Use code HAKIM at or by scanning the QR code to get an exclusive 60% off an annual Incogni plan! Support me on Patreon: Twitter: @YaBoiHakim *Sources:* Sources aren't properly ordered because I'm exhausted lmao 1. 2. 3. 4., 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. BBC. “Romania profile - Timeline.” BBC, 8 October 2018, Accessed 1 March 2024. 17. Blunden, Andy. “The Collapse of Eastern Europe.” Stalinism: It’s Origin and Future, Accessed 19 February 2024. 18. Britannica. “Romania - Communist Rule, Securitate, Ceausescu.” Britannica, Accessed 1 March 2024. 19. Chirileasa, Andrei. “Investigation of fall of communism in Romania gets nowhere 30 years on.” Romania Insider, 24 May 2021, Accessed 20 February 2024. 20. Condrea, Diana. “Romania 100 - 100 Years in the History of Romania: The Most Important Events.” Uncover Romania, Accessed 1 March 2024. 21. DAOU, Marc. “Twenty years later, Timisoara affair exposes media credulity.” France 24, 20 December 2009, Accessed 20 February 2024. 22. Gorky, Patricia. “Romania: 30 years removed from socialism - Liberation News.” Liberation News, 26 December 2019, Accessed 20 February 2024. 23. Marcy, Sam, et al. “[Sam Marcy]: General admits long-term coup planning (Jan. 11, 1990).” Workers World, 11 January 1990, Accessed 20 February 2024. 24. Maria, Ana, and Denoel Paris. “Romania's 1989 Uprising Was 'Orchestrated', Prosecutors Say.” Balkan Insight, 18 December 2017, Accessed 20 February 2024. 25. Paun, Carmen. “Thirty years after Romanian revolution, questions remain.”, 25 December 2019, Accessed 20 February 2024. 26. Romania Insider Editor. “Declassified C.I.A. documents show Ceausescu succession scenarios, Romania's economic situation.” Romania Insider, 19 February 2017, Accessed 20 February 2024. 27. Capturing the Romanian Revolution: Violent Imagery, Affect, and the Televisual Event. McGill University. Retrieved from 28. Szabo, L.-V. (n.d.). The Democracy Deficit: From the Revolution of Timișoara to the Proclamation of Timișoara. Retrieved from
The Romanian government was a totalitarian state that didn’t try to help out its people at all. And they weren’t that good at communism either. Also we (Eastern Europe) don’t like being a Russian puppet state.
Please go talk with people actually from the regions you’re talking about. Poles, Romanians, Ukrainians etc didn’t have good experiences under communism. So if you want socialism to succeed don’t be like the USSR.
The other day a group of friends had a conversation about conspiracy theories. It went something like this: - Have you noticed that all conspiracy theories are from the right wing? - Yes, that's because left wing conspiracy theories tend to be declassified 75 years later. Painfully true
Nope. The elite engaging in inappropriate actions with children is largely spoken of by the right and is undeniably true.
6 месяцев назад
Check the podcasts Ghost Stories for the End of the World, Programmed to Chill and The Return of the Repressed for conspiracy theories that touch grass from the left. There are many more but once you enter that rabbit hole, you will find them yourself.
The thumbnail and video title are intentional nonsense (what even is an african coup lmao) to get random chuds to click the video, if anyone is wondering. Also, some silly people are getting the idea that there is a defense of Ceausescu in this video. There isn't, please use the mental faculties God has blessed you with to understand that just cuz something was bad doesn't make what came afterwards, which is worse in many regards, okay. Romania has been a mess practically all of the 20th century, and the 21st has only brought new challenges to that country which I touch on towards the end of the video.
And of "Timisoara"! In fact, it's probably the best spelling of that city i've ever heard from a non-native speaker! 😂 (ah, except a Russian Moldovan girl who I met in college, but she doesn't count cause she had a Moldovan Romanian boyfriend and spoke our language almost fluently...)
@@whoeverest_the_whateverest Yes, I meant pronounciation. To be fair the OP made exactly the same mistake I did, but you are right that I should have spotted it instead of replicating it.
Thanks for this. I'm Romanian. My parents left the country during the austerity years. It was still a point of pride for our people that by the end of the austerity years we had paid off the imperialistic debts entirely, even as the debt itself was caused in part by mismanaging the economy.
Hungary's debt was just deleted after the fall of communism, paying the debt like that it was stupid, also making that debt when you know you can not manage your economy properly was stupid, why would a country make a debt if they can not manage that economy, why is that "imperialistic" ?
Imperialistic debt how? Romania is one of very few communist state that has flexibility to take their own course of fate within world and the Iron Curtain. Most of these debt are in fact from his very own long mismanagement that forced the nation to import high value product elsewhere in the West. Of course they would be fucking expensive when you have none whatsoever high valued adds up as commodity to be sold other than oil and gas, especially with the import of grain above all else while lying on the most fertile soil exist in Europe. It's dumb thing to say since all I can say his retardedness in economy equally destrucive as liberalization of global market under Thather and Reagant admin in the West that killing off their manufacturing base, but for different reason. Also don't forget about his many vanity projects that turned into financial sinkhole wih money mostly being borrowed from the Soviet, not the West while being forced to sell off their oil and gas to the rest of Iron Curtain in meager price below the market rate far beneath. Like their capital government building, urban train system in Bucharest, various high density "village" apartments in inconceivable places, useless long highway that still yet completed, etc, these debt are from Romanian themselves.
@@loloutplays5232 why would a country make a debt if they can't manage their economy? Because imports are a thing. A bad debt is way better than a gas or food shortage or a currency crisis leading to hyperinflation. And why is that imperialism? Please re-watch the video. Also imperialism probably doesn't mean what you think it means.
Are you sure ,the debt was erased and forgiven,or perhaps been paid of with an interes,hidden of the public,of course,IMF and world bank were publicly signing off, Eastern European countries debts,but in the reality, they've gave away all their resources to the western enterprises 😅😅😅@loloutplays5232
@@Vict0r1984 de acord Ma gandeam ca nu e cel mai potrivit termen din cauza conotatiilor nationaliste ale termenului Besides, tovarachi/tovaras sounds much better
@@georgeguja2475 chiar ma face fericit sa vad atatia Romani pe canalul lui Hakim. Eu sunt Marxist-Leninist de prin 2009-2010 (cand aveam 15-16 ani) dar m-am mutat in vest dupa facultate (in 2016) si pe cand inca eram in tara era extrem de greu sa intalnesti socialisti romani pana si pe internet! :) Da, in Romania intr-un fel e complicata situatia politica pt ca regimul Ceausescu era destul de conservator si dreptist (era nationalist, ilegalizase avorturile si homosexualitatea ca sa "creasca populatia", avea posibil cel mai prost record de drepturile femeilor din tot pactul de la Varsovia etc) asa va multi batrani nostalgici de exemplu sunt nostalgici pt politicile reactionare de pe atunci, nu pentru politici cu adevarat comuniste/de stanga. Oricum, chiar ma bucur sa vad atatia romani aici! 🙂✊ Incet-incet imi creste speranta in viitorul tarii, ca in vestul din "Imperial core", mai ales in Britania ca sa fiu specific, orice potential revolutionar e mort... (am fost membru intr-un partid Trotskiist de aici cativa ani - pot povesti experienta daca va intereseaza) Dv sunteti nascut in 75? (intuiesc dupa numele de cont)
To further the idea of an organized coup, Romania was among the few who never banned ex-communist party members from entering politics under the new liberal oriented regime, basically solidifying the idea of an organized coup from opportunists whithin the CPR
That's not true, Romania banned the party members that were anti revisionist from ever entering politics. Most of the party members were actually marginalized and never allowed to enter politics again.
i don't understand how is that different from other countries. in all eastern europe those ex-communist party polititians who were more neoliberal-nationalist were not banned from entering politics and had high government positions, while those who were more against neoliberalism and nationalism were banned
@@jeanivanjohnson perhaps the ban was only on paper, but I know for a fact they banned ex-Communists from participating in politics. I may be wrong, but that's how I understand the current situation.
@@guyfromtheplaceshown3690Khrushchev was an idiot, he removed Rakosi from power in deStalinization his reforms were garbage and fascist's took advantage of the suffering they caused. When they revolted the Warsaw pact invaded to put them down.
@@lordjav1320 Ahh yes Nagy's Socialism with a Human face is definately Fascism. Its not. No the Hungarian Socialists who wanted to be neutral and leave the Warsaw Pact got invaded by Soviet Imperialism.
I am Romanian and I am happy you made a video focused soley on the events of '89 especially since discussions regarding socialism in Romania is devoid of any nuance and questioning the prevailing narrative about the events of '89 as anything other than emancipation and a win for the people, democracy and FREEEEDOM is almost impossible
@lif6737ești trăsnit? 44% din populație trăiește în sărăcie, peste 8 milioane de oameni. Comuniștii au clădit sute de mii de locuințe salubre, mii de fabrici, uzine, ateliere, combinate, laboratoare, birouri moderne, clinici, etc... salariile erau decente și creșteau proporțional cu productivitatea, nu erau buimăceli cu căldura la București până prin anii '80, aveam o politică externă semi-autonomă (am refuzat să intervenim în Cehoslovacia! Dar acum am osândit tineri flăcăi la moarte în deșertăciunea din Afganistam, Somalia și așa mai departe, pentru stăpânii noștri yankei, pe care tu îi măgulești!)
@lif6737 Regardless of what you think of the Communist era, to describe Romania today as "free, prosperous and safe" has got to be some sort of joke? Job prospects are so poor that many Romanian's have migrated to western Europe for work, the unemployment rate is just above 5%, and that's relatively low compared to how its been over the last 30 years, corruption is still a massive issue and local mafias and gangs are now in on it all as well, the health service is a mess, it's a center of human trafficking, and I could go on.
One frustrating part for me about Ceaușescu's fall is that he did pay all foreign debt that hear in March, but still was taken over by corrupt military personnel
@@himpim642 The problem here is that the austerity regime was the payment for many loans, due to which Romania built modern enterprises and significantly modernized its industry, but after Ilescu came to power, all this was privatized and sold to foreign companies that destroyed these enterprises, or to the Romanians themselves, who looted their equipment and machinery. they sold it on the black market, on sale or for scrap metal. The Neoliberals have actually destroyed what the Romanian people suffered hardships for 10 years in the name of. But, undoubtedly, Ceausescu made a huge mistake by not abolishing austerity immediately after paying off debts, and this ruined him
Most people didn't give a shit the state no longer owed money to others when the way they did that was through austerity. After the massive growth and development in the 70's the austerity policies of the 80's sucked.
As a Romanian, thank you so much for covering Romania, since the fall of ceausesu, Romania has become nothing more than a colony of the west, we have no schools, no hospitals, and all our political sectors and whole state is extremely corrupt and ran by oligrachs, and the worst part all Romanians are leaving and all our lands, forests and natural resources are sold to private corporations from the west while they use us as cheap working hands
59% of Romanians would vote for Ceaușescu if he ran for president according to a 2014 poll, and in 2021 over 66% said life was better before 1989! Proapering industry, collectivised, mechanised agriculture made for exporting, housing for all, good education, decent, affordable health care, democratic input in the workplace (in independent co-operatives particularly), massive funding and support for Romanian culture and art, etc... If we Romanians just look at economic data, our GDP grew 11 fold from 1940 to 1989! Not to say anything of urbanisation, electricity and the emancipation of women!
@@MrCarlWax The original comment is the one which brought GDP into question, I simply made a rhetorical statement. Reading comprehension is not a strong suit for communists, much like economics or world history.
Gdp is a crap stat to base much off of. If the price of things goes up - so does your gdp. You can also have your gdp financialized - which is crap. In the US we have had a fantastic stock market and gdp since 1980 right? Well wages have completely stagnated for the 90% of us, the price of necessities has skyrocketed and somehow CEOs make 400x what they did. Gdp and stock market can both mean absolutely nothing to the 90% of regular people. Christ gdp says that texas has the same economy size as russia... ridiculous. Cost of healthcare goes up, so does gdp. Spend more on military, gdp goes up. A big percentage of gdp can be insurance companies. The list goes on and on. Gdp is used by neolibralists and finalcial criminals especially to show how great their economic system is (for them). @@wallachia4797
I m a romanian born at the end of the 80” and “the revolution” was a coup organised by CIA-KGB. I m not a communist but communist done more good in 40 years then any other system. From 10% urban polulation(1.6 million ppl) to 50% (11 million) in 40 years that’s just a single example. Love your pronouncing of romanian names. Keep up the good work and all the best.
You were not around to see the communist times. You saw only what they caused and you say it was better before when you saw with your own eyes the evil they caused?
Revolutia a fost salvata de la revolutionari de catre Iliescu dragu meu idiot , nicun CIA-KGB , iar nu sa facut nimic ca de atunci pana in coaci tot securisti au avut puterea, De ce crezi ca nu se taie pensiile speciale? DIn cauza ca majoritar is securisti cu pensi speciale
@@issecret1 He does. Feel free to not be a goofball and e.g. take a quoted section which he rightfully puts quotes around, as done in actual research, and Google it. Just because you have some ideology and are lazy doesn't mean everyone is.
As a Hungarian-Romanian citizen I am glad to see this topic discussed on an international platform. However, there are some things that are kinda left out in order to strengthen the CIA plot narrative. 1. You didn't mention that Iliescu was part of the communist party. Plot-twist, he was. In fact he was going to be the successor of Ceausescu anyways, but he was just too hungry for power. Also, he and his cronies were the ones who agreed to sell all the natural resources, industry and banks to foreign capitals. I am not trying to defend the capitalist machine, but in order to be able to buy something, somebody has to sell you the product. 2. Ceaușescu was indeed corrupt and it was not just propaganda. There is plenty of evidence about that. (his hunting residence, his wife receiving a phd in chemistry, despite being almost illiterate, his son who committed numerous felonies and has always been excused, etc). People were living on food rations while, the Ceausescu family was living the high life. While your video has an amazing value for starting a discussion, we should not excuse the wrong doings of a narcissist-psycho just to justify our agenda.
Ba, cei drept la vremea aia, jumate din populatie facea parte din partidul comunist, asa ca na, ai Iliescu nu era cimeva super important, chiar daca avea ceva putere. Sunt de acord totusi cu coruptia lui Ceausescu, dar mereu a fost dubios cand a venit vorba de revolutie cum si cine a inceput sa traga primul, cand nici armata, nici protestatarii nu au tras.
@@danielk934 The debt was paid off by an austerity measures by cutting imports and rising exports and decreasing food and energy consumption as well as cutting to public services that led to shortages and dissatisfaction among general population (but no famine or extreme poverty of any sort tho).
@@danielk934 Long story short: Ceausescu took huge IMF and other international loans and he invested that money mostly into heavy industries. At one point this proved to be productive since he managed to export some of the Romanian products abroad. However, later he took larger and larger loans and that money was mostly spent on non-productive things and among people who were affiliated with the party. This caused a surplus in products that nobody wanted. Also that loan was not used to develop better industrial technologies. In order to be able to repay those loans, Ceaușescu chose to export agricultural and other food products. On one hand this led to the "success" of repaying the loans, but it left the population to rely on food ratios. People on paper were financially stable, but they were staying in queue just for a loaf of bread (sometimes unsuccessfully).
I'm romanian Hakim and l love you but there is soooooo much bullshit in this video. The cia and other western institutions had a role, definitely but not as big and important as you describe and you also get a bunch of smaller details wrong (ww2 commemoration in timisoara? it began with parishioners protesting again their dissident priest being internally deported, this is a detail much more important than it appears l'll explain if anyone responds). There is soooooooo much info in romania regarding the revolution, much of it actually coherent!! but it's a shame l guess that so little is translated into english. You do get the post-1990 part largely right though
@@Cat_Guevara banned off Nebula for inciting violence against Israeli civilians. 🤡 The only mentally unsound individuals are the ones defending and believing anything that comes out of this scum's mouth.
This is better than any current video about Romania and the 1989 coup. Also we romanians always hoped that the americans will save us from the soviets, we can see what our saviours have done to our country.
I love your guys' music and culture, I hate that you guys were spat on by Europe I know you guys are treated like outcasts by them. It's like how the US treated blacks for the longest time. Come visit California we love meeting people from different countries! 💚🤍❤️🐻(colors and animal of our state flag)
What about a actual 2 hour video on the Andrei Ursu book (видео.html), a guy whose parents died from "Securitate"? There are people our there who dedicated their whole lives to uncovering this shit in our country but you guys make it seem like no one is doing anything here in Romania. The people that got killed for after uncovering who the terrorist really were and people in the street dying were nothing? Can you even cover all those events that happened in a 16 minute video with all the time skips?
@@huzumnicolas4343 that video is buried under a ton of other videos of comunism is bad, the guy who is narating and wrote it has left the channel since then. That channel has reached even the level to quote fascists and try to whitewash their roles in justifying the continuation of the war against the USSR. Also the effects of of the revolution are never talked about our economic subjugation to western (and not only western)corporations, the shock treatment which led to misery and instability.
Good arguments, though I have a *few small* beefs: 1. The demonstration in Timișoara was not a comemoration, it was people defending the pastor Laszlo Tokes from being evicted from his home by the Securitate. 2. In his works, Andrei Ursu successfully pointed the terrorist activity and the chaos after December 22nd 1989 was all the creation of the Securitate, and it was a plan that existed as a law since 1972 that with time changed to suit the needs of the regime and the risk of internal revolt rather than external invasion. 3. The people who came into power were former members of the Securitate and activists of the Communist Party whose initial plans were re-instating a Gorbachev-style socialist regime. Iliescu himself saw the multiple party democracy and private property as "antiquated". After the June 1990 Mineriad, it became clear that re-instating socialism wouldn't work so they changed their plans with that of a "heist", stealing resources through a faulty privatization that economists believe was never actually properly finished. 4. The post-revolutionary period (after the execution of Ceaușescu and before the June Mineriad) is essential to understanding the ideals of the revolution, especially through the Proclamation of Timișoara. It offers a good chunk of context for understanding the Revolution and its popular aspect and that the FSN was merely mimicking being "emanated" from the Revolution while having nothing to do with the actual protesters other than the temporal context.
@@novinceinhosic3531I would say this is true, but nonetheless they and most importantly their collaborators continue holding influence over Romanian society nowadays most notably through televisions, fake and sensationalist news and also by "infecting" every party that has the potential to change things up. And these are just mere examples.
Totally agree with these as someone who has written an academic research paper about this topic. This video is pretty good but the few small beefs are pretty easy rectify and would make it a lot better. Not mentioning Tokes and the Securitate in a video about the Romanian revolution was pretty strange to me considering how pivotal those two actors were in these events, moreso the Securitate. Hopefully comrade Hakim sees this! (Wish I could've read Andrei Ursu's full work, unfortunately I couldn't find an English version during my research project...)
@@himisuda9589 As a matter of fact, the Securitate is curiously absent from most of the theories about the Revolution that spawned in Romanian society. Ain't that a bit strange?
I don't wanna talk about Romanian somewhat "revolution" or the US funded mercs that were sent to that country. I just want to clarify how cringe was Ceaucescu. He actually supported Pol Pot's regime (fr) and his idea about "developed socialism with multiple side" is basically rent as much as possible from IMF and then being taken hostage by greedy capitalist, lmao.
@user-su5mq6ow6o The belief that Romanians are solely descended from the Dacians without any Roman influence whatsoever. It originated in early 20th century Romania, among "archeologists"/"historians" like Nicolae Densușianu (who believed that Romania is the cradle of all European civilization because of a supposed Pelasgian empire that manifested here). As you can probably tell, this pseudo-historical approach is pretty fascistic and Ceaușescu adopted it for his national-communist program (which included, among many things, embellished portrayals of Dacians and Romanian medieval rulers), which marked the shift from the so-called Soviet period of Romania (when the USSR and Romania were on more amicable terms, and Romania's communist program was closely modelled after the Soviet one ).
Important to note that the romanian communist party had no social base prior to the soviet occupation and so when it came to power it had to incorporate a lot of former iron guard members into its government
important note almost all iron guard members werre killed or exiled before ceausescu even came to power, and also by the time ceausecu came to power said iron guard members would have almost been pensionares.
@@adi0976 records show clearly that many Romanian n*zis entered the state's structures. There's even popular saying about the Legion and how they survived inside the Romanian Secret Service. Just like the communist army turned capitalist army and just how communist Secret Service turned capitalist Secret Service overnight. The did everything they needed to stay in power.
@@adi0976 the idea that the iron guard were all killed or exiled when communists come to power is objectively false. Also I didn't mention anything about the iron guards relationship to Ceauşescu
There are many details I heard from various friends and family that I never seen in any book about the revolution. Like the fact that at the protest where Ceaușescu was booed, there were agitators who "helped" the crowd. My father (who was there) said that intially the sound system started making some noise as if it was a booing. Some people, encouraged by that, started to actually boo. About December 22, my father, who was in a workers' factory paramilitary organization (these existed for the case of a foreign invasion) was requested to stop cars and check for "terrrorists". From a higher point in the city, he saw an unmarked helicopter shooting randomly with a machine gun along a boulevard. He did not recognize the model, as it was not a model that was in the Romanian Army. He said he was sorry he had no ammo for his AK47 or he would have tried to shoot towards it. I was only 6 years old, but I also remember something: in the distance, I could see out the window a coal-fired power station and I still remember hearing helicopter was shooting towards it during the night (my mum wouldn't allow me to look out the window so I didn't actually see it). I don't understand how it was possible to have non-Romanian helicopters in Bucharest for the "revolution".
Zaiafet are un video superb legat de întâmplările din acele zile de tristă amintireвидео.html, video bazat pe cartea Trăgători și Mistificatori Contrarevoluția Securității în decembrie 1989, la care a scris și Andrei Rusu care mi-a fost profesor la Facultatea de Istorie UBB Cluj
As a Romanian I assure you that the KGB had a much, much, much bigger role in the 1989 revolution than the CIA did. Shortly before Timisoara 30000 Soviet "tourists", all athletic men, entered Romania. Many of the members of FSN were members of the KGB. Ion Iliescu was probably also associated with the KGB as he did his university studies in Moscow and when he came into power his initial goal was to create a Gorbachev-style regime. His first foreign visit was in Moscow, assuring the Soviets of Romania's loyalty to the Warsaw Pact. And let's not forget about the Mineriade, when he called miners to beat up anti-communist students on the streets. Things went sour between Romania and the USSR after the coup-attempt against Gorbachev when Iliescu chose to recognize the putchists as the new legitimate Soviet government, which proved to be a big mistake after the coup failed. Only after that he started building a strong relation with the West as the Russians no longer trusted him and the USSR was disintegrating. PS: The communist party got into power in Romania through electoral fraud. Calling it "legitimate" shows you're just a propagandist.
Hmm probabil era CIA-ul, ce se intampla in Romania se intampla in acelasi timp in toata Europa de est, cineva era in spatele la toate lucrurile astea, si cei care erau in spatele la toate aceste lucruri (CIA-ul) era cel mai probabil in spate la ce se intampla si la noi. Sovietii vedeau ca toate eruopa de est scapa de comunism, nu cred ca mai incercau sa instaleze o marioneta de a lor in Romania cand totul in jurul lor se prabusea, si oricum, cum crezi ca se asteptau Sovietii sa aive Romanii sa continue sa suporte viata in comunism din nou dupa toata revolutia impotriva comunismului care tocmai se intampla
That’s true, even though he was a Communist, Ceausescu had very little love for the soviets, matter of fact he wanted Romania to be something like Yugoslavia, not fully in bed with either NATO or the Warsaw Pact. His whole goal and ideology to pay off the national debt and turn Romania into a self reliant country wasn’t so that he’d be able to withstand the US but the Soviets. And in the 1989 coup, the Soviets aimed at getting rid of him and replacing him with someone much more cooperative, desperately trying to hold on to their dying empire.
Lol the soviets literally invaded Poland in 1918 and 1939, Ukraine, the Baltic nations, Finland, Belarus, Moldova, even China (Turkestan). Also reconquered Central Asia and the Caucuses. Your side aren't the liberators, you're just a red empire.
@@radu-andreinitu3961 Yeah because the soviets were just being kind and helping out the poor Ukrainians, its not like they wanted to spread a worldwide revolution or anything.
Are you for real? Our parents thought a single orange was the peak of Christmas presents. My mother recounts hearing someone coming out on their balcony and screaming because he was so cold in his apartment. Are you children entirely sane?
It's absolutely mind blowing how much you have in all sorts of ways compared to people who grew up in communism and you take it all for granted while shittalking the system that gave you all of it
@@issecret1 ok thank you west for everything you've given me.. now because they're so kind and enlightened it's time for them to switch hands the "torch of peak human civilization". oh what's that, they are trying to hold onto the torch for dear life? it's the natural course of history, empires rise and fall, but america's willing to hold humanity hostage for their global hegemony.. and i will bad mouth them for it. they're blocking a green transition by all the shit they're doing against china. it's so easy to see things like this, unless you're cucked by capitalism. fk capitalism, fk the west and fk america
@@TheCuboidman We may have had a cruel dictator in hour country and rationing to pay external debts, but what good that does to you when your country keeps getting robbed of its resources by austrian firms? What good does a smartphone do to you when you know that somewhere in africa a child had to work a whole day in a cobalt mine under the worst possible conditions just to get payed one dollar? Or remember that time when CIA killed Jacobo Guzman, the president of Guatemala, for giving back the land to the indigenous people from private companies. Of course you dont. You think that capitalism is good because it improved YOUR life conditions at the expense of someone's else's suffering in a country you dont even know the name of. The history of colonialism perfectly encapsulates what capitalists will do to maximise profits. Capitalism is evil, and the crimes of communism do not excuse the genocides that capitalism did and does today. The point of communism failing isnt to return to capitalism, we need to do it better. Look what happened to Russia after the fall of socialism. Oligarchy appeared, 100 men owning 30% of the country's GDP. Sex trafficking ensued, and life conditions became terrible under the private housing market.
In terms of the CIA’s 3 stages of overthrowing communism in Romania, the third about making up a tragedy doesn’t seem right. You mentioned a story about 93 people being killed somewhere called Chimisau? except there’s no place in Romania called that, the closest I can think of is the capital of Moldova, Chisinau and I wasn’t able to find a story about any such tragedy over there. Your source from France 24 talks about how French and other western media used that picture of 19 exhumed bodies to imply mass graves and death tolls in the thousands in Timisoara on Dec. 22, but that’s after the uprisings had already begun and even after Ceausescu’s speech, so the people were already “in action” before this misinformation was spread. Also 93 is the real death count from the Timisoara uprising.
His just spreading communist propaganda, getting out of communism was the best thing that ever happened to Romania. 1 example of the way he misinforms people is he stated that Romania farmer less land than under communism, but the land we are farming is n fold more efficient, we produce the most in all of our history now
It's weird for to watch this as a romanian. I grew up with the same story over and over again, that I never thought about how little sense it makes. But even now that I know this, it's still surreal. Still, thank you. I now understand my history a little better.
Fratii mei, nu aveti rude care au trait pe vremea lui Ceasca?Cum puteti spune ca ne era mai bine.Suntem la o singura generatie distanta de ei.Chit ca a revolutia a fost cu ajutorul americanilor doamne ajuta ca s a intmplat ca daca nu stateam si azi 3 ore la coada pentru o paine.
@@alexanderdouglas6467 Food and electricity shortages were all around Europe at that time. You can't just ignore the time period and only blame the economic system at the time. Do you think the USSR had the same issues? Because they didn't. Neither I nor Hakim glorified Ceauṣescu's system. I know it was a bad system. But what we live in is not better. Don't mistake comfort for betterment. Și sunt femeie. Nu veniți la mine cu "fratele meu".
Hello, as a romanian communist born and raised in Timișoara, I feel that it is the case for me to give my imput on this. Though I was born after the revolution, I still know plenty about it and life beforehand. The ‘80s for romania were a tumultuous time. Socialism had mutated into a disfigured and ill system in dire need of reform. The people knew this. Before the Christmas revolution there were preliminary revolts all over the country in the years leading up to it. The people knew what they were living through wasn’t normal or what communism stands for. The ‘89 revolution was obviously a planned coup by fascists, the CIA and other organisations, but the Ceaușescus were tyrants, they needed to go anf the only way that would be possible was through revolution, they had an iron grip on the country and they were unwilling to let go, hurting thus the people, the country and the principles of communism themselves. Obviously many, MANY things about the revolution are still unknown, but it was a necessary event. The way we are taught the ‘89 revolution and the communist era in schools is absolutely disgusting and unless you are willing and/or able to access proper information such as your channel to know the truth, you will remain for life with the cummunism vuvuzela stalin killed 100 bazillion mindset, which is the norm. People absolutely LOATHE communism here and the country is rapidly moving towards fascism
Hi! A very interesting outlook on the events! As a Russian Communist, I'm very much interested in the viewpoint on communism and former existing socialist countries from people of Eastern Europe. May I ask a question? What leader of the Romanian Communist Party you can genuinely appreciate and aspire, as a good communist politician?
@@somo4227 Speaking of revolutions I dream of the day where communists can acknowledge that communist leaders didn’t exactly act in the interest of the working classes or unions they virtue signal for and stop deleting replies…
I'm Romanian, thank you so fucking much for this🙏🙏, you have no idea the hell on earth my people experienced in the 1990's. Not as bad as Yeltsin's Russia but very close.
It is said that Ceausescu believed, all the way to his death, that he was overthrown by a Soviet-backed coup, and therefore cursed Gorbachev in his last words...😳
as a Romanian, most of this is true. however i disagree with the fact that at multiple instances, the government was portrayed as 'not that bad' for example portraying the government corruption or brutality as not as bad as the media portrayed. yes, that is true, however does that really matter? it doesn't matter if the media made the corruption and oppression of the government hyperbole, the government was still shit and honestly barely communist. it just did the minimal it had to with subsidies, and spent money on Ceausescu's luxuries instead of the people. The government was very corrupt and shit. at least you admit that it was a terrible attempt at communist in the end, however i think that should've been made a bit more clear throughout the video as you dunk on the counter revolutionaries so much it almost makes it seem that communist Romania was good in the first place.
Communist Romania was better than what came before or after. During the 1960s-1970s life was good, even anticommunists in Romania who lived during that time will admit. It wasn't perfect but it is what modernized/industrialized the country. Romanians do not know this but before communism we were poorer than most african countries. If you're a communist spending all your time bashing communist Romania, it's because you are still brainwashed by liberal propaganda.
Seeing the carcasses of old romanian industry is as simple as hopping on a train (which will likely be... at least 2nd hand, very old, and slow) and looking out the window (likely cracked). "Ah! that used to be an old milk factory, a friend of mine worked there", an older woman says, "and that over there a steel one... but they sold it as scrap metal decades ago. Anything else likely picked up by romi by now". Some further ways "this grain field owned by an italian, was a forest once, they sold that too! Afterwards the snow would pile up in the town rather than the trees". Not much a problem nowadays, as this year Romania barely had any rain, let alone snow (it used to be as tall as the side of a house). After hours in the train, you might finally arrive in Bucharest, where all prices are basically in euros, but the salaries are in RON (1/5 of an euro). Food prices alone have doubled since the pandemic. A recession is likely next year... loans will be even more expensive. Apartment builders are even lying about connecting the building to water or gas to save an euro... So yeah, the USA might be the biggest exporter of misery in the world.
What do romanians think of Ceausescu? From my understanding he was better than neoliberals but he is himself has done many things to undermine communism. He is responsible for taking out massive imf loans and started the austerity program in romania.
What do we think? Anyone who lived in his regime hated his guts. Any of us who actually talk to those people and know what it was like hate him too. And then there are the little princes born after the 00s who are here and like him because a foreigner thinks communism is good.
He was a good leader.He took 10 bilions from IMF and he did payed them back.The thing is that imf forced a criminal contract on him.Even so,he payed back. And the west impossed sanctions in Romania to undermine Ceausescu.When he was removed ,even Germany had to give money to Romania.And we were buildin everithing,from toothpicks to jet planes. Now ,Romania, is a ruin with no economy and 50+ billions debt..
@@ATS_i_piss_on_G00gle Things could have changed since I visited, but when I was there like 10 years ago no one had good things to say about him, or the communist party. Not that anyone had anything good to say about the government at the time either though.
I find the Timiosara story a bit lacking. The events there were stirred up by a Hungarian Reformed Calvinist priest, Tőkés László's suspension from his position,( after he criticized the regime)and his pending eviction. They attempted to evict him on the 15th of December but his home was protected by a mixture of Romanian and Hungarian faithful. The local government seeing the massive crowd tried to walk back on the eviction but took too long and the crowd started to radicalize and chant anti-communist slogans. Of course, this original seed of the revolution got lost in the storm that followed, but it is widely remembered in Hungarian minds. Now if Tőkés was paid or related to the CIA that is unknown, might have been just part of the clerical reaction.
Fun fact: “tőke" in Hungarian means “capital” and “tőkés” means “one that has capital”. (It’s my second language so any native speakers please correct me if I’m wrong)
@@veglord_the_profane You are right. If you want to be simple his surname could be "Capitalist"...although it probably refers to "szőlőtőke" which means "grapevine"
When you started talking about banks and firms being sold to Western companies it kinda sorta reminded me of what happened here in Croatia. As if all the Yugoslavia was sacrificed just so a few German, Austrian and Italian banks can come in, Germans and Austrians can buy telecommunication companies and whatever they could not achieve by war they did it with buyouts and mergers. There is only one state owned bank here and it sucks, most of strategic companies (telecom, oil and petrochemical, rail, some shipwrights, steel iron and aluminum) were sold off, holiday resorts that were held by workers councils and societies were also sold or demolished, left to rot and so on. There is a pattern here of what happened to the whole region and yet some people still fail to accept it was orchestrated from the outside and not so spontaneous as you said in the video. FFS my grandpas company made bunkers for Saddam and Gadafi, bridges all over eastern Europe, they built stuff all over Libya, that hydroelectric plant near Sevastopol and it got "demolished"(privatized and sold off) in 1993 with the workers either receiving severance amounting to an one direction tram ticket from the place or being mobilized then and there. And it was not only that place, all the factories produced something that other factories used, it was a whole system, a whole organism. Now its a rotting husk that is being sold of for private resorts or demolished for property investments. All that under watchful eyes of people who call themselves "patriots". Really a last refuge of scoundrel that patriotism.
Damn! This video helps me making sense of why right-wing opportunism was so prevalent in these former AES states at the cross road between Western Bloc states and the USSR. Some people were just destined to be irreformable😭😭
@issecret1 Nah, more like thank you Hakim for pissing off these dumbass idiots who still belive in the capitalist dream. Întreaga idee de bază a capitalismului este să fi exploatat suficient de mult până când o să ajungi să fi tu cel care exploatează, asta dacă ai noroc și anumite condiții. E o ipocrizie, un ciclu care nu se va sfârși niciodată și din care majoritatea nu beneficiază
In my school we recently went over this general period (1945-1989) and I can confirm this has been far more informative than whatever we were forced to learn.
As a Romanian historian with a focus on Cold War Eastern Europe, your assessment of the aftermath following the revolution is pretty good, but your retelling of the revolution is so painfully bad… 1.) not sure why you compare Soviet occupation of Romania to US occupation and subsequent NATO based in Iceland… Soviet occupation was characterized by mass rapes, institutional Russification, and banning of certain Romanian lingual and cultural institutions. 2.) The bodies shown to portray the Timisoara massacre were not broadcast in Romania, only abroad. Also, the C.I.A. did not bribe Romanian officials to excavate bodies from a morgue and take pictures, the families of victims from the riots went to cemeteries around Timisoara and started digging up possible mass grave sites in desperate attempts to find their missing loved ones. Many never found their loved ones or their remains. 3. It is no secret that multiple top members of the Romanian communist party were working to undermine ceasescu months before. They literally wrote an open letter criticizing him and urging him to step down as well as urging the people to vote for a new candidate in the next election which was publicized globally (even the Soviets pushed the story hard to promote dislike of Ceasescu). Militaru, the general you cite, was known to be a Soviet hardliner and had strong connections to the GRU AND actually even plotted an earlier pro-Soviet coup but was unsuccessful. Despite there being a group formed to usurp power, it is still inconclusive whether they planned the December revolution entirely or if they were simply opportunistic after an organic uprising. There is a documented level of disarray and inefficiency in the military at the time of the revolution, showing that there was at least some level of spontaneity and unplanned-ness. 4.) The idea of civilians engaging in “terrorist-psychosis” killing each other is just so stupid I don’t even have to address it… lol 5.) also the “fact” about the CIA sending operatives is literally just speculation. I think you are too hung up on this conspiracy that the revolution is all the CIA’s fault and Romanians have no agency and that Ceasescu is completely devoid of any responsibility. The reason Romania collapsed after the revolution and was sold out so quick and fell into toxic hyper capitalism is not just because of western vultures but because of god awful corruption and economic organization set up by Ceasescu in the decades before…
I was just wondering how you spell the name of the place the "deadly incident" was faked that you mention at 4:00 because I couldnt find anything about it online and your video seems to have a absence of any kind of sources whatsoever regarding it. I also found it strange that for a video about how Romania has declined since its days as a socialist country you spend less time (from 1:36 to 2:45) going over its history as a socialist country than you do taking about incogni (4:50 to 6:24) and even if I include the entire historical context portion its only around 30 seconds longer than the ad. Surely there would be some benefit in explaining why Nicolae Ceaușescu's brand way of doing socialism was so bad, at least with more depth than saying he was "not based" and "very cringe". (just to be clear im not saying he was good but instead saying that understanding how socialism could let such a man get so much power would be more useful than saying the CIA did it without any evidence to back up your claims)
This video was about the overthrow and post-1990 Romania. The history of Romanian industrialization or domestic policy is not the focus of the video, hence why it got only the briefest summary. It's also some of the most boring I've encountered, and that's saying plenty. If you're interested, I can recommend sources. The ad-length is stipulated by the sponsor, and is necessary so that I can pay my editor a reasonable and fair amount.
@@novinceinhosic3531 To put together the video? You think it's all shot in one sitting? You think the footage is just conjured out of thin air? Hakim works as a doctor. He doesn't have the time to do everything by himself if he wants to release more than one video per year.
Related to the rooftop snipers my mom (teenager living in Bucharest at the time) told me about one of her neighbours going to the rooftop of their building only to discover a speaker system playing gun sounds which he then destroyed.
No, more like Nicolas Armyman or Soldier. As for what the other person is saying, Ceaușescu's name does derive from a turkish origin word, Ceauș, in romanian this meaning Clerk, and Ceaușescu being something like Clerkson.
While I generally like these videos, I can't help but feel like they could really use a better system for indicating sources? 'Shot indiscriminately, usually at the pro-government side' for example, is such a specific claim of which I have no indication of a source for as an audience member. That doesn't mean innately it's not true but it does put a 'somerton air' around a lot of what is being said because so many little details like this are thrown out that it's hard to just sit and take the whole video at face value. I imagine it's especially damaging if you're not politically on the same page. Far leftists are used to hearing anti-American sentiment, but to people who lean more moderate I would imagine many of the comments about CIA involvement that aren't immediately backed up would appear incredibly conspiratorial. It's a big ask in some regards and it's not a constant issue throughout every part of the video but I'd consider it.
He's not gonna do it, cause that's how he spews his oropaganda while pretending he does his homework. If you actually look into his sources, he's full of shit.
@@issecret1 The data stated in the videos is usually very accurate. "Propaganda" does not mean it is false or has ill intent. The only reason he is under so much scrutiny and is expected cite every claim like an academic (where as similar right wing channels hardly ever post their sources) is because his videos directly challenge the neoliberal narrative, but this really is an unfair double standard
however it is true, that romanias current government is completely under american influence, i think it is misleading to overstate the importance of america in the collapse of the SRR. It was more of a case of the civilians getting frustrated with the status quo, and the powerful people deciding, that they would have better chances of keeping their wealth, if they sided with the revolutionists. An illustatrative case of the US not aiding revolutions happen in the soviet vassal states is the failed Hungarian revolution of 1956, in which hungarian resistance fighters called out to the US for help, but it did nothing, for fear of starting a nuclear war. Also you called Caușescu a "so called" dictator, but he was one, the government under Causescu engaged in election fraud and intimidation, to keep power.
1:19 “proud axis ally” the only reason as to why Romania joined the axis was to not get conquered by it, you think we willingly gave up Southern Dobrogea? You think we wanted to cede part of the Ardeal to the Miklos? You think we wanted to hand off our romanian brothers in Basarabia to Stalin and let them be russified? No! And the only reason as to why Ion Antonescu got his military dictatorship was because Carol the IInd was forced to abdicate (because he ceded those lands out of fear).
I'm pretty sure he didn't meant Romania as the people, but Antonescu's regime. Let's not forget Romania was second only to Germany in the perpetuation of the Holocaust.
@@AGDeacfirst of all,that is whole heartedly not true,and Antonescu was not more genocidal then Horty or Mussolini,i would argue much less,sure deportation was a thing and antisemitism OBVS existed and was propagated by the regime,but comparing the crimes against jews done by Hungary for example in anexed North Transylvania to what happened in the Romanian Kingdom is insanity.
@@KekusMagnus All of Dobrogea should be Romanian,also the founders of the bulgarian empire were Romanians so by that logic Bulgaria should be a romanian province.
Ceaușescu had some strange tendencies towards vanity projects and also unwise economic policies regarding the short hausse during the oil rush. You can point to CIA but truth to be told, Romania was badly managed even regarding its starting position. The banning of contraceptives was meant to increase fertility, but it was achieved at the expense of AIDS spreading. Ceaușescu deserved a fair trial and not a kangaroo court, but still it's easy to see why it happened. He ruled with an iron fist with the use of Securitate and (to some extent) the regular army. He hade very little public support and it was easy for the people inside the elite to put knives in his back once they had secured friends in the CIA. Unlike Gorbachev, it would be almost impossible for Ceaușescu to use the public to obstruct the army and any coupmakers (be they right/left wing, opportunists etc.). He was basically killed by the people that kept him in power, since they saw a sweeter deal elsewhere. A good video but it leaves as many things untold as told.
this man build a personality cult only second to the dictator of Albania and the Kim family lol. Strange tendencies doesnt begin to grasp the magnitude of delulu
As a Slovak, I have to say, it's always so wonderful when western leftists, who obviously have a very poor understanding of the political moods of Eastern Europe in 1989 pin all the revolutions of that year on the CIA, as if the populations of these countries were just some mindless mass without any political agency. Frankly, this is insulting to the millions of people, who stood on the town squares across the entire eastern bloc, and to those who have died because of Soviet imperialism. Eastern bloc regimes would never fall the way they did, if their populations actually supported them. After the regime changes of 89, communist parties of eastern European states were free to participate in the electoral politics of their respective countries, however they never managed to get much popular support, for obvious reasons. The people simply got tired of their bullshit. After 1989, no Communist party has ever been part of a government of any former Eastern Bloc state. Just to illustrate the scale of popular discontent with the Soviet installed regimes, The Velvet revolution, which ended the Soviet rule over Czechoslovakia, started because state police violently suppressed a student gathering. Following that, almost a million people gathered in Prague to protest, not to mention the hundreds of thousands, who gather all over the rest of Czechoslovakia. Keep in mind, the population of Prague at this point was 1.2 million. On November 27th, there was even a general strike across the whole country, preceded by numerous other strike actions. Does this look, like a supportive populace? The only reason, why western leftist attribute the fall of Communism in the Soviet satellite states to CIA is their inability to admit, that Soviet style authoritarian version of Communism was a dysfunctional system, that never delivered on its promises of worker democracy.
exactly Western leftists or whatever this RUclips channel is from is also the type of people who will blame the problems of Cuba and Venezuela on Western embargos and the west sabotaging those countries rather than it was just their bad ideas leading to their own destruction, which is really the case I’m from Romania and I can tell you that the revolution in my country was 100% authentic grassroots movement because of the misery that our government created 34 years later, our country has an economy that could rival a western European country at the rate it’s growing. It’s not like the west but it’s because of capitalism and a rejection of far left ideas. Also the Romanian people did not have guns, I know because my parents were there people did not have guns. People were being slaughtered by the communist. Government and it’s when our military switched sides because they had the guns the government was able to be overthrown. The military in my country was not helped by the CIA in anyway, but it’s in the military switch sides that the revolution was able to succeed in overthrow the communist dictator. This channel just makes shit up.
You do know that after 1989 Poland (the most anti communist and anti Russian state) had elected socialists in 1997? I guess their “solidarity” was so good at ruling, that people chose to embrace socialists again. Or that Russian Communist party (successor of USSR Communist party) has become second ranked party and was threatening rule of Boris Yeltsin. Or Bulgarian people elected socialists in 1990th And also 54% of population of Hungary has nostalgia for Janos Kadar rule. >does it look like supportive populace Hakim didn’t mention the fact how people loved communism, he stated fact that Also, you are Slovak, ironic, Slovakia has powerful nostalgia for socialism period, and all American NGO shitpapers write about how “stupid Slovaks still think good of socialism”. That’s literally what they write. I am also amused to see phrases like dysfunctional, boy, dysfunctional system can’t win wars against powerful countries like Nazi Germany. Or send man to space. If you want to criticise do it better.
The disdain that certain figures like Hakim have for the eastern europeans who revolted against their colonizers is genuinely disturbing. It's always along the lines of... "If those ignorant, fascist Little Slavs hadn't sided with the CIA and turned against glorious Glorious Mother Rus- *ahem, against the worker's revolution, the USSR would have won the Cold War..." Frankly it reads like an ML version of the "Stab in the Back" myth. Not to mention they frequently cite the Soviets "saving" and "uplifting" their satellite states as if that's a valid argument for these countries now permanently owing Russia their deference and fealty. It's also positively delicious that these "anti-imperialists" use talking points that modern day British and French colonial chauvinists employ to justify their former empires' actions in India and Algeria. Cecil Rhodes would be proud.
@@atticusthegamingllama8302 >revolted against colonisers I haven’t seen Eastern European revolt against NATO If you want to say that USSR was colonising them. I have question. Have you seen Great Britain selling coal or natural resources for CHEAPER price to their colonies?
Again, an outside country "developing" another, selling cheaper coal or whatever contrived bullshit you feel like using, does not and never will obligate the recipient country to forevermore surrender their sovereignty to their "benefactor". Why is this such an easy conclusion for y'all to reach with European colonies in the Global South but next to impossible when its Russians doing it? I'm not arguing about whether the west has done imperialism, I'm stating what anyone with basic critical thinking skills who isn't in a political cult should be able to determine; the USSR was a continuation of the Russian Empire with a red flag, while continuing to engage in the genocide and oppression that had characterized the Czarist era. It routinely attempted to displace the languages and cultural identities of those unfortunate enough to be in its sphere, with Russification taking place particularly in the Baltics and in Kazakhstan. It participated in regular mass-killings and deportations of entire ethnic groups seen as reactionary, including the Ingrian Finns, Crimean Tatars, Chechens, Ingush and ethnic Koreans. It imposed communism from the top down on Eastern Europe post-WWII without consideration for its peoples wants or needs, stationed the Red Army across bases throughout eastern Europe (a practice that tankies regularly and rightfully criticize the US for doing but never the USSR, double standard much?), and regularly used the Red Army to brutalize protest movements, many of which were lead by socialists and communists who didn't appreciate getting sidelined in their own countries by political directives from Moscow. And terminally online leftists like you will routinely deny the agencies of the actual people in these countries like they can't make decisions for themselves and are just puppets of the CIA and NATO, who only wish they were as omnipotent as they were in your alternate reality. I'm sorry that the people of eastern Europe who've been bullied, brutalized and abused by the Russians for centuries got fed up with the Kremlin's BS and decided they were done being serf-states of their historic oppressor. Maybe they might not have done so if the USSR tried constructing actual socialism instead of a glorified state capitalist ethnocracy held together by the precept that if the protests got to intense, they could always fall back on sending in the tanks. At least until the Soviet Empire's contradictions got so intense that even that wouldn't work. Oh btw, Eastern Europe is revolting against their old colonizers today by standing together and resisting the Russian Federation's illegal war of conquest and colonialism in Ukraine.
Outstanding video, the worst take I've heard all week about anything. Congratulations, this is chatgpt hallucinations levels of confidently wrong. I tip my hat to you sir
Almost the entire first half of this video is blatantly incorrect. Saying the revolution was a CIA organized coup is to ignore all the literal suffering from food shortages, the incredible corruption in the system, where stuff like chinese chocolate was a high value commodity, to secret police suppression of the ordinary people. To call it a conspiracy is to ignore reality and all the living proof in the people that still live from that era until today. The timisoara protests started because some people were defending a local priest from being removed from his residence, not some war memorial. People gathered in bucharest to express their cummulative anger from years of standing half a day in line for a loaf of bread. This video is done in poor taste and incorrect information plagues the first half, the latter half being better.
I always find it a bit puzzling when nobody puts any blame on Ceausescu for alienating the romanian people, thus allowing revisionists like Iliescu to gain power and also be very popular with the masses, not to mention that Romania did not have a fullblown neoliberal administration up untill 1996
Thank you for saying this, it baffles me how this man simply handwaves the soviet occupation of the country after the war by saying "they overstayed their welcome, btw US stayed in Iceland till 2006" excusing in this way an occupation that is remembered by many as being especially brutal is insane.
@@ifyoulikepotatoes2430 also, he stated that Romania decided to ally with the soviets in the last years of WW2, even tho the soviets we're the last of the Allies Romania consulted with, and only signed an allience treaty with them to save the country from a full occupation. This video is so shallow in it's reasearch, and full of wrong informations. You cant understand the story unless you fully tell it...
@@Civi_ts Ironically the things he claims have been and are being done by the west in eastern europe, mainly claiming that they are enforcing their ideas and way of life on us is exactly what he is doing, misunderstanding our history and the will of our people just to suit his deluded view of the world.
Thank you for making separate videos on eastern european countries's situations, as a romanian i struggle to find good sources relating to romanian socialism. I hope you have a fantastic day
Hi Everyone! Enjoy the Video, I believe Jonas Savimbi comes in the video and takes Romania as a UNITA stronghold. MPLA-Cuban Forces win in Angola, but, in Romania, where the great UNITA stronghold lay, Jonas Savimbi can make a proclamation that An African Coupe happened in Europe.
I'm American. My stepfather is from Romania. We visited Romania a few years ago in 2019. The folks we stayed with supported Trump, and claimed that Michelle Obama is a man.
Well cause the Soviet Union died after Stalin's death before Ceausescu came along, and he and the others were supported by revisionists like Kruschsev who were far away from the ideals of the Soviet Union and slowly turned it into a capitalist state
Hello, I really enjoy your content, but in the introduction I have to disagree with all east block countries having their leftist governments overthrown by cia coups. As a pole I've heard a lot about life in socialist Poland from my own family, teachers etc. It was not unfortunetly easy to thrive there. The government was not independent, it was controlled by the soviets. The KGB faked referendums multiple time (the most known one being the one we call "3 times "yes", a referendum in 1946). The workers didn't have it easy, they were treated inhumanely which is what started many protests over the years (mass protest usually happened around every 10 years, though there have been more), the protests which we directly consider the start of the fall of socialism in Poland were started in Gdansk when Anna Walentynowicz -- a worker of many years was fired by the government from a government owned shipyard only a couple of months before her retiring age. Adding to that the constant disrespect the workers around Poland indured and constant lack of sovereignty in the country, the workers made a political group called "Sprawiedliwosc" which ended up granting us later on freedom from the soviets. There was no CIA involved, Poland being the first country in the eastern block to get rid of the soviets, no west countries thought of any "help" towards it. I love your content, and I am of socialistic believes, but I am simply intrested to learn your perspective, and how you came into the conclusion CIA was involved in the fall of socialism in Poland, as well as I want other socialists to realize that the socialist soviet rule in eastern block might have been seen as an attack on those countries' sovereignty and independence (especially that most eastern block countries have exeprienced soviet occupation and do not remember it well). Love the video though, and your channel :))
You make a really empathetic and knowledgeable comment to someone who is hopelessly and unreasonably committed to a maximalist defence of Soviet oppression, indeed any oppression committed under a red flag. I am also a Polish socialist but you must understand that Hakim is foremost a campist and will defend capitalist dictators if they're merely aligned to the Eastern Bloc... that no longer exists.
"an african coup"?? you should change the title to counter insurgency or neocolonial coup, or something along those lines. "African coup" comes off as either insulting, or as if africans conducted a coup in europe or in a european country. which i at first though the video was about the later.
15:05 - Further to that video. Population of Romania:- 1966: 19,140,783 1990: 23,206,720 - The peak 2023: 19,054,548 That is insane. Source:-
Hi Hakim! Big fan of your content, I was wondering if it would be possible to add closed captions to your videos.I’m not a native english speaker and I also suffer from a hearing impairment. It would not only help me but a lot of people! Keep up the amazing work!
I had a Romanian fencing coach who after moving to the US became disillusioned and became devout Romanian Orthodox but clearly stated he had a stable job as a saber fencer and coach.
Again why wouldn't he be disillusioned by your country especially when because of your country's help their country got desecrated, they have every right to hate your country like the whole world which isn't the west does for what they still do to their lands
"The corpses the romanians saw were collected from a morgue by the CIA bribing Romanian officials." Anyone mentally challenged enough to actually believe this?😂😂
I’m an Eastern European and I just want to say that we overthrew those governments ourselves because they weren’t doing communism or government very well and were authoritarian states. That’s it.
@SocialistWorldRepublic "everyone does it". Yeah, that doesn't mean it's a good thing to do. Be the change you want to see in the world and all that, you know?
I feel like there is a serious problem with your claims in these videos being impossible to trace even with the sources you give in the comments, especially lately. I left a comment on your iran video asking for a proper source on your claim that the CIA was printing 20$ bills in tehran, since the only thing resembling a source you had for that section was a small piece of text referring to a 2 hour long, non timestamped video from someone else which.. itself had no sources either, i think this is quite problematic even if that claim was actually even mentioned in the video you linked (i don't even know if it is because i didn't sit through the entire 2 hours to check if it was mentioned somewhere, and i don't think anyone else has either) I also tried doing further research to find anyone else making that claim and i found nothing, the closest thing i could find was one forum discussion from 10 years ago about some russian papers supposedly exposing USA in sending dollar printing machines to many countries including iran and using them to print "trillions of dollars", but even in that forum discussion they mentioned how there were serious discrepancies in the numbers. I just spent a little more time looking into it and yes there are more claims of US built printing presses in iran, although it is still very unclear and only mentioned in passing in articles about other issues (which.. once again, have no sources of their own, just like the video you linked, i'm sure you'll agree that simply pointing to someone else who said something does not constitute proof) But in any case, you have done a poor job providing sources for such a serious claim IMO. And what's worse is that the day after, i found that that comment had disappeared, so i just had to rewrite everything from scratch. I am not saying you deleted it, probably just youtube being weird, but i would like to see a response now if possible. Along with another question of a similar kind for this video, which is about the CIA collecting corpses from a morgue and making a scene of massacre as a hoax to discredit the government. You put no sources for this claim whatsoever in the video, and then when i went to check the comments for a source i found that you didn't even order the sources? Because you're "exhausted", i hope you will properly order them once you have the time, since using the excuse of time to fix your source list, a task that would take maybe an hour does not hold up when you're already spending many more hours to make edited, voice acted, scripted and researched videos once a week. Anyway i skimmed through the list to find anything about this CIA morgue claim, found nothing, then i searched for it on the internet, found nothing once again, so i have to ask, if you have a specific source for such a huge claim, why would you not include it in your source list with the explicit labeling of "CIA buying bodies from a morgue for a massacre hoax"? Why would you not mention at least one source in the video section itself where you mentioned it? These seem like bare minimum common sense practices for any kind of serious historical research/analysis video. If however you do not have a specific source and you just made this up entirely while pretending to have it somewhere in your 28 unordered, unlabeled sources, it would seriously reduce the credibility of any of the long source lists you leave in your comments, and even your channel as a whole. So i'm hoping that is not the case, and awaiting a response from you
this is a propaganda channel, maybe founded by eastern powers like russia/ china .I am romanian, and i am telling you that most of what this dude is saying it is bullshit and the basic conspiracy theory propaganda presented on conspiracy theory teleisions in romania :)))) When the communist party took the power they bribed the king to leave the power, even payed him 30.000 dolars per month to leave the country, until ceausescu took power and revoked that payment. The secret police was sometimes above ceausescu since they abused the power and did horible things like executing political rivals, torturing people imprisonned because of different political opinions and they also did horrible experiments like "experimentul pitesti". The single true thing in that video is that yeah it was a "coup" since the people were helped by the army, the generals and a part of the secret police turned their back to the ceausescu, many of those wich were fanatically folowing the communist regime being killed or imprisoned. Not all of them since, if you search there are a lot of situations where members of the ex secret police wich used to torture and interogate people acussed of different political views just escaped being jailed since they gived information about other dangerous members of communist party and communist secret police.
Bingo. This person gets it. Hakim is providing zero sources - he lies about the level of CIA involvement and all he provides is a mentally cucked take -trust me bro-. Gets the facts wrong and only cia/muhrica is evil, despite the evidences showing a completely different story.
Well until 1965 romania was the "peoples republic" not the "socialist" one. Ceaușescu put a ban on abortion în 1966 that unalived about 10000 until 1989, he used child slave labor, unatned kids ended up in terrible orphnages, these are just of the top of my head. He also had some crazy nationaliatic propaganda. @@chroma._.5986
Ceaușescu may have not been an ideal leader, but this dosen’t mean that he was a bad one. In the end, he and Dej are the reason why Romania isn’t an agrar country that lives in the stone age anymore. Great material btw.
romain was idnustrlaising before ww2 and produyced tanks aircrafts cars and had thriving oil and chemical industry.Industrrlisation at large happned to most of world after ww2. this is not in defence of rroytal regime btw
He cultivated a DPRK-level cult of personality. There were literal food lines in downtown București because he was stupid enough to export more grain than Romania could bloody produce, just to show off the great achievements of an independent socialist regime. Anyone who voiced opposition to the government got snatched by the Securitate - seriously, who the hell does that? Dude's solution to students protesting in Piața Universității was to send in the tanks
@issecret1 tu te auzi ce vorbești? “Din același loc”. Noi din totdeauna am fost în urma lor din cauza unei liste lungi de factori geo-politici. În timp ce în anii 20’ italienii construiau primele autostrăzi din lume, jumate din străzile capitalei noastre încă nici nu erau pavate… Și mai spune-ți că pe vremea monarhiei era mai bine și că eram aproape de vest. Foarte puțini au fost regii cărora le-a păsat de popor
Hi there! Your analysis of post-revolutionary neoliberal switch in Romania is broadly correct (although i would say not very thorough). However, your take on the events (be it revolution or coup) from 1989 is superficial to say the least. I will not even go into the events of Timisoara (as it is clear from the documents that we dispose of that the Timisoara gathering was spontaneous). The hypothesis of a CIA backed coup is at least speculative (no evidence whatsoever of any major involvement of foreign intelligence agencies in the revolution/coup). There is a lot of confusion in what regards the 1989 events; i would advise you (for the sake of the informative purpose of this channel) to delete this video - it does nothing but mislead the viewers. Thanks
"Broadly correct but not very thorough" is not the same as "it does nothing but mislead the viewers". Maybe try to put your thoughts in order so they don't contradict eachother before you go around publishing them for all the world to see, huh? Thanks.
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Sources aren't properly ordered because I'm exhausted lmao
16. BBC. “Romania profile - Timeline.” BBC, 8 October 2018, Accessed 1 March 2024.
17. Blunden, Andy. “The Collapse of Eastern Europe.” Stalinism: It’s Origin and Future, Accessed 19 February 2024.
18. Britannica. “Romania - Communist Rule, Securitate, Ceausescu.” Britannica, Accessed 1 March 2024.
19. Chirileasa, Andrei. “Investigation of fall of communism in Romania gets nowhere 30 years on.” Romania Insider, 24 May 2021, Accessed 20 February 2024.
20. Condrea, Diana. “Romania 100 - 100 Years in the History of Romania: The Most Important Events.” Uncover Romania, Accessed 1 March 2024.
21. DAOU, Marc. “Twenty years later, Timisoara affair exposes media credulity.” France 24, 20 December 2009, Accessed 20 February 2024.
22. Gorky, Patricia. “Romania: 30 years removed from socialism - Liberation News.” Liberation News, 26 December 2019, Accessed 20 February 2024.
23. Marcy, Sam, et al. “[Sam Marcy]: General admits long-term coup planning (Jan. 11, 1990).” Workers World, 11 January 1990, Accessed 20 February 2024.
24. Maria, Ana, and Denoel Paris. “Romania's 1989 Uprising Was 'Orchestrated', Prosecutors Say.” Balkan Insight, 18 December 2017, Accessed 20 February 2024.
25. Paun, Carmen. “Thirty years after Romanian revolution, questions remain.”, 25 December 2019, Accessed 20 February 2024.
26. Romania Insider Editor. “Declassified C.I.A. documents show Ceausescu succession scenarios, Romania's economic situation.” Romania Insider, 19 February 2017, Accessed 20 February 2024.
27. Capturing the Romanian Revolution: Violent Imagery, Affect, and the Televisual Event. McGill University. Retrieved from
28. Szabo, L.-V. (n.d.). The Democracy Deficit: From the Revolution of Timișoara to the Proclamation of Timișoara. Retrieved from
Hakim please make a video about Hungary 🙏
make more content for new socialists
@@lessgoo5606 Hungary is irrelevant
The Romanian government was a totalitarian state that didn’t try to help out its people at all. And they weren’t that good at communism either.
Also we (Eastern Europe) don’t like being a Russian puppet state.
Please go talk with people actually from the regions you’re talking about.
Poles, Romanians, Ukrainians etc didn’t have good experiences under communism. So if you want socialism to succeed don’t be like the USSR.
The other day a group of friends had a conversation about conspiracy theories. It went something like this:
- Have you noticed that all conspiracy theories are from the right wing?
- Yes, that's because left wing conspiracy theories tend to be declassified 75 years later.
Painfully true
Are left wing conspiracy theories really even conspiracies? The capitalists pretty much do what they want without trying to hide anything.
Nope. The elite engaging in inappropriate actions with children is largely spoken of by the right and is undeniably true.
Check the podcasts Ghost Stories for the End of the World, Programmed to Chill and The Return of the Repressed for conspiracy theories that touch grass from the left. There are many more but once you enter that rabbit hole, you will find them yourself.
Not all the left wing conspiracy theories are so. Some are declassified 40 years later.
The thumbnail and video title are intentional nonsense (what even is an african coup lmao) to get random chuds to click the video, if anyone is wondering.
Also, some silly people are getting the idea that there is a defense of Ceausescu in this video. There isn't, please use the mental faculties God has blessed you with to understand that just cuz something was bad doesn't make what came afterwards, which is worse in many regards, okay. Romania has been a mess practically all of the 20th century, and the 21st has only brought new challenges to that country which I touch on towards the end of the video.
My stupid ass thought there was an actual African coup.
What is the point of doing that
An African coup is You Might Think He Loves You for Your Money but I Know What He Really Loves You for It’s Your Brand New Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat
@@rowun8269 read the comment in full my guy
More nonsense please
Hakim has the best "Ceausescu" spelling out of all non-romanians
For real.
And of "Timisoara"! In fact, it's probably the best spelling of that city i've ever heard from a non-native speaker! 😂 (ah, except a Russian Moldovan girl who I met in college, but she doesn't count cause she had a Moldovan Romanian boyfriend and spoke our language almost fluently...)
@@Vict0r1984*pronunciation, spelling is about how it's written
@@whoeverest_the_whateverest Yes, I meant pronounciation. To be fair the OP made exactly the same mistake I did, but you are right that I should have spotted it instead of replicating it.
for real, it pains my ears to hear "ch" instead of "sh" in the surname
Thanks for this. I'm Romanian. My parents left the country during the austerity years. It was still a point of pride for our people that by the end of the austerity years we had paid off the imperialistic debts entirely, even as the debt itself was caused in part by mismanaging the economy.
Hungary's debt was just deleted after the fall of communism, paying the debt like that it was stupid, also making that debt when you know you can not manage your economy properly was stupid, why would a country make a debt if they can not manage that economy, why is that "imperialistic" ?
Imperialistic debt how? Romania is one of very few communist state that has flexibility to take their own course of fate within world and the Iron Curtain. Most of these debt are in fact from his very own long mismanagement that forced the nation to import high value product elsewhere in the West. Of course they would be fucking expensive when you have none whatsoever high valued adds up as commodity to be sold other than oil and gas, especially with the import of grain above all else while lying on the most fertile soil exist in Europe. It's dumb thing to say since all I can say his retardedness in economy equally destrucive as liberalization of global market under Thather and Reagant admin in the West that killing off their manufacturing base, but for different reason. Also don't forget about his many vanity projects that turned into financial sinkhole wih money mostly being borrowed from the Soviet, not the West while being forced to sell off their oil and gas to the rest of Iron Curtain in meager price below the market rate far beneath. Like their capital government building, urban train system in Bucharest, various high density "village" apartments in inconceivable places, useless long highway that still yet completed, etc, these debt are from Romanian themselves.
@@loloutplays5232There was no mismanagement of the economy. That's cheap anticomunist propaganda.
@@loloutplays5232 why would a country make a debt if they can't manage their economy?
Because imports are a thing. A bad debt is way better than a gas or food shortage or a currency crisis leading to hyperinflation.
And why is that imperialism?
Please re-watch the video.
Also imperialism probably doesn't mean what you think it means.
Are you sure ,the debt was erased and forgiven,or perhaps been paid of with an interes,hidden of the public,of course,IMF and world bank were publicly signing off, Eastern European countries debts,but in the reality, they've gave away all their resources to the western enterprises 😅😅😅@loloutplays5232
As a Romanian and a fan of Hakim for a good while, I was hoping for this video for a good while. And here it is
Asemenea tovaraschi
@@georgeguja2475*Asemenea tovarase! Aici nu suntem nationalisti! 😉😎
@@Vict0r1984 de acord
Ma gandeam ca nu e cel mai potrivit termen din cauza conotatiilor nationaliste ale termenului
Besides, tovarachi/tovaras sounds much better
@@georgeguja2475 chiar ma face fericit sa vad atatia Romani pe canalul lui Hakim. Eu sunt Marxist-Leninist de prin 2009-2010 (cand aveam 15-16 ani) dar m-am mutat in vest dupa facultate (in 2016) si pe cand inca eram in tara era extrem de greu sa intalnesti socialisti romani pana si pe internet! :)
Da, in Romania intr-un fel e complicata situatia politica pt ca regimul Ceausescu era destul de conservator si dreptist (era nationalist, ilegalizase avorturile si homosexualitatea ca sa "creasca populatia", avea posibil cel mai prost record de drepturile femeilor din tot pactul de la Varsovia etc) asa va multi batrani nostalgici de exemplu sunt nostalgici pt politicile reactionare de pe atunci, nu pentru politici cu adevarat comuniste/de stanga.
Oricum, chiar ma bucur sa vad atatia romani aici! 🙂✊ Incet-incet imi creste speranta in viitorul tarii, ca in vestul din "Imperial core", mai ales in Britania ca sa fiu specific, orice potential revolutionar e mort... (am fost membru intr-un partid Trotskiist de aici cativa ani - pot povesti experienta daca va intereseaza) Dv sunteti nascut in 75? (intuiesc dupa numele de cont)
tovarasi ce facem cu alegerile astea de anul asta, prea multi fascisti
To further the idea of an organized coup, Romania was among the few who never banned ex-communist party members from entering politics under the new liberal oriented regime, basically solidifying the idea of an organized coup from opportunists whithin the CPR
This is a very relevant insight, thank you
That's not true, Romania banned the party members that were anti revisionist from ever entering politics. Most of the party members were actually marginalized and never allowed to enter politics again.
i don't understand how is that different from other countries. in all eastern europe those ex-communist party polititians who were more neoliberal-nationalist were not banned from entering politics and had high government positions, while those who were more against neoliberalism and nationalism were banned
@@jeanivanjohnson perhaps the ban was only on paper, but I know for a fact they banned ex-Communists from participating in politics. I may be wrong, but that's how I understand the current situation.
@@kallashnykov didnt know
That does make more sense, and adds to the idea of a general coup from reformists
I see Hakim, I watch Hakim, I like Hakim
Good to know, mate.
What happend in Hungary 1956?
@@guyfromtheplaceshown3690Khrushchev was an idiot, he removed Rakosi from power in deStalinization his reforms were garbage and fascist's took advantage of the suffering they caused. When they revolted the Warsaw pact invaded to put them down.
@@lordjav1320 Ahh yes Nagy's Socialism with a Human face is definately Fascism.
Its not.
No the Hungarian Socialists who wanted to be neutral and leave the Warsaw Pact got invaded by Soviet Imperialism.
I am Romanian and I am happy you made a video focused soley on the events of '89 especially since discussions regarding socialism in Romania is devoid of any nuance and questioning the prevailing narrative about the events of '89 as anything other than emancipation and a win for the people, democracy and FREEEEDOM is almost impossible
Probably because Romanians just shriek nazi racism about Russians whenever the topic is brought up.
Just like every other so-called "Revolution" in the Eastern Bloc in 1989-1992
@lif6737 Why don't you see the current era as what it is, a national humiliation and degradation under the boot of Washington?
@lif6737ești trăsnit? 44% din populație trăiește în sărăcie, peste 8 milioane de oameni. Comuniștii au clădit sute de mii de locuințe salubre, mii de fabrici, uzine, ateliere, combinate, laboratoare, birouri moderne, clinici, etc... salariile erau decente și creșteau proporțional cu productivitatea, nu erau buimăceli cu căldura la București până prin anii '80, aveam o politică externă semi-autonomă (am refuzat să intervenim în Cehoslovacia! Dar acum am osândit tineri flăcăi la moarte în deșertăciunea din Afganistam, Somalia și așa mai departe, pentru stăpânii noștri yankei, pe care tu îi măgulești!)
@lif6737 Regardless of what you think of the Communist era, to describe Romania today as "free, prosperous and safe" has got to be some sort of joke? Job prospects are so poor that many Romanian's have migrated to western Europe for work, the unemployment rate is just above 5%, and that's relatively low compared to how its been over the last 30 years, corruption is still a massive issue and local mafias and gangs are now in on it all as well, the health service is a mess, it's a center of human trafficking, and I could go on.
One frustrating part for me about Ceaușescu's fall is that he did pay all foreign debt that hear in March, but still was taken over by corrupt military personnel
austerity isnt popular.
@@himpim642 The problem here is that the austerity regime was the payment for many loans, due to which Romania built modern enterprises and significantly modernized its industry, but after Ilescu came to power, all this was privatized and sold to foreign companies that destroyed these enterprises, or to the Romanians themselves, who looted their equipment and machinery. they sold it on the black market, on sale or for scrap metal. The Neoliberals have actually destroyed what the Romanian people suffered hardships for 10 years in the name of. But, undoubtedly, Ceausescu made a huge mistake by not abolishing austerity immediately after paying off debts, and this ruined him
Most people didn't give a shit the state no longer owed money to others when the way they did that was through austerity. After the massive growth and development in the 70's the austerity policies of the 80's sucked.
Thus always to tyrants.
@@radu-andreinitu3961not to mention he's the one who put us in that debt in the first place.
Romania 🇷🇴 Baby!
Nu ma nu ma iei
Credeam c-o sa fie Yugo care face un vid despre noi, to be honest.
As a Romanian, thank you so much for covering Romania, since the fall of ceausesu, Romania has become nothing more than a colony of the west, we have no schools, no hospitals, and all our political sectors and whole state is extremely corrupt and ran by oligrachs, and the worst part all Romanians are leaving and all our lands, forests and natural resources are sold to private corporations from the west while they use us as cheap working hands
Bro Ceaucescu regime is also an oligarchy ones and many Romanian oligarch and politicians in the 90s were former members of Communist Party itslef
@@Suppiluliuma_1 Yet the worst socialism is superior to the best capitalism.
@@Suppiluliuma_1 Those were just oportunists who basically hijacked ceausesu as soon as possible so they can rule today
@@VINICIUS-SR Ironic isnt it ?
@@VINICIUS-SR while we are biased we need to live in reality, this simply isn't true.
59% of Romanians would vote for Ceaușescu if he ran for president according to a 2014 poll, and in 2021 over 66% said life was better before 1989! Proapering industry, collectivised, mechanised agriculture made for exporting, housing for all, good education, decent, affordable health care, democratic input in the workplace (in independent co-operatives particularly), massive funding and support for Romanian culture and art, etc... If we Romanians just look at economic data, our GDP grew 11 fold from 1940 to 1989! Not to say anything of urbanisation, electricity and the emancipation of women!
Also by your logic, our GDP also grew 20fold fro 1989 to 2024, so by your own argument, capitalism has done better for us
@@wallachia4797du-te înapoi la cârciumă măi
@@wallachia4797You have no logic left in you if you think gdp means better living standards
@@MrCarlWax The original comment is the one which brought GDP into question, I simply made a rhetorical statement.
Reading comprehension is not a strong suit for communists, much like economics or world history.
Gdp is a crap stat to base much off of. If the price of things goes up - so does your gdp. You can also have your gdp financialized - which is crap. In the US we have had a fantastic stock market and gdp since 1980 right? Well wages have completely stagnated for the 90% of us, the price of necessities has skyrocketed and somehow CEOs make 400x what they did. Gdp and stock market can both mean absolutely nothing to the 90% of regular people. Christ gdp says that texas has the same economy size as russia... ridiculous. Cost of healthcare goes up, so does gdp. Spend more on military, gdp goes up. A big percentage of gdp can be insurance companies. The list goes on and on. Gdp is used by neolibralists and finalcial criminals especially to show how great their economic system is (for them). @@wallachia4797
I m a romanian born at the end of the 80” and “the revolution” was a coup organised by CIA-KGB. I m not a communist but communist done more good in 40 years then any other system. From 10% urban polulation(1.6 million ppl) to 50% (11 million) in 40 years that’s just a single example.
Love your pronouncing of romanian names. Keep up the good work and all the best.
You are delusional
As far as i know iliescu was a Gorbachev man
It could have been better though. I don’t like totalitarianism. I’m Ukrainian.
You were not around to see the communist times. You saw only what they caused and you say it was better before when you saw with your own eyes the evil they caused?
Revolutia a fost salvata de la revolutionari de catre Iliescu dragu meu idiot , nicun CIA-KGB , iar nu sa facut nimic ca de atunci pana in coaci tot securisti au avut puterea, De ce crezi ca nu se taie pensiile speciale? DIn cauza ca majoritar is securisti cu pensi speciale
2 Hakim videos in the same week? I can't blame you Baghdad is hot this time of year 🥵
it's because hakims there
You could say he's on fire
no damn way Hakim made a video about my homeland's orchestrated coup!?!
That's what I thought as well.
Romania 🇷🇴 Baby!
Yeah, and he provided 0 proof for his wild claims
@@issecret1 He does. Feel free to not be a goofball and e.g. take a quoted section which he rightfully puts quotes around, as done in actual research, and Google it. Just because you have some ideology and are lazy doesn't mean everyone is.
Dacă crezi că a fost lovitură de stat și nu revoluție atunci ne merităm soarta
As a Hungarian-Romanian citizen I am glad to see this topic discussed on an international platform. However, there are some things that are kinda left out in order to strengthen the CIA plot narrative.
1. You didn't mention that Iliescu was part of the communist party. Plot-twist, he was. In fact he was going to be the successor of Ceausescu anyways, but he was just too hungry for power. Also, he and his cronies were the ones who agreed to sell all the natural resources, industry and banks to foreign capitals. I am not trying to defend the capitalist machine, but in order to be able to buy something, somebody has to sell you the product.
2. Ceaușescu was indeed corrupt and it was not just propaganda. There is plenty of evidence about that. (his hunting residence, his wife receiving a phd in chemistry, despite being almost illiterate, his son who committed numerous felonies and has always been excused, etc). People were living on food rations while, the Ceausescu family was living the high life.
While your video has an amazing value for starting a discussion, we should not excuse the wrong doings of a narcissist-psycho just to justify our agenda.
Ba, cei drept la vremea aia, jumate din populatie facea parte din partidul comunist, asa ca na, ai Iliescu nu era cimeva super important, chiar daca avea ceva putere.
Sunt de acord totusi cu coruptia lui Ceausescu, dar mereu a fost dubios cand a venit vorba de revolutie cum si cine a inceput sa traga primul, cand nici armata, nici protestatarii nu au tras.
Ceausescu is famous for his debt policy, when he repaid all debts. Obviously a good thing, but I know too little about it
Could you comment on this?
The debt was paid off by an austerity measures by cutting imports and rising exports and decreasing food and energy consumption as well as cutting to public services that led to shortages and dissatisfaction among general population (but no famine or extreme poverty of any sort tho).
@@danielk934 Long story short: Ceausescu took huge IMF and other international loans and he invested that money mostly into heavy industries.
At one point this proved to be productive since he managed to export some of the Romanian products abroad.
However, later he took larger and larger loans and that money was mostly spent on non-productive things and among people who were affiliated with the party.
This caused a surplus in products that nobody wanted. Also that loan was not used to develop better industrial technologies.
In order to be able to repay those loans, Ceaușescu chose to export agricultural and other food products. On one hand this led to the "success" of repaying the loans, but it left the population to rely on food ratios.
People on paper were financially stable, but they were staying in queue just for a loaf of bread (sometimes unsuccessfully).
@@davidstrelec2000 great summary man!
I'm romanian Hakim and l love you but there is soooooo much bullshit in this video. The cia and other western institutions had a role, definitely but not as big and important as you describe and you also get a bunch of smaller details wrong (ww2 commemoration in timisoara? it began with parishioners protesting again their dissident priest being internally deported, this is a detail much more important than it appears l'll explain if anyone responds). There is soooooooo much info in romania regarding the revolution, much of it actually coherent!! but it's a shame l guess that so little is translated into english. You do get the post-1990 part largely right though
An Iraqi terrorist is trying to explain the December Revolution. Do you expect anything other than nonsensical garbage?
@@leana10011Why is Hakim a terrorist? Are you mentally sound?
@@Cat_Guevara banned off Nebula for inciting violence against Israeli civilians. 🤡
The only mentally unsound individuals are the ones defending and believing anything that comes out of this scum's mouth.
Yeah there's a lot wrong with this video.
its because his whole ideology is based on lies for it to make sense
I'm supposed to be upset about Ceausesu being overthrown? If he was less bad than made out, he was still bad and deserved to be removed from power.
This is better than any current video about Romania and the 1989 coup.
Also we romanians always hoped that the americans will save us from the soviets, we can see what our saviours have done to our country.
Nu lil bro, după ce l-au omorât pe ceașcă, a venit Iliescu și lea dat mâna liberă securiștilor
I love your guys' music and culture, I hate that you guys were spat on by Europe I know you guys are treated like outcasts by them. It's like how the US treated blacks for the longest time. Come visit California we love meeting people from different countries! 💚🤍❤️🐻(colors and animal of our state flag)
What about a actual 2 hour video on the Andrei Ursu book (видео.html), a guy whose parents died from "Securitate"? There are people our there who dedicated their whole lives to uncovering this shit in our country but you guys make it seem like no one is doing anything here in Romania. The people that got killed for after uncovering who the terrorist really were and people in the street dying were nothing?
Can you even cover all those events that happened in a 16 minute video with all the time skips?
@@huzumnicolas4343 that video is buried under a ton of other videos of comunism is bad, the guy who is narating and wrote it has left the channel since then. That channel has reached even the level to quote fascists and try to whitewash their roles in justifying the continuation of the war against the USSR.
Also the effects of of the revolution are never talked about our economic subjugation to western (and not only western)corporations, the shock treatment which led to misery and instability.
How naive you were. Capitalists don't care about anyone,but themselves. Capitalism is about an individual, me and me
Good arguments, though I have a *few small* beefs:
1. The demonstration in Timișoara was not a comemoration, it was people defending the pastor Laszlo Tokes from being evicted from his home by the Securitate.
2. In his works, Andrei Ursu successfully pointed the terrorist activity and the chaos after December 22nd 1989 was all the creation of the Securitate, and it was a plan that existed as a law since 1972 that with time changed to suit the needs of the regime and the risk of internal revolt rather than external invasion.
3. The people who came into power were former members of the Securitate and activists of the Communist Party whose initial plans were re-instating a Gorbachev-style socialist regime. Iliescu himself saw the multiple party democracy and private property as "antiquated". After the June 1990 Mineriad, it became clear that re-instating socialism wouldn't work so they changed their plans with that of a "heist", stealing resources through a faulty privatization that economists believe was never actually properly finished.
4. The post-revolutionary period (after the execution of Ceaușescu and before the June Mineriad) is essential to understanding the ideals of the revolution, especially through the Proclamation of Timișoara. It offers a good chunk of context for understanding the Revolution and its popular aspect and that the FSN was merely mimicking being "emanated" from the Revolution while having nothing to do with the actual protesters other than the temporal context.
@@novinceinhosic3531I would say this is true, but nonetheless they and most importantly their collaborators continue holding influence over Romanian society nowadays most notably through televisions, fake and sensationalist news and also by "infecting" every party that has the potential to change things up. And these are just mere examples.
Totally agree with these as someone who has written an academic research paper about this topic. This video is pretty good but the few small beefs are pretty easy rectify and would make it a lot better. Not mentioning Tokes and the Securitate in a video about the Romanian revolution was pretty strange to me considering how pivotal those two actors were in these events, moreso the Securitate. Hopefully comrade Hakim sees this!
(Wish I could've read Andrei Ursu's full work, unfortunately I couldn't find an English version during my research project...)
@@himisuda9589 As a matter of fact, the Securitate is curiously absent from most of the theories about the Revolution that spawned in Romanian society. Ain't that a bit strange?
I don't wanna talk about Romanian somewhat "revolution" or the US funded mercs that were sent to that country. I just want to clarify how cringe was Ceaucescu. He actually supported Pol Pot's regime (fr) and his idea about "developed socialism with multiple side" is basically rent as much as possible from IMF and then being taken hostage by greedy capitalist, lmao.
Not to mention he had some pretty reactionary beliefs: banning abortion, Thracomania etc.
@user-su5mq6ow6o The belief that Romanians are solely descended from the Dacians without any Roman influence whatsoever. It originated in early 20th century Romania, among "archeologists"/"historians" like Nicolae Densușianu (who believed that Romania is the cradle of all European civilization because of a supposed Pelasgian empire that manifested here). As you can probably tell, this pseudo-historical approach is pretty fascistic and Ceaușescu adopted it for his national-communist program (which included, among many things, embellished portrayals of Dacians and Romanian medieval rulers), which marked the shift from the so-called Soviet period of Romania (when the USSR and Romania were on more amicable terms, and Romania's communist program was closely modelled after the Soviet one ).
@@oculttheexegaming2509 and those same beliefs are now being used unironically by far right parties to trick the population into voting them. AUR/SOS
Oh for sure, dude was an idiot. Still the commubist system prevailed in spite of him
@@oculttheexegaming2509 could you give me a primary source on that? Like any mentions of this by him?
Ceausescu was BLACK and wanted to form the united states of AFRICA in ROMANIA
Trvth nvke
Important to note that the romanian communist party had no social base prior to the soviet occupation and so when it came to power it had to incorporate a lot of former iron guard members into its government
important note almost all iron guard members werre killed or exiled before ceausescu even came to power, and also by the time ceausecu came to power said iron guard members would have almost been pensionares.
@@adi0976 records show clearly that many Romanian n*zis entered the state's structures. There's even popular saying about the Legion and how they survived inside the Romanian Secret Service. Just like the communist army turned capitalist army and just how communist Secret Service turned capitalist Secret Service overnight. The did everything they needed to stay in power.
not true, lol
@@adi0976 the idea that the iron guard were all killed or exiled when communists come to power is objectively false. Also I didn't mention anything about the iron guards relationship to Ceauşescu
@@RobertB0H ah yea let's forget about how agresively the Dej regime was , from 41 to Ceaușescu
no one can convince me 1989 was a normal year and nothing shady was happening in world politics
1989 was people fed up with totalitarianism
@@christianv-h3278lol 😆
@@christianv-h3278 correction: 1989 was the year the CIA finally justified all its expenses
@@KekusMagnus "Anything that disagrees with my political views _must_ have been the CIA's doing." I am very smart
@@christianv-h3278 you certainly are not very smart if you can't see how big of a role the CIA played into the 1989 counterrevolutions
There are many details I heard from various friends and family that I never seen in any book about the revolution.
Like the fact that at the protest where Ceaușescu was booed, there were agitators who "helped" the crowd. My father (who was there) said that intially the sound system started making some noise as if it was a booing. Some people, encouraged by that, started to actually boo.
About December 22, my father, who was in a workers' factory paramilitary organization (these existed for the case of a foreign invasion) was requested to stop cars and check for "terrrorists". From a higher point in the city, he saw an unmarked helicopter shooting randomly with a machine gun along a boulevard. He did not recognize the model, as it was not a model that was in the Romanian Army. He said he was sorry he had no ammo for his AK47 or he would have tried to shoot towards it.
I was only 6 years old, but I also remember something: in the distance, I could see out the window a coal-fired power station and I still remember hearing helicopter was shooting towards it during the night (my mum wouldn't allow me to look out the window so I didn't actually see it).
I don't understand how it was possible to have non-Romanian helicopters in Bucharest for the "revolution".
Zaiafet are un video superb legat de întâmplările din acele zile de tristă amintireвидео.html, video bazat pe cartea Trăgători și Mistificatori Contrarevoluția Securității în decembrie 1989, la care a scris și Andrei Rusu care mi-a fost profesor la Facultatea de Istorie UBB Cluj
As a Romanian I assure you that the KGB had a much, much, much bigger role in the 1989 revolution than the CIA did. Shortly before Timisoara 30000 Soviet "tourists", all athletic men, entered Romania. Many of the members of FSN were members of the KGB. Ion Iliescu was probably also associated with the KGB as he did his university studies in Moscow and when he came into power his initial goal was to create a Gorbachev-style regime. His first foreign visit was in Moscow, assuring the Soviets of Romania's loyalty to the Warsaw Pact. And let's not forget about the Mineriade, when he called miners to beat up anti-communist students on the streets. Things went sour between Romania and the USSR after the coup-attempt against Gorbachev when Iliescu chose to recognize the putchists as the new legitimate Soviet government, which proved to be a big mistake after the coup failed. Only after that he started building a strong relation with the West as the Russians no longer trusted him and the USSR was disintegrating.
PS: The communist party got into power in Romania through electoral fraud. Calling it "legitimate" shows you're just a propagandist.
asa e bravo nu stie ce vorbeste cacatu asta
Hmm probabil era CIA-ul, ce se intampla in Romania se intampla in acelasi timp in toata Europa de est, cineva era in spatele la toate lucrurile astea, si cei care erau in spatele la toate aceste lucruri (CIA-ul) era cel mai probabil in spate la ce se intampla si la noi. Sovietii vedeau ca toate eruopa de est scapa de comunism, nu cred ca mai incercau sa instaleze o marioneta de a lor in Romania cand totul in jurul lor se prabusea, si oricum, cum crezi ca se asteptau Sovietii sa aive Romanii sa continue sa suporte viata in comunism din nou dupa toata revolutia impotriva comunismului care tocmai se intampla
That’s true, even though he was a Communist, Ceausescu had very little love for the soviets, matter of fact he wanted Romania to be something like Yugoslavia, not fully in bed with either NATO or the Warsaw Pact. His whole goal and ideology to pay off the national debt and turn Romania into a self reliant country wasn’t so that he’d be able to withstand the US but the Soviets. And in the 1989 coup, the Soviets aimed at getting rid of him and replacing him with someone much more cooperative, desperately trying to hold on to their dying empire.
Very true. This guy is just a communist activist
Hakim, a propagandist? No, inconceivable! Who could ever think such a thing! /s
The freedom empire expands again...
Lol the soviets literally invaded Poland in 1918 and 1939, Ukraine, the Baltic nations, Finland, Belarus, Moldova, even China (Turkestan). Also reconquered Central Asia and the Caucuses. Your side aren't the liberators, you're just a red empire.
@@oatdilemma6395 Literally
@@christianv-h3278 Sorry, comradely*
@@oatdilemma6395 Poland started the war in 1918 by trying to invade Ukraine bruh
@@radu-andreinitu3961 Yeah because the soviets were just being kind and helping out the poor Ukrainians, its not like they wanted to spread a worldwide revolution or anything.
Yes, because nothing ever happens in the world without US intervention.
Well fuck me. Turns out capitalism wasnt that good for us afterall. Too bad...
Then you do not know what happened during communism in our own damn country
Are you for real? Our parents thought a single orange was the peak of Christmas presents. My mother recounts hearing someone coming out on their balcony and screaming because he was so cold in his apartment. Are you children entirely sane?
It's absolutely mind blowing how much you have in all sorts of ways compared to people who grew up in communism and you take it all for granted while shittalking the system that gave you all of it
@@issecret1 ok thank you west for everything you've given me.. now because they're so kind and enlightened it's time for them to switch hands the "torch of peak human civilization". oh what's that, they are trying to hold onto the torch for dear life?
it's the natural course of history, empires rise and fall, but america's willing to hold humanity hostage for their global hegemony.. and i will bad mouth them for it.
they're blocking a green transition by all the shit they're doing against china. it's so easy to see things like this, unless you're cucked by capitalism.
fk capitalism, fk the west and fk america
@@TheCuboidman We may have had a cruel dictator in hour country and rationing to pay external debts, but what good that does to you when your country keeps getting robbed of its resources by austrian firms? What good does a smartphone do to you when you know that somewhere in africa a child had to work a whole day in a cobalt mine under the worst possible conditions just to get payed one dollar? Or remember that time when CIA killed Jacobo Guzman, the president of Guatemala, for giving back the land to the indigenous people from private companies. Of course you dont. You think that capitalism is good because it improved YOUR life conditions at the expense of someone's else's suffering in a country you dont even know the name of. The history of colonialism perfectly encapsulates what capitalists will do to maximise profits. Capitalism is evil, and the crimes of communism do not excuse the genocides that capitalism did and does today. The point of communism failing isnt to return to capitalism, we need to do it better. Look what happened to Russia after the fall of socialism. Oligarchy appeared, 100 men owning 30% of the country's GDP. Sex trafficking ensued, and life conditions became terrible under the private housing market.
Alas! I'm about to sleep, then Hakim has drop a video. What can l do, but watch it?
Actually the Socialist Republic of Romania was named Peoples Republic of Romania until 1965.
Points scoring are we?
@@ntokozosibanyoni1421 🤓☝️
@@froschberg05 😂
In terms of the CIA’s 3 stages of overthrowing communism in Romania, the third about making up a tragedy doesn’t seem right. You mentioned a story about 93 people being killed somewhere called Chimisau? except there’s no place in Romania called that, the closest I can think of is the capital of Moldova, Chisinau and I wasn’t able to find a story about any such tragedy over there. Your source from France 24 talks about how French and other western media used that picture of 19 exhumed bodies to imply mass graves and death tolls in the thousands in Timisoara on Dec. 22, but that’s after the uprisings had already begun and even after Ceausescu’s speech, so the people were already “in action” before this misinformation was spread. Also 93 is the real death count from the Timisoara uprising.
His just spreading communist propaganda, getting out of communism was the best thing that ever happened to Romania.
1 example of the way he misinforms people is he stated that Romania farmer less land than under communism, but the land we are farming is n fold more efficient, we produce the most in all of our history now
he said "temesvar" lmao, the hungarian name for the place, which was probably him trying to pronounce this without committing sudoku
It's weird for to watch this as a romanian. I grew up with the same story over and over again, that I never thought about how little sense it makes. But even now that I know this, it's still surreal. Still, thank you. I now understand my history a little better.
You fell for disinformation again, fratele meu.
@@thecyberdork776 Adevărat
This video has quite a few things wrong with it, as other commenters pointed out.
Fratii mei, nu aveti rude care au trait pe vremea lui Ceasca?Cum puteti spune ca ne era mai bine.Suntem la o singura generatie distanta de ei.Chit ca a revolutia a fost cu ajutorul americanilor doamne ajuta ca s a intmplat ca daca nu stateam si azi 3 ore la coada pentru o paine.
@@alexanderdouglas6467 Food and electricity shortages were all around Europe at that time. You can't just ignore the time period and only blame the economic system at the time. Do you think the USSR had the same issues? Because they didn't. Neither I nor Hakim glorified Ceauṣescu's system. I know it was a bad system. But what we live in is not better. Don't mistake comfort for betterment. Și sunt femeie. Nu veniți la mine cu "fratele meu".
Hello, as a romanian communist born and raised in Timișoara, I feel that it is the case for me to give my imput on this. Though I was born after the revolution, I still know plenty about it and life beforehand. The ‘80s for romania were a tumultuous time. Socialism had mutated into a disfigured and ill system in dire need of reform. The people knew this. Before the Christmas revolution there were preliminary revolts all over the country in the years leading up to it. The people knew what they were living through wasn’t normal or what communism stands for. The ‘89 revolution was obviously a planned coup by fascists, the CIA and other organisations, but the Ceaușescus were tyrants, they needed to go anf the only way that would be possible was through revolution, they had an iron grip on the country and they were unwilling to let go, hurting thus the people, the country and the principles of communism themselves. Obviously many, MANY things about the revolution are still unknown, but it was a necessary event. The way we are taught the ‘89 revolution and the communist era in schools is absolutely disgusting and unless you are willing and/or able to access proper information such as your channel to know the truth, you will remain for life with the cummunism vuvuzela stalin killed 100 bazillion mindset, which is the norm. People absolutely LOATHE communism here and the country is rapidly moving towards fascism
A very interesting outlook on the events!
As a Russian Communist, I'm very much interested in the viewpoint on communism and former existing socialist countries from people of Eastern Europe.
May I ask a question?
What leader of the Romanian Communist Party you can genuinely appreciate and aspire, as a good communist politician?
desigur ca orășeanu e comunist
@@snackler6102 nazi propaganda nonsense from a nazi serb
@lif6737 the revolution would have happened either way,it was inevitable
@@somo4227 Speaking of revolutions I dream of the day where communists can acknowledge that communist leaders didn’t exactly act in the interest of the working classes or unions they virtue signal for and stop deleting replies…
I'm Romanian, thank you so fucking much for this🙏🙏, you have no idea the hell on earth my people experienced in the 1990's. Not as bad as Yeltsin's Russia but very close.
It is said that Ceausescu believed, all the way to his death, that he was overthrown by a Soviet-backed coup, and therefore cursed Gorbachev in his last words...😳
as a Romanian, most of this is true. however i disagree with the fact that at multiple instances, the government was portrayed as 'not that bad' for example portraying the government corruption or brutality as not as bad as the media portrayed. yes, that is true, however does that really matter? it doesn't matter if the media made the corruption and oppression of the government hyperbole, the government was still shit and honestly barely communist. it just did the minimal it had to with subsidies, and spent money on Ceausescu's luxuries instead of the people. The government was very corrupt and shit.
at least you admit that it was a terrible attempt at communist in the end, however i think that should've been made a bit more clear throughout the video as you dunk on the counter revolutionaries so much it almost makes it seem that communist Romania was good in the first place.
Communist Romania was better than what came before or after. During the 1960s-1970s life was good, even anticommunists in Romania who lived during that time will admit. It wasn't perfect but it is what modernized/industrialized the country. Romanians do not know this but before communism we were poorer than most african countries.
If you're a communist spending all your time bashing communist Romania, it's because you are still brainwashed by liberal propaganda.
btw for those who wonder this has been adressed by hakim in his comment.
Seeing the carcasses of old romanian industry is as simple as hopping on a train (which will likely be... at least 2nd hand, very old, and slow) and looking out the window (likely cracked). "Ah! that used to be an old milk factory, a friend of mine worked there", an older woman says, "and that over there a steel one... but they sold it as scrap metal decades ago. Anything else likely picked up by romi by now". Some further ways "this grain field owned by an italian, was a forest once, they sold that too! Afterwards the snow would pile up in the town rather than the trees". Not much a problem nowadays, as this year Romania barely had any rain, let alone snow (it used to be as tall as the side of a house).
After hours in the train, you might finally arrive in Bucharest, where all prices are basically in euros, but the salaries are in RON (1/5 of an euro). Food prices alone have doubled since the pandemic. A recession is likely next year... loans will be even more expensive. Apartment builders are even lying about connecting the building to water or gas to save an euro...
So yeah, the USA might be the biggest exporter of misery in the world.
What do romanians think of Ceausescu? From my understanding he was better than neoliberals but he is himself has done many things to undermine communism. He is responsible for taking out massive imf loans and started the austerity program in romania.
What do we think? Anyone who lived in his regime hated his guts. Any of us who actually talk to those people and know what it was like hate him too. And then there are the little princes born after the 00s who are here and like him because a foreigner thinks communism is good.
He was a good leader.He took 10 bilions from IMF and he did payed them back.The thing is that imf forced a criminal contract on him.Even so,he payed back.
And the west impossed sanctions in Romania to undermine Ceausescu.When he was removed ,even Germany had to give money to Romania.And we were buildin everithing,from toothpicks to jet planes.
Now ,Romania, is a ruin with no economy and 50+ billions debt..
They hate him
They miss him,big time..No joke
@@ATS_i_piss_on_G00gle Things could have changed since I visited, but when I was there like 10 years ago no one had good things to say about him, or the communist party. Not that anyone had anything good to say about the government at the time either though.
I find the Timiosara story a bit lacking. The events there were stirred up by a Hungarian Reformed Calvinist priest, Tőkés László's suspension from his position,( after he criticized the regime)and his pending eviction. They attempted to evict him on the 15th of December but his home was protected by a mixture of Romanian and Hungarian faithful. The local government seeing the massive crowd tried to walk back on the eviction but took too long and the crowd started to radicalize and chant anti-communist slogans. Of course, this original seed of the revolution got lost in the storm that followed, but it is widely remembered in Hungarian minds. Now if Tőkés was paid or related to the CIA that is unknown, might have been just part of the clerical reaction.
Tőkés is a far right accomplice of the Hungarian oligarchs.
Fun fact: “tőke" in Hungarian means “capital” and “tőkés” means “one that has capital”.
(It’s my second language so any native speakers please correct me if I’m wrong)
@@veglord_the_profane You are right. If you want to be simple his surname could be "Capitalist"...although it probably refers to "szőlőtőke" which means "grapevine"
@@Isylon Köszönöm elvtárs. A Tőkés neve igen legvalószínűbben a “szőlőtőke” szóból származik
Babe, wake up, New Hakim video just dropped
I’m 3 minutes in and finding out that Romania took loans from the IMF takes me back to your video on Poland. I can see where this is going 😂
same in India 1990's
When you started talking about banks and firms being sold to Western companies it kinda sorta reminded me of what happened here in Croatia. As if all the Yugoslavia was sacrificed just so a few German, Austrian and Italian banks can come in, Germans and Austrians can buy telecommunication companies and whatever they could not achieve by war they did it with buyouts and mergers. There is only one state owned bank here and it sucks, most of strategic companies (telecom, oil and petrochemical, rail, some shipwrights, steel iron and aluminum) were sold off, holiday resorts that were held by workers councils and societies were also sold or demolished, left to rot and so on. There is a pattern here of what happened to the whole region and yet some people still fail to accept it was orchestrated from the outside and not so spontaneous as you said in the video. FFS my grandpas company made bunkers for Saddam and Gadafi, bridges all over eastern Europe, they built stuff all over Libya, that hydroelectric plant near Sevastopol and it got "demolished"(privatized and sold off) in 1993 with the workers either receiving severance amounting to an one direction tram ticket from the place or being mobilized then and there. And it was not only that place, all the factories produced something that other factories used, it was a whole system, a whole organism. Now its a rotting husk that is being sold of for private resorts or demolished for property investments. All that under watchful eyes of people who call themselves "patriots". Really a last refuge of scoundrel that patriotism.
Damn! This video helps me making sense of why right-wing opportunism was so prevalent in these former AES states at the cross road between Western Bloc states and the USSR. Some people were just destined to be irreformable😭😭
My wife is from Romania, thank you for this video.
Yeah, thanks for misinforming the fucking idiots who don't live here, Hakim.
@issecret1 Nah, more like thank you Hakim for pissing off these dumbass idiots who still belive in the capitalist dream. Întreaga idee de bază a capitalismului este să fi exploatat suficient de mult până când o să ajungi să fi tu cel care exploatează, asta dacă ai noroc și anumite condiții. E o ipocrizie, un ciclu care nu se va sfârși niciodată și din care majoritatea nu beneficiază
@@ytdanytevero Most communists just end up becoming neo-legionnaires or informants for the police.
Free Dacia will rise.
In my school we recently went over this general period (1945-1989) and I can confirm this has been far more informative than whatever we were forced to learn.
I was just thinking about your videos then I find a new upload lucky 😂!
As a Romanian historian with a focus on Cold War Eastern Europe, your assessment of the aftermath following the revolution is pretty good, but your retelling of the revolution is so painfully bad…
1.) not sure why you compare Soviet occupation of Romania to US occupation and subsequent NATO based in Iceland… Soviet occupation was characterized by mass rapes, institutional Russification, and banning of certain Romanian lingual and cultural institutions.
2.) The bodies shown to portray the Timisoara massacre were not broadcast in Romania, only abroad. Also, the C.I.A. did not bribe Romanian officials to excavate bodies from a morgue and take pictures, the families of victims from the riots went to cemeteries around Timisoara and started digging up possible mass grave sites in desperate attempts to find their missing loved ones. Many never found their loved ones or their remains.
3. It is no secret that multiple top members of the Romanian communist party were working to undermine ceasescu months before. They literally wrote an open letter criticizing him and urging him to step down as well as urging the people to vote for a new candidate in the next election which was publicized globally (even the Soviets pushed the story hard to promote dislike of Ceasescu). Militaru, the general you cite, was known to be a Soviet hardliner and had strong connections to the GRU AND actually even plotted an earlier pro-Soviet coup but was unsuccessful. Despite there being a group formed to usurp power, it is still inconclusive whether they planned the December revolution entirely or if they were simply opportunistic after an organic uprising. There is a documented level of disarray and inefficiency in the military at the time of the revolution, showing that there was at least some level of spontaneity and unplanned-ness.
4.) The idea of civilians engaging in “terrorist-psychosis” killing each other is just so stupid I don’t even have to address it… lol
5.) also the “fact” about the CIA sending operatives is literally just speculation.
I think you are too hung up on this conspiracy that the revolution is all the CIA’s fault and Romanians have no agency and that Ceasescu is completely devoid of any responsibility. The reason Romania collapsed after the revolution and was sold out so quick and fell into toxic hyper capitalism is not just because of western vultures but because of god awful corruption and economic organization set up by Ceasescu in the decades before…
would be really helpful if you added sources to your videos or description
I was just wondering how you spell the name of the place the "deadly incident" was faked that you mention at 4:00 because I couldnt find anything about it online and your video seems to have a absence of any kind of sources whatsoever regarding it. I also found it strange that for a video about how Romania has declined since its days as a socialist country you spend less time (from 1:36 to 2:45) going over its history as a socialist country than you do taking about incogni (4:50 to 6:24) and even if I include the entire historical context portion its only around 30 seconds longer than the ad. Surely there would be some benefit in explaining why Nicolae Ceaușescu's brand way of doing socialism was so bad, at least with more depth than saying he was "not based" and "very cringe". (just to be clear im not saying he was good but instead saying that understanding how socialism could let such a man get so much power would be more useful than saying the CIA did it without any evidence to back up your claims)
i was havign trouble finding the name aswell
All sources are in the pinned comment, as always since the beginning of my channel.
This video was about the overthrow and post-1990 Romania. The history of Romanian industrialization or domestic policy is not the focus of the video, hence why it got only the briefest summary. It's also some of the most boring I've encountered, and that's saying plenty. If you're interested, I can recommend sources.
The ad-length is stipulated by the sponsor, and is necessary so that I can pay my editor a reasonable and fair amount.
@@novinceinhosic3531 To put together the video? You think it's all shot in one sitting? You think the footage is just conjured out of thin air?
Hakim works as a doctor. He doesn't have the time to do everything by himself if he wants to release more than one video per year.
@@novinceinhosic3531 LMFAO who tf are you to say what he is or isn't? Sit down!
Going into a grocery store in Romania and seeing the labels in German made me realise that EU expansionism is simply rebranded Lebensraum.
Did you miss all the other languages that are there too? Are you stupid, or blind?
Romanians enjoy it Fof them this is democracy.
muaddib hakim has dropped
never trust a charismatic, messianic figure
Funny how fitting this joke is, if you actually understand who Muad'dib is.
Why these type of videos dont get that many views is beyond me. Thank you for your work
"legitimate left wing goverments of the warsaw pact" roflmao
Stalin is very proud of your english prowess, comrade ❤
Related to the rooftop snipers my mom (teenager living in Bucharest at the time) told me about one of her neighbours going to the rooftop of their building only to discover a speaker system playing gun sounds which he then destroyed.
4:35 Brother is literally called "Nicolas Military"
Another fun fact: Nicolae Ceaușescu is literally called Nicolae Sergeant. Ceaușescu derives from the word "çavuş" (sergeant) in Turkish.
No, more like Nicolas Armyman or Soldier.
As for what the other person is saying, Ceaușescu's name does derive from a turkish origin word, Ceauș, in romanian this meaning Clerk, and Ceaușescu being something like Clerkson.
@@MrMann-mw4zh If it's anything like Italian it means military as in the adjective
In Italian a person in military career is indeed called "a [substantivized adjective] military"
While I generally like these videos, I can't help but feel like they could really use a better system for indicating sources?
'Shot indiscriminately, usually at the pro-government side' for example, is such a specific claim of which I have no indication of a source for as an audience member.
That doesn't mean innately it's not true but it does put a 'somerton air' around a lot of what is being said because so many little details like this are thrown out that it's hard to just sit and take the whole video at face value.
I imagine it's especially damaging if you're not politically on the same page. Far leftists are used to hearing anti-American sentiment, but to people who lean more moderate I would imagine many of the comments about CIA involvement that aren't immediately backed up would appear incredibly conspiratorial. It's a big ask in some regards and it's not a constant issue throughout every part of the video but I'd consider it.
I am far left but I want a source on this claim.
He's not gonna do it, cause that's how he spews his oropaganda while pretending he does his homework. If you actually look into his sources, he's full of shit.
@@issecret1 The data stated in the videos is usually very accurate. "Propaganda" does not mean it is false or has ill intent.
The only reason he is under so much scrutiny and is expected cite every claim like an academic (where as similar right wing channels hardly ever post their sources) is because his videos directly challenge the neoliberal narrative, but this really is an unfair double standard
Really loving this series about the Warsaw Pact. It’s great to learn about what happened and to learn.
however it is true, that romanias current government is completely under american influence, i think it is misleading to overstate the importance of america in the collapse of the SRR. It was more of a case of the civilians getting frustrated with the status quo, and the powerful people deciding, that they would have better chances of keeping their wealth, if they sided with the revolutionists. An illustatrative case of the US not aiding revolutions happen in the soviet vassal states is the failed Hungarian revolution of 1956, in which hungarian resistance fighters called out to the US for help, but it did nothing, for fear of starting a nuclear war. Also you called Caușescu a "so called" dictator, but he was one, the government under Causescu engaged in election fraud and intimidation, to keep power.
And you think so called western democracies don’t rig elections ? 🤣
1:19 “proud axis ally” the only reason as to why Romania joined the axis was to not get conquered by it, you think we willingly gave up Southern Dobrogea? You think we wanted to cede part of the Ardeal to the Miklos? You think we wanted to hand off our romanian brothers in Basarabia to Stalin and let them be russified? No! And the only reason as to why Ion Antonescu got his military dictatorship was because Carol the IInd was forced to abdicate (because he ceded those lands out of fear).
I'm pretty sure he didn't meant Romania as the people, but Antonescu's regime. Let's not forget Romania was second only to Germany in the perpetuation of the Holocaust.
@@AGDeacfirst of all,that is whole heartedly not true,and Antonescu was not more genocidal then Horty or Mussolini,i would argue much less,sure deportation was a thing and antisemitism OBVS existed and was propagated by the regime,but comparing the crimes against jews done by Hungary for example in anexed North Transylvania to what happened in the Romanian Kingdom is insanity.
Southern Dobruja never should have been Romanian in the first place
@@KekusMagnus true, however my point still stands
@@KekusMagnus All of Dobrogea should be Romanian,also the founders of the bulgarian empire were Romanians so by that logic Bulgaria should be a romanian province.
Ceaușescu had some strange tendencies towards vanity projects and also unwise economic policies regarding the short hausse during the oil rush. You can point to CIA but truth to be told, Romania was badly managed even regarding its starting position. The banning of contraceptives was meant to increase fertility, but it was achieved at the expense of AIDS spreading.
Ceaușescu deserved a fair trial and not a kangaroo court, but still it's easy to see why it happened. He ruled with an iron fist with the use of Securitate and (to some extent) the regular army. He hade very little public support and it was easy for the people inside the elite to put knives in his back once they had secured friends in the CIA. Unlike Gorbachev, it would be almost impossible for Ceaușescu to use the public to obstruct the army and any coupmakers (be they right/left wing, opportunists etc.). He was basically killed by the people that kept him in power, since they saw a sweeter deal elsewhere.
A good video but it leaves as many things untold as told.
this man build a personality cult only second to the dictator of Albania and the Kim family lol. Strange tendencies doesnt begin to grasp the magnitude of delulu
As a Slovak, I have to say, it's always so wonderful when western leftists, who obviously have a very poor understanding of the political moods of Eastern Europe in 1989 pin all the revolutions of that year on the CIA, as if the populations of these countries were just some mindless mass without any political agency.
Frankly, this is insulting to the millions of people, who stood on the town squares across the entire eastern bloc, and to those who have died because of Soviet imperialism. Eastern bloc regimes would never fall the way they did, if their populations actually supported them.
After the regime changes of 89, communist parties of eastern European states were free to participate in the electoral politics of their respective countries, however they never managed to get much popular support, for obvious reasons. The people simply got tired of their bullshit. After 1989, no Communist party has ever been part of a government of any former Eastern Bloc state.
Just to illustrate the scale of popular discontent with the Soviet installed regimes, The Velvet revolution, which ended the Soviet rule over Czechoslovakia, started because state police violently suppressed a student gathering. Following that, almost a million people gathered in Prague to protest, not to mention the hundreds of thousands, who gather all over the rest of Czechoslovakia. Keep in mind, the population of Prague at this point was 1.2 million. On November 27th, there was even a general strike across the whole country, preceded by numerous other strike actions.
Does this look, like a supportive populace?
The only reason, why western leftist attribute the fall of Communism in the Soviet satellite states to CIA is their inability to admit, that Soviet style authoritarian version of Communism was a dysfunctional system, that never delivered on its promises of worker democracy.
exactly Western leftists or whatever this RUclips channel is from is also the type of people who will blame the problems of Cuba and Venezuela on Western embargos and the west sabotaging those countries rather than it was just their bad ideas leading to their own destruction, which is really the case I’m from Romania and I can tell you that the revolution in my country was 100% authentic grassroots movement because of the misery that our government created 34 years later, our country has an economy that could rival a western European country at the rate it’s growing. It’s not like the west but it’s because of capitalism and a rejection of far left ideas. Also the Romanian people did not have guns, I know because my parents were there people did not have guns. People were being slaughtered by the communist. Government and it’s when our military switched sides because they had the guns the government was able to be overthrown. The military in my country was not helped by the CIA in anyway, but it’s in the military switch sides that the revolution was able to succeed in overthrow the communist dictator. This channel just makes shit up.
You do know that after 1989 Poland (the most anti communist and anti Russian state) had elected socialists in 1997?
I guess their “solidarity” was so good at ruling, that people chose to embrace socialists again.
Or that Russian Communist party (successor of USSR Communist party) has become second ranked party and was threatening rule of Boris Yeltsin.
Or Bulgarian people elected socialists in 1990th
And also 54% of population of Hungary has nostalgia for Janos Kadar rule.
>does it look like supportive populace
Hakim didn’t mention the fact how people loved communism, he stated fact that
Also, you are Slovak, ironic, Slovakia has powerful nostalgia for socialism period, and all American NGO shitpapers write about how “stupid Slovaks still think good of socialism”. That’s literally what they write.
I am also amused to see phrases like dysfunctional, boy, dysfunctional system can’t win wars against powerful countries like Nazi Germany. Or send man to space. If you want to criticise do it better.
The disdain that certain figures like Hakim have for the eastern europeans who revolted against their colonizers is genuinely disturbing. It's always along the lines of... "If those ignorant, fascist Little Slavs hadn't sided with the CIA and turned against glorious Glorious Mother Rus- *ahem, against the worker's revolution, the USSR would have won the Cold War..."
Frankly it reads like an ML version of the "Stab in the Back" myth. Not to mention they frequently cite the Soviets "saving" and "uplifting" their satellite states as if that's a valid argument for these countries now permanently owing Russia their deference and fealty. It's also positively delicious that these "anti-imperialists" use talking points that modern day British and French colonial chauvinists employ to justify their former empires' actions in India and Algeria. Cecil Rhodes would be proud.
@@atticusthegamingllama8302 >revolted against colonisers
I haven’t seen Eastern European revolt against NATO
If you want to say that USSR was colonising them. I have question. Have you seen Great Britain selling coal or natural resources for CHEAPER price to their colonies?
Again, an outside country "developing" another, selling cheaper coal or whatever contrived bullshit you feel like using, does not and never will obligate the recipient country to forevermore surrender their sovereignty to their "benefactor". Why is this such an easy conclusion for y'all to reach with European colonies in the Global South but next to impossible when its Russians doing it?
I'm not arguing about whether the west has done imperialism, I'm stating what anyone with basic critical thinking skills who isn't in a political cult should be able to determine; the USSR was a continuation of the Russian Empire with a red flag, while continuing to engage in the genocide and oppression that had characterized the Czarist era. It routinely attempted to displace the languages and cultural identities of those unfortunate enough to be in its sphere, with Russification taking place particularly in the Baltics and in Kazakhstan. It participated in regular mass-killings and deportations of entire ethnic groups seen as reactionary, including the Ingrian Finns, Crimean Tatars, Chechens, Ingush and ethnic Koreans. It imposed communism from the top down on Eastern Europe post-WWII without consideration for its peoples wants or needs, stationed the Red Army across bases throughout eastern Europe (a practice that tankies regularly and rightfully criticize the US for doing but never the USSR, double standard much?), and regularly used the Red Army to brutalize protest movements, many of which were lead by socialists and communists who didn't appreciate getting sidelined in their own countries by political directives from Moscow.
And terminally online leftists like you will routinely deny the agencies of the actual people in these countries like they can't make decisions for themselves and are just puppets of the CIA and NATO, who only wish they were as omnipotent as they were in your alternate reality.
I'm sorry that the people of eastern Europe who've been bullied, brutalized and abused by the Russians for centuries got fed up with the Kremlin's BS and decided they were done being serf-states of their historic oppressor. Maybe they might not have done so if the USSR tried constructing actual socialism instead of a glorified state capitalist ethnocracy held together by the precept that if the protests got to intense, they could always fall back on sending in the tanks. At least until the Soviet Empire's contradictions got so intense that even that wouldn't work.
Oh btw, Eastern Europe is revolting against their old colonizers today by standing together and resisting the Russian Federation's illegal war of conquest and colonialism in Ukraine.
Outstanding video, the worst take I've heard all week about anything. Congratulations, this is chatgpt hallucinations levels of confidently wrong. I tip my hat to you sir
Almost the entire first half of this video is blatantly incorrect. Saying the revolution was a CIA organized coup is to ignore all the literal suffering from food shortages, the incredible corruption in the system, where stuff like chinese chocolate was a high value commodity, to secret police suppression of the ordinary people. To call it a conspiracy is to ignore reality and all the living proof in the people that still live from that era until today.
The timisoara protests started because some people were defending a local priest from being removed from his residence, not some war memorial. People gathered in bucharest to express their cummulative anger from years of standing half a day in line for a loaf of bread.
This video is done in poor taste and incorrect information plagues the first half, the latter half being better.
This is also not mentioning the ridiculous totalitarian repression and transformation of Romania into a literal North Korea like state
I always find it a bit puzzling when nobody puts any blame on Ceausescu for alienating the romanian people, thus allowing revisionists like Iliescu to gain power and also be very popular with the masses, not to mention that Romania did not have a fullblown neoliberal administration up untill 1996
Thank you for saying this, it baffles me how this man simply handwaves the soviet occupation of the country after the war by saying "they overstayed their welcome, btw US stayed in Iceland till 2006" excusing in this way an occupation that is remembered by many as being especially brutal is insane.
@@ifyoulikepotatoes2430 also, he stated that Romania decided to ally with the soviets in the last years of WW2, even tho the soviets we're the last of the Allies Romania consulted with, and only signed an allience treaty with them to save the country from a full occupation. This video is so shallow in it's reasearch, and full of wrong informations. You cant understand the story unless you fully tell it...
@@Civi_ts Ironically the things he claims have been and are being done by the west in eastern europe, mainly claiming that they are enforcing their ideas and way of life on us is exactly what he is doing, misunderstanding our history and the will of our people just to suit his deluded view of the world.
Mashallah daddy Hakim has uploaded
Please more videos like this!
One always hears about western coupe in latin america or the middle east, but never in Eastern Europe. Very Interesting.
the fact Romanas communists was the only eastern bloc regime to be violently overthrown just shows how hated he was. sic semper tyrannis
Thank you for making separate videos on eastern european countries's situations, as a romanian i struggle to find good sources relating to romanian socialism. I hope you have a fantastic day
Hi Everyone! Enjoy the Video, I believe Jonas Savimbi comes in the video and takes Romania as a UNITA stronghold. MPLA-Cuban Forces win in Angola, but, in Romania, where the great UNITA stronghold lay, Jonas Savimbi can make a proclamation that An African Coupe happened in Europe.
I'm American. My stepfather is from Romania. We visited Romania a few years ago in 2019. The folks we stayed with supported Trump, and claimed that Michelle Obama is a man.
It's interesting to see how misinformation is wrapped in a youtube video
Everyone in this comment section is 10 and have no idea how bad Ceaușescu was.
Well cause the Soviet Union died after Stalin's death before Ceausescu came along, and he and the others were supported by revisionists like Kruschsev who were far away from the ideals of the Soviet Union and slowly turned it into a capitalist state
Hello, I really enjoy your content, but in the introduction I have to disagree with all east block countries having their leftist governments overthrown by cia coups. As a pole I've heard a lot about life in socialist Poland from my own family, teachers etc. It was not unfortunetly easy to thrive there. The government was not independent, it was controlled by the soviets. The KGB faked referendums multiple time (the most known one being the one we call "3 times "yes", a referendum in 1946). The workers didn't have it easy, they were treated inhumanely which is what started many protests over the years (mass protest usually happened around every 10 years, though there have been more), the protests which we directly consider the start of the fall of socialism in Poland were started in Gdansk when Anna Walentynowicz -- a worker of many years was fired by the government from a government owned shipyard only a couple of months before her retiring age. Adding to that the constant disrespect the workers around Poland indured and constant lack of sovereignty in the country, the workers made a political group called "Sprawiedliwosc" which ended up granting us later on freedom from the soviets. There was no CIA involved, Poland being the first country in the eastern block to get rid of the soviets, no west countries thought of any "help" towards it. I love your content, and I am of socialistic believes, but I am simply intrested to learn your perspective, and how you came into the conclusion CIA was involved in the fall of socialism in Poland, as well as I want other socialists to realize that the socialist soviet rule in eastern block might have been seen as an attack on those countries' sovereignty and independence (especially that most eastern block countries have exeprienced soviet occupation and do not remember it well). Love the video though, and your channel :))
You make a really empathetic and knowledgeable comment to someone who is hopelessly and unreasonably committed to a maximalist defence of Soviet oppression, indeed any oppression committed under a red flag. I am also a Polish socialist but you must understand that Hakim is foremost a campist and will defend capitalist dictators if they're merely aligned to the Eastern Bloc... that no longer exists.
@@MrOttoMarrakech yeahhh.. i love some of his content but this belief of his bothers me
i think he has made a video on Poland recently, if you are interested
I can’t believe what I’m seeing right now. Thank you so much.
"an african coup"?? you should change the title to counter insurgency or neocolonial coup, or something along those lines. "African coup" comes off as either insulting, or as if africans conducted a coup in europe or in a european country. which i at first though the video was about the later.
Nice video! Nice to see a video about my country
Damn, why CIA doesn't make coups like this anymore (
Ok, a General having the surname Militaru is kinda funny. Man was born for the job.
Chat help me out here, did bro just whitewash Ceausescu?
Yoooooo! I didn't think it would be Hakim doing one on us.
Cope and seethe, Hakim, cope and seethe
Now wipe off your tears and say something more specific, boy.
15:05 - Further to that video. Population of Romania:-
1966: 19,140,783
1990: 23,206,720 - The peak
2023: 19,054,548
That is insane.
Hungary’s population peaked in 1980, during communism. So it’s not exactly true that capitalism is responsible for the population decline
Thanks for covering my country! ❤
Hi Hakim! Big fan of your content, I was wondering if it would be possible to add closed captions to your videos.I’m not a native english speaker and I also suffer from a hearing impairment. It would not only help me but a lot of people! Keep up the amazing work!
I had a Romanian fencing coach who after moving to the US became disillusioned and became devout Romanian Orthodox but clearly stated he had a stable job as a saber fencer and coach.
Again why wouldn't he be disillusioned by your country especially when because of your country's help their country got desecrated, they have every right to hate your country like the whole world which isn't the west does for what they still do to their lands
"The corpses the romanians saw were collected from a morgue by the CIA bribing Romanian officials."
Anyone mentally challenged enough to actually believe this?😂😂
I kid you not, this is the least batshiz insane that the leftoid neo-Bolshevik believe.
I was about to go to sleep, but this is more important
I’m an Eastern European and I just want to say that we overthrew those governments ourselves because they weren’t doing communism or government very well and were authoritarian states. That’s it.
@SocialistWorldRepublic "I know a foreigner's country better than they know their own country". I am very smart
@SocialistWorldRepublic "everyone does it". Yeah, that doesn't mean it's a good thing to do. Be the change you want to see in the world and all that, you know?
@SocialistWorldRepublic Facts!
I feel like there is a serious problem with your claims in these videos being impossible to trace even with the sources you give in the comments, especially lately.
I left a comment on your iran video asking for a proper source on your claim that the CIA was printing 20$ bills in tehran, since the only thing resembling a source you had for that section was a small piece of text referring to a 2 hour long, non timestamped video from someone else which.. itself had no sources either, i think this is quite problematic even if that claim was actually even mentioned in the video you linked (i don't even know if it is because i didn't sit through the entire 2 hours to check if it was mentioned somewhere, and i don't think anyone else has either)
I also tried doing further research to find anyone else making that claim and i found nothing, the closest thing i could find was one forum discussion from 10 years ago about some russian papers supposedly exposing USA in sending dollar printing machines to many countries including iran and using them to print "trillions of dollars", but even in that forum discussion they mentioned how there were serious discrepancies in the numbers.
I just spent a little more time looking into it and yes there are more claims of US built printing presses in iran, although it is still very unclear and only mentioned in passing in articles about other issues (which.. once again, have no sources of their own, just like the video you linked, i'm sure you'll agree that simply pointing to someone else who said something does not constitute proof)
But in any case, you have done a poor job providing sources for such a serious claim IMO.
And what's worse is that the day after, i found that that comment had disappeared, so i just had to rewrite everything from scratch. I am not saying you deleted it, probably just youtube being weird, but i would like to see a response now if possible.
Along with another question of a similar kind for this video, which is about the CIA collecting corpses from a morgue and making a scene of massacre as a hoax to discredit the government.
You put no sources for this claim whatsoever in the video, and then when i went to check the comments for a source i found that you didn't even order the sources? Because you're "exhausted", i hope you will properly order them once you have the time, since using the excuse of time to fix your source list, a task that would take maybe an hour does not hold up when you're already spending many more hours to make edited, voice acted, scripted and researched videos once a week.
Anyway i skimmed through the list to find anything about this CIA morgue claim, found nothing, then i searched for it on the internet, found nothing once again, so i have to ask, if you have a specific source for such a huge claim, why would you not include it in your source list with the explicit labeling of "CIA buying bodies from a morgue for a massacre hoax"? Why would you not mention at least one source in the video section itself where you mentioned it? These seem like bare minimum common sense practices for any kind of serious historical research/analysis video.
If however you do not have a specific source and you just made this up entirely while pretending to have it somewhere in your 28 unordered, unlabeled sources, it would seriously reduce the credibility of any of the long source lists you leave in your comments, and even your channel as a whole.
So i'm hoping that is not the case, and awaiting a response from you
this is a propaganda channel, maybe founded by eastern powers like russia/ china .I am romanian, and i am telling you that most of what this dude is saying it is bullshit and the basic conspiracy theory propaganda presented on conspiracy theory teleisions in romania :))))
When the communist party took the power they bribed the king to leave the power, even payed him 30.000 dolars per month to leave the country, until ceausescu took power and revoked that payment.
The secret police was sometimes above ceausescu since they abused the power and did horible things like executing political rivals, torturing people imprisonned because of different political opinions and they also did horrible experiments like "experimentul pitesti". The single true thing in that video is that yeah it was a "coup" since the people were helped by the army, the generals and a part of the secret police turned their back to the ceausescu, many of those wich were fanatically folowing the communist regime being killed or imprisoned.
Not all of them since, if you search there are a lot of situations where members of the ex secret police wich used to torture and interogate people acussed of different political views just escaped being jailed since they gived information about other dangerous members of communist party and communist secret police.
Bingo. This person gets it. Hakim is providing zero sources - he lies about the level of CIA involvement and all he provides is a mentally cucked take -trust me bro-. Gets the facts wrong and only cia/muhrica is evil, despite the evidences showing a completely different story.
YES, my home
Soooo many mistakes on just basic stuff. It's a sad attempt at informational a video.
*refuses to elaborate further*
Well until 1965 romania was the "peoples republic" not the "socialist" one. Ceaușescu put a ban on abortion în 1966 that unalived about 10000 until 1989, he used child slave labor, unatned kids ended up in terrible orphnages, these are just of the top of my head. He also had some crazy nationaliatic propaganda. @@chroma._.5986
It's misinformation, not a "information al" video
Hmm interesting title you got there, seems almost proactive but that's probably the point i assume, regardless this should be an interesting one.
Do you have a list of sources for this video that you can share please? Thank you in advance!
The sources: he sniffed paint thinner and had a fever dream
hey, can I ask for some recommendations on where to learn more about czechoslovakia around this time?
The IMF did a number on Romania and former Yugoslavia
Ceaușescu may have not been an ideal leader, but this dosen’t mean that he was a bad one. In the end, he and Dej are the reason why Romania isn’t an agrar country that lives in the stone age anymore. Great material btw.
romain was idnustrlaising before ww2 and produyced tanks aircrafts cars and had thriving oil and chemical industry.Industrrlisation at large happned to most of world after ww2.
this is not in defence of rroytal regime btw
@@himpim642 the industrialization indeed started in the mid-late 20’s, but until the after-war era it was at a very small scale
He cultivated a DPRK-level cult of personality. There were literal food lines in downtown București because he was stupid enough to export more grain than Romania could bloody produce, just to show off the great achievements of an independent socialist regime. Anyone who voiced opposition to the government got snatched by the Securitate - seriously, who the hell does that? Dude's solution to students protesting in Piața Universității was to send in the tanks
Ma, voi sunteti intregi la cap? Suntem 30 de ani in urma tarilor care au pornit din acelasi loc din cauza lui
@issecret1 tu te auzi ce vorbești? “Din același loc”. Noi din totdeauna am fost în urma lor din cauza unei liste lungi de factori geo-politici. În timp ce în anii 20’ italienii construiau primele autostrăzi din lume, jumate din străzile capitalei noastre încă nici nu erau pavate… Și mai spune-ți că pe vremea monarhiei era mai bine și că eram aproape de vest. Foarte puțini au fost regii cărora le-a păsat de popor
Great vid!
hakim got beats now
Hi there! Your analysis of post-revolutionary neoliberal switch in Romania is broadly correct (although i would say not very thorough). However, your take on the events (be it revolution or coup) from 1989 is superficial to say the least. I will not even go into the events of Timisoara (as it is clear from the documents that we dispose of that the Timisoara gathering was spontaneous). The hypothesis of a CIA backed coup is at least speculative (no evidence whatsoever of any major involvement of foreign intelligence agencies in the revolution/coup). There is a lot of confusion in what regards the 1989 events; i would advise you (for the sake of the informative purpose of this channel) to delete this video - it does nothing but mislead the viewers. Thanks
"Broadly correct but not very thorough" is not the same as "it does nothing but mislead the viewers". Maybe try to put your thoughts in order so they don't contradict eachother before you go around publishing them for all the world to see, huh? Thanks.