You should have took the 70MPH mobility scooter and not the 60MPH, BTW, but a 125cc matting engine in it, not 125cc dirt bike, matting engines produce a bit more, 55 HP
+AppleseedInTheShell I'm geniunely surprised it got off the lane just as well as the Formula-Car. That's actually not bad for tires designed to do walking-speed.
Excellent stuff, including an epic scooter wheelie. Well done to Silverstone for being really good sports & enabling a truly fun video to be made. Thanks.
Right at the beginning when he was laughing about the garage being open. I was in tears the rest of the video. That fucking scooter is absolutely nuts.
Until now I have been thinking that you are just a crazy creative madman with great skills who is incredibly fun to watch. Now that you have lapped Silverstone (with permission and not just as some vandal!) on one of your creations, I think you are a crazy creative madman with serious street cred! Way to go, mate!
Yes! I love that donut right into that out of shape wheelie! I've never understood why you don't have wheelie bars on your scooters. I mean, they have little shite ones on them from the factory
Colin! You are a NUTTER. BUT I love what you do lol. Total legend lmao. Somebody in TV land needs to sign you up on the spot! I would tune in without fail :D
The mobility scooter donut to wheelie is amazing!
if i'd have crashed into the van it would have been funier
Someday... if you keep it up. You continue to appeal to my morbid curiosity.
"He's mad, he's madder than Mad Jack McMad the winner of last year's Mr Madman competition"
Pole Position Motorsport I ❤️️ wheelies😎
Pole Position Motorsport ii
the wheelie out of pits was the best
O.o supprised to see you here. Then again who doesn’t watch Colin furzes
Hey guys how's it going
Woo hoo silverstone let me play with there toys and mine
Love the video :)
I have been to Silverstone twice now :)
Not evening wearing a seat belt terrible!
Flinny98 who cares?
Their*... :( look's like a Mario Kart race!!! lol!!!!
van on track people plumbers on call
Hey can u try to put an turbocharger on the mobilityscooter? Would be very cool :)
And great wheely :D
+Collin Kreider A small 50 cc will barely spool up a turbo of any size, a supercharger might be more efficient on such engine.
+Lucas Bakker it's a 125
having a right laugh at silverstone
What I would give to be in that hand basket!
You should have took the 70MPH mobility scooter and not the 60MPH, BTW, but a 125cc matting engine in it, not 125cc dirt bike, matting engines produce a bit more, 55 HP
Lucas Bakker He tried that one out in a drag strip - a straight line. I think at Silverstone it would have rolled over at the corners.
No he's having a left laugh
"Dear diary:
Today I had a drag race with a racing car...
on a mobility scooter..."
I can't even right now. When you pulled up next to the F1 in the scooter. Lost it. Hilarious.
U know what mate im sick of ur shit to the F1 driver 1v1 me winner takes all
+AppleseedInTheShell I'm geniunely surprised it got off the lane just as well as the Formula-Car. That's actually not bad for tires designed to do walking-speed.
Don't ever die Colin! You are a never ending source of amusement!!!
Doesnt even wear a seat belt while racing at silverstone in a van lol.
Ethan Hall he does wear a safety tie though. No seat belt could be safer
This channel is pure GOLD......
Excellent stuff, including an epic scooter wheelie. Well done to Silverstone for being really good sports & enabling a truly fun video to be made. Thanks.
With no seatbelts on... colinfurze himself
+Trym Adrian Kaspersen you don't need seat belts..... WHEN YOU GOT A SAFETY TIE!
You should definitely replace Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear. I think you're the only suitable candidate. Do it!!
Nick Polanosky no one can replace jezza :D
Shut up clarkson will come back
+Jack Carroll mean wile at amazon...
+Nick Polanosky I think they should at least invite him for an episode or two.
Wanna see your Tuk600 on that track :D
Wow, great job old bean!. Must have been a brilliant day.
That's awesome! What an incredible experience that must have been for you!!! Very cool, Colin!!! Thumbs up buddy!!!
This may be an old vid, but Colin, I freaking love you man. You got HELLA energy!
so you got invited to get kicked out?
Looked like bloody good fun Colin, I got to share this video! You lucky thing
Hahaha that wheelie!
Always remember to put your bins out.
A man of legendary proportions
So weird to see you actually wearing a helmet.
*Sick Wheelie Man!!!!!*
_Think you need some wheelie bars on her!!_
A decent pull with that mobility scooter! Nice one Mr. Furze
my hero !
Crying with laughter at the scooter wheelie! She suddenly bit then whoa boy!
Can't wait to see what's next. Cheers!
Dude... You are awesome! Seriously though THAT IS SO COOL!
lol, Only you would bring your work van to the track. xD
Top gear took one to the Nurburgring
Mental and entertaining as allways. Awesomeness
Right at the beginning when he was laughing about the garage being open. I was in tears the rest of the video. That fucking scooter is absolutely nuts.
that mobilscoot is FAST, imagine a busa motor in it lmao
Hahaha Colin, still awesome to watch - you crazy, lucky man! :D
Have you ever considered attaching a pulse jet engine to the mobility scooter?
i think this is the only youtube channel i need to be subscribed to.
Colin knows how its done!! haha
I wanna see the toilet vs the pram vs the mobility scooter on silverstone :D
Until now I have been thinking that you are just a crazy creative madman with great skills who is incredibly fun to watch. Now that you have lapped Silverstone (with permission and not just as some vandal!) on one of your creations, I think you are a crazy creative madman with serious street cred! Way to go, mate!
how about making this cart into a dragster? :D put bigger wheels in the back and a wheelie bar on it!
+Alex Marczuk they have wheelie bars on the back already
Delightfully crazy. Bravo.
I've driven round silverstone a few times, it's great fun!
So was the scooter faster then the van? Brilliant video! Cheers!
Nice lol
You're right bonkers mate, i love it!
Clip duration 5:42
Smile on my face duration : 1 hour!
You always make my day sir!
Good show mate! You are definitely awesome!
colin has achieved all the speeds
That's awesome. I'd loved to ride the scooter you got. That must have been a blast.
Epic. simply epic. Cheers!
Colin, you are hilarious...surprised the instructors were not after a go on your scooter! I would
Right you are definitely the new guy for Top Gear excellent
Colin drives a transit, what a legend
Awesome wheelie with the scooter colinfurze :)
Another great video Colin :)
That's hilarious. Great video, right on!
I've been inside the wing complex, its awesome!!!!!
Quality stuff. nice work really engoyed that bet it was fun in the two seater..
you are the best builder ever😎😁😀
At last wearing a helmet! Great show keep it up...
This video has zero dislikes...let's keep it that way!
Sadly, 6 years later, 133 jealous little cry-babies had disliked it.
How did I miss this video ?!
Thanks for reminding me to put the bin out buddy!!
It's amazing to see a guy on his tricked out scooter having more fun than the guy in the race car.
You crack me up keep the video's coming :)
You sir, are my idol.
Mad mad mad, love it
still cant stop laughing at the wheelie,ace
Awesome ! You got to drive your high powered mobility scooter on the track ! LOL ! Awesome !
Yes! I love that donut right into that out of shape wheelie! I've never understood why you don't have wheelie bars on your scooters. I mean, they have little shite ones on them from the factory
Best Video ever ever !
Love your personality
You must be a member of the lunatic fringe, that is why you are so entertaining. :)
colin you are the best
Love this guy
Awesome video!!!
Larking xD I'm offended because my surname is Larkins haha epic video as usual Colin 😎
Made my day, bro!
i laughed so hard at that van e brake and wheelie lmfao
Best video ever
First time I've seen ol Furzey wear a helmet lol
you are the BEST!
I haven't seen anyone mention this yet but the girl at 3:34 on the right creeps me out lol
+Shane Biggs creeps me out too...
Collin, you should do this again with the bumper car >
Loving the Performance Bikes sticker on the helmet :p
Colin! You are a NUTTER. BUT I love what you do lol. Total legend lmao. Somebody in TV land needs to sign you up on the spot! I would tune in without fail :D
Agree 100%. He's a total nutcase but absolutely brilliant!!!
Colin mate Best...wheely..ever!!!!! Plus you need a walking stick you can shake at people. and call everyone rapscalions!! Lol
Wicket video how the hell did you set that up
you're so badass bro, love the vids
hahaha loved the wheelie :)
Do you from in the UK?
I think Colin would like the zombie apocalypse
complimenti sei il numero 1
that was awesome
hey +colinfurze, double dare you to make a 60mph skateboard.
That was fun!
Did the Tuk Tuk get there?
your a nut and I love it... keep it wild.
Your just epic mate