Modern research on Near Death Experience by Raymond moody, reincarnation memories by Ian Stevenson/Jim trucker and past lives regression by Brian Weiss all independently but coincidentally show that our consciousness survive death, we live many lives and our thoughts and actions matter in the hereafter. So be kind and helpful to others, be virtuous, meditate and cultivate ourselves to higher spiritual levels. Cheers.
张道长的功夫很高,从视频里他说话过程中 嘴里不时喷出来的 "玉液“就能看出来(透着光仔细看),量很大
Modern research on Near Death Experience by Raymond moody, reincarnation memories by Ian Stevenson/Jim trucker and past lives regression by Brian Weiss all independently but coincidentally show that our consciousness survive death, we live many lives and our thoughts and actions matter in the hereafter.
So be kind and helpful to others, be virtuous, meditate and cultivate ourselves to higher spiritual levels. Cheers.
@@smliu86 说的很好,正在做,吐了几个月的痰,打坐时身体内部痒,感觉身体倒是好很多了。开始忏悔,忏悔,发愿,要精进!感恩!