IFSCL 3.3.0 - Trailer [ Code Lyoko Game ]
- Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
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FAQ :en.codelyoko.fr...
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Music used : Firestorm Appears / The Nuclear Man Edited (The Flash OST)
The IFSCL is a fan game created by Immu, you can check the rest of his work on www.alexisfolet...
The original actor participate in this version... No words...
Dude nice job on getting the original English voice actor, that's some dedication, and I wouldn't be surprised if moonscoop contacts you.
Killer Baby Well excuse me for not knowing.
you never know.maybye he alredy did.do you know there wan a re-make of code lyoko wich was named code lyoko evolution and it cut off for no reason at episode 26.that's becouse moonscoop went bankrupt maybye moonscoop will contact immudelki and will try to collaborate with him.moonscoop would be making the storylike wich continues in code lyoko evolution and make a game that completes the season.it's literally 3 am and i can't stop thinking about code lyoko.it was just feeding my childhood. i just need to see more
Love the game from versions played so far, and glad to see you still have fun making it. Totally amazing to hear that the voice actor for Franz Hopper is helping you as well.
Immudelki I'm sure a lot of english speaking fans will be happy to hear the authentic voice they grew up with present, that's for sure. Congrats again!
This trailer was an experience! My body is so ready for this version.
Immu, i really want to say thank you. This trailer show us your amaizing work. I hope you will be able to finish your other personal works and again, thanks for bring us a super realistic interface of code lyoko. :).
Je n'ai pas grand chose à dire, en fait si, WOW ! Je ne sais pas combien de questions se bousculent dans ma tête mais je peux le garantir, il y en a un bon paquet, notamment sur la fin ou tout part littéralement en vrille (même si j'ai ma petite idée la dessus). Je suis super impatient pour la sortie.
Félicitations Immu, continue à nous ébahir, tu fais sa TRES bien !
Noon j'en reviens pas, la voix officielle d'Hopper! Mais c'est d'un luxe immense! Bravo, bravo Immu, je sais pas comment t'as fait *te vénère* Si un jour tu arrives à faire pareil en VF tu es Dieu.
Immudelki va a estar william normal o xanificado o la scyphozoa /its going to be normal william por xanafied william and the scyphozoa?
Immudelki Is going to be william normal or xana william and scyphozoa added?
Immudelki im spanish i try say on english
Immudelki We will have to wait😭😭😭😭
Was doing a really recent CL binge and.. I just discovered this.
I'm taken back to the nostalgia of my late elementary/early middle school years.
I'm... just oh my god, keep going!
this is the most epic of all your trailers wow good work can't wait to play
I just found about this recently and this is like one of the most amazing projects I have ever seen.
Honestly can't wait to see more and more!
Ok c'est super, j'ai hâte d'être au 20 décembre! Tellement de beau boulot fournit :)
Wow Immu, I almost teared up for this trailer, seriously man, nice job, it was worth the wait!
You are so insanely talented, it blows my mind
I've never seen this game before today, and came to look from the beginning. Seeing the progress and evolution over time is stunning! This is one of the trailers that started to blow me away!
Eh eh ^-^ Happy to hear that !
your work is increible, keep working! real fans love you
C'est juste magnifique, super boulot, hâte de faire la mise à jour ! :D
wow, great job. I'm so glad someone is so dedicated to make a little part of our childhood back to life. This is perfect!!!
Great progress! I love how detailed this is. You're a legend.
Amazing work as usual
keep up the great work
Fantastic! I've been waiting for this! Thank you Autor.
Horosho Immu :D
Mama j'ai tellement hâte que ça sorte, tu fais du bon boulot 👌🏻😊
You're amazing!! can't wait to download it :) !
j'ai trop hâte de jouer à l'IFSCL 3.3.0 :O il est déjà trop cool avec le trailer j'ai juste trop trop hâte
WOW!!! I cannot wait to play it! Amazing job!
ça va être génial ! merci pour tout ton travail Immu , j'ai remarquer une chose la date ou franz hopper parle et la date sur le retour vers le passer orange sont la même , peut être pas une coïncidence :3 mais j'ai beau chercher je ne trouve rien sur le fameux rvlp orange x) hâte de pouvoir l'utiliser ! cette version envoie vraiment du lourd !
ah d'accord x) je pense avoir compris quelque chose , du moins je croit. mais franchement la bande annonce est alléchante j'ai vraiment hâte de pouvoir utilise le fameux rvlp orange :3
Bon il était temps que je commente ^^
Bravo Immu comme toujours une bande annonce épique pour une nouvelle version plus épique ;)
Vivement le 20 décembre
i will like if added William ... it is my favourite character...
I can't believe that 💕💕💕💕
OMG vive notre dieu Immudelki pour ceci, sa m'as donner des frisson dans le dos pendant tout le trailer, sa promet du lourd
Wiiiiiiiiiiiiii j'aurais mon cadeau d'annif quatre jours à l'avance :3
Sympa de la part de l'interprète anglophone ^^
Hâte d'y jouer, tu semble avoir fait pas mal de boulot pour celle là, bravo ;)
tient ça sent le vécu XD
merci :D
YOU ROCK, when I was 8 i always dreamed of something like this. I'm 17 now but I fell like I went back 11 years 😃
I can't wait for the future of this game.
je ne trouve pas les mots pour decrire mes sentiments. ENFIN !
Simply, You're the best
This looks legit man keep it up!!!
The trailer shows a sector being destroyed, but the progression log for Ifscl shows a future update that will add the feature.
And one more thing, do you have others help you with this kind of stuff or do you do it yourself?
he doest it by himself
Oh okay then, can't wait for this update! 3 days remaining!
Medio mes ya falta poco, casi me había olvidado
Si!! Que pena que tan poca gente sepa de este juego... u.u
Wait, that was the ORIGINAL ACTOR?!
You are nothing short of amazing.
El martes ya todos podremos jugar. Esta versión promete ser muy buena, sobre todo por el tema de lo de franz hopper y todo eso, en la 2.6.2 estaba muy incompleto ese tema. Gran trabajo
Merci beaucoup immu pour tout le travail que t'a mis dans ce projet. Beaucoup des gens ne seraient pas capable de travailler pour si longtemps sur le même jeux sans s'ennuyer. J'ai hâte de l'utiliser sur mon mac en italien 😉.
Peut-être que le rvlp orange soit lié à la première fois que Hopper et Aelita ont visité lyoko? Je ne me souviens d'aucune autre fois qu'une double virtualization des inconnus aie eu lieu sur Lyoko. Si j'ai raison ça voudrait dire que les territoires avec la tour orangée ne seraient pas détruits mais seulement congelés jusqu'au moment où Jérémie rallume le supercalculateur. Peut-être aussi que ça signifie le retour dès missions?
Immudelki merci ^_^
Cant wait!!!
So amazing...
Yay Je ne peux pas attendre la mise à jour comme un fan de code lyoko Je ne peux pas vous remercier assez :) :) :)
Cant wait to try :D
supeeerrr je kiff j'ai trop hâte au 20 décembre merci Immu je te kiff t'on boulot
il est sortie pour windows ! merci immu je t'aime
J'ai hâte d'être demain !
@Immudelki Hello, i have 2 questions.
1) how can we destroy sectors?
2) What command is to virt Unknow id card? Like 2:06 Please Answer. Thanks.
Immudelki okay thanks
I mean like 2:08 there's 2 idcard.. can we do it in this update or its gonna be get in february?
Super boulot pour cette nouvelle version Immu :D Des heures de jeu en perspective ^^
Tu aurais le lien de la musique ? Je ne parvient pas à la retrouver ! :/
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
When i requested for Aelita's visual, it says connection with her was uneshtablished.
I'm confused...and what's up with the blank cards that are getting virtuallize docile it be William...so many questions and not much time to find out
Well then i must wait 2 months from now to get the immu's room code to find out
Awesome trailer and good luck
5aldGamer Nope: the orange towers are part of the orange RTTP, which shows the day when Franz and Aelita went to Lyoko. To activate the orange RTTP, you must find two orange towers, one in the virtual map and one inside a normal tower through Aelita's visual
I hope Carthage will be amzing
This game looks and is great, well at least for a CL fan like me. But i just wanted to ask, are you going to up the anti-aliasing, or will Aelita's vision remain sharp edged?
***** yea, i'm in full quality mode
***** nice
Mmm intéressant une tour en activité orange qui disparaît par l'effet du rttp je presume ca c une nouvelle surprise j'attends de voir. Bref par contre l'horloge n'est pas dans le trailer ca veut dire que cette version ne décalera pas les virtualisations?
Immudelki Pardon je voulais dire le temps d'attente avant la revirtualisation. Faute d'expression ca m'arrive très souvent
OMG! J'adore.
how install the game the new version
ça sent bon tout ça :D
so........when i was playing.i played kinda like season one. where aelita was on lyoko and there was no vehicles. yumi was a but ahead of odd and aelita. yumi got to the tower. and a megatank was there. before odd and aelita could get to her, her timer ran out and she got devirtulised. then all of a sudden. the screen turned black with xana's eye in the middle. it scared the crap outta me. then it took me to the end screen where it shows a tower and how long you played. what i wanna know is, what the hell happened? it was a custom game. and i turned off dna manipulation and fusion. i did have the code earth thing on for aelita, but only for the reason that she was always on lyoko. she wasn't even the one who was devirtulised. it was yumi. why did that happen? is that the game over screen? it made me jump so hard.
Hi, I have a question, where do you get the backgrounds (landscapes) of the animation?
pour la nouvelle version il y aura la recharge pour tous les Lyoko guerrier comme pour odd
Salut immu j'aimerais savoir si il est possible de télécharger les anciennes versions de l'IFSCL(alpha...)
Au passage super trailer comme toujours :)
j ainaps compris tout sa PK le ifscl que représente t il svp aider moi a savoir
Parece que fue ayer cuando salió esta versión xD
Wow...this game is abit hard....
immudelki i know its hard to make a game but if you can do this pls add monsters and other lyoko warriors to aelita's vision.I know its hard to do this but if you can do this please do it.I know you can do this
Immudelki you released it? if you dont i can wait
Immudelki which öne?
Immudelki Oh...okay than XD
today is the 20th december, why there isn't the ifscl 3.3.0 at the official page?
super trailer,j'ai trop hâte de jouer,juste un truc il y aura la méduse.
merci pour la réponse et le journal de hopper il y aura car moi j'attend sa depuis des mois
I have a question: In the game, whenever I bring up the Crypto Smasher and try to turn off tower inhibitors, it says "Inhibiteurs: Proc. Not Initialized" and I don't know what to do. Please help.
Cette hype putain, c'est magnifique.
Hello,I came to this channel because of a great game called IFSCL...but,can I get an advice from you?I want to make a 3rd person Code Lyoko game,but I am not good at programming...Can you tell me what programs and engines should I use?
***** thank you :D but I did make a 2D platformer game...it was good and all,but my system got reinstalled so I don't have it right now...I sure will check the link tho
I Think you can do the Best game of code lyoko
immuedlki i startup a new windows but ifscl 3.3.0 is working in a pink screen maybe i have a graphic problem please help me and answer me please
je pense que ça va être un truc géniaux est-ce que la voix de Franz Hopper sera en français ?
ok car dans l'épisode de 52 Renaissance on entend la voix de Franz Hopper et merci pour la réponse de tout à l'heure
C’est dommage que c’était trop compliqué à mettre en place, le visuel d’Aelita…
And sector 5? where is? And william? carthage?
immudelki i fix the screen and it working but small problem here my screen is pink please try fix at me and answer me please
A quand un ifscl avec le skid ?
dans une version on pourra enregistre une parti
Esta fue la primera versión qué jugué
anyone knows the secret command for the orange return to the pass screen?
yeah but I just can't wait and I know it has something to do with the franz hopper videos and photos and the day 6 of june 1994
Great job immu! Do you know where can i find the track that you used in this trailer?
Immudelki Yes, I know the tracks are there, but I just can't find a single one on google/RUclips/SoundCloud that matches the track from your video. Can you please send me the link of the webpage where you got your track from? Or maybe a download link from Google Drive?
Never mind!!! I just figured out that you manually changed the key and tempo from the original.
que ganas
Habría una pequeña posibilidad de poner la página del juego en Español?
No si ya lo sé, lo que pasa es que habiendo ya tantos idiomas en el juego me parece un poco ilógico que en la página sólo haya 2 idiomas. Además el progresion log a muchos les gustaría leerlo y al menos yo no entiendo algunas cosas y por eso las mal interpreto
aelita bornt at 16th december 1992 but there is a photo of her at 1984 WTF?!?!
***** lel. ok
where the ifscl 3.3.0 where are on 20th of december where it is please answer me
Mamy, rozumieć że to będzie pełna wersja gry? Wszystkie opcje będą teraz dostępne?
How do I delete sector?
Je ne peux plus accéder au site !? Normal ?
Does anyone know how to solve the friggin riddle in 3.3.0? Cause I dont.
Austin Gourley if you're talking about the orange rttp you have to enter the coordinates into the vmap for the 1st one and click on a little orange tower near the digital sea. then you have to send Aelita alone to the second location which is a number aka a Lyoko towers universal number (1-40) open a visual inside and see an orange tower. onice it dissolves you click on the window and the orange rttp will count down
Ya es 20. Cuándo lo subirás?
Immudelki A las 9 en tu país. Pero en España?
No se supone que se iba a subir a las nueve?Son casi las diez, al menos en España
I have download but the screen not respobding please fix it
i fix it but now the screen is pink
please try help me the screen is pink
***** no all screen is pink but game it work
Omg omg
please add carthage and scipio code :D