I saw a clip a year or so ago, a man went to the alter at the Potters House and they threw him out 😢 that man was pleading for prayer. WOW!!! May the Lord continue to bless 2819! This is what ministry is all about THE SOULS HALLELUJAH!!! To God be the glory!!
This is the future of the church. Worship at the center, and Spirit-led reading of God’s Word publicly. Brother Francis Chan just released an amazing message about the same thing called “Rediscovering God’s Presence” 🙏🏻
I just love how long praise and worship is here.🔥😊👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿 I feel it really gives US time to commune with Him, which makes the WORD even more Powerful!! I was telling my children how church isn't want it used to be, with the laying of hands, casting out demons right before your eyes, pastors calling out people during service telling them " what thus says the Lord". Seeing people catch the Holy Ghost.
We told a woman about 2819 today and she had not heard of it she was so excited she was speaking loud how excited she was she could not wait to listen It made my day It is wonderful to have found 2819 and wonderful to share God bless 2819 ! May 2025 be powerful In Jesus Name
Heavenly Father Yahweh please keep Pastor Phillip stead fast and unbothered by persecution. God I pray over this man and his family and Our Ministry father that you would just keep your hands all over it. Amen
OMG THIS WAS AMAZING HOW THIS PASTOR PRAYED FOR THIS YOUNG MAN! 🙏🙏🙏 I just saw this on TikTok & has to come & see the whole service. God bless you Pastor. You changed this young man life. 🙏🙏 THANK YOU!!
-TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
Keep preaching man of God. From atl, living in ND for work. You’re gonna heal a lot of broken people in my hometown. Stay raw and truthful, that’s rare out there.
.=. TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
I love Pastor’s humility and to be unorthodox in his shepherding and leading his flock. Sometimes as pastor’s we are not always prepared as we would like but to say we are going to just read the word of God and if the Spirit reveals, then so be. I would love to be apart of Pastoral Training 😭😭😭
,TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
I've been dealing with guilt/shame hard, and questions I've wrestled with in my heart were answered by God but since I'm the one who always leaves, I didn't believe it was Him. You answered/confirmed each and every question word for word in exact detail everything the Lord already said. It's not the confirmation that is ripping my heart to shreds, it's that He still loves me enough to search the secret questions of my heart that I was too ashamed to ask Him!! Thank you for being a true vessel!!
,,TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
_|_ TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
The Lord laid on my heart to listen to this sermon while I'm driving on motorway (highway), I wasn't sure if this was right to listen prayfully, but after Pastor said "driving on the highway is your secret place" I just praised God! I love being a digital discipline of 2819 🇬🇧
/-- TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
I've been meaning to catch your services for the last 3 to 4 months. Yet I've been forgetting. Everything you've said in this sermon drove the nail right in. Only Jesus can convey how much I needed this right now. Thank you Man of God. I appreciate what the Lord has been able to teach me through you. May you be blessed richly, in Jesus name.
Touched by the heavens! Thank you Lord for this ministry and may you continue to anoint and touch the world through them! Praise you God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!!! 🙌🏽🙏🏽❤️
\|/ TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
Wow, look at how big and beautiful that baby belly is developing. That PRECIOUS BUNDLE is coming out with LITTLE HAND LIFTRD IN WORSHIP AND SURRENDER. He/she is SANCTIFIED already! Blessed delivery, young mommy!❤❤❤❤❤
The only thing I wish they would’ve done was to have the man repent and renounce all sin and every open door of sin in his life. Because the enemy can still have a foothold if there’s any unrepentant sin. And they also didn’t make sure that the demons were gone. I hope they talk with him and disciple with him some more after this ensuring full deliverance
Amen msg received father God, I'll con't to praise you, I want to thank you for showing me that your with me and I believe your blessing me as I'm walking with you, ty Jesus, hallelujah 🙏🏻 God bless you Pastor Philip Anthony Mitchell, you and I going through the exact same thing. I'll pray for you for strength, Amen love hearing God through you
That's exactly what I needed to hear!! Thank you for the encouragement 🙏 ❤ I feel like I'm failing God for a few months as well. Failing God in areas I want to change. God bless you, Pastor!!
/,/ TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
I love pastor Philip, but are other real pastors out there. Please don’t discredit the fact that God is powerful enough to have multiple voices speaking His word.
-,TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
Just be open-minded, and trust the process. Elizabeth Marie Hawley will guide you every step of the way. And don't forget to share your testimony with others when you see the results!
_+_ TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
Thankyou pastor for letting the Holy Spirit work through you to bring me such a powerful message this morning. I feel so blessed to have been able to listen to you preach. What state is this church located in? I would love to come visit.
Atlanta Ga 2819 church it is amazing, the anointing is always here every service, it is wonderful, The anointing rest in this house, all 3 serviceʼs are fireʼr, people comes from all around the world to be here
-\.TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
I have been drawn so powerfully to travel to Atlanta to attend. My wife and I are coming the weekend of the 3rd through the 5th. I want to make the first service. Is there any advice on how early we should arrive? We are traveling for 3 hours, and I know the Lord has a powerful purpose behind this pulling and tugging at my heart to be there!
@ I’m not sure. The impression I got was that he would explain it when service resumes on the 5th. I’m sorry, that’s all I know. I looked on the website, but I didn’t find anything.
/ TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ] LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us. ALSO: The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ] The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ] Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
Enjoy the WORD...it's rich. Try your best to focus on what is important. Consider the fact that many would neglect the message(s) simply because Pastor Mitchell does not fit a particular stereotype. He is speaking to the direct needs/ lives of people. It is refreshing to listen to a pastor who speaks the uncluttered truth. God knows many are going to hate him for speaking it! He is simply a messenger. Pray for 2819. God bless......
@@carolpowell8695I too enjoyed the message but admit I was disappointed by the end and talks of celebrating Christmas. Jeremiah 10... I received my confirmation about 3 years ago and I haven't celebrated it since. But we each have to walk out our own salvation. Many blessings
I love watching the true Joy, Praise and Worship of our Lord and Saviour King Jesus!!!!!!!
I saw a clip a year or so ago, a man went to the alter at the Potters House and they threw him out 😢 that man was pleading for prayer. WOW!!! May the Lord continue to bless 2819! This is what ministry is all about THE SOULS HALLELUJAH!!! To God be the glory!!
Pastor Phillip thank you for being the man God called you to be! Keep preaching I am a digital disciple who is blessed by 2819. God bless!
This is the future of the church. Worship at the center, and Spirit-led reading of God’s Word publicly. Brother Francis Chan just released an amazing message about the same thing called “Rediscovering God’s Presence” 🙏🏻
I just love how long praise and worship is here.🔥😊👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿
I feel it really gives US time to commune with Him, which makes the WORD even more Powerful!!
I was telling my children how church isn't want it used to be, with the laying of hands, casting out demons right before your eyes, pastors calling out people during service telling them
" what thus says the Lord".
Seeing people catch the Holy Ghost.
I felt that thing break off in the spirit when pastor prayed over that man. Powerful move of God. Thank you Lord.
We told a woman about 2819 today and she had not heard of it she was so excited she was speaking loud how excited she was she could not wait to listen
It made my day
It is wonderful to have found 2819 and wonderful to share
God bless 2819 !
May 2025 be powerful
In Jesus Name
Heavenly Father Yahweh please keep Pastor Phillip stead fast and unbothered by persecution. God I pray over this man and his family and Our Ministry father that you would just keep your hands all over it. Amen
OMG THIS WAS AMAZING HOW THIS PASTOR PRAYED FOR THIS YOUNG MAN! 🙏🙏🙏 I just saw this on TikTok & has to come & see the whole service. God bless you Pastor. You changed this young man life. 🙏🙏 THANK YOU!!
Me to, I saw the clip on Instagram and watching the service now in Jacksonville..🙏🏽✝️🐑🕊
-TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
Took courage to boldly walk up to the Pastor during a service. Lord bless him, keep him and free him en’ in Jesus mighty name Amen! 🙏🏼
Keep preaching man of God.
From atl, living in ND for work. You’re gonna heal a lot of broken people in my hometown. Stay raw and truthful, that’s rare out there.
.=. TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
please keep all 3 services on here
is each service different? i’m new to watching & very confused about the lives. are they re runs or does he preach 3 times one day?
@@melalayah4u698 they aren't reruns he preaches 3 times in 1 day
@@melalayah4u698he preaches three times per day
@@melalayah4u6983x in one day
I love Pastor’s humility and to be unorthodox in his shepherding and leading his flock. Sometimes as pastor’s we are not always prepared as we would like but to say we are going to just read the word of God and if the Spirit reveals, then so be. I would love to be apart of Pastoral Training 😭😭😭
Jesus Jesus Jesus!!!🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽
,TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
I've been dealing with guilt/shame hard, and questions I've wrestled with in my heart were answered by God but since I'm the one who always leaves, I didn't believe it was Him. You answered/confirmed each and every question word for word in exact detail everything the Lord already said. It's not the confirmation that is ripping my heart to shreds, it's that He still loves me enough to search the secret questions of my heart that I was too ashamed to ask Him!! Thank you for being a true vessel!!
,,TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
Tears, peace and joy. That's ALL what this WHOLE session rose up in me. ALL GLORY TO GOD ! 🙌🏿🫶🏿🙏🏿✝️🤍
January 1, 2025 IT'S ALL ABOUT OF JESUS!
I’m planning my visit to 2819 soon!!!! Shout out from Paris, Texas
Worship was heavenly good! Hallelujah! I pray we never have to take this full sermon down. 🙏🙌 Jesus, Lord You are Everything! Hallelujah forever! 😄🎉🎊🥳
2nd time watching & I am crying once again 😢All God 🙏🏾❤
_|_ TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
The Lord laid on my heart to listen to this sermon while I'm driving on motorway (highway), I wasn't sure if this was right to listen prayfully, but after Pastor said "driving on the highway is your secret place" I just praised God! I love being a digital discipline of 2819 🇬🇧
The anointing makes the difference ………Jesus, My Lord! The praise snd worship 😢in my home
Life changing!! Spirit-filled!! Talk about operating in the overflow!!
Wow this is me right now. I missed this sermon when it aired. Woe God thank you Lord!
Nothing but tears flowing. “YOU CAN RECOVER”🙏🏾🙌🏽 thank you Jesus🥲🙏🏾🙏🏾
This ministry has really influenced my life
Thank you, Father God. I need you now more than ever.
Thank you, Jesus, for the word, I prayed last night, and you sent the word this morning, hallelujah Jesus, I thank you for Pastor Philipamitchell
/-- TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
I've been meaning to catch your services for the last 3 to 4 months. Yet I've been forgetting. Everything you've said in this sermon drove the nail right in. Only Jesus can convey how much I needed this right now. Thank you Man of God. I appreciate what the Lord has been able to teach me through you. May you be blessed richly, in Jesus name.
Well done thou good and Faithful servant. God Bless you Pastor Philip Anthony Mitchell. ❤
Praise God for the Freedom in that man's life in Jesus Name amen. We praise you Lord Jesus always and forever!!!
Love your teaching of the scriptures! Keep on pushing, love you brother!!
This was heart warming and reforming!! Praise Jesus for all of those miracles/blessings that will be Regained!! Amen lord 🙏 you are Worthy
Touched by the heavens! Thank you Lord for this ministry and may you continue to anoint and touch the world through them! Praise you God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!!! 🙌🏽🙏🏽❤️
Keep going and spreading his word JESUS 💨💨💨
\|/ TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
Wow, look at how big and beautiful that baby belly is developing. That PRECIOUS BUNDLE is coming out with LITTLE HAND LIFTRD IN WORSHIP AND SURRENDER. He/she is SANCTIFIED already! Blessed delivery, young mommy!❤❤❤❤❤
The only thing I wish they would’ve done was to have the man repent and renounce all sin and every open door of sin in his life. Because the enemy can still have a foothold if there’s any unrepentant sin. And they also didn’t
make sure that the demons were gone. I hope they talk with him and disciple with him some more after this ensuring full deliverance
Amen msg received father God, I'll con't to praise you, I want to thank you for showing me that your with me and I believe your blessing me as I'm walking with you, ty Jesus, hallelujah 🙏🏻 God bless you Pastor Philip Anthony Mitchell, you and I going through the exact same thing. I'll pray for you for strength, Amen love hearing God through you
Amen and Amen
Lord son of David have mercy on me 🙏
This series has blessed me immensely. Thank you Jesus for helping me find this church.
Worship was unreal
Thank you, man of God
Amen Praise Him.
That's exactly what I needed to hear!! Thank you for the encouragement 🙏 ❤ I feel like I'm failing God for a few months as well. Failing God in areas I want to change. God bless you, Pastor!!
Hallelujah ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🙏🏽
Powerful anointing from the Lord.
/,/ TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
Powerful 🔥
Been Blessed by the word of God you bring forth with such an anointing.
The realist pastor one here.
I love pastor Philip, but are other real pastors out there. Please don’t discredit the fact that God is powerful enough to have multiple voices speaking His word.
@@much2lovely ??
-,TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
We are the light into the world. How blessed we are the holy spirit works through us as we surrender all.
Amen! Speak Lord Jesus, for your servant is listening!!
Thank you Pastor. God bless you and Lena
Powerful series 🔥
He is worthy to be praised.
Such an amazing service! Thank You Lord
Thank you Lord for this Word!!!!
50:04 ❤
Thank you Lord ❤️🔥
1:46:21 Padre Santo!
Happy new year
You not no me but I really really need that thank you from the bottom of my heart me my family would love to visit your house of God
Love form Cali
Amazing! Amen. 🙏
GLORY!!!I'm favoured, $255k every 3weeks! I can now afford anything and also support God's work and the church.
Wow, congratulations on your financial breakthrough! Can you share more about the investment that's generating $255k every 3 weeks?
That's amazing! I'm excited to start my journey with her. Do you have any advice for someone just starting out?
Wow, congratulations on your financial breakthrough! Can you share more about the investment that's generating $255k every 3 weeks?
Just be open-minded, and trust the process. Elizabeth Marie Hawley will guide you every step of the way. And don't forget to share your testimony with others when you see the results!
Honestly, I think she's an angel sent by God to help the needy. I'd love to get in touch with her and learn more about her services.
So beautiful!!!!!!!
My Babies are there❤
Love ❤❤❤❤
1:34:37 1:34:43 this....... this is how the body operates
Plzz save the 10am
_+_ TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
Thankyou pastor for letting the Holy Spirit work through you to bring me such a powerful message this morning. I feel so blessed to have been able to listen to you preach. What state is this church located in? I would love to come visit.
It is located in Nebraska. The address is 17 Swedes crossing rd, Nebraska 19337. ❤
I really enjoy this church, I came back not even 10 minutes ago
He’s not in Nebraska. He’s in Atlanta, GA
Yes it's in GA tye address is on Google. I thought of visiting myself.
Atlanta Ga 2819 church it is amazing, the anointing is always here every service, it is wonderful, The anointing rest in this house, all 3 serviceʼs are fireʼr, people comes from all around the world to be here
-\.TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
I have been drawn so powerfully to travel to Atlanta to attend. My wife and I are coming the weekend of the 3rd through the 5th. I want to make the first service. Is there any advice on how early we should arrive? We are traveling for 3 hours, and I know the Lord has a powerful purpose behind this pulling and tugging at my heart to be there!
Is there a separate recording of the "Carol of the Bells" song, as ministered on this live?. It's absolutely amazing!
does anyone have the first service communion piece where he talked about communion and essential and non essentials?
27:44 & 30:51 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🥺
Can't forget about 21:50 too nah ! 😊❤🫶🏽
Where can the full live be found I see that the ending was cut short for some reason ?
If we know that Jesus observed the Sabbath why is it "none essential" that we don't?
What are the rules to the fast? If anyone is able to inform me.
He will explain it at the January 5th service
@ so it starts on the 5th?
@ I’m not sure. The impression I got was that he would explain it when service resumes on the 5th. I’m sorry, that’s all I know. I looked on the website, but I didn’t find anything.
@ thank you for all your help!
/ TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
Who we are is important!
Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
[ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
We all need to know the following truths…
With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
Genesis 35:10
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
[Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:25, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ]
HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
[ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
They don't want you to connect the dots that clearly identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a group of people of today who are falsely claiming to be God's chosen people, and are not, but do lie.
They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
[ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
[ Exodus 20:2 ]
I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding us Israelites. [ Zech 2:8, apple of his eye ]
LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the lies about us, and the evil labels upon us.
The 144,000 will be Israelites. [ Rev 7:3-8 ]
The 12 Gates of the Kingdom to come will bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. [ Rev 21:10-12 ]
Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful Yah-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
The Israelites are waking up!!!
...and yes, "it matters."
Shalom, and Hallelu YAH
I’m disappointed to find out this church celebrates Christmas considering it’s not biblical
Christmas means christ mass my brother it's a celebration of Jesus
@@robofireman2164right just like we celebrate resurrection day but not “Easter”. We celebrate Christ. ❤
Enjoy the WORD...it's rich. Try your best to focus on what is important. Consider the fact that many would neglect the message(s) simply because Pastor Mitchell does not fit a particular stereotype. He is speaking to the direct needs/ lives of people. It is refreshing to listen to a pastor who speaks the uncluttered truth. God knows many are going to hate him for speaking it! He is simply a messenger. Pray for 2819. God bless......
@@carolpowell8695I too enjoyed the message but admit I was disappointed by the end and talks of celebrating Christmas. Jeremiah 10... I received my confirmation about 3 years ago and I haven't celebrated it since. But we each have to walk out our own salvation. Many blessings
@affyrmed6911 Indeed.....