I am your sister from Yemen. My father passed away and I live with my mother and my young brothers. We have no one to support us. We were displaced from our homes because of the war. We have rent, but we cannot pay it. The landlord gave us a three-day grace period. If we do not pay, he will throw us out of the house. I ask you, by God, who are reading my words, to help me pay the rent and buy food for my young brothers.~π~π~π~√√
Buena Noticia para el mundo entero / ojala el acuerdo sea aprovado por el Gabinete de Israel porque Hamas asi como esta destruido lo aprovara y los de la derecha Israeli tendran que aceptar
I am your sister from Yemen. My father passed away and I live with my mother and my young brothers. We have no one to support us. We were displaced from our homes because of the war. We have rent, but we cannot pay it. The landlord gave us a three-day grace period. If we do not pay, he will throw us out of the house. I ask you, by God, who are reading my words, to help me pay the rent and buy food for my young brothers.~π~π~π~√√
Jum. Las palabras de Trump tienen todo q ver en esto.!
Buena Noticia para el mundo entero / ojala el acuerdo sea aprovado por el Gabinete de Israel porque Hamas asi como esta destruido lo aprovara y los de la derecha Israeli tendran que aceptar