Either I missed this step during the tutorial, or it's not mentioned...asset() returns the URL to the project's PUBLIC folder so in order for the generated IMG url to work properly, the "{project}/storage/app/public" folder has to be linked to "{project}/public/storage"....use this command "php artisan storage:link"
How do i contact you on whatsapp sir? i live in a third world country and often times it gets hard to get help from other devs cause we don't have much around.
Update and Delete Image | Laravel 9 Essentials | Laravel 9 Tutorial
Either I missed this step during the tutorial, or it's not mentioned...asset() returns the URL to the project's PUBLIC folder so in order for the generated IMG url to work properly, the "{project}/storage/app/public" folder has to be linked to "{project}/public/storage"....use this command "php artisan storage:link"
instead of $request->has('is_published') you can use $request->boolean('is_published')
How do i contact you on whatsapp sir?
i live in a third world country and often times it gets hard to get help from other devs cause we don't have much around.