For the sign of the holy cross of our enemies. Deliver me my God. In the name of the creator father, the redeeming son and the sanctifying Spirit. Blessed are you among all women. Open my lips and my mouth proclaim your praises. With the help of your divine grace, I firmly propose to you not to sin again and I will ask you for your forgiveness. Mother Mary because everything you ask from our Lord Jesus Christ. Your beloved son, he does not deny you anything. Mother, do not allow these problems to lead me to depression but to prayer and help me with this illness so that it heals. Above all, put an end to this situation with those evildoers, who do not let me live in peace. Oh, Holy Spirit, love of the father and the son, inspire me what I should think, what I should say, how I should say it, what I should keep silent, how I should act and what I should do for the glory of God. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of those girls with your love so that the fire of your love may ignite in them and we may come together. I thank you because you will not allow this situation to lead me to more depression but rather to prayer. Because my life is in your hands. Why wouldn't you treat me as I deserve for my sins and crimes. Because you will not take into account my faults and sins but the effort I make every day to repair them. Because I give you this disease so that you can be the one to battle it. Because this prayer will reach heaven like incense. Because you will never allow my body to be thrown to the birds of the sky. Because you are the lot of my inheritance and my cup. Because you will fill my life with joy. For freeing me from the fires of hell. Amen
For the sign of the holy cross of our enemies. Deliver me my God. In the name of the creator father, the redeeming son and the sanctifying Spirit. Blessed are you among all women. Open my lips and my mouth proclaim your praises. With the help of your divine grace, I firmly propose to you not to sin again and I will ask you for your forgiveness. Mother Mary because everything you ask from our Lord Jesus Christ. Your beloved son, he does not deny you anything. Mother, do not allow these problems to lead me to depression but to prayer and help me with this illness so that it heals. Above all, put an end to this situation with those evildoers, who do not let me live in peace. Oh, Holy Spirit, love of the father and the son, inspire me what I should think, what I should say, how I should say it, what I should keep silent, how I should act and what I should do for the glory of God. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of those girls with your love so that the fire of your love may ignite in them and we may come together. I thank you because you will not allow this situation to lead me to more depression but rather to prayer. Because my life is in your hands. Why wouldn't you treat me as I deserve for my sins and crimes. Because you will not take into account my faults and sins but the effort I make every day to repair them. Because I give you this disease so that you can be the one to battle it. Because this prayer will reach heaven like incense. Because you will never allow my body to be thrown to the birds of the sky. Because you are the lot of my inheritance and my cup. Because you will fill my life with joy. For freeing me from the fires of hell. Amen
Amen Thank you Lord
Amen and Amen 🙏🙏❤️❤️
Amen and amen