Maru - The most watched animal on YouTube - Japan Tour

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 856

  • @guinnessworldrecords
    @guinnessworldrecords  7 лет назад +497

    He's a huge star here on RUclips! “Despite his fame, [Maru] remains as aloof and as chilled out as ever,” says his owner.
    Head here for the full story >
    You can follow Maru's latest adventures here >

    • @ragexiz2252
      @ragexiz2252 7 лет назад +4

      Guinness World Records ii

    • @wordreet
      @wordreet 7 лет назад +4

      Aloof aloof! My kingdom for a loof.

    • @kerrymti1151
      @kerrymti1151 7 лет назад +5

      Aloof...a loof...afloof...a floof...;)

    • @elizzievb
      @elizzievb 7 лет назад +3

      A loaf? xo

    • @wordreet
      @wordreet 7 лет назад +6

      Haha! A loaf is appropriate, as the word maru can mean 'round'. :¬D

  • @abiseniyya
    @abiseniyya 7 лет назад +1134

    My respect to Maru's channel (mugumogu) is that the owner doesn't capitalize on Maru. She consistently remains obscure, even in her book. Maru is not trained, he just does as he likes, and everything he does is simply amazing.

    • @LesterRamos
      @LesterRamos 7 лет назад +77

      Oh but Maru IS trained. He is trained in the ways of the Box and is currently training his little sister. :D

    • @Mokey56001
      @Mokey56001 7 лет назад +73

      Yes, but self-trained! :D

    • @annameadowshelvie5714
      @annameadowshelvie5714 7 лет назад +56

      Actually, I think Maru is a born Natural in the "ways of the Box: :-D

    • @ShizukuSeiji
      @ShizukuSeiji 7 лет назад +63

      He is a master of boxjitsu.

    • @Sknasen
      @Sknasen 7 лет назад

      Deni Purwana Yeah but It's a male

  • @GardenBird1299
    @GardenBird1299 3 года назад +63


  • @annameadowshelvie5714
    @annameadowshelvie5714 7 лет назад +379

    Mugumogu deserves a lot of credit for the way she records Maru and Hana. The way she sets it up, lets the camera keep still on Maru for very long shots, edits in closeups, has minimal music -- how she presents Maru is part of what makes these videos so charming and funny.

    • @grytlappar
      @grytlappar 7 лет назад +38

      And the format has been exactly the same since she started! No laughing (I don't know how she does it), no special effects, and then that quiet "end." I'm truly impressed that she knew what she wanted right away.

    • @miazander
      @miazander 6 лет назад +19

      yes, owner is a very good art director!

    • @grf15
      @grf15 6 лет назад +13

      @@grytlappar Well she does do slow motion sometimes. However, I agree that the videos are usually quite simple and the focus is totally on Maru just being his adorable self.

    • @swerdybird7539
      @swerdybird7539 4 года назад +9

      I find them very restful. Yes they are funny & charming but they don’t bombard the senses or the emotions. I’ld say they are Zen.
      The videos are skillfully filmed & constructed. The environment is uncluttered, but full of interesting & often elegant objects & furnishings (though the cardboard box & other homey containers remain great favorites.)
      Given that Maru has had such a long run, I’m surprised I’ve only come across him recently & immediately became addicted - little did I know he was the worlds most viewed cat....

    • @MeganVictoriaKearns
      @MeganVictoriaKearns 3 года назад +5

      Mugumogu = Cat parent goals. Seriously, she's so talented and creative that she should be asked to give a TED Talk.

  • @hdfxst2006b
    @hdfxst2006b 5 лет назад +267


  • @CookietheCalico
    @CookietheCalico 3 года назад +32

    Maru is great because he has such a fun and silly personality combined with a serious face, so he'll do something like try to squeeze himself into a tiny box with an expression that says "I'm doing very important work here" and that is what makes him so funny to watch. Plus the video editing style is very simple and cute.

  • @HIRO-fp8bj
    @HIRO-fp8bj 2 года назад +18


  • @GaelinW
    @GaelinW 7 лет назад +683

    Maru: "Nice certificate. Now where is the box it came in?"

    • @diane9247
      @diane9247 7 лет назад +12


    • @vintage8818
      @vintage8818 6 лет назад +18

      Hehehe... Sweetest observation ever.. 😍😍

    • @TheAyanamiRei
      @TheAyanamiRei 6 лет назад +15

      "I was told this would come in a box. Now where's my box? I don't quite see it around here...."

    • @TheAyanamiRei
      @TheAyanamiRei 6 лет назад +8

      Maru-senpai will never notice that poor lady, because she is not a box, nor did some bring him a box XD

    • @zaiz7494
      @zaiz7494 6 лет назад +10

      Guiness World Record and RUclips shud have given the cert in a nice box for Maru.. not a big box.. just tight enuff for him to fit in.

  • @Kodikat2
    @Kodikat2 7 лет назад +140

    Those of us who have watched Maru for years already knew he was special. This just proves to the unenlightened.

  • @mrmagoo8956
    @mrmagoo8956 3 года назад +18

    MARU is more than just a cat...
    He is a lifeline when times are tough and you need a pick me up.
    I ALWAYS feel better and happy after seeing this magnificent creature play and live life to the fullest.

  • @JimmyFoxhound
    @JimmyFoxhound 7 лет назад +57

    I am a 100% dog person and I'm deathly allergic to cats. I have never cared to watch a single cat video on RUclips but when someone forwarded me a Maru video I really fell in love with him. I couldn't stop watching this crazy cat and his obsession with fitting into boxes. He's got such a strong personality and is very fun to watch! I'm so glad to see Maru and his owner get some sort of recognition. The fact that the owner wants to stay anonymous and avoids the publicity is so laudable and rare in this day an age! Congrats to her and Maru!

  • @deepalall647
    @deepalall647 7 лет назад +481

    Maru is not advertised in western media so according to them,he is not popular.Maru's owner is a humble sweet lady from Japan and she has never revealed herself on the camera.Her channel is dedicated to Maru and her other cat Hana. Maru is the most documented cat since 2008 to 2017.He has fans from all around the world.He would have been a bigger name if his owner cared to sell his popularity to media but she is not publicity hungry.Maru deserves so much more and this is the first international recognition/award he got.Yes, he lives in Asia but he is dear to all.Stop hating on him and comparing other publicity hungry channels with his success. Maru earned it all with people's genuine love for him and his unique personality.End of rant!

    • @mayureeyansoongnoen9830
      @mayureeyansoongnoen9830 7 лет назад +29

      I am a BIG fan of Maru have been watching his videos for years. He's got a personality that quite unique. 5555
      I am so deeply in love with him. :)))

    • @BJGvideos
      @BJGvideos 7 лет назад +14

      Deepa Lall He is very popular in "the west", at least in my country. He has top selling books and was in a litter commercial.

    • @deepalall647
      @deepalall647 7 лет назад +1

      BJGvideos I am not talking about your country.

    • @BJGvideos
      @BJGvideos 7 лет назад +9

      Deepa Lall You said "western media". I'm from the US. How is it you're not talking about my country when it's the center of "western media"?

    • @deepalall647
      @deepalall647 7 лет назад +6

      BJGvideos Stop being so smug about it and arguing like west means only USA.You are probably ignoring all the comments in this video who are asking where is Grumpy cat,Pewdiepe's dogs and that they do not know Maru and haven't seen him before.You just saw "western media" and jumped into this.Has Maru even been featured in any of the major western cat food advertisement? Any of the Cat film festivals? Has he ever won an award in the west before this? He is not advertised as much as other cats just agree with me and stop pretending.He does have a fan base all over the world I already said that.It's from his channel.He is not publicised on a grand scale because his owner isn't looking for it.Do you get the difference or not?

  • @雨の中の熊-o3x
    @雨の中の熊-o3x 4 года назад +11


  • @adele329
    @adele329 3 года назад +12


  • @TheicMoggy
    @TheicMoggy 7 лет назад +170

    Maru is THE BEST. I love him so much.

    • @grytlappar
      @grytlappar 7 лет назад +8

      So many people around the world do. He amuses us and gives us so much joy. It's kind of crazy; he's the most famous cat in the world! This rather round character of a cat.

    • @ronitpalit4648
      @ronitpalit4648 4 года назад +1

      Hosico cat is cuter but less popular.

  • @r.j23
    @r.j23 7 лет назад +91


  • @Terry.....
    @Terry..... 7 лет назад +93

    I love Maru and respect his owner. Because she knows who is the main character. She never shows her face or even a voice. I sometimes feel uncomfortable in animals video of many owners whose the main character does not know who they are.

    • @abiseniyya
      @abiseniyya 7 лет назад +15

      Terry Agree. Mugumogu is the best cat owner I have ever known.

  • @GaryMCurran
    @GaryMCurran 7 лет назад +9

    And Maru is like 'Yeah, so what?' when presented with the award. Maru is a wonderful cat, and I do enjoy watching him.

  • @DSherman50
    @DSherman50 5 лет назад +29

    It’s December, 2019, and I’m getting his first book for Christmas while still trying to locate his 2020 Maru Calendar while living in the United States. Maru is the most charming cat I’ve ever come to know on RUclips and I also follow him on Instagram. His sister Hana is pretty cute too.

  • @Lunakitz
    @Lunakitz 7 лет назад +12

    I have been watching Maru for a few years now and he is a natural ham for the camera and super cute! He definitely deserves recognition!

  • @Yuthrayard
    @Yuthrayard 7 лет назад +634

    Maru is not a cat. Maru is Maru.

  • @quinnbeastleya6820
    @quinnbeastleya6820 7 лет назад +217

    OMG MARUUUUUUUU congrats babyyy!!

  • @TOK715
    @TOK715 5 лет назад +12


  • @555capcap
    @555capcap 7 лет назад +19


  • @M1st00d
    @M1st00d 7 лет назад +18

    Congratulations Maru,Hana and Mugumogu. Without you none of this fun would be possible.

  • @FDNSX911
    @FDNSX911 Год назад +7


  • @ゆしまる-f8h
    @ゆしまる-f8h 5 лет назад +233


  • @yehet1242
    @yehet1242 7 лет назад +42

    and it took Maru years to get noticed ♡Love Maru

  • @ch_dn
    @ch_dn 7 лет назад +14

    Maru you are the BEST cat I know!! Congrats to him and his owner!
    Oh and we don't forget Hana either!! We love you too Hana!

  • @_BhagavadGita
    @_BhagavadGita 5 лет назад +46

    Maru should be awarded the Nobel Cat Prize.

  • @sahalanimation
    @sahalanimation 4 года назад +16

    Maru is 9 years old now, that's approximately 55 years old in cat years. Keep healthy Maru.

  • @roughgal
    @roughgal 7 лет назад +16


  • @CherylWhitestone
    @CherylWhitestone Год назад +1

    Maru is delightful, let's not forget his owner photographer's creativity ! The painted boxes with pony tails so funny and Maru with tiny boxes, love it. They are a wonderful team.

  • @minusculemaru7563
    @minusculemaru7563 5 лет назад +9

    Hello Maru, you are my heart's delight. I spend quite a bit of my RUclips time enjoying watching your antics, you first and then the Minuscule characters.

  • @Mirokuofnite
    @Mirokuofnite 5 лет назад +5

    What I've always liked about Maru is it's more or less just about him and Hana. The owner sets up a situation and Maru reacts. Simple title cards and just ambient sounds. It's kind of zen like.

  • @zippymufo9765
    @zippymufo9765 Год назад +4

    This woman was so lucky to get to play with Maru

  • @piggnant
    @piggnant 7 лет назад +73

    Long live Maru!

  • @pamkoravv5729
    @pamkoravv5729 7 лет назад +707

    Who's known Maru for years? 💞😺

    • @manuelbesana1023
      @manuelbesana1023 7 лет назад +2

      PamKor AVv me I knew her my whole life. No joke my moms name is maru

    • @manuelbesana1023
      @manuelbesana1023 7 лет назад +2

      PamKor AVv me I knew her my whole life. No joke my moms name is Mary

    • @manuelbesana1023
      @manuelbesana1023 7 лет назад +3

      PamKor AVv me I knew her my whole life. No joke my moms name is Mary

    • @risxp
      @risxp 7 лет назад +8

      Since 2009

    • @Jadedgems
      @Jadedgems 7 лет назад +3

      PamKor AVv me

  • @catalot
    @catalot 7 лет назад +34

    Congratulations, Maru! Live long and prosper!

  • @TheRobinRedbreast
    @TheRobinRedbreast 7 лет назад +13

    Congratulations Maru! You deserve all your success!

  • @shubashree9828
    @shubashree9828 7 лет назад +4

    Hey maru!!you deserve Guinness reward as u have down to earth attitude and this recognition would definitely brings u more and more awards😙😙😙

  • @TheGreatMillz
    @TheGreatMillz 6 лет назад +7

    I've watched Maru for years. He is a truly special cat.

  • @MeatiusGaming
    @MeatiusGaming 7 лет назад +247

    cat be like: what's that, get it away, *looks away*

    • @hidden4525
      @hidden4525 7 лет назад +1

      MeatiusGaming [Auro hate club owner] Exactly what I thought XD

  • @roxie9965
    @roxie9965 7 лет назад +3

    Maru is not just aother pretty face, he's gorgeous! He is quite a character too. He's exceptionally intelligent. You can tell when he's trying to work something out, like how to enter a trampoline without falling out. Or how to ride a sled in the snow. Brilliant! Ah, and the tail that almost has a life of its own. It never stops! Maru has an amazing personality which is evident in the 300+ videos of him sliding across the floor with his legs splayed out. Hysterical. The first time I saw him I laughed 'til I cried! All that aside, he has a remarkable ability to make people FEEL GOOD! That's not something you can teach, it just comes naturally. And Maru has it in spades. God bless you, Mugumogu for bringing the incomparable Maru into our lives. Maru you are the best! Love you Maru!

  • @jpc3603
    @jpc3603 5 лет назад +15

    I absolutely adore Maru and Hana. I especially love how their wonderful owner gives the cats their own autonomy. For example, she may lay items out but it is up to them how they interact, she never picks them up and forces them into things like some youtube cat owners also she did a wonderful autumn video of them freely playing outside. Plus her sense f homour is funny and innocent. This coupled with the love and care she provides explains why they are never subdued and always upbeat and (well at least Hana 😅 😆 ) is full of energy! Plus let's face it - Chunky fluffy Maru and beautiful fun Hana are adorable! Thank you mugumogu 💜 💜 💜

  • @MashiroShiina
    @MashiroShiina 7 лет назад +7

    that cat is a legend! Maru's been here ever since

  • @palight2869
    @palight2869 7 лет назад +61


    • @Detomidine
      @Detomidine 7 лет назад +6

      l-/ ...and call him George.

  • @zam023
    @zam023 7 лет назад +28

    Congratulations Maru!
    Maru looks at award _>

  • @mariohr
    @mariohr 7 лет назад +440

    So cute!!!!!!!

    • @fcbandrew8279
      @fcbandrew8279 7 лет назад

      Mario Botic ikr

    • @daniyalshah1503
      @daniyalshah1503 7 лет назад


    • @leohuynh7405
      @leohuynh7405 7 лет назад +2

      yeah well mines cuter and he barks

    • @TheicMoggy
      @TheicMoggy 7 лет назад +5

      Come To Butt-Head but does he have 325 million views?
      not just that, Maru can snow sled. lol

    • @leohuynh7405
      @leohuynh7405 7 лет назад +5

      Joshua Takahashi no he doesn't but, I'd rather watch him than someone else's 🐈

  • @ekar477
    @ekar477 7 лет назад +6

    It's my first time seeing Maru. But I already agreed with the records. Maru deserved it

  • @sundownsjjones4566
    @sundownsjjones4566 5 лет назад +6

    Maru is wonderful, thank you for sharing him with all of us on RUclips!😁❤️😸

  • @zanycatt17
    @zanycatt17 7 лет назад +17

    Maru always brightens my day!

  • @ttg3197
    @ttg3197 4 года назад +6

    never get tired of seeing maru with the box😁❤️

  • @yko4546
    @yko4546 4 года назад +4


  • @helenfein6103
    @helenfein6103 5 лет назад +9

    Thanks for posting. I love Maru. He is a beauty. He is the best box bouncer that ever lived. And the tail and legs hanging out back. If only Maru could speak,he'd have the best chats.
    An extraordinary cat who knows what he wants. We love to watch. I'd rather watch him then TV. How do people get gifted these beautiful creatures? I want one.

  • @brianlam1663
    @brianlam1663 2 года назад +2

    The funniest 😂 was when Maru climbed into a box painted with bus 🚌 passengers painted on the side!!
    His face-of-hatred said it all!!!

  • @Dudtrish
    @Dudtrish 7 лет назад +40

    Maru is not interested in "most watched cat on youtube" award ...
    .... he wants "cat who has climbed into most boxes" award!!!!

  • @46mica
    @46mica 6 лет назад +6

    I follow several cat families on You Tube: Kodi and Shorty, Cole and Marmalade, Shiro's family - but somehow Maru is just in a class by himself. If you don't have his book "I Am Maru", I recommend it. No matter how rotten the day has been, Maru always puts a smile in it.

  • @eaglebreath5
    @eaglebreath5 7 лет назад +4

    I appreciated how she explained everything. It was very clear why Maru won the record.

  • @CaseyMullenger
    @CaseyMullenger 7 лет назад +33

    I like how he looks away when she says congratulations

  • @T.K.91
    @T.K.91 9 месяцев назад +2

    2:31 he’s like “is it a box?“

  • @mariannakump8857
    @mariannakump8857 7 лет назад +10

    Congratulations Maru! Well done.

  • @wigglietail2008
    @wigglietail2008 5 лет назад +2

    I "liked" this a long time ago. I bookmarked it, too, so I could come back time after time, maybe once a year, to see it again. I love Maru!

  • @tootz1950
    @tootz1950 7 лет назад +84

    We love you Maru!

  • @Breakbeats92.5
    @Breakbeats92.5 5 лет назад +18

    The little guy has no idea that he is adored by hundreds of thousands of people the world over.

  • @onekinkstar
    @onekinkstar 7 лет назад +8

    My All Time Favorite Cat On The InterWEBS! Good Job Maru AND Your Owner Too, for all the hard work in making very creative videos for us to laugh and adore this handsome boy of yours. Thank you!

  • @ahmadiarismaharto9897
    @ahmadiarismaharto9897 6 лет назад

    I've been a long time fan of Maru since 2008~2009 and he still hasn't bore me that chubby little thing!

  • @PolishBehemoth
    @PolishBehemoth 6 лет назад +2

    lol! omg i had to stop the video at 1:24. that is just too cute jumping in those cardboard boxes! Like what animal ever does that! Thats so crazy its laughably adorably cute! Im gonna melt from cuteness!

  • @Davide.Soliani
    @Davide.Soliani 5 лет назад +7

    Outstanding. With all my trips to Japan I wish one day to be able to meet this splendid cat in person. I love him :)

  • @S612yendi
    @S612yendi 7 лет назад +11

    such a funny and cute cat! Absolutely love Maru!

  • @sister107
    @sister107 6 лет назад +3


  • @aoi-idaten
    @aoi-idaten 3 года назад +3


  • @HappiKarafuru
    @HappiKarafuru 6 лет назад +26

    The cat that start popularize the term
    "If it fits, i sits"

  • @明美キャットフード-t8y
    @明美キャットフード-t8y 5 лет назад +36


  • @tamataran
    @tamataran 7 лет назад +11

    Maru in slo-mo. Doesn't get any better than that.

    • @zaiz7494
      @zaiz7494 6 лет назад +2

      Yes Maru in slo mo is one of my fav video.. thank you Mugumogu for taking the time and efforts and sharing Maru and Hana with us..

  • @hotchocolate29
    @hotchocolate29 5 лет назад +3


  • @thaimilkteaaa
    @thaimilkteaaa 7 лет назад +11

    I can't believe even a such pure creature like Maru gets hate comments!!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!

  • @stolennimbus
    @stolennimbus 7 лет назад +8

    Maru is my favorite RUclips video cat. Congratulations!!!

  • @davidrobinson5581
    @davidrobinson5581 Год назад +1

    I love Maru and have watched him for months. He has changed my life.😊

  • @gmarpr
    @gmarpr 7 лет назад +3

    YEAP!!!!!!!! you deserve it beautiful Maru!!!!! Congratulations!!!!! I'm a big fan of you.

  • @salmonella4u
    @salmonella4u 7 лет назад +3

    I Can't believe there would be Maru haters! Some people must have miserable lives to not be in love with the coolest cat on RUclips. Keep on keepin' on, Maru! We got your back in America!!! ;)

  • @aburariko
    @aburariko 6 лет назад +22


  • @rachellovelace1974
    @rachellovelace1974 7 лет назад +28

    Maru!!! lol he is the reason why I got a Scottish fold kitty of my own. XD

  • @Shubbins
    @Shubbins 7 лет назад +8

    So proud of you Maru, keep being you baby

  • @sunnyblue01
    @sunnyblue01 4 года назад +2

    2021 and Maru still entertaining us with his cuteness and cunning personality, but now he has two sidekicks : Hana and kitten Miri

  • @よいしょ-n3p
    @よいしょ-n3p 5 лет назад +78


  • @ハーフゆーき
    @ハーフゆーき 5 лет назад +47


  • @surarin01
    @surarin01 4 года назад +2


  • @wittylibrarian
    @wittylibrarian 7 лет назад +4

    Maru also holds the record for fitting inside the most boxes ever possible for cats.

  • @dadbad67
    @dadbad67 7 лет назад +2

    Super fluffy warmy blessed creature. One Maru a day keeps any sorrow away

  • @carysmaticcarrie1969
    @carysmaticcarrie1969 7 лет назад +4

    And Maru couldn't care less, but that's why we love him!

  • @suespike381
    @suespike381 7 лет назад +27

    Yay, Maru. He's the best.

  • @temp3SFQ
    @temp3SFQ 2 года назад +3

    I love Maru. So cute and clever.

  • @artepjan
    @artepjan 4 года назад +4

    Thank you for introducing me to the master himself. I love him so much ❤

  • @norbertfekete9936
    @norbertfekete9936 7 лет назад +2

    Congrast Maru! May the box be with you!

  • @pbunting5143
    @pbunting5143 3 месяца назад +1

    I love this 😸and his owner ❤

  • @riseevolution
    @riseevolution 5 лет назад +11

    We know why... He is the master of peace and relaxation!

  • @eloquentia7207
    @eloquentia7207 Год назад +3

    Maru-san is awesome

  • @mafaldareina
    @mafaldareina 6 лет назад +1

    Love you Maru. And thank to your owners for sharing the beautiful vídeos.

  • @lisakaz35
    @lisakaz35 7 лет назад +3

    Maru is a beauty. Good job RUclips viewers.