens and anabolics in terms of performance enhancement
      The top performers will always be the top performers, but drugs definitely help - take the sudden appearance of the obviously doped Chinese swim team back in the 90s or the sudden dominance of east german doped athletes rising to prominence overnight before that. I don't buy Jamie's argument that drugs make no difference.

  • @ns-ds4sp
    @ns-ds4sp 2 месяца назад +2

    Another great show lads.
    Jaime! Arnold talled about daily deadlifting in his original bb programing, is this Arnold giving us "the wrong advices" or is there something to it? Cheers mates❤❤

    • @carvedouttastone
      @carvedouttastone 2 месяца назад

      Cheers mate. I asked Jamie to do a future episode telling us what present day Jamie would fight old Jamie on and he replied "practically everything". He apologized last episode for.reversiing himself on so many issues, but that's growth and wisdom for you I guess

  • @BuJammy
    @BuJammy 2 месяца назад +1

    The untested games will be as successful as XFL.

    • @carvedouttastone
      @carvedouttastone 2 месяца назад +1

      You mean, like the drug tested WBF, to draw a bodybuilding analogy 😂

    • @BuJammy
      @BuJammy 2 месяца назад

      @@carvedouttastone Yes! Great example.

  • @electronicraisin5956
    @electronicraisin5956 2 месяца назад +2

    jamie talk about that leatherface figurine behind you already ffs

    • @carvedouttastone
      @carvedouttastone 2 месяца назад +1

      I'll ask but he's always been a big horror buff

    • @electronicraisin5956
      @electronicraisin5956 2 месяца назад

      @@carvedouttastone could you also ask him why crossfit is so popular with women and how do they remain feminine in the face despite being built like tanks, i know they take winstrol and primo tablets but those are harsher on the androgenic side

    • @carvedouttastone
      @carvedouttastone 2 месяца назад

      @electronicraisin5956 you know for a fact they all take winstrol and primo? Just those two, nothing else?

    • @electronicraisin5956
      @electronicraisin5956 2 месяца назад

      @@carvedouttastone from what I heard from anabolic bodybuilding and bodybuilder in thailand, they take those, in addition to gh+insulin and npp. All short ester compounds to avoid virilization

    • @carvedouttastone
      @carvedouttastone 2 месяца назад

      @@electronicraisin5956 and they know this for a fact that ALL the CrossFit girls take these? Impressive

  • @stevepace-first8617
    @stevepace-first8617 2 месяца назад +1

    I don know how much of JLs evolution is trying to stay popular, but a lot of what he now says I argued with him over the years. Keep away the drugs, you don’t need much animal based food ( not that from a purely health/ lifting perspective animal based is so bad) being massive is dumb. The only point l want to e across to him, and because he is a smart man and a historian, is to understand that all the mainstream crap about socialism/ communism/ Marxiism should not simply be Swallowed by anyone with a brain, there is a complexity a man of his calibre would do well to understand. It may sound counterintuitive,to most, but to profoundly understand the world, to be a historian, this is key. I say this because JL is not the usual dumbass.

    • @sitraahra4594
      @sitraahra4594 2 месяца назад

      Humans are hypercarnivores who, according to current knowledge, subsisted almost exclusively on meat for around 2 million years. Nutritional epidemiology is pseudoscience. Socialism can only work if it is voluntary, such as cooperatives in a (free) market economy.

    • @BuJammy
      @BuJammy 2 месяца назад

      He's never gonna f@ck you.
      You've pursued Jamie across at least two platforms, probably more. He's made it very clear that you're no more than an annoyance to him. It's just not happening. Jamie Lewis is never gonna f@ck you, or be your friend, or say "golly gosh, I guess you were right the whole time".
      Just take the hint and give it up, man. It's never going to happen.

    • @carvedouttastone
      @carvedouttastone 2 месяца назад

      Or come on the show when we host it live and ask your questions there - as long as they're not "unwinnable" topics involving political/religious/racial ideology - it's open slather. If you want to debate that $hit though, it's not the channel/show for you.

    • @carvedouttastone
      @carvedouttastone 2 месяца назад +1

      "don't need much animal based food"'re literally talking to a guy who's been thriving on a carnivore diet, and whose health goes down the toilet every time I deviate - you're not gonna convince me of that argument, sorry.
      I don't care what anyone says to the contrary including JL. I'd stack my 50 year old strength and physique against his and many others who wish to argue differently as I'm stronger and look better than I ever did compared to my 20s or 30s

  • @woahblackbettybamalam
    @woahblackbettybamalam 2 месяца назад +9

    South Africa is a nightmare now, it was far better during apartheid.

    • @carvedouttastone
      @carvedouttastone 2 месяца назад +5

      What a fuckn disaster. I guess they "won" and those "defeated" kinda had their point proven for them. But you're right - what an absolute $hitshow it is there now for literally everyone except for those in the top tier leadership doing everything their "exploiters" did, multiplied and minus any future infrastructure improvements. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me because I'm definitely not an expert on this. But I wonder what the average black person thinks about their situation in that country these days...

    • @stevepace-first8617
      @stevepace-first8617 2 месяца назад +1

      I don know If this political stuff interests many who watch this channel, and I will be brief. The problem is capitalism. There is no better day coming this side of revolution, if ever. Is revolution coming? Who knows, but outside of that, expect worse. Then far worse. Kept it simple.

    • @electronicraisin5956
      @electronicraisin5956 2 месяца назад

      @@stevepace-first8617 ye, people can spasm all they want about the red scare, but it truly is the only solution to the free fall into completely misery that started since the 80's neoliberal reforms. How many economic crashes people need to be force-fed to them by the elite to realise that it is them who preach "free market will save us all"

    • @sitraahra4594
      @sitraahra4594 2 месяца назад

      @@electronicraisin5956 The problem is that they preach free markets, but in reality they promote corporate capitalism. For a free-market critique of capitalism, see the material from the Alliance of the Libertarian Left.

    • @sitraahra4594
      @sitraahra4594 2 месяца назад +1

      People develop a nostalgia for the apartheid era just as there is a nostalgia for the Soviet Union (“Ostalgie”). I think there must be a lot going wrong for people to think like that.

  • @garyholdcroft2988
    @garyholdcroft2988 2 месяца назад +2

    Another great video keep em coming my take on the best bodybuilding mag iron man by peary rader I still have about 50 of them still.get them out on a rainy day for a read bodybuilding power lifting olympic lifting old time strong men it iron man covered it

    • @carvedouttastone
      @carvedouttastone 2 месяца назад +1

      Ahh shit yeah I totally forgot about ironman. Problem was,.we only had the Aussie version which was full of local naff content. Would love to get my hands on some of those old peaty radar editions someday tho
      I still have my full collection,.albeit digital of MM 2000 which I love

    • @BuJammy
      @BuJammy 2 месяца назад +2

      @@carvedouttastone Get "Complete keys to progress" by John McCullum. It's good stuff.