The son is scary as hell. Im sorry but I really hope they got it together cause boys who arent taught the word no end up being the most abusive boyfriends/husbands ever.
Dad laughs when he's happy, but also when he's nervous or uncomfortable. He doesn't like confrontation and is worried about his kids not liking him. Kids can't tell happy laughter from nervous laughter, so no wonder they are super confused!
@@Undomaraneli think some of the kids can tell, they younger ones can’t, and in some situations it’s probably hard for any of them to tell tbh. they just pretend they don’t know the difference and take advantage of the parents
@@cashmoney865 Your last sentence betrays you. If the kids don't know, how would they take advantage of it safely? Obviously some kids will always be oblivious, but on the whole kids are far smarter than you think they are. After all, their survival depends on picking up social cues fast.
I saw assault, battery, and Worse,, in this video. Was that boy Wrestling his sister,,, At That age, that's like sexual assault along with assault. The boy is def. headed for prison if this doesn't stop totally.
wow, just wow the way casey was laughing and even said I’ll break your neck was honestly disgusting. I felt really bad for the father because he might be laughing but then again he could just be covering up his feelings because I do that too.
The big mistake so many parents make is trying to be their kids' best friends. They should find people their own age to play with and be the rule-givers to their kids.
Yeah, in most Supernanny episodes, the oldest kids in the family are the most well behaved while the youngest are out of control. In this episode it was the total opposite.
Oftentimes it's the parents who think it's the only way to get their children to do anything... It creates more problems than it solves in the long run.
I know. What parents forget to say to their kids is this: We ALL live in this house and all create mess, all use toilets and bathrooms, all need to wash our clothes, dishes etc. Honestly its not hard.
That scar on the dad's face and the pride that brat took in giving it to him was outrageous!!! that kid should have been punished immediately. Casey is probably in jail by now
@@Got.hacked-w5t I’m scared to ask for money off my parents coz I feel extremely bad so I do stuff to “earn” it but sometimes they give me money without asking me to do stuff and I’m grateful for that but I do like to work for it
@@queenbee3647 Thats also wrong tho. Your children don't owe you ANYTHING for basic needs and care. You brought them into this world, so its your responsibility to make sure they are fed, warm, safe etc. Kids don't owe you anything for this bare minimum. (And they don't owe you anything for more than that either.)
I think that Casey needs to see the clip of him, disrespecting his mother there while he’s trying to do the dishes. Maybe that would put some things in perspective for him on how he’s talking to his mother
I went from being…. angry… shocked…. saddened…. & appalled … to tears. 😢 The ‘mirror time’ …. melted …& bonded even the hardest of hearts! Jo…. you knocked this one outta the park!! 🙌🏻⭐️ 🏟️➰➰➰⚾️ I wished we knew the update
I have 4 sons and they wouldn't even think to behave remotely close to this violently. At no point would I allow anyone to assult any of my children, especially not another one of my children.
Dad allows and encourages aggression in the kids. He doesn't hug them, he wrestles them to the ground. One thing that would REALLY bother me is the way the kids, especially the oldest, puts his hands in people's face. Whether he actually hits or just threatens, that is NOT appropriate. Dad does it, too, so that's where they learned it.
@@lynnw7155 some people set their children an example of violence and act all shocked when their kids copy it, I just don't understand the thought process
I’m still not really sure that the older boy has learned how to act. He is so disrespectful and very aggressive with everyone. I did like how Jo had the mom apologize to Casey for HER behavior. I thought HE should apologize to the entire family for his own awful & hurtful behavior.
The dad's constant laughing and grinning made me uncomfortable. He's obviously covering up for his feelings of inadequacy and discomfort. I could barely watch him at times. I hope he took Jo's lessons to heart about insisting on respect from his kids and not just trying to be their buddy all the time. Children don't respect that, which ultimately makes them despise you instead of like you.
@@danarzechula3769Actually he may be neurodivergent and not understand what emotional reaction is appropriate or warranted for the situation, so his default emotional reaction is laughing.
@@byuftblthat was my first thought. I’ve got Asperger’s and that’s how I tend to react when I’m in uncomfortable situations. Even sad situations, I always laugh. At very inappropriate times too because it’s almost like I don’t wanna feel the sad/mad/uncomfortable feelings or don’t wanna show them either. I feel bad for him tbh.
@@jainas8331same. Im also neurodiv so i wonder if thats why we can empathise. It doesnt seem like genuine laughter as he seems more concerned/afraid but covering by laughing. Tbh caseys aggression can be enviromental but also partially nd. My dad has terrible anger issues, and adhd- cuz it affects his emotional regulation But hey only speculating
That kid saying he is going to break his dad's neck was Not said in jest! Stop laughing at him...things that are taken in jest, are all too often the truth! Wake up!
The Father laughing, after his son said that he'd break his neck, is just so creepy! The Father's behaviour is just not normal, Father or not? At times the laughter is just so unhealthy and mentally challenged for us the viewer watching, let alone the children of this marriage!
When the daughter said why do we have to clean our room since it’s ours. My response would be, you got it twisted little girl, it’s my room and I allow you to use it. Last time I checked you made no mortgage payments on that room 😂
Mom is very egocentric and dad is trying to be their best friend. That boy is scary. I wouldn’t let my daughter date him. He needs to learn the words “no” and “stop”.
These kids seem bored. They need some physical exercise and things that engage their minds...but not video games and electronics. But I have to keep watching.
I'm elderly so things were different when I was their age but I either roller skated or cycled to and from school and also played tennis or field hockey during our lunch break.Physical activity let's out the boundless energy young people have. Our parents didn't have cars in those days so we had to get around under our own steam. We were really happy and carefree.
I'm so thankful for my son... He is 19, and so respectful and smart. In college now and always thank God, he never stressed me out. These parents, so stressed.
it's unfortunate but these kids are almost too old to fix now. My concern is this is going to transfer to other relationships, esp the most aggressive child. Do not be amazed if he abuses his partner. These kids aren't getting the message to respect others, and likely will not now. This should have been dealt with much earlier - so sad :(
I don’t believe “old dogs can’t learn new tricks”. Everyone can learn, everyone can change. It just depends on the person themselves if they want to change or not.
Mom needs to concentrate on the kids as much as she does pumping iron. The hardest part of parenting is the teen and preteen years. That’s when they are developing values, character, family values ect.
Yeah, but in fairness she wasn't getting any reward at home; she was with body building. She needed to put that time and energy into learning how to parent. Hopefully, she learned from Jo.
@@intothemindshaftA class full of them, though, would be pretty hard to take. I’m certain they’re not terribly different from many of their peers in the neighbourhood.
Great one, showed how each child had their own personal little needs. Especially at the end so tender, I believe as our children grow we forget that they still need that nurturing that they had as babies. And sometimes their behavior comes from them reaching out for that attention that they need.
When I'm down I look@ these episodes and I think how incredible is Jo Frost and what she does for others..and faith in the good in people let's me live again.
Well tbh cps should be called if the parents didn’t reach out for help, BUT they did and reached out to someone who actually knows how to fix these types of situations, CPS just breaks up families and place them in homes that don’t usually want .. many ppl who foster kids only doing it because that’s the easy income source, for the money.. the nanny 100% makes things in order.. these parents asked for help because they needed that guidance to get their family in line … CPS is not the only answer. Now if the parents didn’t ask for help then yeah …
Just thinking about the time my siblings and I asked my parents for chore money (since my cousins were doing it). They said something along the lines of “you don’t need money for chores, you don’t pay bills. What do you need the money for” 💀 that’s all it took. They always have something to say that immediately humbles ourselves; why we clean without being told.
it almost appears as if the parents are afraid of their children. If they are afraid of them now then the children have already won and they ultimately have control
In the first 3min i saw the mom ignored violence repeatedly, swearing at each other repeatedly but when the girl wanted to eat ice cream that is when she saw something? 😢 ya can't imagine where they got their ideas from 😢😢😢 how sad 😢
i don’t remember super nanny making me this emotional i watched this show my whole life but the past three episodes of watched have made me actually cry
Seeing this, shocked that these kids expect to be paid for clearing up after themselves, making their beds and tidying their clothes etc. Absolutely ridiculous.
Jo I don’t know how you do this. You are the most amazing person I know. You help families with all types of problems and all ages. I’m at the end of my life and I have trouble grasping how so many families get to where they are. Kids aren’t born bad. Parents do need training. Yes chores are mandatory but parents fall into the trap of bribing with money. Much respect and love for you and your work. ❤❤🎉😊
When you’re an adult and own your own home you can pay someone else to clean it. Until then, you have to do it yourself. Your mother isn’t your servant.
Wow. These kids were out of control. I generally agree with Joe's strategies, but I do feel that "I want to k**l myself" thing needs to stop. Someone needed to explain to her what that actually means. That, that means that because of one night she won't enjoy she doesn't want to grow up, go to uni, get married, have kids, all of that. And yes, by saying that, she's also saying she won't give up her comfort for one night to spare her family that pain. I know she didn't mean it, but that really isn't something you say unless you're serious and entertaining those thoughts because of small problems will desensitize her to the meaning over time
The son is scary as hell. Im sorry but I really hope they got it together cause boys who arent taught the word no end up being the most abusive boyfriends/husbands ever.
VERY well said 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
He’s going to end up in jail
Definitely the no respect will continue into marriage
Bully in training
The 9 year old is an absolute Sweetheart...!!!!
She’s the only truly intelligent one of the lot
Fr I like her better than others
She would not have been in 4 years if joe had not come. If kids are taught that they have to do bad things for attention that's what they will do
Idk she's kimd of annoying
"We are very nervous, we are so afraid he's gonna hurt somebody" He is already hurting people!
I read that in Jo’s voice 😂
Mother had to build up her body to feel safe from her children!
The worst parents have the most kids.
I really think the man is scared of his son and believes if he pretends to laugh he will go away
Agreed . The mother it's a awfull.mother. The children feel she have no love for them.
Yes, it is definitley nervous laughter. They deifinitly need help.
The more he laugh the worse will be😢
I agree.
It is scary to see this father is out of control over his own feelings, and the children see that
Dad laughs when he's happy, but also when he's nervous or uncomfortable. He doesn't like confrontation and is worried about his kids not liking him. Kids can't tell happy laughter from nervous laughter, so no wonder they are super confused!
Teens can tell fam. They're confused because he doesn't explain the boundaries and lacks any kind of spine.
@@Undomaraneli think some of the kids can tell, they younger ones can’t, and in some situations it’s probably hard for any of them to tell tbh. they just pretend they don’t know the difference and take advantage of the parents
@@cashmoney865 Your last sentence betrays you. If the kids don't know, how would they take advantage of it safely? Obviously some kids will always be oblivious, but on the whole kids are far smarter than you think they are. After all, their survival depends on picking up social cues fast.
Dad laughs. When happy but also when nervous kids not him are they super
Casey is headed for prison if his parents can’t get it together….
I saw assault, battery, and Worse,, in this video. Was that boy Wrestling his sister,,, At That age, that's like sexual assault along with assault. The boy is def. headed for prison if this doesn't stop totally.
@@JustMe-gs9xiYeah he doesn’t know what consent is or that you have to respect others bodies and feelings, and that no means no.
Casey’s behavior would have earned me time to pick up my teeth off the floor . The problem with these kids is the parents . This is insane .
@@MeeMawCumminshe would have been picking HIS teeth off the floor. Ugh awful kids.
I'm mind blown at how out of control these kids were allowed to be. I'm shooketh 😮
Joyce@@mariahillenbrand8396 I'm sorry, however this family so out of control was helped in just two weeks is sort of unbelievable.
Are you sure they are not actors playing parts?
@@joycesereday9118 ya, seems pretty legit to me.
Shooketh! Nice:)
wow, just wow the way casey was laughing and even said I’ll break your neck was honestly disgusting. I felt really bad for the father because he might be laughing but then again he could just be covering up his feelings because I do that too.
They were too late to fix it 😢
I don't feel bad for the father. He created the monsters.
I think he uses laughter as deflection and distraction.
@@feraltaco4783 i just said that??
@@olivialaylaxox I was affirming what you said.
The big mistake so many parents make is trying to be their kids' best friends. They should find people their own age to play with and be the rule-givers to their kids.
Another mistake parents make is never telling their children no and letting them run the house.
Exactly!! I got cousins like that and boy their kids are bossy and awful..I warned them and now they regret it but it's too late
You can be both. Respect just has to be part of it.
Why does Dad laugh at everything?
@lynnw7155 the mom is in Great shape. Tough lady
Only normal one is the 9 year old girl
Yeah, in most Supernanny episodes, the oldest kids in the family are the most well behaved while the youngest are out of control. In this episode it was the total opposite.
Fr she didn’t cuss or start any fights
No one in real life gets paid for keeping their living space clean.
No and at 16 she’s nearly an adult. when she moves out is mom gonna pay her 😂 20$ every day to do her room like tf
Oftentimes it's the parents who think it's the only way to get their children to do anything...
It creates more problems than it solves in the long run.
I know. What parents forget to say to their kids is this: We ALL live in this house and all create mess, all use toilets and bathrooms, all need to wash our clothes, dishes etc. Honestly its not hard.
Sure they do. It’s called welfare. UBI
"No one in real life gets paid for keeping their living space clean."
Couch cushions beg to differ.💰
That look on the 14 year old Casey as he sees Jo the first time is priceless 😂
I have never been so moved by when the mom spoke with the kids. I had tears streaming down my face and I was so emotional
That scar on the dad's face and the pride that brat took in giving it to him was outrageous!!! that kid should have been punished immediately. Casey is probably in jail by now
Let's hope!!😮
He’s a child.
Not anymore. This was over ten years ago.
So. He needed to be taught boundaries.
I wish I could’ve gotten 2 dollars for fixing my bed. THESE KIDS ARE SPOILED
same i only get 1cent or nothng
We got paid nothing. We owed our parents for the roof over our head and the food we ate.
@@Got.hacked-w5t I’m scared to ask for money off my parents coz I feel extremely bad so I do stuff to “earn” it but sometimes they give me money without asking me to do stuff and I’m grateful for that but I do like to work for it
@@queenbee3647 Thats also wrong tho. Your children don't owe you ANYTHING for basic needs and care. You brought them into this world, so its your responsibility to make sure they are fed, warm, safe etc. Kids don't owe you anything for this bare minimum. (And they don't owe you anything for more than that either.)
Seriously. I just got to sleep in mine lol
It's a wonder to me none of those kids have broken arms or legs yet.
They probably all did at some point off-camera.
That they told the producers about....
I think that Casey needs to see the clip of him, disrespecting his mother there while he’s trying to do the dishes. Maybe that would put some things in perspective for him on how he’s talking to his mother
I was thinking the same. That was inadmissible.
I went from being….
angry… shocked…. saddened…. & appalled …
to tears. 😢
The ‘mirror time’ …. melted …& bonded even the hardest of hearts!
Jo…. you knocked this one outta the park!! 🙌🏻⭐️
I wished we knew the update
I have 4 sons and they wouldn't even think to behave remotely close to this violently. At no point would I allow anyone to assult any of my children, especially not another one of my children.
I also have 4 boys- and have never experienced anything like this.
Amen I got two boys and never seen this type of behavior smh
Jo worked her magic in this family, which really needed her. This episode had me in tears.
Parents that ignore and brush off violence from their sons, are directly responsible for unleashing violent men on society.
It works both ways. Parents that allow violence from their children of any gender are responsible for unleashing that on society.
Well said.
@@alyshiakroll15 Not allowed to discipline them either.
When mom started crying in the initial talk, it was necessary. She needed to feel the feelings.
it seems like his son is way too aggressive with his dad. but Casey doesn't realize how bad he can hurt someone.
Dad allows and encourages aggression in the kids. He doesn't hug them, he wrestles them to the ground. One thing that would REALLY bother me is the way the kids, especially the oldest, puts his hands in people's face. Whether he actually hits or just threatens, that is NOT appropriate. Dad does it, too, so that's where they learned it.
@@lynnw7155 some people set their children an example of violence and act all shocked when their kids copy it, I just don't understand the thought process
I’m still not really sure that the older boy has learned how to act. He is so disrespectful and very aggressive with everyone. I did like how Jo had the mom apologize to Casey for HER behavior. I thought HE should apologize to the entire family for his own awful & hurtful behavior.
I kind of get the idea he wants to hurt someone... I feel like he's trying to push and push and push to see how far he can go
These kids are on the road to prison if parents don't start discipline.
There is no way discipline will start now. Its too late
The dad's constant laughing and grinning made me uncomfortable. He's obviously covering up for his feelings of inadequacy and discomfort. I could barely watch him at times. I hope he took Jo's lessons to heart about insisting on respect from his kids and not just trying to be their buddy all the time. Children don't respect that, which ultimately makes them despise you instead of like you.
It was strange
@@danarzechula3769Actually he may be neurodivergent and not understand what emotional reaction is appropriate or warranted for the situation, so his default emotional reaction is laughing.
@@byuftbl that could actually be true.
@@byuftblthat was my first thought. I’ve got Asperger’s and that’s how I tend to react when I’m in uncomfortable situations. Even sad situations, I always laugh. At very inappropriate times too because it’s almost like I don’t wanna feel the sad/mad/uncomfortable feelings or don’t wanna show them either. I feel bad for him tbh.
@@jainas8331same. Im also neurodiv so i wonder if thats why we can empathise. It doesnt seem like genuine laughter as he seems more concerned/afraid but covering by laughing.
Tbh caseys aggression can be enviromental but also partially nd. My dad has terrible anger issues, and adhd- cuz it affects his emotional regulation But hey only speculating
Those teenagers are old enough to get jobs, take everything they don't buy away from them if they're ungrateful and abusive.
Agree, of course!,,,, // those parents are afraid of their own kids,,,, THEY Created that.
Absolutely. 👍
That kid saying he is going to break his dad's neck was Not said in jest! Stop laughing at him...things that are taken in jest, are all too often the truth! Wake up!
omg i would be scared if that was my brother
The Father laughing, after his son said that he'd break his neck, is just so creepy! The Father's behaviour is just not normal, Father or not? At times the laughter is just so unhealthy and mentally challenged for us the viewer watching, let alone the children of this marriage!
It's amazing how Jo changes the family around for the best
Glad you said that because so many know-alls just want to comment about how their kids would never do anything wrong.
I wonder if he laughs if his patients come to him for pain relief
You have got to be kidding?!? That father laughing at absolutely EVERYTHING is weird as heck and damaging to those children!!! WOW...
relax nicole.
😂😂😂😂 @@jhamblin23
I think she's absolutely right.
@@jhamblin23So do I.
It could also be nervousness.
This mother was like an inch away from leaving n never coming back.
😂😂 I thought the same thing
My thoughts as well.
Most mothers are like this - they like to work out of the home and feed their ego
yup, in her mind it's all about her.
I would imagine her weight training helps her to not loose the plot!
KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF is the best rule for all families. When did this teaching fall away?
When the daughter said why do we have to clean our room since it’s ours. My response would be, you got it twisted little girl, it’s my room and I allow you to use it. Last time I checked you made no mortgage payments on that room 😂
Lol right! The nerves
That’s what I say to mine it’s my house not yours.
Mom is very egocentric and dad is trying to be their best friend.
That boy is scary. I wouldn’t let my daughter date him. He needs to learn the words “no” and “stop”.
That oldest boy the bully is really obnoxious. Wow hes hard to watch
He is vile. Full of violence and arrogance. God help other kids who come across him, and girls in the future that refuse his advances!
@@abigailfreeman715Probably would upset the wrong person. Another lad etc and end up learning his lesson.
The two youngest children are so sweet, loving and mature.
Complete lack of respect ! If he were my son he’d do that once and once only 😡
This one had me crying. Such important work she does.
I cried too.
Excellent work. The two little ones were so sweet. Glad there was an intervention. 🎉
These kids seem bored. They need some physical exercise and things that engage their minds...but not video games and electronics. But I have to keep watching.
When I was that age I had activities every day
i think the oldest does wrestling but he needed to pick up something else like running or something
I'm elderly so things were different when I was their age but I either roller skated or cycled to and from school and also played tennis or field hockey during our lunch break.Physical activity let's out the boundless energy young people have. Our parents didn't have cars in those days so we had to get around under our own steam. We were really happy and carefree.
surprised they didn't call their daughter Harley. seems appropriate since the dad's a joker.
I would feel uneasy about dad’s laughter 😳🤪
It seems like there's something not quite right with all of them.
They're from New England dawg it's just different out there
The older boy is not going to improve! He shows signs of future problems!
Thanks to Jo, he is doing well. :)
Oh, dang! Dad’s scratch on his face is worse than I thought.
I'm so thankful for my son... He is 19, and so respectful and smart. In college now and always thank God, he never stressed me out. These parents, so stressed.
I can’t imagine having that relationship with my mom-never happened.
it's unfortunate but these kids are almost too old to fix now. My concern is this is going to transfer to other relationships, esp the most aggressive child. Do not be amazed if he abuses his partner. These kids aren't getting the message to respect others, and likely will not now. This should have been dealt with much earlier - so sad :(
I agree
yeah :/ i sadly agree. this seems like it could work with the younger kids. but i don’t see it working with older kids
It's not too late.
Ever heard of neural plasticity? And what about CBT? People can and are always changing, period.
I don’t believe “old dogs can’t learn new tricks”. Everyone can learn, everyone can change. It just depends on the person themselves if they want to change or not.
Mom needs to concentrate on the kids as much as she does pumping iron. The hardest part of parenting is the teen and preteen years. That’s when they are developing values, character, family values ect.
totally agree. she will have her time again when the family are older and doing their own thing.
She had the discipline to work out all the time but not to stand up to her kids. I just hope theyre doing better now
Maybe if she put the effort into her children that she puts into the bodybuilding her family would be more satisfying
Poor parenting once again sigh
I was just waiting for this comment...agree 1000%
Yeah, but in fairness she wasn't getting any reward at home; she was with body building. She needed to put that time and energy into learning how to parent. Hopefully, she learned from Jo.
@@hannahscott6604 Why do you sigh? What does that mean?
The father needs couseling he thinks every thing is funny. He needs to stop pretending to be their age.
Jo, literally, gives others "her" Heart, in order for them to feel real love.
I like the Dad's positive attitude to the night in the cabin.
WHAT will they do when he is 21 ? Casey needs to learn some rules ! Whats funny about hurting someone - he's going to jail..
He will end up using that violence on girls who,refuse his sexual advances!
These kids are disconnected and out of control because the parents are disconnected and NOT in control.
The older ones did seem very emotionally disconnected.
They put him in wrestling when they should’ve put him in therapy
Stop being there best friend and be their, father.
God help the teachers who have to deal with these monsters.
Bit harsh mate
I feel bad for the relatives who have deal with these kids.
@@intothemindshaftA class full of them, though, would be pretty hard to take. I’m certain they’re not terribly different from many of their peers in the neighbourhood.
They’re not monsters, but yeah
Maybe that's the reason why do many started telling teens they were born in the wrong body
Great one, showed how each child had their own personal little needs. Especially at the end so tender, I believe as our children grow we forget that they still need that nurturing that they had as babies. And sometimes their behavior comes from them reaching out for that attention that they need.
The whole family seems scared of the oldest son even the dad SMH.
I can’t stand this father. Grow up! STOP PLAYING. You aren’t a child. Wipe that smirk off your face and man up
When I'm down I look@ these episodes and I think how incredible is Jo Frost and what she does for others..and faith in the good in people let's me live again.
Oh yes, mom was totally detached. Still watching..
I dont believe dads laughter is humor in any way. Sometimes people laugh at discomfort and unease...or when unsure how to respond.
What an incredible bully that older son. The father is incredulous as to why, because he clearly didnt want to know.
I did not expect the mom to be soooo buff🤣🤣. I was caught off guard
Cabin? Wow! Those kids are really roughing it. 😂 Jo should have left them in tents!
God bless you Jo
do you know how many families with their children you have saved
CPS Needs to be Called not super Nanny, This boy is physically Abusing his sibling and the parents allow it to Happen
Well tbh cps should be called if the parents didn’t reach out for help, BUT they did and reached out to someone who actually knows how to fix these types of situations, CPS just breaks up families and place them in homes that don’t usually want .. many ppl who foster kids only doing it because that’s the easy income source, for the money.. the nanny 100% makes things in order.. these parents asked for help because they needed that guidance to get their family in line … CPS is not the only answer. Now if the parents didn’t ask for help then yeah …
The ending was beautiful, I send them all love and hope it all worked out for them all. Super Nanny is brilliant!
Corey and Carly are freaking adorable
Just thinking about the time my siblings and I asked my parents for chore money (since my cousins were doing it). They said something along the lines of “you don’t need money for chores, you don’t pay bills. What do you need the money for” 💀 that’s all it took. They always have something to say that immediately humbles ourselves; why we clean without being told.
If he’s hurting family he will hurt others.
it almost appears as if the parents are afraid of their children. If they are afraid of them now then the children have already won and they ultimately have control
Yeah, imagine how these kids would have been five or 8 years from now. Cripes. Scary.
The older boy is already scary!
Jo frost.... That's so so funny you took them camping 😂😂😂 the looks on their faces was priceless 🤣
I don't paid my children to clean up their own rooms and their mess. FULL STOP ✋.
In the first 3min i saw the mom ignored violence repeatedly, swearing at each other repeatedly but when the girl wanted to eat ice cream that is when she saw something? 😢 ya can't imagine where they got their ideas from 😢😢😢 how sad 😢
Omg made me cry when she did the mirror stuff
Has Dad had his mental age tested? Because something’s very wrong!
33:51 I guarantee that family just went blank when she said 'quid' instead of dollars
Wow, I was in tears at the end.
i don’t remember super nanny making me this emotional i watched this show my whole life but the past three episodes of watched have made me actually cry
SPOILED ROTTEN and They WILL be getting Him Out of JAIL!!
Leave him there.
Seeing this, shocked that these kids expect to be paid for clearing up after themselves, making their beds and tidying their clothes etc. Absolutely ridiculous.
I think this is the best episode I've seen yet!!❤
I thought the same thing at the end.
It's one of my favorites! Jo is an ABSOLUTE ROCKSTAR
Sometimes kids end up this way because the parents allow it and dont care.
Why do people keep on having more kids when they can't handle the ones they have?
Jo I don’t know how you do this. You are the most amazing person I know. You help families with all types of problems and all ages. I’m at the end of my life and I have trouble grasping how so many families get to where they are. Kids aren’t born bad. Parents do need training. Yes chores are mandatory but parents fall into the trap of bribing with money. Much respect and love for you and your work. ❤❤🎉😊
not me tearing up at the vulnerable moment the mom had with the kids
I didn’t think you were going to change this family. I’m amazed you did. Well done
She didn’t I found Casey’s twitter😢
But did it stick? That is the point.
@hannahscott6604 what did it show?
When you’re an adult and own your own home you can pay someone else to clean it. Until then, you have to do it yourself. Your mother isn’t your servant.
I’m sick watching her cry and kiss up to that abusive son.
I can't believe that the parents would let this happen to their younger children but especially themselves ....
The father is immature. He’s the problem 😡
The Quinn Family 2023
David Quinn - 62-64
Gina Quinn - 59-61
Cally Quinn - 31
Casey Quinn - 29
Corey Quinn - 26
Carli Quinn - 25
How many times has Casey been arrested for domestic violence and assault?
The dangerous one is still alive? That ain't good for anyone.
Wow. These kids were out of control. I generally agree with Joe's strategies, but I do feel that "I want to k**l myself" thing needs to stop. Someone needed to explain to her what that actually means. That, that means that because of one night she won't enjoy she doesn't want to grow up, go to uni, get married, have kids, all of that. And yes, by saying that, she's also saying she won't give up her comfort for one night to spare her family that pain.
I know she didn't mean it, but that really isn't something you say unless you're serious and entertaining those thoughts because of small problems will desensitize her to the meaning over time
I haven’t watched the full episode but Carli is the most respectful child there from what I’ve seen
My parents always said we all live here we all chip in and clean it.
Its domestic violence.
IT"S TOTALLY Domestic Violence!