Ocean eyes (sped up)

  • Опубликовано: 8 янв 2025

Комментарии • 272

  • @douaasworld7395
    @douaasworld7395 Год назад +395

    I thought ocean eyes must be bleu
    Must be too perfect maybe
    Until I looked into his
    He got those ocean eyes
    That gives feelings like waves
    That u would like to swim in frvr
    Knowing it's gonna be the best adventure 💗

  • @nyx.4596
    @nyx.4596 Год назад +773

    his brown eyes...🙁💗

    • @douaasworld7395
      @douaasworld7395 Год назад +79

      They all said ocean eyes
      Refers to blue eyes
      But looking into his eyes
      It just prove it wrong
      He got ocean deep eyes
      Brown like coffee ones
      Bewitched by them

    • @kishathompson934
      @kishathompson934 Год назад +15

      Everyone has brown eyes at night 😅

    • @judywalter9412
      @judywalter9412 Год назад


    • @judywalter9412
      @judywalter9412 Год назад +15

      @@douaasworld7395just no

    • @jhomairohw
      @jhomairohw Год назад +6

      My gf alwasy told me that i kove your brown eyes❤😊😢

  • @Aoisorawakirei
    @Aoisorawakirei 11 месяцев назад +29

    AWW THIS SOFT VOICE...It always relaxes me. And the crying photo is so realistic I'm seriously crying😭

  • @xthishanux
    @xthishanux Год назад +373

    • @playboicarti._
      @playboicarti._ Год назад +4

      Tysmm 😭💗

    • @Maatrakha
      @Maatrakha Год назад

      This was so cute!

    • @katzura_3507
      @katzura_3507 8 месяцев назад

      why would she copy your lyrics when she can just copy and paste from google bruhhhh

    • @bsfswher.
      @bsfswher. 5 месяцев назад

      tysm 🥺💓

    • @odette8172
      @odette8172 4 месяца назад


  • @theunknownnate507
    @theunknownnate507 Год назад +417

    The fact that you put her eyes make it better since she’s in love with kirika(from kakeguri) or however you spell it

    • @mirandastube6193
      @mirandastube6193 Год назад +41

      Dude I wouldn't even recognize that it was Sayaka until you said it 😭😭😭

    • @Zahriyah4ever
      @Zahriyah4ever Год назад +5

      I think it’s kakegurui or smthing idfk

    • @marysiasz2992
      @marysiasz2992 Год назад +7

      Kirari not kirika

    • @mohammedbile8553
      @mohammedbile8553 Год назад +2

      Can you tell me the name of the anime

    • @mirandastube6193
      @mirandastube6193 Год назад +4

      @@mohammedbile8553 the anime is kakegurui

  • @adrianna6997
    @adrianna6997 Год назад +66

    This song is calming🤭

  • @lifeless3269
    @lifeless3269 Год назад +40

    I remember my old friend used to this, i cant stop listening to. i miss them so much

  • @caffeine.addict
    @caffeine.addict Год назад +315

    0:36 1:27 1:53 these parts>>>>>

  • @Drs4eva_55
    @Drs4eva_55 Год назад +125

    why is this so calming to listen too..? like I could just fall asleep right now...

  • @heart6115
    @heart6115 Год назад +143

    "u rly know how to make me cry when u give me those ocean eyes. im scared" damn, that hit hard tho :(

  • @trendingmusicdaily
    @trendingmusicdaily Год назад +18

    this is my comfort music😊

  • @simonewilliams5145
    @simonewilliams5145 Год назад +15

    this song started my love for the queen🤧

  • @tsuein
    @tsuein Год назад +17

    his brown eyes💗

  • @Nahhh466
    @Nahhh466 Год назад +28

    This song really hits hard and every bit of this song is sad. This song really makes me wanna cry every time

    @WESLEYOLIVEIRA-j5b Год назад +37


  • @silvered..wizard7537
    @silvered..wizard7537 Год назад +9

    Good version Ocean eyes. Beautiful song ✨♥

  • @rianadeshai6266
    @rianadeshai6266 Год назад +18

    No fair you really know how to make me cry when you give me those ocean eyes those eyes 🤩❤

  • @musicpill_music
    @musicpill_music  Год назад +10

    Thanks for those who loved it!🥰🥰🥰Why don't you listen to the 8D version of Ocean Eyes? ruclips.net/video/E5-blARWUdo/видео.html #belliesfan

  • @bungkal5344
    @bungkal5344 Год назад +27

    I remember a lot of pain from this song😓

  • @bsfswher.
    @bsfswher. 5 месяцев назад +4

    this song bro. 💘

  • @IsitrlyEli
    @IsitrlyEli Год назад +2

    My most favourite english teacher won't be teaching me anymore from tomorrow. I was so devastated when she announced it. I almost teared up. She was the main reason why my classmates started becoming more hardworking. She was the main reason English classes became the best. Her fairness, care and funny personality was the main reason why I loved her and admired her teaching style so much. So relatable to everyone.
    This song is bringing me comfort right now.

  • @saralamaakal71
    @saralamaakal71 Год назад +7

    Her ocean eyes💙

  • @ZANABAH1010
    @ZANABAH1010 Год назад +6

    his Ocean eyes.. 💓💗

  • @MoonLight-oj2xd
    @MoonLight-oj2xd Год назад +11

    Я скучаю по нему ,мне так больно )

  • @lils_southpark
    @lils_southpark Год назад +21

    1:54 it's so beautiful🌷🎧

  • @anuradhaprasad2255
    @anuradhaprasad2255 Год назад +33

    Idk but this gives me a nostalgic feeling like i am in a field of daffodils with a girl, she is blonde and hasthe ocean eyes she is wearing a beautiful white dress and i am running with her in the huge field of daffodils laughing and going deeper inside.falling in love all over again after hearing this part 1:54

  • @Luvurax
    @Luvurax Год назад +25

    i love the part where bille sings ocean eyes reversed 1:54

  • @Hayhaylovestodraw
    @Hayhaylovestodraw Год назад +6

    I herd this 1,000 times i love it

  • @Pardira
    @Pardira Год назад +2

    His hazel eyes…💘💘💘💘💘💘

  • @the_mha_lover
    @the_mha_lover Год назад +3

    Calling to those who play this on loop to cry 😭

  • @goriamiruna5845
    @goriamiruna5845 Год назад +19

    The fact that I have ocean eyes..

  • @MimiLiarr-ys2zg
    @MimiLiarr-ys2zg Год назад +2

    This has been a truly forgotten song 😢😔💔

  • @Im.not_.liax5
    @Im.not_.liax5 11 месяцев назад +2

    This songs helps me with my depression sm but at the same time it remembers abt my crush who flirts with every girl in my class except for me... :(

  • @Bettydavis0
    @Bettydavis0 Год назад +8

    No more crying

  • @ellamainn_ella3616
    @ellamainn_ella3616 Год назад +4

    this song makes me more confited

  • @xzxzxxzx
    @xzxzxxzx Год назад +8

    2:05 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • @Panthers4life-carolina456
    @Panthers4life-carolina456 3 месяца назад

    Amazing work this is my favorite female artist/singer and my favorite song by Bille and you did an amazing job speading it up .Edit I ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ this work

  • @Lili60124
    @Lili60124 Месяц назад

    Le bonheur est partout juste choisi le bon coté et tu va voir c juste incroyable ❤😊

  • @DieEineDaHalt
    @DieEineDaHalt Год назад +3

    HIS ocean eyes.....❤❤❤

  • @JoelianTolentino
    @JoelianTolentino 8 месяцев назад


  • @TessaClark-yx1mr
    @TessaClark-yx1mr 3 месяца назад

    This voice sounds so goood😢😊😊

  • @nataliagasparr
    @nataliagasparr 10 месяцев назад +2

    Me apaixonei por ele com meus 15/16 anos, ele tinha 21 e eu entrando nos 16, no começo foi tudo incrível eu tinha me mudado da onde ele morava e no fim do ano decidi voltar para podermos fazer isso dar certo, até aí tudo bem meus pais aceitaram a família dele também.
    Com o tempo tudo era incrível todos os dias era maravilhosos, até eu descobrir que ele tinha contato com a ex e com a familia dela. Até aí suportei, seguimos enfrente depois de resolvermos isso, em seguidas brigas e brigas por passados de ambos, e com o tempo mais brigas *normais* de casais, até chegar no ponto dele n me elogiar mais menos demonztrar o mínino...

  • @RufiyaMuxsinova
    @RufiyaMuxsinova Год назад +1

    his blue eyes.....💗

  • @khayleygolden-in2nx
    @khayleygolden-in2nx Год назад +7

    This is so good

  • @mariammohammed5681
    @mariammohammed5681 10 месяцев назад

    “You really know how to make me cry, when you give me those ocean eyes…” hits hard…

  • @Shinobu_Lover_17
    @Shinobu_Lover_17 Год назад

    His green eyes >>>>>

  • @Sjh9.k
    @Sjh9.k Год назад +8


  • @zecx77
    @zecx77 11 месяцев назад +2

    2:19 POV: You listen to this song late at night

  • @Ryan_gosling678
    @Ryan_gosling678 4 месяца назад +1

    Im in love with someone who has blue mixed with green eyes..💙💚

  • @فشلتُ_كالعادهَ
    @فشلتُ_كالعادهَ 11 месяцев назад +3

    Here before school ends( midyear) 🌹🌹🔥🔥💕😔

  • @ikram_28-06
    @ikram_28-06 9 месяцев назад +1

    Oh beautiful star, come to illuminate this dark night 🥀

  • @daisy.......702
    @daisy.......702 Год назад +3


  • @WhoCares.333
    @WhoCares.333 Год назад +6

    I just wanna really fall in love.. with the right person just Once..

  • @stefyguereschi
    @stefyguereschi 11 месяцев назад


  • @esteralanasviloria-vu6du
    @esteralanasviloria-vu6du Год назад +3

    Ocean? nahh, gojo eyes is my ocean eyes:)

  • @Oyshee-y3u
    @Oyshee-y3u 10 месяцев назад

    Her eyes>>>

  • @AditiBhardwaj-qb1id
    @AditiBhardwaj-qb1id 5 месяцев назад +2

    😭😭😭her voice

  • @sadeelas2980
    @sadeelas2980 11 месяцев назад

    This song reminds me of my chemistry teacher.. I love her so much, unfortunately I couldn’t see her again because it was my last year in school😔💔

  • @Lotzx.
    @Lotzx. Год назад +2

    That blue sky eyes...

  • @andrealualakot8934
    @andrealualakot8934 8 месяцев назад

    Sounds nice I love this song❤❤😢

  • @blinks3325
    @blinks3325 Год назад

    His smile...😭😭😭😭😢😢

  • @itsmarevv
    @itsmarevv Год назад +9

    me kept staring into her beautiful eyes while she was talking

  • @frankvitt5957
    @frankvitt5957 9 месяцев назад

    Those ocean eyes...🥺❤

  • @PupsP1per
    @PupsP1per Год назад +19

    Não existe um brilho em seus olhos...
    mas uma pequena onda de tristeza pode ser vista atrás de seus olhos...

  • @lCloudzyl
    @lCloudzyl Год назад +5

    It’s been 7 months since I saw him and remembering those days he used to stare at me and it was pretty obvious and I looked at him too but couldn’t hold a eye contact with him 🎧😕 Those brown eyes 👀 💕 0:20

  • @zhixinnnnnn
    @zhixinnnnnn Год назад +8

    1:53 💗💗

    • @Tea50
      @Tea50 Год назад +2

      Although she reminds me of sad things, but I love her

  • @clarisjane5595
    @clarisjane5595 Год назад +6


  • @nandinijamwal7360
    @nandinijamwal7360 8 месяцев назад +2

    I'm crying rn lol

  • @joaovitorpereirasantos-sw4eh
    @joaovitorpereirasantos-sw4eh 8 месяцев назад +1

    Him dark eyes ❤❤

  • @thv740
    @thv740 10 месяцев назад +1

    Im so lonely...😭🥀

  • @888._nella
    @888._nella Год назад +2

    His brown eyes all ways🟤🤎:)

  • @Rafael24563
    @Rafael24563 Год назад +3

    This Song

  • @BellaRamadana-mw6or
    @BellaRamadana-mw6or 10 месяцев назад +2

    Ada kamu ataupun ngk ada kamu. Aku tetap kesepian. Sama kamu emang sakit tapi kalo ngk ada kamu lebih sakit. Jadi tolong jangan bawa aku terlalu jauhhhhh

  • @JaydenBennett-qc2vo
    @JaydenBennett-qc2vo 7 месяцев назад

    Her green eyes 😍

  • @Millaneyy.16
    @Millaneyy.16 Год назад +27

    It was my sisters favourite song before she dies💔..

  • @Izzycamm-si4lc
    @Izzycamm-si4lc Год назад

    His green eyes ….😭💕

  • @speedzsongz6266
    @speedzsongz6266 Год назад +3

    1:54 is my love❤️

  • @Himadri_Puma
    @Himadri_Puma 2 месяца назад

    When I get eye contact with his ocean blue eyes 🥺💋

  • @TheAbsoluteCYNical
    @TheAbsoluteCYNical Год назад +2

    551th like and 45th sub

  • @Gravy221
    @Gravy221 11 месяцев назад

    Her beautiful eyes Makes me Cry for Some reason🙂

  • @Lune.__.Solaire490
    @Lune.__.Solaire490 4 месяца назад +1

    This music make me think to Chuuya

  • @Natalka_23
    @Natalka_23 Год назад

    His blue eyes 😭😭👁️🔵

  • @SeoyeonKim-zg4sv
    @SeoyeonKim-zg4sv 10 месяцев назад +4

    Am really depressed 😢

  • @chilltrap6687
    @chilltrap6687 3 месяца назад

    His blind eyes❤

  • @Hello.k1tty_l0verxoxo
    @Hello.k1tty_l0verxoxo Год назад +5

    She said we'd be best friends forever
    Forever was just an excuse wasnt it.
    Nothing really last that long
    Im sick of the excuses
    I wish i wasnt here

  • @Dido-onr1
    @Dido-onr1 2 месяца назад +1

    Why you cut geto and gojo on the pic? 😢

  • @Pinknight284
    @Pinknight284 Год назад +10

    I have not seeing my brother then a 2 weeks and my dad my litter brother and my dad i miss you

    • @wanabebeter
      @wanabebeter Год назад +7

      Just know, if you wanna cry just remember... your pillow is there for you, Your teddy is there for when U wanna cry, your blanket it keeping you warm, and your bed holds your tears, and lastly your phone holds your secrets... Those things are there for you when you need it the most but don't forget everyone in RUclips loves you, RUclips holds your tears so don't get a new phone unless your phone is broken

    • @wanabebeter
      @wanabebeter Год назад

      @@suzankarakaya what

  • @christlovesyou314
    @christlovesyou314 Год назад +34

    Jesus Christ loves you all❤✝️✝️✝️❤️

  • @TiffanyUsuga
    @TiffanyUsuga 3 месяца назад

    I've been watching you for some time
    Can't stop staring at those ocean eyes
    Burning cities and napalm skies
    15 flares inside those ocean eyes
    Your ocean eyes
    No fair
    You really know how to make me cry
    When you give me those ocean eyes
    I'm scared
    I've never fallen from quite this high
    Falling into your ocean eyes
    Those ocean eyes
    I've been walking through a world gone blind
    Can't stop thinking of your diamond mind
    Careful creature made friends with time
    He left her lonely with a diamond mind
    And those ocean eyes
    No fair (no fair)
    You really know how to make me cry
    When you give me those ocean eyes (those ocean eyes)
    I'm scared (I'm scared)
    I've never fallen from quite this high
    Falling into your ocean eyes
    Those ocean eyes
    Da-da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da
    Mmm, mmm, mmm
    No fair
    You really know how to make me cry
    When you give me those ocean eyes
    I'm scared
    I've never fallen from quite this high
    Falling into your ocean eyes
    Those ocean eyes

  • @MrDoraemon
    @MrDoraemon Год назад

    They are no beautiful sky than her eyes

  • @JosePerez-zm8ln
    @JosePerez-zm8ln Год назад +2

    The best

  • @AnaIsabelCarreraPaleta
    @AnaIsabelCarreraPaleta Год назад +1

    Hubieras puesto los ojos de Gojo Satoru 💙

  • @vivianaxd2141
    @vivianaxd2141 Год назад

    😢😢eso duele mucho 💔 1:03 1:05

  • @AngelikaCernyj-wz6ds
    @AngelikaCernyj-wz6ds Год назад

    His brown eyes 🫠🥹😭

  • @Mintchocoxho
    @Mintchocoxho 11 месяцев назад

    His grey-green eyes😭😭

  • @Armygirl-pf6zu
    @Armygirl-pf6zu Год назад +3

    100 reason to stay alive ✨❤️to make your parents proud
    to conquer your fears
    to see your family again
    to see your favourite artist live
    to listen to music again
    to experience a new culture
    to make new friends
    to inspire
    to have your own children
    to adopt your own pet
    to make yourself proud
    to meet your idols
    to laugh until you cry
    to feel tears of happiness
    to eat your favourite food
    to see your siblings grow
    to pass school
    to get tattoo
    to smile until your cheeks hurt
    to meet your internet friends
    to find someone who loves you like you deserve
    to eat ice cream on a hot day
    to drink hot chocolate on a cold day
    to see untouched snow in the morning
    to see a sunset that sets the sky on fire
    to see stars light up the sky
    to read a book that changes your life
    to see the flowers in the spring
    to see the leaves change from green to brown
    to travel abroad
    to learn a new language
    to learn to draw
    to tell others your story in the hopes of helping them
    Puppy kisses.
    Baby kisses (the open mouthed kind when they smack their lips on your cheek).
    Swear words and the release you feel when you say them.
    Ice cream.
    Cloud watching.
    Taking a shower and then sleeping in clean sheets.
    Receiving thoughtful gifts.
    “I saw this and thought of you.”
    The feeling you get when someone you love says, “I love you.”
    The relief you feel after crying.
    The feeling you get when someone is listening to you/giving you their full attention.
    Your future wedding.
    Your favourite candy bar.
    New clothes.
    Witty puns.
    Really good bread.
    Holding your child in your arms for the first time.
    Completing a milestone (aka going to college, graduating college, getting married, getting your dream job.)
    The kind of dreams where you wake up and can’t stop smiling.
    The smell before and after it rains.
    The sound of rain against a rooftop.
    The feeling you get when you’re dancing.
    The person (or people) that mean the most to you. Stay alive for them.
    Trying out new recipes.
    The feeling you get when your favourite song comes on the radio.
    The rush you get when you step onto a stage.
    You have to share your voice and talents and knowledge with the world because they are so valuable.
    Breakfast in bed.
    Getting a middle seat in the movie theatre.
    Breakfast for dinner (because it’s so much better at night than in the morning).
    feeling of being loved
    Water balloon fights.
    New books by your favourite authors.
    Realising that someone loves you.
    Spending the day with someone you love.
    Spending the whole day in bed.
    Eating a whole pint of your favourite ice cream.
    Floating in water on your back and just staring up at the sky.
    First dates (even the bad ones make for funny stories.)
    Bonfires and s’mores.
    Relationships where you love someone but aren’t in love with them.
    Coming home to someone you love.
    The colour of autumn leaves when they change. Summer.
    Singing songs at the top of your lungs with your friends.
    Being wrapped up in a warm bed.
    Someone’s skin against yours.
    Holding hands.
    The kind of hugs when you can feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. The kind of hug where your breath syncs with the other person’s, and you feel like the only two people in the world.
    Singing off key with your best friends.
    Road trips.
    Spontaneous adventures.
    The feeling of sand beneath your toes.
    The feeling when the first ocean wave rolls up and envelops your toes and ankles and knees.
    Your first (or hundredth) trip to Disneyland.
    The taste of your favourite food.
    The child-like feeling you get on Christmas morning.
    The day when everything finally goes your way.
    Compliments and praise.
    to look on this moment in 10 years time and realise you did it.
    PS: there are so many beautiful things to live. so live, and live, and live.

  • @nisrinejellal1997
    @nisrinejellal1997 Год назад +2


  • @broheng1114
    @broheng1114 Год назад +1

    Unhappy 🙇🏻‍♀️

  • @Jazz_._z-17
    @Jazz_._z-17 Год назад +6

    Fun fact I only got to know it because my brother wanted to show me something easy to play on the guitar that I can already do

  • @lCloudzyl
    @lCloudzyl Год назад +2