Been writing tracks to your beats for years. Respect where respect is due, you lay down beats that inspire verses. Keep creating my dude, shits fire - as always.
I'm not sure why there's so much hate and discouragement to young rap writers in here. Everyone starts somewhere. Stop discouraging creatives and start building them up and helping them strive to create great things. What a bunch of jerks.
for those who aspire to be an artist, Im wishing you luck every step of the way. keep grinding and eventually you'll be so good nobody can ignore you any longer. I'll see ya'll at the top💜
It was 2017 winter Very Cold Year And That beat was freestyled every single night in the streets homes...every corner in our city !!! This is Just EPIC !!!
I freestyle with this so much, it’s just perfect speed, drums, melody, there ain’t no extra switches y’know? This beat is legendary man I just saw a hater, he doesn’t know what is a rap beat. Love ya ❤️
Dac-ar fi sa uit peste cate am trecut As pune-n primul rand pe foaie tot ce m-a durut Sentimente, amagiri, lacrimi si suspine Sa-mi ramana-n cap doar zilele senine As incerca sa repar tot ce s-a stricat Prin versurile mele puse pe hip hop Cu bassu la maxim, cu fratii langa mine Cu tigara-n gura suna mult mai bine Cu toti cei ce cred ca viata-i o surpriza Cu toti cei ce baga boxele in priza Cu toti ce-i ce fac din imposibil un nimic Si cu toti cei care ma vor ajuta sa ma ridic Aceste versuri nu sunt doar o dedicatie Sunt o motivatie pentru cei ce au vocatie Pentru generatiile care-au supravietuit Si generatiile ce s-au nascut, au trait si au murit Inca nu i-am uitat pe cei ce au cantat Despre viata lor si cum s-au comportat Au tot respectul meu si am tot respectul lor Pentru ca lupt cu muzica precum un gladiator Duc mai departe generatia rap-ului stradal Nu vreau sa arunc o traditie la canal
so ima spit a verse it wasent rehearsed straight of the mind people say i mean most say im kind very hard to find someone like me ive always smoked tree tried to stop but i missed the feeling were everything i forgot to get out of my head laying in bed with these thought my name is little joe people that are my freinds most turn to foes try to fuck your ex hoes some that called u there bros. yo so kick back and i flip flap so im spittin wicked raps so twisted that the clap cant find where im at even with a gps and a map fell in love twice thougt it was nice but i got fucked over to many times so im a single man ill do what i can i never ran stuck up for my battles even to big fools with a bat and a paddle tried to knock my out and make my body rattle tell the ladie to hop up on the saddle some say im crazy that i think alot that if i was alone id sit and rot i think they need shut up and smoke some more pot well the rest i forgot so im out litlle joe
Доступ открытый ( Авторизовано ) Исполнитель - Манюня 0:23 Стадия - (запись) Я другой я не стар молодой голодный. Малой был, старикам я когда то годный. Не пригодный на ЗП вышел я достойным. На руках новый брат черный и холодный. Не вкисай доставай маслянистый водный. И кури - кури слушая рифмач под водный. Где тут саб стеливо заходит в такт сука такт. Подкачало головой и ты палишь факт. Вас бы к стенке в ряд мне бы в ответ условка. Лови звук мой централ - железная коробка. Мне снаряд - мне патрон, и плюс минусовка. Это андер в хату - в комнату у нас своя тусовка. Не дай бог одинок - не умру есть строки. Я от вас вы за мной - поднастрой колонки. Щас как дам я на бит, я убит под водным. У меня был друг - оказался новый снова вдруг. Вдруг из рук по рукам бьет метала полукруг. Все вокруг шаг назад, время в ад держись пацан. И не зачитал тебе права по гражданке пан. Ты пропал вес ушёл, и ты пацан себя нашёл. Прокурор адвокат приговор тут же зашёл.
Eu gandesc mereu in doi Langa tine la bine la rau Ca-i soare sau ca-s ploi Diferenta dintre noi E ca indiferenta ta ne afecteaza Pe amandoi Sa-ti spun Am multe sa-ti mai spun Dar nu esti niciodata aici Ca umbli intr-una de nebun Cauti fuste scurte in serile lungi pe la terasa Cand eu sunt in costumul Evei si te astept acasa.. Prerefren: Alo, Alo... Vreau sa te fac atent Daca ma lasi sa astept prea mult ma dezbrac de sentiment Alo, Alo... Te faci ca nu ma vezi Si uite asa o sa ma pierzi Refren: Pentru ca: Indiferenta Doare cel mai tare Ti-o faci cu mana ta Si-o sa te las singur sub soare Indiferenta Doare cel mai tare Ti-o faci cu mana ta Si-o sa te las singur sub soare Ti-o faci cu mana ta Si-o sa te las singur sub soare Si m-am tot intrebat de ce M-am lasat asa usor sa ma-nvarti tu pe degete M-am lasat dusa de val, de parc-aveai un 'nu stiu ce' Acum uita-te la mine cum imi sterg lacrimile Si nu pot Nu pot sa ies din joc Nu ma mai recunosc, eu ma puneam pe primul loc Mi-am pus sufletul pe masa, ti l-am dat pe tot doar tie Uite ce-mi faci tu mie Prerefren: Alo, Alo... Vreau sa te fac atent Daca ma lasi sa astept prea mult ma dezbrac de sentiment Alo, Alo... Te faci ca nu ma vezi Si uite asa o sa ma pierzi Refren: Pentru ca : Indiferenta Doare cel mai tare Ti-o faci cu mana ta Si-o sa te las singur sub soare Indiferenta Doare cel mai tare Ti-o faci cu mana ta Si-o sa te las singur sub soare Ti-o faci cu mana ta Si-o sa te las singur sub soare Ti-e totuna daca plec sau stau Ti-e totuna de mi-e bine sau Mi-e Rau rau rau Mi-e rau rau rau De dorul tau De dorul tau Refren: Pentru ca: Indiferenta Doare cel mai tare Ti-o faci cu mana ta Si-o sa te las singur sub soare Indiferenta Doare cel mai tare Ti-o faci cu mana ta Si-o sa te las singur sub soare
[Verse 1] Am crescut cu mingea la picior, bunica la geam Mă striga să intru în casă şi fix atunci şutam Aplaudau băieţii când dădeam cu interioru Prindea mingea un efect, de-ţi venea să-mi pupi picioru' Pistolu meu cu bile atunci credeam că poa' să facă O minune să oprească doi oameni care se ceartă Niciodată n-am crezut că sunt prea mic Aveam avioane de hârtie şi încercam să le ridic Atunci când vântul nu bătea puneam în ele vise mari Eram copil cuminte şi aveam prieteni cuţitari Doar că atunci când vrei să pari, ce nu eşti, poa' să te închidă Pentru o furăciune sau poţi să te duci pentru crimă Legitimă apărare dacă ai crescut in teroare Din păcate intr-o celulă viaţa poa' să-ţi dea eroare Şi-am văzut cu ochii mei cum alcoolul schimbă omu Cum azi pune o sămânţă şi dup-aia taie pomu' [Refren] (x2) Trece timpul şi culoarea mea se schimbă Şi mă regăsesc în omul din oglindă Argintiul are o poveste lungă E o bijuterie scumpă [Verse 1] Pe moment nu mă gândeam cum o să fie mai târziu Sau că părul meu şaten poa' să ajungă argintiu Şi nu mă vedeam puriu, cum nu mă vedeam vedetă Aveam stema de bmw pe cadrul de la bicicletă Anii au trecut şi-am rupt, am făcut nişte milioane Şi oamenii frumosi s-au transformat în lighioane Mai dă-mi Doamne o zi, să mai fiu copil din nou Să mă bucur de surpriza pe care o găseam în ou Să mă fac de ciocolată pe la gură şi să râd Inima Doamne, dă-mi putere s-o ascult Şi nu mi-e frică, sunt frumos şi mai cărunt Doar că am crescut şi acum nu mă mai bucur la mărunt Şi mă întristează câteodată fericirea artificială Goana după bani, poate să devină boală Şi viaţa mea e mama, eu sunt tată şi descriu Fericirea prin cuvinte chiar dacă-s argintiu
You can use it for non-commercial purposes and it has a tag. Some beats are free for commercial purposes (you can use them to make money), but you dont have exclusive rights. If you want exclusive rights, you then buy the licence. My beats for example are creative commons, free for profit.
Ukaž mi sebe, ukážu ti svět Některý slova nejdou vrátit zpět Oni chtěj fotky, chtějí kousek mě Já sedím po show jako zbitej pes Můj svět z ledu Tolik bitches kolem, že se o tu cestu peru Nech mě projít, neruš Jdou za mnou celou dobu, co na horu se deru Ale jednu sebou beru A to co předvádí je umění Proč ostatní jsou tolik umělý A proč ze všech ostatních je ti zrovna u mě líp? Kolik z nich toho tolik o mě ví Mi přijde, že se okolo nás mění podnebí Je první, poslední Znám ji a neznám ji Hadry pod postelí A všechno je to ledový a ohnivý V noci se budím s ní Venku je déšť a já v srdci mám mráz Řekni co chceš, dokud na to mám čas Žiju pro tebe baby, žiju pro nás, všechno jenom pro nás, yeah Venku je sníh oni v srdci maj zášť A ty nosíš moji krev, baby v sobě ji máš A všechno co dělám já Všechno je to pro nás Všechno je to pro nás, yeah Můj stack je fat Je pro mou krev Můj táta nebyl stopro, já jsem táta teď Ukážu jí svět, dám jí svůj tep Každej můj track, odevzdám jí dech, yeah Řeknu jí, že nějaký věci nejdou vrátit zpět Dostane dětství, který kdysi vzali mě Budu milovat tvůj smích, milovat tvůj brek Nejsem zlatý dítě, ale teďka žijem zlatej věk Pátek, sobota běžím jak Flash Udělat show, udělat nějakej cash, yeah Odcházím první a ne poslední Já řídím domů k ní Mi přijde, že se okolo nás mění podnebí Je první, poslední Znám jí a neznám jí Hračky pod postelí A všechno je to na mě hrozně dospělí V noci se budím s ní Venku je déšť a já v srdci mám mráz Řekni co chceš, dokud na to mám čas Žiju pro tebe baby, žiju pro nás, všechno jenom pro nás, yeah Venku je sníh oni v srdci maj zášť A ty nosíš moji krev, baby v sobě ji máš A všechno co dělám já Všechno je to pro nás Všechno je to pro nás, yeah
Story of madness, I thank this inner voice which kept me strapless, no fear in this kingdom, my heart is like a stone and brain wisdom, eccentric visions of epic syndrome, instilled in these tales I am the mad king slayer, skin flayer and war chief mayor, call for prayer, maybe need a rapier to rip the soul from these brainless soothsayers.
Cümlemi kağıdıma defnederim Hayat beton duvar sert ve derin Olcan herşeyden tek tek emin Ben gülmeyi bırak biraz ağla derim Sustum hayalimi erteledim Aynaya baktım dert eledim Çık kafamdan rahat bırak beni Saat üç buçuk gelme geri Özgürüm artık kelimeler benim Şeytan günahıma kefil eder beni Baktım hiçbir şey yerine gelmedi Sinir krizleri yaralı ellerim Yine bana dot olur odamın duvarı Burdan çakmağa tek adım sayarım Benim pencerem siyah boyalı Gelir sancılar tutmaz bi yanım İnsanlar yirmisinde ölür ama sekseninde gömüp avuturlar Gözünü korkutup sonra aklını kor ateşlerde kavururlar İnsanlar fakir ama üç kuruşu para bilip öylece savururlar Ekmeğime el uzatanın kanı burda her gece zihnime doluşurlar Haz vermez kahkahaların, saf görmez çok daha yakın Ölüme gidişin dönüşü yok tek şansın var o da elinde kalır aptalların Görünenler bulanıklaşır, beden elbet sona yaklaşır Ben büyük bi uçuruma bakmaktayım yağmur olurken gözyaşlarım Kasma kendini çek ve üfle sende unut vede arşa dey Biliyorum amacınızı istediğiniz en azından bikaç külle feym Yalan herşey külliyen ben biliyorum Türça rap bok dolu kulleteyn Kalan herkes dün diye bağırır müzik gemi biz de fırkateyn Omuzlarımda tonla yük var tak kulaklığını tribe gir çık Riske girip adımını attın, kaptırdın dizi burası balçık Zemine bat çık ama biliyorum tek doğru var vede gerisi yanlış Hayat tiyatrom mutlu bitmez, göz yaşı hakim değil alkış
I come in and I kill it; my flow hotter than a freshly forged iron skillet. My nine, I conceal it. I aint no pretentious bitch but when I reveal it, I crack the minds of even the hardest idealist. I posses the strength of tungsten steel with no achilles' heel when I play the glockenspiel. My brain comprises very complex neural connections, but upon closer inspection, you can see your own reflection. We can all achieve perfection, if we leave the right impression. Don't forget your direction, allow some corrections, and remember: all of us need some sort of protection.
Verse1. Aint notelling wen i go so ama get this doe Ama get it while i can ama fight for my goals Aint notelling me different cuz i already know I was brought up being poor but thats the way it goes We started from the bottom slowly buildin up our goals Things that i believe in deeper than the car&clothes Am ridin around am smoking like i got no were to go Streets is feeling shady feel like theres no where to go I keep my faith high and say my prayers oh lord Am trynna makit out god can give me some hope Everything im choosing slowly has me losing hope Im looking for q so just tell me wen go Im right here listening writing down these words in quotes So wen the day that i die my words rebirthing hope Am trynna make a profit outta bagging up this bud Am trynna make examples outta growin up with none...
"The Salt Lake, faction, Assassins guild, all day rappin, the fact, is skilled, smashin with axes, leave panic, and chills, fasten your straps in our plan is kill, the masses, these dragons, go batshit, for real, I'll blacken the gallactics, this magic is ill, while you're wrappin, your bandage, I'm laughin, still standin, I'm crackin, the planet, oh the damage, you'll feel"
Got those hits but still standing still, tu pac is inspiration, the plan is kill, yeah, the plan is kill, I spit those bars in the booth, its my skill , still i not getting paid, ill dug my way like a drill. Then the people will eventually turn to be on side, even those people, who gave me a Curse, this hard beat with this hard verse, by the tyme you'll know me, ill be out of this universe.....😅(I just tried writing.. Btw I'm a lowclass producer)
MrDavidex21 thank you so much, this is part of my verse for the actual song me and my homie made to this beat. We called it "From The Underground" hopefully you get inspired though 🤘🏻💯
Proslo je mnogu vremena nemate burazeru srce jos uvek tuguje, jer ljubav ima razmeru. Moli te tvoj burazer ne ostavljaj mi naviku al veruj da sam srecan pored sebe imam barbikuu. Mislim na sestru prelepa je kao Andjeo da dodjes na trenutak da vidis kako rastemoo dugo se nismo videli a opet sve se nadamo da jednog dana opet gore bicemo zajedno nije bas lepo kad izgubis nekog svog. Jas sam sahranio tebe pa mrzim zemlju i grob a to se desilo uvece keva place.. Cale smiruje je nemoj ona nastavlja jos jace. Tad bio sam klinac nisam znao sta se desava izleti od kuce nisam znak sta se desava Baka i Deka placu nisam znao sta se desava ti si tada otisao tugu digao iz pepela zbog toga mrzim struju nista nije ko nekada da bog te odneo prerano hiljadu je prepreka kad stignem ti u zagrljaj ti nestanes tad jebiga AL sretcemo se gore jer rajska basta je velikaa
@@briibabii3401 go to where it says purchase beat. Then it shows how you can dwnld click the purchase link on a made up google asks for control over your channel(...)
savage with rapping attacking with passion,In fact I pack raps that are hotter then dragons, Coming from the bottom dropping lines that topple columns,Ominous causin Getting it popping like bottles the second I hit the throttle,Philosophically advanced with my words like Aristotle, Rewriting prophecy like Scientology my rhyme anomalies,Will cause lobotomies until you stopping to breath Me and the microphone is like a match made in hell,Deadly flames dwell deep in my padded cranium cells, Spray uranium trails until extremities swell,Known as a lyrical tyrant so rappers better rebel,, I'm needing to excel with this rap like a rocket,It's like I'm searching for Muhammad on my path for the profit, Leaving your body so disfigured the maggots will vomit,Bout to vaporize the area my ass is atomic,, Yo I'm waging war on the stage spraying agent orange,I cut the bull abruptly by slicing a raging Taurus ,Performing necromantic rituals raising vacant corpse,Assemble an army of the dead and slaying your basic force, syphon and slash bars like scytherIm a lycan u just biting, im enlightened Like lightning rods, I send shocks of vicadentyson hit, numbing body parts, end to start,talking won't bring u far but par with 6 feet,defeat is not possible, unplausible outcome u pause, I play and I come with an arsenal of arsonist, im sick I spit arsenic, this is art expressed by the artistic, Im cannibalistic,my shit stick like spit balls, original rick ross,My dicks sweet it had every kind of lip gloss,Niggas get hip tossed, without cause,my bars lift jaws, my words flip broads, hit the clit rawno draws, just bra, making her moan every time I enthrall her walls, lyrical expressionism this shit is effortless, come and test this shit get lit like christmas flints, Im straight like finger splintsI linger than split, I am a hypocrite, I flip a brick then make a house with it, Im so sick on the key style I stay on the web like e-file, flow senile, NIggas see me n flee miles away stray the lyrical heartbreaker, n lifes a bitch n I might date rape her take her to an abandoned building, make her legs touch the ceiling aHave her screamin my name, but thats the game, lames get laid like spades, im talking shovels n pails, nails and sticks, niggas kno where they lay if the follow the drips of bloodslug shots, leave em with blood clots thicker than cum shots...pocket full of knots, I need to stop cause I can keep blowing, Im not going to stop I am jesse owens, knowing I can get it in, listenin in, nerveness got this nigga head glistening, this high is setting in lime n lemon kush got feeling the sprite, but thats how I like, hustler I sell Nics-at-night, I got tired of pressing enter, when Im done ill center, ur delivers are all returned to sender, my flow cold I feel like an air bender, at the end u stir pack lend stacks to the pack of wolves eating better, beretta leave him wetter than a 90 degree december,
Every teen wannabe rapper had to spit something on this beat no cap 🔥🔥🔥🤣 like back in the days this is always 1 of the first to pop up when i searched hiphop freestyle intrumental....this was may favorite
Yes, you can use ANY of my beats for FREE, for your video/song, as long as it is for non-profit, non-commercial purposes. For monetization/profit, you need a license.
Been writing tracks to your beats for years. Respect where respect is due, you lay down beats that inspire verses. Keep creating my dude, shits fire - as always.
After years, this guy still hearts and comments on basically every single comment. Such a legend
Except ur one
If you had some time to comment, I will for sure find some time to thank you for the comment and the time :)
Thanks for your nice words! 👊
Siema ! Poland
Check my beats
@@joeyhand3336 check my beats
0:00 Refrain
0:23 Übergang
0:26 Strophe
0:50 Refrain
1:14 Strophe
1:39 Refrain
2:05 Refrain
Halo this od very hard
This beat is fire 🔥
Thanks to mixla fo uploading this legendary beat 😎
Thank you!
@@mixlaproduction ❤❤
I love how everyone is just high and chilling it feels like we’re all friends and we don’t even know eachother
That's why I like it. We are all like a bunch of buddies sitting and chilling 🍻
I feel this comment hard
I'm not sure why there's so much hate and discouragement to young rap writers in here.
Everyone starts somewhere. Stop discouraging creatives and start building them up and helping them strive to create great things.
What a bunch of jerks.
for those who aspire to be an artist, Im wishing you luck every step of the way. keep grinding and eventually you'll be so good nobody can ignore you any longer. I'll see ya'll at the top💜
It was 2017 winter
Very Cold Year
And That beat was freestyled every single night
in the streets homes...every corner in our city !!!
This is Just EPIC !!!
I freestyle with this so much, it’s just perfect speed, drums, melody, there ain’t no extra switches y’know?
This beat is legendary man I just saw a hater, he doesn’t know what is a rap beat. Love ya ❤️
Thanks, man, for such a nice comment! ❤️
mixla made the best beats
Dac-ar fi sa uit peste cate am trecut
As pune-n primul rand pe foaie tot ce m-a durut
Sentimente, amagiri, lacrimi si suspine
Sa-mi ramana-n cap doar zilele senine
As incerca sa repar tot ce s-a stricat
Prin versurile mele puse pe hip hop
Cu bassu la maxim, cu fratii langa mine
Cu tigara-n gura suna mult mai bine
Cu toti cei ce cred ca viata-i o surpriza
Cu toti cei ce baga boxele in priza
Cu toti ce-i ce fac din imposibil un nimic
Si cu toti cei care ma vor ajuta sa ma ridic
Aceste versuri nu sunt doar o dedicatie
Sunt o motivatie pentru cei ce au vocatie
Pentru generatiile care-au supravietuit
Si generatiile ce s-au nascut, au trait si au murit
Inca nu i-am uitat pe cei ce au cantat
Despre viata lor si cum s-au comportat
Au tot respectul meu si am tot respectul lor
Pentru ca lupt cu muzica precum un gladiator
Duc mai departe generatia rap-ului stradal
Nu vreau sa arunc o traditie la canal
Era sigur ca gasesc romani pe aici.
@@Block888 da
english pls
Damn you go hard
Versurile suna bine
Still enjoying this beat on the day it got published 🔥💯
Get this beat at
so ima spit a verse it wasent rehearsed straight of the mind people say i mean most say im kind very hard to find someone like me ive always smoked tree tried to stop but i missed the feeling were everything i forgot to get out of my head laying in bed with these thought my name is little joe people that are my freinds most turn to foes try to fuck your ex hoes some that called u there bros. yo so kick back and i flip flap so im spittin wicked raps so twisted that the clap cant find where im at even with a gps and a map fell in love twice thougt it was nice but i got fucked over to many times so im a single man ill do what i can i never ran stuck up for my battles even to big fools with a bat and a paddle tried to knock my out and make my body rattle tell the ladie to hop up on the saddle some say im crazy that i think alot that if i was alone id sit and rot i think they need shut up and smoke some more pot well the rest i forgot so im out litlle joe
Joey Mokes dats good bro
***** can I do it in polish lang,....? :F
Joey Mokes ok
Glad you like it.
This is a really nice beat! Keep up the good work 😊 p.s the background is awesome!
Pmpppmppppmmmmmmmmgcb cc 9o
Thanks, Spectrum!
Best to beat to literally ever exist 🔥💯
2020 keeeeee 🎉🎉🎉
Great Work Earthling
Bless Up
I am listening from Azerbaijan.🇦🇿 Respect nice track👍✌
Доступ открытый
( Авторизовано ) Исполнитель - Манюня
0:23 Стадия - (запись)
Я другой я не стар молодой голодный.
Малой был, старикам я когда то годный.
Не пригодный на ЗП вышел я достойным.
На руках новый брат черный и холодный.
Не вкисай доставай маслянистый водный.
И кури - кури слушая рифмач под водный.
Где тут саб стеливо заходит в такт сука такт.
Подкачало головой и ты палишь факт.
Вас бы к стенке в ряд мне бы в ответ условка.
Лови звук мой централ - железная коробка.
Мне снаряд - мне патрон, и плюс минусовка.
Это андер в хату - в комнату у нас своя тусовка.
Не дай бог одинок - не умру есть строки.
Я от вас вы за мной - поднастрой колонки.
Щас как дам я на бит, я убит под водным.
У меня был друг - оказался новый снова вдруг.
Вдруг из рук по рукам бьет метала полукруг.
Все вокруг шаг назад, время в ад держись пацан.
И не зачитал тебе права по гражданке пан.
Ты пропал вес ушёл, и ты пацан себя нашёл.
Прокурор адвокат приговор тут же зашёл.видео.html
Bilsi gital
🔥🔥🔥 *VERY GOOD BEAT* 🔥🔥🔥
Rap Beats | Hip Hop Instrumentals - Romasta Beats i subbed to you can you pleas sub back it would mean the world to me.
Rap Beats | Hip Hop Instrumentals - Romasta Beats صتلةخق
RomastaBeats o11111ssssssszs
Santa clause trying to do the dab ;)
Barisi efsane kanka
It sounds like the beginning of a eminem song, *I used ta* be the type of kid who would think the sky's falling
Tugi Şahin ty
@bilgisayar alfası YT aynn
The most beautiful music in the world
@@firstnamelastname5217 okвидео.html
@@firstnamelastname5217 a
Respect from Croatia.2020..hip hop forever..😎
Respekt za Hrvatsku :)
This beat is fire! keep up the good work 🔥
@@streetgamerz8146 qqq
Thanks, Narnia!
Eu gandesc mereu in doi
Langa tine la bine la rau
Ca-i soare sau ca-s ploi
Diferenta dintre noi
E ca indiferenta ta ne afecteaza
Pe amandoi
Sa-ti spun
Am multe sa-ti mai spun
Dar nu esti niciodata aici
Ca umbli intr-una de nebun
Cauti fuste scurte in serile lungi pe la terasa
Cand eu sunt in costumul Evei si te astept acasa..
Alo, Alo...
Vreau sa te fac atent
Daca ma lasi sa astept prea mult
ma dezbrac de sentiment
Alo, Alo...
Te faci ca nu ma vezi
Si uite asa o sa ma pierzi
Pentru ca: Indiferenta
Doare cel mai tare
Ti-o faci cu mana ta
Si-o sa te las singur sub soare
Doare cel mai tare
Ti-o faci cu mana ta
Si-o sa te las singur sub soare
Ti-o faci cu mana ta
Si-o sa te las singur sub soare
Si m-am tot intrebat de ce
M-am lasat asa usor sa ma-nvarti tu pe degete
M-am lasat dusa de val, de parc-aveai un 'nu stiu ce'
Acum uita-te la mine cum imi sterg lacrimile
Si nu pot
Nu pot sa ies din joc
Nu ma mai recunosc, eu ma puneam pe primul loc
Mi-am pus sufletul pe masa, ti l-am dat pe tot doar tie
Uite ce-mi faci tu mie
Alo, Alo...
Vreau sa te fac atent
Daca ma lasi sa astept prea mult
ma dezbrac de sentiment
Alo, Alo...
Te faci ca nu ma vezi
Si uite asa o sa ma pierzi
Pentru ca : Indiferenta
Doare cel mai tare
Ti-o faci cu mana ta
Si-o sa te las singur sub soare
Doare cel mai tare
Ti-o faci cu mana ta
Si-o sa te las singur sub soare
Ti-o faci cu mana ta
Si-o sa te las singur sub soare
Ti-e totuna daca plec sau stau
Ti-e totuna de mi-e bine sau
Mi-e Rau rau rau
Mi-e rau rau rau
De dorul tau
De dorul tau
Pentru ca: Indiferenta
Doare cel mai tare
Ti-o faci cu mana ta
Si-o sa te las singur sub soare
Doare cel mai tare
Ti-o faci cu mana ta
Si-o sa te las singur sub soare
Dope beat!
Thank you Kuy my man!
Rap Beats | Hip Hop Instrumentals - Kyu Tracks
Rap Beats | Hip Hop Instrumentals - Kyu Tracks
Rap Beats | Hip Hop Instrumentals - Kyu Tracks Hi, check also my page out for some hot hip hop beats :)
upload this on your channel its dope beat tho😍😍😍
If ur reading this i hope u find future happiness 💸💯
This beat is soft-sounding but gangsta! 💪🏻 Already liked it!
Perfect and beautiful sound.
Great track!
Thanks, Vance!
nice beat bro Keep up the good work 😊
This hits hard. Im about to record something on my saxophone to this beat.
Hope you did great!
I love this beat. It´s brilliant
So good, this is splendid
Glad to hear that!
no words needed, it's gold
Excellent instrumental!!!
Thanks, Fidel!
One of the hardest beats I swear!!!RESPECT!
Yes it is
Thanks, Alex!
@@mixlaproduction it ain’t about answer u kno, it’s about worldwide 🫡 respect
@@KindAlex270 🔥
[Verse 1]
Am crescut cu mingea la picior, bunica la geam
Mă striga să intru în casă şi fix atunci şutam
Aplaudau băieţii când dădeam cu interioru
Prindea mingea un efect, de-ţi venea să-mi pupi picioru'
Pistolu meu cu bile atunci credeam că poa' să facă
O minune să oprească doi oameni care se ceartă
Niciodată n-am crezut că sunt prea mic
Aveam avioane de hârtie şi încercam să le ridic
Atunci când vântul nu bătea puneam în ele vise mari
Eram copil cuminte şi aveam prieteni cuţitari
Doar că atunci când vrei să pari, ce nu eşti, poa' să te închidă
Pentru o furăciune sau poţi să te duci pentru crimă
Legitimă apărare dacă ai crescut in teroare
Din păcate intr-o celulă viaţa poa' să-ţi dea eroare
Şi-am văzut cu ochii mei cum alcoolul schimbă omu
Cum azi pune o sămânţă şi dup-aia taie pomu'
[Refren] (x2)
Trece timpul şi culoarea mea se schimbă
Şi mă regăsesc în omul din oglindă
Argintiul are o poveste lungă
E o bijuterie scumpă
[Verse 1]
Pe moment nu mă gândeam cum o să fie mai târziu
Sau că părul meu şaten poa' să ajungă argintiu
Şi nu mă vedeam puriu, cum nu mă vedeam vedetă
Aveam stema de bmw pe cadrul de la bicicletă
Anii au trecut şi-am rupt, am făcut nişte milioane
Şi oamenii frumosi s-au transformat în lighioane
Mai dă-mi Doamne o zi, să mai fiu copil din nou
Să mă bucur de surpriza pe care o găseam în ou
Să mă fac de ciocolată pe la gură şi să râd
Inima Doamne, dă-mi putere s-o ascult
Şi nu mi-e frică, sunt frumos şi mai cărunt
Doar că am crescut şi acum nu mă mai bucur la mărunt
Şi mă întristează câteodată fericirea artificială
Goana după bani, poate să devină boală
Şi viaţa mea e mama, eu sunt tată şi descriu
Fericirea prin cuvinte chiar dacă-s argintiu
bun bun
se poate folosi?
El Nino , tu ești 😂😂😂😂
Dope Beat 🔥🎵👍🏻💎
instrumental rapвидео.html
follow us please
Love how simple this beat is but at the same time there's different tempos of beats to follow. Nice!
Sick i love it!!
One question please! if the beat should be bought, why does it say FREE on the title? Marketing hook?
Please explain if I'm missing smthing.
You can use it for non-commercial purposes and it has a tag. Some beats are free for commercial purposes (you can use them to make money), but you dont have exclusive rights. If you want exclusive rights, you then buy the licence. My beats for example are creative commons, free for profit.
i started shaking while he drops the beat boy op yaar
Perfect beats for driving.
*This is the most viewed beat on RUclips*
@@supercalifragilisticexpial2270 yes
estos beats te motivan de una manera indescriptible
Ukaž mi sebe, ukážu ti svět
Některý slova nejdou vrátit zpět
Oni chtěj fotky, chtějí kousek mě
Já sedím po show jako zbitej pes
Můj svět z ledu
Tolik bitches kolem, že se o tu cestu peru
Nech mě projít, neruš
Jdou za mnou celou dobu, co na horu se deru
Ale jednu sebou beru
A to co předvádí je umění
Proč ostatní jsou tolik umělý
A proč ze všech ostatních je ti zrovna u mě líp?
Kolik z nich toho tolik o mě ví
Mi přijde, že se okolo nás mění podnebí
Je první, poslední
Znám ji a neznám ji
Hadry pod postelí
A všechno je to ledový a ohnivý
V noci se budím s ní
Venku je déšť a já v srdci mám mráz
Řekni co chceš, dokud na to mám čas
Žiju pro tebe baby, žiju pro nás, všechno jenom pro nás, yeah
Venku je sníh oni v srdci maj zášť
A ty nosíš moji krev, baby v sobě ji máš
A všechno co dělám já
Všechno je to pro nás
Všechno je to pro nás, yeah
Můj stack je fat
Je pro mou krev
Můj táta nebyl stopro, já jsem táta teď
Ukážu jí svět, dám jí svůj tep
Každej můj track, odevzdám jí dech, yeah
Řeknu jí, že nějaký věci nejdou vrátit zpět
Dostane dětství, který kdysi vzali mě
Budu milovat tvůj smích, milovat tvůj brek
Nejsem zlatý dítě, ale teďka žijem zlatej věk
Pátek, sobota běžím jak Flash
Udělat show, udělat nějakej cash, yeah
Odcházím první a ne poslední
Já řídím domů k ní
Mi přijde, že se okolo nás mění podnebí
Je první, poslední
Znám jí a neznám jí
Hračky pod postelí
A všechno je to na mě hrozně dospělí
V noci se budím s ní
Venku je déšť a já v srdci mám mráz
Řekni co chceš, dokud na to mám čas
Žiju pro tebe baby, žiju pro nás, všechno jenom pro nás, yeah
Venku je sníh oni v srdci maj zášť
A ty nosíš moji krev, baby v sobě ji máš
A všechno co dělám já
Všechno je to pro nás
Všechno je to pro nás, yeah
Epic rap battles of history the beat reminds me of
🔥💪 This is lit.
Thanks, Lowell!
Hi, I totally love what you're doing here man. This here is hard 🔥🔥🔥 Keep doin' what you do.
Thanks 🔥
This beat dope y'all I started freestyling then I realized I'm pretty good my son like it he's my only audience 😂😂💯 though
Haha! Thank you! 😎
The legend beats channel in RUclips...👌👌👌
Thank you! 💯💯💯
Beat sounds smooth
Story of madness, I thank this inner voice which kept me strapless, no fear in this kingdom, my heart is like a stone and brain wisdom, eccentric visions of epic syndrome, instilled in these tales I am the mad king slayer, skin flayer and war chief mayor, call for prayer, maybe need a rapier to rip the soul from these brainless soothsayers.
This beat free
Speak me please
Thanks for your thoughts!
whoa man ...may I purchase these beats
Sure - - better quality & untagged beats for $19.90
+Hip Hop Beats - Rap Instrumentals | Mixla wait isn't that free?
can i use this beat on my rap
Wsp man keep up the good work this is an amazing beat
Thanks, will do!
Love this beat😍✌
has some heavy cuts great job! thats what rap beats need!! keep it up
Wow!! Speed x2 is uncredible.
Your a true Legend if you read This thanks for the Beat have Luck and be healthy 👍👍
This beat + my greek rap song 😍😍😍
Okay, and when are we gonna hear those bars? ;)
@@yovanbidenovic4940 when I upload it 😉
Speed on 1.25 is nicer.
1.5 much better!
o.Der_Moralprediger.o hhj
o.Der_Moralprediger.o fiz balble rap e me cool 50 speed voz me
Thats true my brotha
that's dope ❤🔥❤🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Cümlemi kağıdıma defnederim
Hayat beton duvar sert ve derin
Olcan herşeyden tek tek emin
Ben gülmeyi bırak biraz ağla derim
Sustum hayalimi erteledim
Aynaya baktım dert eledim
Çık kafamdan rahat bırak beni
Saat üç buçuk gelme geri
Özgürüm artık kelimeler benim
Şeytan günahıma kefil eder beni
Baktım hiçbir şey yerine gelmedi
Sinir krizleri yaralı ellerim
Yine bana dot olur odamın duvarı
Burdan çakmağa tek adım sayarım
Benim pencerem siyah boyalı
Gelir sancılar tutmaz bi yanım
İnsanlar yirmisinde ölür ama sekseninde gömüp avuturlar
Gözünü korkutup sonra aklını kor ateşlerde kavururlar
İnsanlar fakir ama üç kuruşu para bilip öylece savururlar
Ekmeğime el uzatanın kanı burda her gece zihnime doluşurlar
Haz vermez kahkahaların, saf görmez çok daha yakın
Ölüme gidişin dönüşü yok tek şansın var o da elinde kalır aptalların
Görünenler bulanıklaşır, beden elbet sona yaklaşır
Ben büyük bi uçuruma bakmaktayım yağmur olurken gözyaşlarım
Kasma kendini çek ve üfle sende unut vede arşa dey
Biliyorum amacınızı istediğiniz en azından bikaç külle feym
Yalan herşey külliyen ben biliyorum Türça rap bok dolu kulleteyn
Kalan herkes dün diye bağırır müzik gemi biz de fırkateyn
Omuzlarımda tonla yük var tak kulaklığını tribe gir çık
Riske girip adımını attın, kaptırdın dizi burası balçık
Zemine bat çık ama biliyorum tek doğru var vede gerisi yanlış
Hayat tiyatrom mutlu bitmez, göz yaşı hakim değil alkış
beat beleş demi site girdim dolar molar var
@Gamzeli Adam yok
@Gamzeli Adam nedemek iyi kayıtlar
gardaşım eyce yazmışsın eline sağlık
sözlerini kayıt alabilirmiyim kardeşim.
I come in and I kill it; my flow hotter than a freshly forged iron skillet. My nine, I conceal it. I aint no pretentious bitch but when I reveal it, I crack the minds of even the hardest idealist. I posses the strength of tungsten steel with no achilles' heel when I play the glockenspiel. My brain comprises very complex neural connections, but upon closer inspection, you can see your own reflection. We can all achieve perfection, if we leave the right impression. Don't forget your direction, allow some corrections, and remember: all of us need some sort of protection.
+SinnDexx Killin' it B)
+Dan The Man dayyyuumm
+Dan The Man dayyyuumm
dope track keep killin it
Thank you! 🔥🔥🔥
35 millions yooo straight up
Thank you! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Can i use this beat for one of my songs??
Plz reply man!
+Shishi077111 _ He said that anyone can use it , but if you post it anywhere, you have to wrote in description he's RUclips channel , etc.
+Kristers Aboltins For sure!
you don have to ask Just use it
la puedo usar
puro rap si
I love this behind the beat on it
*12h30 p.m*
*With ma sis*
*And this beat*
*Snoop Dog would be proud of us*
Kozak bit!
Dzięki ❤️
Fire fire fire fire fire love da beat ......
Spiritual lyrical miracle
Verse1. Aint notelling wen i go so ama get this doe
Ama get it while i can ama fight for my goals
Aint notelling me different cuz i already know
I was brought up being poor but thats the way it goes
We started from the bottom slowly buildin up our goals
Things that i believe in deeper than the car&clothes
Am ridin around am smoking like i got no were to go
Streets is feeling shady feel like theres no where to go
I keep my faith high and say my prayers oh lord
Am trynna makit out god can give me some hope
Everything im choosing slowly has me losing hope
Im looking for q so just tell me wen go
Im right here listening writing down these words in quotes
So wen the day that i die my words rebirthing hope
Am trynna make a profit outta bagging up this bud
Am trynna make examples outta growin up with none...
"The Salt Lake, faction, Assassins guild, all day rappin, the fact, is skilled, smashin with axes, leave panic, and chills, fasten your straps in our plan is kill, the masses, these dragons, go batshit, for real, I'll blacken the gallactics, this magic is ill, while you're wrappin, your bandage, I'm laughin, still standin, I'm crackin, the planet, oh the damage, you'll feel"
Got those hits but still standing still, tu pac is inspiration, the plan is kill, yeah, the plan is kill, I spit those bars in the booth, its my skill , still i not getting paid, ill dug my way like a drill. Then the people will eventually turn to be on side, even those people, who gave me a Curse, this hard beat with this hard verse, by the tyme you'll know me, ill be out of this universe.....😅(I just tried writing.. Btw I'm a lowclass producer)
Hey man, that sounds fucking awesome. Could I inspire myself by your text?
@Zeke Carter
MrDavidex21 thank you so much, this is part of my verse for the actual song me and my homie made to this beat. We called it "From The Underground" hopefully you get inspired though 🤘🏻💯
@@QuickMouth801 No problem bro, fully understand. No worries for copying your text. Keep it up!
@@QuickMouth801 You have it on YT to listen?
this beat neck breaker bro like it😍😍👍🔥🔥🔥🔥
Proslo je mnogu vremena nemate burazeru srce jos uvek tuguje, jer ljubav ima razmeru. Moli te tvoj burazer ne ostavljaj mi naviku al veruj da sam srecan pored sebe imam barbikuu. Mislim na sestru prelepa je kao Andjeo da dodjes na trenutak da vidis kako rastemoo dugo se nismo videli a opet sve se nadamo da jednog dana opet gore bicemo zajedno nije bas lepo kad izgubis nekog svog. Jas sam sahranio tebe pa mrzim zemlju i grob a to se desilo uvece keva place.. Cale smiruje je nemoj ona nastavlja jos jace. Tad bio sam klinac nisam znao sta se desava izleti od kuce nisam znak sta se desava Baka i Deka placu nisam znao sta se desava ti si tada otisao tugu digao iz pepela zbog toga mrzim struju nista nije ko nekada da bog te odneo prerano hiljadu je prepreka kad stignem ti u zagrljaj ti nestanes tad jebiga AL sretcemo se gore jer rajska basta je velikaa
еее, вы тут не гоните!
вот оригинал: Rimus - Последний хелоуин
Here do you not drive!
here is original: Rimus - Последний хелоуин
May brader for rusija ❤️
May i use this beat for my rap song? ?? ?? ?
Plz reply plz
S. C. Vines it says free downld I don’t see why not, I did.
How do I down load this song and others sounds
@@briibabii3401 go to where it says purchase beat. Then it shows how you can dwnld
click the purchase link on a made up google asks for control over your channel(...)
Harry bodied this thing
Hip hop of legend
It is like a little bit ‘Us’ movie ost remix.
And the sound of laughing looks like a laugh in a last part of ‘thriller’ MV
Thanks for the fine analysis! 🔥🔥🔥 :)
@@mixlaproduction you're welcome :)
Legendary Beat !
Nice vids 👹👹👹
I'm confused. It says "buy this beat" in descrption but it says free in title.????
I guess its free to download but if you want to make a rap song you have to pay
It's free for non profit use, if you're wanting to make a song you wish to sell, or make money off of in any way, you need to buy a lease
oh alright thanks.
Because its A Stolen Beat
savage with rapping attacking with passion,In fact I pack raps that are hotter then dragons,
Coming from the bottom dropping lines that topple columns,Ominous causin
Getting it popping like bottles the second I hit the throttle,Philosophically advanced with my words like Aristotle,
Rewriting prophecy like Scientology my rhyme anomalies,Will cause lobotomies until you stopping to breath
Me and the microphone is like a match made in hell,Deadly flames dwell deep in my padded cranium cells,
Spray uranium trails until extremities swell,Known as a lyrical tyrant so rappers better rebel,,
I'm needing to excel with this rap like a rocket,It's like I'm searching for Muhammad on my path for the profit,
Leaving your body so disfigured the maggots will vomit,Bout to vaporize the area my ass is atomic,,
Yo I'm waging war on the stage spraying agent orange,I cut the bull abruptly by slicing a raging Taurus
,Performing necromantic rituals raising vacant corpse,Assemble an army of the dead and slaying your basic force,
syphon and slash bars like scytherIm a lycan u just biting, im enlightened
Like lightning rods, I send shocks of vicadentyson hit, numbing body parts, end to start,talking won't bring u far but par with 6 feet,defeat is not possible, unplausible outcome u pause, I play and I come with an arsenal of arsonist, im sick I spit arsenic, this is art expressed by the artistic, Im cannibalistic,my shit stick like spit balls, original rick ross,My dicks sweet it had every kind of lip gloss,Niggas get hip tossed, without cause,my bars lift jaws, my words flip broads, hit the clit rawno draws, just bra, making her moan every time I enthrall her walls, lyrical expressionism this shit is effortless, come and test this shit get lit like christmas flints, Im straight like finger splintsI linger than split, I am a hypocrite, I flip a brick then make a house with it, Im so sick on the key style I stay on the web like e-file, flow senile, NIggas see me n flee miles away stray the lyrical heartbreaker, n lifes a bitch n I might date rape her take her to an abandoned building, make her legs touch the ceiling aHave her screamin my name, but thats the game, lames get laid like spades, im talking shovels n pails, nails and sticks, niggas kno where they lay if the follow the drips of bloodslug shots, leave em with blood clots thicker than cum shots...pocket full of knots, I need to stop cause I can keep blowing, Im not going to stop I am jesse owens, knowing I can get it in, listenin in, nerveness got this nigga head glistening, this high is setting in lime n lemon kush got feeling the sprite, but thats how I like, hustler I sell Nics-at-night, I got tired of pressing enter, when Im done ill center, ur delivers are all returned to sender, my flow cold I feel like an air bender, at the end u stir pack lend stacks to the pack of wolves eating better, beretta leave him wetter than a 90 degree december,
I used this cuz I needed a background since we had to make an economics rap in social studies lol
Nice. Feel free to use it :)
Every teen wannabe rapper had to spit something on this beat no cap 🔥🔥🔥🤣 like back in the days this is always 1 of the first to pop up when i searched hiphop freestyle intrumental....this was may favorite
x 1.5 sound great also
Oğuzhan HD den geldik ♥️
Can I use it to make a song?(don't worry I'll give you credits in the title and description)
Yes, you can use ANY of my beats for FREE, for your video/song, as long as it is for non-profit, non-commercial purposes.
For monetization/profit, you need a license.
Jah bless you with this❤ Jay bless you for this💯
I can use without copyright?
hi Kim
Sorry, I do not understand
Friend wana be with u
sim. num tem copyright naum
Olá Sally Face ...
dwóch dzielnic graniczących z sobą od zawsze - Dymitrów & Knajfeld
Poland!! Hahah jesteśmy wszędize
Can i Beat in the Video use? in German; kann ich den beat im Video benutzen?
CrazyCore frag ich mich auch
ja kann man
camperlucker89 ok