This is what the Audi Q7 V6 engine sounds like with straight pipe .

  • Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025

Комментарии • 162

  • @shevoy_000
    @shevoy_000 5 дней назад +42

    I think the existing logo that you have for the channel would look better on the cars

  • @javeiranderson
    @javeiranderson 5 дней назад +12

    that sticker definitely makes you look like a top rank officer in the army

  • @thebirdhasbeencharged
    @thebirdhasbeencharged 5 дней назад +8

    Have to applaud you for not titling the video "My V6 2021 Audi Q7 sounds like a SQ7 with straight pipes!!". Direct and what the actual video content is about.

  • @yaadiestylecookingnadventu7636
    @yaadiestylecookingnadventu7636 5 дней назад +3

    The logo you have on your channel now is the better choice

  • @jayrdane9571
    @jayrdane9571 4 дня назад +2

    For the exhaust work I think you should put the open and close exhaust gate that would going exactly where you cut out and you would get the best of both quiet when you want it loud when you inna one vibe...

  • @shevonwilson3137
    @shevonwilson3137 День назад +1

    Looks good 👍🏾

  • @hazelamgordon
    @hazelamgordon 5 дней назад +4

    I prefer the channel logo

  • @Dappatho
    @Dappatho 4 дня назад +1

    It tuff...print your logo in black and white and a vibes

  • @burtherny4816
    @burtherny4816 3 дня назад

    The channel logo would perfect.

  • @peterkinevrod
    @peterkinevrod 16 часов назад

    Sir you have the perfect race car in your garage al ready!!

  • @dre2350
    @dre2350 5 дней назад +6

    Back Glass for the Logo

  • @thedopeway4911
    @thedopeway4911 5 дней назад +2

    Asafa pointing at resonators calling it cat 😂

  • @iam0nlym3
    @iam0nlym3 4 дня назад +2

    Where is the garage located?

  • @omargrant2749
    @omargrant2749 5 дней назад +1

    That's your brand bro do what you like👍

  • @ebenosebony9181
    @ebenosebony9181 5 дней назад +2

    I was thinking of changing mine out too. I look forward to your update!!

  • @thatmanjay84
    @thatmanjay84 4 дня назад +1

    I'd go with "sub10" with a crown, seeing as though you're the sub 10 king. The channels logo is pretty sick too.

  • @garybowen3061
    @garybowen3061 4 дня назад

    Logo Tough as you said, looks like a military fleet vehicle.
    small version of the original logo on bottom corner of back glass🔥🔥

  • @Maze-c1p
    @Maze-c1p 5 дней назад +1

    You can also check print big located in Portmore can help with your graphic design

  • @MarvinSinclair-q1x
    @MarvinSinclair-q1x 5 дней назад +1

    Nesbeth does music 🎶 and cars 😮 bless 🙏🇯🇲

  • @weeddawg5497
    @weeddawg5497 4 дня назад +1

    sticker dem tough man

  • @kennycampbell1719
    @kennycampbell1719 20 часов назад

    I would say, place the logo on the back quarter glass on both sides of the vehicle.

  • @ericmcleod3498
    @ericmcleod3498 5 дней назад

    I prefer the existing logo because it stands out more and its uniqueness!

  • @yaadiestylecookingnadventu7636
    @yaadiestylecookingnadventu7636 5 дней назад

    Audi sound sweeeeeeeet straight pipe 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @glock343rdgen.4
    @glock343rdgen.4 5 дней назад

    Your family is already a standout in a very good way, no need to go loud.

  • @GodsonFourCorners
    @GodsonFourCorners 2 дня назад

    Instead of stickers why not do license plate holder?

  • @RA5ta123
    @RA5ta123 5 дней назад

    Circular with the channel logo colors, silver outline. Button type on the back glass

  • @kerwaynethompson4443
    @kerwaynethompson4443 4 дня назад

    Definitely need the better quality stickers😅, at the bottom of the back door would be 🔥.

  • @fyah2k5
    @fyah2k5 4 дня назад

    Channel logo gets my vote. You can also look into ghost logos. Like the channel logo in a slightly lighter black or dark grey for the black series. Make it big, and slightly angled up along the side. For reference, look at the 2008 Honda cbr600rr graffiti edition.

  • @Country2town
    @Country2town 5 дней назад

    I like the idea, put on quarter glass. You can also sell the decals. I think you should do a could designs and offer for sale as well.

  • @Laughter.555
    @Laughter.555 5 дней назад

    The back one is the muffler. If you remove that it will give you the sound you're looking for. The next two there just resonator

  • @vindevhunta4905
    @vindevhunta4905 4 дня назад +1

    Rise up the r32 …mek we get some low 9s. Mr sub 10

  • @iAmAdrianClarke
    @iAmAdrianClarke 4 дня назад

    Just get some headers now and an interior exhaust cleanse and you're golden

  • @andrewilliams4786
    @andrewilliams4786 5 дней назад

    Chanel logo is the way to go bro.

  • @ericthompson-9072
    @ericthompson-9072 4 дня назад

    Your logo that you have look much better

  • @deonriley8665
    @deonriley8665 4 дня назад

    just me but your channel logo is much better

  • @MarioDeBrass-u2x
    @MarioDeBrass-u2x 5 дней назад

    How good it is to be renown...

  • @shawncunningham6
    @shawncunningham6 5 дней назад +1

    It looks like a company vehicle with the decal. It dhould be on the glass

  • @slicko911
    @slicko911 4 дня назад

    Could get a valved cutout and use that, aggressive when ready, calm and composed another time.
    Decal look military frl but just use the current logo and get it printed in a die cut vinyl (I think), can even add the ig and youtube handle

  • @DH-wl4jd
    @DH-wl4jd 5 дней назад

    I love the idea of the logo, but not the placement. I think you should get a custom one and place it at the back or over the back wheel arches

  • @sirmanni4534
    @sirmanni4534 4 дня назад

    Love the content keep it going bro

  • @orvinesinclair5611
    @orvinesinclair5611 5 дней назад

    That look like a police decal 😂 bredda

  • @rayanarobinson-d4x
    @rayanarobinson-d4x 4 дня назад

    Ur channel logo looks better mi g

  • @marvinbrown3299
    @marvinbrown3299 5 дней назад

    The youtube logo is nicer get that one 🔥

    @876SIMSTREAMER 5 дней назад

    The font give it a look, looks alethic and masculine bredda. I think its keeper though you can look in to other things.

  • @Kelsemaj
    @Kelsemaj 5 дней назад

    Send out some for the fans and print some shirts too .....I'll buy

  • @klaslynch4
    @klaslynch4 4 дня назад

    Back doors at the lower section in front the wheels

  • @nxtgencreationz
    @nxtgencreationz 4 дня назад

    yow asafa wah gwaan fi the r32 and ziggy video

  • @marquisebartley9701
    @marquisebartley9701 4 дня назад

    It looks like an Army sticker for true

  • @daniij7907
    @daniij7907 4 дня назад +1

    Where can we find that welder?

  • @rohancunningham2259
    @rohancunningham2259 3 дня назад

    Looks good eno, but u could also do it in the design and color of the actual logo on youtube

  • @MarvinSinclair-q1x
    @MarvinSinclair-q1x 5 дней назад

    twin mechanics cool 👍😏

  • @Soca47
    @Soca47 4 дня назад

    Why did you not go with a valved system?

    @FOECHASER 5 дней назад

    I think it would be much better on the glass reason been when ever you decide to take it off it’s gonna peal the color with it if it baked in on the car the right way but if it’s on the glass you can easily remove it with a razor not any rezor but mainly the one they use to clean off tint

  • @MarvinSinclair-q1x
    @MarvinSinclair-q1x 5 дней назад

    shirts can carry the "ASC" cars should have the circular emblem

  • @bradleyneil6416
    @bradleyneil6416 4 дня назад

    After removing the C.A.T did you get an engine check light?

  • @Codename.G
    @Codename.G 4 дня назад

    Need you back in the racing scene frl get sumn ready fam nah fi fast just go enjoy yourself fam. 32 woulda gi dem headache

  • @alwynbrown2808
    @alwynbrown2808 4 дня назад

    back quarter pannel glass for that size and design, or rear glass and silver or black

  • @TheodoreThomas-ck6vv
    @TheodoreThomas-ck6vv 5 дней назад

    you can check out Hot Off the Press in new kingston bro

  • @morganpitter4386
    @morganpitter4386 5 дней назад

    Please use the one for the channel.
    The one you put on look to military.

  • @MarvinSinclair-q1x
    @MarvinSinclair-q1x 5 дней назад

    why the blurr?

  • @IolaWilson-vw8yh
    @IolaWilson-vw8yh 4 дня назад

    It need more colour and my choice is on the back windscreen

  • @damiondobney542
    @damiondobney542 5 дней назад

    This doesn't void your warranty?

  • @jadencampbell7601
    @jadencampbell7601 3 дня назад

    lol come on Asafa those aren’t cats, they’re resonators lol, dope whips tho

  • @elsworthrichards
    @elsworthrichards 5 дней назад

    The orange would be a better fit for the Audi

  • @Iamsospecial1
    @Iamsospecial1 5 дней назад

    Good morning everyone 🌞

  • @jayoz3993
    @jayoz3993 5 дней назад

    Yea I think the sticker to the back to me it kinda looks too big for the front
    If it was smaller I think it woulda work there

  • @sean-pauldemercado811
    @sean-pauldemercado811 4 дня назад

    This you have on your channel is okay with same color

  • @johndoe-hr5yk
    @johndoe-hr5yk 4 дня назад

    Put logo below the sliver on the back door


    That sticker wud look better on the back door on the bottom of the door that where I wud put it if was my car

  • @MarvinSinclair-q1x
    @MarvinSinclair-q1x 5 дней назад

    highly Selassie jah rastafari

  • @SunShyne_Culture
    @SunShyne_Culture 5 дней назад

    I think you need the letters in the font, as your logo and without the periods ❤

    @DFSRACING876 2 дня назад

    Removing the muffler woulda make the difference

  • @iamslomo8124
    @iamslomo8124 5 дней назад

    Make it smaller n put it on the pivot glass

  • @alexfam6
    @alexfam6 4 дня назад

    It tuff really look army

  • @mikecowan-tu6up
    @mikecowan-tu6up 4 дня назад

    The orange 🍊 would pop more safa

  • @paradiseent6248
    @paradiseent6248 4 дня назад

    The sticker tuff but ur original logo would look better

  • @jamaicanyute8441
    @jamaicanyute8441 5 дней назад

    Looks like Asafa Security Company 😂😢

  • @celicasinja
    @celicasinja 4 дня назад

    Hey bro why not let me do the logo that you using now in your video/channel? Same way it's done in the tag of the video green and yellow, that would look great on any of your car

  • @k-vaughnpeters1415
    @k-vaughnpeters1415 5 дней назад

    It’s looks Kool but your original logo will look better but put it at the back or on the side mirror

  • @CherylSamuel-c2m
    @CherylSamuel-c2m 4 дня назад

    12:37 it bàd 😂😂😂😂

  • @stevesalvatore
    @stevesalvatore 5 дней назад

    Use the channel logo on the car for the decal. No offence that one you put on the car doesnt look good. Also put them on the back windshield.

  • @jamaicanyute8441
    @jamaicanyute8441 5 дней назад

    Put it under the mirror on the door, but smaller letters though

  • @drivewaybuilt2265
    @drivewaybuilt2265 5 дней назад

    Yes, your channel logo when you have it sorted I'll have two please

  • @TaffarieMcGregor
    @TaffarieMcGregor 5 дней назад


  • @dhavidgordon8711
    @dhavidgordon8711 5 дней назад

    Put it on the windshield

  • @donlaw3109
    @donlaw3109 5 дней назад

    The sticker would look much better if its the color of your Logo

  • @gman5342
    @gman5342 5 дней назад

    Use the logo you have on the channel, have them in different sizes so you can put it on the windshield, rear window or even on the back glass, but those initials are not it, sorry. Use the the one you have for the channel goes better, keep up the good work.

  • @GVasso123
    @GVasso123 5 дней назад

    Use your channel logo in black, green and gold. Make it smaller and place it on the rear windows or on the bottom of the doors.

  • @keeturbo
    @keeturbo 5 дней назад

    That decal looks similar to a company asset number that you see on pickup trucks. I think it's too big for that location on the vehicle. Try a different style of lettering and a smaller size for that location on the vehicle.

  • @jevaughnwallace6553
    @jevaughnwallace6553 5 дней назад

    12:48 It has potential but as you said it’s a bit basic. Almost look like “A.B.C” 😂

  • @oshanericketts4290
    @oshanericketts4290 4 дня назад

    I got a Q5 like the straight pipe 😂😂

  • @iAmAdrianClarke
    @iAmAdrianClarke 4 дня назад


  • @JohnGreen-t3f
    @JohnGreen-t3f 3 дня назад

    Back glass for logo

  • @JuniorMiller-m6n
    @JuniorMiller-m6n 5 дней назад

    Yes asafa go bk in racing bro.bring the r32 bk

  • @samrichman1145
    @samrichman1145 5 дней назад

    Asafa yr Q7 Millington 🤟🏿

  • @mrsae2
    @mrsae2 5 дней назад

    Oh will you look at that...the jetta has company lol.I was telling you take them all out and replace 1 the tube of your choice.

  • @shanewalters2320
    @shanewalters2320 3 дня назад

    No sah letters mek it look like company vehicle

  • @delroyparkins2390
    @delroyparkins2390 5 дней назад

    Make the stickers smaller.

  • @kegenergysolutions7609
    @kegenergysolutions7609 2 дня назад

    Asafa removing that did the Audi feel any better.

  • @damianpowell1023
    @damianpowell1023 5 дней назад

    You need it in 3 color the one color nuh look good and you should get it smaller