@@Moneyblueprint1 compared to Malmø, Gøthenburg and Stockholm, Copenhagen and Odense are quit safe. Offcourse there are problems there to, as in Norway or any western european country, but Sweden is in it’s own league. You could rather compare these Swedish cities to Naples, Marseille or Bradford than other nordic cities.
These people were born into a country, where they are greeted with so many possibilities to get a good life. Free education, free medical services, good healthcare, good salary etc. What a shame to waste their own lives and even destroying others. You have only one life, and you choose this. Shameful. I can imagine their families crying for them.
The thing is, most of the people choosing a life like this, are not born in this country. Which is (not certaintly, but could be) one of the reasons why they turn to gangs and to get involved in gang-violence to gain another type of "family", because of their hardships and/or segregation where they live. And it is like this because of the segregation issue we have here, we don't put enough effort into integrating the immigrants, to educate them (and us) eachothers cultures , etc. But yeah it's really sad to see all this shit happening in Sweden when, like you say we have one of the best public welfere's, especially with the nation wide free education system, to then see kids getting involved in crimes just beacuse they get a lighter sentence in court. Its sad really.
It's not so simple as you think. I worked as social worker during the 90's in Sweden. It was not easy for everyone to integrate into Swedish society. Just one example. Most of the families that got their first apartment was forced by the social workers to get a loan just for furniture etc. You start your life with debts in a new country without language knowledge and negative economy. One of the guy's in the video mentioned that he was going home alone every day after the school. What he was saying that he was going home alone because he could not afford the bus ticket and swedish children got picked up by the parents in car. I am not saying this reasons are valid enough to behave this way, i am just pointing out that most of this imigrants start from 0 and are in negative environment from early stage of life. Swedish police / law is the biggest issue in this matter.
@@l1ght858What a cuck response. There is 100% onus on these barbarians to act like normal people. Why are you herding them as if they don't have the capacity to act responsible. Why then do you wish to take in endless amounts until the ones wishing to integrate them into Sweden are met with the majority of "this is our culture" These people will never be Swedish and it's time to accept that it's not the responsibility of a global minority (whites) to babysit Africans.
@@cofbassist They could have stayed in the shitty middle east and tried doing something with that country. Unfortunately inbreed genetics dont go well with that kind of thing
It is so sad to see this happening to Sweden. I live in Norway and quantity of the crimes can not be compared as in Norway you dont have so many weapons and gangs...Sweden must respond to this full power!
I wish we would however I fail to see it happening. We've been handling it quite wrong ever since it started and it's now quite difficult to control. We're loosing big parts of certain cities to criminals (and have been for years) and even if the police is doing what they can it doesn't seem to be nearly enough anymore. We would need military squads to go clean out the ones who's not running on the streets, police would need more backup to confront the streets and tougher punishments for everyone, a lot tougher, even for the kids. The time to talk it out and victimize criminals needs to be over. Those of us who can tries to move to areas we can't afford to not have to deal with it anymore. EDIT: I'd also like to add that it's common for most folks to ignore it, pretend it's not as bad is it is or just simply live in ignorance. You get a tinfoil-hat if you tell it like it is.
Från någon som var uppväxt på Temperaturgatan från 1991 till 2017 var det skrämmande och se hela det hela utspela sig. Kommer ihåg många vänner som kom närmare och närmare det här gängen för varje månad, vecka, dag som gick. Det är sorgligt. Som han säger i början "jag förstår deras uppväxt men inte deras brutalitet", exakt så jag känner med.
a Norwegian here, i know these problems are pretty bad over there just like they are in several places and even starting to become here. i wish you all who read this a happy and safe life, and i wish for better times ahead my brothers and sisters.
What a fall from grace. Sweden used to be a country every Finn looked up to. Now all we hear of Sweden is gang violence, terrorist threats, foreigners not being able to acculture... I really hope it gets better, however I don't see it changing any time soon.
Sweden has been ruled by vultures and jews since Charles XII died. At no point in time in Finland's history should they have looked up to Sweden. Sweden & Finland were only decent countries when they were one.
Svårt att göra sit jobb när man får skit & kan få sparken när man gör det man ska. när en polis arrestera 1 invandrare som begår brott då är han rasist. logist som fan. Sen när någon väll åker dit så släpps de efter någon dag. Svenska lag funkar för Svenskar inte för invandrare.
Edit ser nu detta är en production ifrån Cmore**** Sjukt cool, snygg, trevligt, välgjort intro, Riktigt snygga vinklar, meed både drönare, bilar, bild i bild etc och med de olika korta intervju citaten i olika ljud format, men svenska, invandrar-svenska, kvinnoröst, polis. Riktigt snyggt intro, gjorde mig mkt mera intresserad utav att se hela videon!
Sweden is such a good example of what happens when you let asylum seekers enter a country and roam relatively freely... I know that not everyone is a bad apple, but in my opinion, there are too many of them...
Synd att det har blivit så fruktansvärd 😢Sverige fint land jag kommit hit för 8 år sen jag trivs väldigt bra med mina kollegor på jobb och alla folket, vi måste göra något för Sverige och vara barn känner trygghet ❤
Det går inte att göre en selektiv repatriering! Problemet är att då måste vi ändra i grundlagen retroaktivt. Sedan måste vi införa något liknande Nürnberglagarna i Tyskland. Det här är andra generationens invandrare som är födda i Sverige. Det går tyvärr inte. Märk väl att det inte är invandrarnas fel utan våra politikers. Sverige har gått över gränsen för no return. Vi är mer körda än vi vet om. Jag är bara tacksam för att jag växtre upp på 80-90-talen och inte har några barn! Tycker dock det är konstigt att personer som Mona Sahlin och Reinfeldt mm. inte har fått stå till svars!
Är du dum??? Politikers fel? Inget själv ansvar för dessa äckliga berikare??? DUMMA JÄVEL. Det är invandrarnas fel, ingen annans! Deras föräldrar är äckliga människor som behöver spärras in i fängelse.
De fanns folk som sa det samma som du om den katolska kyrkan innan Vasas tid. Allt GÅR att ändra så länge man organiserar sig och jobbar gemensamt mot det målet, lagar är inte skrivna i sten, de går att ändra så länge folket vill.
Imagine asking for help, recieving it from a wealthy beautiful country by it's peoples good graces, then you "grape" and murder and spike every sort of crime there is. How evil does a person have to be to do that? You don't bite the hand that feeds you, hopefully they'll learn that very soon. Deportation or war, no other future exists.
ToM Polisen tycker att man ska skicka tillbaks fångar som kommer från andra länder, tyvärr så fokuserar sverige på att skicka ut fungerande arbetande invandrare och ha kvar fångar och brottslingar för att det är "synd" om dem.
Historian om gängkriget i Biskopsgården är så fascinerande till mig. Att det allt började över en tjej och ledde till att flera tiotal personer förlorat sitt liv är helt sjukt.
Det hade kunnat handla om en tjej, om droger, om en bror eller vad som helst som hade sårat dem dem. Det handlar om extremt bräckliga människor som är på gränsen till att skita i allt och tappa det helt. Du förvandlas inte till mördare över en natt.
43:00 His feelings here is a *big* part of why this gang-war is, and will continue to be. =/ Wish you can find peace, and some day work together instead, to fight for a common good. North & South *TOGETHER* could probably do 19 times more. Best wishes to all of you, caught in the struggle. ✌& ❤ From Norway!
And of course Arabs, Turks etc. No Swede is doing that. Those are Swedes you say? :D They have free money, they don't have to work. Everything is given. And they take it all with no "thank you". Let's have more of Africa, Arabs here. Will be more of this. This goes with culture. No respect for Nords.
Vi har haft f o l k f ö r ä d a r e vid makten långt innan Reinfeldt. Demokrati är en lögn, det är alltid storfinans som kontrollerar den. Vi har inte varit självständiga sedan den parlamentariska pesten kom till vårat land. Karl den XI var den sista ledaren som skulle kunna kallas bra, snacka inte något positivt om Karl XII för han bjöd in J u d e pesten och satte kronan i skuld till deras lånehajar, och därigenom sådde han fröet till deras kontroll och hur Sverige är idag.
This is easily fixed but it requires cold, not cruel, tactics. In order to Secure society from the worst out there, they need to be Contained if you want to Protect your citizens. I recommend 096.
Varför är det samma shuno som snackar i detta program om biskopsgården och även i P3 Dokuemntär om Vår krog & bar i Biskopsgården. Är han Mr. Biskopsgården eller?
Det bevisar bara hur arg man blir när någon gör något mot ens egna vänner, man vill ge igen, det visar även på föräldrarna som ville göra kaos, det är svårare att förstå hur folk känner sig.
This documentary have gotten so many request for english subtitles. The problem is that it doesnt have any "extern subtitles" anywhere on Google that can be translated. So the only way is to manually listen to the dialogue and then create a subtitlesheet and then the hardest thing to put in the timeline of the dialogue for every time they speak. The main reason I started this channel is my interest in how Sweden went from one of the best countries to now be a warning for others what can happen when you let to many people in without a integrationplan. Of course is more complex than that but its a good start to a debate. I work like 9 hours a day but I would be so happy if this could be spread so more than swedish speaking people can see it. So I decided to make a Swish account where you can send an amount that you think would be worth it. The moment I have 3.000 SEK on the account I will start working with the subtitles. And remember, when I have created them separatly in english you can translate them to any language you want quite easy. And if I dont reach the 3.000 SEK everyone will have their money returned. I hope you understand that I will not ruin my channel for 3.000 SEK so this is very real. The Swish number is +46-765598308 Martin Forslind. If possible leave a screenshot after you made the swish. I hope enough people are interested so we can spread it worldwide! /Martin
It is indeed a cultural thing in the sense that there is gang culture, sure, which obviously these teens grow up in. It's all they see and hear, both from older generations and the media they consume. But that's not the cause of the problem, it's symptoms. You have gangs in pretty much every country on earth, from every ethnicity. You have latina gangs, white neo-nazi gangs, black gangs, asian gangs, etc. Even inside prisons you have gangs. Now to the real question, how and why does these gangs exist? The answer is in this video. The kid talks about money. "You give a teenager 30k, of course he's gonna gang bang". It's drugs. It's all about drug politics. The gangs would not be able to recruit people if they couldn't offer them money for it. But the simpletons in these comment sections think it's about race lol. So society doesn't want to control the drug market, they want to pretend like it will go away suddenly after thousands of years of human consumption. This leads to the only other option - a black market, and that will always be and always have been controlled by gangs. It's pretty fucking simple.
Handlar inte om att man fick gå hem själv på det viset. Det handlar mer om den avsaknade rättvisheten mellan de som är fattigare och de som har en normal inkomst. Bostäder reflekterar den normala inkomsten, den normala välfärden. Medans de som tjänar bara några 1000kr mindre i månaden kan behöva 2 jobb, 3 jobb, kanske till och med 4 jobb för att få det att gå runt för en familj på 4-5. Det är den stora grejen som folk blir förbannade på. Jag kan förstå hur de känner. För jag hade det inte världsbäst när jag växte upp. Mina föräldrar fick jobba mycket övertid, ibland dubbla pass för att få det att gå runt. När jag var 10 hade jag redan blivit van att sova utan att ha mina föräldrar hemma. Det var normalt. Jag kan inte mer än säga att jag kände en avundsjuka för de som alltid hade sina föräldrar hemma. De som alltid hade tiden att åka på semester. De som alltid kunde köpa nya kläder, skor och annat. Jag kände mig utanför i ett samhälle där jag växte upp fattig och alla andra runt om mig hade en över normal levnadsstandard. Jag kände dock aldrig en hat mot människor. Men jag hamnade tillslut i väldigt dåliga vanor som jag som tur är kom ur. Men, jag skulle ljuga om jag sa att en sådan uppväxt inte är en stor anledning till att folk faktiskt hamnar i skiten. Man försöker ju alltid dra sig till människor man kan relatera till. Vare sig man vill det eller inte.
Yeah! If you find a subtitle that isnt burned in but separate to the video you go to this side and choose rhe language tou want it in. Suprisingly good actually. translate-subtitles.com/
This documentary have gotten so many request for english subtitles. The problem is that it doesnt have any "extern subtitles" anywhere on Google that can be translated. So the only way is to manually listen to the dialogue and then create a subtitlesheet and then the hardest thing to put in the timeline of the dialogue for every time they speak. The main reason I started this channel is my interest in how Sweden went from one of the best countries to now be a warning for others what can happen when you let to many people in without a integrationplan. Of course is more complex than that but its a good start to a debate. I work like 9 hours a day but I would be so happy if this could be spread so more than swedish speaking people can see it. So I decided to make a Swish account where you can send an amount that you think would be worth it. The moment I have 3.000 SEK on the account I will start working with the subtitles. And remember, when I have created them separatly in english you can translate them to any language you want quite easy. And if I dont reach the 3.000 SEK everyone will have their money returned. I hope you understand that I will not ruin my channel for 3.000 SEK so this is very real. The Swish number is +46-765598308 Martin Forslind. If possible leave a screenshot after you made the swish. I hope enough people are interested so we can spread it worldwide! /Martin
This documentary have gotten so many request for english subtitles. The problem is that it doesnt have any "extern subtitles" anywhere on Google that can be translated. So the only way is to manually listen to the dialogue and then create a subtitlesheet and then the hardest thing to put in the timeline of the dialogue for every time they speak. The main reason I started this channel is my interest in how Sweden went from one of the best countries to now be a warning for others what can happen when you let to many people in without a integrationplan. Of course is more complex than that but its a good start to a debate. I work like 9 hours a day but I would be so happy if this could be spread so more than swedish speaking people can see it. So I decided to make a Swish account where you can send an amount that you think would be worth it. The moment I have 3.000 SEK on the account I will start working with the subtitles. And remember, when I have created them separatly in english you can translate them to any language you want quite easy. And if I dont reach the 3.000 SEK everyone will have their money returned. I hope you understand that I will not ruin my channel for 3.000 SEK so this is very real. The Swish number is +46-765598308 Martin Forslind. If possible leave a screenshot after you made the swish. I hope enough people are interested so we can spread it worldwide! /Martin
The young boy in balaclava seems extremely nervous, scarred and on edge. fucking scary what Sweden have become. sad. Government and the military have to step in. stop this violence.
This documentary have gotten so many request for english subtitles. The problem is that it doesnt have any "extern subtitles" anywhere on Google that can be translated. So the only way is to manually listen to the dialogue and then create a subtitlesheet and then the hardest thing to put in the timeline of the dialogue for every time they speak. The main reason I started this channel is my interest in how Sweden went from one of the best countries to now be a warning for others what can happen when you let to many people in without a integrationplan. Of course is more complex than that but its a good start to a debate. I work like 9 hours a day but I would be so happy if this could be spread so more than swedish speaking people can see it. So I decided to make a Swish account where you can send an amount that you think would be worth it. The moment I have 3.000 SEK on the account I will start working with the subtitles. And remember, when I have created them separatly in english you can translate them to any language you want quite easy. And if I dont reach the 3.000 SEK everyone will have their money returned. I hope you understand that I will not ruin my channel for 3.000 SEK so this is very real. The Swish number is +46-765598308 Martin Forslind. If possible leave a screenshot after you made the swish. I hope enough people are interested so we can spread it worldwide! /Martin
Svenska män kan inte bära vapen hur som helst (Det kan väl inte ni heller?) vilket behövs för att konfrontera många av dessa gäng. Konfrontera en springpojke som i sin tur hämtar en annan tonåring med bekräftelsebehov eller som är ny rekryt och en gammal revolver.
Åh vilka "tuffa killar", springa runt med vapen och skjuta och kalla sig cool, mest patetiskt att se, plocka bort pistolen och sina kompisar runt omkring så får vi se om dom är lika tuffa.
This documentary have gotten so many request for english subtitles. The problem is that it doesnt have any "extern subtitles" anywhere on Google that can be translated. So the only way is to manually listen to the dialogue and then create a subtitlesheet and then the hardest thing to put in the timeline of the dialogue for every time they speak. The main reason I started this channel is my interest in how Sweden went from one of the best countries to now be a warning for others what can happen when you let to many people in without a integrationplan. Of course is more complex than that but its a good start to a debate. I work like 9 hours a day but I would be so happy if this could be spread so more than swedish speaking people can see it. So I decided to make a Swish account where you can send an amount that you think would be worth it. The moment I have 3.000 SEK on the account I will start working with the subtitles. And remember, when I have created them separatly in english you can translate them to any language you want quite easy. And if I dont reach the 3.000 SEK everyone will have their money returned. I hope you understand that I will not ruin my channel for 3.000 SEK so this is very real. The Swish number is +46-765598308 Martin Forslind. If possible leave a screenshot after you made the swish. I hope enough people are interested so we can spread it worldwide! /Martin
Sweden has become a sad joke. In Norway and Denmark we talk about avoiding "swedish circumstances".
Vi er godt på vej. Vores politikere er de selvsamme globalister som dem i Sverige. Stem Nordisk Modstandsbevægelse når du får chancen.
You’re acting like Denmark doesn’t have its problems too. Lol
@@Moneyblueprint1 compared to Malmø, Gøthenburg and Stockholm, Copenhagen and Odense are quit safe. Offcourse there are problems there to, as in Norway or any western european country, but Sweden is in it’s own league. You could rather compare these Swedish cities to Naples, Marseille or Bradford than other nordic cities.
Homosexuals have always been big in sweden. Nothing new.
@@Termilaattoriable They took the gang bang too literally.Boys love for boys.That´s why so many arabs.
Jag saknar tiden då Sverige bara hade 8 miljoner medborgare.
😂😂 hva skulle ni ha gjort uten våres kebab,
@@velomaxterewai Krävs det så många invandrare för att göra kebab? Du har inga höga förhoppningar på invandrare du.
Snarare 6 miljoner. Innan Balkanpacket kom med.
@@velomaxterewaijag kan lova dig att kebab redan fanns , när det bara va 8 miljoner medborgare 😊
@@velomaxterewai sen när kommer kebab från norge?
These people were born into a country, where they are greeted with so many possibilities to get a good life. Free education, free medical services, good healthcare, good salary etc. What a shame to waste their own lives and even destroying others. You have only one life, and you choose this. Shameful. I can imagine their families crying for them.
Inbreed genetics combined with glorification of American gang culture
The thing is, most of the people choosing a life like this, are not born in this country. Which is (not certaintly, but could be) one of the reasons why they turn to gangs and to get involved in gang-violence to gain another type of "family", because of their hardships and/or segregation where they live. And it is like this because of the segregation issue we have here, we don't put enough effort into integrating the immigrants, to educate them (and us) eachothers cultures , etc. But yeah it's really sad to see all this shit happening in Sweden when, like you say we have one of the best public welfere's, especially with the nation wide free education system, to then see kids getting involved in crimes just beacuse they get a lighter sentence in court. Its sad really.
It's not so simple as you think. I worked as social worker during the 90's in Sweden. It was not easy for everyone to integrate into Swedish society. Just one example. Most of the families that got their first apartment was forced by the social workers to get a loan just for furniture etc. You start your life with debts in a new country without language knowledge and negative economy. One of the guy's in the video mentioned that he was going home alone every day after the school. What he was saying that he was going home alone because he could not afford the bus ticket and swedish children got picked up by the parents in car. I am not saying this reasons are valid enough to behave this way, i am just pointing out that most of this imigrants start from 0 and are in negative environment from early stage of life. Swedish police / law is the biggest issue in this matter.
@@l1ght858What a cuck response. There is 100% onus on these barbarians to act like normal people. Why are you herding them as if they don't have the capacity to act responsible. Why then do you wish to take in endless amounts until the ones wishing to integrate them into Sweden are met with the majority of "this is our culture"
These people will never be Swedish and it's time to accept that it's not the responsibility of a global minority (whites) to babysit Africans.
@@cofbassist They could have stayed in the shitty middle east and tried doing something with that country. Unfortunately inbreed genetics dont go well with that kind of thing
It is so sad to see this happening to Sweden. I live in Norway and quantity of the crimes can not be compared as in Norway you dont have so many weapons and gangs...Sweden must respond to this full power!
I wish we would however I fail to see it happening. We've been handling it quite wrong ever since it started and it's now quite difficult to control. We're loosing big parts of certain cities to criminals (and have been for years) and even if the police is doing what they can it doesn't seem to be nearly enough anymore. We would need military squads to go clean out the ones who's not running on the streets, police would need more backup to confront the streets and tougher punishments for everyone, a lot tougher, even for the kids. The time to talk it out and victimize criminals needs to be over. Those of us who can tries to move to areas we can't afford to not have to deal with it anymore.
EDIT: I'd also like to add that it's common for most folks to ignore it, pretend it's not as bad is it is or just simply live in ignorance. You get a tinfoil-hat if you tell it like it is.
Det kommer bare vent.
They can't. The swedish police are so weak and chicken. They are only strong against unarmed innocent civilian refugees.
That's why i left Stockholm
@@fredrik354Kallas white flight
Swedistan is a lost country, sadly. Anyone with a brain has already left.
Tack för att du la upp detta. Jag har inte cmore längre, för jag hade inte råd att ha alla streamningtjänster, så toppen att det finns på RUclips.
Från någon som var uppväxt på Temperaturgatan från 1991 till 2017 var det skrämmande och se hela det hela utspela sig. Kommer ihåg många vänner som kom närmare och närmare det här gängen för varje månad, vecka, dag som gick. Det är sorgligt. Som han säger i början "jag förstår deras uppväxt men inte deras brutalitet", exakt så jag känner med.
a Norwegian here, i know these problems are pretty bad over there just like they are in several places and even starting to become here.
i wish you all who read this a happy and safe life, and i wish for better times ahead my brothers and sisters.
Same. And same!
What a fall from grace. Sweden used to be a country every Finn looked up to. Now all we hear of Sweden is gang violence, terrorist threats, foreigners not being able to acculture... I really hope it gets better, however I don't see it changing any time soon.
Sweden has been ruled by vultures and jews since Charles XII died. At no point in time in Finland's history should they have looked up to Sweden. Sweden & Finland were only decent countries when they were one.
Polisen: "Det är en pågående förundersökning."
Svårt att göra sit jobb när man får skit & kan få sparken när man gör det man ska. när en polis arrestera 1 invandrare som begår brott då är han rasist. logist som fan. Sen när någon väll åker dit så släpps de efter någon dag. Svenska lag funkar för Svenskar inte för invandrare.
jo kanske för detta var inspelat flera år sedan
Edit ser nu detta är en production ifrån Cmore****
Sjukt cool, snygg, trevligt, välgjort intro, Riktigt snygga vinklar, meed både drönare, bilar, bild i bild etc och med de olika korta intervju citaten i olika ljud format, men svenska, invandrar-svenska, kvinnoröst, polis. Riktigt snyggt intro, gjorde mig mkt mera intresserad utav att se hela videon!
bro är professionell reviewer
Sweden is such a good example of what happens when you let asylum seekers enter a country and roam relatively freely... I know that not everyone is a bad apple, but in my opinion, there are too many of them...
Actually most ppl in the gang wars were born in Sweden both in 90s (MC gang war, ethnic swedish ppl)
and recently, ppl born in Sweden
@@Oxnehaga MC gangs are not relevant anymore. 95% of gang violence today is caused by second and third generation immigrants and their kids
That so not true. Are you insane?@@Oxnehaga
Yup, it is! but sheep who only follow far right media will not get the truth...@@danvideman9383
@@Oxnehaga Dude.... did you watch the clip which you're commenting on.....
Synd att det har blivit så fruktansvärd 😢Sverige fint land jag kommit hit för 8 år sen jag trivs väldigt bra med mina kollegor på jobb och alla folket, vi måste göra något för Sverige och vara barn känner trygghet ❤
Killen som snackade om läxor; har han någonsin ens gjort en läxa?
Jag tvivlar på det!
jag minns, jag gick hem från skolan själv.. jag gjorde läxor själv för mina föräldrar jobbade också vad jag minns... ... . . .. . . .
@@GHaKKt Vad bra att du gjorde dina läxor!
@@GHaKKt Hur många kilo har du sålt, hur många har du skjutit?
Det går inte att göre en selektiv repatriering! Problemet är att då måste vi ändra i grundlagen retroaktivt. Sedan måste vi införa något liknande Nürnberglagarna i Tyskland. Det här är andra generationens invandrare som är födda i Sverige. Det går tyvärr inte. Märk väl att det inte är invandrarnas fel utan våra politikers. Sverige har gått över gränsen för no return. Vi är mer körda än vi vet om. Jag är bara tacksam för att jag växtre upp på 80-90-talen och inte har några barn! Tycker dock det är konstigt att personer som Mona Sahlin och Reinfeldt mm. inte har fått stå till svars!
Är du dum??? Politikers fel? Inget själv ansvar för dessa äckliga berikare??? DUMMA JÄVEL. Det är invandrarnas fel, ingen annans! Deras föräldrar är äckliga människor som behöver spärras in i fängelse.
Det är inte så konstigt att politikerna är helt ansvarsfria. Politikerna har skapat ett samhälle som de lätt kan gynna sig själva
De fanns folk som sa det samma som du om den katolska kyrkan innan Vasas tid. Allt GÅR att ändra så länge man organiserar sig och jobbar gemensamt mot det målet, lagar är inte skrivna i sten, de går att ändra så länge folket vill.
När jag var ung, var Göteborg goa gubbar, fiske och så oskyldigt. Så såg jag det från mina Stockholmsögon. Miss the old days.
Imagine asking for help, recieving it from a wealthy beautiful country by it's peoples good graces, then you "grape" and murder and spike every sort of crime there is. How evil does a person have to be to do that? You don't bite the hand that feeds you, hopefully they'll learn that very soon. Deportation or war, no other future exists.
@@thelasttrumpet2915We let them though.
@@Son.of.Saturn I didn’t but I wasn’t asked so..
@@thelasttrumpet2915 Well the whole country votes for it
They are not evil. They are just low IQ. It is the once facilitating this invasion that are evil.
Repatriera en miljon nu 👊🏻
4 miljoner.
Snarare 4 miljoner..
Repatriera oss Svenskar! Ge tillbaks landet som ho ror na i Rosenbad stal från det svenska folket!
Jävla trött på den här skiten! Dags för hårda tag!
hur svårt kan det va ta dom som bråkar och sätt dom i fängelset i sitt hemland får se om dom gör om det sen
ToM Polisen tycker att man ska skicka tillbaks fångar som kommer från andra länder, tyvärr så fokuserar sverige på att skicka ut fungerande arbetande invandrare och ha kvar fångar och brottslingar för att det är "synd" om dem.
dom kan tyvärr inte fånga alla synd men sant tycket sveriges polis o dom fokuserar på helt fel saker ibland också.
många av de är födda och uppvuxna i här i Sverige dock
En vinst på sikt.........
Historian om gängkriget i Biskopsgården är så fascinerande till mig. Att det allt började över en tjej och ledde till att flera tiotal personer förlorat sitt liv är helt sjukt.
Don’t die for nyash
Det hade kunnat handla om en tjej, om droger, om en bror eller vad som helst som hade sårat dem dem. Det handlar om extremt bräckliga människor som är på gränsen till att skita i allt och tappa det helt.
Du förvandlas inte till mördare över en natt.
Vad har busungarna Erik & Kalle hittat på nu då?
Bra film
So most of them are foreigners (with Swedish passport) ?
Yes, every single one of them!! No skiing nations :)
Almost 100% is the offspring of refugees. So they are born here and have Swedish citizenship.
The viking's of old would be proud grape, murder and pillage. the saga lives on.
alla är så bra i Sverige på att BARA prata
gör något åt saken istället!!
Stackars älskade Sverige 😢
Orkar inte se detta....
Why do you let them into the country in the first place?
När kommer del 2
här är hela : ruclips.net/video/YTQ60WCxm-U/видео.html
43:00 His feelings here is a *big* part of why this gang-war is, and will continue to be. =/
Wish you can find peace, and some day work together instead, to fight for a common good. North & South *TOGETHER* could probably do 19 times more.
Best wishes to all of you, caught in the struggle.
✌& ❤ From Norway!
The Sand people, it is just a mess of epic proportions, and who ever let them into their country will be sorry
And of course Arabs, Turks etc.
No Swede is doing that. Those are Swedes you say? :D
They have free money, they don't have to work. Everything is given. And they take it all with no "thank you".
Let's have more of Africa, Arabs here. Will be more of this.
This goes with culture. No respect for Nords.
å värre kommer det bara att bli.
Tack för att ni valde Sverige, tack Reinfeldt
Vi har haft f o l k f ö r ä d a r e vid makten långt innan Reinfeldt. Demokrati är en lögn, det är alltid storfinans som kontrollerar den. Vi har inte varit självständiga sedan den parlamentariska pesten kom till vårat land. Karl den XI var den sista ledaren som skulle kunna kallas bra, snacka inte något positivt om Karl XII för han bjöd in J u d e pesten och satte kronan i skuld till deras lånehajar, och därigenom sådde han fröet till deras kontroll och hur Sverige är idag.
This is easily fixed but it requires cold, not cruel, tactics. In order to Secure society from the worst out there, they need to be Contained if you want to Protect your citizens. I recommend 096.
Varför är det samma shuno som snackar i detta program om biskopsgården och även i P3 Dokuemntär om Vår krog & bar i Biskopsgården. Är han Mr. Biskopsgården eller?
vissa är rekreationer osv se första sekunderna av videon
Det bevisar bara hur arg man blir när någon gör något mot ens egna vänner, man vill ge igen, det visar även på föräldrarna som ville göra kaos, det är svårare att förstå hur folk känner sig.
Where can i find english version of this?
This documentary have gotten so many request for english subtitles. The problem is that it doesnt have any "extern subtitles" anywhere on Google that can be translated. So the only way is to manually listen to the dialogue and then create a subtitlesheet and then the hardest thing to put in the timeline of the dialogue for every time they speak. The main reason I started this channel is my interest in how Sweden went from one of the best countries to now be a warning for others what can happen when you let to many people in without a integrationplan. Of course is more complex than that but its a good start to a debate. I work like 9 hours a day but I would be so happy if this could be spread so more than swedish speaking people can see it. So I decided to make a Swish account where you can send an amount that you think would be worth it. The moment I have 3.000 SEK on the account I will start working with the subtitles. And remember, when I have created them separatly in english you can translate them to any language you want quite easy. And if I dont reach the 3.000 SEK everyone will have their money returned. I hope you understand that I will not ruin my channel for 3.000 SEK so this is very real. The Swish number is +46-765598308 Martin Forslind. If possible leave a screenshot after you made the swish. I hope enough people are interested so we can spread it worldwide! /Martin
Det som pappan säger att man blir en monster, otroligt att sånt inte hänt mer ofta.
It might be a cultural thing. Different clans fighting each other. It's a pity that it happens in Sweden.
It is indeed a cultural thing in the sense that there is gang culture, sure, which obviously these teens grow up in. It's all they see and hear, both from older generations and the media they consume. But that's not the cause of the problem, it's symptoms. You have gangs in pretty much every country on earth, from every ethnicity. You have latina gangs, white neo-nazi gangs, black gangs, asian gangs, etc. Even inside prisons you have gangs. Now to the real question, how and why does these gangs exist? The answer is in this video. The kid talks about money. "You give a teenager 30k, of course he's gonna gang bang". It's drugs. It's all about drug politics. The gangs would not be able to recruit people if they couldn't offer them money for it. But the simpletons in these comment sections think it's about race lol. So society doesn't want to control the drug market, they want to pretend like it will go away suddenly after thousands of years of human consumption. This leads to the only other option - a black market, and that will always be and always have been controlled by gangs. It's pretty fucking simple.
Varför skydda???
asså man blirt sur på samhället för att man måste gå hem själv från skolan...?
Ja det är nog det värsta som kan hända ett litet barn.
Låter mer som att han ger utryck för ett upplevt utanförskap, vilket gör saken mer förstålig.
Handlar inte om att man fick gå hem själv på det viset.
Det handlar mer om den avsaknade rättvisheten mellan de som är fattigare och de som har en normal inkomst.
Bostäder reflekterar den normala inkomsten, den normala välfärden. Medans de som tjänar bara några 1000kr mindre i månaden kan behöva 2 jobb, 3 jobb, kanske till och med 4 jobb för att få det att gå runt för en familj på 4-5.
Det är den stora grejen som folk blir förbannade på.
Jag kan förstå hur de känner. För jag hade det inte världsbäst när jag växte upp. Mina föräldrar fick jobba mycket övertid, ibland dubbla pass för att få det att gå runt.
När jag var 10 hade jag redan blivit van att sova utan att ha mina föräldrar hemma. Det var normalt.
Jag kan inte mer än säga att jag kände en avundsjuka för de som alltid hade sina föräldrar hemma. De som alltid hade tiden att åka på semester. De som alltid kunde köpa nya kläder, skor och annat.
Jag kände mig utanför i ett samhälle där jag växte upp fattig och alla andra runt om mig hade en över normal levnadsstandard.
Jag kände dock aldrig en hat mot människor. Men jag hamnade tillslut i väldigt dåliga vanor som jag som tur är kom ur. Men, jag skulle ljuga om jag sa att en sådan uppväxt inte är en stor anledning till att folk faktiskt hamnar i skiten. Man försöker ju alltid dra sig till människor man kan relatera till. Vare sig man vill det eller inte.
Områdena är inte problemet, utan folket som befolkar områdena.
og folket som låter detta folket befolka områdena... altså vi.
@CyrusDM Legalisera droger
Både avsnitt 1 och 2 finns på Cmore avsnitten kom ut 17 maj 2021
Is it possible to add subtitles in Dutch or English?
Yeah! If you find a subtitle that isnt burned in but separate to the video you go to this side and choose rhe language tou want it in. Suprisingly good actually. translate-subtitles.com/
This documentary have gotten so many request for english subtitles. The problem is that it doesnt have any "extern subtitles" anywhere on Google that can be translated. So the only way is to manually listen to the dialogue and then create a subtitlesheet and then the hardest thing to put in the timeline of the dialogue for every time they speak. The main reason I started this channel is my interest in how Sweden went from one of the best countries to now be a warning for others what can happen when you let to many people in without a integrationplan. Of course is more complex than that but its a good start to a debate. I work like 9 hours a day but I would be so happy if this could be spread so more than swedish speaking people can see it. So I decided to make a Swish account where you can send an amount that you think would be worth it. The moment I have 3.000 SEK on the account I will start working with the subtitles. And remember, when I have created them separatly in english you can translate them to any language you want quite easy. And if I dont reach the 3.000 SEK everyone will have their money returned. I hope you understand that I will not ruin my channel for 3.000 SEK so this is very real. The Swish number is +46-765598308 Martin Forslind. If possible leave a screenshot after you made the swish. I hope enough people are interested so we can spread it worldwide! /Martin
Please english subtitles!
This documentary have gotten so many request for english subtitles. The problem is that it doesnt have any "extern subtitles" anywhere on Google that can be translated. So the only way is to manually listen to the dialogue and then create a subtitlesheet and then the hardest thing to put in the timeline of the dialogue for every time they speak. The main reason I started this channel is my interest in how Sweden went from one of the best countries to now be a warning for others what can happen when you let to many people in without a integrationplan. Of course is more complex than that but its a good start to a debate. I work like 9 hours a day but I would be so happy if this could be spread so more than swedish speaking people can see it. So I decided to make a Swish account where you can send an amount that you think would be worth it. The moment I have 3.000 SEK on the account I will start working with the subtitles. And remember, when I have created them separatly in english you can translate them to any language you want quite easy. And if I dont reach the 3.000 SEK everyone will have their money returned. I hope you understand that I will not ruin my channel for 3.000 SEK so this is very real. The Swish number is +46-765598308 Martin Forslind. If possible leave a screenshot after you made the swish. I hope enough people are interested so we can spread it worldwide! /Martin
Här finns hela dokumentären ruclips.net/video/YTQ60WCxm-U/видео.html
Thank you 🙏
Det kommer tyvärr bara bli värre. Vi är max 10 år från gated communities!
Eskilstuna, Stockholm o resten av Södermanland också re
En gemensam nämnare..
Här finns hela: ruclips.net/video/YTQ60WCxm-U/видео.html
Är det bara jag som som lägger märke till att det bara är folk med brytning som verkar vara med i dessa gäng?
nu är det faktiskt så att svenskarna som bor där också har brytning
Synd att det har blivit så fruktansvärd!
Jag håller med dig till 100%
Ge mig tillbaka Sverige innan SD
håller på hela tiden. Även nu.
Jag saknar Vattenfestivalen. dock tragiskt med jas planet som störtade på långholmen.
jag är rasist
Hur många har dött pga tjejen?
pga tjejen? mera pga av snubben som inte kunde acceptera att hans tjej gått vidare.
De har väl dött för att backaledaren inte kunde ta att hon gick vidare
för mig jag sett denna förut
tv4 har det gått på tidigare
Ut med dom!
Allt handlar om pengar
ut ur landet
Take immigrants from south america, asia or eastern europe. Why MUST it be from africa and middle east the people we have the least in common with
The young boy in balaclava seems extremely nervous, scarred and on edge. fucking scary what Sweden have become. sad. Government and the military have to step in. stop this violence.
Jag saknar tiden då "felskjutning" inte var ett svenskt ord!
Bara att röja upp det trams håller inte .
Människor som dödar för en adress eller för att pappa måste arbeta?
could someone kindly make english subs please
This documentary have gotten so many request for english subtitles. The problem is that it doesnt have any "extern subtitles" anywhere on Google that can be translated. So the only way is to manually listen to the dialogue and then create a subtitlesheet and then the hardest thing to put in the timeline of the dialogue for every time they speak. The main reason I started this channel is my interest in how Sweden went from one of the best countries to now be a warning for others what can happen when you let to many people in without a integrationplan. Of course is more complex than that but its a good start to a debate. I work like 9 hours a day but I would be so happy if this could be spread so more than swedish speaking people can see it. So I decided to make a Swish account where you can send an amount that you think would be worth it. The moment I have 3.000 SEK on the account I will start working with the subtitles. And remember, when I have created them separatly in english you can translate them to any language you want quite easy. And if I dont reach the 3.000 SEK everyone will have their money returned. I hope you understand that I will not ruin my channel for 3.000 SEK so this is very real. The Swish number is +46-765598308 Martin Forslind. If possible leave a screenshot after you made the swish. I hope enough people are interested so we can spread it worldwide! /Martin
Skönt o ha 2 sidor ba iaf, i Eskilstuna man vet inte vem som e vem o vem e med vem, 10 orter alla mot alla kaos
hahahaah vilka gubbar, riktigt patetiska
kolla ögonen, vilka tramtorskar
Kommer på fredag!
både avsnitt 1 och 2 finns på cmore
Här finns hela : ruclips.net/video/YTQ60WCxm-U/видео.html
W kriminella
konflikten känns så dum. Skulle det inte vara bättre att dela upp gården som de endå har gjort och sedan försöka sälja under radarn.
orkar inte ens lyssna på invandrares prat!
stackars klena araber!
lyssna inte?
@@cofbassist du menar att fly från mitt hemland?
@@oe8723 För mig får du gärna flytta från Sverige, ja.
@@badrollmodels1298 haha inte jag heller!
äntligen lite folk som är vettiga bland kommentarena.
Hva faen?! Hva slags gangster som går rundt med gul refleksvest? Du lyser opp som et Juletre🎄
Rösta rätt inte rött
The end result of asyl and immigration, simply a fact
Massa skådespelare
Det är ju Jobe AKA "50 cent" 🙄
Varför visas inte sånt här på SVT när de får så mycket pengar..... aa just ja.
SVT har gjort många dokumentärer om gängkriget i Sverige
well well well
Feminismens fel, män och kvinnor
upp med 2an
✌️ haha
vi måsre starta en ny slogan, det ä gay att använda vapen, slåss som en man istället
gör marijuana lagligt bara
Bara ta bort detta
bästa är att denna bruden är sten ful
Hur vet du det? Vet du hur hon ser ut?
är det såhär på tv nu? helt överdramatiserat o äcklig musik som i usa.... uuuusch... saknar inte tv ett dugg
Kan inte svenska män visa vem som är chef i huset? Detta skulle aldrig ha hänt i Finland, aldrig!
er ikke lett når politi tar ned etniske gjenger, og lar disse utenlandske gjenger holde på fritt fordi de ikke tørr å håndtere dem.
Era kvinnor har också rösträtt, tids nog.
Inte Norge heller
allthough østlendingene vil det slik (Breivik)
Nej, för ni sitter bakom skärmen och skriver idiotiska kommentarer
Svenska män kan inte bära vapen hur som helst (Det kan väl inte ni heller?) vilket behövs för att konfrontera många av dessa gäng. Konfrontera en springpojke som i sin tur hämtar en annan tonåring med bekräftelsebehov eller som är ny rekryt och en gammal revolver.
Åh vilka "tuffa killar", springa runt med vapen och skjuta och kalla sig cool, mest patetiskt att se, plocka bort pistolen och sina kompisar runt omkring så får vi se om dom är lika tuffa.
Säg d framför dom
Tror du har misstolkat kriminalitet en smula
Det handlar om nördar helt utan självförtroende och framtid. De spelar tuffa i ett försök att dölja detta.
@@Blue.194 Sure inga problem du,
@@davidasplund3386 kom t väsby Ja vet ett gäng du kan säga d framför
"för att skydda gängkriminellas identitet" 😂😂😂
Sosse Vänster o Center importer
and ofc they are imigrants everytime.....
subs ?
This documentary have gotten so many request for english subtitles. The problem is that it doesnt have any "extern subtitles" anywhere on Google that can be translated. So the only way is to manually listen to the dialogue and then create a subtitlesheet and then the hardest thing to put in the timeline of the dialogue for every time they speak. The main reason I started this channel is my interest in how Sweden went from one of the best countries to now be a warning for others what can happen when you let to many people in without a integrationplan. Of course is more complex than that but its a good start to a debate. I work like 9 hours a day but I would be so happy if this could be spread so more than swedish speaking people can see it. So I decided to make a Swish account where you can send an amount that you think would be worth it. The moment I have 3.000 SEK on the account I will start working with the subtitles. And remember, when I have created them separatly in english you can translate them to any language you want quite easy. And if I dont reach the 3.000 SEK everyone will have their money returned. I hope you understand that I will not ruin my channel for 3.000 SEK so this is very real. The Swish number is +46-765598308 Martin Forslind. If possible leave a screenshot after you made the swish. I hope enough people are interested so we can spread it worldwide! /Martin
del 2?