A Good DPSing Day in Mentor Roulette | FFXIV

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 71

  • @ThymeSplitter
    @ThymeSplitter 5 месяцев назад +45

    Limsa Lominsa (Savage) would be wild.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад +9

      I wonder how the mechanics would change! 😂

    • @TheFrantic5
      @TheFrantic5 5 месяцев назад +7

      I am suddenly very afraid

    • @Kenionatus
      @Kenionatus 4 месяца назад +8

      Limsa with your conservative parents watching and not getting disowned.

  • @Slysheen
    @Slysheen 5 месяцев назад +34

    I like how you bring up the positive things you see in a particular duty too. I know the selling point of mentor roulette videos tends to be "Haha Mentor Roulette=pain" but I love seeing when sprouts do things well and get recognized for it.
    Also can confirm as a controller player, Dragon's eye on party members is incredibly awkward and I tend to forgo it when not doing current extremes or higher. Might look into making a macro for it now that it was mentioned though, maybe if it survives the rework.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад +4

      I feel like this kind of video would feel immensely negative if I exclusively focused on the bad! I'm glad it is appreciated! 😄

    • @dokb1942
      @dokb1942 5 месяцев назад +3

      I am a controller RDM main and constantly going up and down the party list with raises and the occasional heal and its not bad if you set up the party list composition. I have tanks on top and healers on the bottom to get to them quickly on the D-pad since i prioritize rising them over dps. For goon i would recommend putting the DPS on top with healers below and tanks on the bottom, you should also be able to prioritize which jobs go above the others as well. I tend to stay away from macros, outside of job swap macros because i use different huds depending on the job, because they can fail at the worst opportunity while manually doing it can be more fluid and precise.

  • @arknightsboi2050
    @arknightsboi2050 5 месяцев назад +13

    And into he walked. A hero knowing challenges of the highest highs and lowest lows. Yet not even they could overcome this challenge. **Limsa Lominsa: Savage**

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад +2

      😂😂😂 The secret savage no one knew!

  • @Irimu_
    @Irimu_ 5 месяцев назад +4

    I'm amazed you actually managed to teach people. All of my 250 mentor roulettes I've had barely a handfull of times where people actually listened or even seemed capable of reading.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад +1

      It is really hard, because often, you need them to fail, and then try to catch them before they just bash their head at the thing again!
      And sometimes, I offer to give advice, and the person doesn't respond at all! But here I have been very lucky!

    • @serker3138
      @serker3138 4 месяца назад +2

      it is VERY people dependant. Some people are, say, not strong in the Force. Few weeks ago I had failed Shiva extreme, where both tanks did exactly NOTHING right in one hour despite everyone, even new people, telling them what to do, and you can guess how it lead to infinite wiping. Had quite a bit of "bad apples" completely trashing the otherwise decent runs in other extremes too, and even some dungeons.
      On the different side, I did first five Coils of Bahamut while being on trial, with team of random new people who also thought that Duty Finder for that was good idea. After a failed run or two, I talked new group through the mechanics and we eventually made it.
      Same can happen 0n DF extremes: sometimes you get really great party, sometimes it is borderline waste of time, but generally it is something in between. You don't know if you can make it work until YOU do your best.

  • @Warcraft_Traveler
    @Warcraft_Traveler 5 месяцев назад +11

    I found that knowing if you're in or out of the AOE circles on Shiva is pretty hard to spot on, especially when they are everywhere but 1 safe spot.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад +2

      Yeah they fade weirdly slowly so when exactly the snapshot is, is extremely hard to see! I try to step out if possible, but that part about it being possible is the main reason it is significant that you can survive it as long as you only take one! 😅

    • @MinuVe
      @MinuVe 5 месяцев назад

      my tip for the "only 1 safe zone" mechanic would be to *stay in the center* until you see the safe zone. it might seem frightening but you will have enough time to move into the safe zone from there, and even if you don't you will still only get hit by 1 aoe if you do not make it :)

  • @Shak562
    @Shak562 5 месяцев назад +4

    Excellent work caetsu. I hope the sprouts you helped learned something.

  • @ZanrosHoreak
    @ZanrosHoreak 4 месяца назад +2

    2 fun facts about Shiva Ex
    1: She will always choose and stay in sword for the add phase
    2: After add phase other than bow, it is random what weapon she pulls out. Which means that some times she will pull only sword or staff. Which can be a problem if she only pulls one of them for the first couple of times and then suddenly switches and the tank gets one shot because of resistance debuffs.
    However usually in my experience, the tanks usually end up dying to other stuff often enough that you don't have to worry about the weapon time due to "totally intentional" debuff resets.
    Slightly unrelated, "Tactical Vulnerability Reset" is my go to when someone dies

  • @MinuVe
    @MinuVe 5 месяцев назад +1

    Hi, mentor roulette main here :3 quite fun to see someone comment on their mentor roulette experience duty by duty, especially showing what they felt positively and negatively about instead of only one of the two sides.
    really lovely video and great example for other mentors to see how much communication and teaching can do to help new players improve, or give them a push into a direction from which they can improve from.
    also wanted to throw some Information for a few things about shiva ex that I learned over the years which have not been mentioned:
    1.) this one is probably just for the other comment readers which is that the non shared cleave during sword and shield (glacier bash) is actually a cone aoe cast that can be dodged by everyone. when you see it being cast as tank you can go behind her and she will not turn with you during this cast and instead cast it wherever she was pointing
    2.) she not just can but she WILL bring out sword and shield for add phase. in fact whenever the adds spawn and she gets to move again she will spawn a new set of sword and shield, no matter what weapon she had out inb4. so there will always be a cleave here.
    3.) spread marks and aoe circles on the ground: the spread marks will go off before the aoe circles go off, so you can stand anywhere near to a safe zone for spreads to go off and then enter a safe zone
    4.) for any tanks during phase 3 I recommend pulling her to the edge of the arena facing her outwards. that ensures the knockback won't knock people that are close to her into the wall, the arrow aoes will barely touch the arena and you can just kind of chill on the edge, knowing whatever comes is not your problem (except for 5.)
    5.) tanking her at the edge and not wanting to move her can be troublesome when the aoes that gradually fill the arena and then resolve come out, which will be followed by thin ice (slippery ground) into bow. my tip is, if you don't trust your group to know what to do to avoid the bow cleave, to simply stand your ground at your edge spot for the circle aoes, pressing the invulnerability button if you're a pld, or making sure to use it (and/or other mitigation) afterwards during bow auto attacks to negate some of the now increased damage you take. it is suboptimal, but you taking more damage or having to die and give it to the other tank is often times better than letting half the group die due to "whoops ... she turned into the group and pulls out a bow"
    hope these help (besides 5. being rather niche :p)

  • @fzaoo
    @fzaoo 3 месяца назад +2

    Yeah healers and tanks definitely learn more about the game and boss mechanics, specially healers, cause you can pay attention to the raid and not focus 100% in your rotation(and rescuing people out of death is an amazing feeling, so you are even more inclined towards learning the content), so that's why I recommend new players to play healer, since tank has an "expected responsibility" of leading the party, which can be stressful

  • @kiwiofnazarick6455
    @kiwiofnazarick6455 4 месяца назад +4

    me avoiding expert roulette to not get lunar subterran dungeon just to get sent to lunar subterran dungeon in mentor roulette 🤡

  • @idaret.
    @idaret. 5 месяцев назад +6

    Istg I had exact same pair of white mages doing shiva ex, completely overhealing party and being at 2000MP in add phase

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад +4

      Given the way they played (spamming heals when they weren't needed) it isn't impossible they aren't unique! 😂

  • @mrgodogodopaint
    @mrgodogodopaint 2 месяца назад

    fun fact, when shiva released, only paladin had a knock back immunity. so the way to resolve the marker line aoe knockback is to pull her all the way to the edge of the arena during bow phase and take the knockback the long way across the arena. it was also very difficult to dodge the circle aoe's, and still get her to the edge of the arena in time so i always just tanked the vuln stack from one of the circles to make sure she was positioned correctly

  • @filafira
    @filafira 5 месяцев назад +2

    I am proud of you Caetsu🎉🎉 Good effort, bless you😊

  • @EurrikkeEdward
    @EurrikkeEdward 5 месяцев назад +2

    I remember excitedly queuing up for ARR extremes and meeting fellow sprouts and learning the fight and talking to each other etc etc. It was a blast. Had really nice mentors that offered to keep quiet and let us figure it out ourselves or ask them if we needed clues. Honestly endeared me to this game and now Im still stuck in this hell.
    Too bad the impact of the whiney mentors that would complain and shame people for "not using the pf to do this" outweighed and ruined the experience.
    Even funnier when you realise the real reason why those "mentors" bitched about it in the first place.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад +1

      And this is part of the reason why I don't bother giving that whole " use party finder!!!" schpiel, because the free trial players can't do so anyway, AND it really ruins something that should be fun and exciting! 😅

    • @Irimu_
      @Irimu_ 5 месяцев назад +2

      It really depends. Most of the partys mentors get are people charging into the boss repeatedly without communicating at all or letting people explain anything. You get kinda jaded after getting enough of these partys. Especially as tank or healer. You can still do blind runs in party finder, just that the people there will actually listen to each other. Sometimes you get lucky and get a nice party from random queue but it's not weird to advise people to use party finder.

  • @lolthesystem
    @lolthesystem 5 месяцев назад +7

    I don't know if you told them, but as an extra advice to using Lucid Dreaming on CD, another great piece of advice you can give is to always carry a few Super Ethers.
    I can't tell you the amount of times they've come in handy when shit hits the fan, you have no MP left and Lucid is still on CD, especially during prog scenarios (which those EXs very much are for newer players).

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад +3

      That is a very good bonus tip yes! I did not actually suggest that to them, but it is a good idea for the future!
      Given the amount of things they needed to learn, I imagine it made more sense in the moment to focus on what they could do now, but in retrospect, ethers could absolutely also have helped next time! 😊

    • @asdsad17
      @asdsad17 5 месяцев назад

      I've never had MP problem without lucid on CD. I don't run 0 piety.
      When you know you're dying anyway. just save it.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад +2

      @huzzahu4149 the healers in the group shown certainly also were running more than zero piety 😊
      Piety is a very subjective Stat, sometimes you need it. And if you don't have it, you may need to use your other options, both lucid dreaming and ethers being among the options.
      When your group is great you rarely need any extra mp, but when it's less great, you end up suddenly needing a lot more mp potentially! 😊 Although non zero piety can often help with this in some capacity

  • @wagnerdanda
    @wagnerdanda 3 месяца назад +1

    I agree - I usually queue daily roulettes as healer because it feels the one role i have the ability to carry a bad team to most.

  • @Syniar
    @Syniar 5 месяцев назад +2

    You had Biggle in the group how could you possibly not clear it with the cutest and best cat in existance? 7:40

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад

      Indeed! That is also why back in that run we actually, somehow, beat it first try, despite how grim it looks in the footage! xD

  • @donutsteel6797
    @donutsteel6797 5 месяцев назад +1

    Only partly related, but your talk about Dragon Sight reminded me of back before its range was heavily buffed. I had a Mouseover macro setup for it but I had so many instances where my co-dps was a ranged standing all the way in narnia and I wouldn't have been able to give them my buff without sacrificing my own uptime. Most of the time that happened, I either ended up giving it to the tank or healer, or just not give it to anyone because i'm too distracted focusing on literally everything else.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад +1

      Oh I could imagine! Back in the old days, the beam often caused the recipient to run as well! Very annoying! xD

  • @Myrtneough
    @Myrtneough 5 месяцев назад +2

    I worry about the day I can do mentor roulette, because it's been so long since I did these ARR EX trials that I only remember vauge details and things that apparently aren't a thing anymore like Titan permadeath.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад +3

      Well the worst that can happen is you learn together with the group! I think the important aspect is not giving up and trying to have fun with it! 😊

  • @coaster1235
    @coaster1235 5 месяцев назад

    in shiva ex, after adds, she still alternates sword and staff phases but puts a bow phase between each (so sword > bow > staff > bow > ..., or staff > bow > sword > bow > ...), and tanks should swap after every x amount of damage type vuln stacks (maybe it was 3 stacks?) to keep the tank damage from becoming silly

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад +1

      The weird thing is that as you may have observed in the footage, she essentially went staff > Bow > staff > bow and never sword. Why I can't possibly say, but because the staff makes the sword hurt more, and the sword makes the staff hurt more, if she deems the sword irrelevant, then tank swapping actually becomes unnecessary too! 😅

  • @nerdychocobo
    @nerdychocobo 5 месяцев назад +1

    I do wonder how many people will actually inform new players that it's not a good idea to queue for EX in duty finder - I did ifrit, garuda and titan EX in duty finder, and started ramuh EX which got voted abandon after 2 short lived pulls. and not once did someone mention that it's a bad idea to do in duty finder. It was only watching a mentor video and seeing people complaining about extremes that made me realise it's bad practice

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад +2

      It is really hard, because saying that isn't super helpful in the moment and can be extremely demotivating assuming the group tries anyway.
      There is also the part that if you say this to a free trial player, what are they going to do? They can't make a group themselves in party finder so that won't work either!
      I have started noticing that on some websites that house guides for these extremes, like consolegameswiki, they have a giant warning label stating this particular thing, about using party finder! 😅
      Personally, my first extreme experience was Ultima ex through duty finder, and it took me like five pulls to realize that not only were we not going to beat it, but that I should probably not queue for this stuff like this when it is this difficult! 😊

    • @EurrikkeEdward
      @EurrikkeEdward 5 месяцев назад +3

      They should just remove EX from the mentor's roulette because most of those guys just want an easy daily clear.
      Just add a real old-expansion EX roulette for people that want to enjoy it without the hassle of waiting or managing a PF

    • @nerdychocobo
      @nerdychocobo 2 месяца назад

      @@EurrikkeEdward an ex specific df sounds really nice actually yeah, although it would take a long time to get anyone I think

  • @nathanielhollas8471
    @nathanielhollas8471 5 месяцев назад +1

    You not getting a 0th dungeon was really funny

  • @GameGod77
    @GameGod77 5 месяцев назад +1

    Would you recommend trying to find a party with microphones before attempting EX trials? I remember trying Shiva EX once through duty finder. wiping 6 times over, then leaving. Haven't touched attempted an EX since because I'm unsure what the best way to go about finding success is.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад +1

      At the very least doing it through party finder so you have 7 other players that are prepared to go for it with somewhat equal expectations would be good. You probably won't need voice chat for this, but it would of course be easier as well, and if you CAN find a group to do this stuff with regularly, that would probably make things more fun!
      But in terms of what I recommend, I do recommend that you read and / or watch a guide on an Extreme before you go in. And I recommend, if you can, to make your group through party finder. (Not to be confused with Duty Finder, the menu you queue with) Finally, extreme trials are entirely optional, and a lot of players clear them unsynced at higher level later down the line to get it over with, so if you aren't actually interested in the challenge and just want the quest out of your journal, that is also a way to go about it!
      Whatever you choose, good luck!

  • @NastyMick
    @NastyMick 5 месяцев назад +2

    Another win for SGE mains. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    But yeah, this explicitly why I only heal in Mentor Roulette. You can do so much work. Well, assuming you're not fighting Ramuh EX with a tank that doesn't listen, keeps grabbing aggro, and running circles arounds the boss, cleaving everyone with AOEs.
    That would be a shame.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah, I can imagine ramuh extreme would be one of the duties where you would actually really prefer to be one of the tanks! 😅😂

  • @labrysdynasty243
    @labrysdynasty243 5 месяцев назад +2

    Honestly, as a mentor who's done about nearly 600 successful runs, there's only ever 2 duties that sparks fear into me. And, if we were to look at a failure/Wipe rate over all trials, these would probably be at the top.
    Ifrit, and Ramuh EX. Ifrit fails hard because 90% of the time, healers sit in the middle, and wipes the group with the pulsating damage. That, or overall damage is too much for healers to heal through.
    Ramuh on the other hand... where do i begin? People dying to the tank cleave (how can this happen, shouldn't people not be sitting on the tanks ass? SO MANY HEALERS SIT ON MY ASS AND DIE TO IT >.>), People not grouping up/Not getting shocked out of the Fear mechanic. People standing in water during the lightning, People eating orbs when the tank needs them, tanks not tank swapping, tanks not knowing they need the orb buff... I could go on...
    Honestly, when those two appear, my hopes for a pass drops dramagically.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад +1

      I haven't heard about ifrit as much, but having done it like once or twice myself a while back I could see that one too! And ramuh.. Yeah 😅

  • @jhoski38
    @jhoski38 4 месяца назад

    I find dragon sight awkward to apply to an ally even on KB+M
    I generally just set my partner as a focus target but I've goofed it that way a bunch of times where I swap back to the boss before Sight goes off out of habit and I just solo-buff it

  • @chestercarter6081
    @chestercarter6081 5 месяцев назад +2

    Dragon sight is so odd and difficult to apply i dont even see dragoons anymore

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад +1

      That's quite strange! I see quite a few of them myself! 😅

  • @medivh1035
    @medivh1035 5 месяцев назад +1

    Sage, let me guess, because you got okay healing on sage and emergency tactic on scholar isn't There until 54?

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад +1

      Well, Sage doesn't have Pepsis until 58, just like scholar doesn't have Emergency Tactics until 58! I think it is more that I feel more confident as Sage, and the gradual resource gains rather than 3 every minute makes it slightly "better" in a desperate situation I guess? ^^'

  • @toxicity791
    @toxicity791 4 месяца назад +2

    DRAGONS EYE CAN BE SHARED?!?!!!!!?!!!?!!!?!?!?

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  4 месяца назад

      Remember to read your action tooltips! It does say so 😄😁

    • @toxicity791
      @toxicity791 4 месяца назад +1

      @@CaetsuChaijiCh I have something like 150 hours on Dragoon too, I don’t play DPS much but it’s my most played one 😭😭😭
      Evidently I have studying to do

  • @MajoraZero
    @MajoraZero 5 месяцев назад +1

    As a WHM main, Shiva Ex would be painful because of 50 whm kit 😅

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад

      I could imagine! I would certainly prefer to be any other healer for Shiva ex 😅

  • @drakan5089
    @drakan5089 2 месяца назад

    i had a mentor that said not to do extreme raid unsync because mentors get drag to it was he in the right or i should not do extremes in duty finder

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  2 месяца назад +2

      Well, if you queue for extremes specifically other people that queued for it and mentors get dragged into it, that much is true.
      For that reason, I would say if you want to queue for it, make sure to do your homework: maybe check a guide on the job you want to play, see if you have the best gear available to you, maybe look up a guide for the specific boss so you have an idea of what to expect. 😊

    • @drakan5089
      @drakan5089 2 месяца назад

      @CaetsuChaijiCh thanks for reply,I did go prepared and try to explain mechanics as much as I could but the moment.the trial started the mentor went oh well time to abandon it was kinda sad

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  2 месяца назад +2

      @drakan5089 it kind of depends on the extreme and on the mentor. Some mentors will attempt anything. And some extremes are simply too hard so most mentors will give up early. 😅
      Usually it works better to make a group in party finder for it (instead of duty finder) so you have a full team of players that are ready for it

  • @sanukasenjoi
    @sanukasenjoi 4 месяца назад

    I think Dgs from Msq-Roulette shouldn t be part of Mentorroulette. Msq-Roulette only exists to help sprouts to find teammates to absolve these dgs. So it doesn t need another roulette to forfill the same purpose, but it s respectless to the time of mentors, who has to go through all the boring cutscenes.

  • @asdsad17
    @asdsad17 5 месяцев назад +2

    In my experience. smn is best. you can hard carry.
    When I tank. Why is the boss not dying?
    When I heal. Why everyone dying? REEEEEEEEE
    When I dps. Time for work!

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh  5 месяцев назад +3

      I get what you mean, but I have yet to meet a mentor roulette where damage output was the deciding factor. Maybe that's the reason why I emphasize the defensive value or playing healer or tank! 😊